Week - End SPECIALS MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE Viceroy Hot Water Botties $2.50 Value-2 Quart Size 2 year guarantee Sale Price ....$1.29 Viceroy Hot Water Botties $1.50 Value--Medium Size 2 year guarantee Sale Price ........89c Emrnetone Tooth Paste --39c Satinette Face Cream . 39e Satinette Cold Crea.m . 39c Taquine Face Powder..75C Howard's Bismuthated Mag- nesia Taiblets (Antacid Tablets)....... 60e Clinfast Tooth Brushes .40e (each in a holder) Shaving Brushes $2.50 Value, On Sale $125 Have Your Eyes Examined See Mitchell and See WelI R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggiste and Optomotriste Phono 92 Bowmanville Ont. Coming! under the auspices of St. Joseph's Church "DANNY BOY" 3.ACT PLAY Opera House BOWMANVILLE Monday, Mar. 18 This play is being put on by ST. MICHAEL'S CHLJRCH COBOUJRG Same caet as presented the suc- cessf ni play '*SUCH SHANANIGANS" Adnmsion-Adualta 35c; Chidren 25e THEECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th., 1929 PROGRAM 0F LASTER MUSIC LOCAL AND OTHERWISE B1RIrHS Articles For Sale .~ '- '4tsPROU r-mn Bowmaflville Hlospital, onl FOR SALE-A cuantity of good ay. Music Study Club Enjoy Dehgnhtfu i Be sure to read..th.e a.. arch 8,1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. W.T yonpoe 6-,B w- Muia n ier.yPorm Four extra pages this week. Prout. a on. vW. T 3-1w poe605 Muia n ieaYPormsTRoNO-7In BowmnlVile iiospitai, on ville. ______________ Power off Sunday? Maybe! See February25 1929, to Mr. and Mre. Han- FRSL-ee rd we ApplY An exceptionally fine prograni Of advt.rStngEniklnauhe'. to Elgn Mountjoy, R. R. 6, BON1an-î Easter Music wAts given at the regu- Miss E.dna H. Bottrel, Toronto, ..vilphn 2-2 Jar mneetin.g of the Music Study Club1, spent Sunday athSme. MFORAESnew Aceap. 1ppy W. Hat, oner a of held in St. Paul's L ecture Rooni on MRIGSnw ha.ApyW at onro Monday evening. The roomn was Mrs. Frank Crossman, Kedron, was CuchadLbrySeBwavle beutfulydeorte wtbsutalejgueet of Mrs. Wm. Trewin on Sun- ADAIR-H-ASTINGS-In Oshawa, Frîjhrc ndLbet1Se1-1mave beuiul dcrtdwihsiaàday bMarcb 1, 1929, by Rev. F. J. Max -_______________ floer, ugesiv o te aster day. .e, Mr. Johnl Âdir, Port Hope, and COW FOR SALE-Jersey 00w, 4 years soesn ugetveo.'h Miss Violet McMillan, Oshawa, was Agnes Hastings, Oshawa. old, with caif by aide, a beauty. T. W. he Prsidnt. Mr. J Hititn latown Saturday looking after ber JOHNS-roN-MASON-Ifl Oshawa, Onl Cawker, Bonanville. 11-1 BTe Pnan ably prsd ndJ. p HpoprtMarch 7, 1929, by Rev. Ernest Harston,- - Batenanablypreide. an wa 11p- pepety.Meta Gertrude, second daughter of Mr. BARN FOR SALE-18 ft. x 36, In good p inpresenting an excellent Pro- Mr. Henry MeMillan, Toronto, has and Mrs. Frank L. blaeon, Oshawa. tO condition. Apply H. E. Smith, Queen PY lfl ~~~Fred B .Johnston, youtiget' son of Mme. St., North Side, Bwavle 01 grm. Adouble quartet by Shep- gone to France where he exp>ects t Z. N.Jobnston Cobourg pard, was sung witb splendid efect pnd a year.FO SAEDul idngot n b MissHlnYloleJean Dr Edad MingMPP Nape-- Liberty St. Apply to N. S. Pluminer, Ramsay, Elizbeth Beat, Helen Ar- nee, was recent guest of Mr. W. J. bETSo VE7.R SEn e FonAe-87. nt2ty gue and Messrs. Alex. McGregor, C. Bragg, M.P.P. LV SE FO SA -uaty H Dudley, A. H. tBounsall, G. E. Mran Ms..R.ohtnA- GRAHAM-In Western Hospi*,al, Tor- îofoRedClover Seed. Apply to James MrCadMraseR.Jhstn Ah onto, on Tuesday, Marcb 12, 1929, WiI- jMoeR R. 1, Hampton, phone 197-3. chs. Mrs. J. A. Cole and Mrs . H. bura, were recent guests of ber aunt, liamn E. Graham, son of the laie MÏr. and 10-3w______ D. Clemens renderedi a fine piano, r.F . onal Mrs. George Graham, Ponty-pool, aged 42 _______ ____ 13 duet, composed by Beethoven. Aan Mrs. C. W, Eusal . Meath, years 1 TRUCK FOR SALE-Good Chevrolet Ca apt.adMC.WE. Funeral srieI McCrae's Churcb, truck, 1928 model, special springs, over solo, "Resurrection Morn", by Pau Ottawa, were Sunday guests of ber Clarke, on Thuredaif, Mardi 14 at 2 p. m. s ize tires, ait new, for sale cheap. C iR. Rodney ,sung1 by Mr. Melville S ahr r c. Interment in McCrae'5 Cemetery. Dean. Bowmanville. phone 559. ji-il Dale, with his usual splendid voice McLEOO-Ifl Brandon Man., on Mar2 -e arosod o ed and expression, was followed by a! Mr. and Mis. D. R. Alldread and l 1, 1929. Alexander B. kcLeod, aged -82 FngRALbE-oR ged arpigoobyfbasketor "Ese -"b a-baby Doris, recently visited ber Iyears ,formerly of EnnIsltillen In bag Phore 246W.pge. 1.baskeo ýaper ongser eage Ms. M bohr r lInýees atn ALDWORTH-In Darlington, March 7, & Sons, Liberty St.. Bowmianville. 10-2w gare Sagstr, ead y Ms. . w broher Mr Alan Pter, Cnto. I1929, Belinda B., beloved wife of Mr. Pickard. One of the niost well re-i Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Cowan, Mr.Jh lwrb n e 7hya. I AKFRSL-eatvrsgI ceive.d numbers on the program wvas and Mrs. Cecil Cowan, Oshawa, are I VULE-In Wbitby, March 7, .1929,1vanlzed tank,gsuitable for cltern, 600 a reading "King Albert of Sicily", spending the winter in Honolulu. Loulsa Amelia Browning, wvidow of the gaI. capacity, good as new, for haîf price. laie George Yule, in ber 92nd year. Apply W. Len Elliott, phone 348, Bow- by Longfellow, very effectively given Mrs. James Courtice was in Osh- MOYSE-în Rochester, N. Y., Fridayt manville. 10-3 by Mrs. F. H. Moody, to musical ac- awa on Sunday celobrating ber 81st March 1, 1929, James Moyse. Brother FO SAE ava uniyoSwe comanmet y . . ol, laedbîrthday with her relatives there. j0 r.Wlo edBwavle. Clover Seed for sale. Farniere requir- byMis. D. R. Morrison. M i-. T.- W Mran Ms..H.NhosWs TREWARTHA-At LocuSi iI o ing seed will be glad to eupply them by. an I.J .Ni ls e-Tu. sgda, March 12 1929 Lucy Webb, be-wlen 1 return from the South on March Cawker and Mr. M. S. Dale gaea levville, were guests this week of bis Icved wife of thelaeaesTert,25.w.J Leask, Taunton. 1-2 fine rendition of the vocal duet "He sitr .' . .BagCr isl b er 76th year. 1 Lives Again", by Walter Ho ne sAte,Mu 1 ~~BaCîi CURRAN-In BowmanvillC, March 9, FOR SALE-Bay mare, general pur- Jons, nd rs.Cawer lso san Dig-.1929, Orville Henry Curran, son of the pose. Yorkshire brood 50w; 1 seed drill, Jone, ad iirs Cakerals sag Sring Milliner pnnsa ig late Chas. E. Curran and Mary Ann Cur- dise style: also coal burning brooder. on-. two beautiful solos, "My Redeenrier, r Oei1sa ran,' aged 18 years. iy used One season. Sydney Brown,' and My Lord", by Buck, and ,,,!man. & Edmondstone's on Tburaday. DEHART-Suddenly In ltelowna, n. C., Bowmanville R. R. 6, phone 160-23. 11-1.1 Know that my Redeenier Lvtheening, Marcb 2lst, and Friday, Ion Sunday, Marcb 3, 1929, Lydia Jane LiebMarcb 22d 111 io o h ae twnDeat E d DIL O AE have ai 22ndMsih"b Hne. and (Ifughtèr of the late Jesse Trull, few used combined drills-discIand hoe i froi "essab"by andl.Mrs. L. J. Henry, Hamilton, bas Darlingiori, aged 74 years. styles-at prices that make good bu y-! An interesting paper cont aining 1 been visiting ber parents, Mr.* and ASHTON-On Wednesday, Nlarch 6tii.,ing. Rt. E. Osborne, Cocksbutt Agent. character sketches of composers of ,r. .J Witheridge and other 1929. (recuit of accident), ai Toronto, plione 473, Bowmanile 10-31j Oratorios was read by Mrs. William rlts.E e Carlyle IL. Asbton, dearîy buloved son Adam. Ms. damsals gae arelaive hee. of 1inrv J. anI Edith Montgomery Ash- AdanA.0.s.elrM rs.Emrsodinnis19alsor.IngameteHma raigin her usual excellent style, to.n' Cemetery. "The Lost Chume" by "Anon" to and Mrs. Milcott, Port Hope, aJent MacKINNON-1n Nanianio, B. C., on Eggs For Hatching musical accompaniment by Mis. C. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. 'C-1 Wednesdayý,, Fcbruary 27, 1929, Berthnms alsi v.~ ~ ~anhchn Wbti A vote of thanks nîoved by Miss.M'r.W e rwLnsy n ~i hr aibe fM.adM~ Legborn stock. Our atm ia to improve 1 R. Perey and seconded -by Mrs. L. Miss Lily Burns, Windsor, are visit-i Thomas Philp of Winnipeg, Mlan . ed mcb year and we bave choice m-ati.ng igtheir mother, Mis. Frank Burns, 44 yeare.1 this seaBon. Order early. We are as M. Fisher to the conveneis, Mesdam- Lityn t.g Ii v il MARTIN-In East Wawanosb. Huroniagents for tbe Royal Brooder tv- es Pickaîd and Adams, and to those I iet'S. h svr l.C. nPb 2 99 hrot iha aywyt as orcika.Pbn wbo took pr in the aporiate and Bowm.anville Purple Guards, Or- Widwo the laie James Martin, in berlj38W., W. H. Carruthers, Bomnile part BPPP 6tb year. Interment in WlngbamiIilt enjoyable prograni was enthusiastic- ange Degree Team, visited BellevililiCemetery.; Eldest sister of Mr. George, ally supported by the audience. L. O. L. on Tuesday evening and ex- Wight. Providence, Mrs. Jane Brown,1 EGGS FOR HATCH 1 NG-WhIte Wy) eaiplfiedthe rangedegre. jToronto and Mrs. Rachel McClellan. andottes ,heavy laylng, exhibitiontok emlfe h rnedgeWbitby. j iegal Dorcas strain. Barred Plymot.uthf, Tbe naine ofHelen Hately2nd in etaan..S. Wlt Lghrs NEW FORD SHOW ROOMhS Mr. Albet F. Gox of Oahawa, a native of Bowmanville, and the popu- lar district dealer for the woîld fani- ous Ford carl, bas opened a show roo'm ln Bowmanville la Martyn'a Bowling Aley. Mr. W. J. Martvn will act as Mr. Gox's local agent andj will be pleased to shoyw the many de- sirable features of the New Ford or givo a demonstration to any desiring sanie. You'll know more ab>out a Ford than you ever knew if you look up the Universal Motor Sales advt on another page wbere the salient points of the new Ford are given. Ab. says sbe's a pippin and full of pep, and don't foiget Ford is building 33% of aIl cars turned out. Creai of Barley makes you fit. POWER OFF Sunday, March i 7th. la ail probability Hydro Power will be off from 7 a.m. to 9a. m.. 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. For definite Hydro Shop particulai's window on Saturday. see card in Friday and GEO. E. CHASE, Local Manager. INTRODUCING- THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE You Are Invited--- To the opening of this brand new stom~ featuring Ladies' apparel on Thursclay, March 2lst (afternoon and evening) This grand opening will take the forrn of a Fashion Show. You are invited to corne and inspect the new styles without obligat- ing yourself in any way to buy. This Ls a Specialty Shop of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, consisting of Coats, Dresses, Silk Hosiery, Corsets, Lingerie, etc. Goods sold for cash only on closest prices. GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Sr. I lass in Roorn 10, Miss Flor- -air ence Moore, teaciier, wsomitted in I EOIMbir the Public Scbool report last week. IN _MMORIMUs Mrs. 0. A. Bennett, MasseY, Mis. In loving memory of Mrs. Harry Col- ph W. A. Bell, Sudbury, and Mrs. W. E.. lacott, wbu passed away March 14, 1927. Davies, Detroit, are visitiag tiheir Whilea thed rnig~iht stars are shining. parents, Mr. and Mis. W. G. Nelles. BeO l neah t lesom rae Mm. Brander, Tbedford, who basA Whont -e loved but could not save. been staying for soene weeks withA loving thought, dear moilier, A tnemory fond and truc, ber sister, Mrs. R. H. Souch, bas re- A token of affection, M turned home accompanied by Mis. That we stilI remexnber you. t Seuch. Sadly missed by Husband and Children. - For a limited time only you niay la--i s receive at this store a valuable ai- ESXHUseDELR ticle worth $1.25, absolutely free.1 i SEX-UDSN_ DELERPl Corne in and ask us about it. Berry's1 Book Store. il 1lnteresting Test of Performancel- MissCruikshak, Nagar FU ade By Essex Challenger. Ont., and Mrs. B. M. Mitchener, Three years ago Rosa, Aunes &I Principal of te Mission.ary Prepara- Gartshore Co. Li.mited, Oshawa,' tion Home, Toroato, are visiting hier bought out the Chadbur Motor Go., tu siserMi. A L.Nihols.dealers of Essex and Hudson cars. 23 E.Mr. H. W. Jerwell, Misses Edna This company bas enjbyed well mer- Eand Marion Jewell, Miss 1. Ogden, ited success showiag an increase in B.A., Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Banner, business each year. Miss Vivian Burnner spent the woek- Mr. Jesse Ames of Bowmanville, end .with friends in Toronto. who is giving special attention this, Il you are in doubt about what is year to this territory states the Es- suitable for youî $pring bead-wear, sex is proviag one of the lea.ding sixes" visit the Millinery Openings at Ding- on the mnarket. It bas many lin- man & Edlmoadstone's on Thursday provements over last year having1 evening, March 2lst and Friday, 25% more power with practicall Marcit 22nd. Hudson type mnoton. Mr. and Mra. John Lighteîness, The Company also anticipates a Elgin Stre.et, aunounce the engage big year i n Hudsons due to improve- ment of their youngest daugbter, Ehi- monts in car and reductions la prico. zabetb, to Mr. Kennetit J. Buckley of Troof of satisfaction of Essex Toronto. The niarriage will take owners, Mi. Amies states, is show in place in April. the large aumber of repeat ordors (irocery stock of the Aichie Tait for the well kno, Tad.o!ua a. Estte as ee sod t C.M.Alleni An inteiesting test of Essex was. E Sate b ben so avto C. M. made last week particulars of whichb removed the stock. The store basi may 1e seen in their advt on another; been rented to the propritor of the page. Goronation Cafe. 'Pwo watches advertisod lost in last Mis. Robt. Hoînies, Church St., week's Stateaman iwere found by brougbt the Editor a bouquet of pan- readers of tbis paper and promptly si.s picked in er gardn on Wed- returned to the owners. nesd ay, March l3tb. Well may wO Many old f renaorwilert in g the i owetrs ha t bloom ary o learn of te deatb of Mr. James la th SpîngVa-lala."i Moyse on Friday, Maîcb 1 at Roch- The engagement is announced of lester N. Y. Deceased lived in this Isobel Joan Bennett, daugbter of MisItown d.uring the early years of bis Sara Bennett and the late Frank life and worked at Carrnage Paint-. Jame Benott fomerl ofBow- ing at the Mclung and James Moi-, manville,. to Mr. Douglas G. Cunning- iris Carniage Works. He is eurvived bamn, son of Mr. and Min. Williamn1 by ne sister, Mis. Wilson Noads, Cunninghamn, Toronto. The mar- IBowrn)anville. niage will take place tbe latter partI of March. Pupils of Miss Ferne Tbornpson, IW8.nted Burketon, teacher of piano, -%vho were 1WANTED-At once, light democrai suecessful in the recent music exani- wagon. Telephofle W. H. Hill, Boys' mnations bold la Toronto at the Con- Training Scliool, phone 600, Bowman- servatory of Music, are as follows, vill-.1- alI candidates being successful: SITUATION WANTED-Experienced Elementary Piano-Jack Clarke, married man, well reconemended desires (honors). wvork of an y kind. accustomned to farm Primnary Piano-Enma Bruce, work. Apply Box 22, Bowmiaaville. 10-3- (Pass-) FURiNliHED BED SITTING ROOM (ças.)WANTED-W%,ithotit board by Young On Friday, Marcit 8th, Trinity pusiness woman in private family. Apply Choir enjoyed a banquet in tbe Suni-lI n viîbng to 'IM. T-., Drnwer B, Bow- day Scbool Room. The tables were nianville. -_________ prettily decorated witb dafodils and HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-For home forty-eight members did anmple juat- in Bowmanviîîe. Two adulte. AIl con- vnecsin homo. No washing. Apply ice to the feast of go things pro- in weitig s Th S esman, Bwan- vided. After a short practice, ville. ganes and stunts organized by Miss- _ _ - - - i es G. Wickett, M. Robins, B. Sarg-1 ont and Helen Morris, were ind.ulged Real Estate For Salle la causing xnucb amusement and en- joymont. The evoning closed witb FOR SALE-New brick residence wt the National Antheni and Maay are aIl moîlern conveniences. Apply ta Jas.t looking foiwand to another sucb soc- E. lett. Centre St.. Bowmraiviif., phione ila m eeting la the near future. 41____ __ miest cf Bonmenvbik o Highwny Notice to Creditors in The Surrogate Court of the United Counties of Northumberlantd and Durham anth Estate cf James Veal. late 0f Towntship> cf Darlington. in the Couinty of Durhami, Former, ecaad Notice ls hereby given that ail î,er-I sons having clame against the estate ofI James Veal, Fanmer, deceased. late cf the Township of Darllngton ln the' Cou n ty of Durham, who died on or about the 3let day of January, A. D. 1929, are re quireel te mail or deliven the sanie with full particulars verified by Aiidavit te the' tndersigiied on or before the first <lay of April A. D. 1929. after wbich date the Plxecutor wIllI distibute the assete of the losiate havIng regard only te the claims thon f1Usd. Dated at Bowmanville. Ontario' this eleventh day of March. A. D. 1929. W. F. WARD, B.A., Soliciter for the Executor. J. A. McCLELLAN, 11-3 Bowmanvllls. Ont. gnod garden; bard and soft water: gool barn, chicken bouse and garage. Apply to 'Urs. W. C. Allin, BownXville. R. R. No. 4,813ox 16. 9-3w' FARM FOR RIENT OR SALE-'200 acre fan, south halves of Lots 31 and 32, Concession 1, Towý%nohi p of Darlingtoii. for rent or sale. Full possession April 1, 1929.. Over 5ý0 acres faîl ploughIng done. Apply Contînt & Annis, Barrist-! e.rs & Solicitors, Oshawa, Ontario. 5.13w FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-1 200 acre f an, soutb haîves cf lots 31 and 32, Concession 4. TowsShip) of Darling- ton, for rent or sale. Full possession April 1, 1929, over .50 acra faîl ploughing done. Apply t0 Conant & Annis, 13cr-l isters & Solicitorc. Osha wa, Ont. 11-5 $40 TO $70 WEEKLY' F.arned by draftsmnei. Always a bigi dernand for trained men. Our Prac-I tical Homs Training equiPâ Ycu. Writei for free Information tu Cormmercial En- gneering SChoo1e, 57 Queen Si. W.,.'Tor- onto. 11-21 Mychoffe strain. Only carefully selectedI irds bred from heavy laying stock arel sed ln ail breedin gpans. J. Law-' ence Crydernian, R. R. 4, Bowsnýanville. I phone ll1r5. 11-3w- To Let APARTMENT TO RE NT--Central,1 modern conveniences. Apply ln writlng teStatesmnan office, BowTnanville 11-2* TO RENT-Dwelling bouse, "Hope- lad" onQueen St.,r Bowmanville, pos- session abut April >. Particulare ap- ply to H. Gale, phone 6, Colborne, Ont. Loat or Found LOST-Weed chain, Sunday night be- tween Haydon and Bowmanville, around Guide Board Corner. H. Ashton, phone 239-21. 9-tf I YOU WILL APPRECIATE the Beauty and Values we are offering just now in Chesterfields and Chesterfield Suites. A distinct new style and neweiicoverings nmade up into conifortable creations of Furniture, permits you to select wth as- surance and satisfaction your newly contemplabed furniture. Let us refurnish your home now with an assurance of some- thing really new in fuxnýture, and then absolutely guaranteed. A nice suite in Jacquard Velour, reversible cushions ....$140.0 1 Sani-Built Suite in best Mohair, taupe or walnut color, reversible cushions etc .............................. .......... $200.00 THESE ARE SPECIAL THIS WEEK Also we have a number of suites at different prices. Sliding Steel Couches With Good Mattress Complote . . .$ 12.00 W indow Shades, any color ......................................... 75C Brass Curtaîn Rod, all kinds ........................15e and up FF. Morris Co. Home Furnishers 1 l Bowmanville ftb PAGE FIVE Eanter Will S oon Be Here Corne ! See the Exhibit of New Spring Suits and Top Coats Choose from a wide and varied selection of Suits and Top Coats'at our store. Suite From $15 to $35 Top Coats from $9.00 $35.00 We are always glad to have you corne in and look at our stock whet- hier you make a pur- chase or not. SPECIALS FOR THIS - WEEK-END 5 dozen Men's durable Broadcloth Shirts, just new this week, in, hair line and wide stripe effeets. ,1 For Quick Clearance At $1.48 Each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98c A splendid shixit, weil made and large, in navy and light blue shades, AT ONLY 98c THIS WEEK MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 A big well made Overaîl with bib, plain blue, also 1 blue and white woven stripe, worth $2.00, For OnIy $1.39 MEN'S KHAKI COVERALL SUITS AT $1.95 A special purchase of Men's Khaki Coverail Suits, large and made to stand hard wear, This Week For OnIly $1.95 T. *B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montroal Phono il, Dowuanvllh 'i Phone 10