THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVI'LLE, THURSDAY, MARCH l4th., 1929 a - - 1 _ ________________________________________ .4 The Royal Master Nol on« Royal Mas<.r in a thoaand".qU.ver punctUre. Nol one in fùýe thousand wt)t blow out under tw'o 'TE hate te see tire milcage wasted V-when it might be savcd se, casily. We love te see well-cared-for tires. We enjoy rnaking thse small repair in a ct tread, a bruised sidewall, knowing full well that such repairs add thou- sands of miles te the life of tires. Thats why we recommend a weekly outside examination cf tires-and a periodic overhauling inside and out several times a year. This enables us te find aIl injuries at their beginning-to make the -stitch in time". You are neyer far aivay frorn a DOMINION TIRE rýF5,-* BOWMANVILLE .................. Jamieson & Jamieson LOCAL AND OTHERWISE The advertisaments contain splen- did buy-at-home arguments. Bow- manville meschants are quoting prices that make buying in Bowman- ville better than elsewbere. To speed up tax payments Bramlp- ton Council will publish the naines of those in arrears in the local pap- es-s. In Bowmnanville they are pub- lisbed in the auditors' report yeaily. Rav. J. S. I. Wilson, Pastor of Brighton United Obus-ch, who is an-1 joying the warm climate at Southern Pines, N. C., writes a very inerat ing ltter to tbe Brighton Eigno his observations in that land. Rev. W. B. Creighton, B.A., D.D., Editos- of The New Outlook, Toronto: and Mrs. Creighton, are spending tbe winter in the salubrious limate of Southern California and are greatly enjoying thair stay in San Diego. Dr. Creigbton bas written two very in- terasting travel articles for The Out- look. This is the Dr's. first real holiday in over 30 years. AutTpc A lock of approved type is a practical addition to your car equipment. It pre- vents damage to the car by joy riding amateur thieves, and entities you to a lower premium on your thef t insurance. It pays for itself in this respect-and pro- tects your car. A professional crook wiIl steal your car in spte of a lock if he bas niarked it for that purpose. You have Smal chance of recovering it. Insurance will cover the los-get it before the car is stolen. Get automobile insurance here covering fire, theft, collision, liability and proper- ty damage. J. J. MASON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville A* L. DARCH King Street Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL j ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Donations Not Previously Reportod:iEiders Inducted-Mr. Dobson Ad. ________dresses Children-C.G.I.T. Group Women's Missionary Society, Ty- Entertained at Manse rone-18 jars fruit. At morning worsbip asat Sunday Mrs. George Foster-6 lheads cab- Messrs. C. M. Murdof, Wnî. Dobson bage and jar of pickles. and Geo. Webster, who recent]y had Wksmen's HBoMpital Auxikary-6 been elected to tlie Eldership by vote dozen diapers, 3 pairs slippers, 2 doz. of tihe memibers, were ordained and sherbet glasses, 2 tablecloths, 6 in- inducted and received the right hand fants' dresses,ý 6 gertrudps, 6 sur- of fellowshiçp from the Session at an geon's gowns, il pneumonia jakets. impressive serice. These newly EDurham Ch4pter No. 18-Order of inducted Eiders can count on the -,astern Star-Cheque $10.00. cordial support of the congregation 1 Zion Ladies' Aid-15 jars fruit. and the warin brotlerly regard of - Mrs. Lew. Power-24 librarythe other members iof the Session. rbooks. At the saine service the customary Christmas Donations short sermon te the boys and girls who attend the morning services in Norman S. B. James--Goose. large numbers was given by Mr. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder-Turkey.IDobson, B.A., Head master of the Mr. and Mos. W. J. Dudley--Sniok- Boys' Training School. In a nvost Eed ham. neetn a Mr os dw T. W. Cawker-G-oose. inerest pin w a ay r son drewe Alex Edondtone-Smkedhambered lassons eroin the familiar post- Dr. and Mrs. J. Clark Bel-Gonse1 age stamp affixed te a letter. It Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason-Dev-1 goes on its life jou.rney only once- on.Éhire crea. l'it is engaged in the King's business Women's Hosptal Auxiliary-2 -it sticks te its job-and it bears doz. grape fruit, 4 doz. orang'es, e-the likeness of the King. ery, 4 Ibs. raisins, figs, grapes, nuits. DTrinity Girls' Morning Hour-Bco The Tillicum Groups and Leaders fruit. of St. Paul's C. G. I. T. were enter- D. R. and J. C. Alldread-2 bask- tained at the Manse on Wednesday Eets aipples. evening last. A jolly party of twen- F. C. Hoar-2 baskets apples. ty sat domwi te supper during which 'Miss Fairbairn-5 wash clotibs. songs and rounds were interspersed. r Miss Clara Allen-3 table covers. The prograi for the evening was in David Mutto-Basket cruts, the banda of a committee of girls Mr. J. R. Philp.iBag beets, 3 heads and was well arranged. Miss Pear- cabbage.don then led the group in physical A Friend-6 tins cauliflower. axercises and musical gaines, and a Cecil Alldread-3 bags potatoes. happy evening was brought to a close J. A. Werry & Son-2 bags pota- with tbanks te the hostess and the tees. Good-night aong. Bert Hunt-Basket carrots, basket' potatees. i TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE jTrinity Leaguers were favored EDGAR CARRIAGE WORKS j with a visit froin Enniskillen C.G.I.T. SOLD TO NORTH BAY MANI on Monday evening when thay pre- sented a prograin, vas-led and enter- ConilrArthur W. Edr at- taining, rbhat pleased all present. 3 ng for the William Edgar estOte,j After a short worship period the sold bis father's carrnage and black- Ivisitors were introduceid by Mr. W.~ smîtbing business last we ek to Mr. R. Strike, and Rev. J. M. Whyte, W. J. Morrisey o'f North IBây. This! their pastoe-, took charge. The pro- la one of the oldesit and best knn grain opened with the C. G. I. T. sbcpsof tskind in Durhamn Cou- song and yell, after which recitations ty. Witb the moder-n tendencies were given by Miss Alice Ashton and favoring motor vehicles in prefer- Miss Myrtle 'Bradley; piano duet, ence to horse dnrawn conveyance this Misses Elva and Vebua Orchard; shop continued to enjoy a setady and vocal duet, Misses Alice Asbton and suecessful business uip until the time Annie Oke; and a number 0,f old of the late .proprietor's death. songs by Rev. Mr. Whyte, with guitar Mr. Morrisey who wiIl move to accompanimenit. He also iecited Bowman.ville shortly comes higiily one of Drunimond's poemas, "The recommended as a very desirable Leele Canadienne". A musical citizen and capable mechsnic. His numlber was aiseo nicely given by long experience qualifies him te car- Misses Annie and Marie Oke, Elsie ry -on such work as cars-sage wood Moore and Mena Dickinson. Three worker, blacksmithing, repaira on short playlets, "The Burglar Alarin," motor cabsansd wagon, etc., and fix- Aut Susan Jones" and "Uncertain ing furniture. Su4ias," were given during thie even- ing, which created much merriment. The girls presenting these pîsys were: Misses Elsie Moore, Naomi RECALLS INDIAN MUTINY Vrtue, Myrtle iBreadley, Muriel Moore, Velnia Orchard, Leona Brad- Mr. David Morison, Sr., bas caîl- ley, Marie Oke, Riby Virtue, Mons ed our attention to the folleywing it- Dickinson, Annie Oke, Grace Werry, em in tbe Toronto Star, whicb will all doing their pars splandidly. interest many of our older readers: Mis lva Orffiad veny efficiently Recalling the anxious days of the performed the duties of acconipanist. Indian imutiny, a book of sermons in This pleasant eveing closed with manuscript was picked up by a Tor- a few appreciative words froin Pas- ente collector of autograpds, in s tor Robins and the singing of the second-hand bookstore yesterday. National Anthein. Refreshinents Written in a minute band, re- were ses-ved at the close and a social markably neat and precise., the ser- hour enjoyed. A pleasant social turne was enjoy- ed on Saturday, February 23, at the home of Mrs. Amelia Vaustone, Kingý St., East, when a number of friand, enjoyed tbe birthday celebration if ber son Charles. Gaines ,music sud social chat were participated in af- ter whicb a uicely prepared supper was served, tbe birthday cake being a prominent feature. After -.t was pierced by tbe one in whose honor the gathering was held, the cake was cut and ses-ved by bis nucles, Messrs. Fred and William Luxton. The bost: also entartaiuad with solos 'on bis stringed instrument, and tbh kd I for the many useful giftsreivd At the close Mn. M. W. Tarrbuyn ex-1 preased the thanks of the guasts for' the pleasant evaning. *In the death of Thomas Goodman Iwhich was recorded in last week'si Statesman Mr-. David Morsison addsi these observations: We were sorryl te raceive the deatb notice of ouri old friend and fellow workman, Mr.' Thomas Goodman, 'who psssed awayý the early part -of this montha i home city, Chicago, wherehecn ducted a factos-y for the mianufact- ure cf base baIl masks for Spaulding jBs-os., manufacturars of basebal cessories. Wbile in this tcwu, in bis early days, he worked in 4jhe McClung Cax-nage Works along with old-timers of that trade: the late Thomas Bus-dan, John Bonathan, Frank Moses, Cbarlay Norris, Samn- my Arnold and a nuinber of others of the crsft of whom thara ware many in town at that date. Mr. Goodman, Sr., w.orkad tha Raynes farm, nos-VI of the town, for a «sin- ber of years, ulpon whicb is now sit- uated the o'wmanville Fonds-y, the Whiz factory and the ýC. P. R. Some change since those old times. Mr. Thomas Goodman -was a memAer of the old band for some tima, and also carriad on a business in Toront.o for seyasraI years 'befone going to Uncle Sam's dotuain. LETTER WRITING TO PRESS (Collingwood Bulletin) Soea-of our axchangas, tIsa St. Marys' Journal-Argus being a fair axample, are greatly blessed by a large numibar cf intaresting ltter writers. These are by no means confinad Vo the people at home with local matters as theis subi ect, but includa residents of tbe town who, find pleasure in traval and former residents who have gone elsewhai-e to reside. Letters fnom the Canad- ian West are quite frequently in the weekly columu os- so, the writars telling of conditions sud giving im- pressions of their adopted homes. ITogethes- they maka most interastiug I s-ading. Our columrs are open for similar cornaspondeuce. some of ous- people are usually travelling,j while tisera are many more whoý formarly lived bere, whc oo for ward witb pleasure each week for an account of the happenings of their old home town.1 SHUN THE PEDDLER (Brampton Coservater) It la the itinerant peddler, tisa house te bouse doos- bail ringer and those of his kind wbo travel froin place Vo place plying tbeir trade and Èffiposing on tIse credulity of the un- tihinking, offaring bas-gaina in this and that which meat always turn out te be infenior or in sihort measure. It la well to beware -of these fallows snd the plausible atonies that they tel] to engage tbe interest and con- fidence of thein prospects. TIsera are many vaieties, witlh as mauy kinda of merchandise te sell. Inf enior articles of mauy kiuds are pedle abuthitiser and yon during tbe diffareut sassons of tbe year. The automobile bas beau a great aid to this kind of cicanery. for af- ter be bas landad a few gulliblepros- pects a day'a jous-nay will take bim fan away and bayoud the reach of the buyer, who discovers thlat be or she bas bean victimized. What uettP.r assurance can thera be than buying from the home-Vowsn1 marchant? If for any reason tIsa artcle piroves unsatisfactory ha la raady and willing to correcz al trouble sud satisfy bis rustomc~r. Not so the peddler-he il a ,tneto-mos-- row, os- yet to-day if thse chaso gets too bot. Ha is not seeking Vo satisfy bis cuatomr-ise la after tha money alone. The bome town marchant stakes bis reputation and bis auccess on bis record for fais- sud bonest dealing. Ha may be fonnd nt bisi place of business day in and day out, yeas- i and year out. Patronize your local merchant and 1 watcb your Vcwn grow. MOTTO FOR THIS YEAR It takes a little courage, sud a little self-control, And soeagrim detes-mination, if you1 want to reach a goal; t takes a dea] of stsiving, and a firm and stes-uset chin, No matter wbat the battle, if yo're raally eut to win. There's a mIle in lifa te guide you as you sealt prospanity: Neyes- put yons- wishbone wbere yens- baclcbone ongbt Vo ha. Lieut-Col. Kathleen M. westotit, 1 L Great eaesley, North Molton. 1 t"Ca BU 1 o id thismejt f 1925 Star Sedan ....$306 1926 Essex Coach ....$375 1927 Pontiac Sedan -.... $M5 1927 Chev. Sedan ....$525 1926 Olds Sedan ....$625 Ontario Motor Sales Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby JEVRL D Ai E 9 . mens were consposed by thse Rev. James C. SIatar, who ministered in Bowananville more than seventy years ago. *Many discoures on a variety cf scriptural texts are in the book, and tbe first one is beadad: "Fast and Humiliation Day, Bow- manville, on Account of tIse Mntiny in India. Novamber 27, 1857". Rev. James Slater was a former minister of the Wasleyan Methodiat oongregation of this town wbich met in a frame building on the south sida of Wastmount ps-avions Vo later meet- ing in the brick chus-eh, now tbe pres- eut Trinîty United Cbnjnch. Not Spasmodie Bargais BUT Every Day Values in D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Dornestie Coke for stoves- and furnaces. Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soft Wood-sawed and split also Seainan Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Bireh B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trim" B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-all grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studdinig, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime.. Quotations cheerfully Fiven upon application. Your inquirnes solicited. McClelian & Co. Ltd. Offfice Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanvifle IrTs neyer been donc before! Neyer, in ail motor car history, have ail the Chevrolet dealers in Canada got together ta slash Used Car pricea and d.ear out their entire stock in a single mnonth. Here they are . . good Used Cars . . taken ini on the Outstanding Chevrolet. bougbt right, kept aight, psiced right. Now the New Chevrolets art comning ta meet the spring deliveries.. And every Used Car has got ta GO!1 That'a wby we've miade it worth your while ta buy now 1 It's an opportunity nobody's ever had before an opportunity you may neyer have again. One week has gene. Act now! M-.-s 1 PAGE THIN lu -.11F. - - comimm wy "--Nt FI