PAGE SEVEt' THE CANADIAN STÂTESMlAN-, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Tlae nert port ta the beat port. AM to-morrow la a braver day.- b.u Byriue. Pats LIFE inte yur Eggs 28 i agrEdimte. 4 et whié* are aiaJprte«-mfreat. fiah. Wood. bone. Ietk and b , 1ilk.Befte ertfitr - fewer dead4a4he-ali New Prees.- v Quhcer Grw srtilng sew dsevw tetd on tbouad et cicks. laredh.he o.-eared in mot digestible fore'in eery unit of noi»Wi ment in turned li*I Gowth. Thlee et mWaY te Prodtable Maindr Get tkaas a*ieMas ioda, tror F. C. VANSTONE Bowmanville A good listener of ten bas the repu- tation of wisdom-So if you do flot know much ,ist.n for ail you are worth.--Selected. Might we not ail resolve that tuis day we wilt do at last <ne act of kindnes Let us write a letter in such ternis that the. Post will bring pleasure ta &ome house; make a catI just ta let a friend know that h. has been in our heart; aend a git on soni.ane's bithday, marriage day, or any day we can invent. Let us maake children glad -with thinga wbich theY long for and cannot obtan.-Ian Maclar«.. Externally or it l Good -When siplied ext.rnally h Y.brisk rubbing, Dm. Tiiomas' Eclecti 11 opens the. pores and penetratea the. tissue, touciiing the seat ofi the trouble and immediately affordingl relief. Administered int.rnally, it will stilltheii irritation in the throat which induces cougiing and will re- 1eve affections of the. bronchial tub- es and respiratory organs. Try it and b. canvinced. CAUTION into a decision you will regret. A Sound i- vestment is neyer in a hurry. Meanwhile, the Savings Department of this Bank is a safe and profitable place for your money. YfThe Royal ]Bank of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 10ICI The Personal Element in Banking Af fairs Between the curtness andl cotdness of printed bank forma and the hurman elemient for whose uise they are deigned, are vast opportunities for the banker te give valuable personat assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of ita staff, la anxiaus ta use any opportunity that arises te demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Comniercewill be glad to give intimate counsel upon mnoney mnatters pertaining ta your bus- iness. TUIE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE I T1-P rTANDAIZD rANK OF CANADA !People who prize the finer things of 1f e usually demnand Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea. A money-back guarantee with overy package. c TEAis good tea" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE i. extra go and cotnlpletely encircles the~ body. Brakes denote decided advantages theniselvos are formod with conicai It ianat continued do-wn the. hood,lover those iormerly used. Tiiey are bearixws ftting over the. cane siiaped but a new curved pillar lin., runs the nerw mechanical type, internaI pins and are held together by a haIti fron the. center panel an the. coiwl expanding on sîl four wheels, and and nut, tigiitened against spring1 down ta the rear of the. iiood. self-energizing. Operating on l0-'à pressure. A smart new lauvre grouping set: inmchi <uma, they provide an effective Any wear whicii takes place in the j the. car instantty apart in traffic. In. brake iining ares of 194 square n- con, shaped bes.rings ta taken up byl stead of in the conventianal manner, ciies. The new -parking ibrake "_Pthe spring tensionobetwepen the twol aIlarogro~pe i on pael nd x-erating an the transmission main sh ls i.iofo is cry tend horizontally across the hiood. drive-shaft pravides A77sur etalt tbiaoti iake A lender and (brîlliantly flnished inciies of additional area. )vp ioeriod of 1000 miles. IAdvantages claîmed for the. new cowl band with parking lampae adds brakes are permanent silence und rj Thp frame has four rigid cross ta, the exterior beauty ai appearance. al operating conditions; cotnplete en-I mienrbeir7, with the. rear engine sup- I Ait closed bodies hiave adjustable closure <f ail working 'parts; flot pr a iii. Prvso drivers seata, amat new sun visai, aff.cted by mud, dust or water aor iiiAP for integral bun-iper mount- slender ebany finish 17-incii steeriiig changes of to-mperature; ease andt ing ýwhile bumpers of new design are wheel ,ebony finish instrument pan- sfumplicity of adjustment; 5,000 to regla equipment at sligiit extra el illuminated by twa iiooded bulbs, 10,000 miles .between adjustments; Cos' Delco-Reniy Sambination transmis- 20,000 ta 30,000 miles on elcii set Othe, Desirable Features stan and ignition lock on dash, de- ai linings ;no drag or oveniieating; Other fea-ures characteristic of pressibLe beain headlamps operated simplîcity Of wOrkin-g parts, and oniy -*he entire lin. inctude: Largor head- by foot contrai, new approved -an- ane or two working parts renuiring i lamp, ai modified bullet type with bination tail ligiit, stop light, ad lubrication, and tiiose only at long hr-ine plated doar and narro-w rima; license support, larger Delco-Reniy intervais. 1I ýdeî-, deeper crOwned fenders, the motor driven hain, automatic wind- Lovejay Shock Absorbera -<or tip.s extending betaw the conter shield cleaner, ear view nilmior, 1 A the wheel; Bead rail inta the Out- theft-proaf door locks and exclusive- Springs, front and rear, are tw, ez .fnes n vre ln ly dsigmd runin boad Tnts- inciies wide tuis year, and are itted therundnifndebord mand cied a pl- ly desgned unningboardmats. with grease packed cavera at a slight th. unn or mudn ipl IBeautifulîy Upholtered incroase ovor the list price. FOUr s hed l aurinun; cowl iband ai pal- closd Lvejy iydruli shck bsohar ished chrome and .ioad catches of Upholstery 'materiaI in theii e oeoyhdalcsoc bo.ýs modela in oi mohair oar velour ini col- are also ftted at the. factorv at a cadmiiunm plated; new tire carrier id colora matciiing the âmart new ex- amaîl additional charge.- supported on sturdy brackets; g-asa- teriar Duco combinations. Open The new spring shackle is a mark- lin. tank coverNI by a siiield ai nib- types are uphatstered in Spanisii .4 improvoment ovor tiie convention- b.d dosign; distinctive aval siiaped leatiier trinimed in FaArikoid, with aI type heretofore used, because it rear window; body wider st front, tops af grey clothteal. prevents aide slap in the apringa and incressing widtii ai iront seat one massive ten-epoke artillery wheels eliminates wear in the. sping boîta, inch and windsiiield one and one balf with large huba and iflanges and 29 inch; new and larger wiieei huibs with by 5.00 straigbt aide bailoon tires- chrome plated iu<b caps; VV wind- shieid on closod body types excelpt are standard on ail modela. Special cnetbeciroe rn yewn equipment conisiting ai six wtre FORGET THE "BLUES"!1 convrtihle ar ilt crnk etype win wheels with an extra wiieel mountedtdwrgltr ii ovnetdo on ech ron fener ay c hi L ARNlock contras on cosed body doors, witii alI modela at sligiit extra cat. Engineerlig%, Autoan pclydeie by hr- Tii. proiven cmass-florw radiatar, in- Mchanitîeetrî- ware. tdcetate industry for the fims alt giin touedst th 92 isaioie hw ao s iaeThe.worms that infest children ote Pote 1Si,2is rtamiie butownwiring. irilayiii irors their blirth are <of two kinda, ontePota Sx sreand u n ad PIsstg. aise those that find lodgement in the larger nive. Tii. frontal car. area Barterng sad as ,. tmei n iis ia r fudi now tiotals 398 square inciies. Ther- dreuinig. t aeantosth refudi motatie water tenilperature contrai Earn $6 te $t0 Per Day the intestines. Tii. latter are tue la built itthtii.water outiet an the 5eww veki roquired t le tars. ni-st destructive, as tbey dling ta tue non-etoatinnhgh cmprssiocG ndPrclowalla af the intestines and if nat in- non-detnatingiiigii ompresson G- rai~nngBigDessand. 1t3t.edwbi ok aa tee.Ml M-R cylinder head, wieinci aretained ?4aW fer bgur na7 and a tere Wm wPowden aotIee atil in two sections. brtght future. Pniee or . fornds Wd -whlle espelU g iem ot The. increased bore alui atrâîe ail MULS kAD 5101 ii. s atnwileOns'. ag urtei.dam- tii. lareengine des'elap 57 biake ll in, tst esi et. thotoae byaecaed horoepower at ,000 R. P. M. Cy- âete aeeud Protect Your Ileaith and Your PocketbôoIk SHREDDED lb eiIC ro nac »ig Six" Thomas Goodmnan,_Ma>wood, 111. The ew P nti c "B g 1There passed away in the Inflrni- Attracts Maxiy People to CoobOtt Motor Sales Showroom-Creates ary at Elgin, Illinois, on Thursday,! MostFavrabe Ipresionin owe, Prforanc an Luuri February 7, 1929, Thonmas Goodman,i MoatFavorate mprssin ii Pwer Peforanc an L u$u aged 80 years. He was buried in Appointment. the K. of P. plot in Elmwood Cerne- _______ jtery, the mnemlbrs of Lodge Gaunt- Fualfilling advance promises of big linder displacement is 200 cutbic in- let, No. 4 K. of P. of which deceas- car -performance, big car appearance ches against 186 last year, and bore ed twas a n-ember attending in a and big car value, the Pontiac Big and stroke imneasure respectivly 3-51 body. Mr. Goodman served as vil- Six, essentially a brand new car fromi 16 by 3-718 inches. lage truste. and for many years was radiator ta tail lsinp, la no'w on dis- The re<esigned crankshaf t, stati. a respected citizen of Meirose Park, play at the. showroomis of Corbett cally and dyuamically (balanc.d, is Illinois. Deceased was a former .MotoT Sales, Bowunanville, local Pon- fully counterweighted ta acc<ynmo- citizen of Bowmanville, being a son tiac dealers. date the. increased power outiet of of the. late Mr. and Mrs. William Chassla improveinents that give the. engins. The. crankshaft and Goodman and brother of Mr. Chas. the car flexible performance cors- counterweigiits total 53 pounds. Goodman, Duke St. prabe with bcars sin algiien-r .Eimntof aVibration Mr&. Thomas. Squires, Mariposa rang wit bodes tyle alog ~ A new harmonie balancer, is fitted tirely different lines, distinpiish tth aest Pontiac -ta eliminate any In the death of Mma Thos. Squires, every inodel in ttus xiewest General vbratin or cranksbaft torsion like- (ne. Janet Currie), wiiich occurred Rotors Une. ly to li. developed lby the. enlarged on February lt, 1929, Mariposa Whule only Tounding out its third power iplant. The balancer inla oss on.e<of its oldest settlers. Bon anniveraary, the Pontiac Six entera mounted on the. front end af the of Highland Scotch parents, in the iLpon its f'ourth year a definitely es- cranksiiaft, outside the. crank case year 1844, on the. farmi on wbich ah. tablished volume leader, in which and formis a unit with the fan drive di.d, ah. lived with hier father a.nd position officiaIs <of the Comnpany are pulley. mother and seven brothers and six confident it will 1 TT i0 frmlY eni- The new and larger three-port in-1 sisters, until two years befo<re her trench itself by reason off the. extra- take manifold, the larger vertical marnage. That tirs. ah. spent ini ordinary value evident in thia new type carbu.retor rwith acc,î,ratingi Darlington township. car. 1pump and fuel econo'niizer for n or-1 A bard working womnan, a good AUt Bodies Entirely New mal driving speeds, and enlarged in- friend and neiglibooe ,always ready Al bodies are entirely new, the take valves, ail are major factors in te help in timea of trouble. Rer lin. including a 2-door sedan, 4- the better ýxerformance oif the. new husband ,Thos. Squires, predecea.sod door sedan, coupe ,sport roadater car. h ler 17 years. with folding rumlble &sat, sport plise- mhe intake <alves now are 114 ti- Left ta mourn ber loas are, on. tan, convertible cabriolet with f Od-lches in dianieter, thus reducin« res- daughtr, Mrs. j. j. IHinty of Win- ing runtible seat, and a convertible' triction, while an irsproved camhaf tI nipeg, and five taons, William ýA., landau sedan. The last two types increases the valve lift ta 5116 ai an~ Samuel H. and George L., of Mai. are innovations in the. Pontiac lino, inch. Danipeners prevent "chatter- posa; I»rne H. of Pickering and having the. appearance of custOmn ing" aif valve springs at th ii. Rchadof New York. Charles died butît bodies. engine speeds and assure uniformlY 24 years ago atnd John T. died De- Outstanding tfeatures contributing efficient <alve operation at every cenbe- 25, 1928, aiso two sisters, ta the ,xtraordinary perfor-an<ee of gpeed range. A new quieting curve M.. Grinison, 'Masilla ,and ira. A. the new car are a larger and more work.d out for thie calnhaft 8.180 Carley, Barrie. powerful enin; new counter- makes for slent valve action . In religion Mmr. Squires was a ~weighted crankshat; new harmoi c The. oit pump circulates 175 gai- Methodist, atwaya a imemxber of the. balancer; new interii&l self-energiz- tons an hour at 25 in. p. b., while a Mthodist Church, Peniel. îng ibrakes; nw ream axte; new sscfety drive feature incorporated inl A very large mnotter f unerail- transmission; larger carburetor, in-1 the oit punip and distributor prevents fl take manifold -and valves; wider, damasge ta the enË'une shoutd thelloVJed the. remainata Cedarvillel springs with new shackles self ad- oit rpump cesse ta function properly.lCemietery, west of Cann.i ngto n. juatin.g for; increased valve 1if t, Lubrication of the main and con-i Aiong the. many relatives preeent t and new Hotchkiss drive.1 nectng rod bearings is by pressrewere Mrs. Chas. angjznaid ,son and Striking new body creations by 1f. .4 known as the. regutated con- daughter, Hamnpton. ipisher impart bu the entire lin. in- stant flow typie. A streamn of ail Mrs. Margaret Mark, Hayd.on dividuality and custorm-like features under pressure also lubricates the ____ entirely new in the Pontiac Price timing chsin, whil. other parts are The caîl ta a higiier Ille caine clasa. Promn the glea.ring hi«h rad- oplash hulricat.d. icnwa udny nFiaFb iatr selltothegTaeflines add Flo cnue as fterand air de- rmary 8, 1929, toa ahigiily r.spected rear pantel, harmonious lnsadfetrcniu ssadr engin. resident of Darlingtotn to'wnship, brilliant chrome flnialhed extelrior equipment as dues the pressure-suc- near Haydon, in the person of Mrs. hardware radiate smartnesa, distinc- tion type crankeiase ventitatar, 'which Margaret Mark. 5h. iiad been in tion and individuality. drains water vapor fronitih. crank- poor healtii for several months. She Tii. shelt <of the radiator, narrow case, delivers fumes beneath the. car was a kind mother and neigbb>or, al- and bult up to- 35 incites in height. and renders unnecessary a change of ways res4ly ta tend a helping hand. gives ta tiie front the. sppearance of ail very 500 miles. She leaves ta niourn bier los tiree power and fleetness borne out by the. Improvements in the. transmission sons, James af Ma.nitoba, Richard performance of the. car. No .nible'n include a ten spline -main driving and Wilbur at homne. or namne plate imarks the front of the shait. which decreases wear becauise Tlie funeral on Monday was large- radiator shell, but the familiar of the. larger friction and driving îy attended, service was condtict.d "Chief Pontiac" radiator cap orna- surfaces .between the shat and slîd- by Rev. J. R. Trumpo'ur who gave a ment ta retained. A chrome iplat.d ing gears. More accurate gear ali gn- v.ry corsforting message ta the soir- bar extends vertically from optanent and consequent reductian af rawîlng ones. bottomo<f the radiator COrE. geai noise is anotiier advantage. Tii. pall-4bearers were :-4Messrs. Larger fenders, full crowned and A new gear tooth faim gives an Alex. MeNeil, Will Martin, Elgini with a beaded edge, flare out in a increased lengtii of sliding contact, Mountjoy,and Richard Sanderson. graceful sweep over the siart 10- r.sulting in quieter geai uperation at The. florwerbearers were :-Silasi A forged fender tie rod aIl speeds and decreased wear b.- Trewin, Cecil Slemon, Elias Strutt replaces the. pressed steel rod and cause the. load is distributed over a and David Hall. tamnp support formerly used. Head- greater tooth area. Tii beautiful floral tributes includ- fli cho rse plats ,whl o ti n Sturdy New Rear Axie NI -Wreath, the Famuly; Sprays- fulln odl teru r chrome Aplture neilearont.tmks a- Mr. and Mis. J. Grieves and Eva, Mr mainng odea te rms are hroe Astudy ew rar xIerrtrksan-and Mrs. Will Martin, Mr. and Mia. plated. other important feature of the newiJ. rsmn r.R.CosaHy Pontiac. It ia senii-floating, wtth saM.R.ComnH- Distinctive Fisher B.ody spiral bevel drive gears, and beat don Sunday Sehool, *Mr. and Mxs. A ful ide view shows ta best ad- treaiad chrome nickel steel saat. Elgin Mountjoy, and Donald, Rich- vantage the original Uines of the nov' Alang with tiie stronger and better ard Sanderson, Mrs. Phiip and car. Tii. sligiitly arched fwindow% rear axle a change was madIe ic-' L a, Mr. and Mas. R. Atanger, Miss design, witii nw paneling .ffect Ih.- the. torque tube drive forimerly lie Ida and Mr. Albert Moore. tween the windows; a high waist line, ta the Hotcbkiss drive principle. lu- CARD 0F THANKS and unique new concave moulding cOrdinglY, the new Pontiac bhas t'i.o ___ distinguisii the Fisher 'bodies. Thua universat joints and a tubular drive Messrs. Richard Hoskin and Wil- new 'moulding starts at the. cowl shaft. hur Mark desire ta express their sin- cere thanks ta their many ionda and neiglibors, for the. kindness and 'sympatiiy receivod durircr the ilinees and death of their mother, and for the beautiful floral offerin«Z.. thus doing away witii annoyingl qource ai rattles during theii.liea the. car. Tii. spring-bolta in thie ifranie and in the spring-eyes are e- placed with tubular -pins, the enda of wiicii project sligbtIy beyond the The .New Big .'Pontiac Coach frame 'brackets and spring eyes and 4ý "TOUE - HUNDRED" LOWUOT Single Tuning Knob operstes Illuminated Drum Dial. Automatic Voltage Controt. Rogers Output Filter, Piionograph "Plug-in" jack. Rogers Symphony Speaker bilit into a Genuine Walout Cabinet. Easy Tornis 5$260EI Value plus in a proven yeair 'round radio R IS radio is the improved 1929 successor to the famous Mode 200A and ispriced nlany dollars under any other comparable electric set. It bas been tried, tested, perjected and because it's a Rogers-Batteryless its always ready to Just plug in-then tune in". With thie remarkabte development of chain broadcasting, radio bas hecome a year 'round source of entertainssent and education and-as any owner will tell you-Rogers is the ideat year 'round radio. Wby deny yourself and yaur famity the pleasure of modern radio wben a smati cash payment will place this proven Rogers-Batteryleu Lowboy in your home? Ask us to demonstrate W. J. BAGNELL, King St. West wook's R.gulatlng Compound maki«u. sou in thr.e de- on ;àlzt of prim. pé ltAddreu THE COOK MEODICNCCO6, Not Spasmodic Bargains BUT Every Day Values in D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Domestie Coke for stoves and furnalces. Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless). for general use. Hard and Soft Wood-sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trim B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ail grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime. Quotations cheerfully Fiven upon application. Your inquiries sohicited. MeClellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bownianville ,'unes .u . oe va the aboie Sr evut-. -yiininakes new BIood IPilitv. Mental a". tiai thé lI,.art a, n Me. -box.i-p fo 5 )Soid b aldruggists, o atdi lt p&g. on ne.ippx gm Now pmmma tt STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Catis At Our Expans k Gwves cold weather health ati ow cost full size biscuits of warmth and eneri Crisp ini oven and serve with warm mil Made iv The Canadien Shredded Whent CSmpany. Ltd. IL 1 Bowmanville J&