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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 111E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MARCH 21s:.. 1929 ENFIELD TYRONE MI:.. J l'n. H'UPl)u rn hms been vis- '.%r. and Mrz.WXm. Coch-ran(c' and 11 The N e ~a t l - e ~ - d itîng riear Columbhus. ', Orono, . a'db'r parents, Mr.t Mr, and ýMrs,, Page and family iand Mrs. Wrn. V' r._________________ __ ha.( a il had s'af lo.t fever. Nrir. . nTav t, and M r. R. 'Me Luos aro again runn ing T,,Siu"on, î.,r *. f 'ýr!,'n.,'HURSDAY, MARCH 2s. 1929. a, ici be ifter a s;ix woeks' reat. .e Mrz. W. F. P'ar'-, ~- -cl hJ tv parrand rs. th r ege*a fus jECSL LAWN BOWLERS' BANQUET SPRING FLOWER SHOW Hubb.rii enudrtt rs.1,da,- eveninz (,nlacco)un uf d r a M".NWASL Sa. Pg a en eybs'pract.- e aigu' th:s Thun-d1ay v-ý M .S ae a enveybsý at 51 p. -n.i Misses Marlon Riekard and M.nnier H. J1. Ragen Presented John Douglaa UdrApiesoNwctl Mr. 'e <eninr o he stock of Mr.l . ;_t.lcm Sgv as~-Pa rc pn h w ed hM r. Trophy ta Winning Rink-Dr. But.$ Horticultural Society. FloUy agte.dn dA report ron Sunday m rrnng of the iarnd Mrs. S. E. Sculthcpe, P,îrt Hope. ler Off ers Prizes ta Best Bowlers.1 Fled Pre î'ûhbi-~r <oveninMr icard.Jme- Tron to, s penri For the third trne although not Mr. Elmer Prescott having disolv- r,hri'< recn (ovnty.edi o Ar ihr -aeT e.À partnership with his brother bnaseYd thé weekend at the' ,n, tet r.etry with hisl Birds of a S e flrck toge-her;i for the third year in succe-sîon, Nlr.. gone t,) Oshawa. bs1 GIad t, ýee tht Misý VWioa Shortt! pare-ntsý,, Rev. and<ivlrs. E. R. James., and so it was ct he la-wn bcs1Lers:, Matt. Brown bas xon the Chester Mr. and Mna. J. Watson have . Iv bas returned to ht-r home again afteri Mrs. 1. E. BDel1 entertaine-d on of Newcaeitle za-here<I -in Mondav Mssy hallenge Cup for most en up farming and ;rnoved te Mr. W. pending sevtral months with her1 Monday evening on the occasion of evening for '- ir sprngtime met-t'Points in the Spring Flow,-er Sh w,%. A~ iton'~ va ant hoiis, sister, M rs. A . W . lresc <tt, E nfield . her- randdaugher, M iss Ida Iarker's and evening m e-a . co p n d by Mr .. F M a h t, P e id t of h The- Aduit Bible (lass and M'in' irthday. their ma*es tht-. Ly c dt. the- south' Horticuitural Society, conratulated Mr. and Mrs. John Hepburn, Mr. One î-, spent a social evening o;n Mrs. L. E. Park, and Rev. H. A. west corner )f the- 'lowcer art-as of, Mrs. Brown and presented hec with and Mni. L. C'. Pascoe, Mr. and NIrs. Friday in the- vestr,'. A gecod_ pro- MelIow, called on i:her brother, '.%Ir <ommunity Hal: a ILitié after dusk,, the, cup on Friday cvening last, on John Mtculoch, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver graniwa-- privided; gantes and con-; A. E. Mellow, on their way home to and it being the- first quar-er of the1 conclusion ofif the program following McCulloch and Miss Ida MClohtsts xere enjoyed hy ail; a splendid Manilla, lest week. moon they had felû;,ý-ship one %vith th-uasupricnecon it attended thé- funepral of the- late Mr. 1 lunch wa.s -ervedi by the ladies at Mr. Louis Clark went to Belleville another while 't travel!c-d upward in the sqhow. Geo. KeatIie, Wick. the close. iadRamr rdyt pn e the sky. Mr. S. J. Jackman, judge, gave a1 The many f riends of Mrs. Thomnas days with relatives and help with the1 Seated around the tables to tht- I practical talk on gladiolu.s and fi ewer WVooeley will he del:ghted to know maple syrup making. «I number of ha.f a hundred tney par-I1 culture in général and an.swered sat- she is having a very pleasant visitý Mr. DeWardo Babcock, eratwhile took witb guste of tht- tempting and 1 isfactorily seteral quesitions put te in Santa Monica, California, witb: proprieter of Cret House, spent tw delectable foùd.s provided by the lady hlm by those present. her daugbter-in-law, M rs. Maggie days- in the village last week attend- i birds. The gen-lemen sat in ease Rev. W. P. Rogers, lst Vice Presi- Woodlthe re Won d ley w ritnat uies tr. wbile tht- ladies ,flited about the- (lent, occupied the chair. A lw ays '.tterneIn tmo rhad r. C. R. Carvath, accompanied byPlcwthamnum fco oto Edwin Hancock, Louise Hancocki are beautiful with bloorm and that Cucilri.H.Jseantrd dbsered in generous quantities th' and John VanDusen, winnes-s of lst, the gardens are full of hit-is andBelvleFia dbs of ham, bt-cf, scalloped Pc- 2nd and .3rd prizes respectively in rose infuhihlom. hellvill Frday morning and rt-- tatees, cabbage and beet salad, coif- tht- essay competition, "Suggestionsý 1,r.;îýrri ofIiil, -1~dicioiisbrakiitundt-saeenig ee, pie and ice cream-not ail at how te tht- beys and girls in I~U~W VjUV , rtakftstGet a bostess package cf "Canada -once but in cî,urses-and who hav- tht- vork of The- Horticultural Soc- Li U V~ . --Dry Ginger Ale" at Mellow's Drugl ing performed tbis office, sidled gent- iety" read their compositions in, OBTAYStore. $2.25. a dozen, and we alt-w ly to ithe waiting chairs beside their turr and thus provided one cf tht- Tir4, oveworked, 9trainedOBITUARYfor empty bottles returned. mates and ate in coýmpany with theni. etfausofhepgrm Trcd, exca'wMr&.W.kH.darrieraownedi e Rt-v. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers and'ib-tfaue ftepcrm eye6, inake you feel that way bc-~ n .H are omnil Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke, C. P. R., Thteewere e e,,certions te tbis Mrs. R. W. Walton folloxved byl wer etetaiedatdineratMrgéneralre;frisac To an Mrs. Matchett gave a very full and i cau»e tàt-y really are tired and On Friday afternoon, March l5th, and rs. e otrgdet Honyn ues-Mr 1fe 1 'te;r nsm tneToimeer-d omprhen.sive report cf part cf the ne atnC.Ithere entered into rest Minnie Grace idy cy Hare aAs«,.ste4 ]n the serving by proceedings and addresses of the On- l"réiy ite imesrliv I.Bri elinve wifd e a r. RWilliam yru flv. pcuring coffet- -and tithout spilling tario Horticultural Convention wbich Pr.ery i~ ea Mpl Syup flvoing ir> it either. Bt-fore berinning any cfj they attended in Toronto last Febru- thtcea4ition-eerve as; a tonic Mrs. Barrie was the fourtit daugb- ltsadol 0 b pcaetr ise eiv .Bri nbr7r er Hand Rolled Maple Creamn Choco- teseexecse.; cý,e j<who~le cg pan ary. teteeqienervous system.&t- ter of the laIe Ann Allun and Tbom-, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday dvn rsneaddvn lsîg teto 4thsi o nyW-e- as Smale Bragg and was born at Pi. - at Mellow's Drug Store. divnwa s gt e ginn. n-cn itn eoe and over lesig teiint fi<i e nyws- vidence, Darlinglon township, being, twsag renig n a i1tnt vrad oe it Li a duty. ont- cf a farmily cf ten children, the1 St. Georges Church-Rev. E. R. I greater number cf wh>m have pas.sed James, Rector. Sunday, Match 24, Liater tht-rt-w-as more singing, the again. Re iure te s;ec a Regisrelied te tht- Great Beyond. Palm Sunday: 8 a. m.-Holy Cern- exohange of courtesies, the drinking Dr. Butler in bis reply ¶te tht- Opt*metcisit.InMrb15,at Bokdl munion; il a. m.-Morning raerof toasts, tht- flow oif language, gest- toast pi-oposed by Mrs. Rickard, an- In arh,189, t Brokdle2.30 p. m.-Sunday SehuoI;7 .m ures cf good will, and a littie bus- nounced bis intention cf denating te We Are Registea.ed Optometrists Farm", Clarke, she was unitt-d in i-Evening Prayer. i mess. Niyw and again tht- bowlers, tht- two clubs a set cf bowls, tei be 1marriage witb Williamn H. Barrie cf A car cf Western horst-s which lied by W. Frank Riekard, -ith competed for by memb>ers cf tht- that township by Rev. Jesse Wbit- M Fb fclb hicong sme- Tt lok. To tht-m wt-re hem tare were brought ht-te last wt-ek and 1l'uta M. Fist-r performing on tht-lb -, oin ume. h ildtn tbe tM.W.Rii ntt tes carolled tht-lt songs and Men's Club and Wcimen'-, Club are dence, ove Hav e .rre, woprv- R. Lovekin facm are attracting con-' roundelays wiîth zest and viger and at eacb te determine their best players Ey.Itdeceased her mother in> January,, fiderablt- attention on tht- part cf: other trnes sat in rapt attention by procest-f elimination, tht- gaines Dan. 26. Sinct tht-nlMtslaBDrrie' farmers cf tht- neighhorheod. whilt- Bob Walton or Hattie Mason, te proceed until ail are elitinated 1926 icete Ms bough tr ain tht- nightingiale or tht- sky- but two men and two wornen. These Proprly healtit bas gradually failed, tog Mr. Rt-g. L-Gteslt-y bas purcbasd lark, filled tbe air witb the- sweet- wii] draw fer thbe pre-finals and tbe Pho0no 78 she bas only bt-en ccînfined te ht-r bcd frorn Mr. Lloyd Snowden, Maple ness cf rnclody. twe winners will play tht- final. Te for about three weeks with pt-roi- Grove, a tractor, plow and set cf Of course tht-st- things were rt-ait- the- winner cf titis t-vent tht- Docttor ci ous anemia. discs wiiih wbich to spt-ed up tht- tht- trimmings, tht- decoraltions, t will present thet--set cf bowls. If the J Tht- funeral teck place frorn tht- spring set-ding opérations, also a adr' nt ftt-meig ie~ winner is a ladY he will present to _________________ family résidence, King St., on Mon-; blizzard -te fil bis silo in tht- fail. thywr liteenittesb e mn who rt-aches tht- finals, a day afterno<mn, service being conduct-l Miss Muriel Bradley was taken te stance. This met-t, this banquet prise of t-quai value, Say a sweater ed by Rt-v. J. I. Robins, Pastor cf Toronto ast wet-kt-rd for an opéra- was a itime cf pglancing backwnard and and pair cf shees. If tht- winner la ITrinty Unted hurch asssted yltio whih it i tobe hoed wil a ime o laontangerbe wilid. amaesentwilterée ht-o thelea- t-v. J. W. Bunner. tio wbilaidyaae b bopd wilfatim cf oovnglue.ry fowar W ee mEnd TrntUnedCucaittd y prove successful and lt-ad te tht-me- It -had its special reasons-its caus in oghtladyakepri gs t-uilt-.Titis The pall-bearers w-trt- six nephewslstoration cf tht- healtit and strengtb and it will bave its effects. ueogtt aettnaitrsig -Me-sars. Russell, Arthur andi Otto! ite bas lacked inré tcent years. Mr. To bt-gin again ,the tables, like r S PE IALS Bragg, Harold Mackin, Frank Sharpe and Mrs. Bradley accompar>ied bt-r. tht- pregrant, had their adornmients-' SP C A S and Walter Couch. 1I uisad afoisad rtycn- Rt-gular meeting cf C. G. I. T. was The fiowem-ibeart-rs wert--Messrs. jWor. Bro. W. J. Bragg, D.D.G.M tlpsad afous ad rtt a d-1dsuon Ten 'tht Magine Coteat AT DILICK' E. C Ht-a, W. . BragS. has.1accompanied by menters of Jcru-l le holders, and many cule liltIe fav- hl nTedyeeig fe _______________________ Alu, Iwin . Bag1*Mit 1Hsait-m Lodge, paid -an officiaI visit teorsadtkn nbemtctfteEofor C. G. 1. T. grous h oko ______________________ - igh, IP. E . Graggnf ld on. Durharn Lodgt- A.F.&A.M. on Tues- erald Ile amd usually associated i wtb uhtt okc WihP.Efl . berac f t ariksd Ruth was drantatised by Marjery Men' Blu Ovrcoas, ay vnin Bro J.Scott Mont- atht--observance cf St. Patrick's day, M n B e O erot, Bt-ides hem husband site is uv-gc.ey a *former W.M. cf Lodge for il was just the- dey after. Co;wann as oa; Ht-tn Ly Ct, e- Reruar u to $ 32.50, cd by ht-t son Harve-y and grandson, Durham came up froîm Napance te In tihe po.4ition cf prominence et an, Oî-pah. Tht- next meeting is T4)CLEÀR AT $13.95 Codo Hugit Barrie, aise two attend tht- meeting. tht- head table set tht- président cf nec-,saarily postponed until April 9. ________________ Thos. C. Bragg and Wm. S. lintdCurh P-.W.P -te Mer's Bowling Club, Dr. J. A. Men' Sweters Regl Bragg, Bowmanville. 't-nta, or Sunday, Match 24th:1 Butler, chairman and toastmaster, Me'sSwatrs Rguar Tht- beautiful floral offerings in- il a. r.-Morning Worship; 2.30, witty and debonair. On bis rigitt,- $6.50 for .........$3.95 1 cluded: Wreatbs--Falmily, Mr. W. J. p. m.-Sunday Sciteol; 7 p. r.-Ev1 Henry J. Ragen of Toronto, tht- Mer> s .Bagg and famiy, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. ering Service. Spécial Prayer and' Bowling Club's good gt-nius and ont- Men's Fleece Lined Un- Hart, Bowmanvilie Fime Brigade; Preaching Services, also spécial mus- of tht- main -reasons for this spécial derwear, eulr$10,Spas-r. .S Edsall, -Mr. and ic by tht- choir in tht- S .S. Roomal igathering; on bis left, Mrs. Rager>, FOeuîR 6c r S. J. Hor>ey, Mr. and Mr . W. exception cf Saturday. wth fait, taker> front ht-r nest by tht- NewA Suits 1 G. Werry, Mrs. W. H. Osborne, Mr. i above mentior>ed Henry. Second te Men's Rub'>ers ........95C land Mns. Wnt. Trewin, Mrs. F. M.I Newcastle citisens t-njoyed rt-ad- tht- rigbt sat Mrs. Butler, Président ________________________ Soucit, M J. T. Bragg and Allie, ing tht- fitat instalment cf r.W oW f tht- Women's Bowling Club-fer M r. and Mrs. E. W. Rund le, Mr. an>d Jardine's article, Pientet a ntitis was a joint affeir cf tht- twr Ladifl'Rubers....... 59 tar. P. E. Grt-enfield, Miss Hast-I Durhamn, appearing in lest -wet-k's clubs--and second te tht- lt-fl, J. Scott Ladieî'~iioesBarrie, Mr and Mrs. Thos MCMuI-l Statesman. Mr. Jardine was a citi- Montgomery, Manager of tht- Bank M ny V e k $239 and $2.69 ýSharpe and family, Mr.R A. first when ha was principal of aur cf tht- tvening. Next in order and -- agg, Mm. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg. itigit scitool ir> tht- years '1884-5-6-7, just round lte corners were tht- Men'a Fine Oxfords, Among te relatives Item a dist-J and again when he filled lite same members of tht- winning rink, se- Gooyer w lt $385 nc-wr~Jr~aiid r~T.J. hapeposition in> 1910-11. Ris leter cernpanied by their ladies, in last and__sonFrank,_Mr._and Mms. Nelson slirmt-d pît-aant Imensoties cf bygone fall'a tourniet .5-e ' n T. Bang Ms. Thos. B-arg, TMr n~daM. W. H. Anderson> rect-ntîy rt-i 5flbrtnef tisf u ieinwbtn et-- >,J en I* >EI'1F Mrs. T. R. ('urmelley, Mrs. Fred Haw- ceived by registered mail a hand-'ery t-ne rising jr> his place drank te Pricec A . IL I* ki, Canton; Miss Elizabeth Barriesente medal from Woedslte t-dgt-, Henry J. Rager>, the founder cf the- King and Djisj.. Ste. CcI g;Mm. and Mts. John Barrie, I.O.O.F., Woodslee, Ont., in recogni-John Douglas Silver Cup and sang e Th N w Bowma.mvile Onat. INt-wtonviile; Mms. E. W. Rundlt- jVIr ticti cf bis 25 years or more member- heartily, 'He's ta Jolly Good elit-w',Se Th Ne l and Mrs. Geo. Hart, Oshawa. ' j ship in tht- iodge. Mr. Anderson 1 olo ili up with tittee rousing ___________________________________________________ raturally proud cf tht- modal adis a dt-aenngtier ____ ______ -n- --- mecepl wandoat-whatcf a aurip tis eeib. t s old at-tf ansurprie Mr. Ragen modestly acceptes titis YOUNG MEN'S enanel, suspended(from tree goldotu (fapecain xlie t links emblemmatical of tht- order, and tht- rea.sons for bis donaling a bowl- With box back, also the 1,, PL A N IN Gflttt-d with a pin for attacbing te tht- ing ttophy te Newcastle in tht- naine cano i-iits1r-k(;s Bert Brereton, skip of tht- winning soles rink, presentetd hlm witb a large oua rpes ul r. bandscm- goid lined silver cup, fawn herringbone, large When tht-rall -f Sping bîds you -fix aip the- yard" _________________mcunted on a deep ebony base, tht- BakadeTieefcs reimernber that_____;John Douglas Cup. Mr.. Ragen ac- BakadW ieefcs teit-itr ha Icompanied Ibis trophy with four smle n'ividuai cups <of tht- szmeI FROM $15. Brookdale Nurseries1 Week o n n adpatinfh Ilw m:vi1leInnig ink. Rt-v. W. P. Rogers, viet'1 MEN'S TWEED TOI a.' el qupedteo vîd- ouwîhil you needA foi' tht-J E.J PhilEc uucpan iled hertia- c SoId By j Have Your Eyes Examined Jamît-son, -vice s-kip. See Mitchell and See Wall Tht- dean cf playing bowlees, JohnT B & Co. ~Douglas aiso apoke îbriefly; he i.-aT R. M. Mitichell ~O boavier and a titinker, rather titan a J. A. Ho! gate & Son Druggiste and Optoun.trists talkeiX h-lIe Du.tly Opposite Phone 153 Bowmanville r Bowmanville O bis uod restetssele nMnea ord with a "ciltatioen frein Drt!n mond, a Habitant selection, wlhich KEEPING ABREAST 0F THE TIMES Modern retailing is undergoing constant changes and improvements. And we are doing everything to keep up in the van of progress to give our customers the best at the least cost. .. We have also recently increased our stock to give great variety. Ilere you wvilI now find Fresh Cured and Cooked Meats Canned Vegetables Fresh Vegetables Butter and Eggs Fish in Great Variety Tea and Coffee .Prompt Service and Free Delivery G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville CORBETT'S HOT + BUNS' Fresh every Friday during Lent. HOMEMADE HUM BUGS 30c LB. EASTER LILIES A lot of folks were unable to get Mies last, Easter. iThey left it too late. Order now and save disap- pointment. We could only get a limited quantity. EASTER NOVELTIES Undoubtedly the largest and best assortment we have ever shown ....................5c to $1.00 SILVERWOOD ICE CREAM Always in stock for ail occasions. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phoe 3Bowmanville ' and Topcoats for E aster ALSO -end Specials in Furnishings Young Men'a New Suits For Easter a From $15.00 to $35.00 rSingle Breasted Suits With Double Breasted Vesta to Match NEW TOP COATS N'ew Gards Model with doub. and peaked lapels, also thE Black and white mixtuxies plaids, in Brown, Fawn and 5.00 TO $35.00 )P COATS AT $7.75 i in Brown and Grey Tweed ng, thoroughly wateî'pnof, at only ................. 77 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.4 ,e of durable Broadcloth, fine pin stripe ail sizes, $1.48 EACH, 2 FOR $2.75 patterns, MEN'S SLICKER RAINCOATS AT $4.95 ;hades of Navy Blue with high stationary collar with ip and buckle. A good wearing waterproof slicker coat, SPECIAL AT $4.95 EN'S WORK PANTS AT $2.50 Special Value For This Weekend iffects, regular panting patterns, in s, well made and very strong, H~IS WEEK AT ONLY $2.50 PAIR very fine pin .GILCHRIST Phone 61 Bowmanville s 'J TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2ls-., 1929 PAGE EIGHT

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