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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MA.RCH 28th., 1929 LEGA THEEDITR TAKS might aimost have omnitted the sur- LEGL TE EITO TAKS __________________TEE DInTOaR rALKS voivalh es arcpton. h tenc" M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. L-D. This is Eastertide once again. The 1 TalkHere'a anter reis md H.lhg xe ptio no, n.vr n nwta Barrister, Solicitor, Natary 1 Lenten season is neariy ever. But Tl. Evr tteetismd ndr kno, nd*eryione kneows, that I amad onmywefo uo sd rn1mtra authority of a well known medicalhtnrdofpeainarpror- Money to loan onFl In Tw-a w o ur sdefrmrntia man. ed for stomnach and intestinal dis- Property. Royal Bank Building, matters for thi., time and meditate1 Bowmanvil[O. Phone 351. upon th ings spiritual? A deur friend Read what the Hodly Scriptare that might easily have been ~.R TIEin England sent us The Christian, a cl p o e says: "Ye shall serve the Lord prevented. W.R TIE1hîgh-clwss religious %eQkly church your God ,and H1e shall bles thvl You can ne longer escape disease Successor to late D. B. Simnpson, K.C. magazifornerous m eitn and t-htco nt bread ,and thy water; and 1 will take by dodging microbes. it is evi- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary tilsfr .rosmeiainadtesickness away fromn the midst of dentiy implossible te sterilize the Solicitor for Bank of Montreal -ubsance of what follows is repro- dt Arlswhcloa thee". world. How can yeu keep strong Money o LoanPhone 91 ucd rom a recent edito)rial1 headed, 1ae pi awihlcl .s not that a beautiful promise? and weli? Sinmply by keeping the Boe owmoan ie Atai Cali to Realit"-so ve cannot subscribers will receive within Did God ever do that for any cf Ris1 natural fitting defenses of the _ body Bomavll. narotell the author of' it .Ali person., a few days, will bie accompanied people at any tîme in the past "Hel strong and vige.rous. 0f course W. F. WARD, B. A. whe <esire to live a worthy if e ini by notices explainimg important brought them forth aise with silver many other things are of importance, Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary this world surely <eire te be reallyl changes in future accounts. and gold: and there vins net ene but the question of adequate nutri- Mone teban. Bons fr sae. e lertedreal gcod a Ch lretian ne osmplyadexeie feeble persen among their tribes". tien is jthe greatest single factor. Moe o on onsfrae onve artte j oy aChrinandrligo, T ipiyad xeieor "Ye shall serve the Lo rd vo u r* * Bowmanvihlekl Ontaoik, PhneaS.- possess "a titie clear to mansionsin illing work, we have div IdGod" (that is our part), "~He s-hallj Here are seme startiing facts: This Office 102;, House 409. the skies". The writer has this in-j or cchagesinto sci goua. bless thy bread and thy ivater; and, Dr. Sager asks: Do you lcnow that troduction: Bach gropwl eciea- I will take sickness away f rom the every year in this country we con- i___ cotants under one of six dif- midst of thee". sumne one billion puonds cf coff"O There is no more urgent need of ferent dates. In that way the * * * and one htindred fifty million the timies than a return te vital real- work of preparing thousands We believe, dear f riend&, that ouri pounids cf tea? There is ne food DENTAL 1 ity in facing the grealt facts of life-I of accounts will be spread health is our most valuable temnporal in them, nething relat ing te f ood. 1 DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 'life present and life eternal. The; evenly over the whole month. possession, our meat priceless treas-l trust that none cf our peoople xiii Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto1 lif e of the wc-rld is an unreal. if e. ie'11wol o ae o orýspn hi onyfrtoe ,de- Unvesiy. ,auae f he ioccupied with shadaws, and missingl In future the (Zccou ts o ocal healtih? We appreciate it tnostcaffein stimulants. Coffee and tea Uiest. GautofteRoyal; substantial reality; shelving the e , sbsIbers waU b. dated the when it is gene. are net foeds, they are drugs. taro. Ofece Kng t.lSurgeon cf n sential proeis cf humanity, both twenty.firt of each month. While heaîth is our nTst precîcus' We eat in this ciuntry every Ofiephone 40. House phone 2 individual and racial, threugh pre-1 Yu aprcte1~itreasure, disease is the most cos;tly twvelve months six million tons cf Office 22:mentiithffaeroeund inf . - thing in the xvrld. In loss of Isugar. Multipiy by 2,000, and yen ing business and fleeting pleasure, form of account weaent- time, in viaste of money, in inconven- get 100 peunds cf sugar fer every dR. Jn at the Ti tence te ourselves and eo thers, and man, warman and child in the count- DR .C EITand, moreo'ver the life cf <rofessa dcig h same tme which Assstnt r.E.W. ison ngChistians is t"e of ten an unreai wiil have ail the figures clearly in< bane and suffering, disease is ry every twelve months. "The 31in- Assisant Ilife, endeavouring te meet the elaims1 printed and accurately totalled 1 ihuteui istry cf Healing", page 302 irays: Graduate cf Royal Dental College,, of their holy re!,gion, in relation by machines. In addition, . iHoere l htw eda r. "Far tee much sugar is ordinarily us- Torntoll. Office KingSt9ai. Ea t o- th God and to their fello<w- chre will be shown rtight up F. Draer, assitant surgeon-general ed in foocd". Sugar ciogs the sy- ô .m. daily except Sunday. Phone creatures, in a way which fnndanen- ta the date of the accotant, cf the United States public health1 stem, thrcws, a strain upon the or- 9. Huephn 8 . taliy ignores, or in effect belittiesI service says: The ecenomic a gans, raises bloed pressure, and 90. Hose phoe 283.and nullifies, the guidance and the The plan is expiained more rrlcomuiis ase oyssink-burdens the heariuý. Inspratien X-Ray Equipnxent in Office. comad of the feunder himiseif.. fully in notices which accom- rural e<mmutes ve month s 4.00- hasetu igt. ha weol R.R E. IN I E LThe cali te reality -'eaity f faith, pany April lst accounts. Our neseey t ev (nh s$ 00 h s sn s fg t h l e fl reality cf life, reality in thinkin"g Business Office people will be 000,000. The ecenomic aide of it isiloy it? Hono grduat ofTornto nivr-'important. l-, costii a billion dollarsl Hoy nadateb c f Toyaro eoie in acting, is a cîsiniant cal îeased to give youfurther in- ei ooerteor optas n lsn his address Dr. Trumnia Dental Surgeons. Licensed to iindeed. formatiaks:Dosnu.he-lt dpe d mo tho e rains: 1 eachrs- practise in Ontario and the Dominion. There has always heen a certain He sk: BELL TELEPHONE COMPANYhanfu tat\vehae Dentigtry in aIl its branches. Office-aen furaiyi vr eea FCND upon chance or accident? There a.relo eth Sm ) vu cnt King St., Bcwmanville, opposite . .to nraiyi eeygnra FCND three million people in the United cf eath. Sla ome rfseutcanot Bank cf Montreil. Phone 301. <in n nceybd fpeesn States ail the time who are sick intk h euarcuss u o Christians. Ou'r Lord and Hi., - es oe ake "The ____________ - -.~--Aposties fereshadewed this. U'nra That is net the most important Ministry of lHealiing" an<l the other profes;sors have always beeri among iIlh ' thirng about it ail, but rather that the bocks, and learo these principles and MEDICAL i the chief hindrances te Ris work.oni majority cf the suforing and ili put them irito practical application. C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. 1 earth. <Blut that is a different thing -. halth that 'sve sec is easiîy prevent- Ged yl hless you physicaily and Graduate cf Trinity Medical Coilege, from libeling Evangelical doctrine Finally, the closing bock cf Holy able. 1 xiii rend a statament front mentally and spiritually'. Toronto, formerly cf Enniskillen.1by the suggestion, cevert if noti Wiha tscn ay fbrngingj that eplendid book, "The Ministry of I trust that the work hegun here Office and Resilence, Dr. Beith'ai ocen, that it led te unreal pleas <ni ri as., of wli roge anwxide ofti iten Stet, îito uiehîyi teihom e the calte realîty. limportantl Heaing. cil n former resîdence on Church Stetsupr f f . o. . It nth irlsth loe have been con- Bowmanville. Prione 259. 44-t: practice which springs from faith. as il its guidance regaxding the pro-' On page 146 xve find that "thel'ej nected with hi oein o N o greater berces cf faith have been' gress cf actual events, it coflveys s sickness exerywhere ,and of1 twenty-five years, and 1 have never J. CLARK BELL produced than -by the doctrines thus' spiritual instruction of great urgencY. it might be prevented by attention te seen such a sigbt as th:.- here te- M.D.. Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edil), .P.H. -pditdand denounced. Telir If we cannot see eye te eye as te i the laws cf healh". That la the vi<s- night. It is an inspiration te sec j repudiated A S T .e) i h the former, let none cf us miss the dem cf the Great Physician. "Most this grup cf men and< women train- (Sucesor a D. A S.Tile7) blod hs ben hedu.on ve î-bso f the latter. This bock nman- cf it",. That would be 50 per cent e ncrethat rnils ifos. radatein ediin, Aer- sin Fcld teirhan istraed 1<ifests the awful reality cf the con-, at lcast. Are you interested in Dear workers, Ced l)l. yen. Yen deen University; Feibow cf the Royal' ail the great socii reforms cf eur, flut betvieen good and evil, andidn-' knoW.ýing ho's te prevent 50 per centI cari never feed the world; you can Colege cf Surgeons, Edinburgh.1 country. 1dcts otecniin ffih1o h ike-.,msrpia, Office and Residence, Queen St., iaetctecniin c aihIc h ikes mey an i ee treat the vicrld; but yen cala . The cal] to ea ît is in tfui service, such as is required f'romi suffering that afflict humnankirid? ted th ird Ye ca gta Bowmanville, Phone 89. reaîy id< Youviho yul a Office Heurs: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 ta 8.30 p. m.1 truth, the cal cf Ccd. We find i any e il"verceme , and find am. la that statement true, "Most good many te sec the pririciples. ...,...Genesis te Revelation. a laeinth ciy"c Cd.of it might be preventcd"? W. H. BIRKS, M.D. o ne of the icading keynotcs cf Scrip-' * * metng* Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. turc, crie cf those golden threadsI To what extent are vie meig Dr. A. W. Truman says in the Re- Salesinen Wanted Telephone 108. which mun threuglifut the sacred the exigencies of this uni'Jersal callI view and Herald, Washinigton, D. C: WANTED-M*I<n whe are amibitions Office and Residence: Dr. Hazîewood's' pages. When vie reflect, t . sur- cf the Word cf Gcd te RHis people 1 In Jannary cf t'his year there came Iand want te make some real nîoney in a former residence, Wellington Street i prisin- hcw the liniks appear in this ini al ages? Or te what extent is te this country as a delegate Dr. M. business of tler own, Watklns Sup- Bowanill I chain cof continucous teaching and our cyn personal failure to meet1 Hindhede, the health cemmissiener reine Prediiets consisi of Spices, Ex- i caîl. If vie were te undertake a tof xgnistecuec id fDnak n ftema oe they are In demend tiie year round. we DR. V. H.STOREY joia study of reality, througheut rance te the corming cf Ris Kingdc.m, nutrition exlperts in the wcrbd te- want meen who are desirous ef gettlng Office honrs 2 te 4 and 6 te 8 p. m. the bock., cf the Bible, the restait and cf stumbling te souis? day. H1e came to attend the third ouelofthe ruts nwîhot ee]re c ave After 8 p. m., by appinment only.i would be a revelation te many. Teeaesmesqetos race betterment confeirence. I wish made good. We wilI help yen mak, Thes arese-rousquesions Itieuhad a fevi heurs to give ycu the good toc. Write stating age te the J. Exception-Office vill be open 9 te oces csete alac e rdresltof hstit-he er f~ Watkins Companly, I»pt. Bo, Hamal- 10 Saturday night. 16-tfI God's eadlte reality meets us at imen vihe ahould have represented. experiments. The doeter s aixty- ton Ont. 94 DR. R. W. CLARK the 'very outset. What visa Ris the xili cf God ini pat ages, and te six yeamrz(Ad, and has spent thirty. Physician & Surgeon ecnmmand to Abraham? " am thel overooek cur ovn. . The diseerri- three yeaoes in stndying diet. Ofic-Dviio S.,Bomavile Almighty Ged; walk ýbefere Me, andi ment cf a child can deteet the un- Dr. Hlindhe<ie, ini a prepared ad- %/ Q e- Offce-ivlionSt. Boimavihe.- be thon perfect". It is a call te faithfulness cf aricierit laraci tdrs, theau o ei hhscuty.. , (net t Trnit UntedChuch) "vhoienesa,, completeness". And what superficial piety cf the Phari'see-, orcndsveeey tvielve monrihs----- Offie Hurs- te5 an 7 e 9P. min'is that, in other viords, but the caîl the seif-deceptien cf medioeval re- 0,0 Ie fpol ewe Sua"days by appointment only. te reaiity? Net enly Abraham, but ligicri. But even the seemingly twenty-flve -and sixty-live years cf - .ii Phone 24 couritiesa 'ther oid-time saints -heard wisest .may be 'biinded in so'me re- age. ,- 45-t and cheyed that call. "viaik- spect by a subtie form of the samne * * DR. D. M. CAMPBELL janoherv othho aso Ncad manfo y. ~ We recently had a talk cri pota- 191 Oakvio, d Ave., Toronto aoh ,vnc hs ecrc e e< a y the tes. Here's what Dr. Hindhede- £ANOEAN HRA otir iearnirig: and hovi many more It is a matter tiefcdb h says cri "Hoxv America May Save EARNOS AN THOAT kricviri nly tc Ced! The eleventh vihole Chnmch cf Christ, and by i 200,000 Lves Annually". ' " First and Th:ir Satnrdays 2 p. m.' chapter of the Ejistle to the He- dividual members cf that church. "omnsaeuncsav n' Bowman Hous . Bowmanville. 2-tf;ý brews tells us cf the intense vitaiitY Let us examine curselves in the ight "emerts y ae neric s' I DOCTORS' HLIDAYS lof their faith, and the mighty reality cf the tcachirig cf Gcd's spirit u emrkte ch meiaŽ,'e DOCTRS'HOLDAY icf their arisweririg works c f holyl the xord, hich xve have seen to e lcpcunds of meat te six of petatees'.1 The Physicians cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o w~1 bdeie efi fthe eall te reality, in or- vi vr to tmiake a stateinet Th eed scinsofBwmanvle! oed ylcny'vak ith hoei e t ecvhether vie,vwho per- concernirig a course that vili eff&ct al havel t teaicieseup> theireuseofficesh inercure: Take sixty potatoeoste one Wednesday aftemneons. In case of, %who hoar RsHaL tcraltycbhae", reentrursevescfihn rnerun-pound cf meat. If yen xiii do that, emergency at this time enquire of cirle:!recotr*utnginan u-1 promise yen that yon viilsafVe the hospital or telephene operater !recognized matter te the samne great. each year in Amei'ica 200,000 lives for a doctor. How intense, toe, is the note cfj cause cf stumbling. ibctween tventy-five anid sixty-five- .ti alin the Musaie Law! Thati Ini oee very practicel respect, ve years fage a fD.ii __.__....._____there should la rie more pretence ini al have the oppertunity cf a prac- hedes cf aieeandmaricfingr. ld- approaching Ccýd is the design of the1 tical exercise cf reality ini responise' xpminc adstndngma elaborate ules as to cleanLsing and te the cali cf Ced. We have i;pok-1 etmke such an assortien unles.sI CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS sciie:adtati h vr ot r fth rq ency e r o f 1I there W-M a basiis cf scientific fact fei- THEROPY o f heart-'religion. The recognition ti ali tcPeht. And very i L* DURWIN E. STECKLEY Itlhat His people live undex' Ris ail-I frequeritiy anid urgentiy, it had e- r rmr frhrciti My ansy frhe nths honorgradute of Tot Coîîege' searchirig cye, and in His continuai feronce te the simplet duties if ony oitDsre.mpaTz of Chiropractie yill be in the Bev-; Presenco, is the essence, agairi, cfpracticai chai:ty that lay neamest atfathaulescth stmhar manvilie Office Tuesday, Thursdayl1 tho detniied ins.tructions fur Žx'and. Oppression and trickery ore bTe rea yrie,"i' oilanlbsnssbf. net acci<erta. Teare duo lx) i- and Saturday evenings, phone 141J.1life: and that s the root ) i n socirralira<dlouandcariso avii.o 1 Residential calîs made dnririg f ore- i piraCtcaî <bedionce. Further- Orie phird cf ail1 human 'cancers, neon. moýre, hoxv clear 'are the exhortationsi What vins the caîl? "Cease te doi are in the stomach. Wh ? Teý tu whole-hearted reality, in Detero- jcvil; bearri to deviel; soek judgment, tachisty mat ?usd Tghr nomy, f or example, or in ILof-vitieus! I relieve the opprossed, judge the fath- stinh stemtabedrgti; "Thin ashaît love the Lord thy Ccd ericas, *lead for the yidovi." "l1 the body. FNERAL DIRECTORS with ail thine heart, and with aIl thy net tht.; the fast that I have chosen? "Sickness overyvihere, and<Iomet cf' FU.sinand. with ai thy might". Andi1, ;t net te deal th-, bread tii the it might be peverted". As 1 cerne F. F. MORRIS CO. gîn-hu ,it oehy'neîg-ýh-', hungry, and that thou ýbring the poorj in contact 's'ith tlheus,-ands of patients S Ccmph etc Motor or i lir a hsf.that are cast eut tc thy house? vihen and see scha lae ntirera direct! ~~ Herse Equipment. i < thon scost the naked. andi thcu ceverIigfeimlista r iet Al talla premptly Wo find the noîte sounding in the himi; anîl that thon hide net thyseifj resnlt of faîýing te practice &tl attndedto. arlydaysof popheic nfI-y' frni tine wn fesh? "Le jud- he muleulesII ,ec tt he th ru'h a Private Ambulance. Samuýls pointedsayings enibody its m nent rain diîwria,xv iter , and<irht- I.;Lareti-iit more and i c ire,. 10 and 34. outward appeararico, uni the Lord' V ike rail ûmie.s hiindly te us, sur-Jo lit an adlress te a grîîluatiiîg cass; BrathStre- îcet1 o te e-t" - t1t1- ouibd t the -ýmment by îîhy-icai ,fniim. es .1-i<octor s.Lii:i - r'ht% o'f practicai <erotration <f seltast. i.o yr auh ovlt i prxatncd in public, vPie ie n i id f bat.- reeularly. Yen breathe regu- VETEINAR suh loalt in priPricq gien n al kids o Iilyr Everi that organ, the spleen, BETERIScRY ho inmos' sub.,tanrce' of the mnessages painiting and decorating. acîs with rc'grularity. The kidneys Orono xvi rioss, î'îality of servie. reaity cf epy 11-1out ncteblde Elonar Graduate cf University of spjiritual fruit, reaity oif gîîîd vorks J. H.Abs ernet ~IAy <at regnîar interls. SH W Toronto. Ail cases gven prompt' -theso are xxhat the LordJ andl Hi, SH W and careful attention. Office-Dr.' chosen penmen have stmeAsed fe-r ii, i concession St., Bowmanville It wa.sq Dr. Daniel Sager viho VeElroaY>Bformer office. Phoneâa.î in infinite variety of form, but vith ~ Phone 431I said, "Asgide froni midvifery and Carka 8921; Orono 18-1. isubst.antially one note of eniphaaia.surey topac'1 c eicn ej Rogers Batteryless Radio is the Year 'Round Radio This Year Marks its 5th Year of Proven Performance c* :éw ' sn' DYNAMIC SPEAKER A superb new 1929 Model lor tliose who want the ulmost in radio reception. Single dial tun- Mc %vitfltminaied dial. Automatic Volage C&Wrol, Rogers Output Filter, Phnnograph "Plug-mn" Jack. Genuisue Wainui Cabinet by Malcolm. Price cou plete.$395.00 R ADIO withot batteries, chemicals or attachments of any kind!-It's bard te realize note bow revolutionary this ides was-wben the first Rogers- Bat teryless Models viere introdnced to the public, back in 1925. Then, the accepted way to eperate a radio was by means of batteries. Today, electfic sets are rapidly repiacing battery- operated sets wherever current is avail able. And among aUsuch electric radios thse Rogers-B atteryless is thse standard in perf or- mance and quality. Yo..'re missiaig a lot without a Rogers. For, with the remark- able development cf chain broadcasting-net cnly of musical pregrams, but cf practically ail important public and sporting events--radio bas become a year 'round source of entertainment and education. And-as any eviner will tell yen-Rogers is the ideal year 'round radio. Ask ns to demonstrate this beantiful "Four-Ninety" Console with improved Dynamki Speaker-Rogers finest Receiver honsed in a cabinet te, grace the finest home. Any otiier ceom- parable radio wouîd ccst from $50 le $100 more, anid it wouidn't give yon Rogers resulta. Terms, if desired. W. J. BAGNELL, King St. West Bowmanville S12 -r Q JiA. L. r- 4t / / J Drive It Away jOU could walk int any Durant dealer's showroom Q Iand drive the new Durant "60" away knawing diat you are buying an bonest-value automobile. You know that its Red Seal Continental Motar wiI supply ail the speed and power you can use and the refinements and thaughtful improvements are addtions ta the Duarant principles of quality. Close examination of any madel will reveal the reasoas for such strong public confidence. Your dealer will oblige, a: your canvefliefice. W uxBr DURANT MOTORS .1CANADA UIffD TORONTO . CANADA N TRUCKS IN IY TON TO 11, TON CAPACITIES T 'ON MOTOR SALE I P\.ý, ONTARIO

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