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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURWAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929. LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS *ROTARY CELEBRATES PURE BRED SHORTHORNS j FOREIGN COUNTRIES' ATTITUDE M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.D. A nuniber of letters that have 24TH ANVRAY Consignnient Sale at Bowmanville,l TOWARD HORTICULTURE Barrister, Solicitor, Natary corne to the office froni time to1 t Romance, History and Growtb Thursclay, Marcb 7tb--8th Annual 1Ilnteresting and Unique Adciress Money to, ban on Farm and Town time speak of interest of the writers D escribed by Local Rotarians. Sale of County Association Given by M. L. Hancoclc at Month- Property. Royal Bank Building, in The Editor's Talks on education i 'y Meeting of Horticultural Bomnil. Phone 351. 'and it is the inspiration and encour- The Rotary Club luncheon on Fni- The eighth consecutive annuals ye ociety. ~. . TRKEagement received fromn our readers day took the forn of a birthday par- ýof the Durham County Shortîhorn_____ Suc Wort. D . S ImpEoKC that keeps us talking to them weekl ty to celebrate the 21lt.1 anniversary Breeders' Association to bce held at An unusually large nunrber of citi- Sucessr o lst D.B.Simso, IC.on this page. We know that writers, of this great international servie3 Beith's Waverly Stables, Bowvman- zens were present at the monthly Barrister, Solicitor, Notary like preachers, teachers and lecturers' club. Vice-President Dave Morri- ville, on Thursday, Marcb 7, marks meeting of Rowmanville Ilorticultur- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal îget stale and 'bore people ratheij son who presided in the absence of the progressive continu.ity of effort al Society held in Council Raom on Money ta Loan phone 91 than interest them, so we wish to President Bob Aitchison read the an- of this association since its organiza- Friday evening, Fecbruary 15th. Bowmanville. Otario discontinue our taîks on this page I n-versary message of International tion eight years ago. before that staleness cornes over us' President I. B, Sutton. Together with the successes The main attraction and feature W. F. WARD, B. A. an u edr es oejytei Tepormwsi hr fR~breeders of this association have at- on the prograrn was an addiress by M. ~ K Barrister, Solicitor, Notary A rnan who is interested in ed ucation' tari an Ross Strike and he introducedI tained at the Royal, the Canadi.n L accwobsrcnl e Money ta lban. Bonds for sale.I told us last ycar that w.hen lie aatf the following fpeakers- who spoke on National Exhibition and other shows. comre a citizen of Bowrnanville, be- Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., down Vo read the Statesman, helsorne of the biistorical high lEghts and the improv'ement shown in the offer-ling associated with the lBroIokdale Bowmanville, Ontario. Phons:- turned f irst Vo The Editor Talks.,growýth of Rotary during th0, past 24 ings at their annual sale bas estab- Nurseries. Mr. Haneock wýas for Office 102; House 409. He is a prominent man in the;--ears: PatPeid-tsF .Mr'lished ja confidence amongst the sretePofsrofH tILtr ___community and a sucessful breederldàis, Geo. E. Chase, r. S. Halgate and hreeders and buyers that augers in University of Nanking, China, but of high-clas--s live stock and worksý Rotarians Gcoo. W. James and F. C. well for the success of this auction. due to the revolution in that count- 1120 acres upon which are splendid1 Palmer. Be ausdrn h atya ry was forced to leave under hazard- DENTAL faralbildings. So weare into theous circumstances. lnstead of re- DENTAL arni bilding. Sa weare ino theiThe spirit of friendship ar d ser- have been cornparatively high. Whi]eI turning homedrcl ywyo n DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE second rnonth of another year and vice, seeking excpression in. the minds the price* has fallen off dulring the mad i rve dreclhb a of En; Honor graduate in Dentistry, Torontocontinuing to talk. of four friends gathered in Chicago winter, owing partly to the uncer- ndhetaeedhogh acur Hoo *autei *nitrTrot* on Fobruary 23, 1905, bas spread to tainty -of the tariff revisions in the 'ia, Japan, Russia, Poland and Ger- University. Graduate of the Royal' AIl people do not have leisure. aIl corners of the world where more United States, a period of lyroftalerany, studying the ideals and meth- College of Dental Surgeons of On- ohtite okln asad hn1000Rtras; vrtie rcsfrbe ftbeds of horticulture of the variou9 tario. Ofc igS. omn i htite okln asadta 4,0 oairsi vrtrepie o efis exieeted for sev-0S Office ingeSt., Hoephne 22e sleep nights. But there are manv thousand Rotary Clulb3 celearated eral years toaore . peoples. X-Ra Equipment in Office ptal who have more or less leisure1 the 24th anniversary o h foundjI n vn ftrf hne h Mr. Hancock found the Oriental timeinofRar.fthInayeetotaichnete idea entirely different from that of tieand wvhat to do with this leis-jigoRtay1 prices of registered cattle can. onlyEuoeadA ri. ntdc- DR. J. C. DEVITT uire time is a problem. To-day we The first club was formed nChi- be favorably affecîed as there is noEuoeadAnia. ntad f caresarostanstenencrwhchcag byP.l Hrri ad trre trfaantprebe teadrejoicing in an untrainmeled and lux- icmeacos tis sntnc wic ag b PulHari ad hre aiffaantpr be aeadur'-ent natural beauty of tree and rAsisteoyant Dr.enW.lSioll i set us hinking: Unless we learn to' friends, with fellowship, eoo>peration, they are movîng in considerable srb h retldlgtdi h Toraduto ffioyalen t.a oge obtain more real value out of our high business principles and sýrvice1 quantity across the line at the pres- srb h retidlgtdi h Turntoll. Office KiigSt9 . ataow .artîficial, the minute, the grotesque. manile. Offcehors a r t leisure than we get out of our work, to others as the foundati)n. Two'ont tinie. Only this month the sec- 6 o m.daiy xcet Sndy. hon vat are we saving tinie for? of the original four, Paul Harris and retary of the Arnerican Shorthiorn Japan bas rpached ptrfectior. in t.his o.mIal ecp uda.Poe bridling of nature, lier minute trees, !)0. House phone 283. j Many writers have tried Vo answer Sylvester Schiele, are still active RO- Breeders' Association, in person sel-r hundreds of years old, ber exqus.ite X-Ray Equipment in Office, I this or similar questions. It may bc tarians. ected a car load of Shorthorn b ulls ar si a nutshell and ber patient advisable at f irst to enquire how to Their idea grew slowly at first. but1 frorn Ontario breeders at good prices and ex'perienced cultivation oflber DR. R. E. DINNIWELL obtain leisure tirne. For a long timeJ within five years there were 16 Ro- j to fill orders of Aimerican breeders aort loeshaersutd i Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- the probiemi of leisure was how toi tary.Clubs in the United States, and Other noitable sales during the year. ikn e ado aeaditr sity and member of Royal College .af obtain it and that is the forrn ~ one in iWinnipeg, Canada. By 1911 were $1200.00a fordoanrApeiancaiftat D e n t l S u g e o n . L c e n s d t a w h i h i t stil r e m i n s f o r o m e e r - R o ta r y C lu b s w e r e o rg a n iz e d in D u b - 1 th e r e c e n t D r y d e n -M ille r s a le ; $ 3 0 0 0 1e C in a b a u m ty n t r y d practise in Ontario and the Dominion. 11 ons. Nevertheless, the problem islin and London and Rotary enteredIfor a senior caîf of Duncan Camp-I hnll'setrl ettt Dentigtry in al îts branches. Office- changing and we may discuss here' upon its career as a world %ide or-1 bell's exported to New Zeaiand;l of trees because of centuries of des- King St., Bowînanville, opposite th e Iess serious aspect of what ta do ganization. $5,500.00 for a caif of Wood & San, trution without replacemnent, turne<lI BAnk of Montreal. Phone 301. w~ith leisure. The idea behind thizi Today 140,000 Rotarians bring the 1 a t Blyth, Ont., to Thos. E. Wilson, to an intensive cultivation of flower i consideration is hoxw to profitably 1 spirit of fellow.ship to the commonI Chicago, and $2,500.00 f<)r another and plant, seen, however, almost en-I MEDICAL use leisure time and how, Vo turn ' table each week in the cities and Vo T. A. Russel, Toronto.I tirely in the gardens of the rich. Thbe C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. lit Vo useful and practical account?1 toxvns of 44 nations. The Rota.ry 'Breeding and individuality Df thisi Chinese as a people were too des-1 Graduate of Trinity Medical College,1 Club bas given to the business or class have been produced and still perately poor, too subject to the rap- Toronto, forrnerly of Eisiln Otto H. Kahn, says Chicago Post, professional man of any city in the obtains in Durham County herds. acitv of the ever present bandit, Vo OffceandRei'enc, r.Beih' sresedths fctreenty1n world a place where hie cao rneet!Onîy courage and feding a1,il:ty is cultivate the luxury of beauty; it formerandresidence Duchr-et-isadress beisfoctre tecsents in an other rnen on the basis of friendsbip, 1 necessary for anyoneo o aspire o glowed only bebind the impenetrable former esidene on Curch Steetbadr-aIlbfoof thhetwdalthy. Bowmanville. Ptione 259. 44-t; George Peabody Collge for Teach_ high ethical principles, and interna- these successes. hig aloftewlhy ers, Nashville, Tenn. Thoughtful ionlgowl. Teie fte hr are prospects 'n thiis pres-, IPoland and Russia are too unset- J. CLARK BELL niobservera of the trend ofmoe srvc club today is iversa. eVsal e o toe<biig good cat- , tIed Vo indulge in horticulture. But MDO.. Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin), D.P.H.j life are going Vo ernphasize it more Underîying the raïpid extension of 1 Vie that IvilI prove ;)io.italo andlin Gerrnany Mr. Hancock found a (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) land more, for, beyond question, the the Rotary-ymovement bas been the I show propositions for the futurec. The people who loved beauty for beauty's fons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-i United States is presently goin'g Vo fact that there is no dead tiiber in 1 families represented are oi th' best sake. He fought in the Great War deen University; Fellow of the Royal lhave the largest pro'portion of Iepl Rota rnembership; rnen must at-1 being Augusta, Lavender. Lovelys, but found it easy Vo forgive a nation College of Surgeons, Edînburgh.! Possessing a reasonable degree of tend and partie ipate or rnake i-oOm1 Duchess of Gloster, Miasie, *Broad hs oeadmeiuoscr a Office and Residence, Queen St.,! lei-ure of any country in the vworld. for others more active. The dis-lihooks, etc., and with sires s-uc(h as resultied in a garment of loveliness Bowmanville, Phone 189. 1 Webeiev te amerea applies cussion of politics is taboo, and mnen The Champion Thornharn Minstrel, over the land. Om1ce Hours: 2 to 4 P. ni., 6 to .30 p. rn.!Vo this Domninion for iV is equ aîîy 0,or all nationalities and creeds are 1 C ardrona Regent, and sons of Rod- I England, the gaa-den land, ha, of i.H IKMD more prosperous than any otherlb of f toelo n thp sidlerpclatey Milîhilîs Cornet, Avondale ar'd course, the real flowery kingdom, al W. . IRS, .D 1country. foxmmffelwhp n erie t greatest of recent dlay siresI classes reveiiing in the quiet, satis- Foi- 1 e WaY~~~~~~~~~~~isr sirnplicity and frankness are erwdaeCut yn eat fbhaddl n Offce our: oand to8.30 ind uch eduepisendmplon V uIydiarrinte crities of the! The offering comprises 14 young garden plot. NoV only ha every usual Office and eiephne10r. Hzeo lI!bin ithichmese pisienilt oyed he service club. Definite progranis for!buîlls and il femaies froma the herdsispecie of flower cultivated, but ia the a fom r esidence WDr.ngHazSeedthsi, t mes osbiiisf, h the social betterment of their coin- Iof the usual weli-known contributors. grent national gardens are gathered,an forerreadece Weligtn Sreti enrching of 1f e. IV bas in it, also, munities throughout the world have' They are sold subject Vo T. B. test grown and studied, fiowers frn all Bowmanville.1 vast possibilities for miscbief. ans)wered for Rotary the crtcsn1dteusa urne fte re-telnWo teerh e ad * * * rtiinanth sa urneoftebed thladofteerh eGr- DR. V. H.STOREY Mr. Kahn quotes these wise wordsl that its abjects are 'but platitudes, er. Catalogues rnay be had on re-lIens sent its scores of experts intos o Office hours 2 Vo 4 and 6 Vo 8 p,. m. of Dean Ioge: "The right use of itself only a luneheon club. quecat Vo John Baker, Secretary, every wiiderness Vo bring back un- jUnsol After 8 p. m., by appoio'ment only. s oh Wherever a Rotary Club bas been H ampt.on. konfoa m naltee rb Exception-Office willIlie open 9 a e isure i, odoubt a harer probeni establishedraitgbassadded sornethingribet. 10 Saturday nigbt. 38-tf1 than the right use of ýour workhng vital Vo the comrnunity. noV to dupli-i parka flowers were ýbeing tested out inferi DR. R. . CLAR hours. The saoul is dyed the color cato but Vo assist in the work of ex-'"NATIONAL" TRAVELLERS in order to enrich us witb their love- DR. R. W. CLAurgeo'of its I eisure tboughts. As a man listing comrnunity organizations, or Vo COMMEND WINT]2R SERVICE liness, should tbey prove adaptable For1 Phyicin Sugeo Ithinketh in bis heart so is lie". iupply a need where no such leader- ta____V our climate. Many flowers whicb Lowb Office-Division St., Bowrnanville. AIl modemn educators recogoize' ship exists. "TeNtoa"loua anain add pleasure Vo our homes and gard-Nw (next Vo Trinity United Church)I the fact that in childhood the forma- . It is a cardinal principle of Rotai-y National trai conneeting Toronto inens lmd forChonands of yearun-i Office Hours-3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. tion of character depends large]y up- that a rnerber should join noV for with Winnjpeg and the far west, thneomnprbby nim;catr- Sux-dys by apoiten ny. on the manner in wbich leisure LirneI what hie can geV oaut of it, but for pleases winter travellers who want a kd y teeta a rare se l ekes. U- Phone 24 1 ~is apent, the influences that play Up-I what he cao give, as expressed in thet fast and comfortable journey. e yteetesr ekr.Uls 45-t on it tbrough occupation. Conpan-j motto "Service Above Self". Civic,* "Tho National", leaves Toronto Finaiiy, in our own Canada, Mr. finert DR .M.CMBEL rshiran ntaofscoo aelifted h -hlnthropie and bumanitarian acV- daily at 9.00 p. m., ar.riving at Win-, Hancock saw a growing love and op- rdo DR.D. . CMPBLL estains o scoolarelifedandI ivities forrn a part of the programn of inipeg 10.00 a. mn. second mornine. prtunity for the cultivation of 191 Oakwood Aive., Toronto the mind and heart are free Va foi-i Rotary clubs the world over. Modern equipoment for your coin- trees, abruba and flowers. We were EAR, NOSE AND) THROAT iow their bient in such opporturitiesf Tho annual Rotary clonventions, fort-Compartment - Observation--ithrougb itb the stern days of the First and Th '-j Saturdays 2 p. mn. as are open Vo thenî. Hence the im-I have grown into the largest inter- Library-Buffet cars (Radio) Stand- pioneer, w-e were prosperous and g ' Bowman Housc, Bowmanville. 2-tf,partance wbich ta now palaced tipoofntinlgtrnghote ordTear epr-Tust ee r- ready for the gracea of living. DCOS OIAS providing leisure tirne opportunities; custoolrns and methodis of doing things Dinor and Coaches. D.JM.Bdinad-. J. H. w DOTOS'HOIDYS of a right and beipfui sort for 'b< l in the 44 countries represonted by Sudbury Service H. Jury gave brief comment, aout The Physicians of 3lowmanville and girls. This is the key, un0- hese great cosmop.olitan gatheringa AIl steel, standard drawing rooTn the convention of the Ontario Hur-1 have agreed to close their officesi dou-btediy o checking deiinquency are noV the samne, but they hold inisleepers Vo Sudbury. Car remains ticulturai Society recently held in King St. andcrie, nd i-(rnoingbeter :"t*-iommn te ieai thy ae thivng t pointoin untl ol vnToronur o Vo.o Wednesday afternoons. In case of 1and cimenroo gbetrcti- at:e deas he ae trii r t onvnintbor emergency at this time enquire ofI the hospital or telephone operator1 Stated briefly, these are service as I Fulli nformation and reservations fer a doctor. From our observation w-e conclideîtb0 basis of ail worthy enterprise;ifromi any Canadian National Agent.1 that yputhfui folk are noV the onlylhigb ethical standards in business;1 8-21i onswbo neeti counsel hereI for the!the application of the ideal of ser- -----1-y-- I probîemt of leisure f or the aduit bas 1 vice in perý1onal, business and coin- t . 1C CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSi had ba-s consideration, and increas- runiîy life; developinent of lac-' Notice to Creditorsj THEROPY ingly it demand.s it. To.o many mon, quaintance as an opportuniVy for ser-i dîscoveî-îng at last that they bave vice; recognition of the wortbiness of 1 Ail persons having an v t-aim rit DURWN E STCKLE spre oucs on their banda, discoveri al useful occupations and advance- tihecsîtt of the late James iive,%.h honor graduate of Toronto College, aiso that tboy bave deveioped no in-I1 ment of international understanding, l i,,l lit wm-anville on or abot Dee of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- 1 terests, hr-e odratwe-goodwiland peace tbrougb a worîd wh roo f 192, a- rof withIht- infiersignîd.11 manville Office Tuesday, Thursday ted ni appotites which wiil enabie- feilowship of business and profes- or tht--jr souicior flot laletr than Maril adStra vnnsphn14J hi omake of their leisure a sionai men. 191),ilst hrlel ndatpthe ims o whiIl. Residentîal calîs made during fore-imeans for- adding to their rouI happi-hi - tPeE ru trs la(e lot lreci vil n or , ich- noon. ns DURHAM COUNTY BOYS wil be lîarri-,i appinqtt ilim. - -),, .--- iait a fowmnanviiie thuai-t of FUNEL&L DIRECTORS oafing leisure, nor an itle leisurei har war moi-cneoe Oen Spond, THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS M.Kh osnV avct 1 M.EatJ reepoietF-ray 12.dvrjJh FUEALDRETRbývicb tirne s frittered. Ho urgeai and soîn of the laVe Mr. and Mrs.CROATNEetr 1ivitrsaDretr teRti James Girven EstatI- F. F'. MORRIS CO. that leisure should ho used to dvr oi Creeper, Hampton, was eiected ByM.G.V. Gould, Iiowia;nvîlit, tint., I0 "n civte. The1 a Drc ofth Ontario R 7-3w tht-ir SIcitor. Comploe Motr or ne thing that causes deadening fati- Hardware Association at the Annuai:--i Hore qupment. ' is Vo use continuously one se 1Convention beid in Hamilton lastI1 PUBLIC NOTIC W Ail ~attended V. Ilof the muscles of our brain and toi week. This ha a large and infur-____ U~Y I'rivate Ambulance. i- tta io altogtether too lit-' tial organization and Mr. Cr-pr î n-- N't , ',t,în , Bowmanville phone:. VIe, the 'moscles' of our soul. TheU as bc-en higbiy honored i0 beingi1 li- Nai, Acl <t , i, i S t.1) 2, 10 and 3-4. hing Vo strive for", hosasys, "la ta chosen by bis associates for this ce-Icl ?Id-r'< Section'X fV, NOICKI BraebStoes Ikeî-p our zest, broaden aur intecests, sponsible position. t'iCoaiia ut u nttf<rt- ]Ç Orn & Ntoecstb. 'vr etn ____ <i iiLtaintiet - h~~nj~------~ _______- ~ - ________ --- tf "Tweîît.V Yean Arut" Last I3t ie 0 or i!,aniiOnttrt t<hoti1 trr-, ttt-t ,,,t- Tbîicsday's issut- ct-ttaine-il ibis par- a lttîtlii.on i-t-ir-rv , 9.l-t2q, rr.- ii iri -, a g r a h : r- r t, o -1 t fl i ýt ýv ý y fit- l t-i-tî n - w iî r o fer li , v r e- 1 , t1 r s ,, ii, tir t i- r e aP m t .(1 r ~i r 11 o s t- 1 aoi s t Dr. W. E. Tiibev tell us that in li-r it- iti lt h , ofr2lttr-it. 11-q, tv ht ttttýiof surirpronoat-ti ty-law, are - wlit-i i- tir,-w eite vMilie 'Itls- < -îîr t-i t prnd at thé gsaltimpet- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. 18S61 when bu aught S. S. i13, Dam- tibtt-,.7nd il I î,îmatif whieh ti- r-,î- nglir)titry will le itPrart!In permon Orono (igon Long Sauln 1, there were vrillons haný- inri- not lre will Pc ttr 1ity wî'letor-1 or solicitor wlth referenre.( Ronor Graduate of University of 141' nairnes on te,chroo1 regi.ter and breiatirtthem. theréto, îrîîtpt titioning t10bP, ao hearci. Toronto. Ail cases given prompt -ývery uninarried person in the aoc-!of Ftr!uî1ry 1929.dai fATE-T) iiq NINTH day of FrBRU- and careful attention. Offie-DIr. tion attended achool. On bis visiti CECIL WOODWARD ANIO AIL A. r>. Î929,. M EAOK JOSEPHWOO MNPREA MeEtroy's frmr ofie. hoer:totha leol ik109,thMaten- IWAL. Cl re21 r ofice . Poe: a h ho i 99 heatn- xpr'utors of EnosOS WOOdwA. WM.nicialCCrk, ~Imre391 Oon 8-. ance wus 10. 8-2w 7-4 Township of Cartwright. TOBIE, FoRLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System ing Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expelie BATTERYLESS RADIO The. "Four-Forty' Priced Complete at $425. Terms if desired. those who demand the best d la test in modern radio NCE 1925, Rogers-B atteryless Radio bas provided thor- oughly dependable entertaininent in Canada's finest homes. olicited letters from scores of these Rogers owners pay te. Vo its consistentiy fine performance -in homes where ror reception would noV ho tolerated. 1929, Rogers presents this distinguished Period Model ,boy Vo match in beauty the furnishings of your home. rspaper illustration cao only suggest the rich beauty of the net work. The famous Rogers- Batteryless Receiver affords maximum in reception. ,ss you wish Vo order a custom-built set, there is nothing than this new Rogers Model. You cao psy more for a new- ), of course, but no radio wiil give you more. Corne in or telephone us for a dernonstration 0* J. BAGNELL, 1West Bowmanville MNINSI I~ r ODDRN BUILDING-for permanence, low-upkeep and appearance-sounds t]àed ýatl-knell of wooden roofs. The dariers of lir taf the building itself, to other buîlci rîs 1ard to huinan life is rapidly bemng banisbid by metal roofs of high quality. P1Z'-ROOF WVITH RIB ROLL The appearance of this roofing ainne has sold th-t SOnS.Wht-rreve,. a roufof Juis material is lh id in any diotrict, it imnediately secures a îrornce, and others who are rcofing any 1, :vtaofIbuildling, whether it be bz.rn, hcuse, garage, shed or war-.bouse on Rib Roll. COHIrItTANDAIW It is mnade to famnous "Council Standard" specifications. EASc'Y TO LAY ON NEW ROOFS OR OVER OLD ROOFS Th'e coi-t of laying Rib Roll is lowctr than that of nearly ail othc-r types of roofing. Any man w-ho is handy with a harniner can put it on. hts hancdaurne appearance' addis many dollars to the value of your propt-rty. Send rîdge and rafter ineun.suirernents of roof cr roofs in questioni, for frees estimnate of cost. Get particulars about our SPECIAL SPRING OFFER mited STON, ONT. TORONTrO -J jj q THE CANADIAN STATE&MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929. PAGE TWO 1

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