THE ANADIAN STATEISMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th., 1929 PG ER Feed Royal Purpie OVER 70% 0F ALL CALF MEAL SOLD IN CANADA IS ROYAL PURPLE Stockmen and poultxnylen recommend Royal Purpie Chick Feed, Caif Meal, Poultry Specifie, Roup Specific, Worm Powders, Stock Food, Cough Powder for Horses, etc. We seil Royal Purpie Brooder Stoves. 1 Electric Washer to clear at .............$49.50 Baford Floor Wax, Saturday Special, 3 lbs. $1.00 MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville More Sleep for Mother SHREDDED Savesý time because itý ready-baked- Wariin oven and serve wi<h hot inilk IIaIth(ui protection for the whole family XIêe tw The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE M .Coal 77Mt Satiafie SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using our Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quatity Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildera' Supplie& and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvill. WEL TUBES Model 72 $293.25 COMPLETE (With Tubes) EASY TERMS WAth tiatSuper -Dynamic Speaker! SEE AND HEAR THE MARVELOUS MAJESTIC Wondedul ITo.e--Asionithinir Accuracy-Rar. Doeub A. L DARCH Kinu Stvet BOWManVill. Pad patypi hir lts bu't * .TIONFO r, were foreed to return thern leaiving ÎU N NOA Mr'. Mann in affluence, se that he b AN camne, TIGt Mr-, but Squire Mann. ý Ilm REDYo Sinla oniiosoccuared &Il ov- *WL Dir er Ontario, for the Western provin- ces 'were not ours at thet tinte. Lakebo * Huron was sibout the western limit PIONEER DAYS IN DURHIAM ., Some Persona, Places and Cust- oms imn Darlington Township. (By W. W. Jardine, B.A., Sioux 1 Lookout, Ont.) Tyrone, another amaîl village 3 south east of Haydon, was tihe home, ..tO<P e, oo toc, of several very respectable faini- eo~Ôe i es. Froni west to, on the only .0 street where the family of John Me- c « l.8 ý o Laughlin, (father of Dr. MeLaugh- s , len,SRobertH-odgins, Abrahamn Youe 1e ame Vanstone, John Gray, Mr. Ior"e McCutcheon, Win. Armstrong, Mr.I Welch, Mrs. Heaslie, Archie, dJames ci and Thomnas Binghaïn, John Mc-~2 Cluing, Matthew Cole, Alexander Gib- bard, Patrick Travers, Joseph Moore, John -Hambly, John Hellyar, George <~ Smith, Charles Walters, Charles G COj~,i. Trick, Thoe. Windatt, Geo. Einersonl. When travelling on the western part of Manitoulin Island, 1 discovered the faxnily of Charles TPrick, Jr., ~ where hie, a few years previously, died. For many the eeastj /ffiC. end of Tyrone was known as "Tricks' Corners". Near Tyrone on the north PRESTON, ONT. were the homes of William Clemens, TOnO Mr. Samuel Hooperr, Win. McClung MO_________Toronto____ and Th-oenas Windatt, and on the south east were tlie homes of Sai Dunn and Thomas Scott, Hugh and 1 QIT EDFI Neil iMcKay and IBethesda church QIT EDFI where many of tîhe worthy pioneers sleep in the graveyard and the wor- Recent Quinte District Seed Pair, thy strong-lunged Johnny Eynon held at Belleville, 'proved a Very gave worthy exhortation. We niust isuccessful show with higher quality flot omit the naine of the "canny" i of exhibits than usuai and a good at-j staiwart William J. Ro>y. tendance. The quality of the grain East of the Roy farmn were Wm1 lwas of -much higlher calibre than Gibbard before coniing to, Jardine's former shows and is showing the re-1 Corners where iived a jolly hospit- suits of the Better Seed Campaigo, able fanily whose heads; and heart throughout the ares. neyer grew ald. The Hoskins, In the long list of prize winnexs we Whites and Hoars were good reliab.ej failed to see the naine of a Durhamn neighbors. 1 County fariner. What is Vhe ex- West of Jardine Coe.ners were'planation of this? Axre these farm found Woldon, Rarrett, James Kel- ers tee much occupied lIn dairy andj ley and Wm. Brown-an honorableIbee cattie to bother about citizen with a large talented fa.mily producing h>etter seed grain? of 17 children-one of whom lived1 et of Hampton, naîned Irwin L., Brown. Andrew MeFeeters, too,! WISDOM AND) KNOWLEDGE was a 'respected pioneer. North of Hampton was Farley's Aa Canadians we are proud of Corners leading west Vo, the Saxon C aniada, cf kts rocuantic past, and of Settlernent and tihe Trulls and Lasks îts wonderfui future. We speak of -Wilim and George, who, though 1i with pride ,of its vastuess, a__ o distant 6 miles, scarcely ever failed its beauty, but Vo those of us who (with their families) Vo reach church.lhave not visited its many parts, the On the Scugog road between Bow- knowledge we have la sometimes dan- nianvillte anid Ennisikillen Lay tAiet gerous. Knowledge of any kind ad- quniet village of Hamnpton, the home vances by eteps, and noV by leaps, of seveiral etmbefmle;pr and now an o.pporttunity la knocking hastebest known in the commerlat your octgveyuahne cial w91 as htothEltso increase your know}edge regard- Henry ED~iott and sons who kept ingCadas hrelyi. Po store and had charge of the fessor Laird of Macdonald College, Mill. i1Que., bearing this faiet in mind, bas MaMY Promînent naifnes have s-. arranged with the Canadiati Pacific caped me, but the citâizens must have Canlaa a ndc laing Trossb been worthy, as nothing untoward taspeal t ain Jukly 2, Toerondb re,0oe'ded 'against the reput.ation of tpccupytring in aul 2wenth-enroda1 the village or the surrounding coun- tripd during inhaltwVmetCnda's. try. Net far away lived Mr. Win. bA ur ill beunfodetio you. Juat Rogers, a fariner who -foranany year btbink of nfledto eu J honorubly discharged various pub lice1thinRof it; aillthe Ibeautr spots in duties, a son Fred, for several yeas te Rky iMouittain-4Banff, L.ake waa in business in Enniskillen. Louise, Emarald. Lake, Yeho Valley, the Kooîtenay Country, the delightful To the north. west lay the hamiet motor drive front Baniff o Winder-1 Soiina-in and near it we find te mere, of 104 miles, and the equafly- naines off Hughes (J. L,) wh,5h charming drive from Field to aik fater augt te p~blc sh ol-a Louise of 40 miles, and many othert ciever man 'and a social entertaîner 1rp V, hl ikn patu par-excellence-the son J -1- inher- which fascinates. ited the raine and possibly more of Tedtisoftetu r o thosafe ualtes-ofawnes 'morerea<iy, and can be oibtained by aippli- hArgefter ohrnainear Elford, cati-on to Mr. C. B. Nient Town Agent Arg oWrr, an eNest, Baker, C. P. R., Bcywmanviile ,or Vo Prof. Wtahinto, PssceReynolds, Ho- Sinclair Laird, box 226, Macdionald garth, Montgomery, Mitchell (Kit),Coee..O.Qu.11 and Joe (net Jack) Cade and others. Clee P . u.1- Whatever the cause, these young men were not killed wit.h bashfuinessofeugoraicloo'ed.Bb- when aippearing before public aud-1 caygeo forany ea knlpeaed aBb- l jice. Mitchell saw the humorous distant as Hudson Bley seemetdY. side of any publie question, ni A erearsnw a o±Vdi could eirhibit or defend it before JgA foletwn of Bs owmavoue.ttheI publie audiences. 1go l no jwinil.Te To illUstîrate my point, the stor-y naine commemorates Mr. John. BoNi- wastod tatKi wa iliunoedtomac who formerly owned mst01 wour to ipo that i acetainoiedon the present site. lMost of myni w cou rto proeh a certain personledge concerning tewn and 1tspeo- had 1t.dThpepjdel hs neditr i ihpie previous to thie sixties wa.9 learn- hisfoo. Te jdg ased it f e e< frenm Y- father and otheie,I had seen the ungentlemanly 'act, and though probably fairly reliable. il Kit replied, no! The judge rein d-rmebratadsneoftn il, e.d lm hathe hadbee caiedVo when the smoke of the first trains on prove that point. Kit replied that tihe G. T. R. appeared--couid easily1 hie merly saw the accused kick the be seen frein my old home at "Hill! compiainants pants! Olf course, the 1Flouse" on the 8th Concession of' curtain suddeniy dropped. Darlington. It was a sight as inter- Al1tbough Kit -and Joe were wîhole-. esting as a "circus" and we, to heart.ed Ylouag men the general irn- could se e thie numerous vessehspy pression %vas that they would net bc ing on Lake Ontario 'which was vis- ha.nged for "building churches". ible probably from MWhitby Vo Port iI t;hink Possibly a descendant of Hope. the Hogarth family holds a re6pon- Trains at tihat ime conlumed sible public position in the city of wood instead of coal as at present Port Arthur, Ont.1 and durmng the winter season 1, with When speaking of Bethesda I scores of others, drew cordwood to ed to naine smme other honorable thie G. T. R. station, receiving po.s pioneers there:--Joeph Couch, the sibly the magnificent prie of $3.001 Coles (Roger and Emmanuel), the per cord and- had to board ou.rselves C0liacotts, (Robert and James), and and horses. For years, during such their father whoin I kne.w; the times teanis were nearly as nuîner-! Lanes, Channon,-three bGtes.. us on the streets as autos and trucks Bill, Sain and Joe, the Darveys and arecnW. Thsemiy ntoj famiy ad te Wrry an Polars, o cifytehe hpoes f DURHAM EGG CIRCLE Haudled 78,257 Doxen Eggs During Pat Year. At the annual meeting of the Dur- ham "B" Egg Circle, held at Wel- corn-e, March 19, a very fine report wais presenited by the M.'%Inage rMr. Blake Symons. This Circie has hand- led during ithe past year 78,237 doz- ens of eggs which sold f or $25,989.5 i. The cash pald Vo members amounted to $23,454.19. The average sell.:ng price of eggs was 33e and t he aver-, age paid to members was 30c. This gives an idea of the immense volume of business done Iby this Egg Circle. Mr. F. H. Buker, of the Poultry Division, Department of Agrirult- ure, Ottawa, was present and gave a splendid address. Mr. Buker point- ed out the advantages of this forin of selling and also a wonderful mar- ket for ýbroilers, to the tourists, which as opening up ail the way £romn Mon- treal to Tocronto. Mr. H. B. Cowan of "Farm and iDairy", Peterboro, gave a short ad- dress. J. Y. Kellough gave a short talk and showed moving pictures on Killing and Dressing cf Poul'try and on Co-opefraîtive Marketing of Pouit- jry Prod uets. Thwe~ Executive of the Egg Circle %eeall re-elected: Prssiient-W. G Chestnut;- Secreltary-G. L Kellogg; Manager-IBlake Symons. ROSS ^AMES & GARTSHORE J BUILD NEW GARAGE Have General Coatract. Work is proceeding steadily on thé $16,000 garage and show room be- ing erected at 145 King St. W., Osh. anis, by Ross, Aines & Gartshore Co. Limited, of 9 Prince St., Osh- awa, Hudson-Essex dealers. This building is being constructed to give this firrn a considerably increased fleor space for automobile show room, garage, office and store room purposes. It is expected that lit will be ready for occupancy about LMay 1. 'The building will be, one storey high and of brick and steel construc- tion, 50 by 14 feet in size. 1V iwill be finished in fir, in tîhe interior, 1with concrefte, mastic and oak ftoor- ing and will be heated by steam. Ex-, cavation work is rapidly being cen.1 pleted, and ooncrete is aiready being poured in the foundaitions. The general contraat for the baild- ing is held by Peter Martin & Son, Bowmanvilie ,and this firin is it.self handling several tradeÊ3, including ex- cavation, concrelte work, bric]awork, carpentry and plastering. The glaz- ing .sub-contract ibas -been 1kt Vo the W. E. FIhillips Co. and several other trades, including Toofing ,steel, steel asl, electrical, plunmbing, heating, insmithing and .maÈbic flooring hàve flot yet been let. SOU C^104 AM $6 to $10 ~t PeUR DAY Maie. Eaatw7. Wdii. VuàuIaL.ir4 dNo m8 astu Barboer andsuty Culue Ble Prournm and Happy ýDOMINION CHA1TEU D CMOIS 168 Mib Sfreet Wut --Toronto Free Empborua.t oSha-Cmw Me ee Mot one Royal Master ina thousandw,.ll..'er puncture. Not one in fiv. ihousand wll iiow ou( uder tNo Y.G,5 of servie. B E ready for carefree metoring when Spring opens up. Have your tires thoroughly overhauled inside and out --now. The proper place te have it donc is at a Dominion Tire Depot. Here you wiil find a specialist - trained in thse Dominion Tire Factory. He knows how tires are miade. Hoe keeps in touch with the newesc methods and devices in tire repairing - and in checing ail injuries before they cause serious resuits. Now is thse turne te sec this man-then you're ready for Spring. Y=u are never far away ftom a DOMINION TIRE DEPU( BOMANVULLE . . aimon & Jamieson Az4ddz»Wgprestigre to a name the whole world acclaims ("HRYSLER genius in style crea- %-d tien shines forth bnillianly in the Chrysler '"75," Chrysier designers have gained an entirely new effect by applyin& ini a modern way, the finest principles of classic art which have endured through the centuries but are forever fresh and stimulating. i Recipient, tee, of ail Chrysier prog- ress in engineering, the Chrysler 917" perforins surpassingly. Its high- compression Cflgme, of the NEw Ci-ut Chrysler",Siver-Donxe" type) -'."-Ni develops astonishing spced styles, s;, with unique srnoothness. $150- 41 f o. b. Wr The acceleration iterally Ontario, in< starties a driver unaccus- standard fa equ:pment ( arnd taxes e ta med te, Chryaier pick -up. Al drivers, tee, are sàilyini presskqx ed by the quick, positive control of Chrysier weatherproof internai- expandng 4-wheel hydraulic brakes.. Pivetal steering and balanced front wheels, rubber shock insulators on the springs together with hydraulic shock absorbers assure incomparable riding qualities. Worthy companion te the mag. tYLR nificent (3hrysler In-perial, i.bythe Chryler "475" is addmng 985 to unfiversa! prestige te the V P yices ndsor, naine that means, the world ncdudîng over, everything that is fine facor and desirable ini a moter car. qCH RYS LE nR£'75y> * CIIRYSLER MOTOUS PROD(ICT WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733., jNewcastle, Ontaaio PAGE SEVM The Royal Master