PAGE SIXTHE CINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th., 1929 BLACKSTOCK ANNUAL CONGREGATION L ORONO AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKIY LETTER Coid Relieved '%Ir. Fred Willan made a business! __1_ (From The News of March Sth> My Dear Niece-Again has corne or Moliey oo k i tri Lindsay I MEET. O FINA T MebraPLE2, veryi 11r. James Eagleson spent the and passed the one Day for bigan Everiwbere mm, women and eldren Mr. F. Hudson is on his mail route large number of the members andi1 ,wecekc-nd at Peterboro. fine resolutions, but resolutions that are1udn sttareiffri ouh 1aan e hsrcetians.dhcrenL- of teMalGrove Uiedae ell ennisnodpn n and Colde o aflkinds by taking Rock- a.i ter.- ecn ale Uiei Mrs. T. H. Powers, ad Helen, are ry of an nfte pend onl hhgathered together in a con-I spent a the "cai-rn" tfeanyone particula ISYS Mixture. Everywhere drugists an t M"r L. Gra1ham is home again af- graionlmeigt eiw te afwia' ntect eet.dy selling BukiW's under positive guaisrcntjles nPotPrry rgtoamein t evv hedy @-tuTbfiret dose prove, how dit. optel- e oet ljs n otP resuits of the efforts of the past Miss Ada Riggs is visiting beri Again and again they must. he t te--"Miss" AnniedsArcherHospial.wa, vear. Reports of the different erg- cousin, Mrs. Almond Blewett, l'or- remade, and one- must net lose hoart bote1Neverlwt bwtont Ms nneAchr shwvis- -onto.11 W l ~ itc<l ber parent., Mr. and Mrs. Jos. anizations revealed great interest Mis iigto isItundhm at some failures. * LBei àà&Archer. iand f'aithfulness by the officers and afterisa Liing wtn asiereoe i or rsle eev pc la utd -StI. orall àMrs JI memrbers of al the departments. oot h av ensc.cmet hl aejs w Mi . s.Arche'. is with heri The mrnbership in a number ~ oronto we av bensik.comet shail ,aedjut to ]BUCK& 520 daugbter, MIrs. Meredith Thompsen,' cases hbas bt-en increased and the Many imothers can testify to tbe IX* IR 2 ho is ill. fnne are in excellent shae with vir-tue of Mother Graves' Wr Ex- happy". Acu mit vistedberail obligations met. Trhe full alloca- Itermninator because they know froin be made eut of those few wordst To a nedip soveslaMris T.Smt itehr brothers, 1 tien of tht- Missionary and Main- experience how- usful it -»s be kind-what is it but te help etb- 75c AND 4OJ.essrs Charles. Russel, and Hew-i ainence, Fund was raised, and then Dr. M. S. Tucker. New*York, 1S r;t pa ht norgn od ard LanibeLindsay. ;on Sunday, Feb. 24th, wben a freelvisiting bis father, Drc. M. 31 Tuck-lte be unselfigh;te to leat IMr. and Mrs. R. H-amilton, Miss! will offeringý was taken in the Sunday er. Mss Bernce'rcker, Ottawa. If everyone endeavoured to he .Annie H-amilton and Messrs. Fredl School and Chrccb f or the- def icit 1was hume f orea Lt-ew days.I kind how smootbe life weuld be fer Iand Wrn Hamilton, spent the week- i on the general fond, $32.00 w as Msr. Wie rkrbs;rayo s conrebtedTh patorgav anex-M arkan Harold Allun, tenors, took If children would be kind te their NN'hen You F el ~ tn~i i Troono. ctlIetddress during whicb be part in tbe morning service in Parkilaens wud hy a ofg OnFrda eein aveysuces-cogatlaed àI ffces and St. Cburch recentiy. We tb oy ptbeugbtlessly give tht-rnlok an Coi ng O rmusicren ey udeSe,ýnrntýatd àl ficr :1r dsta utadItn n ev fui progressive euchre and dance mernbers for the- sucessful way inl preciated the- splendid oui ed r dthtbransinadlev -Wenthtel Hacae ens was ht-id in the town hall onder the which the werk bas ibeen carried on.lod by tht-r. 1awcund long in :healing. -Whn tat ldi1edaýi seds tsauspices of the L. O. B. A. A reselution of appreciation -was The W. M. S. met Tuesday after a A kind child is tbeu.ghtful ef age, warfing that yoii are to.: ta ilfr- lextended ta tbe pastor and Mrs. neen with a geod attendance. Pro-j and telerant te ideas that may bc eld take ZUTOO. Wiieri vin feei a c. id On Toesday evening of last wee*k Stainton for the excellent service gram in charge of group one, M1rs. R.j fasbioned; and obedient. cemngo tae ZFOi. A ti tisîMrs. John Marlow and Miss Florrie1 tht-y bave rendered doring the pastR.i oignt an . tt.. f',j A i ik-Pr netindanbreffinsya. uigtt oigasln i ey, convener, consisted of sýcriP-' Parents who are kind will net spoil sign o a pan-It týe fitfeelig Par- entetaine a numer offriend yearturein thssennianda address, re rs.on(Rev.)dessb îdrenRv knowingenthatin inatin otfuturer ness-take ZUI 00. ta a progressive eochre at the fermj dot-t was rondered ýby Mrs. Roy Van Sterling, reading, Mrs. Walsh, paper" exporiences will hurt tht-r. 'Yhoy You wiil bc ail rig} t in 2,) 1 i 'tecs if it'S er's home. Prizes woro won by Mr. 1 Camp and Miss Bragg, and music by Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Rainey and Mrs wi]l be firrn in their roiing. aheadache, or the i 'xt %I~î' ~aadMs W aCm. Mscwsb r. Lou Power and the Paster.FK celd. Pain ail gene, and the u noIe bdy 1furnisbed tbroughout the evening Mrs Fred Stevens and Mr.M fH. R. .elly, sole by Miss Laura Aluin. They will try and put tbemseives refreslicd. l and a dainty 'unch ser-ved by thej Foiey favorod the audience w~itb Mr. Robert M.NeCrea, Poterboro, into the moern rapid paces and se Dont iait-don't take chances. Ger 'hostesses-. twe splendid readings, al cf whicn isomo forty years ago a residont cf view things from their cbildren's readtOI ot airu - i 11;O1ededa veig flat week chappreciatie~d by th&-E i Orone and trimmer at Mr. Jas. Lin- standpoint. ZUTtI' I I atot,'i-drr' aîd Iho t,,ilall-as 'n uchG. ace r cli mi'I.\E liil tt-A.Y.P.A.cfSt Jhns huchIprescrnt. The pastor aise presetnÏýdAmsrngR.ZTht-y wil nave th e courage c hî a b o l n ": or li oÀ pq, th et A.tYthP.Ahof M. Jan's hMr Ftht- prizes wbich were given for cei_ rn-I on, .. Hall, S. Cutteli and convictions; tbey will net punish un- B. N. Rbximoràîor ibY . paîiot;,Qaý iey MtehoeingMr.pnd witbF.d1petition in tht- Junior classes by the numorous ether old friends last week. justly; neither ill tht-y nag and find B. N Roiiisii& 'Baley Meeingopend wth e- Sundav Schoci as foilows: Prianarv,1 Ho bas a son in the ne-wsipaper b)u-! fault foolisbly. votional exorcises conducted by Rt-v. j Louise Feiey, Irene Wright; Jr., mess in Alberta. Tht-n how rnuch does kindness' P. G. Powell. Mr. Powell gave a I întofmodîate, Theinia Freemnan, Mili~ The Orono Cornunity Memroial mean between busband and wife- ___________________ I ery ti.mely and interesting paper bon dred Snowdtîî; Iritrrnediate girls,ý Park Association met on Wednesday the give and take? the- quickness to g I et, olwdb Lý1ia Feley, Fioenc-e Foley; Inter- I of last week wtben officers wero lt-ct- check disagreeable actions or words bieedýiningin. onet o mediate boys-Llod Metcaf, Rossj ed as foll&ws: President-Dr. Nt-i which annoy the cher; the sympa- Mrs. Wm . Crawford and M.r. Lavt-rnitejy- yalraue-.J lil The Most se'.ere type ofbeingand pro- Deit f',"Pies"vr _____ ors-Mrs. Jas. Dickson and W. Jos. bt-cause its tht- iaal thinga that hurt trdn ie iapuatrtndy oio Dvt ollowed. Pie Hr ail. The- five directors of tht- or make glad in tht- tvtrydav living. w eks' rreatment or N .I OR E S PILE aw arded and lunch served. U D Y S H O T E C RA s o i t n w th e v M J . ol l v ng REMEDY. a vegetabie compound whiýh RMMEE man and Councillor Fred Coucere Bengkn wewl egug n in Permanent rddaruce of tue afiict;on. 971à Temrig okpaea r pone steBado aae successful for over 20 yuars--ev'rr in cases ity Chucrh, ýBrantford, March 2, cf ,pone steBado aae other hawpinesa t-von if we cannot where every other meth,> has f aied. Huam- Phyllis Mary daughtt-r of Mr. and M- .W. J. Snowden, Maple Grove,{ ment of tht- Park. share; we wiil net envy or be jealous drg tst-be sure >-u cet the original. wkith Mrs. Hart-y Hall, Brantford, and Presented with an AddressMndyenigFbrry2,M.nongtaby eigsweha LheamA.WMenhintîebx.John Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs and Clock and Mrs. M. H. Staples entertained be unkind to serneone, and aise un- Robert Hamilton cf Ns Pt.n ht- the- Yeung Mt-n's Bible Cia~ss and C.kidt uow sevs NATURE'S bride was attend-d by Miss Is abtl1 On Sunday afternoon at Maple[IG.I.T. cf Park St. United Churcb ati Se, rny dean niece, your resolutienr PILE REMEDY 7 Gilbert of Brantford, and tht- groom1 Grove Sunday School af ter tht- les-i a skating party at tht- rink and a brings up a long trend of tbougbt, JURY & LOVELL, Bowmanvilie by Mr. George Crawford of Black- son was over, a very pleasing event social evening at tht-m home. Mr. land finally te tht- point cf living and stock. Tht- bride was attired in 1 teck place wbhen tht- Supt. called up-I Staples tooIk tht- Young peopqlet-to lt-t live. A. B. 3IELLOW, white georgette and carried ytllow Ion Miss Eileen Hocken te conete t heirh'ouse fm'om tht- rink in sleighs, i o(u egbr knn&; htw Ph. 3313, Newcastle- and white roses, the- bridesmaid in 1 tht- piatform, wbo in tut-n called Up- wbere gaines and mnusic wvtrt- partici-kidetatw _____ mauve geergette, a mauve bhat and1 on Mrs. W. J. Snowdon te accompanyI pated in by tht- guetss. A dainty 111 Kinet ssland rt r wsh theni carried yellow roses. Tht- bridt-'s, hetr bt-fore tht- audience, and tht-n lunch was served, after wbich Mr. 1 idns '*brt bat 1ta mohr oe rntdcrepe and tht-'rtad tht- following address: R.E. Sht-rwin and Mr. Lawrence Al i- my e supsneiort tht-m For gro' ohr lc ai.Atrilin, in a few weil chosen words, nnnesiifriiytisuI tht ceemey, rcepienwashoAunt Minnie:-It is with re- t~kdM.adMs.Salsfrtt prtman hip. EntireIy Herbai the ceremotboy , cktio as edt t htwe find that you dot-m itthaker Mr.oal nn. Tbpe orate-1Kind.ess inakes for love andre IMrs. Hamilton left on their bonie- advisable te discontinue your office Snpeoftrt-D.Toxa'E -. kngabgcyl fternea oY-as teacher cf tht- Busy Workers Ihgccec otrne /orks W ondre,ï s Olmoon for Detroit, the bride wearing lass. But it l with a great deal lcti inlbsnetbarublno ead mrcopteudsanng Al agreen gogteadvle rso laueta e h ebr ia usacstrw oehradw'ays be kind. Your lnving 1 Pe vs t m c S green coat and green and sand bat. and tht- tx-members cf your Sunday e tht- aeulvetiga btonc the eut-&N SS Peevish Stemacli Those attending tht- wedding from hollas rtkn ti po-ofheceu nvtgtonfte eut cf town wero: Mr. and Mrs Sooclsae tkn hi pe-heaiing qualities cf certain cils as ap-- II Sawyer, Jr., Port Bur-wtll, Mr. anàl tunity of shc>wing our a4preciation plied te, tht- hurnan body. It is a Mrs. R. Hailton Messrs. Fred ar of yeur untiring efforts as teaclber. aecmiai> n 'wnad1TeOlo (wr-ti o lim an L z ]ow s Wmn. Harnilton, Misses Annie leadeor mandteacrs f 1haebna kept public faver fremn tht- first. A ed for Dr. Thoemas' Ecloctrit- Oi that The old, reliable Gallagher's ton and Ivy Wall cf Blackstock, ledrs ad & hr ft-eYun a- tilc twl ar ovcint n it will remedy every ili, but its uses Tonc ndSytemBude ILedge of Toronto.. -lso hscmuiyadn ft who doubt its power to rt-pair and, are se varicu htu ayh ok- Tonc ad Sste Bu'.-ercan know how far-reaching has bt-tn ht-ai. upen as a gent-rai pain killer. It has i- your influence. Net enly yourj eaivsadat-h itve.d that great-ntss for itsehf and Ail thle goiii(-ss iand bealing virt ires c et-iob h-hfe 1hve A large nuniber cf rteexellncemesnod toailwh lut-ns, Natture*s mc nuediine. are io and your winning personality bas Ifriends gathored at tht- homo avcf Mr. -vrtesan lare N nrldusSesbt-en instrumental in gaining tht- and Mrs. H. J. Bt-st, Orono, . haexteree t. ite n ere t-vr;' a(nrgua worrkiîîg 100'i. Brings confidence and friendship cf t-a-h <one day evening last and surprise t-n xonene har'k r li' ciii jy cf livig. Gi uci for thOnof youn soholars. We realize that on thet- tvtnty-fifth anniversay cf _________________________ nerveu-. ( uac p skia troîiubles--von -they cai hfim it bas meant sacrifice and an' tht-m wedding day. Mcr. A. J tap-' Eczerna. Builds vou 0p. 7Sold i" '7 ' -herscfthugt ndprpaatontlîes at-ted 'as chairman and callt-d up other Ga.ilat-hrs Herbali JJuaouiu»mnarLtlflaflOafflte bc se faitbful in attendant-e and te on Mrs. R. J. Bt-st to rt-ad an addrt-ss; Remeiesarel'ybrhng a message each Sunday te met-t and present a beautiful china dinnor JURY & LOVEL, Bowaanville tht- needs cf those who looked te you sttof ninety-seven pieces, whicb 1 frhl. Even thougb at timies you; was accepted with a few welt-hast-n I foe rb feit discouraged we 1 rt-marks cf grateful acknowlt-dgnient want to assure you that your offorts. by the- recipients. Missesbitura' v~-. __have net bt-en in vain, for we fet-l Aluin, Ht-lt-n Pow-ers and Mr. Harold .ook's 1Regulating Comnpound btter t-quipped in many waysteAil*nrnec 'lsMs trig A ife. reiable regW-n face tht- hf e that is bt-fore us ho-Ireadin.g. and Miss Eut-en Sterling a -t eedicne. Sold in rhrce d- cause cf tht- tirnes spent week hv jrecitaticn. Short congrat.ulatory grics ofai tregt-.Noi.m week under your guidant-e. WVt-are' speeches wert- nade by Rev. iI- N-. 2.$S3; No. 3, $5 per box Many succcssful business men gldt-nL httyntcgbyulaiSelnW.Arstrong, Sr. SONdbby ail druggîsîs, O oxien- ga oko htee huI o im trig m r prepaid on receipt ofet regulaniy use Wrigley's. The act of are net with us evory Sunday you D. T. Aluin, A. J. Knox, J,;u îm rePamphlet. AîIdrv<ns: chewing has a soothirmg etTect. Tht- are stili able to attend or Sundavi strong, John Lorriman, H. J1. Soîîch. THE COOK MEDICINECO ' heaithful cleanshm'g action of jS-c n r iin easa nth C. C. Cain, A. J. Tambiy.-î, Mis. Ciar- TOSSNTONTC oec'iy~ina~r getlysriulatestc1flowfthe and saoe lng cf appritin aTt-eat ary-(iftî Wrigley's refreshes the- mouth- absence cf or presenit teacher. ence Cain and Mr. Deailb,îru 'f O- tut. _-__seaiesth neve- nd f et -at-m we would ask 'vou ft-w suitable musical nurnler s, a id ep this tlot-k and as you look whicb a choice luenn wtt- Seivt-t'i WflODS PHOSPMoDINE!, 9 atitr~ wil'cu rernember that tht- tht- ladies, and tht- bal~ance-if '"nt Th rat Fugsh Preparatuin W R I hic you bave spoken willeve-iine, ;pont in s,î"îal C~.t'0 i nqsysreuv makes new Btood I bUIIII 49 ave ut-en fortunate enougb ta t-ail No need te sufer with t-ors, or te iuodins. iiscd for Nvervous ~ WGY Meta ,dBei Wrr V~tanha! you teacher and W'ho consider it an! non tht- risk of parîng tht-m. Rentoile 0 DASBR v. of1nerg , Palpitation ofP.,,paks hanour te prosent this gift te ont- tht- relnnip lsi wt 11 RWBAndCONY !iilrelmo y rire S2pe.,'boxlc ~wbc se icbiy deserves it. Signed iosvay's C'oun Reniover. CONBADCR YU P.'w i nptIgtmated n hehalf cf the membersand Ox'-iTht- following i-tport of tht- Vuî1- BENSON'S GOLDEN SYRUPy %,M rte C2rYRCNO.OcrAt oht te isWrs na swaian's Asuituaof Park Stret i îtrtc purst and mosi dlcicua Atteproper tm isEn wl ed ('hnur-h xias given at the an uobt.inable.eIBeid«abctng perfect _______________________ ow, repmesnting tht- ex-members cf meigr-o i.Itabre S>yrutim îhey are Ideal mwett the clss maeetht- presetat io ,1 Ieners for getieral baklng and rook- Her, th lssmd he peRtain ai, on hanul Jia . 1,2S...'$3835.771 ing purposes. and make excelent Althougb Mrs. Snowden was taken Receipts, ducing yeac ..... 15 9.3 0 candy. They mar full of nourish. Cori 1 omplett-iy by surprise she mad e a - ment and particularty recommend. expc vt-c abe ad sitaie epiyte i Ttal$5 ~î.7 -d for children. BENSONS Veryabl an suiabl rely t lal, otal$84.07GOLDEN li a îhtcker and tweeter wvbith the large auniber at Sun(a-av Exponditure foi' vear....... $678.361jSrphnConBad Prej 'T EE W E L AN ST ONGSt-h <il eartily t-uncocct-d la, theu' yrptenCo rn.WC ai'oia tt-u lieu yb'al snigIBi on hand Dec. 31, 2 141BNOSRPRDONrc u'Best ho thet- G that Binds". Tht- As;otialt!ûa prcvide<Isle'Cil"FrurOyaBSOS PRE. fori _________muonrp;t-sctnsfith Sa PARED CORS hias been regard.d day St-boul, linoleum, taus m ostodncmiyfrmk < l'a'-This Astbaîa Remeily. A]lrs, creani and sugar sets, totlIng delclous desserte and for pr.- usercf c. . D Kelcgg j ing an elctrt- patefortht ki-atine sauce,. itla corn s urch lIn The- c Lrteful Rseart-dyfinI ttt-Drtbn wnosf ht tbclront.1neim uei om pd woriani rih uyt'., iimur. adt(uiclv uutt f1i ~I r 1ýýPi t 'Id 'r :1în<I c i t'viri. ul i a l' I1'î.îîe dizzness.aauis'ins lettrs. --- Il 1.M lll. yç -r,?ýk1-I C nd t hi i fî- 'iii g pains cf i ndiges I- Vnsw etc ed ta h'. iu'ifu'utiyhaninIess andi iii i ] i luiku oal uts at-tion nuit Ly d a ýý E r P e i olyn1\u tirali'zu'. uîeid starnachb ut Unweteed t-,n<l I stu'ii. al and pioteet thu- Co - ' P ô'ü .inflanied siunuuui"h linhng, thus pl*()- FREZ ECIPEBOCK iotingt, a ulthv. normal <digestioîn. jaF.fikhmMdcn CoLnM s.US.Write The Borden Co., Limited, Sulul l iv Iggisrs'whc'rt-in i ..Dept. B 81, 140nt. al St. c i thrtlt or powdt-r foiniand ý,ii Coour, Otaro, anad. WstMonrea. useddaily uy uhousands. mop- before you D&ci de 3'- TF the prospective car-buyer knew wbat t h e McLaughuinBFuick owner knows, the tremendous Popularity of the 1929 McL-aughlin-Bujck would be stili further increased! For McLauighljnL3uick for 1929 introduces in its performance, qualities as advanced and as unprecedented as it exhibits in the stylish oniginalicy of its Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher. In power, flashing pick-up: sustained speed and smoothness, and indonaitable stamina it surpasses any previous achievement in the Mclaughlin-Buick field. So, before yeu decide on any car--sec and drive Mclaughlin-Buick. M-9-3-29C McLau hlin VIHMASTERPIECE GODIES BY FISHER. Corbett Motor Sales Phone 248 Bowmnan ville BenrAutomobile, A" Built - McL&ughlin.Buick Wîit iufild Trhe, e I 'OUR favorite Recipe . chat simple, tasty c chat your family enjoys and your friends pr mnay bc worth moncy. re is your chance ta find out. The Canada Sta, npa.ny wiII buy praccical, easily prepared and ensive Recipes wili pa>' $5.ooecach for che best fifc>y Recipe ived from Canadi2n house-%vîves, and $3.00 each che nexc best fifcy. Ai Recipes miust be maîled or before May' îst, 192.9. ontIy conditionis arc The ingredients of your Recipes mustinu. ront or more of the Famous Canada Storch Productç. Ai] suremcints must bc it-vel. Use ordinalry meiasuring cups and c&. Besides the- tngrcdiet-ns, givc 2 cîcar eutline of the- mcnbod ixing and cooking 1 n Recîpcs fer Desserts, Cook-d Dishes, Pascries, Sâlads, Candy. du is il b udg-d and rested b>' weli Icnwn Caadian e ofdplication of 1 h Rt-cipcS finaîl> st-lt-tced by the- Judges. reccived carliest w:II bc given preference. ecipes aubmitted btceorne the- proetrty of the Canada Starci, >any and rnay bk used as dcSIICîd t cm, 2and wilJ not bc dish 'aise arch lak- p .1 PAGE SIX ewffl'ýl ipL