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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1929, p. 2

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LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS young person of either sex wlho ne- GETTING THIE NEWS BY RADIOi $48,995,591 FOR LIQUOR M. G. . GOUL, BA.,LLD.1 glecta to devote considerable tinie to ___ M. G V. OUL, B.., L-D. Education is Our topic this week, 1 good reading misses one of life's How Radio W11l Tell The News (Bapo nsrit) Barrister, Solicitor, N3tary and shall consider the question oflimost helpful and ibeneficial oppor- When Announcers ReaIIy Get The (rmto osratr Money ta boan on Farm and Town scholarship, with special reference tunities. Knack.1 Regardless of opinions as to the Prýperty. Royal Bank Building, ta public sehool teachers. Every- bstm* * * Ie dqte i Bowmanville. Phone 351. body is more or less interested in How anany teachers who read this Radio fans will a4ppreciate the fol-1 promoting sobriety, f ew there are ,some phase of education, sa we are talk have seriously tried ta leave the lowirig, written by H. I. Phillips, in who will flot admit that such a suni W. R. STRIKE counting on a large audience. The impress of their personality on the Nw York Sun :-"Fo]ks of the is too great ta be expended in the Sticcessor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. pùpular definition of an educated their scholars? Well do we rerem- radia audience: The next vaice purchase of t.hat W.hich so often Harrister, Solicitor, Notary persan is "One wha knows soinethingý ber aur asat three teachers and they you hear 'will be that of Plimpton B. works great injury and soddont Solicitor for Bank of Montreal 'About everything and everythingi have ail gone to their reward, but we Poal1kie wha will give you a suminary proves beneficial ta users. 0f the Money ta Loan Phono 91 about something." We are alwayst knaw we owe them mucli for the in- of âirnportant neivs events. I-edies and nearly f ifty millions rece ived, $7,- Bowmanville. Ontario interested when we see that Dr. fluence for good that they exerted gentlemen: Mr. Poolkie". 019,944 went inta the treasury of W. . WRD B.A.Cody is ta talk for he is ane of Tor- and directed ta a very great extent "Good evening, folks. iThe first the Province of Ontario;$2,848,076 W. . WRD B.A.onto's brainy citizens and a pro- aur career. Opportunities are iany dispatch 1 have here cornes frcon for cosit of handling the busines Barrister, Solicitor, Notary n aunced educationist. noxv for young persans. Chillicothe, Ohio. [t says that four 'and $15.000,000 to, the Dominion Money ta baun. Bonds for sale.*** Every student of biagraphy wîll people were seriously injurcd, under Gavernment for excise, cuMtomr Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,i Dr. Cody is quated as saying 'An be stimulated by reading the life and the auspices af the Greait Eaternland sales taxes. Bawmanville, Ontario. Phones. educated persan is ane who is alive i works af influential educators sucliIPezlBnîg opn,'edr The surprLs;ing atatement is mnade Office 102; House 409. ta the mast things.' Our conception 1as Horace Mann, wha left the im- 'of fine,,.when a Buck sedan,interptofheLqr nri ____________of the value of life, more than any-l'press of lis personality upon every pany, America's ùirgest producer of Bordg the ontariaseBoard a profi thing else, determines the characterj pupil whom he taught. Owing to motor cars, crashed into atrolley car1 16 ns the O ni onrdaornef, l of aur work. Our philasophy af1 this fact, he is considered anc of the Iby arrangemient with the Paramount'16cetteDmnonGvrmn DENTAL lie should lie dynamic not static.1 most famaus educators this Cantin- 'CaËbonate< WterCorrtion. Theclct taxes ta the amaunt of 42 DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Some elements, of course, are not~ ent bas praduced. injured arc Leter Mooch, maker -of cents. For several years those op- subject ta alteration, but others i* **nxeldHaaala ias it.ipased ta the Ontaria Temperance Honr gadatein enistyToronto should bc in a state of whalesome Another celebrity*in educational onexCaredaa Cilio' lea d ias ing 1Act were frequently heard ta, de- Unîerit. rauat o te oyl1flux modified by contact with new circîca is Thomias Arnald, England's plunmber, whose precast pp clare, "Give us a sane law and it College of Dental Surgeons of On- ideas. We cannat inspire Others greatest achool master, who though known wherever good plumbing' s - will he observd.'" The catent ta tario. Office King St., Bowmanville.! unless we have access ta some founti dead for 85 years, or more, st'ill lives teemcd; Mrs. H Ida Gogn, ories- hc hspegela envaae Office phone 40. House phone 22. ognoii-vihti ldehsbe ilt X-IîyEqipen i Ofie. of inspiration. Ahl is comprised in by his influence on present day cdu - ator of the Goggins health wheat lis furnished by the statement that anc word, 'Study., Nane of us is cators. His power as a teacher wasi cakes ,and Luther Pratt, vice presi- uing he ya 11 emiswr DR. J. C. DEVITT 1to ad ta study whose brains are due ta his strang personalîty and tihe dent of Pratt, Mooney & Veeci, caneed. nt cndtin fe Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson , operating nor'ally.*I intense earnestness he gave to ife. whose Comfy Shnes are worn evei-y- Udrpeet cniin e Graduate of Royal Dental College, Weaevr1ofdn eaergi Dr. Arnold had a humble, profound -wNhere. [t was announced by Dr. persans, ccrtainly nat those en- Toronto. OffieoKingdSt. EstarBew- whe and religiaus conviction that work is Strickland Blitz founder of the' gaged in evcry-day occupations, macnill. Office Kngourst a. -.1ta ve say that every teacher the appainted calling of man upon Strickland Blitz Sanitariumn, that can affard ta buy liquor at the 6 D. m. daily oxcept Sunday. Phone should be a student, for we have earth, the end for which bis variaus they wOuld recover. rice dmndd Thug ten- 9~0. House phone 283. been through the milI of experience. faculties have been given, and the "The next item is from Carson newed actîvity of tempierancc or- X-Ray Equipment in Office. 1 In aur attcmpts -ta impart instruct- lement in which bis nature is des-j City, Nevada. It says: 'Jasper ganizations this is being impressed DR'.EDNIEL ion, haw can we inMpart a genuine tined ta dcvelop itseîf. This senti- 1Clinker, prominent business man, toalastnnc swithe esalIntoa DR. R E. INNIELL zest for learning if we do not pass- 1 ment was infuscd into bis pupils. was faund stabbed today in his many Iwhan enceisanin eappseagae Hanor graduate of Taranto Univer-1e s t ureles The atmpt tai It is as positive a fact in our times Smith & WiggînsBuiît bungalow., h euig ad cnuig o sity and member of Royal Colle g cof keep up a considerable intellectual as it was in those -bygone days. Work T he last ipersan seen with im, ac-th euig ad cnmn o Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta export trade without providing for and win is stili a good motta. 1 cording -ta the International Shellac liquor as smnart and manly. practise in Ontario and the Dominion. an equivalent importation must* I Corporation, makers of Everlastj Dentistry in aIl its branches. Office- necessarily result in intellectual Shellac, was a Miss Sadie Woank, it King St., Bowmanvilhe, oppoaite I bankruptcy. A writcr says truth-IThe tcachcr's profession was higli- was stated by the Federated Ani-' P BLI NO IC Bpànk of Montreal. Phione 301. f ully, the day we cesse ta lic system-' yetmtdi 1dtreta n mal Crarker Company, whase animal BLCN T E I atic students, we cease ta 'le effect- noa anc appreciated mare the great- crackers are eaten by ail fastidiaus IN pt R,ýt ANC I af the Provisions af EDCLive teachers. The influence of theness af bis chosen profession than cracker loyers. Police arc scouring the -Municipal Act,' being Il. S O .. 1927. MEDICALdid Dr. Arnold. On anc occasion the city under the auspices of the Chapter 233, Svction 486, NOTICE IS C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Tmaste mmis anfeucatieon tself.I le remarked: '[t is a mast touching Happiness Cigarette Gonïipany. Cgr r, ERtrtY i En th Towthip('aunca t- Graduate of Trinity Medical Col 'Pie eing fsti esnIs As tingta me ta receive a new pupil oner Peeliles issued a verdict of mur- wright will, at a meeting ta be hüld on eg, ifeentfrom that of the unscholar-thn SATL'RDAY the SIXTII day ai APRIL Tornt, frmrlyofEnnklen. ece, as is the toucli of a Raplisel. bm is father, when I think whatider tlirougli the Goldlierg & Scliultz! A. D. 1929, at 2,30 P. Nt. in the Tawn Office and Resi'lence, Dr. Beitl'i'aItace 'ha ian influence there is here for evil as Department Store, 'the Home of' ilalli n thte Village aif Blackstock, con- former residence on Churcli Street, f rom a mere coypist. Th cquis-, elasfrI 81f(1ol r-SopesMh ar' ier a By-iaw far the seýlling and co- Bomavile Pon 29. 44tition of scholarship impies b. -adth IwI sfrgo. fIcude hppr !i ae.vylng to GEORGE J1. SAVINAC, Firm- Bowmnvile. Pone 59. 4 tiperspective, the expansion of the in- ceive a new boy without emotion iti "Cos Gob: Arresta, on the author- er, of the Township of Cartwright, a par- J. CLARK BELL i tellectual harison, poise of judgment, were timeI gave up teaching'. How ity of Mayor Zwaok, a meuiber of cet oai lanemar part f cnu?pî>Ce M.O., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P».H. 1whichi in the realm of thouglit en mucli truth is -in that statement! Do the board -of directors of the Fifth ribed as alow s, thoe art itarya de- (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) aliles anc ta form opinions. we realize the potential talent in Ntoa akadTutCmay L N IGLRta eti every littie child admitted ta aIIr whose afficiais are now -naking a big parcel or tract ai iand andl premises, flons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j schocls and whicli waits for us ta give crusade for mo:1re Christinais Club de- SITITATE, LYING ANI) PEING la thc deen University; Fellow of the Royal, The enterprising, enthusiastic and the first itnpetus ta development? Dr pasîtors, are promised witiîin tDny- TorhlpainCrwl.l the o ntyo College of Surgeons, Edinburgh., real teaoher realizes that lis educa-î Arnold humanized rather than revol- Ifaour haurs in the mvstery slayi'ng of afbi urhampoise fpartio toi Ontarlo Offie ad Reidece, uee St. tin isnevr copleed. Untoucli- utionized methods of instruction and Miss DolOres (11Bnbe') Czolovitch, so- in rcampd a par ,tw ai Uic onces- Bowznanville, Phone 89. 'cd knowhcdge surrounds us every- discipline. 1 ciety girl and heiress, wlio was found sians ELEVEN and TWELVE and op- F~ve whn w hae dnc * ded inlie aiartentove on of posite Lot Numiter Twenty-three In Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 ta 8.30 p. m. where. Ee hnw aedn da nbraprmn vroeO the sai Township and more particu- ~. . IRK, .D. j ur best, we have but picked up a The secret of his power was in his1 the brincli stores of the Quality larly ail that partion ai sald rond a- W. H BIKS, .D.few pebbles on the share. Occans I strong and magnetic personaity I Waolen Underwear Crporation o'f iawancc nat naw covered by the waters I , , f Lake Scugog and iorming part ai Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. unexphared lie before us. If we which le in-epressed upon every phase 1 America, makers -of quality woolen an isiand therein and býing marc par- Telephone 108.I have goOd common sense we shal' of school activity, bis blameless bf e underwear. Jt-gives-your-skin-that ticularly known and deseribed as fi- Office and Reidence: Dr. Hazlewood'sj nover liccome afflicted with intellect- which wsas a constant sermon ta his healthy-girlish-glow-*, nighit before Southeriy limit af sald Lot Number former residence, Wellington Street,j ual pride. Indeed, canceit of know- pupils, bis high ideals and his i'mplic- last. Miss Czolovitcli is kno'wn ta Twenty-thre~e in thc Twpifth C'onces- Bowmanville. jlcdge is ta lie faund only in those it confidence in every boy. Mcme have b.een in the company of a tlisidre tanety one tosn hreh DR .H TRYwlio have hlalf-learned a few ele- inltlectual acutenes without good- man and a short n i ust bef are the dranigtynglesiterLyfotNmbter DR.V.H. TOEYmentary truths. A wise man lias ncss lie did not esteeni. How niany tragedy, it is annaunced by the New Twenty-thre. titence Wcsterly aiong Office haurs 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 p. mi. said that we must aliways remeimber Tom Browns have been given ta thle England Riublier BodtConipany, InCsaid limit three itundred andl thlrty- Afte 8 . m, b apoinmen ony.1tha anflve icet mare or Pass ta te Weaqterly Af'er8 p m, y apanmet nl. tataneducation is not for aur own world liy sucli splendid makers of iwhiose rublier boots protect the feet, share ai sald Island, thence South 10 Saturday nce ilit. pe 9taggan .etbt that it is a ta-Ilne sDr rod ward aoff elds, increase blood cir- Westprly along sai sitr' seventy Exception-Ofice wuhtbeapn 6tf mernizeens bucu.tioAdnmprleh , et marc or iess to thc Souuheri>' lim- ent ta lie uscd unselfishly, patiently, This picture of the suceessful i uainand mpo e evoîo" It ai said road aliowance, thence Erast- DR. R. W. CLARKC Iunceasingily for the benefit of aurlteaclier may perliaips diacourage'__and____ ri'antite said imr it s threinred Physicien & surgeon i fellow man. We wander lio'w mary1 present day teachers and seeni'1i1- Easteri>' shore ai said iqland. t1itnce Offie-Division St., Bowmanville.I of aur educated readers ever con-, passible of attainnient. It may aI- CO-OIIVA VÉ PACKINC. PLANT No.rth Eastcrly along sald shore seven- (next te. Trinity United Churcl) i) ed h philantroic uy as;,5 appear paradoxical ta 55y, yet it glnning. Office Hours-3 ta 5 and 7 te 9 p. m.i. mposed uipon tihem? lis a fact conflrmed by reason and by Based on Danish System Advocated ,xiLr persans lnteresteîî, or whase lands &uivdays by appointment only. * Divine autliority, that it is only by by Hon. John S. Martin may or might ho prejiidirially afficer Poe2 striving for thec impossible that we ______hv tite passlnz af sucit prnosed Py-law. We d no exectto fnd ny if-aýpre rculred ta attend at tite Raid Meet- Phoe 2 Wedonotexpct a lndan dî- btain a full measure of what 15 Po&ý In commenting on the Co-apera- Ing. whpn th,-y willI Aheieard la Persan 4-1ference of opinion on tliqs statement, 1ible. Aim high and deterimined- tive Park Packing Plant ta lie start- or hy rouns", or sallifor witit rcicrcncc DR. D. M. CAMPBELL for it is a mast essenrtial qualiflca- 1 ly strive to attain is stili a capital cd in Barrie under umanagement of thoreto. upon ptittanînLintan g heard. DATED this NINTH day ai FEBRU- 191 Oakwood Ave., Toronto tion in every educated nman orj motta. Thomas Olsen of Bowmnanville, tlie ARY A. D. 1929. KAR. NOSE AND THROAT %.a: EeyIecirsaudles______Aliston Herald makes this interest- WM. BEACOCK. moel of gaod English. Thle pres ing comment: MunicipalC(lerk. Firt ndThî~ Studas p m Iad he public arraign th cOU r Mrs. M. E. Hutchinson ofgva 7-4 Townshtip oi Cartwright. Bowman Hous- BowmanvilIe. 2-tf o hirfiuetapoueefetv as a lien of White Leghiorn breedj A muat intereting experiment is_________________ DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS .Spoken- and written Englisli. Wlien that laid an egg this wek leaatring The hysiiansof 1coloquial English fibecames corrupt,j 61/4 in. in circumference and 7 % in. The hyscian afB'awmanvîlhe the infection will soon spread ta the round lengtlwise. hâve agreed te close their offices Ilanguage as a whole. The teale Wedneaday afternoons. In case0f! owes it ta -himiself or herself, ta the' emergency at this time enquire of pupils, ta Society and ta the profes- the liospital or telephone operator lion ta make comimand of tlie mother f«r a dector. tangue has nearly perfect as is pas- _______ Fveforgotten - Infe mertimes-in ipioncer ['ve -many a student -had a liard figt I ever had any nerves CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS ta overcome the dialect and plebeîan THEROPY language of bhis parents wlia came 1 DURWIN E. STECKLEY from the Old Land witli scarcely anyi haonor graduate of Tarante Calg education. Thle writer can speaki of Chiropractie will be in the gjw from hisoneprncints par-j manville Office Tuesday, Thiursday' ticular. *1 and Saturday evenings, phone 141J,1. pai nshoasi ed s Residential calîs made during fore-, mlaî nshoasî cd s nooni. i aturalîy ta anc of the great sourcei; ______ Iof education-rcadýing. It lias often not readers. As a resuht tliey are FUNERAL DIRECTORS intellectually indolent and their ef-1 Your doctor ssill tell you how the fectiveness is seriously diminished. 1 act of chewing relaxes and soothes FF. MORRIS CO. If we teacli out of a full mind kep tsrained nerves, and liow the health- Complete Motor or fresb with the living sources of"i fui cleansing action of Wrgley's Hore Equipment. knowledgc and inspiration, aur! erse n tnsyuu l attended ta. 'and vitality says a successful teach-irud sd1eto 10 mand 34.pone achievement ta -he a really good elo- Branci Stores- 1 cutionist. W EZ1G LIE S Orano & Newcastle. I***I t Again we must appeal to every after i 1 teacher on this subject for a teacher ever7 ALAN M. WILLIAMS wlio is nat a reader is in a state of -ma Embalmer and FuneraI Director. i mental deterioration, and it is ut- Calîs given prompt and personal at- terly impassible for sueli a anc ta lie! tention. No extra charge for dia- entbusiastic or inspirational, for lie_________________ tance. Mtî Ambulance at your is lacking in general culture. Keepi service. l'hone .'i59 or 159, Bow- up professional reading that you mayl manît- ~'t.3tf. lie in toucli with the ihest metliods used by your fellow workers. A have for pedagogical literature is the lest guarantee of lasting usefulnessa AUCTIONEERS IThc teacher is the scliool and wliat- THEO M. SLEMON ever refrealies, quiekens, inspires Pin-I l73.Auctioneer the teaclier must stimulate the Terrn.i niaIt-este. Enniskillen P. forlig nt rut and becaming fas-jef LICENSED AUCTIONEER forhwith fo th beef'oftho WM. MAW, Licensed Auctioneer, * ** 11*;5eO5'O1 21 y i.' oxpertç-ncp, trustworthy, A very wiSe iman and educatur e.eicO.s5î$ favou tii-,- knwn faie doaling, and 1 )r. Arnold and he laid it down t ox c(V 0 ne favot-, in tii- il ring. AIl a,î:îa-myim that a teaclier who doesi t' kinds )f sales talon (in ihQrt notice, t i')ý constant and judiciaus read- CP for 'omris and <aies appîIy ta J. D. ing. kee.p bhs mental aîimour briglit Hogart.h, Clerk. 11-ittpton, or phone (-,:t not lit succegsful. A stagnant ol Wm. Ontario. mind neyer stirs latent faculties. Wm. ~ ~ ~ 41 Ma,2, Whtî A. w- lmmht we expe: tan engine s- -- - ---- -- - 10 ork wxitbotît fuel or an automo- ble thotaoperate w't:ihut gasoline as VETERINARY to expect s;uccasa ýfl-om a teachber ithout profe.s-stonah reading. Ho E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. must know more than the more text Orono biook fact-, or has lesqons will lie stiff ffonor Graduate of University off and formaI. Someone lias satd that Toronto. AIl cases given prompt' the mental lassitude of many of the &ad effltul attention. Offie- Dr.' present generation is due largeîy ta getr afarmner office. Phones-.I the negleet af good reading whichl Clre3921; Orono 18-1 demanda mental oxertioti. IC PRESTON, ONT. r&ntuemi Torontoi Simcoe, Peel and Dufferin caunties liy the farmers wlio ibave came ta the conclusion that they can olbtain for tlieir own purses same of the $6 spread at presenit existing between producer and -wholestale meat dealer. A packing plant is ta ie established at Barrie and it would ppear tliat it is ta be operated on exactly the same lines as were outlined by Hi. J. S. Martin in the opera hall]he= a couple of years aga. Mr. Martini was profuse in iis complimenta taoi the Danes on the way tbey produced and markelted their park and the rinister of agriculture will doulit- lesas watch the Simcoe co-operative effort ýwith admiration and sympathy. Farmners wlio will thus take the -.:l by the ihorns" are wortby of admir- ation. Their venture involves a sccre af prohlemis apart f roqn that oýf con-1 ducting business in competition withl the packing bouses, of the continent. j Expeirt salesmanship wihl li e nces- sary and ths business will leadeb veloping g-round for those interested, as well as a perfecting grîound for saine sbrewd farmer wh1h a natural lent for salesmanshup. Industrial problc-ms ,vill con front tihe busine.-ss the saine as they do every other hu-i- ne-,;-, but farmers caurageouis enougliI to take their hog marketing probleum into their oîwn hands may lie trusted ta uc-sul co-pe ritb the-sedif- ficultie..-t. Prodbab)ly the most out- standing feature of the entrrie iL' the dec-ntralizaltion of indu7try in- VOlved1. Years ago IThere wero pack-1 îng bouses alI over the- province, 1 ncarly aIl of ý-whicli have dis;appeared. Succe-tsfuh competition ith the establishedl packers will undaulitedly stimula-e like action in other centres and it i.; not twitliout the range of pomssilities that eventually groups of farmers aIl over the province, and. in otiher proivince-s, will own and oyp- t t-rat- co-operative packing plants.1I A bigh standard of quality wiIl more' than atîsthing ehse ensure suc-cess.1 Our doulits are traitors, and make us 1jase the good we oft miglit win, by fcaring ta, attempt.--Sbakesg- peare. Peterîiiîrough Gity and Giunty Old Home Wt-ek, June 29 ta July 7, next, t-; it.s fiest real Home -Coming tihati ha-t botn attemptcd. Invitations t4)i attendl are being issued ta al isaveI Incan or can lie ascertained, witli pruipcr mailing addrecss. Over 4000 bave heen sent out already. It la bcing arranged that the occasion shlh be mast Iavishly celebrated, tlie whlob wee'k being gîven up ta a pro- gramme of large interest. If inter- e.-tedi send for an invitation and de- scriptive matter. AIl Old Boys an.d Girls who were of Peterborough are asked to ocmmiuniate with F. H. Daîhin, City Hall, Peterborouagh. J The Personal Element in Banking Affairs Between the curtness and cohdness of printed bank f arma and the human element for whose use tliey are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker ta give valualile persanal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its 'staff, is anxious ta use any opportunity that arises ta demon- strate ita value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewilîlibe glad ta give intimate counsel upan money matters pertaillitg ta your bus- iness lTE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE -M.E C :TANDARD BANK 0F CANADA I M.Sc of The Royal Master Not one Royal Master in a ihousand ew ieve. pfncture. Not one in fit-e ihousonid vill Slow oui «nder I.e yars of service. Acy MAJHSTIC o e b bcW en emaniemL ( 1) Thc Ne. MAJESTIC AUl Blectric Radia is thc malt î)owerful sevra tube set ever built -... . It will brîng the mîusic af the fint orchestras inta your home exactly as played, rcgardless of distance. (2) Ttc New MAJESTIC .411 Electric Radio repro- duces tte human voice with a fidelity heretof are consid- crcd impossible . . . . It wiIl bring into your home ttc world eveals as liroadcast, exactly as though vou were directly ia front of the speaker. ( 3) The New MAJESTIC AU Eleciric Radio lias a perfectly ataunding range. . . . With it you can hit a distant station as easily as you tune in thase aear by, indeed MAJESTIC reception from distant points wilI astonist your by ils clearnes-ircedoin from distortions. ( 4) Ttc Nes MAJESTIC AUl Bledtric Radia tas s tone never before appraacted by any Radio Receiving Set . . With it yau will g-t ttc tighest or Iowest vocal, orchesutral or pianistic notes frec iromn distortion. ( 5) Business- Politics- Religion - Perfect daily con- tact with ail Ilire. are vours with Ttc MAJESTIC ....- Like a modern, up-to-ttc-minute eaeyclopethia, Ttc MAJESTIC, with its nalion-wide reacb, wiII kecp you informcd of everything which ia goiiig on in tte worid. D OMINION Tire Depor wn ers are masters of the science of tire care. They are trained righr in the Dominion Tire Factory. They know how a tire is mnade- every inch of it. They are kept in touch with the newest methods and devices in tire repairing. The best workmanship is always the most economical. Have a Dominion Tire Depot expert give your tires a horough înspection-now. You are neyer far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BO M NV L E ................... -.. Jam ieson & J m e o AIRY NAJSM C6.6 oue $24.8.25 COMPLETEI (With 7 Tubes) (6) Thc Ne.. MAJESTIC AUl Electric Radia busa batteries, acids or other troublesome accessaries . . Just swing the single contralling dial and The MAJESTIC wili bring in what you want-witb life-like fldelity. (7) The New MAJESTIC AU11 F4ctric Radio is always ready ta give you exactly what you want ..-.. Sixnply plug in an any light socket, flip the switch, and'lb. MAJESTIC will snap into action. (8) Thl, New MAJESTIC .411 Fdectric Radio is the mast sensitive receiving set ever hut -.... With it you neyer have tô strain yaur ears ta catch even the fainteat, softest tones. ( 9) nfli New MAJFSTIC AU Electnic Radio meets evrry condition of broadcasting with a flexibility whicb us positively astonisbing .-.-.-. . When sound production varies from the thin notes af a referee's whistle ta the roar af thousads af people within a few seconda' tixne -MAJESTIC meets that test. ( 10) The New MAJESTIC is not an assembled set ... . EvMcrPcCC part and parcel is built un Uic six great MAJESTIC plants, devoted ta perfection in the produc- tion of ane thing-MAJESTIC Radios. Corne and see and hear The MAJESTIC-Today A. L DARCH King Stret Bowamnville j 4 THE CANADIAN STATES.MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th., 1929 PAGE TWO

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