THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TUSAMRH7h,12 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. f clLxv ' -xesta thank Mrs. Smythe. Superintendent, and the nurses mu 1z Ilospial, also hernimy ennds ani ne:ghbors for kindnisz. fruit ani fl,,w;er., receivcd while un<Irgoing her aperation. 10* MOTHER 0F. TWINSHELPEO Restoed te Health by Taking LydiaEPbikham'8 Vege- tabk Compound MlcdOnt-"! had little twin babesan orqut a whiIe after 1 wua betogaetupain legs ado the work. av and I arn nd ot wr witout VegeableCampud ompnond, and moau.I lb. IbroL Sugeablp.kea ami amoand ~ do. deua mdmooheal. haved dos.. lu aen thtiulbouales trouble and a=rmsegh an W. Kt. lue y Lmithi.e Véetbi Cmpund tSL. Toe A-f Ulmaa a d" isoeap p-Il 75e AND 40c Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, the well knowu Littérateur of Ottawa, cailed the Wan- dering Yankee, sinx an unsolicited testimonial for ZU0O Tabiets : "Zutoo Tablets stop my hend- aches so completely that 1 do not mind havir.g them any more."t No need for any ane to suffer frorn head ache if they do as Mr. Gard dosa and take Zutoo IPILES?I Can only be removerd 1w cimnatîrîg the i ntern.lIcause. NATURES PILE REMEDY i, a harmiess herbai treatment thar. for oyer itwcUnty years h nýi n uceessfulîy endirig every frm Of Piles. even aler other reemedies liad fa ed. At ail good druggists. NATU RE'S PILE REMEDY -6 None genuine sithout name A. W. Merrili JURY & LOVELL, Ilowmanvilie A. E. MELLOW, Ph. 3313, Newcatie A Safe old Herbai Remedy for Sick Kidneys Rich in those hecling herba Indians used Peoplc so cri ppiîdI lj1- as l iev cauldu,àt li. taki n(I :'g',r f Kidriey Rvzn-iv ud get la wonde(rfiilIv iîir andlc. uct kidnev..(omes r6ht froin tiI lv ..-t of Nai ur,. 'Ihroibisug Isiah dizzy sîyý1 , rieCi- rUtrC pý1mamin ud Il li ts arcealPIly cauti Aby inflrr K:1;ý (hdiagher's herbs svnu1 ,il u:m 114 50-year-ald 1Herbai Hlou,ebold Reinc ies. Sold now by 3 JURY & LOVEL, Bowuauvil. Cook's Regulating Compound A4 'aie. eliable reuLait'as ,nedaeîne. 8.,Id in ý!i»eq of str,gth-No. 1, si; .0. 2. 83; N.. i' ., ,,pr box s old iby ail dratgijts. r a.D VC raid on reecipi t ir repamphlet. A ddrs TH4E COOK< MEDICINE Ca.. Ë ODS PHOSPHODINEe liJ. es and r;orates the whoe %ir..î Ytern mrakes new Blood i aid V.ins. Lla..d for Nerseus t iVfiiity. Mental and Brain Wonry t,%s-n dgnaVa 1,'îa of Energv, Palpitation li/ the ll-t. Fai:iný' rmor,,. Irice$2peebox3ýw lor f5 '.,.îld iîY~l druggisa.or mailed in plain -n~~ frorbt 'of 'e eNew. p"mptxlt matd u rt. jet~ riCINE CO..IGIONTOCuy. ORONO ROMANCE 0F THE CHIMNEY TE _________________________ON__ THE__ROOF_ (From The News of February 28).__1 * Mrs. Fred Blackbu.rn visited her There's a liütle irey stone cottage B' *sister la Toronto recentîy . Ai a garden fillet w ith iris; r Th cre's a stone xall tuns bidr'ait Mrs. T. H. Powers and Helen IKeeping strangers quite aloof, rel spent a few days in the city recently.1 There's a tree grows by the window-,- mo Misses Ettie and Ethel Winterjla the sumanier time haif bides it e and Mr. William Irwn, Toronto, vis-I And the boughs like arins are twin- o iteti at Mr. I. Winters', Sunday week. ing Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beal have i Round ithe cbimney on the roof. 60 moved ta Oshawa where Lawrence xa h ht er 39.e, ov t employed with the General Motors. Oh,'ti t's senrod e swa1nlobraches Mr. Stanley Bruton, clerk at the That dling witb soft caressings I ti.' drug store, attended the Rexali Con- Round tbe cbimney on the roof; am vention in Toronto on Monday and nite inytî nisaey Ct Tuesday, lSth and l9th. i Seems unheeding of ber blessings Al Mrs. Atiolph Henry returneti iast1 Yet 1 know sbe loves the treetop 1 week from Bowmanville where she, For I watcet-anti 1 bave proof. o bas been assisting in nursing her fat- m ber, General John Hughes. 1 have geen bher in the sunligbt of The services at Centre St. Church Flusb ta crimson and then darken, Wh] on Sunday morning îast were assist- As ber breatb xent softly upward the ed by a quartet: Messrs. Reg. Sitton, Yet she held herseif aloof; Wm. itchll, yva Rei andColBut tbe dear oId tree waulti harken in. tl, WrneReidthreeCol- As she wao'd him witb ber caliing in aylr iho endredthre fne Till be'd folti his armas in longing ian numbers.1 Round the chimney on the roof. me The first game of the second -ser -Laura Bedell. Gai les of aur Big 4 Hockey League took ' place here Friday last and resulted 1 as follows: Orono 5, St. George's, BLACKSTOCK er, Oshawa 2; BoWanvi1le 4, Orono G. Ri. t M. C. 3. Rev. P. G. Powell matie a business ber An Oil Without Al-hl~Svme trip ta Toronito recently. o ils and many medicines bave alcohol Purple Hill sehool is closed oiwing ita as a proninent ingredient. A judi- ta an epitierni of scarlet fever. clous mingliag of six essential ailla Mrs. Robert Spinks is quite ill compose Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, again anti is receiving medical at Kir and tbere is no alcohol la it, so that tention. -Iohi its effects are lasting. Mr. Jeffrey Chapman of Toronto, Ionl Mr. anti Mrs. H. G. MacDonald wsarcn us fRv n .the -motored ta Toronto Sunday week Pa.arecGt.uPow e v.lndM. jBa] with Mr. O. W. Rolph, anti spent tbe J ba it er daughter, Mrs. O. W. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mra. Rolph who was taken sudtienly ill Mereditb Thonzpson, on the birtb ofse while -visiting in the city. She was their baby boy. ROI taken ta St. John's Hospital anti un- tA very pleasant evening was sipent C. derwent an operation from which sh e at t he home of Mr. anti Mrs. AIf. Foi bhas mnade rapiti recovery. Henry iast 'week. the Mr. W. E. Davey was in D)etroit Mr. anti Mr. Stanford Swain vis- byt with a party from Oshawa, guests of iteti their daughter, ýMrs. (Rev.) the General of Canada, wbile Milton Sanderson, at Bireh CliII. 1 on a visit ta the G. M testing groundsti Jh eshs T mndlaxil near Flint, Micb. The party left 1hmes. ohntawaByer sithas ren la it Toronto by private car andi weretian eltatasaiaftrvisteind fri ds127, given tbe finest possible entertain- ý - eltvsi1orvllg ni iî-14. Iment. At Windsor, Mr. Davey call- 1 . r m1 eti on Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Lawrie anti Mr. Harry VanCamp hati the mis- I. son Harry1 fortune ta cut bis foot with an axe, of ThtPoo Ma's rieti- u pI while working in the woods last 1i in smail bottles that are eaiy part- week. able anti solti for a very smal sum, it Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou passesses A nuiner f rom hiere attendeti Mr.1 power in concentraseti forsn. Ias Coulter's sale at Pot Perry, ant id ii 1 cheapness anti the varieti cases toi a gooti share of the buying, eviden- the which it can be put make it the poort ced by the number of truck loada or man's frienti. No dealer's stock is i which Mr. Osmondi Wright bas been ari complete witbout it. bringing aver. is Mr. ant i rs. James G. Tamblyn ACv entextaineti their neighliors anti A ery succesaful euchre anti 1 frientis of Carke Union section ta dance was heiti in the Town Hll, fa, supper on Friday evening Iast on the Fritiay, Februa.ry 22, untier the aus- b occaion of the thirty-sixth anniver- pices of the Atîhletic Association. sio sary of their wedding day. A very The prizes were wan by Mrs. Creigb- tuj enjayable time was spent in music ton Devitt andi Mr. Haroldi McQuade. ma anti gamnes. Biefore the party broke Dance nmusic was f urnisheti by MT.- up, ail joineti banda in singing "For anti Mrs. Frank Malcolm, Miss They Are Jolly Goot Fellows". Weatherilt, Mr. Luther Mountjoy A letter receiveti by Mr. J. Afeidanti Miss Mountjoy. on Fritiay, February 22, from bLon- The annual vestry meeting of St. don, Englanti, containeti the sati John's Church showeti the following 'news of tbe deatb of his Tother 1 receipts for the year: Wornan's Aux- wh&m he saw for the last time, sonej iliary $544.58; A.Y.P.A. $251.69; five years ago when over on a vist. Suntiay School $55.03; Ce'metery iDeceaseti was in ber 87th year. Sur-, Funti $293.60; Church lundi viving are a family of fise-: onej $2045.57; Little IHelpers ;6.21. The daughter anti four sons: William,, electian of officers resulted as fol- 1 Charles, Alfred, bondon, Eng., anti 1 lows: Church Wardens-Messrs. R. John Atfielt, Orono. 1 Hamilton anti Fred 'Bailey; Treasur- j Congratulations-,ta Miss Gladysi er-Mrs. S. Jeff rey; Secretary-Mr. Cobhletiick on ber brilliant success at Howard Bailey. 1 the mid-winter Tbeory examinaltions TeW .S fteUieiCuc of the Toronto Conservatory of TeW .S 1teUie hrh 'Music. In Junior History she matie1lielti a social evening on Tuesday,1 98 par cent, anti in Primary Rudii-j February 19th, in tbe hasement of ments 79 per cent. This standing Itht church in honour of the young places ber in tbe very front rank ofj people who toak part in the play en- successful candidates. MiSs C nb-i titieti "The Path Across the Hils",l bledick is a pupil of Mrs. (Dr.) Col-t for those wbo put an the Christ- ville, Orono. mas play "The Country Minister".) Miler' Wom Pwdes testoyThe pro«ram was in charge of the Millr'sWor PowersdesroyPresident, Mms. Frank Stinson, anti .woaris without any inconvenience ta the chilti, anti soe etectually that lhy1was g'ven by Mrs. Eari Dorreil, pass from the body unperceivedjI Misses M. Swain, Olive VanCamp, Tbey tborougbly cleanse thbe stomach Grace Mountjoy, Olive Beacock Mrs anti bo'wels anti leave them in a con- J. Job b, Mrs. E. Larmer, M'rs. Clar: P dition nat favorable ta -Worms, antid ence Marlow. There were alsia a - there xiii be no revival of the pesta.1 numbe r of contests. A very enjoy- ik-1 iMr. anti Mrs. Peter Davie anti able time is reporteti by ail. sons, Angus anti Artbur, wbo spent T-be February meeting of tbe W.1 the winter witb friends here anti at A. of St. John's Cburch was helti at B-owmanville returneti last week ta ho oeofMs on1oteo tbeir home at Youngstown, Alberta. ilTbursday evening of iast week, with Mr. Davie is a neihew of the late l a splendid attendance of miembersI Captain Staîker, anti was bora 'T'lant i vsîtors. The meeting openeti tbe Staiker miii residence, nortb afi with tievotional exercises conducteti tbe town. He went west twenty by the Pesident, Mrs. Powell, anti the years ago anti is now onw of the Ibible reading by Mrs. Miles. Severai prosperous Alberta farmers, bavngi interesting items from tbe monthly neariy 1000 acres of land. Mrs-I budget sent out from tbe W. A -Davie is a tiaugbter of tbe laite W.lH ouse in Toronto, were reati by i, J. Coulter, Pontypool. 1 diff erent members. 1.100 xere vat- Rev. Wm. Sterling supplilei atleti to the Cburcb Wardens anti fur - Newtonviiie Unitedi Cburcb oýn Sun- tber arrangements made towards thet day morning iast, the Pastor, ev.haie being sent ta th? rctie ia the i , T. Wallace, being on the SICK lljSt,,Spring. Mrs. R. Maho:ti, social ser-I anti Mrs. Sterling took the morntng i vice secretary, reparteti fruit anti Ke1'g's A-hm i'înedy basneyerj ablets oir piixx'er. This "'nsan l",< beeou tdvei'ti'-'l v exraagn t neutraiiz(5 excess acitiin 'the o-li statenients,. lt.s dcaim. iare danser- acb, prî'vents is formation %,,(l ý;i for vatix'e intiecti, wben juîige< I lv the mstops .; titnacb trouble at its slturcc. tht I b<nefits w'hich it perfirmi.. E xipect 1jIt tends ai.soti soothe, beai anti pro- real relief anti ipermanent bî'ne-fius tocS the stomacb lining. Meais theix wben yau buy this reme<iy anti yuu digest easily, naturaily anti witbout xill nat bave cause for disappoint- pain, isatrness or gas attacks. Your ment. It givei permanent relief in, cwn knows about Bisuratoti many caes wbere other sa calloti Magnesia anti seils a lot of it. Ask I remedies bave utterly faileti. bim about it t.oday. 7HE HOUSE 0F COMMONS ¶ RELIGIOUSLY ly Charles Lynch in Ottawa Journal Roman Catbolics form t h£, ar-eStt eligious group in the House of oin- ns at Ottawa. nuxnbcrinig 77 m-r >out 30 per cent of the t'otUl meIl- ýrship of the Hlous;e. A; eu ,the Unitedi Church corme nem. wîtlî 0, while Presbyterians flILw xx ith! ýAnglican menibers of lFarlîamenti imber 41. There nine lisp-1 its, tw-o Unitarians, thrcc I.u:ncir- is, five Methodists. 1wx, s :ngregatianalýý*;e. 0one (reck (,iî lie, one Christian andi M;issionary1 lliance.1 Miss Agnes Maepbail, the loneý roman member of Parliament, is a' iember ýof the Reorganized Churchý f1Ltter Day Saints t %Ihieh is sornie 7at akin to the Mormon Church in e United States. The Two Leaders The Prime Minister is a Preslbyter- in, while Hon. R. B. Bennett is i iember of the United Cnurch tnada. Befo)re Church Uijaon x ras a Raobert Gardiner, the U.F. A. leati- rai a Presbyterian. Incidentally, '.Hon. Arthur Meighen is a tnen- er of the United Cburch. The form- rConservative chieftain is reporteti be putting on weight. The cCabinet Seven of the 18 memnbers of the ing Government are Roman Cath- ies. Ilion. Charles Stewar-t is the nly Anglican, and Han. W. D. Euler e only Lintheran. There are thre ' Lpti3gts in Hon. J. L. Ralston, Hon. H. King, and Hon. J. C. Efliott. The United Church is we]] repre-1 ýnted in the Cabinet by Hon. J. A.; î.bb, Hon, W. R. Mýothe'ri#ell, Hon. ýA. Dunning, and Hon. Robert orke. lion. James; Malcolm and ie Prime iMini-s;ter are tli-e nnly Pres. yterians. Iu the Senate Roman Çatholics alsýo form the Lrgest group in the Upper HOtise th 37. Anglicans are next wlith 7followed by Pre-hyterians with There are nine Senators who arei ienibers of the United Church, threel fthe 'Baptist Cburch, seven of the I fethodist Ghurch, one Christian cientist, andi one Co ngregatiana]- Lawyera Biggest Group Lawyers from the largest group in e House of Commons witb no few- Sthan 58, Whv~ile there are eîght not- ries publie. The majorýity of thel isciples tof Blackstone sit on thl inservative sie of the House. The next larrgest group are the; .rmers with 51. They are followe ty members of the medical rof ion, who numnber 24, followed in1 urn by 24 merchant M.P.'s. andi 12 anufacturers. THE BEST THAT GROW New,. Catalog Now Ready WM1 RENNIE Cg LIMITED TORON TO ALSO MONTREAL, VANýCOUVZR Poultry Wanted 1 qwj À 77___ Ml1 VonènoeCnau EDWARDSBIJRG ~RWBAndCONSRF OUR favorite Recipe. that simple, casty RENSON'S GOLDEN SYRIJP .th at your family enjoys and your friends pi ire the purest an otdelk0 dicousmabewrh on. btalnabie. Beides bine pertect u cwrhmny table Syrupa they arie c sweet- Iii syu nnem .nu tnn or tenerai baking and cook. Heei orcac o f(d out. TeCrd t nd rr,? re fudllaoe exceifru Company wil buy practical, easily prepared and dish :rch din- expensive Recipes -- Prearaory to bringing out our ncw Recipe Book, we wIl Pay $5.oo each for the fifcy Recipes received (rom Canadian house-wives, and $300 each for the next besc ifty. Ail Recipe musc bc mailed on or before May îsti 192.9. Thse only conditions arc: The ingredients of your Recipes Must in- cf ude onse or mort of the Famos Canada Starch Products. Al measurernents mtut bc level. Use ordinary measuring cups and .spoons. Besides the ingredients. give a clear outline ofrbe method of mixing and cooking. Sent in Recipes lot Demsrms Cooked Dîshes. Pastrnes, Salats, Candy. etc Reapes wiII bc juge andt ested by well known Canatian littansa In case of duplicaton of ckc Reapes finilly slected by the Judges, those rectived carliest wil k given preference. Ail Recapca submittet kcome the praperty of the Canada Scarch Comnpany ant may bk uset es desired by cem. and wiil not kc retumnet. '- -e AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER Editer'a Note.--Our readers have 7 missed the inspiring, hurman intereet letes renAuQ U I cKs eratl pen so far this year. As the result about ber home unaided by a cane, although she says, in a letter to the editor, "I do not trust myseif ut-of- doors without one". We are sure Q U A&KER ber first letter for 1929 ta The States- man will be read with keen zest and have mariy sympathetic respones ini* thehomes hve e i sred s theul hme ,her it s radA Ts i 1 >fy Dear Niece:-1 am grateful ta Pay highest cash price. Iy ou for writiag ta me so frequently 1 tiuring my illnesa, anti, although I Don't seil tii] you sa" me. have not been able ta reply ta you promptly, I have thught very mucb I. Ste i nabout you. 1. SteinYour budget of letters 1 will take Phone. 81 Whitby in rotation. But flrst I must tel] Iyou how gooti it la to re-ceive letters - uMMj from distant frientis when one is not 1 MU equai to the task of everyday busi- nswork or pleasure. How few peoiple realize the value A a y e !faletter! The effort ta write, anti at a hitnstm-btteei long year between, no matter havi quickiy time flies. tThere are many depressing tiays, ni any loneiy hearts, anti many wbut cannt finti jny in life all tbrough the year, when a few wnrtis from el<i frientis brin« solace anti give tbem a fresh holti a new grip anti make life seem more warth the living. There aie niany, tan, tvba rarely "'reati books, or papers, but wbo woulti "" jmt put a friend's letter aside un teati so bigbly is it valueti. 1 weillicnow that ta same people ]('sser-xvriting is a bore--a task to be avoitiet or negiecteti aitogether- the effort tbey make to w-rite a lette- cau;ss aIl their kinti cheerin'! thoughts to vanish; sn their letters are colti, their phrases abrupt andi When duli. #OMTC Even the tboughs sealeti in the en- C iiiui iivel~p with a tinal tbang of relief i Q ,/ oo fte-n anx"sbing but friendly, anti C h il ren:ých pîî;le would do well ta set aside i.,Omne particular time eacb week--or fe I een <tace a nionth- for letter xxrit- for it ig Castoria 1.4 a comnfort when Baby is, 'ihey A.biuld keep ail writing re- ýtfîîl. No sooner takea titan the littie, qui.sites, tigether witb letters ta an:- e is nt case. If restiess, a few drops wer anti ati{res.s book in a box or >n brin,, cîntentmeat. No harm donedaetbn titevljttiwn ýr ( stis a Iiaby renîat, i eant e )r haieus. l'.rft..ctiy safe to. gir-e tht eîsber (ta ibe letter ta be aaswoýred ourîgestinuîfanît; y'ou lias e bte doctors'or- beside the naine of their corres- ord ftr tîtat! It is a vegetable Pro- pndent ,;(ni( items of interest lto ut aindi îu etuiti use it e%"ery day. But tb;tt paî'ticular per.san. ,s inx an eînergeîîcy that ('astoria means, sat. Soute îîight xvlten constipation Tlhcfn ai the exact time of writing iuSt ho relilýedet-or <'olic panins--or tbt'se 'tmoeaus.e no delay; the pen Lher viuffering. Nex-er ho xsithout it; Iloxx's easilv, anti the pages coatain )rie nictiiers kî',ep an extra hIttle, un- many personai items that bring de- eneti, to nake sure tiiere will alwaymi eider] joy ta the recipieab. ('Castoria in tite bouse. It is effective ýr (Adîer chlttrvn, ton; rendt hie book After waiting many months for a at tomes witb it.I letter ,what is more annoying than ta receive pages of description about -, jtbb weathier, anti a page tievoitet ~~ solely ta apology for flot writiag anti littie or no news of famnily or per- £ Isonal int4Nrez;t? Your loving e' t.AUTNT SUSAN. Cooklu In21/2to 5.mi!Iutes 9X Proved safe bv millions and u)rescribed by Neuralgia Headache Colds Pain physicians for' Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatisin DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART A 2cp MIny"Bayer" package Sc~fe-which contains proven directions. rfaniiy «îîayer"~ boxes of 12 tabiets, Aiea botties of 24 andi iOO-Druggiota. Aupirin la the traite mark reliered binCanaila) ot Bayer manuifacture or Monoaeeiicý aeideater of Salilcylracid (Acetyl Salicylie Acid. **A. S. A."). White it is weiI kîîown tbat Aupirin means Bayer manufacture, to aâalât the piublie against imitations, the rableta 91 Bayer OoupaayWIUbe atauped witb their lierai tracte mark uthe"Bayer oeV.t> PAGE SIX ment and prtlcuiariy recommnesi -ed for children. BLNSOIIIS GOLDEN ila àthicker and sweaer Syrp thans Crown Brand. BENSON'S PREPARED CORIN For over 70 yearl BENSON'S PRE- PARED CORN bas been regarded sa a hougehold nec.ey for maïs- Ing deli lous dessert. and for pre- partatg sauces. le la ntsa,Star'ck in les finest and purtertfortes. apedi- siiy prepared and tested tor the roqutremnentsof home cooktlaf. MAZOLA the economici aad and cooirt 011, le usd tor deep trytng. sauce. Ini and ahortealng. le cars be ustd oser and oser again tor thia purpoee wthout crrylng the flav. or trot one food tu another, mn tconomy tht housewlses appreci. ate-it is prtterred by mmny te olive oil for msking Salad Oresss- Ings, THUMDAY, MARCH 7th., 1929 e)ý""