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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1929, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMNAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEDBRUARY 28, 1929. ~NEWCASTLE ONI NWATE UNITED CHURCH STARKVILLE NEWCASTL C£^RNILCONGREGATIONAL MEETINGIt___ $ o$0VTh eulrmeigwsheld i _____ ThereulaMm en Monday, ' île ro atpg)We understand the Ford farin ias Le E. Ythe Council Chamber (otne io atp Tt e n Fe~ tbruary i lth, ail the niembers be- again changed hands. tor ecBteyellg ing present except Count. Parker. weekly attendance ranged from 3.5 Mr. Ed. Weatherilt, Clarkson, at-j Vulcanising and Roues Reeve W. F. Rickard presided. The to 40. T'he League through its tended Mr. McKay's funewal. i Wirin ,.mao Brickiyimg Clerk, H. C. Benathan, administered Forward Movemnent Fund had raised N evc tSio nSna w and Baut utr the Declaration of Office to J. E. W. and paid $200 to the treasuxer Of img to Rev. Wallace having ,Irîppe. fle 1tCItr Philp. t.he local M. & M. Fund. In addi- Ms hs ed vstda e Be PospeoniMrs. Glendenning was granted tion to this the League treaSUrer's Mr ihad Hlloel' -bd Happy pool table license for two tables. books showed receipts of $224.95 brother's,MrRihd Ha Is open. ' M r' 1 Communications were read froen: and exipenditures of $17.5.03. Therent. ires, Instructive book. Merchants' Fire Insurance Co., cn Leaguebas since voted an addiitonal Miss Beulah Hallowell, T[orontto, SM h cheue $641 C.te weked a lerMr. r'i 1l10 DONION CHAE DE) io. celling insurance on old Court Houe$2 to the M. and M. Fund. Sei h ekn thrfte' ls3 gtet West - _ Toronto and encosng chqu $.41-F.C Mr. Eric Pearce, Treasurer, re- M.Sulas Halloweil. lu!..Eployment Srvce-C.a to Coast j Palmer, application for pos;ition of porting for the Sunday School, said Mr. Ra.lph Beughen isrcorng Engner. Co'mnunations 'were ithere was a total menibership lest The stock of Mr. Will Hallowell are ______ filed and the matter of re-insuîrance q year of 218 with an average attend- suffering greatly with influenza. on old Court House was left with iance of 140. There were 12 class- Mr. Llewellyn Hallowell is spend- Property Commxittee. es in the scheel, 4 of which were or- ing a nienth with Mr, Edwin RuthvenTh Accounts psssed were: ganized. The school began the year on his Rat farm at Dunsford, Ont.Th * HOAS * Hydro Electric Poiwer Cern. ith $229.74, received through col- Rev. Thos. Wallace attende.i the DeCLECTRIC * H.e lighting ........... $105.00 lections, anni'versarly, Xmas tree and Valentine party given by Miss Normal Telel EC E TRC 0 .S.Bitogroceries for other sources $320.47, paid out Hah1oel1l in honor of trvle a Bnt family............. 21.96 $415.94. and closed with a balance schoel pupils. has1 SURE. 8 N SML eahnhrar .. 24 f 14 .Mm. Geo. Pluin, Toronto, is visit- OAN AN ST L% g. M. & D ............5.75 Mr. W. F. Rickard reportin?, for ighrnthrcaed ome on ac- every AILMEDYiORAL . HETM T John Robinson, repairing the chuirch property comlmittee and count ef ilîness and death of her fat-dii ONHND S OR ifl Hney Bridge............ 18.00 the special building committeena- erir.Jon cKy AT ION F-O SUCH J. Garrod, expenses tramps 3.50 ed at the congregational meeting ~ tn nTusa a * ýS CNO r i tn nTusa a F(U'TO-A S. Cuttell, printing.......... 18.00 lest year, presented figue showing kicke in the head with a herseTh AVE 7'TODA -ý Frank Allin, salai-y as auditor 12.50 that the latter committee had receiv- rendering him unconscieus, requir- TH IEWINYjRena Thomnas," " " 12.50 ed suibscriptions ameuntn« ing smtwoeorfute tice.m r VN ED .42 Postage ...... 4 $1237.34 and had expended on de- igsri wleo orensice.m r S Principal Thos. A. Rodger addres- corating and shingling the surn of i sed the council in interests of Horti- $1142.10. The unexpended amountiWtlae & ~~~cultural Society, requesting a grant had been passed over te the church awth an average of 15 in attendance tkr __Ite carry along ita work. $25.00 treasurer, Mr. John Douglas. e the Sunday services. The choirda granted. as an organrizatien hàs its own funds a The question of securing a Road land treasurer and paid out some $20 aEngineer to oversee County Road formnc ad riute yato Ms the abil I 1 pa.ving was left with County Counicil. theenelfaisha inteet andthe H. W. Dudley was appointed as- jtteuslihitrs n sesre 7.0 Fe lg a fidelity of the choir leader, MIr.. Thisj Over 400,000 women and girls who collector at $60.00; H. C. Bonathan J.S.RkadadthorgnsMs i, ere weak, 'blue,"' nervous, r Clerk1an. Treasureandath$185.00; Dr.M don n nbet oterun- lr ndTesrret$8.0 r L. M. Fisher, also to the Junior Choir per cf properly, bave improved their j J. A. Butler Medical Health Officer which takes the service of song on' health by taking Lydia E. Pink- at $25.00; John Garrod, caretaker, tels udyo ahmnh us ham's Vegetahle Compound. By police constable, sanitary inspecter, Mrs. (Re".) W. P. Rogers spoke accurate record, 98 out of every 100 weed inspecter, at $950.00. ihetuas ofheingrpofre i rpr eei.Yucnb lot Reeve W. F. Rickard, Mrs. j. c.j 20 girls in the C.G.I.T. and elucidat- certain that it will helpyuto Hancock, J. R. Fisher were appointed edteam nIdel fteCG meOmibers of the Board of Maniage- j~% I.T. prograim. She referred appre- n LyiaE Pn*a ' ment of the Cotnmunity Hall for twj ciatively te the series of talks on years. Homne Nursing being given to the Io- Veget Ile ICo pound Council adjowrned to, meet Marchicalgroup by Mr. . . ncck A th e Janm.uaryetalyIev Wac .Roer A the at 8 >. m meeting these I meiansurine at concerning thej CbM SStanding Committees were appoint.. recently organized Tuxis Square and i LICLJd 1 Y.LE ed: Roads-Couns. Parker and Jose; Trail Ranger Groupa. Both are now ~êE So WlI Culvert and Bridge-Couns. Jose up te their full strength and working l BL TL At th . W e and Par-ker; Sidewalks-Coun. Gib- ..ROE , on a four fold developn1ient prograni.T EBLLTL Oobuy ««- le,'.. The son; Finance-Count. Philp; Parks- REV.W.PROES PASTOR The Tuxis Square had recently sold arft doe dma two thing-Cun iso n Pip Newcastle United Churc h .0wrbo terbnsado iajhva.the oouah Intautb and hot s re-aPippo1600întedf te1bodsan o dallb t h.tas. Diffesoi from hs Moffat was Ieapine e its own initiative had collected $24 Cail oh idia.f u. Beard oflu Educatien and Mrs* 3 M- Dula'cocsebt comPre-1 and sent it tie the Welsh Miner's Pnelmonla and anl Throat î 0 o andbay iar o 1929- ensi've report sheiwed total receipts Fund. Lung trouble. aoId ea.7where 30-31; J. W. Bradley and Miss iRena foer aIl local current neea f The meeting elected hy ballot 12 _____________ WILBae Lmt&Thomas as auditors for 1929. $~9.2adttldsusmnso stewards for the year 1929 as fol- pairing of the church organ cost J. A. Butler, T. H. Clemence, Thos.1 nUCKLwVr CLARKE AGRICULTURAL $47 1.00. ICouch, H. E. Hancock, J. H. Jose, ORONO Bm hixyunz W SOCIETY Mrs. C. R. arveth, Secretary, Eric W. L. Pearce, H. R. Pearce, N -.0H. Sapleailee adPideu- gave the report of the Womnan's As- L. Rickard, W. F. Rickard, Howell (Freen The News of February 2lst) W0mme iup proves . M.H.SpesEctdPoie - sociation, showing the remarkable Rowland. Miss Mary Somerville of Teronto, Orono Fair Dates Oct. I and 2 achievements of this energetic body Mr. R. W. Walton, and the maie vas home for the week-end. 78c AND 40e of wemen. The W. A. had a total quartet, W. J. S. Rickard, W. D. Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan spent the past _______________________ At the annual meeting of Claoeke enrolment of 78 menmibers divided in- Bragg, Harold Allin and -Mark Al- week witb friends in Torônto. Agricultural Secîety these officers to five groups. The group leaders lin, with Mrs. Laura M. Fisher, ac- M.O .Rlh atne n wer eleced: were Mrs. Floyd Butler, Mrs. A. Cow- companist, provided musical enter-1Har War .Mn'Ronveti att Ha tie- G v t! i P a President-M. H. Staples, Nw an, Mrs. H. W. Dudley, Mrs. WF. tainment betiween reports.Had reensCvnto am G i e i a r Pl y msl.RcadadMs .J .Rcad1TeCGI girls, in uniformiilton recently. Why mt decide NOW ta gve lst Vice Presiden»-A. J. Bigelcow, Mrs. Butler's group led with earningsl sei-ved lunch of tea, sandwiches and i Miss Muriel Millson Toi-ente, ZUTOOfTabIeta the remedy sa general- Orono. of $75.00 and the 5 groups earned cake under direc-tion of Mrs. J. R. spent the week-end et her father's 17uaed for headaclte, a fau and square 2nd Vice Prsdn-W. F. Rick- aIl together $289.67. The total W. Fisher, Pantry Sprnedn o Mr. H. E. Millsen. ardalewcastle. A. incoine from aIl sources was the W. A. Mrs F. W. Tasb.lyn spent the1 If th«e la any doubt ln your mind DirectorsB-Geo. Cain, A. J. Tam-j $930.76 and the total expenditures,.1 The evening coneluded with the week-end'with her sister,, Mrs. Bur- *a to the wortb of diese tablets or of their blyn, W. S. Meffat, C. L. Powers, j including the final payinent on the singing of the National Anthem, nette at Steuffville. brmleu.ngu, try th.mandKNOWthe ROY BaIl, I. T. Chalpnian, Wm. Laing, parsonage furnace, also $378.011 forlwith Miss, Minnie Pearce at the Mr-. John and Miss Eleanor Mill- tr"h.0. Cowan, Jas. Brown, G. M- Linton, repairs and alterations to the par- piano, o eehm remTrno oe Don't mcrifice your comfarto ac- H. J. Souch, W. J. Stutt H. Gibsen, senage, reached the suri of $908.88. -Isnwrhoefi Toto vr comnt of preJudice or akeptlcium. Try the F i , oubF . 1 the weekend at their father's, Mr. tablet. md know. 25c v. duent or byFB-mcmîe .B ovekin, M.,These several reports showed that, Harr -Mîllson. .1 Sherwin, F. Ceuch, E. Evans, C. A:, the church through aIl channels rais-_ I- *d. L N bimn & a. yMrs. A. C. King left Monday for ~>r~iCoOQubec- iChapman, Wrm. Jackson, H. G. Mac- ed over $7,9000.00 duiing the year.: o ul I Donald, E. E. Paterson. Miss Lillian Clemence, choir seci-e- P u t y okhvn Sask., wbere she wIll Hon. irecrs-F W. owen tax, reorte a mmberhip i mke ber home with lher agtr M.P., W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., G. H. W n e r.SeatOes ~1M U ME E N Linton, Torento, Prof. C. B. Sions ,..- Robert Scott Armstrong, wbose j WZu tW C. J. Thornton, J. F. McMillan, Co- wife, now deceased, was a fermer ________________ bourg, W. J. Maher, Thos. iatter- Stn I dg sinJOrono lady Barbai-a Watson, died, Rev. J. W. Rae, Rev. Wm. Str to ndg sto Pay highest ceuh price. at his home at Ayr, Ont., Febrtiary ling. jDC tjDan't seil till yau isee me. 17h I E dig PLE I Auditors-A. J. Tarnblyn, CJ. L. BLeiore I Begi*ns A very pleasant social evening f or 20years!1 Po;intmenimt of Lady Directo'rs Don't wait for sourness, gas and ~ S Centre St. church on Friday eveliing was left comnntttee of ladies te re-1the gnawing, griping pains of indi-1. S e nts.Ago prograni was rendered, Fo wnyyasNTRS PILE 'ot gestion to attack you before you seek Phone 81 Whitby followed by an excellent lunch. REMEDY bas bcees raing stubborn forma App<intment Of GeMmitteea was relief. Stop these things before Mrs. Thomas Glass, Kendall was of itchise. bleeding anid protruding piles, referred to Nominating Carniittee they start. Event the worst stomach__________________ taken te Toronto Hospital on Thurs- without an otsrratiofl or enoessive treat- te report. sfeesaodidgsinb om ment. Ths simple herbai compound worirs ufrr viinieto yfr-d flstwkt neg aop- i.trnaiiy on the cause of pie and effecs a Standing Field OPCM ttinigth safe and Ilaat prcticf a of ltobtasterek te nrgoanoper- »it and positive rlief. Saccesful in bun- are in Oate ad CGrop mettiens ng ithe pasae n sia- nbtatreaiain e dresof cases wherees'eryouier kind of treat- ad~tkn iteBsrtdMgei-~ lI conditien was deemed tee critical. ment bas faIled. \t ail good druggists, $1. Delegates to, Fair& Convention- either tablets or powder immediately Y II . ornCnatBerierOhwa Money back if nt satsiied. C. L Poiweirs and A. Heniry. after eve.ry meal. This instantly W h a, th pudonc caser, asi teOshware NATURE'S Fair Jates for 1929-Tuesday aend neutralizes excessa acid in the stom-i )wJ jetly and csged a aeitb the-H NAlrURE"S ~~~~~~Wedne.5day, Octobeir Ist and 2nd. ach, prevents its further fc:rmation cnl n tgdagm ihteH PILE REMEDY ThPle financial statement presented, and really makes indigestion impo S. boys, gaxne ending 4-4. They were Nouegenu 1n e w t hou t name A. W.MerrtiI shed a very succesaiful year tor sible. Food digests, naturally, healtb hf-wrs netie b h oa ZURY & LOVELL, BownanvIlle the Society: fully, just as Nature intended, givingj r on Bclyoe o h Ph.333,NewasîeExlpnditure.....3,538.03 isigqaiie. Ta s b i .. sturdy pioneers ef Durbani County, urated Magnesia is used1 every dayIo nbs9t er snwi -- Balance in Bank.. 214.54 the woirld vrbmaytusn - jpoor state of bealth, the result of a This, boiwever, is -offset by ae- of former sufferers wbo now cati f / vere attack of flu, wbich developed couit i e rsne. Te o htte atwihn oefa fnto pneuirnenia. Mr. Buckley for H e ad O ff C oid , cona tetrene. Teownttb miefref some years past bas niade bis home g' vrbfore. ThelieBuilding beinglseil and recommend Bisurated Mag- athi daugbter's, Mrs. Harvey L ~IYS~ocnsjoperated by the Society as a Skatinlg1 nesia, and a good tinie to start its ! nd twetion.eie eer c Rink bas proven te he a good inve-,t- 1 usp, would bc today. i.~Gog oe and OrmeeGtmony Wii.h This Fine I 01É]rze tadd n198wee . 1_____-. eold-time ool na rtistamde an1 * Tocaaîd a 1h 5I'.IeteO beeihose whe cannot l'<so* m.'.ry druggiiît lias iL e.tiiof wemm rendercsl vocal solos hy pervout tyliemo If-» The Canadian National Railways'ally call on the Doctor, UR TABS Messrs Mat Harrison and W. Mitch- Diityidenal r'rofsbaediet'eyiest Ai .teCicari now be obtained fromn any gUd, el], a harmonica duet by Mesaýr. a 1pnuIecv. of Ene bi4rry * "i tli by way oet Phuladeiphia and Neiw local di-uggist on a positive gu« Clarence Allin and Colin Taylor, and ,hlneork. antee af money back on fi-st boxa edn yHr Lws #orh9 Il'r.-la it ilg emc3. r me I2 iformreioinfgtryiHaany Lewis. aAn excell- 1e f I..'ii y ildrggai. rn ~ ui ifomaio e tai ad otl urchaaed if net fully satisfied. Se ent oyster supper was served. W. p. pi,"'irejapi f prce aw pmït(i-mrîsrvattions mev be dbtaine<l fromi if yoti need a medicine et thiskidB.F.JHalefctdashi- S~. .~WO WIIECOZfcun,~arnY Canadian National Agent. 8_.2j try URATABS today. kinmanr.F.JHalofcteashir Mucli Money a Year d4akes a Melon?. Saverage shareholder in the Bell ýphane Company awns 27 shares, paid full par value or more for -y share, and gets $216 a year ini Iends., man who baught his shares on the oet 15 years ago and has since ýn advantage of every offering, ta- is getting less than 7 per cent on noney he has paid. man is typical. The holders of 84 cent of the campany's total stock -ribe a gain ta new shares as they ffered. The telephone company has nei'er split ils stock 1cr exploited the publie, though i! hav grown ta anfa of )' Uslargesi institut ions in Canada. LEPHONB COMPANY 0F CANADA a" 1 The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says. If flot satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money. IREDROSIE TEAis good tea* RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good The breakfast uI cK Fe neYer tire e QUAKER OATS Cfflks la 2V2 to 5 miuntes Proved saf e by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumnatism ý DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEAR 2Mc tony Bae"package 5 ~ zfewhich contains proven directions. Hlan2dy aye" omeo of12 tablew. S aý AIM@ tUaan d 100-DruggW&t. AwIpin la th. trade mai reesw<i a O "& oatre InftdmoruSmSe et Baer oomup.»wWui e taffld wlth 51.2 mr ai traie mark, #M O"Bayr on..- r J. I . 1 (. e - PAGE SIX

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