fl AUZ'Ui.' H AAINSAEMN OWAVLE HRDY EBUR 8 99 SOLINA YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE Visters: Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, The Conmunity Rink \vas thel Hazuptesm, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's; scene of another enjoyable skatingi Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, party on Wednesday evening of lsst Messrs Stanley Beckett and Clarence week, -when the Leaguers tried their Bradley, Tyrone, at Mr. Wxn. Pas- skili at the sport. Very acceptable coe's; Mrs. S. Thwmpson, Toronto, refreshnients wvere served afterwardý is visiting at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. in the Community Hall Lunch Room. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe called on bis %vith Nirs. Harry Joseasqeno mother, Mrs. Thos. Psscoe, Hampton, the coffee pot. who is inmproving after her recent The regular meeting was held on siekness; Mr. John Fee, Omemee, -Monday evening, %vitb program in spent the weekend at Mr. John Bak- charge of Social Vice-President -\.s- er's; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pasce, tin Turner. A humorous reading Brooklin, at Miss Mary Hogrth's; ws given by Charlie Glenney, and a Mr. Fra.nk Pascoe spent the iek n outh organ solo hy George Spar- in Toronto; Congratulations t r row. The topic was given by Alva Howard Wonnacott on bis recent Roblin, who conducted a discussion marriage to Miss Mabel Carr Of on the social prograni of the Young Hampton. We welconie Mrs. Wonna- Peopils Society. cott te Slina.... A splendid crowd A committee was appointed to get attended the League meeting onl the young people more interested nI, Monday evening when we were fav- the League and to irprove the at oured 'with a visit £rom Maple Grove tendance, consisting of Alva Ro.blin', League. A splendid program was Lillian Clemence, Minnie Selby, Er- put on by the visitors which as nie Gilbank and Charlie Gilkes. muich enjoyed. A conte.st was put on by our Social Vice-President, M's., Those who miss Monday evening's Ruby Dewell aftre which lunch was meeting will forego an excellent pro- seved. .Congratulations to Messrs. gram. A debate, "Resolved that R. J. McKessock and John Baker on Northerni Ontario offers greater op- winning the debate at Tyrone on portunities to the young farmer than Friday evening. ibh an attend- the Prairie Provinces," will be held,« ance of inearly 50 the Women's In- with Lillian Clemence and Clarece titute held their St. Valentine '. Allun upholding the affirmative meetingat the bomne of Mrs. Gordon against a team fro m Hope Township. Leask, the leader of group 4 w.%hol Thîs is a practise debate for Dur- were in charge of the' prograni and ha'ns representatives in the Juniiur refreshments. A pailer on St. Valen- Farmers' series. Refreshments will tine was given by Mrs. Chas. Smith be served. and a reading by Mms. S. E. Werry whiie mtcâb merriment was caused LOGS AND ICE by musical medleys, musical contests and a cupid contest. Mrs. Leask's J. H. Jose, Reg. LeGresley, W. H. home was decomated for the occasion B. Chaplin, W. H. Pearce, H. R. and the refreshments werc in keep-,Pearce, Howardl Glenney, A. O. ing with St. Valentine'.s Day. MarchiParker, and other farmers in the meeting in the schoolrùoom of the viint have been hauling or sending chumch in charge of group '-)... sawlogs to Tbornton's miii, Orono, About 100 neig'hbers and friends of!taking advantage of the good sleigh- M. and Mrs. Peter Walker met atj1 ing. their home last Thursday evenin gtoý At the samne time, eigbt or ten Or- bid thein goo.d-bye, hefore leaving~ ono teams have been bauling icel foiteir new home in Port Hope. Mr.ljfmom the Lower Marsb, Newcastle- R. J. MeKessock calied the company on-the-Lake, to supply the require- to order and Mr. A. L. Pascoe in an ments of the ice bouse owners of addmess expiained the reason of thelthat northern burg-drawing ice gathering together and their regret frein Newcastle on the south towamd at their ieaving us. Mr. and Mrs. the North PoIe! Wslker were presented with a beauti- Mr. Frank Hall and two assistants fui electric floor lamp and Messrs. are cutting the ice witb a power out- Alex and Jack witb Waterman foun- fit they brought out for the purpose. tain pens. Mr. Walker and sons The machine consista of the engine replied very nicely, thanking al for and gear of a Ford car with a circul- their gifts and good wishes. Short1 ar saw attacbed to one end of the speeches were made by sevemal and sawed-otl' rear axle. t is mounited ail joined in singing "For they are on a beavy low set hand sled and is joiiy geo.d Fello'ws". The ladies lequipped -with a tilting lever and an served refresbments and a social adjustable guage for reguiating and time enjoyed. Altbough Mr. and maints ining any desired widtb of Mrs. Waikem and fatnily have flot' cut. been long with us they have Provedi The Orono men explain that the admirable citizens and made niany ice on Rowe's pond was broken up by frienda. Mr. Walker bas purchased the January tbaws, and that the a garage in Port Hope and they in- floods at the time so filled the pond tend m.ving theme .shortly. I with dirt and débris that tihe next I>on't forget our Public Libary. crop of ice was unfit for use. concert on Friday night when Rev. Down here the January floods J. H. Stainton wil be assisted by the made a clean sweep of the earîiem following-Miss Anna and Mm. Alex. ice, sending it aIl out into the lake MdMster, Messrs. Will and Jesse along with aIl refuse that might have VanNest, Missesl Lena Taylor and conie down the creeks. Wben it Evelyn Milison. Corne and enjoy a froze up again there was good clear goo4 procrain. water to begin with and the ice was neyer better than it is this winter. EXCITIt4G END TO SUCCESSFUL Messrs. J. H. Gibson and Frank Branton bave been busy for some HOCKEY SEASON time, supplying the needs of viliagers and farmers, one of their beaviest (Continued from page 1) patrons being Mr. J. E. Matcbett conntof nenaties were ervied ,uwho put in 900 blocks. but with six mîn against four the locala were uni '>le to score. They lost their charve as the men wemeý back tii but no, for long. Scotty Cameron and SI'-ightholm started to scrap se they rested for a w'hle. It iookced like a free for ail but tbeyl finaily settled down and the game wrent on. However, the visiting neti guardian now had the warsnest time- of is life. The shots rained in on hîm fronm aIl sides, but he was good on ail of them, and plus a littie kick erevented a score. Thus tîhe second garne ended a draw 2-2. This esus- ed a third game in Fort Hope Tues- day night. Whitby Breaks Ti. 4-I The local intermediates were puti out of the running Tuesday nigh t yl WhibyV 4-1 in a sudden death game in Fort Hope. The game was played on soft ice and Whitby bad the edge in the first and last periud.s. Rice was the ou'sitanding goal getter al night, scoir.g 3 of the 4 goal-,, Jack Sieighth.olnri counting the third one. The locals were pretty well hurned out from the night 'before and were flot at their best, baving piaye(-d sev- eral more games tbsn Whitby and appeared te feel Ieg weary. ""Iw- ever, the game was won fairly an<i the virtors were certainly the bette"' team Tuesday night, givinz Jantes a great deai of womk. In the twe j previtu.s games Hawes had the ni est I shots to stop.i ThLs is the first year the local in- j termediates- have gene out of their group. Se they certainiy bave miade hiïterv for tbeiir team andl <on't think they aren't a gante bunch of lads for the.v 'ught until the last and showc'l'"v prit aI! the tinie." There v" irýv :' îving al -(as;on and thev . ad l îe bard hatties. It is -p f' bey wili hoid te- geth&' < n.'xty'j and doas el or ev ' lie, ci' than this ycam. iibsk Sciool'a Next Game Higli School sextet is the only teami Ieft r' 'ewn whieb isý stiii in the r'mn-I ning. T'!b"y; wili play ecuber A>' rt Soon. Twev'1 and Albert (' <.,ge piax' S mu diy night for th <a. mn seceL n. Ti ' 'erspLay her nlext veek. K i iî'esop-, en f, the intecl m! m: Notice to CreditorL: Ail î,,rsori i> î 'o"' , I Hie st t )f 1o in:n îI' \ I, i i, , ii' died t ewmanvti ':. I " 7. are requirel tefi, lU"T~,' ,Tir tihereof wiih the tir) "' T flot later titan it),e l-T ' ' , î T ' 1 bijrch. 1929, alle»r whiclu'I 'Ili , 'î wil bo settled. anIii ""T'of Mwi' the execi,tors have ne l ' n ,r-cfejvedj notice WiIl bt. harred agwa T"! rn DatAd at flowinanvilp N-,r",h 2t 1929. MRtS. W. E. GERRY and T. A. DUSTAN, Bowmanl'liI..- -icoutorS of wll of W. H. iiuotan. 9-8 deamned. MEN! FREE TIES Given Away With Every Purchase Over a Dollar (Regular 75c Ties)J Savings In Children's Footwear This Week 1-straip slippers in patent leath- er, sizes 5to 71/2 ........... $1.29 8 to 101/2.........$1.49 Il to2 ........... $1.79 Kiddies,-' Boots and Oxfords in uishion sole, pit-a-pat and bab ustier makes, Reg. $2.25, This Week 98c jWhite Rubhers for kiddie.s up to b;ize 10, 49c Infants' Bootees or Slippers 29c .-izes 0 to 4 Special Showing Kid- dies' Huribut Shoes This Week Mus.'and Gi rl- is fr<,i n patent only, Special Size 8 to 101/2 .... $1.59 Size il to 2 ....$1.98 L 0 0 K! Kiddies' Fawn and Black Cal- oshettes with turn dov>wn cuff. sizL.s 5 to 101;2 onix'. Clearing at $1.59 Pair Ki<ilie' Knee Ruhhpr loot, Special $1.69 Pair -~the baby right w'ith a 1uiîr (-!ih ion soled Ilurllîut S11oeý Chitdlren's 'rnman' s Hosiery Regular 50c at ...29c Reqmlar 65c at ...39c Regular 75c at ...49c FREE! FREE! Huribut Scribblers on Friday and Saturday The NewuCeàEt1ie Iridcpendferit THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28th., 19229 and M. Fund, last Sunday of $213. membership of 70. 12 of wborn join- ci ant Mi. tu stsendtatthe$2local church thr-ough the Mission Band, the W. M. S. and the M. & M. Fund, contributed a total of $2317.00 to nissions and the United Church's naintenance progratn. Mr. Chas. Glenney, 1928 Secretary of the Y. P. L., spoke of the varied activities of this virile gmoup of young people. The League had a ed du.ring the year, and the arverag. (Continued on page 6) The official board of Newtonv-iile Circuit United Churcb has extended a unani-nous invitation to Rev. Thomnas Wallace to remain as paster for the eighth Year. APEALING REDUTIONSi IN FURNITURE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE INEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH loi 1 CONGREGATIONAL MEETiNG - Several columns of Newcastle and Board of Education will meet at ____4_ Clarke new3 on pages 6 and 7. 8 o'clock Monday evening, March 4. The Year 1928 Reviewed Mm. and Mrs. Frank Allin returned Miss Iene Middup, Toronto, spent home last weekend from a fortnigbt's the weekend witb ber friend, Miss Worshijp, business, entertainnient visit in Toronto. Marjorie Cowan. and sociability were nicely comlbined Mr. Roibt. Walton will give a recit.. Miss Aresta Martin is 'home fmom at the congregational meeting of ai in Newcastle in the near future. Toronto, owing to the illness of ber! Newcastle United Church, Wednes- Watcb for date in next week's States- another, Mrs. Pamnaby Martin. day evening, February l3th. The attendance was faim considering the man. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenney, Little[I Mr. W. W. Down, who is again Britain, weme weekned guests oef their' many coutem tactsliohn ns shas temporarily baching it, spent Tues- cousins, 'M. and Mms J. W. Glenney. bous partiesadse~in n kt day as guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sulphur ia a good tbing to feed Pstr ev W..Rorwh B. bapin.your cattie, 6 ibs. for 25e at Mel-; pesided throughout the evening, Mm. R. C. Lovekin, Toronto, spent low's Drug Store on Friday and Sat-1 opened tbe meeting with devotional the weekend witb his famiiy heme,lurday only. lexercises, Mm. A. O. Parker screen- motoring down in bis special Chev- Miss Olive Thomne, Toronto, wholing the bymns used with the S. S. DeLavai car. bas been visitîng bei friend, Miss1 lantern. Get a bottie of Creolixis at Me]- Ethel Lockhart, returned home tbe The church as a body of believema, low's Drug Store to-day, for that first of the week. a spiritual force, n moral influence, stubbomn cougb. lt's a sure remedy United Church, Rev. W. P. Rogers, an educator, a supporter of missions, -50c and 85c. Pastor. Sunday, Msrch 3: il a. m. a social centre and a business organ- Mm. Walter Deline was in Windsor -Momning Worship. 2.30 p. m.- ization,-The United Churcb in New- asat week and brougbt back a ship- Sunday School. 7 p. i-.-Dvening casle for one year-passed clearlyl ment of the new popular Plymouth service. in eview as officiais of vaioiis or-ý cars wbich are now on display al A number of citizens iîot classediganizations, departments, bodies and j Hoar's Garage. as regular -ovie fans went ovem to committees in turn pesented theirý Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Mark the Gomnmunity Hall on Saturday ev- reports. Allin and Harold Alun of the United1 ening andl enjoyed] "The Sheipherd of Mm. A. A, Colwill, Clerk of the Cburch Choir assisted the Park St. 1 the Hilîs", adapted from Harold Bell Session, presented figures showing United Church Choir, Orono, in itsl Wright's bock of that naine. the personal strength of the churcb. MissAnne Akinsn, radateThere is a total membersh'ip of 286 service of song last Sunday morning. Ms ni tinogaut resident and 6 non-resident memibers. Mr. and Mrs. Rcbt. Burley andi nurse of Bewmanville Hospital, wbo Tbe net increase during the year was daughters have moved from Belmiont! bas been making ber home with ber 19. Teewsa vrg ted (Mtr. D. J. Galbraith's farm>) into l aunt, Mms. W. H. Pearce, left on1 ance of ab.out 180 at the quarterly Mm. Cecil Rowbinson's bouse on Beav-j odyfr e o1Ciy otk communion services, wbich was a er St., recently vacated by Mr. Wil- i a position on tb0_ Knickerbocker Hos- particularîy encouraging feature of son McManus and famîly. . Mr. 1 pîtal. I these special seasons of divine wom- Wilson, lateîy employed îvwith Mr.' 'Mr_ Eliiott, agent for "The Book 'sbip. The total number of mrema- Jonas Samis, hs moving with bis fam-! of Knocwledge', xwho with his wif e bers and adbements was 602. iiy into, Belmont. 1 and daughtem bas been boarding for Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler, Superin- Avery successful surprise party. soine tume witb Mm. and Mrs. J. W. tendent of the Mission Band, told of ivas held at the home of Mr. and Mr.Geney, presented the Lake Shome the Band's sevemal enterprises by W. D. Bragg, Sbaw's, on Friday ev- School with a bookcase for holding means of whicb it had raised and ening, February 22, in honour, of the the set in recognition of its ýbeing the 1 sent to the Pesbyterial treasurer coming-of-age of Miss Grace Bragg. first school in the vicinity to pur-I $95.00. This opresented the efforts An enjoyable time was spent by aIl,ichase a set. of its 32 annual and 2 life members. much credit for the success of the The Com'mittee of Stewards met Mrs. Butler, in the absence of the evening 'being due to Miss Florence, for. organization purposes on Wed- secetary, Mrs. Floyd Butler, also e- Ashton, who very efficiently pianned nes{iay evenîng, February 20th and ported for the W. M. S., spesing in and took charge of affairs. l eiected Mr. W. D. Bragg, Chairmnan; praise -of the several department sec- St. George's Churcb, Rev E R- Mr. H. E. Hancock, Secretary; and retaries and the good womk each was James, Rector. Sunday, Miarch 3,1 pa.ssed a resoiution naking the past- doing. The Society began and end- Third Sunday in Lent. il a. m.- orpi, Rev. W. P. Rogers, a correspond- ed the year with a few cents in the Morning Prayer and Holy Commun-1 ing member of the cornmittee. treasury and raised and sent $648.00 ion. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. 'Good Spring Tonic-Creaný of Barle-Y t» the Presbyterial Treasurer. This 7 p. m.-FNening Frayer. On Wed-ý together with the $95 fom the Mis- nesday evenings duing Lent the' sion Band brought the total up to Rector is giving a series of talks ENFIELD $743.00 or $20 over the allocation. on the life of Christ, to wbich every-' W. M. S. had at t.he end of the year one is invited. The talks are illus- i Mr.. and Mrs. D. Ferguson ecent- 87 annual and 26 life members. 941 tmated by a cimulating set of beauti. ,ly visited in Oshawa. . . . Mm. and Mrs contributed regulariy through_ the fuI lantern views; services begin at Geo. Ormiston have been visiting at monthly envelopes, and 83 members 7.30 o'clock. 'Oshawa and Kedron... M. and suibscribed for and read The Mission- SMrs. L. C. Pascoe bave been visiting amy Montbly. The W.M.S. of the United Church at Toronto ..Mr. Arthum Ormiston Mm. J. E. W. ýPhilp, Treasurer of extends an invitation to ail the ladies bas been under the doctor's came but the M. & M. Fund, urged a more of the congregation to be present at is irnproving .....Mr. Noilman and general use of the med iettemed end the meeting on Thursday, March 7th, Miss Evelyn Stinson have had meas-lof the duplex envelope. A ntînority at 3 p. m., in the S. S.Room. This les. . . Mm. Geo. Cochrane attended of the church members were carry- meeting is under the leadership of Milibrook Spring Faim and secumed ing aIl the burden of the Missionary the Christian Stewardship Commit- four red tickets on bis drivers. and Maintenance Fund. The Coin- tee who have prepared a splendid Good Spring Tonîc-Cream of Buî,'ey mittee began the yeam with a balance prog.ram, and procured a special - on hand of $1.64, eceived through speaker for the occasion, Mrs. Thomn- AMBITIOUS MEN contributions $135942, and sent son, Freshyterial Secretary of Laodaiig Q if o 0l<$ 1361.00 to the gen«ral treasurer, Chrstin tewrdsipand Finnc ,olrs weekly. Practîihemný study Robert Laird, leaving a 'balance of As this promises to he an interesting ana shop training. Fre.- rmpioymen t 6c as a nest egg in the teasury. In and profitable afternoon, the society Service. Wrie for information (com- addition to this, the congregation mferjai FEngineering, Sffite Om- ISiîn- bespeaks a large attendance. dred, 5~7 QiieenSt., West. Toronto. 8-2 made a special contribution to the M. Rovan' s Weekly Store News Savings in Women's Footwear Speciai sample nuntbems in Reg- ular $5.00 shoe, sizes 3, 3 i4, and - 4 only, at $1.89 Women's House Sboe in Kid, Leather or Velvet, with low flat heel or the cuban heel at $1 .49 Many broken lines offer splen- did choice in selection of qtrap-, and pumps, etc., in 'lSeets :b;w and cuban at Women's Rubbers in 1,)% or cuban heels 67c Pair A big reduction on Wonien's (;aytees, Oversboes, Special $1.49 Pair A new variety of Women's Ox- ford.s in low or cuban beels, in tan leather or patent icather. retgular $.5.00 stock, This Week $2.95 A big line of new Spring num- 'bers for 'monn iii snart styles, as 1mw as $2.89 a Pair Special Feature 150 pairs of Women's 'Bedmooni Slippeîrs, Regular up te $1.50, Special This Week 49c SP ECIAL S 1 Shoe Poliah 10c In Black or Tan Nugget, 2-in-1, etc. Women's Drmsy Fumps and 1- ,strap Patent, Satin and Velvet, also in brown with snake-skin trim, sizes 2'h to 7, Regular up te $5.50, This Week $2.89 Women's combination last arcb supports in Patent and Kid and B'owni, cuboan heels. strap or ox- ford ties, egular $600, This Week $2.98 WomvnXs Comford Oxfords in Patenitor Brown and Black Caîf, 4-eyelet tic sboes, neatly trimmtc<l, sewn soles, niCium and iew beels, size-s 2'ý ,te 7, This Week $2.85 SPECIAL Women's Black Ensemble Hat 13oxe.s and Suitcases to match. This Week Special $4.95 Each Suitcases in Brown Only This Week $1.25 Shoe Laces In Biack, Brown or Tan, in 27 and 36 inch Special 3 Pairs for 1Oc Men's Garters Special This Week 1 9c Savings in Men's Footwear Special Purchase Men's Fine 'Boots in Black or Brown with a real good solid sole at $2.95 Work Boots In Black or Tan grain leather, Regular $4.00 at $2.69 Regular $4.25 at $2.89 17 different styles of the best grade womk boot, "C;reb" at Reduced Prices Men's Neckwear Special Each 65c or 2 for $1.25 Sp-ecial purcbase-mînd you are offered a big saving. In a wide range ef stripes, rheck.s and al over designs. Made xith wide flowing ends. Colora include Navy,Grmey, Brown, Maroon, etc., Boys' Caps! Special For Spring 69c Mel(n's Arch Support Shocs. in Blark or Brown, size 6 to ll½ý/, At $4.49 WARM FOR OIJTDOORS Men's Ail WooI Sweater Coats Heavy big sweater coats in Jumbo and haîf cardigan stitch. Witb sbawl coilar, two pockets, close fitting cufs. Colora, include 'Fawn, Brown, Maroon, Scarlet, Slate, Navy. Sizes in the lot 38 te 42, Special Value $2.95 Men's Fancy Socks Come ealy for good choice as the quantity is limited. Knit from rayon and mecerized mix- ture yarns. In fancy pattern eff ects. Colors are Fawn, Grey, Blue Mixture. Sizes 10 and il Special Saturday Pr. 29c Men's Caps Vaiety of numbors at 98c and $1.49 W0 ar-e featuring this week 300 pairs of Men's Oxfords in latest style trend, in Black or Brown leatheirs, sizes 51/-_ t, This Week Only $3.45 Men's Work Rubbers. ('une in and look over our line, we have real work rubshers with guaranteed heavy white corru- gated soie at $2.49 Men's Rubber Boots at $2.95 LET YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY AT R. J. Rovan's Shoe Store Oppoaite the. Bewnma m sou in athe old McMurtry Dock-PL.. 5OU Look! Free Ties Given Away With Every $1.00 Purchase-This Week Only Savings Ini Boys' Footwear In a g6od substantial »ew» m pegged sole boot, Size il to 13.... $.93 Size 1 to 51/ .. $.49 Boys' Galoshes In one or two buckles, sizss1 to 544%,1 Special $1.79 Pair Boys' Oxfords in Black oc T»a, Sizes Il to 13 ...$1.98 Sizes 1 to 51/2 ...$2.49 Boys' Laced Rubber Boots Size 8 to 101/2 ...$1.25 Site il to 13 .... $1.49 Size 1 to 5 ........ $.89 Boys' Rubbers Size.s 1, 2 and 4 only 49c Boys' Oxfords In "Hufrlbut" make, in Black mr Tan,1 1 Sizes il to 13 ...$2.85 Sizes 1 to 5,2 ...$350 Boys' Golf Hose Special 69c Pair Little Gents' Boots With Panco Sole $1 .98 Men's English Broadcloth Shirts, Special Each $1.69 or 2 For $3.25 The late.-t style, shirt in stripes with collars attached or unat- tached collars, Men! Look This Ove,, Made-To-Measure Suit& At $22.50 A Suit or $27 with two pair of trousera Look Our Sampl« Over 'e 'p k q t Il 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FErBRUARY 28, 1929. IPACIIV. 1«4aRT Just one week left in February and we are making somne very decided reductions in all unes of Furniture during balance of month. 1 MeLagan Dining Roomn Suite, 9 pieces, very latest pattern, Regular $300.00, FEBRUARY SALE FOR $225.00 1 Walnut Suite, 8 piece, Regular $150.00, FEBRUARY SALE FOR $130.0 1 Solid Oak Breakfast Suite, Regular $100.00, FEBRUARYSALE FOR $85.00 We have a good line of Occasional Chairs in different coverings and ail at reduced prices for this month. F. F. Morris Co. Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville