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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1929, p. 7

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And tue first sip will convlnce you it is best. TEA 1 'Vresh froum the gardens' Your Last Chance TO BUY HOME-MADE HARNES AT REDUCED PRICES We are stili able to fil a f ew orders for this dependable harness for spring delivery. This is decidedly your last chance. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowrnanville Ior Any Weather--4or Every Day SHRDDED Cuts down bad weather colds - el Ps prevet constipation---safely. 'eodfor al v, wonderful for children %lI Tbe Canadien Shredded WVheat CompanY. Ltd, fJ« EceomicaI Tramsportation provide Outstanding Beauty and Value aevrolet HWsory-pay coseatenns the beautiful ntw Fmsher bodies!1 Not ouly do tbey repruetnt one of the greats style tràmmphi ever aditved by Fialer desigmns-but in mndnmet. e.gineerrng and ezoelloeoe of construe- tion they are worthy of comprisoa with teworld's imese co oek. Tlhe 6ooeenew FisherBo"chsoer- bined with the uaperb unodm powe and ac.eeraon of the new Chevrolet Six-Cylinder engine, providt a Standard of motoring hzxury never before .valIasI in tht low-poeiod iLd Catie in and me s remno&ai4 - mowàl-todY 1Ic-8822S<» --a Six in the p,'sce range of the foarl ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa Ont. Wm. Davey, Orono H. D. CLEMENS. Dowmanville -anum OF A4L4 mms cou CM<ADAS umam I TECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FF]SRUARY 28, 192f' OBITUARY BLACKSTOCK '«BILL" DAVEY'S BIG PARTY Mr*. Canieron TruIE, Oshawa Mrs. M Smith visited bier daughter, Given in Orono Town Hall lncluded Mrs. W. VanCamp. Moving Pictures, Dancing and After a long ilineas there passed Special services4 will bc held in the Contest. o rest on Saturday, February 23, at Anglican Church every Wednesday MrW.EDaeoeoOro' ler home, 194 Division Street, Osh- evening during Lent.MrW.E aeoefOon' awa, Annetta Power Qlourtice, be- Miss Mabel VanCamp is sufeing best known and most nopular citi- loved w'fe of Mr. Cameron Truli, lfl froni an attack of pieur:sy and is un-1 zens, and incidentally local dealer her 67Lh year. She was the eldest der the doetor's caxe. for Chevrolet cars and truc'ks, put on Iaughter of the late L. M. Courtice bogauain oM.adMs is annual "powwow" in the Towni of Courtice, where she was born and Cogauaon r. Hall there on Friday, Fe4bruury 15th ived until some years after lier mur- Hcoward Bailey, on the birth of a when the building was packed to the niage toolher now sorrowing husband. baby boy on FebrUary l7th. doors. On sucb occasions Bill com- For sorne year shsebas resided in Mrs. Leslie Grabam, who under- bines business çwith pleasure by gi'v- Oshawa where she was well known went an operation in Port Perry Hos- ing a special illustrated lecture and and higbly respected by a large circle pital, is progressing favorably. demonstration of tbe Chevrolet en- of f riends. Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill, Mr. and titled "Chevrolet Across Canada". Besides bier busband, Mrs. Truîl is Mrs. S. Devitt ,and M.r. and Mrs. L These pictures are entertaining as survived by two sons, Clarence, St. Mountjoy apent Sunday week at weIl as e<lcational and include ThcSnas, and Lloyd, Torontio, and two Smith Bros. scenes in every province frorn the daugbters, Mrs. I. Stafford, Oshawa, Miss Laura Baileyof Holstein, was famous Nova Scotia fisbîng fleets to and Miss Marjorie Truli at borne, al- home last week owng to an epidernic the logging caimps of British Colurn- so three sisters, Mns. A. E. Cleinens, of scarlet fever which bad broken jblD.. IBowmanville, Mrs. H. J. Hancock, out in bier scbo>ol.1 Following the pictures tbe remain- Courtice, Mrs. A. J. Gay, Coutice, I4r.WVnC pson WrgtIder of the -eve'ning was enjoyably broher, Bak CortieJohn Pham and T. Smith attended . Core nd John C otbuhokeymathn Trono a F1'winners were: 1st-A. A. Roue, atone, Saskatcbewan.thhokymthiTrnoonF- Thefunra tok lac tom beday, February 15tb. tire; .2nd-MsaTy 'Bowen, rug; Jean family residence on Monday ai ter- On Wednesday afternoon 13tb.,Coam'ret. noon, service being conducted by tbe W. M. S. of tbe United Chu.rcn Rev. E. R. Harston of Simcoe Street,.,et et the borne of Mrs, John JObb, "EQUASONNE," MEANING IS United Cburcb, of wbicb dcesed with a fine attendance. EXPLAINED was an active member. An interesting and fast gaine of 1 Interment was made in tbe TrulI bockey was played Febfruary i ltb., Nain. of New Circuit Derived Frein fainily cemetery in Darlington to-wn- on our rink betbween Bowmanvilleý What t Accomplishes ship. Bankers and local Rangers, wt score 8-4 in favor of the latter. Tbe new. word "EQUASONNE" John McKay, Starkville On Friday l5tb., thea teacher andI that has created sucb a furore in pupils of tbe public scho-ol entertain-I radio circles because of its use in On Wednesday morning, February ed a nuber of under school age connection witih an entirely new rad- 13, 1929, John McKay, one of friends t o an enjoyable valeatine, ia circuit, is explained as folloiws by Clarke townsbip's oldest and much r e- pIarty and social time in the school Harry C. Allin, local Sparton Radio spected citizens, passed to bis eternal rooxn.i dealer. reward. Mr. Walter Keelskey af Maynaotb, One of the outatanding character- Tbe late John McKay was born on Station, is visiting bis sister-in-law, istics of the new Sparton circuit la Noveml>er 18, 1846, on the eigbtb Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. Norman Me- EQUAL seectivity througbout the line of Clarke township in Oak Sec-, Nally and Mrs. Jos. Fonder. Mr. entire range oi the dial. Tbe low- tion, wbere hie received bis education1 Keelskey bas sold bis tarm at er wave lengtbs are reeeived with and grew to ynung mnanhood. 'Maynnotb and bopes to settle ini EQUAL clarity as tbe higher. The On January 20, 1887, Johbn Mc-1 Gartwrigbt. lower end of the dial beconies Kay married Miss Lucie Stark,l Witb so tborougb a preparation at'I EQUAL ta the npper. Promi this daughter of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. band as Miller's Wormn Powders tbe 1Obvions sOurce cames the prefix James Stark, wbo survives witb a mother who allows bier children to EQUA. farnily of three sons and six daugh- sufer from the ravages of worms i4;s The second outstaTlding charadter- ters, viz Arthur and Jessie at borne; unwise and culpably canelesa. A istic ai the ne'w Sparton circuit was Wilfred at Newton'ville; Mrs. Allie.j child subjected ta the attacks of1 something equally new to radio. Robinson, Osaca; Mrs. George Mort-e worrns is always un.healthy, and will This is de-cRmibed as reception with on, Ororno; Roy of Starkville; Mrs. be stunted in its growtb. It lsaia "proper SONIC relations between ahl Allen Martin and Mrs. George Pliimb, merciful act to id it of these de- tbe fundamentals and overtones of Toronto; and Beatrice at bone. structive parasites, especially wben ,good miusie". Reception of over- Mr. McKay final lived in Starkville it can be done witbout difficulty. tones, uopn which nxcbaesa and depth section witb an uncle, on the east On Thursday, February 14, a sleigb- depend, dernanded expresson in the bahf of tbe farni et present operated load composed of Mr. and Mrs F. n ew nane.. by bis son Artbur. After bis mar- Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Foirder, Promi these sources carne the word niage hie added tao this property west Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Henry, Mr. and EQUASONNE, which is applied both of it comprising the present faniily Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, 'Mrs. John to, the revolutionary new Speirten bomne, wbicb a-as the old Stark borne- iMarlow and Mr. E. Galbraitb, spent circuit and ta tbe Sparton instru- stead. He also purchased and work- a very pleasant evening at the borne ments theinselves. ed tbe farmn recently sold by bis son of Mr. and John English. - Wilfred to Mr. George Skelding. Mr.1The World's Day of Prayer held McKay duing Ibis tirne achieve inîbhe United Ohurcb on February R ~ c h o d. marked success in fatteniag cattle 151b, bad a fair attendance of wom -______________ for market. In 1900 Mr. McKay en froin boîh the Anglican and tbe was overcome by a stroke in h is United Churches. The service was * NS right side a-bicb paralyzed that baîf conducted 'by Mrs. (Rev.) Powell, PbLLFEuuto oe.rEggi of bis body and greatly curtail e beirs. F. Stinson, Mrs. R. Mahood, Mrs 28 ingredientt. 0 of whlch power of speech. Due ta incom- C. Hill, Mms. W. Crannford, Mms. A. em bons. , mi.~lk and parable care and devotion on the Bailey, Mrs. Jas. Marlow and Mrs. A Imtt.nillk. fltter foetlllty part of bis wife and young family the Jb - fewer ê5 bealtb and strengtb. Althbaugh ne- On Monday evenîng, February S&Aoevmaws cuu E A moved convèpletely £ram any active 11, tbe Young People of St. Jobn's New~ pr@ees,... share in the farin work hie stilI took Cburch put on their play "Ia Chery, ev Queker rw a livehy interest in it, and for nianv Turne" in the Presbytenian Church, MSartllnt 00w dscovery years was a frequent visitor in ail Nestleton. Between acta readings teste.on thousands of parts of the neighbonbood. He en- furnisbed by Mrs. arlow. Cash- îngredets pr.zared ia jioyed lu e and suffered practically no muadsolas by Messrs. Marshall Mot iesibef orise- pain at any time. During tbis winî- Malcolnm and Leonard Joblin. Pro- Mm" a Yurnofno uto er a very rapid decline in bis physical ceeds $47. Ieth po-wers was noticeable whicb cul- Slrangled witb Astbrna is the onlyTh Queom Wse minated in a deaîb f ree trami the expre.ssion thal seemis te convey wbat *slMaul slightest vestige of sufering. is endured frorn an attack of this th fansse« shes today fycm The tuneral took place on 'Feb- tnouble. Tbe relief fram Dr. J. D. F. C. VANSTONE ruary 151h frnrn the' tamily nesidence Kellogg's Astbrna Retnedy is beyond Bowmanvll. at Starkville ,and was attended by a measure. Wbere aIl was sufering large number af relatives, friends there camnes comt ort and rest. Breath- The services at the bouse and grave chiai tubes completely cleared. This were conducted by Rev. R. McDer- unequalled nemedy is worth many Iment, minister of the Presbylenian tinies its pice toalal wbo use il. jCburcb et Newîonville. Hie spoke On Wednesday evening, Felbruary teeingy o th tue hritia spit14, Miss Laura 'Bailey entertained a of love and sacrifice sbown by the nu'nber of triends ta a progreffsive whohe family to-wards the departed. euchre and social evening those pres- Inteninent was performed in the tam- ent being Miss Kabhleen Phoenix, ily plot et Orono C-emetery. A Miss Dorotby Belîman, Mr. Harold number ai beautiful 'wreaths and Birchill, Mn. John Venning, Misa sprays bore silent testimany in wbichCrsa Fallas, Mrs. John Marlowl the late Mr. McKay was beld. and Doris, Mr. and Mis. A. L. Balley . The pall-bearers wene Mess. Robent Burgess, Thos. Pattersan, The progressive euchre and dance James Stark, John Stewart, Silas held in the To-wn Hall on Friday Hallowell' and Jadmes Mofatt. evening, February 15, under the eus- Althougb deceased was an invalid pices ai Victorien Women's Institute for the pasî Iwenly-nine years, hiei was a splendid succesa. The prizes was aiso a devoted busband and 51 were won by Dr. McArthur and Mr. kind and considerate father, deligt-' Donald Beare. Musicians were Miss ed witb succesa and bopeful in a urdiey-r.F.Biey eu1 I, versity. Ris lite was much likeiJohn Eaglîab, C. Smith and Oliver that ai a sîalwarl maple, a-hicb thai Smitb. Witb sucb excellent mui stricken by misfartune t»oa aan bas and tbe belp oi Mn. Creigbton Dev- neventheles een able ta survive un- itt, the latter part ai the eveningi tilf llai eaNIas made extra t'njoyaible. Lunch, Wire whecesCexr The Oil for the Farmer.-A bottle jwa served by the Institute. of D. Uh-ma' Ececti i in thp' A Housebold Medicine.-Tbey tbh~ l'mneyer tootireci to sleep now Reai ném akM£40ail tht dffffeno Your doctor wIl tel you how chewlng relleves nervous tension, hoir the hCalthful clcanslns action of Wrlgley's refreshes the mouth and tanes you up. Wmley's dota rnuch-cSots litde. Blackstock Continuation School The' fnilowing is the report oi the Continuation Scbanl: Form I-Harnld McCutcheon 76. Lewis Watson 75, Arnold Jobnqton 73.1, Albert Ahhott 71.1, Irene Gra- hem 63.8, Ralpb VanCamp 62.2, Aileen Mountjoy 61.2, Muriel Mount- jay 60.4, Elsie Venning 60, Laine Lansing, 58.4, Snawie Manlow 58, Clara Porteous 53.3, Harold Heishen 53.4, Robert Wilson 53.3, Ralpb Ein- I oerson 50.6, Alvin Malow 44.5, Gretai Hubbert 39.5, Murray Byens 38.6,1 Lottie Brown absent. Fonm Il-Merle 'Phonipson 90, Genevieve Feigusa,(n 89, Pauline Fer- guson 75.1, Russell Efatten 70.8, Dor- is Manlow 69.3, Normna Hooey 65.4, Aileen Devitt 64.2, Myrîle Weathen- iII 63.8, Verne White 62.3, Ferga Jobaston 54.5, Gardon Brown 51.1. Fporni III-Evelyn Sanderson 77.7, Eanl Gray 76.5, Marlon Perguson 76.5, George MeCutcheon 72.8, Olive VanCamp 71.11, Howgird Abbott 71.1, Violet Pacey 69.2, Dorothy Stephens 68.3, Lela ?iiountjoy 61.1, Oliver Smd±Ji 58.7, Chryutal PalIa 56.8, RoOa Philpg 56.6, Donald l>ieraon 61.8, Aile, johnoton 48.3, Nortion VSn. Camp 42. Nunmber enroffl. 45. PAGE SEVEN Aut TQPC j--P A short circuit not only means dimished power but is a probable cause of fire. Ferret out a "short"' as soon as you have any reason to suspect one It pays in lower battery upkeep, increased, power, and may save your car front total Ioss by fire. There are other comumon causes of fire, sorne of which cannot b. .asily detected. Even a Mnfer blaze in your carfor garage.mosans an outlay ofcash for repaira. It is Wrise te ineure your car aganst such lots. Get automobile insurance ber. covermng lire, theft collision, liability and proper- ty damage. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmniaville Not Spasmodic Bargains BUT Every Day Values in D. L. & W'. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Dornestie Coke for stoves and furnaces. Blue Grass CanneI-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soft Wood--sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trim B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ali grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime. Quotations cheerfully Igiven upon application. Your inquiries solicited. MeClellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville other Performance ýmes even close to CHRYSLER Performance smre vehicies of itsday.qAnd they have cou- tinued to recognize-that Chrysier eng- neermng has not oni>' briliatly maintainbed that lead but ha& actually wiemed ts Ma- gin of superiority. q Add to this superiority of perfonnace, dhie original style and beauty al ChrysiWrs own, at prboes hundreds of dallai under other or wbich are comopared with Chrysier. Then yoii wlll find it esy to understand the univeoeW deoead for Chryser. New Chrysler "75»" - Nine bOd7 st9YIe, $1985 .30.M-New ChI7mIoe" 65 m - Six body stylo', $1325 to $1460. Newr Qirydo. Inip«WFe e om odyeistylo., $3545 te $4605, Ali prieu f. . . idrOmtri., ieLudissgs a-u'd4 uuY O.muam.é(jrg~ei àw0" mmexita WALTER DELINE Newcastle, Ontaaio 1- p The very name of Chrysier spells a new and finer kind of performance-a spark- Iing, dashing, vivid road behavior that lias eluded the best efforts of a wbole i- dustry to excel. 'y No smail part of the even-growing popularity of Chrysier mear is due t0 that singular and significant leadership in performance. 'q People recogr.ized in the first Chrysier mmn- thing entirely new - obsoleting the sluggish, heavy, butky and cwnber- A H - R Y S L E R Phone Newcastle 3733. PRODUCT MOTORS

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