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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1929, p. 3

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PAGE THI1EE THE CANADIAN STATESMA.;, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEIBRUARY 28, 1929. Special Values In Fresh New Merchandise, The influx of spring goods has commenced, and special quantity purchases of many of the lines enables us to offer them at prices that will interest thrifty buyers seeking reliable goods. Corne early and make your choice while the selections are at their best. DRESS FLANNELS MASON'S OLD STOCK MUST BE CLEARED Closely woven Flannel that will make up eas- THIS WEEK ily into a smart dress suitable for constant The balance of S. W. Mason & Son'& stock in the Bargain Dept. is b.lnig wea, 5 iche wiefurther slaughtered in price to clean out quickly this week. Anything Scaret, Sand, Blue, Brown, Green kift unsold by Saturdey night wiIl b. .hipped out of town. ONLY 98c: YARD - LINGERIE CREPEDRSGO S Patterned Cotton Crepe that la much used for 300 YARDS PURE SILK CANTON nightg»owns and lingerie, 29 inches wide, çvash- CREPE. ... es weil and does flot require ironing, Delightful ar ray of ail the popular shades for SPECIAL 29c YARD the new spring dress, 38-39 inches wide, in a _____________________ fine closely woven quality in shades of Rose, PURITAN MAID HOSE Beige, Rosewood, Sand, Powder, Navy, Grey, Thsslni ulfsindhs oe n Pink and Coral FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Ths plndd lifahine os cxns nAT $225 YARD Ibex, largest size in best quaiity procurable, service weight pure thread silk, silk frein the '* 72x90 inches, white with pink or blue borders, heel to narrow hem, in all the fashb>nable $2.39 colora, sizes 8% te 10, FRENCH DELAINE SEAL$95conventional patterns, suitable for ladies' and COMFORTER CHINTZ children's dresses, 31 inches wide, Full 36 inches wide, in~ an entirely new range of pretty floral design-, on light or dark ground ONLY $1.19 YARD colors, SEIL1cYR OILCLOTH TABLE COVERS SEIL1cYR (Seconds) RAYON CREPES ATTRACTIVE SILK FROCKS LAHRHN A Golorful Rayon Silk and Crepe Printed with IN TUNE WITH SPRING LAHRHN A 54x54 ini. cloth in white and tan grounds, with new flower and conventienal designs. The Bewitchîng styles for Misses and Womnen. The sesson's Latest styles in such as back strap and flat W. have a ckomplete asort- fabrics are sof t and silky, good wearing and sinartest and most youthful models. In Flat Crepes and under arm. Leathers are of a fine quaiity, ment of Dreas Goodas set- plangdsgsin Blue, Green and Pooe, will wash quite satisfactorily, Canton Crepes. The color range is arie and includes sl a sxtyind able for Ladies' an Child- the]eaainestdehdegnsoaIl smartlye 14ined0, rn's Dremes. We shah tbe 59C SPECIAL VALUES 69c to $1 .39 yd. thsnaetsaesorSig.Sz14e4, PRICED AT $1.95 AND $2.98 ipleased te show you our SPECIAL AT $9.95 & $11 .95 Dres Goods at any time. FAVORITE SHOPPING WALKER STORES Limited PYCS N CENTREj Formerly S. W. Mason & Son, King St. Phone 164 Bowmanvilie BYFRLS MEM j We Recommend OUR MEAT WITH CONFIDENCE Because we select the cattie personally, know who has been feeding them, and kili them in our own slaughter house. They must be young, wefl Ifed, healthy and best quality. This is why people for over 75 years have learned from experience that they can buy choice ineat with confidence and satisfaction at our shop. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville Back For More Some people were a bit timid about trying ALBERTA COAL But without exception those who have bought Mine Head Coal from us have been wefl pleased and some have already ordered more. Some are prejudiced against Alberta Coal1 without giving it a fair trial. Be open-minded. Try a ton and we'l leave you to be judge as to its merits. Mind you, cheap Alberta Coal is dear at any price-but Mine Head Coal makes warm and sat- isfied f riends. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 BowmanviDl MEETS BRITISH SPEED FIEND Durhamn County Boy While Baakring at Floride Beach Meets Noted Motonist. Mr. Harvey E. Reynolds of Three Rivers, Que., son of Mx. and Mms. Edwin Reynolds, Queen St., Town, the editer froxn Daytona Beach, Florida, dated February 20th a8 follows: Dear George,-I met 'Major Ses- grave this a. in. and was sbown every detail of his wunderful car. It is now receiving the finisbing touches and will be out for tests in àbout a week. Amn sorry I cannet te here for the race whicb will be around Marcb 15. Seagrave seeins very confident. Ami going on down as far as Havana, and it might just be if this affair la delayed long enough that I1niigbt get in on it, coming north again. The Major la giving bis speed boat the "Miss England" ber first try out on the Halifax River bere this p. m. Yours faithfully, H. E. Reynolds. C. O. F. MASQUERADE An Effective and Colorf ui Event. An enjoyable niasquerade party was beld i the S. 0. E. Hall on Thursday evening, February 21st., under auspices of the Companions of the Forest. As there was a goodly nuinber in costume, fancy and comic, the grand parade, led by the child- ren, was an effective -and colorful sight. The judges, Mms. Wm. Adamns, Mrsi H. H. Dilling and Miss Edith Peard- on, awarded these prizes: Miss Ir- ene Bateman, Circus Girl; Mrs. T. H. Brookham, Groom; Mrs. H. Harris, (coinic) Aunt Dinab; Mrs. F. J. Bateman, (comîc) Clown; Children'a prizes to Lillian Prîtchard, Red Cros., Nurse; Joie Childs, Old Lady; Tom Gatchell, Clown; Clyde Robinson, Clown; and consolation prizes to Milton Yeo), Duteh Girl; Rachel Wright, Japanese; Helen Pritchard, Flower Seller. A splendid program of music and recitations was given, after which de- licious refreshinents were served Featured in the March issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News are several splendid stor- les and articles dealing witb alI kinds cf outdoor life in Canada. Among these are yarns of the ever popular sports of angling and hunting ducks and big ganne written by men cf long experience. The current article in the pages cf this national sporting magazine by Robert James, "That Nelson Rive Trail" gives a wonder- fully descriptive picture of the trials cf a party of amateur trail breakers on a trip by dog teain in the far north. Rod and Gun and Canadian Bilver Fox News le published month- ly by W. J. Taylor Limited, Wood- stock, Ont. OSHAWA COLLEGIATE WINS DEBATING SHIELD Former B. H. S. Student on Winning Team. An interesting debate took pace in the Whbtby 1-igh Sehool Assembly Hall on Wednesday evening, Febru-1 ary 20th, when representatives of1 Oshawa Collegiate Institute triumph-1 ed over Whitby High School, in the1 final contest for the Jury & Loveli Shield.4 Thesubject under discussion was:4 "Re-solved that the moving pictures have a greater influence upon the1 public of North America than the daily press or periodicals," the affirmnative being taken by Miss Ruth Taylor and Mr. OrTvai Robertson; the negative by Miss Marie Vallesu and Mr. Charles Glass. Althougb Bowmanville High School teain were defeated .by Oshawa re- cently, Bownianville citizens will be much interested in the outeome, ow- ing to the fact that Miss Vallea~u was for several years a popular student at B. H. S., until her parents, Mr. andj Mrs. J. K. Valleau, mnoved te Oshawa last year. This is not Marie's firat success as an orater as she was a prizeL-winner in the B.H.S. Oratorical Contest a year ago asat fall. The judges Friday were Messrs.j J. H. H. Jury, E. P. Bradt and W R. Strike, 'ah of Bowmanville, Princi- pal A. Arcbibald of Whitby presid- ing. COBOURG DEBENTURE DEBT Cob-ourg Ceuncil is going te, ask the governinent for permission to get furtber into debt to the extent of $16,000. At present tbe Deibenture Debt of Cobourg is shown as follows. General...............134,637.70 School ................. 91,802.63 Local Improvement .... 250,971.30 $477,411.63 B uy the Best Wallpapers Make it a point to se. what I have before seilecting your Wall Papers. In addition to my own, I can seli you goods froin some of the best Wall Paper Housea in On- tario, where papers are priced to sell fast. Prices given on ail kinds of painting and decorating. J. H. Abernethy Concession St., BowznvIII. Phone 431 ENJOYABLE BAN4D CONCERT Giyeu in Opera Houa. by Oshawa Citizens' Baud Oshaiwa Citizens' Band, under the direction of Conduetor Fountain, ap- peared in the Opera House heire on Sunday evening and rendered a pro- gram of musical selec-tions rwhich were, evident frein the applause giv- en, much appreciated. They wpre assisted by outside talent from Or- ono and Newcastle, and the vocalist on this occasion was Mr. Normnan Jbbetson, Oshawa, whe, gave several nunabera in go.od voicç although suf- fering som«what from a recent ili- ness, "On te Manadlay'" being one of the best given. The accompanist was Mrs. J. 1--e, A.T.'C.M., who prev-I ed a moat acceptable artist. T he Hll was certainly not filled teoer- flowing, and we sbould judge noti more than eicpenses were met. Just the saine the band bas improved very much since their last viait here. A FIVE HUNDRED PARTY Sponaored by Durham Chapter The heurs passed very enjoyably on iMonday evening, Fdbruary 18th., when the Durhsftn Chapter of the Order of the Eamtern Star, held a progresslive Five liundred Party in the S. O. E. Ihall. Cemmnmity singing, led by Mr. H. J. Knight, with Mms. F. B. Hernmàon as pianist, was the firat item on the prograin. The cards were then dealt and the contest began in earn- est, with twelve tables playing, until eleven p. mn., when a bountiful lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was enjoyed by ail. Mr. Gus Bounsaîl then presented the5 prizes: Lady's high score, Miss Agnes Christie; Gentleman's, Mr. W H. Thickson; Consolation prizes, Miss Elizabeth Spry and Mr. T. H. Knight. ST. PAU12S W. M. S. The Women's Missionary Society of St. Paul's Chu rcb met at Mms. Frank Williams' Churcb St., oni Tuesday afternoon, Fabruary 19th., with a large attendance. President, Mrs. Win. Adamns, was in the chair and conducted devotional exercises,I Mrs. Thos. Lockhart leading in prayer and iMrs. Thos. Percy reading the scripture lesson. Secretary's and Treasurer's reports wer given iby Mrs. Wmn. Quick and Mra. Geo. E. Chase. Mrs. Thos. Tod was appoint- ed Teimperance Secreta.ry, in accord- ance with the requirements oM the Presbyterial. Mrs. Frank Brown read a splendid paper on "The Mis- sionary Montbly" and Mrs. R. D. Davidson gave an excellent report of the Presbyterial -Convention in Osh- awa. Th elosing -prayer was offered by Mrs. Harvey, and the meeting bro'ught io a close Iby the doxoiogy. Mm. Willianms, asisted tby Chase and Mrs. Fred Pattinson, sery- ed afternoon tea, which was greatly enjoyed by the ladies. .4 12eading tle .7ýew y,,rend.. in power and getaway in Stl, Luxury and Beauty O ID uotor car sna rds arech angng- ald styles aud old abilities iving vway to mev ---ad as everyone kuows, the creatoroe f the mew trend is this new McLaughli.Bulck. New body Uines aud contours-radiant new coor.-new adjustable front seat, full.%iddi rear scat aud coundea other refinemnts in bMserpiece Bodies by Fisher. New and lmproved carburetion-new cos. stant-presure gau pump--increaaed bore and itroke - greater piston displacement - and other sdvanceoeents ln the famous Mclaugh. lin.Buick sealed chaussaissd trlple-seied englue. And s thrilllng new order of pWrormnce- an entirely new klnd and degree of car opera. tlon-with elements cf virillty, getawav, swiféo nues, smoothncs ansd stamina undreared-o< afew months ago 1 The ncw McLaughlin-Buick leade the nov trend .. . lu power snd geraway-in style, luzury and beauty 1 u.zs.a.zsc M4cLAUGHLIN -BUICK ITH l ASTERPICE BODIES BY FISHER Cor bett Motor Sales Phone 248 Bowmanville Whsn f~ Autabie. Ae uih-4tcLAuhDudH é " VM Bufld Thmn 1! i 's,

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