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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1929, p. 8

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DIAMOND WEDING Former Cartwright Couple Married i The N e'<c~~ e Incep - i M.and Mrs. John H. Medd of' ManSt., Exeter, celebra,,ed the six-l THURSDAY, APRIL 4th., 1929 tieth anniversnary of their wedding on Suluday, March 31st. John Hen-I ry Medd and Elizabeth Bruce werel ROBERT WALTON'S RECITAL NEWCASTLE united in marriage at the bride's_____ home in the township of Cartwright1Popular Baritane Presents Hia Firat Mrs. T. A. Rodger visiited in Osh- on March 31, 1869. The bridesmaid ita i ecateImuit ala now Mrs. G. F. Conk ei Windsor, wasi ecsl uleSho eoti o g R c niversary. She sent a lovely gift, district who in recent years has giV- r.W. olelM teas with hier congratulations.1 en more willingîy, generously and visiting Misses Wilnîott. The young couple inânediately 1 giadly of his miusical talents. to the1 OT WA ONBai camne West wo Huron Courty and public than Robert Wallon, th e Mrs. Sydney Venton, Bowmanville RB.WLCN a aett.led On a partly cleared farm on, popular of Newcastle, we visited relatives un Sunday. Assiste by the 7th con. of Hullett. Undergo-, would like to meet. him. Bob bas Miss Jane Singer, Toronto, paid MieEe Cos Vl ing the difficulties and privatos f sung at church services, sociaLs, lod- an Easfer visit to friends bere. Ms te lws i pioneer life and aharng in tnie t&ask_,ge meetings, entertainiments, service Mrs. Lanson Millson, and son, Mis& Elsie Bush King,1 of the chut-eh and couîmunify, they lubs and other gafberings eut of Newtonville, visited hier mother, Mrs Miss Jessie McGregor, made a %vorhy contribution ot 5cr- thc gooduess of hi,, beart aud witb- James Stapleton. Pianist and Saxal vice. For 52 years thcy lived audî' ouf monetary reconipense. Ris Congratulations f0 Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Laura Fisher, farnied in Hullett. There wvere p)leasing_ personality combined withjHarold Skinnr, Tyrone, on the ar-I Accon boru to themn seven children, five a rich rnelodious haritene voice basf rival of a littie son. boyis and twvo ~r~f are still miade him a general favorite among Mrs. I_ M. Fisher and Mtrs. W. will be given in living. loyers of good music who have been Deline enfertained verv delightfully ~ They r'tire I front the farm in! privileged to hear hini. o usI eenn.Co m nt 1921 and moved to Exeter where Citizens tbrougbout Wes-t Durham onTedyeeîg I-iii~i~ they hav, iince resided. On this1 will therefore be delîghted f0 îearn Mrs. J. E. W. Philp was a week- happy occasýon, Mr. aud Mis. Medd that Mr'. Walton has arrauged a end guest of Mr. and Mis. J. Scottý Newcastle were at home to their neighyors and Sn eia ne u w esn Montgomery, Napanee. intiniatc fr;ends of Exeter on ai direction te hc held in Newcastle Mr. Kenneth 'Pearce, B'ak fon Thui-sday au,] Friday preceding the Conmmuuity Hall on Wednesday next, Commerce, Port Perry, spent bis anniversary. Mýaný- calicd asud April 1lOch at 8.15 P. nM. For this Easter holidays at home. brocigh, congr-atulations and goodi[occasion he has secured a galaxy of, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Gilbank,11 W ednesday wishi. O Sunay te 31t., n- promineut artist.s and entertainers1 Perth, visited at his parents', Mr.î niversary day. immiediate relatives t it hlm on the .program, (list and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank.i andcl,, fiedýwee reen fi;appears on last page). ïirs. Alwyn Fisher aud Marion, A rl t dinner. Wouldn't it be a nice way for Belleville, are visitiug at hier mofh- 8.15 p. m. Guestz, came fromt Hullett, McKil- Itbose who have enjoyed 'Bob's siiug-,Ier's, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. bpClntnGoerch LudnDe- ing on these numerous occainsi Mrs. Ida Stinson and daug.e, ADULTS 50c; CHILDREb troit and Pontiac. i c past fo nowsow their apprle- Miss Frances, are spending the East-i Plan opens April 5tha Congratula.oy nmessages sud gifts1 ciation by turning out in sucb large 1 er vacation at Mr. George Eilbeck'.I Bonathan's Store. were received fromn many relatives numbers te his reeltal next Wednes- Mr. W. J. S. Riekard aftended theý Tickets on Sile lu Bowm; and friends some of whom vvere un-, day that every seat in the auditor- O. E. A. Convention in Toronto thisil at Stafeanian Office able te be present. The tribute of; ium xvii bc occupied? Don'týwerpeettv fSas e- flowers was splendid. Inde cd, thýà beave ilt..3 others te carry ouf this t ersnctv fSbw'scj _______________ roonis were beautiful with roses, act of reciprocity. But make s;ure ion Brdfr KyofNe Ir, Easter ,Iles sud otheî' spring flow- that you aud ail your frieuds arel rsBadodKyfNe Yrk er. ~there te welcome Bob with a fuli who bas been visiting ber father, Mr.: NEWCASTLE UNITED CF Rev. C. J..Moorhous, their Past- bouse wheu che curtain vises.GeoEibcsreungbreth ____ or, couducted a short progran and This is net an advertisement the week. Reception and Easter Ser spoke in kindly reference f0 Mr. and leditor la writing for 'Mir. Walton but Mr. aud Mrs. Rex Wynn and Ar-___ Mrs. Mledd. A SPecîi gues caf .a spotaneous utterance of apprecia. thur, Brantford, spent the holidays1 Large congregations, in Re'.. D. Rogers of Sf. Thomas, an oid tion given publicity in the hope thaf wich ber parents, Mr. aud Mrs. D.1Itbreatening weather, atten finie Pastor sud friend. He gave others may catch the saine sprt Galbraith. 'special services lu the a b)'tadrs. udreda ete1 For chose who are not familiar Misses Marion Aluin sud Noral Cburch ou Suuday. The wbicbh e had written f0 tberiî a short xih Mr. Walton's musical career e Cowan, Peterboro Normial Scbeol,l redoleut witb the ,3%veetness tinte previously. The closiug par-j reîwi re: Ls hnfive are spending the holidays at their: beaufiful he grouped ab agi'ap: of the letter expresse,, the' rsetv oe.atr h atr e.W hoe aýwishes of their many years ago hie teck bis first vocal les- respctie benes sitr.the to, rv. bope~~ sud ~ son, .tudying for some tume with T. Miss Mary James, Havergal Col-i ers, cuufdl h on frieuA,. The lettai' follows: w.Saly u ae jbAtu ee ootM.Rcad James,j ception service, at wbich son Dear Brother J. H. and Mrs. Medd: 1 Biighc sud Arthur Lynde. Twice Toronto, and Mr. Chas. James, O. A. t-iv on n le e Living not very far front Cavt- hie has been medalilt af Canadi.aný C., Guelph, "ent their boiidays at received into the church, s writ it is very probable that s.xtY , National Exhibition Musical Festival, !homteptrof en ofaith ssote years i o-this nionfh-I re il ý; i once wnning a $75 scholarship lu ai M r. and Mrs. Austin CampbellI ter. Th pa sr ws.assist the -oviianvlle Statesman chatlI la ss of 631 singers. He was also Trno1iie r n r.Chs' n .A owlmme John H. Medd and M.sE.i:îb0e:bI medalist at the Petei'boro KiwvanisiHigbee and<î îtftheir duhesud A.hA. col ir ende Bruce were uuited lu the ho'y handsî Club Confesf and is a favorite with Maryt Alecia sud Francine for anesini, "hitI ie ofmsei~oy y ev Xuî. .?onjradio audiences. more prolonged visit. part taken by Robert W. agb. The writer wasa perniied Aandj We couid say more about Mir. We regret a lengfbhy report ant aI An Easter duel, "'Oer the E privileged to bc the Paat.or of ths: Waltou but we hope enough has beîtutiful tribute te tbe late Bisbopj Fcotateps Weary," was uici devout couple, and te be associacned been said te arouse yeur iuteresf Charles H. Brent wbo passe't Sway; by Mrs. H. R. Pearce and witb theni iu Christian serv»ce over sufflicienfly to go te Newcastle nextl in Loousauue, Switzerland on March'E Pearce. fcrty years ago. Tbey have "n"vWedeyngt .W .2t scoddoto hsise reached nearly, if net quite, oustling1 ensa ib.G W . 7bl1rwedofo hajse and out cf braath aga, but there are, ________________ Friands snd former pupils of Mr.j During the avening serv ret wanfiîcg evlences thaf the baudý J. K. Grahami, principal of the Highispirit cf Easter reigned chr of God hi! led you iuring alilcnpSe 1 Like Abrahami, you commanded your School three years ago, and now of j The pastor delivered a stirri decades. i children affer yeu, sud I trust thay Dresden, were surprised aîud pleased 1 searching sermon on the th And nOw a Diamond Wecdding. are ail witb you in the fellewsbip Of te see hlm paying a visit in town on tha resurrection. Two fine Wbn 'r rmebe wafif..i<the churcb, of duty, faifb sud hope. Tuesday. "Calvary" and "Halleluja htxw nuch tinle 15 inludedinl t-0le.u maguily tue Lord anti ex- Miss Graca Bragg, Oshawa spdiis- e la a very notable event. Thînk of it! ait hbis naine together. trict, and Miss Beatrice Bragg, Bu.n- the choir wifb solo partt -two streanis of existence runuingl I will close ,heping that the re- ker Hill, spent thte aster holidays dmsJ.Gr.ceoBansd WduE ithe ene and the sanie chanîxb for mnaiuirtg days niay be a pathWay at home. Miss Beatrica Bragg at-i ae,.H oeadW over baîf s century. You have liv-1 slopiug gantly sud restf ully feward tended the O. E. A. Convention in lied Garden," was very e ed te know the b'essednes-s of age,~ the settirig suri, and lit up witb the Toronto. su1 by Misses Grace and and thank God, the enjoyment of if promise of a more glorlous sunrise Mrs. George Eilbeck gave 5 a1 Bragg aud Mrs. W. D. Bra ia not mat-red by physical pain or1 amid the enchanting beauty of the fer the Newcastle Ladies' Bowling, mental inecapacity. You are net in- ý dalectable mounitains. Affectiouateiy Club en Saturday. Her daugbfers, The Passion We-ek Servi valida or in your 4otage. The prop- D. Rogers. Mrs. Stinson sud Mrs. Kay assistedi1 from Monday te Friday hets image of a iree plan.ted hy ttc1 h er, as well as Miss Frances Stinson basft week were of great riersofha b he e a£riied eYu reWATER SYSTEMS lsud Miss Gladys Matcbett. beefit sud inspiration for sf111rs ha.,-if et verfain beoare, ix îyrtlî,ng ('oiHiiitýfor xxi r suiîîîl Mrs. Harold Toms sud daughterslwere able te attend, realivz lu ymatb ad i -hpe Reai'In.1 sxvag,' disposii in coî:itry auj isýbi Frances sud Kathleen, Ricmn Iilyb hse lu sttendance in sypathyand n hop. Region ;iaîxiîom,s. oi stiriirisingly Io%%,.1 Que., are spending the weak witb ha r session. Ou Weduesday th has presîded at your table, watcbed ps~iat iiints it;lo atnd l i mether, Mrs. Geo. P. Riekard, and was ceuducted by Rex'. Wni over your slumbers, di.rected( ou, ' utrs fr- tn home oxnLrs andi e N-uf "ý .'1'Vs fllliay ompnyBox2",1 other relatives. Mr. Toms accom rn-î ad uig h t business and sanctified your hait' ii. ~foîay 4 1paidta eNwcterurngOoosdurgthet panid teinto ewcatle reurnngings, of the 'week by Rev. W. - -- -home Sunday. a rs, who gave thougbtful an4 Unitd Church, Rev. W. P. RIbg- taîks on the avemts of Passic M, ers, Pastor. Morning Service-Ii ileading u p to the Crucifixior 1 a. m. Young People's Choir1 day, and their significance. Sunday School-2.30 p. ni. Fven-t a numbers were previded ing Service 7 p. mi. This servize' the choir at each service, on wîll he in charge of the *young a choius, Tuesday a duet iMen's Welcome Casas. Speaker-' dames C. R. Carveth aiý I Rev. Dr. J. C. Robertson, Toronto. B1ragg, Wednesday a maie St. George's Cburcb, Rev. E. R.!by Messrs. W. J. S. Rickari 'Braiig, Mark AllUn sud Har< JaeatSt. eorgl Cus ch 1 T sd Fiay a duet M.-- fD~~~5LNY~~~ of the resurrection was the exultantiPac ooiyMs Othe maux' eautiful lhues and thei-1HAMPTON flowers placed before and aroundc the altar symbolized it. Sunday .,Misa Vers Garr, Box Aprîl 7tb, Low Sunday: Il a. ..-j speut the, wei'kend witb h( Morning Prayei' and Holy Commun-ý Mrs. C .Shaw. ion; 2.30 p. ni.-Sunday Sehool;, Mr. aînd M~ A. A. Johns 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. A froop outt, ,pent aester witb Mr. Of bay scouts is heinit organizcd lîil . G. Hlil 00I cnnectio)n with the Churcb. Oui' y)uii, peuple aie a three ac. rîîîedy 'Soui 1 HAMPTON SCHOOL REPORT ! aclfo d: e suyor i teachern.eniw oecpying the bouse o sui yor cnveiene. Brran's.i f r. . .. . Congra _________ - to Mr. Leonard Hindmnan o- Y~~. OUR OPPORTUNITY cintdman r ria W cou ,,,rraftine xiii fit you for $5A to $100 ppr Special services held at th, Endork' during Ea«ter wee.k were fo mation. Write Commercial Fngln -, tended sud proved very beT .~eSt. West Bowmanville Iepring, Room 100. 57 QuAen St. WesGt.' TflC- rW"Toronto. 18-j Go pring Tn -reamc Men 's Suits m Boys' Suits Remarlkable Valuets Wonderful Values in Men's New Up-to-Date Suits Single and double breasted models, many have the new tattersali double breasted vests, trousers pleated at waist band, coats single breasted with the new rope shoulders. Shades of Fawrn, Brown, Grey, in plaid and stripe eff ects, priced within the reach of everyone'S purse,I > FROM $15.00 TO $35-00.j FIRST LONG SUITS AND STUDENTS SUITS The very finest cloths with Vest, Coat and two pair trousers, shades of Fawn, Lovatt and Gr'ey, SPECIAL AT $16.50 AND $17.50 BOYS' SUITS WITH 2 PAIR 0F GOLF PANTS $9.95 New Suits for Spring in a vaî'iety of shades, fine w-oven maeil ATt Nl $9ar5aWdTH 2PAthIR,0FpATssIM~ maeil AT t iLY $ ear5and keePAthIR OFpes, MEN'S NEW TOP COATS AIl our stock is new and fî'esh, no old patterns. Top coats in the popular loose back models, also the Young Man's Pride! The Guards Model pleated back, doub- le breasted college front and the new Rope Shoulder effeet. FROM $15.00 TO $35.00. SPECIALS Men's Tweed Top Coats at $7.75. A big leader, rubber lined, belted back, a coat that you can be proud of thor- oughly waterproof, shades of Brown and Grey, AT ONLY $7.75 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AT $1.48 A big special this weekend, durable broadcloth shirts, fine pin stripe effects ail sizes $1.48. MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 0 iScieti Brmn A special line of Overails in Black, also Blue and White woven stfl])e with bib and braces, This Weekc at Only $1.39 Te B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville ýt by MsI D. Bragg. ri the Lil- effec ivl [Beatrice îgg. eces heldj e'.eninge spirituail W U red eStore r al Wo W ekl StreNews ýe at eachI A Rova s rie service ,her aven-. MEN'S SPECIALS New Spring Oxfords in Black and Tan Leather, Rovan's Special $3.45 BLACK AND TAN WORK BOOTS Mennonite gr'ain with panco soles, guaranteed to outwear any ordin- ary leather sole shoe, Rovan's Special $2.95 MEN'S CAPS Regulai' $2.50, in the latest Spring styles ai colors, Rovan's Special $1.49 Men's Eniglish style Oxfords, latest foi' Spî'ing weaî', Regular $8.00, Rovan'a Special $5.85 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS In iiew snaI)py single breasted style, Regulaî'ly sold for $35.00 Rovan's Special $22.50 A REAL SPECIAL IN MEN'S SHIRTS English Broadcloth, in p)lain~ white stî'ipes or checks, Regularly sold for $2. 25, Rovan's Special $1.59 WOMEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS A vaî'iety of coloîs an~d shades, Regular $1.95, At Rovan'a This Week 79c Pair WOMEN'S SPECIALS Latest in Footwear fori Women, in patent and brown kid straps, pumps, etc. Rovan'a Weekly Special $2.95 Women's plain patent one-strap in cuban and low heels, Regular $3.75 Rovan's Special $1.98 WOMEN'S OXFORDS In black patent or nu-brown caif with low or cuban heels, Regular $5 Rovan'a Special $2.95 SPECIAL THIS WEEK "Penman's" full fashioned silk hos- ieî'y, in îîew spring shades, Regular $2.25, RovaWfs Special $1.38 Pair SPECIALS IN MISSES' FOOTWEAR One-strap p)atent leather slipper with rubber heel, a good solid shoe, Regularly sold for $3.00, sizes 11-2, Rovan's Special $1 .85 Pair Kiddics Patent one-stl'al, a î'eal buy At $1.39 A variety of Infants Boots and Slip- pers on the Bargain Table to be cleaî'ed at 29c Pair >1 'i t-.- R. Je ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Opposite thse Bow mau Hou.atse oold McMurtry Block-Phone 528 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TEURSDAY, APRIL 4th., 1929 PAGIC IUGHT

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