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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 4

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PÂGEFOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA.NVILLE, THUR.SDAY, MARCE 28th., 1920 FARMERS' CLUB Prvoidence Farinera' Club wi meet at Shaw's Sehool on Tuesda: April 2nd at 8 p. mi. 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, President. See'y.-Trea MEETING FOR POULTRYMEN Oshiawa Poultry Association w. hold a meeting ini the Council ROOn Dowmianville, on Tuesday, April 2n at 8 p. mi. A speaker frein the Go, erinient will give an address o "TBooding and Rearing of Chicks an Dseases pertaining to saine. C. Law, Secretary. Not Sick, No, But Not WeII! That is just how numbers of folks are feeling just now. Perhaps you have had a cold which you could flot shake off ,or have been housed in so much the past mnoths that you need a good spring inedicine to tone you up and make you feel your usuai good self. A good remedy to c]eanse the systeni is Nyal's Blood Purifier which reinoves impurities fromn the blood and puts you in shape to properly assimlate your food. It relieves piinples, ýbouls and skin eruptions. For convalescents, Beef Iron and Wine is a inost reliablere stiorative. They are both $1.00 A Bottle at KERSLAKEPS The Dopendabi. Drug Store Easter Footwear Women's Brown 'Piirps in new c]asp pattern, with eu-ban heel, PRICED AT $8.50 Women's Black Patent in Straip and Pump, with cubani heel, widths A te C.« PRICED AT $8.00 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH MAPLE GROVE SALEM COURTICE riii Returned Mssionary Occupies Pulpit Quarterly service next Sunday. Several frein Salem attended Mrs. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, wasj Ly, At Special Easter Thank-offering 1 Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto, visit- Storie's sale on Wednesday after- bone over the weekend. Service. ed bier parents last week. floofl* Mr. Art Black, Oshawa, spent Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pastor Rev. J. R. Trumpour occu- Sunday with Mr. Carl Shortt at bis ls. Sunday was observed by the Mis- Ivison Munday on the arrivai of a 1 pied the pulpit at the af ternoon ser- home. sio'nary organizations of Trinityi young son. vice on Sunday. M.E.Obre aioa s United Chyurch as Easter Thank-offer- M.E.Obre aioa s ingda wo wreprviege i hv- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden mot-I Mr. C. Follard was called to Tor- visiting relatives and friends in this in a Mowr rslee. i R. loedt Bs.frdonbsies ed-Ionlto on Monday last on account Kof vicinity. J ing as their speaker oeMt ratorsn bsiesR. S.he' iles.Mr .LoHnrsg-ri, a iley, a returned missionary froim West neaday morning. emohrilns.M.HD.arsetiwsa Mi, China. . The synipathy of this coinimunity The 8awing machine has been weekend visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. id The niorning service was opened 15 extended to Mr. G'erald Talcott busy in our neighborhood, another Shortt's. v- by the pastor, Rev. J. U . Robins. in the death of bis mother last Sun- sign of Spring's arrivai. This Thursday afternoon the Lad- n The centre of the cburch was occu- day. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Atchison, Toron- ies' B.erean Class wii hold its meeting id pied by mernbers of the Mission, Miss Betty Stevens gave a birth- te, and Mra. !Bird, San Francisco, at Mrs. A. F. Rundle's. Mrs. Eaui 1kBand, Mission Circle, C. G. I. T., y. day party to a few littie girls on Sat- have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Oke's group in charge. W. Auxiliary, and Women's Society, urday afternoon, when al bad a very Cornish. Saturday afternoon the C. G. 1. T. an especially large representation be-' pleasant tiue.1 The Salem folk who attended the held their meeting in the Sunday -ing present. The cboir sang an ap-1 Mr. Samuel Snowden bas soid bis draina «My Irish Rose", put on l'ySchooi Rooni and a short addre8s propriate anthem and Mr. A. E. Hir-1 place to Campbell & Garbutt of Osh- the Tyrone Y. P. L. on Wednesday' was given by Miss Arnold. cock rendered the favorite and everlawa, and wiil have a sale on Tues- evening iast were well pleased with Rev. J. H. Stainton was in Toronto acceptable solo, "Open the Gates of i day, Apnil 2nd. the evening's entertaiment and pro-I datw the Temple". 1nuci odda rmwî a few ad's ekMn.Sito Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Mr. nuc tago la ria elasls ek r.Sano Mrs. Longley introduced bier sub- and Mr.CaleWhtOhw preseeited, each member of the cast1 and Master Ronald ;,isted -her mot- ject by asking questions. Was al. visited the atter's parents, Mr. andidi credit to their instructor. be,'r.JhsnWiby the efforts and money expended bylIMrs. J. D. Stervens.. Creani of .Barley and good morning. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Misses the people in Canada for the mis- 1Our young people will present _____ Ethel and Aura and Mr. Ray spent sionary cause worth while? Did tbe their oyaity play "Take My Ad- Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and misinaie -se the value of their Advice" in King Street Unite OIAMrs Marshall Soules who have just teacbing and work? Have we a Chr1 saa nTedyee-____ returned froin a three weeks' trip in right to give to theni with the gospel ing pi *dan n Bowman'villie, Mn. Arthuir Baker, Oshawa, wa the United States and Cuba. On that originally came fan te Monday, April 8tb. home recently. Mna r n r.Bok ee land? To encroach on tbeir rights iCremo Bre n od onn.IMr.W . enissetîs ated~ their 39th wedding day at 7i1 u vew? Have tbey any- 1ra fiBre n ow onn e.WinJToRoyntold ntls rs. Soules'. tbhing 0t. te achý us? Do they under-1 ee n oono stand the bible teaching quicker than Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink visited Sunday nionning the attendance at us? Mrs. Longley answered ali HAMPTON at Mr. W. C. Ashton's, Shaws. church was sinailer than usual on ac- these questions and proved it wvas 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask visited count of the roads. Rev. J. H. wortb while by practical illustrations 1 Young People's meeting on Friday at Mr. A. T. Stainton's, Zion. Stainton, our Pastor, -preaclied a known to ber during bier twenty-two 1 night, March 22nd, was ini charge of jMmn. S. E. Weri-y visited at Mr. soondeçfolsron, onethat cwo l nt years' experience on the field. M'vany the 4th Vice President, Mr. Wilfrid Jack Short's, Gourtice, recently. ened to it. The evening servjze, of the Christian women have learned1 Smaie. Meeting opened with sing-j Mrs. E. J. Black and Miss Kath-'was withdrawn because the roads, the lesson of sacrifice and before you 1 ig a Advocpagteldt ways ~n leen McLean, visited Toronto friendsi were impassible. ask Vaatuse is it sending inoney'i nsn oa utwssn eety te Cina and other countries ask by Miss Jjottie Horn and Miss Ruthrcnty yom-self if you have learnd th Johns. Lesson was read by Mr. Mr. and Min. R. J. Luke and Missi A very fine service was held in nieaning of sacrifice. i1ifi iae eoinlpr NoraWerry, Kedron, visited at MI IMr. Goodeil's Hall, West Courtice, The recent uprising-revolting in was taken by Min. Colwill. Topie,1NhOhw, A .Psoes uda vnn.Rev. MdndIrwin naycrimies-bas net kiiled the re- "Can the body niake use of Aicohol" (Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Rus- Knoxth Oshawa raCheir ond the ligion of Jesus Christ; 90% of the was taken iby Mr. F. J. Groat. sel and Doreen, visited at Mr. James awa, rendered sonie very fine music. Christian ivemen were at their pests Meeting ciosed with prayer 'by Rev. Reeson's, Columbus. The hall was fiiled. Do not forget after the rebellion. The story of Mr. Bick. Mr. Thos. Baker entertained somelthe meeting at the church Good Fni- the outcast baby girl wbo was edu- 1 Monthiy meeting of the W. M. S. et his grandeilîdren te a birthday day evening for every one. cated in the mission school and later was held at the Parsonage on Tues- party Saturday night. chose the bard path et duty ratherl day, March l9th. Meeting was in Mn. John [Baker spent several days' Tbursday afternoon the reguian1 than the easier and desined position! charge of Min. H. Cole. Bible read- iast week at Napanee addressinig meeting of the W. M. Society wasi offered bier proved she had thesprt ing was given by Mine. W. Wilbur; meetings on Seeds and Grain. beld in the home of 'Min. Jackson. of the Master whom she served and' severai good hymns were sung witb Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink attendediMeeting was in charge of Mis. Jack- was a splendid example of the worth-1 Min. C. J. Kerslake at the piano; the 34th wedding anniversary of Mr. sons group. The President, Min. while of our eff ort. :Min. L. Allin read a paper on Prin- and Mrs. Geo. White, Hampton, on Clrence Penfound, was in the chair. Ith feno r.Lnlya-1ciples of Christian Stewardshp; Monday eeig Mrs. A. J. Gay took charge of the In sedte aternon rs. ongley. IMr. .Satr aead-ain e devotional period and gave an inter- Sor dressedottetmemberssoflMin.rC.stiMrs.aT. Sniteragave abreading oua IWight's and Miss Spargo's Sunday îng on Oriental biimingratioîî; Miss S rry e re orfto thsseano estn ak n"rye" rngn Scb ooî Classes, again proving by1 acti Katerson toîd of missionanies amen gSehr scnindt h ie the different points as, What is ualexeninc th siri o sariiceI he rintas t Wstrn anda. dale Isolation Hospital, Toronto,'Prayer? Who shouid pray? How shon b mny f he hnstin!Mrs. C. J. Kenslake favored wt with sre fvr W ,h e we should pray? When and whene? Chinese w'omen. Hen pleasing i piano sole; Mrs. Bick reviewed three speyr vr.'nd passages of seripture bearing on manner and interesting story wasf chapters of Drumns in the Darkness League meeting Monday evening these points were read by the ladies greatly enjoyed. asking questions on sainie. Next was weil attended and a splenidid present and verses of some appro- i meeting at the home of Mrs. jms. prograin was given consisting of priate hymns sung. In the business In the evening the pastor gave a Clatworthy. Hampton Auxiliary isi Bible lesson by 'Bruce Tink; de vo- part 'of the meeting it was decîded very fine pre-Enster sermon eniphas-, expected te go te Enniskillen on tional period, Mrs. A. J. eynolds;, te bold our quilting whicb was post- izing the kingship of Jesus Christ, Menday evening, April lst, and f un- piano solo, Evelyn Tink; topic "Good' poned te the 2nd Thursday in Apnil. and what Christianity means, show- nish a prograin consisting ef a short Books and their Influence", Mrs. Readings on the missionary topic ing that Divine love is adapedtepiay and soine musical nurnbem.. John Baker; piano solQ, George Wer- were given by Mrs. Jackson, Min. the needs of ail. C reafie of Barley and geod morning. ry. A contest was enjoyed and the1 Petley, Min. A. F. Rundie and Mnrs. The econ qurtetMesrs. en-meeting closed with the Lague A. E. Rundie. At the close 'of the The seond qurtet essrs.Ken-1meeting Min. Jackson's group senved I hMrisad% oretadCneaim of MBarley and good morning. oranges and honie-made candy and a Misses Greta Pollard and Dorothy Al- HAYDON ______social Unie was enjoyed. Mrs. lin sang a pleasing selection at the YOU are invited te the S. 0. E.ýJcsnwsms genial and kind Sunday Sehool sessioni.1 Mrs. M. Henry, Lindsay, is visiting Masquerade on Wednesday, April 3.1i ebaufl new home. In the evening the congregation Mrs. E. Mountj'oy. Lots of funi. Good prograin. Conie. Creai of iBarley and good mornnng.. was favsoe i t,,a*, ,i,,.+ 'cin..Y I Mrs. M<ntoey, jTnronton visi±pe Survey the Wondrous Cross" hbyi at Mrs. H. Asbton's. Misses Vida and Sybil Lang'maid of' *Mr. Harry Milis bas accepteda Sice St. Choir, Oshawa, whose i position in a garage ini Bowmanvilîe. voices blend nicely and their diaet Miss Met.a and Mn. Fred Ashton, was much enjoyed. Toronto, were home oven the week-1 Boys' Black Oxfords, wide tee, end. rubber heel in welts, jMn. Bert Ferguson and Miss Elval fENNISKILLEN -Ferguson, Enfield, visited at Mn. E.' PRICED AT $3.50 AND $4.50 1Balys Mrs. W. is visiting hier Mx. Leslie Grahami and Mnr. Char- Youths' Oxfords in Black Caîf, idaughter, Mrs. Will Wetten. lie Garrard were home froni Oshawa wide tee, in welts, Miss Myrtle Brunt, Toronto, vis- over the weekend. ited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mr. Sidney Smith wbo bas been PRICED AT $3.00 Brunt. visiting at Mn. E. Bradley's bas ne- Be sure te attend the school con- turned te Toronto. So e cert on Thursday night, Manch 28th P Our young people presented hr Kn x' ShoeS e in thse baseinent of the churcb. Ipay "The Coloneî's Maid" at Ens Easter Sunday evening service killen Monday night, 'Marcb 25th. wIllbe in charge of tne W. M. S.' 'gue program ]ast week ini Phone 120 Bowmanvifle Let your Easter Thank-Offering beif ange of 3rd Vice-President, Louisi liberal, showing gratitude, 1 Ashton. Good (pnogram was given. Mrs. Sweetman bas gene te TIon- 'Basket social last 11riday evening ____________________ nte te attend the furneral oi he' under auspices et Y. P. League. cousin, L. \1. Savag', who wws kiiled Ever-yone bad an enjoyable evening in the collision at Parry Sound. 1 and a real social time. Attendance Mn. Edwin Carter had a very suc-; was small owing te ba" roads and cesstul sale on Monday. Mr. Cart-i weather. Prograni consisted of er has accepted a position in Con- musical nunabers by Haydon on- W alpap rs secon and will 'be moving in the chestra and Rev. J. M. Whyte ot En- FL-I.ZC at anae nean future. We wisb tb en suc- nikillen. Min. Lloyd Ashton rcnd-ý FILOGAZ aits&Vanshs cess in their new sphere. eir twe vocal solos which was mucb Comiplete in every line. On Mondsy the ladies are plan- enjoyed by aIl. Readings frein Miss ing te entertain Hampton and Ty- Vera Sienion and 'Miss Viola Brad-1 rone Societies te tes. Tyrone wiîl le y which won bearty aipplause.Mn M uffitt& Park Hampton ladies at 8 p. m. Plan te 1 belped us eut by selling the baskets. OSA Acome. Everyone welcome. i Proceeds $15.60. OStbymetngofteWAie' Cream of Barley and good morning.1 82 Sicoe outh hone3082 Aid will be held on Wednesday, Ap-- - nil 3rd at 2.30 p. m. at the home( - oe Mrs. Thomas McG iii. Mrs. (Dr.) TYRONE ___________________________Fergu.son wi-ll gvec a paper oni "Easter". AIl ladies are cordiallyl League Thursday evening at 8 invited te attend. p. M.1 Those who beard the play, "The Mrs. Jas. Storie and Mn. Haroldj Colonel's Maid," by Haydon Young, Skinner had a very successtul sale Far ~ ~~People on Monday evenirig heartily list week. Msinr eit taking bis or bier part exceedingly hold its annual Tbank-offering ser- well. Instrumental music nendered vice Sunday at 10.30 a. ni. Ourl by Misses Ela and VelntLi Orcbard pastor, Rev. J. R. Trumpoun, will Imple ents was much enjoyed. give an Easter message. Special Im p em e tsLeague was opened hy singing music ýby the cboir. a bymn, atter which ail joined in the, Mr. and Mrs. R. McCullougb and Lord's Frayer. Bible lesson was famiily beid an "At Home" on Fniday For Sale read by Miss Myrtle Bradley. o No evening in the Convimunity Hall "le Leage nxt eek n acout oftheabot on hudre oftbeir friends cncrts o odyan brdy were present. A splendid lunch was I no hae i mywar renis nigts. The social Vice-President,iserved-f and everyone enjoyed a good teItest ae y are onn- Miss Audrey Doland, then teokj tue. thelaiestMaseyHaris ombn- charge. MssGiace Werry played Lwat Wednesday evening Tyronel ation Grain and Fertilizer Drill. a piano solo; Miss Alice Asbton gave Dnmatic Club presented their popu-1 Aisesomthig nw i Sping the topie on the story et St. Patrick. lar comiedy drama entitled "My Irish1 Meeting closed by contests, gamnes, Rose" te a very appreciative sud-' Tootb Cultivatons which 1 want and a candy feed. . înce. This play is one efthte best fanmers te see. Cnearm et Barley and good morning. i given bere for sometime and we teel One 3 - H. P. Gasoline Engine- that our young peeple deserve a great deal of credit. A good at- in finsit class condition for sale. ÀÎ1ION~h SALES mosphere was created between acts Other second hand machinery for by our local orchestra. sale.I Tuesday, Api n-'l.Sm's Institute and Ladlies' ff ineresed cme i andsee Snowpr ingst n ad, We.sanofAid met at tbe hone et Mrs. Jame.s 'If nterstedcomeinMad se j S oen, Coinrst Ra, Wes etDudley on Tue-4day, March lPth. !these implenients. Tbey certan- apeGve orrshvig od After tbe 'business wvas transactedi b" is ta.rm ,will sel al ef his fa tai-niwn pora a gvn ly are the latest thing in up--to- stock, imlmnst. Se bilt floin rga wsgvn date farm equipient. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. W'm M Slni ppro Hueod et Auctioneer. J. D. H ath Clk. and How Wo Get Rid et Theni; piano ogr e duet by Mrs. T. Barr and Misa Fior- J. 1 lerîu fWednesday, April 1Oth-S. G. ence Gardiner; reading by Miss Le- S. JH enry Chant, Lot 27, Con. 5, Darlington, verne Burgess; vocal sole ýby Mrs. j who bas rented bis; tarin, will selI by Davis; a photo contest was enjoyed MAassey -Harris Agent ipublic auction on the premises al bis by al; piano duet by Mrs. Flocyd taimmnplements, dairy cows, herses, Dudley and Miss Kathleen McCul- Bouavl.jetc. Sale at 12.30. See pestera. lough. A splendid lunch was serv- G ee. Jackson & Son, Auctioneer. C. ed and a social heur spent. ______________________H. Mason, Clenk. Creain of Marley and good niorning. The Shortest Thing in the World No, flot a gnat's eyelash nor a mosquito's whisker-PUBLIC MEMORY. You may have been in business for fifty years and the people know about it. But they forget-new customers are being born every minute and they grow up and have to be told. A NOTE TO MERCHANTS Unless you keep telling themn by Adver- tising what you have to offer them, the fellow who bas only been in business fifty weeks, and who advertises intelli- gently will prove to you the truth of it. YOU MUST TELL THEM TO SELL THEM Choice Meatf For Easter We have made special preparations for Easter trade and offer: SPRING LAMB SELECT VEAL CHOICE BEEF BEST QUALITY BACON We know the people's wants in meat and give them what they want. We eut your meat as you want it so that it is not diseolored. Another thing-you know what you're getting 'When you buy meat here. For instance, we have recently purchased choice young cattie from weII- known dependable f eeders: 5 from Arthur Welah, 7 from W. H. Gibson, 8 from F. W. Bowen, M. P. You take no chances when you patronize C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville Il __ a You Can Save 25 per cent On Your Easter Outfi*t If You Shop At NELSON'S STORE 0f Bigger and Better Values New Coats, New Dresses, New Hats, New Scarves, New Sleeveless Vests, New Lingerie, New Beits, New Hankies, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Pullovers, New Skirts, etc. Men's New Shirts, Men's Sox, Men's Caps, Men's Ties, etc. 25 DOZEN LADIES' SILK HOSE with the new Point Heel, in a good range of colors and al sizes, Regular $1.25 FOR 79c Twovc spgeciïal Vialucà.des 100 CHILDREN'S HATS including Silk andi SiIk and Straw Tarns, also Straws, suit- able for school wear, Regular $1-00 to $1.79, FOR 39c A LOT 14 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE PAGE FOUR

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