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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1929, p. 1

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~rnrbÎ~rn With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmnanville News VoL LXXV M. A.JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 $2.00 a Year ini Advance 5c a Copy No. 10 Are Your KEyes Able? Are yotir eyes able to mee.t tim daily demand made on thein witheut a feeling of aIrain? IF NOT we etrongly advise thal you Cive heed to Ibis waruing aud &mve theni examined and know wh.t amistauce they require fer cinifortable vision. Our Registeresl Optometrist R. M. MITCHELL is busy every day rendering service ln Ibis lune. W. Shall Be Glad To Have You Cati, Phone or Write For Appointment. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglate and Optosmtriste Phtone 92 B-owmanville Ont, 1..1 1MIWISTER D 5b URI' ir-Cl' $309000 in Prizes FOR Pictures Anyone Can Take Use thie dependable Film lin lbe ye1low box aud gel best reaulta. iBing your filin te us, we print on Velox ExckLsively, lhal's our boast and your assurance Ibat any print turued eut l'y our fin- ishing departbment la te besl possible. You miay enter as nxsny prints and efflargemeus as you wish. Cail for Prize Conhesl Entry Blank. Sole Agents fer Kodak Films and Supplies, Only Finisiig Plant lu lewn Jury & Lovel Phone 78-W. Deliver A Little Early Spring la not yet here, but w. would advise you that when you need a Spring Medicinle the one which will be Tnost effective la NYAL'S Strengthening Tonic It 'builds ViRn, Vigor and Vitality. A general p*kýne-up needed after a w;lter in doors. Large Boulie $1.00 KE RSLAKE'S T16o Dependable Dr"g Store I OýwStmae Policy: Not How Cheap-But How Caood To Greet the Spring The new mode in its fascinating entirety is now to be seen in the new and greater at this store. Coats, Suita, Frocks, Hosiery, Gloves, and all the small but important details of the Spring out- fit are readv for immediate selection or inspection. LADIES' SPRING COATS Amother new shipment opened up this week. BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just the type of frocks you have been longing for-fashioned along simple, flattering lines, with sizes correctly proportioned, trimmings and details of the latest styles. MERCURY SILK HOSE Highly recommended, full fashioned silk hose, 2 special limes at $1.50 and $2.00. The latter uine has proven to be ex- ceptionally satisfactory. ALL NIEW DR ESS GOODS Make your selections early. Just a Few Ladies' Winter Coats Lef t at Haif Price GRAND CLEAN-UP of Men's and Boys' Overcoats Everyone in stock marked r "ck clearance. Pick out he prices will tickue you to doWn for your size. pieces. BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS Sizes 33 to 36 Were $10 and up to $15.00 while they last HALF PRICE MEN'S NEW SPRING OVERCOATS AND SUITS Just opened up for your inspection. . a r... a...,;ru0=.oE Tninity United Churcb, Rev. J. U R.Obins, Paster. sunday seuwices ai ila ..and 7p. ni. Sunday Sehool at 2.30 p. ni. St. Joseph's RP. C. Church, Sunday services Mardi i Oth. Morning Mass 8.30 a. mu. Evening Devoîjin 7 p. mi. Rev. P. P. Butler. St. Paul's Churoh, Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., minister. il a. m.-Morniug Worshio,-"The Fire of Discipline"l. 7 p. m.-"-OLoyalty te the Highest POwVVerIs". 2.30 p. n.--Sunday JSt. Andxew's Presbyterian Cue corner Temperance and Church atç Rev. R. MeDerrnen%~ M.A., mlxxi [ter. Morning service at 11 a. in Evening service 7 p. m. Sunda Sehool at 2.30 p. mi. Cobourg S. A. -Band will be visii ing Boçwmanville on Saturday an Sunday, March 1 tb and i 7th for thl anniversary service of the loce corps. Major and Mrs. Ritchie - Toronto, will aacomipany the ban for these services. Musical festive will b. given on Saturday evenini Be sure and keep dates open so yo can enjoy the band's visit. St. Jo'hn's Anglican Church, 4b Sunday in Lent, March 10th., 192£ 8 a. m.-Holy CoYmmunion, i1 a. ir -Morning Prayer. 2.30 p. mi.- Sunday Schod and Bible Clama. p. m.-Evening Prayer. Confiri tion lass each Wednesday at 8 p. nr in Parlsh Hall. Lenten Devotions Service each Friday at 8 p. ni. i Oburch. Rev. R. J. Sbires, Recto] W. M. S. of Trinity Chureh bel its monthly meeting on Tuesdaý wit~h an attendance of 77. TPhe Pres! dent, Mrs. Rofbins, announced ou Easter Thankoffering on Suniday March 24th at wjiich the W. M. S. Y. W. 'A, mission Cime, Missio, Band, and C. G. 1 . T. are to atten( in a body and the speakere for th, daT la t. b. Mm.. Longley who wil speak on China. The prograini ww given by Mrs. F. A. Foster's groul with Mrs. Poster presiding. Mns Toi. gave a stirring accunt of Paul'i early ninistiry and its challenge t US. A pamphlet on "Preparaloi for Easter" was rend by Mm D. Afl dread and "Budget Making" l y Mrs FOster. Mms W. J. Morrisoni rend. ered a beaaatl solo whieh was muel, fippreciated. Mm8. F. H. à[orris in ai, able manner described ehi first MI& sion to Angozu .in &*.\#UwY gmip hlcally. At the close of th. metý lng Mms. db'ns spoke of 1th. reai mesin f Esater and the. appre pratnsacf the Easter Thank-offer. ing. CARD 0F THANKS The family cf the latte Mm. P. A. Jehuston desire to thank âIl the frîends and neighbors flore kindnew and sympathy extended te theni In th. deatb cf Mis. Johnston and for the beautliful florail offerings. Royal Theatre Preee.ting mhe Finest la Photoplays Phone 589 Friday-Saturday, March 8.9 Zane Greys "'SUNSET PASS" With Jack Holt, Nors Lane and ,Chester Conkhin Those who love cou.rage and ex- citement. And the bold, dashing romance of lb. plains. Live the thrilling life of th. ranger in tihis tremendously powerful drama of the ýGolden West. Matinee Saturday afternoon aI. 2.30 p. m. Ghildren lie. Chapter 8 of M"hspering Smith Rides" and regular prograri Monday-Tuesday, Marci 11-12 Peter B. Kyne's "THE TRAIL 0F '98" With Dolores Del Rio and Ral.nh Forbes and a sujpeiib sup1porting cast. The amazing epic of the Krrk Gold Rus~hthe picture smash that swept Broadway off ils feet for 5 months is here at List. Se. the gigantie snow slide-the Chilkoot pass-The Wbiite Hors.eIRapids - the burning of Dawvson City and scores of other thrilling scenes neyer obe .forgotten. Special Matine. Monday ,Marci 11 th at 3.45 p. nm. Matins. Prices-Adults3Sc, tex 2c; Children 15c Evenings at 8 p. mn. Ail Seats Roserved 50c, taxSe5 Plan opens at Box Office Friday, March 8th at 12 noon. See page 5 for more particulars. March 13-14 L'mil Jannings lu "SINS 0F THE FATHER"- The greatesl character actor lu motion pictu.res will] sweep you off your feet in bis flnest picture. Ja.nnings surpasses Jaunings ln a characterlzation oo true, no humenn tihat it stands high and alone In supeoeb entertainnient. OBITUARY WHAT COUNCIL DID nMr@. P. A. Johniton, Bowmanvjlle Took three bours to do one beur'î t business. A very worthy wosnan paed to Perit cutting down of 5 trees. the. reward of a long and useful life APProved of Ontbario Prohibition on Salurday nxorning, Mardi 2nd., Union's petitions te be sent to Fed. when Mur. Philippi Ann Johnston, erai Gc'vernient. widow of the laI.. J. A. Johuston, en- fleard comxiplaints about conditions tered int eternal rest lu her 93rd of seversi roads aud sidewalks. yesr. APProval cf iCeunties Counicil Deceased was a daueiter of the bandling contract for extending laIe Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oulla, sund pavement on Scugiog St. and Manvers Was born in the parish of Luxillian, Road ýpro'iding town council "aits Corniwall, England, coming to Can- inl" w'heit contracta are Jet. ada with ber parents and residing Passed acoount.s for $902.60. in tbe neigh'borhood ocf Canxibrne. Gave usual grant ocf $400 to Pub- About f orty years ago qh. wasan-lic Lîbrsry and sgreed tho put down ited in marriage with Mr. Jobis~tc, new linoleum in librar3'. and came to liv. in Boiwranville Increased firenien's salaries, 19 in where she bas aince resided. Aler aI", fromx $35 te $50 a year. the death of ber husband in Mîay, Augment police force l'y one mnani 1907, she lived for a few years in sud advertise for applications. the family Tesidence on Queen St., Reuet Watenwerks Comrnltâee but for the past f ew years she bas to r.ooimnend a new engineer froni made ber home with Miss Randall, . Est0f aPpflicants tle b. later consid- Centre 'St., where she bas e,,id ered and umproved by wthole council every attention and care d'uring ber at apecial meeting. declining years when failing bealtb Appointed Alfred H. Bicicell, prevenîed ber froni going eut. WKcxking Road Forenan at $100 a Tbough attending the Discipqesi montb Church and giving of ber best ser- vice to it for many years, sbe re- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE tained her meuxibershýp in the Meth- edist Church and lstteriy attended Mr. W. P. Corbett was in Barrie Trinity Chixrch until ber slreugthb Isat week attending tbe funeral of failed. an uncle. Tbe funeral whicih wa private, Mrs. Wm. MeLellaud, Hamlt»n, took place ion Mouday sfternoon, visiîied ber sLster, Mrs. J. H. Cryder- service .being conducled by ber Past- mma, wbo is in the hospital and la or, Rev. J. U. Robins, afler which lmpruving steadily. the remains ere coiveyed by motor Mr. F. O. MeIl'veen arrived in to Caniborne Ceinetery, the inter- hewn Friday fremIn Lansdowue and I ment taklng place in the Cullis fam- bas asuned bis new duties as local IIY plot. -Rev. G. D. Camipbell, manager of Bank of MontreaL. conducted the service at the grave. jTenayfinal cmnnvU iBeautiful floral offerings express-, ane vicnyiteendhin Boean-i ed te syunPalby of many relatives ani iii3 xedhatetcn and friends. g'ratulations te Misa Audrey Werry, The paîl-bearera were Messrs. J. daugbler of Mr. and Mm. W. Cbas. H. H. Jury, John Pery, . B-.Mit- W r' Oshâwa, on dbtaining ber A. chell aud Lorne Glddy. T... in ber piano examinations. Left te mounuber passing are Mr. and Mmra Geo. W. James are in three step-sons, Mr. Walter John- Orangeville today atteuding th. fun- I ston and Rev. Nermian Jo'hnston eral 'Of heir sister-in-law, Nis. Wil- Columxbus, Ohio, and Mr. C. A. John' bur H. Wleed of Weaton, whto died in ston, Biowmanviile, and one step- tbe Weste-rn *mpil, Toronto, af-1 daughter, Mms. J. J. Gilfillan, Orn ter an eperation for eppeudicitis fol- Among the relatives prffsent et lwdlype*xna the funeral were: Mr. Cullis and Mr. Rt. Wlýo'. r. o. W. J. Bragg, D.D. and Mms. W. Cullis, Fenelon Falls; G.M., and several mestbera cf Jerus- Mm. N. Redpath, R.,. Nerman John- 1 aie-i Lodge, A.iF.&A.M., were guests Eton, Coluffiub, Ohio; Mr. snd Mms. o f Hope Lodge ah Port Hope F'riday Lore idy ad n.HetorGidy Ievening. Durlng the evening an in-J PortHp;M.adM.J .Gl tereslting addrees on "Our Flag" ws i fanOoo Me il Gl1agiven by £ro. F. G. Palmer.1 Pn r ae ifla.Trno -- .1~&VArý. -B.------- OOM 4--Jr. LV-Jenan Mrrg, SALEM__ __ Gertrude Houper, Helen Mason, Rusa- JRev. J. U. Rabins' Sunday moruîng sIl Hayes, Aileen GibbIls. Mm. W. Gaun and Mm. G. '-ollard sermon lu Trinity United Churcit on Si. IJJ-Hugh 8mai., Gisarard are silîl auffex-lng freon bad colds. te wox-ds "Endure barduess, etc". Tait, Evolyn Pickard, Margaret Ire- Miss Gladys Caun and Miss Ells preseuted soane striking llhoughta re land. Gollacotî spent lb. we-ekend aI home. the attitude e t h. mensbers cf lbe Misa Marjorie Robins, teacher. Glad to sse. Mis. L ButI.ery ouI. United Churdhi of Canaomda rtIL-lxcraIBakdy on Suuday afler beiug abut lu for lthe peoqles ou tb. homme and foreigu Jo m5-jr I-àr hay esome lime witb a bail cold. fielde which shoiuld serve tb mire n Monsn, ASebCark and eR, oer a Mis. E. Doidge enjoyed s riait te tose . w)o beard tbiamessage tkb Cark D ua, Ada Crk ae JndsRoberI athe Hamupton Women'a Institute greater sud -more genex-ons interest AnikequMaryMuirjonie JoresDudleh T: meeting held aI lb. bomne of Mis. J lu the. pecxples net se bigitly privileg- and el Mar Muttn, Dors Ddle Cowling lasI Thuisday. ed.MieHeu orstae. Mr. G. Ferguson, Victoria Goliegie, In the eveuiug the. pastor gave the RoMies HeleI-n M Bel, Voeten Toronto, gave, an emcellent discours. second sermon iu tb. series ounlte Rom 6.f-anBliet fron oui pulpit on Sunday aftei- "Lif e cf Jeremiab" muking sorte Osborne, Frances Dillick, Je«a noon. %Mr. Ferguson isa favorite pertinent reinarks on lb. liquor ail- Ceyne sud Sybil Mutton, equal, Dor,- ah Salemi and a geodly nueabeir turn- nation as revealed .by the figures re- othby Richards, Doris Wright, Gladys ed ont le itear blu n sd were well cently pubiished «enlb revenue de- King, Douglas BiunI, Horence Sa.- repauid, for bis sermon was earnest, rived f rom this infamus tirafflc. age. ins g nsd instructive. Th uia unbmonnbtdMiess Q.M. Wickett, tehéi. are very prevalent lu ourinl addition loe i.authem bly choir Reeni 7-Jr. III-Audrey Elliott, ueighboinbood and prevenled quite a was a vocal duel by Mrs. W. J. Mer- Ciaronce Witheidge, Mary Birirb, numuber fx-om attendiug the commun- rison aud Mms. H. M. Poster ah the DoriothyAdeJimn Thiotnpsn, Dogis -t ahnn tl hl.home of morning service, a solo by Mirs. F. Tninible, GÀ c bls,~Ii . Mr. sud Mrs. F. Foster on Tuesdsy H. Moody at te 5unday Schooi ses- Feeters, Alten Richards, Murry eveuing of ast week, sud thus de- sien and a quartet l'y Misses D. Bale.MieLtL.Bag e*r priving thetu of a aplendid evening, Pluiu.meî aud H. Argue sud Messrs.MesLtL.s.gese. for lte guesls who 'were permitted to Pickard sud Legg»tt in tihe evening. Reoni 8-r. I-Marien 8et, go %ad a joily lime, being met by a . Vers AIiln and Ruh Ives, equ1 very genial bosl sud itostess who Jack Dunu, Maxion Hammx, Betty d gave tem a tearty weicome and the CINEMA PROVIDES METHOD 0F gradiagrtWoeutM freedoin of tbeir spaclous home sud PRESERVING LORE 0F grsuidllargrtWoe.i n tbey were Ihen off te a good atarI. THE KLONDIKE Jrdl. 1-retTyoDn Progressive euchre was the game ofMan le otr the evening aud much merrilment Soine years ago witen Riobert W. Misle Ena othewer.eah ensued ,the ladies served a fine oy- Service wrote "Tii. Trail of '98" MsadaE ewltahr ster supper with otiter daintÀes t'hrilling sbory of the Konie gold Room i9-r. II--Oimery Mitchell, Ihrowu in and aIl prenounced il a rush, be penned a fervent prayer Janmes Marlin, Keitb Wilson, Ritth Iefflghtful galhering. which motion pictuires have at last Crydemman,. Eileen Halhnan and Rue- S zr h dywt ra sfBre asee.9elI Hs.llman, equal, Helen Virtue, ~.r te aywih Cea c Brly1 In wniùung bis description of lte MrNBon and s i Waklmn, eq- Report of S. S. No. 9, DarlingI.on, battea btwe en sud releullessa us, Nran ldwin, George David- for month of February. Houera 75;î forces of nature, be modestly ad- son, equal, Helen Glanvilie. îPass 60. . mitted bis descriptive powers were Miss Vivien Bunner, leacher. Sr. !V-Marýian Hüney 77, Doris unable le cope witb the scenes it. Rooxu 10-Jr. Il-Charlea Chuirch- Collacoît 76, Rosa Richards 69. witnessed lu man's greed foi gold. fil, Aithur Living, Leslie Phillpe, Jr. IV-Lorne Poster 69, Bert In lte rad stampekle Bennie Rose. Poster 63, Elmer Sîrult 62. over the te-rible Chilkool Passa mb Sr. 1-Helen Williams, and Louis. Sr. III-Henry Francis 80, Audrey1 the Yukon b. raid: Cox, equal, Marion Martin, Jack Cowling 78, 'Beabrice Cator 73. "Oh. for a medium te express il Fisiter, Dorotthy Hamuden, Olive Jr. III-.Mar',-Collacott 84, Lela l al! Your pedautic poetry isn'h big Ward, Russel Short, Bill BSnw. Welsit 77, Wiihie Darch 76. Ieumugb; prose is't 'big enougi. Mise Florence Moore, teacher. Sr. 11-Viola Francis 74, John~ What we rwanti. l something bettween Rootu il-8r. Pr.-.-Jean Logan Foster 67,. tbe twe, somelhiug that will inter- sud Byron Grawford, equal, Elsa -Jr. IfI-Isobel 'Rrown 84, Berylj pret life, and stir tihe great hearl ofI PotIer, Leuka Konyai. ihonîpsen 77, Chas. Foster 73, Hilda t he people."1 Intenmediate Pnlxer-Alan Tarn- Richards 72, Bert Francia 65, Harley~ His prayer is grauted in "Thej blyn. Rutht Virtue, Evelyn Hainden. Cûwling 47. Traîl of '98," Metro-GoldwynMay- Jr. Primer-,Robl. Purdy, Marion (Nanies in eider of menit:) er's nortitern film epic whcth itas Hooper, Giordon Woolner. Jr. I-Margaret Irwin, Os,,car Con- been directed iby Clarence B'rown1 Mis& Nelhie Montgomery, teacher. lin. sud is being qhowu at lte Royal Rooni 124. IL-~Luise Hobbe, Sr. Pr.-Byron Foster, Brenton Titeatre, Bowmanville, on Monday 1 Mabel Hariis, Marie Hart, George Dax-c, Frank Coulin, Elvie Wright, aud Tuesday, Marcit lltb and 121h.' Morris. (absent). - The camrera. gives te tite eye a Sr. îPrimer-Giarlie Hoai,. Blain Jr. ghI -Hi(abse t.) p on R od ictuire fath ult descriptions given Elliott, Kay O'Neill, Kity Storey sud Lngt aen.) a y, eahe. , udeds wbo parlicipaled in lte Tonmmy Rhdei, equal. L a u r n c e S a v r y , t e a c e r . " r u h . "J u n i o r P n i m n e r - -4 M a r y L e m e u , ,B-rowu bas <made tihis picture the Grigg Morden, George Belixuan. COMING EVENTS real epic of lb. uortb and has given Mise Betty Sargent, teacher. to millions an opportuuity te see ex- SuhwmShe Reserve Wedneaday, Mareii 27th actiy itow thousands cf men, listiug R South Wa-Ford Scehotte for the Africsu evening by Trinity for gold, acted as lhey stanipededi Rooi 1-Jr. H-FhtoRosen Sotte, C.GI.. efflhens, tc Aover a trail which claîmed buudreds BeRsa thon, oaHenns real African prograni.Mac of vîcbxms. Yen actually see lb.e Bnni. IMuotton. krwChr battle l'ettween man sud nature; the SiIA o'eyNcem tCer Next meeting of titeMui Stiudy great snowslides roaring down lb. lie Sexueracaies, Leon Connis. Club wlll b. held Monday, Marcii il1mujunlains sud cîaiming Ibeir vic- Si. IB'-Caiuline Bromwn, Veina lu St. PauI's Lecture Boom at 8 p. ini. time; Ithe gold seekers figiiling brave- Woed'ward, Patricia Wilson. Conveners, Mis. A. W. Plokard sud Iy lunlt.e teelli cf the loy gale; yen Marionse H. Collacott, toacher. Mms. Wm .Adamis. Toplc-"East.4ea see them dylng cf disease, starva- Boom fl--Jr. I-Ivy Passant, musie. tien, cold, as lhe survivais pumib on, Chanice Aider ,Rutih Purdy, FqSloce The regalai meeting cf the. Home luied by tii. glitter of yellow moel Mattbew. sud School Club wiU ho held Iluthoin luthe creek beds lu the shadow a Sir. Pr.-Lou" oWilson, Orue Sut- Centrai Public Sahoal on Wednes- the Azeitl. ton Jean Bic., Tom Depew. day, Maxdh 131h, at 8 9. nm. sharp. 1%h e alding noies of tbis greet A'r Pr.-Kannetb Daivies, Caol Prograni iu charge of graup 5, Kra. filmn are played b Ranih Fahs Martyn, Clifford Blunt, Deibert Ne- 8.Morris, coayouer. R«r. J. U. Dolores Dol Rie, Z.,rqCareye Robins w:Îhl b. the speker. Dane and Tolly Iherixail. ' Ma~rturet E. MeGregor, teseher. ,h a- n. id- md -aI 9. u 7 a- n., al1 r.1 Idj y id, l ýp 8. YS A n MUSIC EXAM RESULTS At Tornto Conservatory of Music Pupils of Mir. H. D. Cesens w~ho were successful at tbe recent muaic exama: Elemenitary 'Pbeory-Helen Suxale, (qonors). Introductory Piano-Sidney IYil- lick, (honora). Introductory Piano-Francis DUi- lick, (honora). Pupils of Mr. Fiaucis Subtton M'ere successful in th. recent exauiiatons in 1heory of Music as folicws: Mam. Snmith Perguson-Intermaed- Hae armony <Honora); no e iqort- ed flo«n tbe pissions exam-Junior Counterpoint, (s CasHiouis); Miss Beruiece Gi]bank-Juor Harmony, (lst Glass Honora); Jun- ior History; net reported fSloni le promius exan-J4unior Ceunter- point, (Honora). Pupils cf Mms. J. Al'bert Cole, A. T.C.M., A.O.C.M., who were sucesa- fui in the recent MTeonto Ganser- vatory Musical Exs.minations are as flows, ail candidates àbeing suocsa- fui: Elementaey Theory-Evelyn Oke -First Glass Honora; Jean Wlht- Honora; Dorothy Edger-oomr Junior Piano--Ada Annis--Pasa. Elementary Piaum-Anna, Waiiaic ---Honora; Jean Herring-->ass. Introductory Piano-Marlon Crego -Honora. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL Recm, 1-Entrance Class-Puby Rbbs, Madsline Joues, Harold Vi mer, Leonsard Wilson, Sidney Dilick, Ruth Purdy, Mary Tbwns, Foxne Smitb, Dorotby Edgar, Ned Reihder, Frances Clarke, Bessie Gises, Jack Roach, Bill Phillips. 3. H. Joaston, teacher. Rooni 2-Fu-ti Glass-G-reta Pearce, Joyce Aider and Ohesher Jury, equal, Vers. Lonshrry, Ale Purdy, Byron Vaustone, George Gra- hani, Aileen Alder, Jean Herrning, Edith Morris. C. E. Bruatoz, teacher. Recen 3--Jr. IV-Elleen Hately, Jean Brough, Etuhel Hincbclifte, Hub- ert Hoope-, Mary Thompeon,' Bili Dun'op, Rébert Kent, Doris Taylor, Russel Oke, Ernest Hunt e p Couch,Jiihnston & Cryderman, Howmanvlll. PhODO 104 LIMlt.d l' - 1 1 tic#

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