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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI¶.LE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929PGEFV iJ Optical Servicet Our constant aim is Wo render te the Public an Optical Service that la EFFICIENT AND SATISFYING Our Optical Room is equipped with modern in- struments which assist our Reg- istered Optocnetrîst, R. M. Mitchell, to make a thorough and scientific examnination. We chai] be pleased Wo have you cal], phone or write for appoIntiment. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugiste and Optomotriste Phone 92 Bowmanville Ont, DRINK Pasteorized M1LK HEALTH'S SAKE Reeommended by 'best health anthomities sud cold ouly ln Bow- manville by BOWILN VLE DM11 KING ST. PHONE 44G LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. E. Hunt, Tox-ento, is spend- ing a few weeks with Mi-s. W. J. Hoar. Misses Helen sud Vivisu Poster have recovered from their recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell left on Tuosday for a couple itnontbs' trip to England. Misses Vida and Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, speut the weekend with Mm.1 and Mx-s. S. Chas. Allin. Mrs. D. B, Simsoen, Toronto, was in town Monday attending the fun- oral of the Iste Dr. John Si'mpson. Mr. W. F. Quick returned Wednes- day froza a trip te Les Angeles, H-ol- lywood and other peints in Califor- Miss Marguierite Ramsay of the staff of the Bank of Montres], is holidaying with Mrs. (Dr.) W. J. T. Veale, Harrow, Ont. Miss Agnes Vanstone of Toronto University spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- stone, "Cedar Cliff." C. M. Cawker & Son have recently purchased some very choice young cattie from Arthur Welsh, W. H. Gibson and F. W. Bowen, M. P. Miss ýMildred :F. Cole of Orono Continuation Scho-ool Staff, spent the weekend with her, Miss Mvild- red F. Colo, ConceasiVj Street. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James were in Dundas on Saturday attending the lua-lal of bier father, the late George Wo-ods who died last January lin Owen Sound. jMrs. R. S. Longley, returned mis- siouary from West China, who ad- i dressod the Missionary organizations in Trinity United Church on Sunday, was guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks while in town. Mr. M. L. Hancock gave an illus- trated talk at the monthly meeting of Horticultural Society Mouday evening. The seciety is launching a membership drive whereby each member is expected to secure two or more new members. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E, Flett, Bow- manville ,announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Susie Alberta, to G. Edmund Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, Burke- ton. The marriage to tako place quietly Saturday, March 3th. Bowmanville Rotary Club was re- presented at the charter night ati Westou Rotary Club Monday with i thoce members: Rotarians R. F. Ait- chison, Dr. J. C. Devitt, W. P. Cor-1 bett, F. F. Morris, T. S. Holgate, Len Elliott, M. W. Comstock, F. C. Hoar,I C. E. Rehder, Chas. H. Mason, Nor-' man S. B. James. Bob Aitchison was one of the speakers of the oveniug who was complimonted for hic splem- did address. Among the imenubers1 of the newly organized Weston Club are W. J. Inch, druegisit, and Vernon1 H. Lowens, school teacher, both Ro-1 tarians, former residents of Bow- manville. You'll 'waut good meat for Easter. Buy it at ýCawker's. Attend the Sons of Englaud Mes- querade Wednesday, .Apmil Srd at 8 !p. Mn. Order Them Early CORBETT'S HOT + BUNS Avoid disappointnient by sending your order in early for Thursday delivery Store Closed Al Day Friday so get your needs on Thursday Beautiful Easter Lilies They're going fast so order them right We'Il deliver them. any time. EASTER NOMMLTES Big Assortment From lc to $1.00 W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 away. Bowmanville M itchell's W anisa WANTED AT ONCE-Married couple. Man must understand farm work. Womn- an musi. bo good housekeeper. Good ag tosuitable couple. Apply to Robt. CîLa ot, R. R. 4, Bowniieuvilie. box 24, phon o, 139 -3 13-3w c IN MEMORIAM In loving memery of William Nixon, wboý doparted this life Max-ch 28, 1928. As we ioved hlm, so we miss hlm, Iu our memory he ls dear, Loved. reme mbered, thought et always Bringing many a sulent tsar. Gene from us but net forgotten, Neyer shahll is memory fade, Swoetest tboughta shaîl always linger, Round the spot where he ls laid. Evor remembered by bis sorrowing wifo, Son and Daughtor. LENA LUXTON SEYMOUR-In lov- Ing memeory of our dear daugbter and sister, Lena Gertrude. wbo departed this lite fer highem service March 12, 1925. 'Tis juet tour years-bow swift time fies Iloves sweetest memory nover dies, We miss ber belp, ber cbeeriug ways, Witb ber we spent somo happy days. We miss ber wh en we r'eed a frier'd, On ber we always couid depend. She cbe6med our lives, she soothed our pain God gantsome day we'Illineet again. ,embered by Mot:îiem, Father, SIsters and Brothers. ,For Your Easter Coat and Dress Se e Our Wonderful Display CLARENCE S. M A SÎON Women's Wear Specialist 1 Phone 161, Bowmanville One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT-A large farm bouse on Manvers Road witb 14 acre of land. Enquire of Mr&. Oison, phono 181-5. 13-t! Roome To Rent ROOM AND BOARD>-For your'g ladyl in private home, with ail convenlencea. Apply box 356, Eowmanville. 13-tf FOUND-Bar pin. Enquire at States- man Office. Farm To Rent FOR RENT-One hundred acres, Clarke Township on lst Concession, close te highway, good buildings. Apply te C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle. 13-1 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-lîs ac- res, lot 7 snd 8, Broken Front, Darling- ton. 6 acres orobard. large brick bouse, good barn, nearly now 40 x 100; neyer failing stream tbrougb farm. Ap ly H. J. Knig'bt. Bowmanville, phono 59Î 13-t FARM TO RENT-75 acres, parts Lot 34, Concessions 4 and 5, Township o! Darlingten, bal! mile eaet of Taunton, 25 acres rai1 plougbed. in good condi- tion. good buildings. Immediate p o- session. Appiy te Conant & Annis, Br- risterg. Etc., 7% Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ont., Solicitors for the owners. 13-4 Building Lots For Sale FOR SALE-Double building lot on Liberty St. Applv to N. S. Plummer. box 247. Ilowmanville, phone 187. 12-3w BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for quicit gale. Apply te Norman S. B. James ait Statesman Office. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-New brick resîdeuce with ail modern conveniences. Apply te Jas. E. Plott. Centre St., Bowmanville, phone 384 . 41-tf FARM FOR RENT OR -FOR SALEë- 200 acre farm, soutb halves of lots 31 and 32, Concession 4, Township o! Darling- ton, for rent or sale. Pull possession April 1, 1929 over 50 acres faîl plougblng done. Apply te Conant & Annis, Bar- risters & Solicitors, Oshawa. On't. 5-15w FOR SALE-A new brick lbeuse on El- gin Street, Just being finisbed, at a reas: i enable price; aIse brick reiience on I Wellington St. AIl modern convengien- I ces Ir' botb; aIse two residences on Lib-j erty St. About 10 acres of good chicit-1 en ranch for sale or wouid exchange fori bouse jr' town. Ap lly te Wm. l3ock,j Queen St., Boîvmanvil'le, phbone 114. 1-' 8* LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinde of laundry work dn rmt iy1 satisfactorily and et reaeonable pripea Write Post Office BOX 12. Or oel l rs. 1 W. Merjom., King St. B. BowmanviUl.. Phone 478W.1 'A.' '~vI. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j Lost or Found Lots of fun for ail who attend S.J LOST-String ot white carved beads, 0. E. Masquerade, Wednesday, April in' JowmianviUo or' Sunday. Finder pleasoi 3rd. , eave at Statesman Office. - Misses Jean Bell, Rota and Iua MON EV LOST-In Bowmnviiie, on Camrspet Sud.a wih frend luFriday night on or betweer' King Street Carrspet Sudaywit frindslinand Carlisle Ave., two $2 bis, Meney Toronto. belor'gs te a Young girl. Please leave at Hoapital Birthday Par-ty this Statesman Office. 13-1' (Thursday) afternoeon at the Nurses' BICYCLE FOUNO--On Provincia Residence. Highway, between Oshawa and Bowman- Whe yo by matat awer" ille. Owner may bave samte by prev-! Whenyeu uy mat a Cawer'sing property and paylng expenses. Ap- i snet discolored because it la utpiY Statesman office. f resh daily. ý Miss Mari unie Ti-uli Oshawa, vis- ited hem aunt, Mmc. A. E. Cleimens Articles For Sale over he wekendSTAR CAR FOR SALE-1924 mdel Mr. sud Mrs. Russell Luke and son Apyt .Tb.Trn .R 1, phone Earl, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. aud 320-24. 12-t! Mrs. W. J. Found on SundaY. FOR SALE-A quantIty ot good hay.1 Mr. Fred Lewis, Kelewna, B. C., W. T. Symons. phono 160-5, Bowma3îw and Mmc. Leunox, Toronto, were ville. _____________-w Sunday guests of Mr. aud Mrs. T. H. FO-AEO1mval e'bue x 16. Apply W. H. Cooke, C. p. R. K n't i oss-Tk yA-Station, Newcastle, phono A2620, Clarke. vice", presented by Maple Girove MAPLE SVRUP FOR SALE-$2.50 1xl Young People lu Triuity S. S. Room Ion. Delivered snywhere in' town. 9n,- Ply O. V. Peleter, phono 599. Bowma- on Meonday, April 8th at 8 p. m. ville. 13-1 Miss Carnie I. Painton of The Gaz-1 CARS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - ette Staff, Witby, speut last week at1 It you are tbinking -o! buying a car see home with ber daster, Miss Elizabeth the new Fords, or if you want te trade iI Painton, who bas gene te the General You oIdcar ford a new one see us. W. Hosptal, Teronto, for treatment. phone 36. Miss Margaret Temnpilu and Miss ________ Dox-otby James of the Medical De- partmeut of Toronto University, Seed Grain For Sale speut tbe weekeud with tbe lattex-'s parents, Mr. sud Mra. Nox-man S. B. CLOVER FOR SALE-Yellow I3îessom James. Sweet Clover, $2.60 a bushel. Apply iHarold Macklin, phono 308-21. Bowman- Mrs. J. W. Hyuds, daughters Ho]-'ville. 13-tf ene sud Molly, have moved te Tom.1 ente wbere Mr. Hyuds, formerly pUb FOR SALE-White Blessem Sweet licer f Te Wst urhm Rvie Clover Seed. $3.50 per bushel. AIse lishr o Th Wet DuhamRIbiewquar'tity et Cobbler petatoos. J. W. Mc- of this town, has a geod position Master, R. R. 1, Hampton,. phono 1648-22, with tbe Toronto Telegramn withI Oshawa. 13-2w which paper ho was emplo yod beforel coming te Bowxnanville.1 Speed is the watcbword in this age Live Stock For Sale aud geueration. But yen taik abot dingthigs uicly. Here's FOR SALE-Twe work herses. 12 snd, abou doig thngs uicky. ears. Apply te H. S. Barrie, R. R.i eue that takes cone iboating. We 1 4, Bewmnvilphn 361.n31 learned this week that a certain RA ISFRSL-hr~iî farier n aroned arm bu hisbits, a tew choice dees brel, aIOemaIesI vicinity moved hie stock, imxplemeuts romin mported stock. AIl trom pedIgrùedj and furniture otver uight unbokuown stock. Prices moderate. J. R1. Phllp. to hs lndlrd. It as oun oui Scugog Street. Bowmanville. 13-2. afterwards tbat this fly-by-uight FRSL-a ae good workor.I fax-mer bcd leaded hic eartbly posses- 1 orshre bodsw due le farrow about siensMou lst.. aIse team wagon and tarm lm- sin na fxeigbt car bu au adjoiniug ple'mer'ts. Apply Sydney Browrn, Middle town sud beat it for tbe fertile areas Road, Bowmanville. phone 160-23. 12-3* of Noxtheru Ontarilo. 0f course iHORSE FOR SALE-A geod chestnut there's a year's fax-m ent unpaid sud idrivin'g mare, quiet in harness, ingle or othr otstndig acouts hic ~ double, ad woman car' drive. Very lohep otesatter aons wunbounded l kepntand tond ot chitdrer'. No help toshater an' unoundd dales ned appîy. Apply to R. George. faitb bu biiiuanity. Box 218, Bowmanvile. 13-1e Thirty people bu Bowmanville _________ have received a valuable article "Free" at IBrry'a Book Store. Ti Eggs For Hatching offer expires this week. Huxrysu get youms. Berry&a Book Store. 13-1 FOR SALE-A !ew settir'gs, bred te lay S .C. White Leghorn batching eggs, at 5c eacb. Apply Clarence W. Wood- TRINTY OUN PEPLE ley, Tymone, phono 320-5. 12-tf EGGS FOR HATCMING-Bred te lay The citizeuship department adopt- SigeCmbRoeIsland Reds, hoaided ed tactics that were differeut again States. 75c a setting. Howard R. ou Monday night wheu they took a Wight, Bowmanville, phono 136-5. 13-2* leaf out of the basebali 'book aud bu- MATCMING EGGS FOR SALE-Wil- troduced several pinch hitters into son Strain Single Comb Rhode Island the .program iucluding the President, Reds, peu hended by second prizo. Roy- Ferguson who presided. The al pen ceckerel. a rosI bird from a high grdcn dam, bis mates are ail fIne subs came through iu flue style aud g g ealtby dark colored birds, splendidI alou.g with the regulars produced a layera. a fwî eggs te spame at $300 fori 15 eggs. George C. Wmight, Newcastle. good program. 12-t! This departiment is studyiug sud biugiug bef ore the youug peuple the EGGS FOR M-ATCINO.-White Wy'- andottes ,heavy laying, exhibition stock. different phases of the alcohol prob- Oegal Dorcas strain. Bsmred Plvmouth lem as it affecta our Canadian life. Rocks, Guild straîn and Ber' Hum Thetoicwa hnded >yMis ety train' S. C. White Leghorns, The opi washanled y Mss BttyWycbôtfe strain. Only caefully selectel Sargent who gave a splendid address birds bred from heavy layiug stock are. dealing with acool and ts effecta used In al breediniFg pens. J. Law- cniinronce Cryderman, R R. 4, Bow'anville. ou the physical sud mentalcodtn phonoellrS. 11-3w' of users. Among those taking part in the prograrn were Misses Iàlliau Prit- Baby Chicks For Sale chard, Doris Bennett, Minnie Weib- ber, Florence Werry, Mrs. Chambers, EGGS FOR MATCH ING-Baby chie.ks sud mc. eo. ritcard.and batching eggs trom good S. C. White and rs. eo. ritcard.Leghorn stock. Our aim la te Improve Next week the meeting is in chargeljeach year sud we have cholce matingo of the Fellowshiip Departmeut who this csser'. Order eamly. We are aIse agents for the Royal Brooder Steve- aunounce a specil ate rogran. a easy way te raise yeur chicits. Phono 3WW. H. Carmuthers, Bowmavile. s,,. . Il-tfI 0 Soiety Bru& MEN'S SUITS Ail other makes of Men's Suits are now open for your inspection. Navy BIue, Fawns, Greys, in Tweeds and Wor- steds a beautiful assortment in the very latest styles. From many of the best firms in the country. PRICED FROM $15.00 TO $35.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S TOP COATS In aIl the new shades, Brown and Grey Plaid Effects, also Herriingbone stripes. In the popular loose back style, also the new gards model back. FROM $15.00 TO $350 THE TWO IN ONE OVERCOAT A Raincoat and Overcoat combined, Brown and Grey Tweed top with rubber lining. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT $7.75 BOYS' NEW EASTER SUITS You will see hexre this week a collection of Boys' New Suits, al crisp new stock, featuring the very newest models, and in ail the wanted shades. We Invite You To Sec Our Stock For Easter T. B. GILCHRIST Dinctly Opposite Bank of Montrea phone 61 Bowmanyill. BIRTHS KING-In' Bowranville Hospital, on IMarch 19, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard King, a daughter. LAWRIE-In Bowmiarvîie lHospital orn March 22, 1929, te >Ir. and Mrs. Alexan- der Lawrie, a daughter. JAMIESON-At Timmins Ont.,March 6, 1929, te Mr. and Mrs. WalIace Jamie- son, <nee Helen Armstrong, Orono), a daughter. BELLMAN-At Bowmanville Hospital, on Maroh 22, 1929, te Mr. and Mrs. E. Cecil Bellman, (Ruth W. Haines)-a son. (Haines Edward.) LOWENS--On Monday, Ma.rch 11, 1929, at Alexandria Wing, Western Hospital, Toronto. te Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lowens, 92 John Street, Weston, a daughter. (Diana.) MUNDAY-At Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday, March 24. 1929, te Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, <nee Ruby Lan- caster), of Maple, Grove. a son. (Ray- mond Ivison>. DEATHS HENDERSON-At Cobourg, March 26, 1929, Sarah Jane Henderson, ln ber 89th year. GINN-At Whitby, on Marcb 21, 1929. George Ginn, ln bis 74th year. Inteered at Cadmus. BARKER-At Port Hope, March 23rd.. 1929, John A. Barker, beloved busband of Elizabeth Carveth. WATT-At Port Hope, March 22, 1929, Margaret Annie Harcourt, beloved wif e et the late Arthur Watt. CURTIN-In Oshawa, March 20, 1929, Florence, M. Troy, in' his 45th year. DENT-At St. John's Hoepital, Toron- te, March 22, 1929, Jean M. Dent, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent, Orono. Interred at Orone. SIMPSON-In Lindsay. on March 22, 1929, John Simpson. M. D., son of the late Hon. John Simpson, Bowmanville. Interred at Bowmïanville. bUeoIbAi ý1Ià. iIII ' - "; 1 miSrE?3IiClarkburg, Maxch 4. 1929, Annie E. Virtue, widow ot the, late Samuel J. Hosken, in ber 83rd year, forrrerly of Bowma.nville. BARtSTEAD--Conductor B. Barstead. killed in Drocourt disaster on March 20, 1929, beloved husband of Olga Hooper, ir' his 53rd year. Interred at Orono. DOWSON-Suddenly on March 25, 1929, at ber late residence, Burketon, Clara Skinner, widow of the late John Dow- son. Interment at Devitt's Cemnetery. ELLENORt-Sudder'y or' Wedr'esday, March 20, 1929, Thomas Herbert Ellenor, dearly beloved husband of Eleanor Lou- ise Phillipe. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William EUlenor of Bowxnanville. BOWMANVILLE WRECI<ERS Corner King and Liberty St phone 438. Cars bougiht, sold or tradecà. Several low Priced used cars for sale, new and used parts. 13-2- SPRINGPLANTING When the cal] of Spring bide you "fix up the yard"l rmember that Brookdale Nurseries Bowmanville ame well equipped to, provide you with all you need for the heautifyiue of your home grounds. Illustrated catalogue free on request SAVE WITH SAFETY AT THE Rexail Drug Store EASTER NOVELTIES-Abeolutely pure and wholesome, at- tractive assortnient moderately priced........... Se to $1.00 (Guetiging Conteat Closes March 3Oth. Open To Anl) Z5c, 35c, 40e GILEITE AND POWDER PUFFS AUTO STROP BLADES latest shades 5 BLADES 40e TO CLEAR 15e EACH 10 BLADES 75c ELKAY HAT DYE FOR THE HOLIDAY Goniplete assortmont of latest A Genuine Thermos, guaran- colors teed agaînst defecte i25c1 1.00 MAYELE YOUR EYES-Do you know the eye strain is fre- quently the ireal cause of1 headaches, nervousnege and other ail- ments? Consuit us today. JURY & LOVELL PHONE 78 FOR A BRICK OF NEILSON'S 1CR CREAM PHONE 78 BOWIMANVILLE. ',Easter Tidings For Men Who Care The Big Reason Why Men and Young Men Prefer Society Brand Clothes IYOU'RE WEARING AN INVISIBLE ýb SUIT 0F CLOTHES!1 Hidden beneath the suit you wcar is anotiier suit-the real suit-the frame- work of inner construction andI tailor- ing on which al the rest depcnds. If that part isn't well-made, thc entire garment will faîl into a premature de- cline. The collai will begin to wrink- le away from your neck. The lapels will flatten and lose Uieir shape. The cloth around thc armholes will buckle. The trousers will cease to bang straight In Society Brand Clothes none of these Uiings can ever happen. Every detail is taken care of by a special exclusive process of tailoring. Result: A Societ-y Brand Suit kecps its smartncsa intact until Uic very last day you wear it! PRICED FROM $25.00 TO $40.00 - i n-ia. ', - à PAGE PIVE

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