PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2lst., 1929 NOBODY WANTS A Heat Leaking House',% Let Comfort be the f:rst thaught in planning your new home. Nobody wants a Heat Leakins House. New materials-new methods now make "all-weather" conifart passible. Heat-leaking houses are out of date. NOW, before you turn a sod or drive a nail-now is the time ta think af caînfort. Get the lateat informatian on "'Comfortested" construction.I Learn the secret of "" comfort. "COMFORTESTED" HOMES ARE INSULATED WITH CELOTEX Celatex, the marvelous new heat stopping lumber is built int the walli and upitairs ceilings af ail Halliday '"Camfartested" Homes. "Com- fortested" Hames are warm in woîer, cool in summer, cost 25 per cent. lessta b eat, are quieter ,- -d sronger. Don't tal<' comfort for granted. Comfort is nat a happy chance. It must bc planned for- must be BUILT IN. Halliday "Comfortested" Homes give yau the priceless quality of livability in ail weathers, and are at thie sanie time distinctive in appcarance, canvenient in layant, and moclest in cost. Write to-day for full information. Doi't Start Vithont These Books Whether yau are building a new home. repairing or remadelling, you need the Halliday Catalags. Mail coupon below 6 and return for free information. L Plenwse end me the Cat- HOMES REPAiitING L Please send mes ?.E sample o YTM Celotex GARAGFSE : -'\ Name ................................. ........... Ad'Iress ........................................ HALL I DAY L&MTDYHAM ILTON Halliday Building, 30 Jackson St. E. We Recommend OUR MEAT WITH CONFIDENCE Because we select the cattie personally, know who has been feeding them, and kilt them in our owfl slaughter house. They must be young, well fed, healthy and best quality. This is why people for over 75 years have learned fromn experience that they can buy choice meat with confidence and satisfaction at our shop. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville The Royal Master i Noi on& RoyolMo.itr ina UousndEileer J,uniur,,. Notons n 1E. housand aili bics' oui under iso years o service.. IN about 30 minutes, a good tire expert can often make a mîinor repair which will add 3000 miles or more to the life of the tire. -A hundred miles for every minute's work. Dominion Tire Depot owners are Canada's leading tire ex- perts - trained in Canada's finest tire factory. You arc never jar' away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BO MA VIL .. ..... ..... ......Jamieson & Jmeo /7Aàk 7OUr drumbtt for '*uk«»* tle British people have neyer under- j la Oý tm à gone degeneniation in tbis country id ~ and we can resi assured that Canada in tbe.days ta came will be one of Home Fui the great nations of the world. The dre:înof the Legisatureof 1867 75e AN 40. jours ta catch the vision of our fore-I PIONEER DAYS IN DURHAM THE UNIFICATION 0F CANADA i bears to stand firmly for ail the great 1 -____ th ings th at the Empire bas brought Somne Persans, Places and Cust- Address Delivered by Fred Billet to us, to devotedly and loyally up- OMS in Darlington Townshi P. in Oratorical Contest hold the country of our birth that _________our efforLs--while not oblivious of (By W. W. Jardine, B.A., Sioux The Unification of Canada was a the Great Empire of which we form Lookout, Ont.) wonderful achieveiment for the Can- a part-and our earnest and contin- adian statesmen of some sixty odd ued thought will be for Canada al- (Continued from last week) years ago and it should l'e our pride j ways. Let us forget the fadlure.q A volume coula be written con- and glory to knowv and to tell that of the past and in a spirit of 'brother- cerning people in and around the the foundations of our Dominion liness and unity make the land a village of Enniskillen, but only a were esta'blshed not l'y warfare buti glorious home of noble and tolerant few of the more notable persons may by constitutional metbods. people. b-e mentioned: The Bartons lived Catcbing the vision of the union of Let me now give you a practical on the "ProImised Lands", north west ail the provinces of North America, illustration of what it is possible to of Enniskillen. As known then they these worthies had 'but one common be done by one man in Canada. In were Tom, Bill and Bob, aIl big ambition-to remain loyal to the 1914 Herman Trelle together with strong men who sometimes were British Crown, and in the conception ii îetrke notePaeRv much in evidence on July 1l2th. of that great purpose, "party politicsi er District with little more than faith So me said they could lick Tom, but andi sectional differences sank from as their background. In 1928 Mr. hie did flot know when he'd got en- sight, and the viewý of widely separ- Trelle produced 15,500 bushels of ough. ated provinces coming together un- registered seed grain, the largest Thee er te imiutveshe-der one federagvenltwsaj crop of registered seed grain ever makers Wilson -brothers-good work- singular event worthy of our vivid Ipoudb igegoe. I d men who often moved their kit £rom recognition of the present day. To dition hie enjoys the privilege of 'be- home to home making footwear for show the disimilarity of the different ing called the Wheat and Gats King large families. They were inveter- colonies at this time the fact standsOf the World. This is certainly a ate talkers and dancers and by some out that in every one of them diff er- 1 great achievement and surely no one were called the "Wee-wee's". Their ent for'ms of currencies were used.i can say that Canada is lacking in sister Mary Ann played a good sec- It therefore was a great problern for, opportunîties for men and women ond. these Canadian statesnien to unit e who have the gumption to work and Other early settlers were the these struggling isolated commun;- the abilities to make themselves Floodys, Seeneys, Sylvesters-found- ties, stretching along the Atlantic successes. ry-men who finally moved to Lind- seabord, the St. Lawrence and Rich- Canada to-day stands in the eyes say. They were Richard and Rob- elieu Rivers, Lakes Ontario and Erie of the world as the most resourceful ert, sons of Henry Sylvester, Esq., and on for four thousand miles f rom country of the twentieth century. who for thpfers. g ntothresh- oea to ocean. We have been rightly termed "The ed orth fames. An'thr ig- was out of great strife in thel Billion Dollar Dominion." Our ly respected resident was William early sixties of the last century, th elyearly trade, our exports, our bank Bngham, two of whose brothers making and unmaking of govern-ideposits, our field crops, are to-day were doctors, and 1 think two sons of mants and also due to the civil war 1ail expessed in ternis of thousands. William, George and Hughi became in the United States that there came We have a v'ast country which is celel'rated physicians of Toronto. Lo- to the hearts of the great leaders al catching up in population and whose cal medical nmen were Drs. Wmn. and resolve that the union of the colonies1 progress in 60 years has been the Solomon HuIler, J. W. McLaughlin nigbî be a purposeful thing and envy of the world. I believe that who moved to Bowmanville; Dr. J. C. would redound to the glory of che' two of bier greatest achievenenis are Mitchell who -,vas later appointed to British Crown in this section of bier! hier marked advance in educatio'i Government institutions in Toronto mighty possessions. The culmina-land literature. and then to Brockville wbere lie died. tion of hostilities came about in June These are -but a few of the things We also had a Dr. 'MeCullough. 1864 when the Tache - Macdonaldi thai we can point witb pride to and In the vicinity of the village were gcîvernmenî felI. On June 15, 1864, urge our children to improve upon the Potters, William and Fbenezer, John A. Macdonald announced that land if they should l'y any misfortune the several Virtues, Sbaws, Williams, in view of the adverse vote the gov- have to leave this land for other Swains, Shorts, Ormistons, Ben- ernment had considered it its duiy to souls, they will be able to interpret thams, Munsons ,Tole, Fleming, communicate ,Nith bis exceîîency, Canada wiih its l'oundless exjpanses, ITh onpsons, Hepinstaîls, Smiths. The the Governor-General and ask for a,, its limitless resources, its virile churches were Anglican, Methodist adjournrneni. On June 17th, Mr. people and its splendid spportunities and Presbyterian. The former Macdonald mnade -the statement that ahead. By so doing tbey will bon- cburcb was absorbed l'y Bowman- altbough bis excellency the Governor our their country and will honour ville. General bad given bis assenita a themselves and niay l'e tbe ambassa- As to the latter for niany Years dissolution of Parliament, bie and h-isý dor that will belp fil our open spaces their popular minisier was the Rey. colleagues had beld a conference witb teeming millions. John Smith ,minister in 'Bowmanville witb the bonourable gentlemen on Let you and I take as our slogan for 24 years previous ta moving to i the other side of the House and bad througb the coming years- Onward Toronto where lie died. made sucb progress that they consid- aver, stand stilI neyer, and we in- Wben servîng in Enniskillen many ered tbemselves to have found a deed will do our part to continue to of Mr. Smith's adherents and mein- solution of the difficulties witbout maloe thàs land a united home of bers began to use liquor too freely, dissolving Parliament. He conclud- noble and tolerant people. so lie preached one 'Sunday a strong ed bis statement by saying tbat the _______________ Temperance sermon, and leciured on gentleman witb wbom bie bad partie- it for the following four evenings ularly conferred was Mr. George when, ai the last lecture 87 persons Brown, of the Toronto Globe, bisa signed for total al'stinence whicb long-standing bitterest political en-I I Iargely broke ap the drinking habit. emy. Rdbert McLaughlin, father of R. This was tbe event that opene&ý S. and Geo. W. MeLaughlin, Oshawa, the way for Confederation and for There ame three trymng perioda in a was a fine consistent young Imember years Brown and Macdonald wrought woman's life: when the girl ma- of the Presbyterian Cburcb in Ennis- aide by aide until tbeir bopes were turee te womnanliaod, when a wo- killen.- He was son of John Mc- realized and a United Canada came man gives birth ta hier firsft child, Laughin, Tyrone, and from bis ear- into existence. With indomitable when a womnan reaches middle age. ly years showed a strong desire for courage the Fathers of Confedera- At these times Lydia E. Pinkham's mechanics and was encoura«ed by tion stood firm and true. The Con- Vegetable Compound helps ta re-. bis father, moving from a work-I stitution that tbey developed stands soenora elhadvgr bench in the suinmer kitchen to a' practically to-day as it was foi-med smaîl shop built near home on the in 1867. LYI INHMS z edge of the farun and then toEn It was a tense and dramatie mo- IVIETBECO PUI I niskillen where hae became a noted ment in the Legislature on June 17, carriage-builder and later moved ta 1864, when John A. Macdonald and Oshawa where lhe and sons eetab- George Brown, political opponents lished a world-wide 1eputation as and personal enemies of long-stand- carniage builders and later automo- îng, met and agreed to unite in co-- bile-now known as General Mot- alition government. lromi that ors, the largest institution in the Do- time f orward the negotiation pro- minion of the kiiid. ceeded, conferencas being held at Another noted famnily ini Ennila-, Quebec and Charlottetown, Prince killen Preshyterian Churcb was the Edward Island, wbere the terns fathar and mother of Rev. Dr. Wil- were d iscussed and final decision re- liam Ormiston. They lived nearer' ferred to London, England, when the Enfield and two other brothers were Canadian constitution was approved John and Robert. The old fahrand Cnd tre nanwcre was ondof nuf, lke anyScoch-that bas 'been fully justified since.1 men, and liked to talk about "OUT A Historian gves credit to Br-own Wully". William wben about 19 and Macdonald thai they were strong years oId thought hie could do more jeog n nprdwt elpt important work, as a scbolar, than rioiism to sink their differences and working on the farm, and secured ta bring about the union of ail the help from bis faiber wbile lie was British Colonies of North America. away studying. He soon secured Another incident of great moment a teacher's certificate and taugbt in wvas the namirW of the newly coales- Hamilton and Toronto Normal ced -provinces. John A. Macdonald Schools-studying bard meanwbile. wisbed to, caîl it the Kingdom of He became a proficient mathemati- Canada ibut ai the propitious moment' cian and finally graduated in Theol- it is said that Sir Leonard Tilley ofi ogy from Victoria College, Cobourg.1 New 'Brunswick walked it the con- Rev. Dr. Ormiston became noted as ference room afier the reading of an orator whose name was a bouse- the 72nd Psalm ai bis mrning wo-- hold woe-d and for several years h-e sbip and declared ibai bie felt the was settled in Hamilton. He finally inspiration of the verse wbich read I accepted a call to the Dutcb Re-, "He shah bhave Dominion from sea' formed ýCburcb in New York at a, to sea and frotm the river unto the salary of $10,000 per annuîm. He ends of the Earth." Let us cail it, died in California, I tbink. It was lie said, the Dominion of Canada, and LV said that bis mother could bear a may that distinctive naine forever, sermon and wben abe returned home abide in tbe confident hope of alli O could repeat it almost verl'atim. Canadians.1 One mile east of Enniskillen wa On Marcb Sth, 1867, tbe bill tbati Charlesville, later Haydan. hi was cretedtheDninf Cndae- firt amd ate Cares ats hoceived uts third reading in the Brit- the Beauty anc owned the large grisi milI on the ish House of Commons and on. March splendid creek. In the bamlet liv- 29tb the Royal asseni was given to ed Mn. William Broad, the tailor, wbo t. On May 22nd The Britisb Northi in uflestern di oetwork for the neighboring "AeiaAtïa rcamd n Icommnfity. To the south of the tneri ciwas procaim em ! village ived the Tuer Brothr n uyih1s a h dyi eai 'ILL APPRECIATE d Values we are offering just 110W fields and Chesterfield Suites. bnew style and newer coverings made up into tions of Furniture, permits you to select with as- faction your newly contemplated furniture. .irnish your home flow with an assurance of some- in fuxiniture, and then absolutely guaranteed. acquard Velour, reversible cushions ....$140.W0 in best Mohair, taupe or walnut color, reversible .$20000................................U . [ESE ARE SPECIAL THIS WEEK ave a number of suites at diff erent prices. uches With Good Mattresa Complete .... .$ 12.00 ,any color........................................... 75c ods, ail kinds .............................15c and up F. Morris Co. trnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville 1 N ot Spasmodie Bargains BUT Every Day Values in D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite "oTo" Dornestie Coke for stoves and furnaces. - Blue Grass Cannel-for grates. Pocahontas (Smokeless) for general use. Hard and Soft Wood-sawed and split also Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring Oak-Maple-Birch B. C. Fir Flooring, Ceiling & Trim B. C. Red Cedar Shingles-ail grades Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing and Shingles Beaver Best Wall, Ten Test Fibre Board, White Pine, Spruce, Hemlock and Jack Pine Joists, Studding, Sheeting and Flooring, Cernent and Lime. Quotations cheerfully given upon application. Your inquiries solicited. McCIellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phone* 228, 274, 218 King St. E. BOWManviile