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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1929, p. 8

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PAG IIGHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGH 7th., 1929 Kr. Ci.4ird oGLweIIll r. UChas. RiWdey apent thle weekend at Niag- ara and visite at the fo<mer's par- ents in Trointo. Choice Fish AND Fresh Vegetables To give greater and better service to our customer-s we have added a Fish Dept. and Fresh Vegetable Counter. Let us fil your orders with these tempting goods. Phone 120 Bowmanville There's Nothing in Lif e When you have vision. def ective Nothing apears in its iroper light, everything L% more or legs distorted. Get something out of Life. Hlave your eyes examined by an competent Optometrist, he can tell you w'hat is wrong and can furTni!h you with proper glasses. Jury & Loveli Whou W. Test Eyoo It la Doue Prop.a.Iy Phone 78 I A Dandy Week-End Treat You 'l want to watch our window for Sat- urday Special in Candy. They'll be extra tempt- i ng. So don't forget to corne in. HOT CROSS BUNS Dtring Lenten season we will Buns freâh every Saturday. have Hot Cross The Bowmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE The Elite Shoe Store News Dress Up For Easter In New Footwear Stait your Easter outfit with well miade new style shoes. patterns that appeal to the where style plus is desired. a pair of ouî We offer xnany feminine eye tWomen's Patent One-strap Buckle Slipper, with medium spike heel .........$6.50 Pair 1 , eli's Patent Buckle Strap with cover- t-A cul)an heel ...................$4.25 Pair Womnen's Patent Wide Strap and Buckle with leather heel ................$4.25 Pair Youing Girls' Pateî:t Wide Strap Buckle, low heel ...............................$3.95 Pair ifiss -s' il to 2, just like her older sisters, Wîde strap ind huckle .......... $2.95 Pair WomcîViis 1tPumpls \ith 1bueikies, in medium and high hee!Iý...$2.98 to $4.25 Per Pair Men's Fine ('aif Oxfords on s1-rni English Sole Agents for Hiuribut Children's Shoes and Murray Shoes for men and women. Shoes That Sati*sfy W. C. IVES, Manager. t NEW SHOES For Girls Growin« Girls' 'Black Patent, nieditim heel in three-hole ties and strap, made by Huribul, sizes 2 % to 7 at $39 Growing Girls' Patent Colonial with buckie at......... $4.50 Misses' Patent Straps and Ties in reliable makes, sizes il to2 at............, ** *$1.*91 Io $4.O< Children's Patent Straps, 8 to 10%2 at... $1.75 to $3.00 Infant's Patent Straps froma 85C 10 $1.50 These shoes are made up to a standard flot down to a price. Knox's Shoe Store Names in order of Tment: nimce Rogers, John Novick. Sm. I 'Brenton Rickard, Harold Jr. I Isobel Rogers, Wanda ICrook. Clarke, Jack Jones, Neihie Ammnour, Sm. Pr.-Isabelle Clemeace, Cor- Doreen Perrett. don Allia. Pr.-Cladys Trulâ, Donald Adcock. Jr.Pr.-Audrey Wehber, Rosa The following missed an examina-< M Coblbedick, Ferne Webbem, Bernice tion-Elsgie Moore, John Watcbomn, iWig'ht, absent. Doreen Pemmett. Figures denote per cent. F. J. Groat, Mien 1. Camnpbll, Wm. L Lycett, teacher. teclwr. n FISH DEPARTMENT Fresh Herring Red Salmon Chicken Halibut Lake Herring White Fiai, Salmion Trout Flounders Ciscoes Fillets 'of Haddie Finnin Haddie Smeelts Digby Hemmig Oysters FRESH VEGETABLES Lettuce Celery Carrots Rhubarb Tonmatoeas Green Ornions GQ ALEX. Ed mondstone Meat, Fish, Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables PHONE 21 lw- --A "- dll- 1 - The Nqewvcua-t1e Iidîepiericde,n THURSDAY, MARCH 7th., 1929 NEWCASTLE ORONO MEN'S BANQUET UNITED CHURCH ir.J. E. W. Philp entertainedi Park St. United Church, Orono Uitd, i ~- o, Unted Cur-Pf, Re . P very pleasaamiy on Tuea.uay evening. are putnig on thiranlMen'siers, Pastor. Sunday, March 10 Miss Miamie Webber, B<>wman- Sunday and Men's Banquet on Sn ville, visited numerous relatives here day and Monday, March 10 and m.-Morning Wo.rship. hast week. Special service on Sunday eveningi P» m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p.r Mr.Merle Clrk pet arecntwhich will be addressed by Mr. H. B. Evening service. Mr. weekethbsCourksinthearie Cowan, Peterboro, Editor Farm and ,Zuring the Lenten ,period brothkers o Cth iosn ,teBri Dairy. Music by' xen's choir. On cnluding with Sunday, brobers f Caton.Monda>' evening a hot dnner will be Pastor is preaching a series of Mm. S. J. Jackman, Boi,7nanville, zervec; in the Armories9 at 6 o'clock mons o an evangelistic diarac ý8 will be judge at Hrticuitural So- bv the men of the congregation. Fol- based on texts from the gospel 2 ciety's annual sping show. iowing the dinner while still at the St. John, and at the samne tinme 0 Let us finish youm films. Prompt tables a go.od progralm %ili be fur- ing the cnrgto omk service and a picture that is sure to nished by the men. Eeynecr- u n though tfu raing o please. Mellow's Drug Store. ially invited. Admission 65e and intensel>' spiritual gospel, the go! Reeve W. F. Rickamd was ln Tor- .5c. oe Love. These talks are in onto iast week attending the Pro- morning but during the sanie pei vincial Good Roads Convention.ENEL the Pastor's evening thiem-' will Mrs. S. C. Bonathan went to, Tor- be of a strongi>' evangeilicaI ton( onto on Monday to spend a few days Measles are quite prevalent ini this with hiem son, Rev. John Bonathan. vicinity. Mm. nd rs.Bruc Coterand Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oochrane re-1 mov Bed o eaer St. centi>' visited at Yelverton. LO A toMr D.J.Galbraith's farm bouse, Mm. Wlare i atnd iss Dorothy JBemnn Paseen aso wshoefrom I TAKE NOTICE THAT: Miss Minnie Barrett moved' hem Peterboro over the weekend. household effects last week into berl Ms.Smith, Listowel, has beenl 1 The Council of t] 1 new home in Mr. Wm. H-enmy's lhouse, visitiag some of hier old schooim-ates a oa m rvmnt h JNth St. la this neighborhood. a oa iiIvInnsti e Misses 'Beatrice and Grace Bragg Start the day with Cream of Bariey 1 between the points as d weeguests of their cousins, Mr. and HAP1 . Tecs fec Mrs. (Rev.) Wm. Sterling, Orono, Mr. and ýMrs. W. W. Horn spentpoain th esmad took thbe seivices on the Newton- Sunday with frienda in Oshawa. special rate per foot froi I ville circuit asat Suada>' for Rev. T. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tam.blyn, Or- special assessment is to be Wallace who was still in the gip of ono, spent Sunda>' at Mr. J. Cow- hereto annexed. the grippe. ling's. Friends in the village have missed Mr. Russell Gillson, Misses Vers Mm. N. L. Rickard of late, he having and Ina Carm, Boivmanville, Mm. 3. Private drain coý been confined to bis horne for the James Bass, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. been constructed to serve past two weeks or more with an in- Howard Wonnacott, Enniskillen, sse pnte~ jured back. spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. sse pnteparticular Owing to tlie non-arriva]l of the Chas. Shaw. 4. Messra. Samiuel and Themon 4 A Court of Revisi slides depicting the Life of Christ, in Mountjoy visited at the home of Mr. O'clock at the Council C] time fow Wednesday evenings, the, 1 .BrM.Hmlooe i Ron or is giving his illustrated talks weknd MnsHam.lT.on, nvejoy proposed assessments or1 oSunday evenings. who bas been visiting hiem mother, complaint which persons fSt. George's Chumoh, Rev. E. R. Mrs. E. Rrimaacombe, and sister, Mrs. al Jame, Retor. Sund>',raoc 10, Bird, for the past three weeksrebyteCu. i 4th Sunday in Lent. 8 a. z.Hl turned home with theim.I ICommunion, il a. a.-Morning The residents of the village arej DATED at the Town Prayer. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool. looking forward with interest to the 7 p. im.-Eivening Prayer.- anniversary services to be held ia Skating and sleighing lasted bame- the church on Sunday next. Rev. ly a month, but both were good for Harold Staintton, Courtice, will con- 1 the ýtime. February 'was our wintem duct the morning service and Rev. month. The grass on the skating J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen, will have ink whieh was flooded, frozen and charge of the evening service. ready for use on January 30, la again On F'riday evening, March 1, En- showing green. niakillen young people viaited Hamp- The C.G.I.T. held thiir regn4awr ton. Misa Campbell, lst Vice- weekly meeting in the Bfble Clams President, took charge of meeting Room of the United Cburcb on Tues- and aftem 'welcomîng the visitors day venig. Aspledidmission- called oûn Misa Dalton, President Of ay vening.As ple yMand c Enniskillen League to take the chair. ard ila avemy interesting manner. Aproram wasresnteapeintctie Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers led a discussion prganwspeeneseilmn on courtesy. tion must be made of the inspiming, C oncores'.. talk on books, intemapemsed with ap- ZZm Ia point of diameter and circula- proipriate illustrat.ions by Rev. J. M. ference the two ibiggest logs deliver- Whyte. At the close of program, 1 Pavement Church S t. Sougog St ed to Thortoa's saw mill, Orono, Miss Camnpbell called on a member of2 ten CiucStSlvr i this season for custoni cutting are her group, Mrs. A. Peters, te take2 av»nRucStSier t the property of Mr.. W. E. Gilbank, charge of the Social period. Groupa 3 Pavement Chumch S. Division St Shaw's, wbo eut theni from a tree were formed and each grouqi given 4 Pavement Oburch St. George St bought from Mr. D. J. Galbraith-. the nanie of a moath oYf the year and 5 Pavement Church St. Ontario St They are elm and are about 5 feet then called upon to go te the plat- in diameter. Second in size, but con- form. and act out something to sidersbly (longer than Mm. Cilbank's represent tbat particular month, the are two elm legs delivered by Mm. other groupa Vo guess the month.1 A. O. Parker. Some interesting and hurnîrous sit-i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickamd and niations esulted such as Septeunher family, Shaw's, Mir. and Mrs. W. H. the month of fa!! fairs with its ex-1 Pearce sud family, and Mr. and Mrm. hibita, December the living Christ- Il. R. Pearce and famil>', Newcastle, mas tmee. etc., -but the climax wasi attended the celeibration of the 4Oth reached when the monthi of June put jwedding anniversar>' of Mr. and Mma on a wedding part>', the groom be- Ira F. Pearce, Bowmanvilhe, on Wed- ing a popular Enniskillen young man Inesda'y evening, Marohi 6, when r.i land the happy bride a Hampton (H. number of (relatives f rom South Dam- S.) girl. Refreshiments weme served; l ington were also present. Mm. and attendance about 160. jMrs. Pearce were imarried in Newton- A very successful meeting of the~ ,ville on this date 40 yeams ago hy the Hampton Women's Institute was held Rev. Mr. Whitlock, who bad previous- aV the home of Mas. John Cowling, 1>' ben the pastor of the Ebenezer with a splendid attendance cf abouti and Maple Grove c'hurcbes with which 60. The Presideat, Mrs. H. E. spectivel>' connected. ened by singing the Institute Open- Neisons Nt ad ateMil Ch- ng Ode followed b>' the Lomrd's colteFriay nd atudaySpeialPrayer. Af ter the business session rida ' andruSatr'ecial"Carry me back teo ld Virginis'" was 49c b. a Melow' Drg Stre. sung and the following programn was Start the day with Cream of Barley given: A very intere'sting talk on "Home Econom.ics and Houseclean- EXAMINAIONRESLTS ing b>' Mrs. John Golwill, Jr., after EXAMNATIN REULTS which the Young Ladies' Bible Clama Lis ofpupls f M. Athu W.gave an Irish programn. Miss Helen t cf piWils wo M. rid urxmW.a-Johns, a eading. Some beauty Lynd, Witb, wo tred xamna-spots in Ireland and some character- tions la vocal music in the H m -ur i1is fth mih -ss oa Kers- onserator' ofMusic: ila ke "Dublin and its Environments";g Iermediate-Helen Powers, Hon- Miss Mary Peters, roading "The t or, Mia. . J.C. allae.1 Doctor's Vow"; reading, a tribute ~ ~ 1s Juniom-Dorothy Rovwe, (Honora), and challenge to.the W. I., Mrs. AI-1 Rosaline Cams'by, (Honors>, Mira. lin. "Kililamne>"' was sung. Roll caîl RobV. Sadier. " A Humorous- Stor>"', wa-s respoaded IPrmrary-Minnie Pearce, (Hn to b>' a number of the members.197Ceret e grs). "Auld Lang 8>-ne" was suiîg and th 12 heoe e mee-ting closed with the Mizpah bere LAK SHRECLAKE diction. A shower of useful ar-I LA E ShR , L RK i lestsomuhiinthci rcet Ile 9 71h v ol t C APLE QROVE Reserve Friday, March 1&tfh for tihe play "Take My Advice", which is being preented by our young people, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Evans and faxnily to our eommunity. Mr. Colin Kear, Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mms A. Laird, Sr. Mr. Morgan Lewis, Peteitoro, vis-' ited with bis cousins, Mr. and Mm. H. G. Freeman ,on Thursday. Mr. Arthur Baker, Oâfhawa, visit- ed his sister, Mrs. L C. Snowden, on Sunday. Misses Hilda Foley and MWargaret Abemnethy spent the weekend witih the formner's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wi!kn.S, Osh-ý a"~, spent Sunday with his istr, Mrs. E. W. Foiey. Ebenezer beague intend visitin.g our League this (Thursday) evenîr.g.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ste'vens uietly ceiebrated their 30th wedding anni- ve.rsary on Mare'h ht. Ail of their .dan $535 Dach $450 ýdan $350 g$ 75 ài $600 B USDUshmbees ezcqiulmal1 The Oueueaad ing aievr of Cbcvrole t Iioy hbubrohem ail sales records. New cars ordered for apring delhvey are ondi"iway i. Used Cam taken in trade. have £o go ou#. They're good c a rs-. . turned in earier d=a usual because the Chevrolet Six is sso irresisible. They'r* wonderul 'values-miâe for mile the cheapest motor car transportation you've ever haci ofered you. But they have £o go this nionth £0 niake way forspg busines-Hence dais great nation-wide Used Car Salt by Chevrolet Dealers tbraughout Canada. L ese the sensationally Iow pruoes and youll realize evSy Uued Car is marked for q" ck derance. Rog- 0. il 2.30 M.- and the ser- Icter, Care- ospel the riod also L IMPROVEMENT NOTICE the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has constructed eworks mentioned in Sehedule "A" hereto on the streets and [escribed in said Sehedule. of the said works, the portion thereof payable by the Cor- life-time, the special rate per foot frontage, the annual ritage and the number of annual instalments in which the paid are set forth in the cse of each work in Schedule "A" )nnections and private water service connections have Scertain lots, and the cost of each of said connections is as- rlot served by a special rate per. foot of frontage of such lot. sion will be held on the 26th day of March, 1929, at 'hamber for the purpose of hearing complaints against the the accuracy of the frontage measurements and any other 3interested may desire to make and which is by law cogniz- ,n of Bowmanville this 6th day of March, 1929. John Lyle, Clerk. SCHEDULE d"A"P -eo Silver Division George Ontario Liberty St. $5,970.091 St. 6223.61 St. 5153.88 St. 4003.S2 St. 8469.20 3401.85 8.3.3 26.48 cents $2056.29 2237.11 2140.20 1150.10 $3.33 3.50 4.33 3.50 26.48 cents 28. 08 cents 34.74 cents 28.08 cents ç -i I ,tarjo Motor Sales Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby 't-, children and grandchildren were home for the happy &ccasijon. Mr,. F. R. Foley, brother of the bride, was tover from St. Catharines and gpent the weekend with Vfhem. Rev. Hl. W. Foley, 'B.A., B.D., Seiby, also made a brief visit during the week. Report of S. S. No. 6, Darling-ton: Sr. IV-Arthur Stewart 70, Wil- fred Aldwertb 57, tMay Fowler 16, tAlfred Laird 11. Jr. JV-Bert Cauldery 67, Ross Law 63, tLa.. vonne Trimble 44, f Lloyd Mceteaif 25 Sr. IEL-Douglas Bothwell 68, MiId- red Snowden 60. Jr. IfI-Llelna Freeman 83, James Upper 71, Relen Metcalf 52, Jean Stevens 26. Sr. fl-Cordon Jarvie 82, Bill Cauidety 75, Lyra Freeinan 75, May Stonns 75, Robert Bothwell 71, tJames Fow- 1er 14. Jr. I-41Bob!by Snowden 77, Margaret Upper 72, Albert Bo4ih.. well 45, tCharlie Wright 28. Sir. I -Jean Jarvie 74, Jean Upper 74. Sr. Pr.-->lrene Wright 99, Mg~ton Storms 68, Kathleen Aldi-eed 62, tNora Meredith 24. *-ýFailed thru sickness. B. E. Soaich, teaclier. lm PAGE RIGRT t 1It >t t

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