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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1929, p. 7

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Aad teas front flnegg gardens nake the*blond. MCIITana TEA 'lFresh §rom thse garukne qJust Righi for This Weather SHR EDDED Iighin ii alories and warming carbo- 4ydratesvNo fnss or bother--just warm in oven and serve with hoet milk Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Lt4 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatismn rDOEFS NOT AFFECT THE HEART ~ Accept 2 MIy«'Bayer" package which contains proven directions. S a r Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets S'cqýAlso bottlea of 24 and l00-Druggiste. ta tic trade surt <egitered lu Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic. ahlî ta ffSlcWUcacid (Acetyl Saiieyiic Actd. "A. S. A."). Wile Il la weil known that Alememcmi Baye manufacture. to afaist the publie against imitations. the. Tablesa et Bare Oompu.y wli b. tamped wtt their gtrierai trade mark, the "Bayer Cm$a." I\mxw\4wIE THE CÂNA.DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14tb., 1929 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL YOUNG PEOeLE'S SOCIETY 1 BOARD 0F EDUCATION nemda R m ILiv.Iy Debate Featured Program1 The Bado dctinmt etexa.mination for February, i response to the earnest appeal!MOrdRY evening wiUt!heolOwlng Literature, Wiig ztmtc of the Newcastle Young People's* messbers present: H. W. Dudley, Reading. Soc'ety to attend its regular nieet- M. Clark, Thos. Moffat,, Wm. E. B--- Jr. IHý-Jo>e Hockin 76, Ralph Gïb- ing on Monday evening, the young man, Rev. E. R. James, Rev. W. P. son 76, Ruth Honey 75~, Kathleeni and oïdLr pc'wIle filEed the S. ;. Rogers, H. E. Hancock. John Scott, Spencer 71, Gertrude Eratai70, rooni a1niost Lao capacity, w:th a fai r T. W. JackLson and H. J. Toms, H. W. i Norton Cowan 66, îlean Clark 64, sprinklinig in the gallery. Dudley in the chair.j Muriel Shaw 64, John VanDusen 61, The meeting was in charge of the Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler waited on Dorothy Aldread 60, Marion Eddy president, Elizabeth Hancock, and tihe Board and offered a prize of $10 57, Mike Arych 56, Louise Hancock opened witb a song se.rvice of sev- for public speaking Vo be competed 54, Margaret Burley 54, Lois Martin eral favorite hymns. The Bible for by H. S. students, the H. S. teach- 42 a), Katie Clark 42. reading was given by Mxr. J. H. Jose1ers Vo be consulted in regard to a Sr. IIH-M.OlY Quigg 84, Frances who gave an earnest and thoughtfuilsuitable subjeet. The Board glaflly Brenton 83, Clarence Clark 74, talk on the lesson. j accepted Mrs. Butlers off er which Lloyd Hancock 74, Axchie Maritin 72, A quartet "Steal Away" was will tend to add furtfher interest Vo Rota Powell 70, Lois Rowe 68, Dor- apenidy ndefecivlySung by the H. S. Commencement. <Since nthy Henning 55. tour promising young singers, Win- .%emeig m H .Dde a Jr. II--Stanley Blrown 65, Victor nifred and Marion Rickard, Clare iîitimated that s9he will supplement Garrod 62, Helen Robinson 54, Lii- Allin and Stanley Riekard, with this addition Vo the prize list by a lian Burley 53, Hazel McManus 48 Phyllis Clemence as accompanist. second prize of $5). 1 ai), Jack Bentz 47. A special feature was prepared for Miss Hattie Mason, Supervisor of 1 H. A. Mlason, teacher. Monday evening's program in the Music in the Public Sehool, ivas pi-es-I Prumary Room f orm of a debate, "Resolved that ent iby request and gave a most in-'e New Ontario offers greater possib- teresting and revealing talk on muai-I Perf ect Attendance--Sam Cowan, ilities Vo the young fariner thaTn do cal instruction courses for public Harold Hockin, Ethel Spencer, Al- the Prairie Provinces." The affirini- ahoOl pupils, explaining the system fred Gray, Gerald Henning, Bruce ative was upheld by Mr. Clarence she used and the methods she wasi VanDusen, Stanley Couch, Jimniie Allin and Miss Lillian Cle'mence, following in teaching singing in the, Keedh, Jimmie Lovekin, Reita Cooke, and the negative by Miss Elva Pearce different grades. She also read ex-lKeith Rowe. and Mr. Jim Reynolds, Hope Town- tracts froni educationists and musi-' Claes examined in .Aribhmetie, ship. cal authorities shcswing the educat- Comuposition, Geography, Spelling. The strbject and the speakers were ive, disciplinary and moral values of -Absent for exam. introduced by Mr. J. Y. Kellough, mnusic as a subject on tihe school cur- Sr. I-Margaret Pearce 79, Tom Port Hope. Splendid arguments 1riculumn. The Harmonica and Uku- Brereton 78, Sain Ccwan 76, Alfred 'vere presented 'by each, as Vo the lele Band fhas again been organized Gray 75, tHelen Gibeson 69, John relative Fanerits ocf New Ontario and in the school with a meereihip of Arych 69, Harold Hockin 69, Ethel the Prairie Provinces. At the con- 50, with Miss Mason, Diirector and iSpencer 61, *Helen Eddy 36, cluson of the debate, during which Miss P. M. L. 'Brock, pianist. The Patricia Pearce ,(98 on 1 paper), Mis Haco.k cte astine-eeprBoard was deeply impressed by Miss **Jack Cotter (57 on 2 papers), Al- very interesting renurks were maide Mason's talk atid accorded ber aïfared Aldread 0. by Dr. J. B. Reynolds, M. A, port hearty vote of tSiankn and apprecia- 1 Jr. I-Bruce VanDusen 73, Gerald Hoipe, and Mrs. J. C. Hancock, who tion, moved by Rev. E. R. jamcsýHenfling 66, Vivian Dnck 63, J<hsuie were appointed critics. and seconded by Mr-. H. J. Toms. Lovekin 57, Artie Toms *** The decision 'vas made by a In concluding her îlîuminatin G. Elizabeth Hancocli, teacher., standing vote osf those present, in address, Miss Mason extended al- favour of the negative, but tihe. pressing invitation Vo tihe Board, col- NWATESHO OE majority of 'the voters, being umaible1 lectively and individually, Vo visit tihe 1_NWCSTL _____ NTE Vo make up their ininds, kePttVo'school during mnusic periods and see - The Harmonica Band bas been a-e- their seats. ber and her pupils in action. This 1raie iha eibrhp o Mrs. Frank Branton kindly fav-1 invitation ia presuiaibly exctended to fifty Impilsfo obbHgiai oured the League 'with a splendid parents as well. Public Scbools. B andprtie s Cenda" on of the vocal lo "D 1. Principail Thos. A. Rodger repîort- iheld every Tuesday morning recess. Canaa" hich'va gr a PP'rec- ed that the P. S. PuPiis now bad $196 The following officera and Execuitive iated, Mrs. L. M. Fisber playing the1 on deposit in tihe Penny Bank and Connittee 'have b'een elected -for the accompaniment. anticipated that the $200 mai-k year rsdn-leada e Sanwicescofflee and cake Jwould be passed On the morrorw, Maio; lst Vice-Rs oa;Sce proed sutale nd oplarfinleMai-ch Sth. PrettY good for the tarY-Fred 'EntIer; Treasurer-Jolin Vo a very interesting and pleasur- tihree and a halif îonifth e beank Rickard; Conmiittee-Roy Jones, able evening. I bas been in operation, for it wasn't Florence Spencer, Helen Lycett, Mar-, instîtiuted in the sehool unitîl about ion Samis, Gwen Williams, Harry' MEMRY the middle a, Novemînber. Coucb; Pianist-Miss p. M. L B-rock; MEOY'The Board referred a communica- Leader-Hattie A. Mason, Supt. ofi Keepa lttl, jst litle tion firora Thle Toronto General Music. Kep inyttlut af time,I Trusts Corporation Vo the Medal & Our Penny Bank now bas a mem- Tlff i i thougb t of e, 1Prize Commitîtee. The letter stat- bership of 89 'with deposits amount- Clo s within t bayof 01 ed that the Montagne endowmnent of ing Vo nearly $200. hAnd soqnl wae th heitna be1 1$5000 was ncsw snvested at 5%, tfhat The High Scihool iàterary Society Tht it eil warn the eat of O teewoheb ipess ncnnc held an interesting meeting on Fi.. Whengreydayscorn VO hee. ion with 1V from time to time, that day afternoon. hjrorm on Keep a little, just a little there aight be tinies when it T o Chirnan' adrss bycon Thouht wthinyourheat, wuldnt li in estedan President, Alex. DeMaio; mouth or- 0f days when joy was one with us, in view of titis that the two annual And neyer a tear could staxt hlaaipVoieeredtrfon gan -olo by the President; musical 9chlarhils t -b deive threfomnunaber, orchestra be.lIs and mouthi Before that littîe shadow grew be kept down to a level of $100ornRyJe;radg b A- T eep our livejst a lttlech.nabelle Hendry, Mariette, John Kee a itlejua alitieThe Board again consiilered the Hendry and Artihur Lockhart. The Tiny thought of nme, question olf enlarging the school clever and witty scho<ol magazine, Neyer mind the land between grounds.. 'Mhe Buzzer" 'vas read by Raye De- And miles and miles of ma, Accounts were passed totahing line. A critic's report 'vas given But twine a thought about >'our $136.56 including $62.00 to Geo. by Douglas Wright. Officem w'ere heart Jaanieson for coal and $53.00 Vo F. elected et a previous Meeting as fol- And call it emry J. Mitchell for organ anid cover, and lo'ws: PrsienAe?_ao -iLaura nedell.authorized the seerptary Vo 501. t. eePresident-ougIas Wrih; ___________ rantof $000.bens fron each form 'were appibnted The Board will -hold its next meet- ion the progiraim coinmittee. ing on Monday, April 8th, after Rev. Stpaeringndyuetyr E. R. James and Rev. W. P. Rogers bu Siness vrusngondmo etm an sA chvetrn dfei h O .monmentuni is a graduai move toward A. onvntina dead stoqx tke CHALLENGIER4006sefs «Il these Srecords... P. 0. a W"&~r M 'Zdpird da,*6 TwSen$10251 e~ mer, $1025f C.aosM C 0,e 1080. &-ta ridard meand e. during Natrion- wide " CHALLEGER 1AIELEIK Mr. Ames, driver of the car, in company with Chief of Police ail daY long is elwti Veston and Editor of The Statesman, gave the Esaex "Challen- . wh ihf tee' a test at Newcastle bill. From apeed of 10 miles it work- 8t3 range~ fia up to 50 miles per hour in 20 seconds. Breaks were applied at 35 miles per haur and car came ta standatili in lesa than 35 One million owners know feet. HEgII gear performance and riding qualities were alta ex- the special advantages of cd(eu.the. Super-&x. T'hey are Above wc show some of IN FAST GET-AWAY best quali5ied to compare the local records, olicially -no car is excepted. IN the. Essex the Challenger. 'observed by newspaper SPEED-anYthing the To them we offer first men,which Essex the Chal- road offers up to 70 miles opportunity to test the lenger established during an hour. IN HILL nàtupoweful, the larget, Natioinide Challenger CLIMBING-against romet smootliest, easi- VVcck. Owners here, and any car you choose. IN es ridng-most complet. owners by thousa id, ail APPEAIANCE-match Eaux cver buik. But ail over the ccuantry, ;tave it for smaitness with cost- moto rdom mfust bc au- dupicaed es tetsor lier cars. IN EASE 0F tuddta vnwt dulîard hec essor DRIVING - note tuddta vnwt at Icast, verified the cap- smootiness of motor,- acvcnty-six notable im- acity qf their owfl Essex case of steerng-roadabil- provements, the price is the. the Challenger to repro>- isy and effectiveness of lowest in Essex histoy-a duce any or ail of these brakes. IN ENDUR- pnice butlittleabove the low- proofs. ANCE-60 miles an hotar es-pricedcar onthecmarke. Ross-Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltde, J. S. Ames, Rep., Bowmanvile, Ont.1 A REAL GOOD CONCERT Given in Newcastle Commuaity Halli by McGregor Concert.Ca. i Those who attended the entertain-1 ment off the McGregor Concert Co.,1 in Community Hall on Tuesday even-j ing 'vere loud in their pi-aise of tbe ependid program of tmusic, song ad elocutionary nunthers, as 'velI as the beautiful and suitable costumes worn by the artists. Two members of the comipany were unaible Vo be present but were re-1 placed by Miss Haylock, contralto soloist, and Miss Mason, Reader. Thel other menibers were Jessie McIGreg-1 or, pianist and director, Ethel Clow-; es, violinist, Amy Lomas, cornetist. The "Versatile Quintette" lived up to its name with its vaiied pro- gram of classic, Scotch, 'ýOld Tyme" and humorous selectiions, one and al of whieh delighted its audience, wjio showed a vast appreciation of and sympathy with the entertaininent Now they listened, entranced and motion- less, Vo classic music, and now with pulsating feet and anîmated faces tn the kir of the' hag pipes cleverlyý rendered on the violin iby Miss Clowes, and the dashing tunesof! Scotland. One moment they sat in blissaful relax-ation as the strains of old love songa floated into the air and the next were convulsed in soul-sat- isfying mirth at the witty spe-eches of the elc'cutionist. Miss Mason's -ele.tions were very popular and widelyvavriod. MiLss Haylock very ac ce p, ably filled the place of the hvr'lonc vo- calist, po---esqing an att-active per- sonality, a youthful and ' nîe aippearance, and a Rweet and appeal- ing voice. The violinist hwir,vPet ber instrument with an explertnc"-s and feeling which could not hPvo been hettered and thé' cornet selos and accompaniment »1syed by Miss Lomas, added much to the excellence cf the entertaininent. Miss McGregor finrered the kev board with a imasterly and akilful ouch, in both piano solos and ac- companiments. As- the manairer of tihis talented group of artists. she de- serves bigh commendation for thel splendid prograin presented. This la Miss McGregor's second appear- ance here and local music lovai-s join in hoping that it lanoct ber hast. The indications of %vorms are reat- lessneoe, grinding of teetb, picling of the nose, extreme peevishness, of- ten convulsions. Under theee con- ditions, one of the best rennedies that can lie got la Miller's Wormn Po<wders. They 'vili attback the 'vomis ta soon as adininistered and they pass aiway In the evacuations. The littîle suff- erer 'vilIl Ïe inmondiately eased and a return of the attack 'vii tat b. llkely. PAGE SEVEN Stepping -Up Motor Car Quality i the Low- Prieed Fleld> PONT] fIlGE c PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMflm Internai and Etral Pains are pronp'tly relieved by1L D~tMMA' CLECTRIC O0 WlqH 9 5EN 5010 FOR NEARLY FIFTs'YEARt AN iNO b" - OPLATER tELLER THAIE EVER BEFURE IS A TET iMuNiAt. ÇHAT SPEAKS F'OR MT You'11 be proud of the Chrysier "75» -no matter where you gro T HERE'S an air of con- sum mate quality and dis- tinction in the Chrysier "75" that no experienced motorist can fail to appreciate. In style, the Chrysier '7V" stands out as the fashion-plate of its field. It sparkles with an orgia and authentic type of bat that is irresistible. And in performance, the Ch rysier "75" lbas a vigor and virility of action that place it as far ahead today as the orig- inal Chrysler was four years ago. And no car in ail the world is casier to hande- wxth pivotal steering-balanced front wheels-and the easy, positive action of weather- proof four-wheel hydraulic brakes, the safest brakes ever developed by engineers. You will be proud of a Chrysier -75" anywhere you go-you '11 bc complimented f or owning one. And mingled with your enjoyment wil be the solid satisfaction of get- ting s0 înuchi value for your investment. New Chrser "75"- Nfio bcdy11,/ot$985 te 300. NeweèhrIyalcr <'65- -Six body ~I: $1325:.o $1460. New. Chryaler Imperia-Five .atmbd ftylei, $3355 te $605. Ail >ricei f...b. H"indiar, Onari-o, isc./uding randard fac- ry equtpmmnt (.freight and' laxef extra).- ICH RY SLE R "75" ,CHRYBLER MOTORS PRODUCT WALTER DELINE g s Phone Newcastle 3733. INewcastle, Ontaaio T H Pntic igSix is a lw Tpriced carayetian performance, in heauty and style, in luxnry, it off ers ail the advantage8 of a truly fine, big car. haâ big, new IL-head engine de- velops the speed, power and acceleration of a big car. Its new, noiseless internai. four-wheei brakes provide big car safety and control. It off ers the big car sym- metry and beauty of stuiming new Fisher bodies, flaring fenders, high, narrow radiators and fine car proportions and Unes. Learn by investigation what a de- eidedly advantageou8 "buy" It representso. .-u Corbett Motar Sales King Street East Bownmnvilie

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