PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATE-SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21st., 1929 LEGAL LD THE EDITOR TALKS i getting back. While we were wait- THE HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB i ng, his gallant Consort told me some M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., ILD Some strange phenomena happen j of their early struggle.s, hoping Another very encouraging meeting Barrister, Solicitor, Natary wnto individuals in this life. In the thereby to increase niy courage, of the 'Home and School Club was Money to loan on Farm and Tow American Magazine for March "Sev- which -was below par that night. held in the Central Public School on Property. Royal Bank Building, un Minutes in Eternity" is the titie é** March 13, with the President, Mrs. Bowmanville. Phone 351. of an amazing experience narrated _Shie told me, in a modest mien,how W. 1B Pollard in the chair. The by William Dudley Pelley. He wsthat as0yung folks, they had lived mieeting openied with community W. R. STRIKE asked to write about his great ad- dîni l Ontario, how Tom had singing, Miàss Leta I._'Bragg at -the Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. venture iby the editor after telling it. worked in a store for a dollar a day, piano. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Neither the editor nor any members! how, from these meagre wages, hie Minutes were read by Mr. J. H. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal of the staff knew what transformringl had saved over $100 dollars, in antic- Johnston. It was decided to have Money to Loan Phone 91 experience the author had been1 ipation of getting married, and comn- the oratorical contest in the Opera Bowmanville. Ontario t hrough, but it wvas evident to al ingZ here to homestead. She told mne House on Thursday, March 28th at that hie had greatly changed both in that hie had paid a hundred dollarsl 2.30 p. mi. School children will at- W. F. WARD, B. X. appearance and manner. Mdr. Pel- 1 to get a hewed log house built, sol tend in a body. There will be no Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Icsatcel h niaeacut htsewud hv ovneeadmission charge and ahl parents are of his re-4birth. The magazine ar-land comfort. After they wvere:cordially invited to conte out and Money to boan. Bonds for aale. tcles are copyright so cannot 'be re-1 married, they came to their home-' encourage the children in thiis work. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,1 published without permission buti stead. Tom showed lher the bouse,' Pollowing the business meeting a' Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones- I his excerpt from it 'will convey sorte but as shu looked ou't of the windo'w, splendid program ini charge of groupi Office 102; House 409. ýidea of its character. It Nwill sur-t her heart saddened, she wept. Al 5, Mrs. S. 'Morris, Convener, %vas prise and interest any reader. The 1 shu could see was bush, bush, out 'Of given. Master A. Culley ivith 'Miss Amnerican Magazine has a stated cir- every m-indow, froim every side, V. Brown as accompanist, sang tvo DENALculation of more than two millions.!1 nothing but big branching trees, Firish mnn'lbers very expressively. A DETL* * pesig thi "mouths" bard a-~ piano solo by Miss Marlon Green DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Mr. Pelley writes: Between 3 and'gainst the iwarmn earth, glutting their wa.s well rendered. Honor graduate in Dentistry, Torontoi 4 o'clock one moning a ghostly inner1 appetites on it, bo.som. Rev. J. U. Robins in avr - University. Graduate of the Rylshreik seemud to tear through my' sl* piring address based his remarks on!I Gollege of Dental Surgeons of On- somirng orr or I ilessd mif :1 She told me also, how they had the great part Christianity plays i tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. piighorr1wi'm dIg". What:1 been blessed (or burdened) wdàth child life. He drew comparisonsi Ofr-ce phone 40. House phone2.I'm dying. Fndig. Wa many children, how they had bought between child life in pagan countries X-Ray Equipment in Office. 22tl ~ l bntko. Sm n)awgopyn mc ahi s uch as China and Ja4pan, and child canny instinct had been unleashed in and a note for the 'balance, how as, 1ife in Christian countries and em- DR. J. C. DEVITTj slumiber to aw'aken and apprise mie. the date approached, they had no hietevta rltonip f Assisant D. E.W. Sison ertainly somuthing was happeningi funds, howv they %vorried about it. phisiedy the itl rlionshipeof Grauae f oyl enal' oleg, 1to me-something that ad nevr hhrelfhd arie htld of the world. Among other remarks, Toradnto ffRoyalDn t. atCoe ih1ppened down ail my days-a phy- care to the "feet" of Hlm :--whose' humru n tewslemnin Toroto. Offie, ingSt. ast o- 1 sical sensation which I can best des- migbt, the Angels fain ivould tî.Iuoosadobrie emnin manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to, ret" dihwteprt facidslv 6 D. nm. daily except Sunday. Phonel cibu as a combination of huart at- yet (human like) shu could not leave la infiuenced 'by bis parents and hnw 90. House phone 283.i tack and apopiexy. Mind you I say it there but carried it with hier to~ injustice ruins the fine sensitivene-ss j X-Ray Equipment in Office, physicai sensation. This was not a where they wure digging a field of; of a child. He sbowed bow the, I (ream-I was fully awake and yet I potatoes. Ichiîd was open to the truth on ac- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL was not. 1 knew that somuthing1 : * *i count of his trustful nature and faaith had happened either to my beart or On the day before the note was in his parents, and the greatest safe Honor graduate of TrnoUniver-'ha rbt n htm osiu!ubt esl n o vr a- sioronto or bothofthatalyClnsiofui1 de obweebgiguard to the parent-. iýsthe Christian sity~~~~~~ an ebro oylClee dentity was at the play of forces iging potatoes îin the field, their1 religion. Dental Surgeons. Licensed .o over wbich it had no control. Il hears were heavy, thuy had a goodj Miss Dorothy Edgar -played a piano mectiseryin On t rioanc hesDms. was awake, mmnd you, and 'wNhereas 1 crop, but it ivas a poor nmarket. Justi solo very nicely. A quartet hy Kng t.,inailitwbanchles. office- 1 had been on a bed in the moonlessj then, thuy huard f ootstepa 'beind j Misses Dorothy Aluin and Greta 'Pol- Binkgo St., owanvilOPposites dark of a Calif ornia bungalowv when i them, and a ,itrange voice sayi«ng, t ard and Messrs. 'Bob Corbett aId Bankof ontral. Phone 301. the 'phunomenon started, the next i "Do you know where I could buy KnehMri ase'eilywr __________ ~~ ~ a ry- wenybas o poatosIeedthy of notice. M~rs. 'T. W. Cawkeri sti dipt o colfiuespace, wihýte o obrscm a jI,,1i le usual fine voice 'wbich delighit- MEDICAL !,C.. a sinking sensation like that wbich Phelps. 1 can pay cash frte ed ahl, sang two lovely songs "A Ngeg- CW.SLEMON, .,CM attends the taking of uther as an Heaen sent an "ange]". Both Tom o1ulb"ad"Srntm"wt GrduteofTrinity Medical Colege,l anusthetic. Queur noises were and his '~e were s'o pent up iwitb1 Master C. Cawker as accompanist. Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. 1 singing in my enrs. Over and over emotion, that tbey could scarculy, ' Dainty refreshmients wvere served I Office and Residence, Dr. Beîth'si in a curiously turnbled brain the. work, but they bagged the potatoes,, and a social baîf-hour enjoyed. The former residence on Cburch Street thougb'r was preuninent: 'So this la' realizing that t tth oo iu meeting closed 'by singing "God* Save Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-i death". He iill not suffer that thKingt". J. CLARK BELLi Farther along in the article Mr.i_________________ MD.. Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin), .P.H. Pelley î;'ritcs: I knew whatha Safe shaît tbou bu. (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) bappened. I had left my earthly i Tom told nie sontie things too. He LAUNDRY WANTED Sons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-, body on a bungalow bed in the Cali-1 bas told me many things, over theu deen University; Fellow of the Royal' fornia Mountains. 1 had gone! years. This one sas about pigs. Late! Ail kindR of latindry work done prompt. v s atlstactorlly and ai reasonable pricet- College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. 1tbrough ail the -sensations of dying,; in the sumimer, they bad paid ten 1 Wrîî Post Offlh- Box 12. or cail Mrs. Office and Residence, Queen St., land 'shuther this ivas the lI-ereafter,'dollar-. for tw o suckling pigs. They IV MarJoram, King St. E. Bowmanvtlle Bowmanville, Phone 89. 1 or an intermed iate station, most em-l1 could' i? afford to do so. b ut like Phone 478W. Office Hours' 2 to 4 p. m., 6 b 5:.30 p. m. i phatically 1 bad reacbed a place andI ourselvus, they were fond off a frizzlel________________ statu which had neyer hieen dupli- and a fry for breakfast, bencu the' OfieW. H. BIRKS, M.D. 1 catud in alnîy experience. 1 say, purchase. Tom brought tbemn homeN tie o Crd or OfieHours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30.1 this because of the inexpressible ec.s- in a sack, put them in a pun thatliN tc.o rdt r Telephone 108. i tacy of my new state .both mentali had long ivaited "a tenant" then i Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's' and physical. For 1 had carriedlw'ent in the kitchen for a "snack". 1 In The Surrogate Court of the United forer esdeneWelingonStretI smusort of body into that new un- On coming out, bue walked .ve t i %nNsor 47thumberland and Ourharn Bowmanville. ' vironmuent iwith me. And now that th pig pen, only to find it emipty. Township of fLarlinclton. in th,- Colinty of 1 had reawakened 'sithout the slighti Thy had moved out and left no ad- Durham, Farmt'r, iciraseid. DR. V. H. STOREY est distress or barra, 1 was conscious druss Notice .s hereby gi-en that ail la-r- Office hours 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p. m. of a .beauty and loevliness of envi r-_- .Fons liaving liisaanlti'etiîo After 8 p. m., by appoinment only. onmien t that surpasses cbronicling on1 For twvo 'shole days they searchedithe Toship o.f arer den in ti on Exception-Office will bu open 9 to printed paper. !bigh and low, near and far, without ty of Dur,,hamu, wl"" 11iorlon i*aboutt ir(- 10 Saurda nigh. 36tf Thse ecerps ilI sufficeto iveeven hearing rn Tom did st at iiy or Janwîary, A. 1).1929. are nr- a iiuiriil to mail or dllOr the same with sonne idea of the peculiar pbenom- telI nie (man lîke) that he had pray- full particulars verifid by AI in1 DR. R. W. CLARK uno n Mr. Pelley uxiperiencud, and;ed about this pork, but 1 imagine the- undersigned on or 1JIfor thIi flr'< Physician & Surgeon which made 'a nea' man of hlmn. t he did, because on the morning of 'he xeY of Apill P 1929.afe ,is5,etqoti Office-Division St., Bowmanville. * II * ; the third day, bue'sas standing at the Esiaté. hnving regard only in ti* (next to Trinity United Cburch) 'Heaven Sent An Ange]' is the title! bis gate (ivondering. 1 suppose) ciaims then file(]. Office Hours-3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. of a story told by George Kingsleyl whun along came a stranger. "Say, Dated at Bowmanviltl- Ontario. this Surndays by appointment only. Rued in Montreal Witnuss, the suh- 1 Boss!" he said, 'did you lose any elcv,-nth dlay of March. A. D0. 192q. Phone 24t title being: "Sonsutimes the Way1 pigs? There's a couple u'p thuru' W. F. WARD, B.A., 46-t! bu Hard and the Progrsa Di-cou r-1 near that field* of* gra in." SotA.icitor for agîng But Help Al-ways Conies". 1* *13 . . m aCLEllN, Ot DR. D. M. CAMPBELL This seems a difficuit subjuct! ItI He 'sas continuing to talk, buti 191 Oakwo'-d Ave.. Toronto bas been running in my mind forl Tom, in bis excitement said, "Sayl £AR, NOSEL AND THROAT pveeks, at sucb frequent intervalsl Mister, excuse me, excuse, there's First and Thir j Saturdays 2 p.m that I bave been unabie to further 1tun dollars of my monuy in those Bownian Houa . Bowmanville. 2-tf' resiat it. It is a difficult niatter atl pigs". Leaving the "ange]" Heavun times, to free the mmnd of a certainI had sent, (and foregetting to tbank DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS subject or thougbt, no matter wbatl him) bue hurried into the bousue diversity is attempted, Like the ivy i and "pressed" the 'shole available The Physicians of Bowmanville, it stili cings to the 'salI. To-day, 1 family into the hunt for !ne hiave agreed to close theix offices;1 as 1 drovu to Furonia Station, it pi.e- 'pigs. It was a merry old chase, but Wednesday afternoons. In case of, sentudl itself, I dlacussed it 'audibly 1 they caught them, folded them Io emergency at this tume enquire ofJ with myself, turned it over and over 1 thuir "bosomn", puttinz tnem back, the bospitai or telephone operator in my mid Heavun snay send an' aftur rupairing tbe pen. for a doctor. I an gel". Sucb a visit la not improb-1 No carelesasînnimber shail His eyu- __________able, men bave entertained angels. 1 lids close, * * * 1 Who keepeth thue. JTom Finn bas, altbough it 'sas noti * * * I ~ > CHJROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS; binself 'wbho told me. He honîestuad- Botb Saints an<i Suttiers bave THEROPY cd a few miles away from 'shero thisl found thumasulvus, in thu "Feli e DUR IN E. STECKLEY isl being 'srittin, almost tbirt-y yuars i clutcb of circumnstancu", 'but at the onor grat te of T oronto olg ago, bue athis own troubles. just 1 zer~o our, Heaven sent an "angl". Colgas i bave hudl mine., 'but Io help us II remumiber 'shen I1'sas a boy, my of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- "1oVer the top", Heavun bas sent ais Father used to tel] of a laymian, wiio, man Saurda Ofeeningda, s, e 1J. vî'n as onue'sas sent to you 1 aftrt-some special service in the H uiini e anihle Office esdays, hursd4J.ayt AN S.gul Tpne htI hrchdt oaon oey E uiini e Resîdental cails made during for-sa d a'M o mS" s plaened tbatIngcbuîc, ad tago alodn seatonlT guns are primed f( foo.ror J superTm ialCgne t v N rth an etainughaonehn i Hweek or two the blusi -~ ~ ____ -i Bay for a load of feed andi 'as, latu told bov feýarful be fuit on thi" s r laite March, and the rai ticulai- nigbt, and ho's, as bie ap-; beat on your roof. FUNRALDIECTRSproacbied tbu wvoodcd section, a hug'-( FUNEAL IRECORSMastiff dog came out, sniffed abou When Nature unît F.F. MORRIS CO.hmictdbsbnl îudbbi of storni wi]! your roof &à (omplete Motor or stît until îbcy wuî'e out 'f theu avoûd:-, stand the siege? If Horse Equipmnent. then disappeared i.-. susldenly as bue clu.iely yountay find thi All all prmpt ad p (- a r d a e ii .ený;inand rneltirîg ice have attended to. Ilaî and ieîtk,. The roof mr Privatu Ambulance. 'Yes, i- -etnian A nge:. Ileil he sente bd Bownanville phone: o011<' t-t bse poor Sehîi:(r h iîge al B0ranSors en34. 0Eja îsc huji j: ow l thtine- O ono & Newcastle. I tto. Onut' td n h-tIe hlubuî-xx "I- adet eis Phî-n,- 197r3. 1-_tf LIC ENSED A!JCTIONEER WM. MAW, L'c,-ns',1 Auction,.er, 21 i,-'. ' c p ' ' r z.1,tv fax' ki>u nbut ', -l-aoi.and ne fac 'o in . i "i'>t. AI kind-. f alteq t; ' ' on e ytn for terrni" antI I41 azI>îlY to .1. D. Ho;Zarth. 'c-'.olrîî' iphone, lV.W'ax <-. \'kx-On-krio. VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., ]B.. V. S-. O rûo a Sonor Gratinate of University of' Toronto. Ail cases giveil promptj and Car.ffl attention. Office-Dr. licElog laformer office. Phones. CIlarke 8921; Orono 18-1. NI KF it a hbtit tob:. -ia cup of Gl"v111, î unch. You can pr, irs it' i a moment, yet it is dt-1îioti,.. z o' ýn nd invigorating J.: t w ' t 1-1 workcî s wa-uc SUCCESSFUL SHORT COURSES IN DURHAM COUNTY During the past 'sintur nmonths several very successful short courses wure conducted on varieus subjects la Durhami County. During the montb of January, at Nlillbrook, Short Courses in Domes'c Science and Agriculture 'sure gven, wben forty-threu boys and forty girls sure present to bunufit froni the teachin'g of experts in the various lines. An average attendance of thirty-one boys and twent-y-aseven girls 'sas maintained throughout the course. Even greatur responsu 'sas g>*vun by men and boys in Mýilibrook and vicinity to the Farm Mucbanics Course, 'shieb 'sas helti lale in FuNbru- ary. Th's cous-se lasted for five days in the Towsn Hall and w-as con- ducted by Mr. H. P. Green, BASc., Windsor, and Nir. J. C. Duif, Tara, t'so very efficient and tborougb in- structors .Anav erage attendance of seventy 'sas maintained in this course, witb over ninety on the roll. Large numburs attended a îbree- day Poultry Course. beld in the De- partment of Agriculture, Port Hope, the last xveek of Febs-uar'v. Agricultural Rupresentative J. Y. Kellougb, Port Hope, states that bu la vuîy mucb pleased 'sith the ru- s;ponse made by the young people to thesu varions courses put on this 'sinter. Illnuss in several homes psuvented an uvun greatet- attend- ance at the Month Short Course in Nlillbrook. It Ls fuît that these short courses, aiong -ith inter- Couanty Duibating, Public Speakingi Contusts, Home Plo'sing Contesta, anti Judging Co,mpetition.s, form a vury important part in the commun- ity life of the varions centrez, Ibru- eut the county. All phases of the Junior 'sork tend to promote butter farming, ie'teî honme making and better living on every farm. 1It la gî-atifying to kno's that tihs 'sork is 'bcing appreciate1 andsit itlathe hope of the Department of Agricult- ure that it nîay 'bu expanded in the future. No jumpy feeling NOW when 1 drive ~ through ~ traffic Nothing relieves tension so efifectiuvely as Wrigley's. The act of chewusg, as motorists have discov- cred, has a gentle soothing effect. The healthful cleansing action of Wrigiey's refreshes the mouth and steadies the nerves. after meal SAN,î ÔOl' ~ 1' o 's The Safe Way T HIE home is no place for valuable papers-neither is your office. For a small sum, you can have the protection of a Safety Deposit Box behind the steel doors of our vault. Your personal inspection is invited. 'The oftly safe Place for wîlls. bonds, stocks, deeds, polictes, faynîty po>ers. sm>.>1 ,ewellery, tic. G@19 The Royal Banki of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 The Personal Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldausa of printed bank forms and the buman element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Ban k of Commerce, tbru the members of its staff, hs anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strateý its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial niatters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill bu glad to give intiniate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your bus- iness. TM1 CANADIAN BAN Kj 0F COMMERCE rHFw-ih'a'il' is an9,af .,ted 1J TH~STADID BANK 0F CANADA j - -wqu Brantford Rooflng Co., Limited, Head Office and Factory, Brantford, ont. tt.-,nh Offices. nd Wa,-,hous t Tor-onto, Wndsor, Wnnipg, Montreat, Haifax and 'Ssnt John, NN. For Sale BY: RICE & CO., Hardware LjuyLAic;Li AFLL Wallpapers Make it a point te se what i have before seiecting yuur Wal Papers. la addition te my o'sn, I can sel] you goodq froni some of the best Wal I Paper Houses la On- tario, where papes-s are priced te selI fast. Prices given on all kinds cf painting and decorating. J. H. Abernethy Concession St., BowmanviII. Phone 431 PAGE TWO