With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 4th., 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 14 PRIMARY ROOMS CROWDED COMING EVENTS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ! OPERA HOUSE FILLED TO HA LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 1 WHAT COUNCIL 1>10 1Parents Aviaed ta Keep Bgnners RsreTuday, April1 for St. JoehsR . Cuc. Sndyl ________RTO Mrs. R. T. Hoskin, Simcoe, is vis- R.eceived petitions for sid& ai sHome Till September it John's Church Easter Supper. seervices April 7th,.Morning Ma.ss Conducted by Home and School Club iting ber ýmother, Mrs. J. Wickett. from Mns. Jas. Courtice and Ms Bow anvlleThe primary roons at the Publie No Jessica, the mummy is flot ai 8.30 a. M. Eveliing devotions 7~ The capacity audience of parents, Miss Dorothy Barton of Peterboro Stanley, Scugog St. j hool are crowded ta capacity. womnan that you il see in "Be An P. m. Rv .P ulr brothers, sisters and frlends of,,pupils Normal Sch ' 1 is holidaying at home ApitdW .Cre oFx Te ns lbhese rooms include M~iss Montgom- Optimist"-the Tennis Club play. Trinity United Church, Rev. J. which rwded the o pe Mra H o onN.Rsehs en ii Te nsC u rswt 6pplMiss S ets 'h eua etn fteWieU. Robins, Pastor. Sunday serices Tusa fenoMrh2.tsiid Ms i .Rs is~e iiigBiaei lc fPryWfim with 4 6pils , Saeg r gent7'S Terglrmein teWieto the lnterest shown by this commun- e agtr rJ .SotTr who resigned. itp4,eis MGrgo's4 and Shield Club will be held on Tuesday, at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sacrament ity in the Oratorical Contest, coduth noRcied complaint from W.K. E.-ttTor be ooes ih45 heecase Arl9t iiS.Paul's Lecture Room dispeflsedhat both series. Suiday rd d4th classes of the Publie Sehool. Rev. HB. Kenny, oscnmd Clifford asbou±it xiassable condto ibrand are not ready for promotion'.eA eisosemnon"Mss. PncalJHJont.Mr WB until June. Under present condi- If practise makes perfect, "e Pereoolsron n Moe". PiniplJ.H Jhstn. Ms pimat ilte precferorHStome' Aglcn hrc, â. sr, rsiet f oe n ShoiTusay . . oliToono akd o Be Anos twl e mosbet ae n, We warn you it will be yeur R. J. Shires, Rectr. First Sunday Platformn with Miss F. M. Galbrath,. Miss ora Pettingil, Wellington, oppo-tunity ta tender on paving ibeginners after Easter. fe atr pi ,12,i .m r.F .Cle n r.ryAu. is visiting Mrs. (Rev.) J. U. Robins A. Kilpatrick and others pettin Tofri nwcls wudgreatý- - f '<olmyit Communion and * Srmon. The Program opened with a chorus, a t riity rsn ed for fflwer an hir St. er'230 1O«Cnada,' by the School, led by Miss Ms ieia~cil ooti m ent se o hnet as there is no available room. If the direction of Mrs. Clark Bell t-23 p. m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Helen Morris, with Miss Leta B3ragg atMs let cil oot, s W .Bnetakdfrca thee ae eoug si yer od ~wars te ed o1Apil.Wath fr7 p. im.-Evening prayer. the p'iano, after which a number of the visting ber aunt, Mia. R. H. Colla-. dig drain at Ce-metery. bcs te e n d This, oe cin will Rfut-hearmetiuango e w Hek. corner Temperance and Chutch Sts., i pressin and gestures. Mrs. Fred A. Cryderman and pointed to Police Force at salr o be akn. Ths oerrodig wll Reulr metngetWomn' He1 Rev R. McDerinent, M.A., minis.- The Judges of the 28 speeches which daughter Ruth, are spending a few $1000 year. Au Adam AppI.bud c.,..,i, bc remedied at midsummer whe pital Auxiliary will be hiBld in thetr ngse followed were Mr. Wr. R. Strike, Rev. D.das itretisinTot. regular promotions will take plae Nurses' Residence on Friday, April ter. Mrigsrvice il a. m.1 W. Best and Mrs. <Rev.) Geo. Mason. dy ihrltvsi oot.JmsKney epew . tnt .3 .. Almmes t- Eenn service 7 p. m. Sunday The girls of the Jr III Class were the Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nelles are JamnesuKennedf Heserw s ap Th rtha d aï,ten .3p.m AImniesa School at 2.30 p. m. first speakers of the afternoon. Mary apending Easter with their daugbter, ary of $1600, effeective froii jpi PULCSHOLRPR irks told an interesting story of -he Ms .E ais eriMc. 8h T h u r . a d F ., P BLI SC O OL EPO T I Reserve Friday, A pril 26th for a i St. Paul's Chu tch, Rev. D . * W . Giri W ho W alked to London*'. to obta n1 r WE. he eek ed in t oronh. t wh at p o r a.e n m a e i qL.comedy drama "Red Ar Farm", ta Best, D.D., Minister. il a m- her sisters freedom. Audrey .Eiiott 1 Misses Olive and Dorothy Barton. Councillor Corbett wanted toano April 11i & i 2ti aiPupils in the Sr. IV Class, Cent- be presented by Orono talent in Morning Worship, "Mary'a Choîce."1 Janes Wolfe dature Quelh.cd. Mar- pn th wekd in Trtowlapogs a bnmder rlSchool, wvho made 70%oan over Opera House, under auspices of Trîn- Holy Communion. 7 p. rnt-Even- ton Jewell pictured vividly the heroic guests of Mr. and Mis. J. Y. Searls. lectîng taxes twîce a year. at the Easter examinations. Namtes it Y.W Axlir.ing Worship "The Problem of "De-1 sacrifices andt labours of that muh oe Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto,l Clerk was instrueted to writeU r Totn HalW.inuxîlîaryf gePit: nurse, Florence Nightingale. Doroth To n al n rde o;ei: ~d Msc tuyClb et n tpreciation" in the realm of the Spir- Richards, the srnallest and otyuhi was'in town Friday calling on his .bL Maien tatin town hasn Ruy obs adlieJoe Msc tuyClbwilmet nSti.1 .3 p -uda chol uilokn o alth pekrs gv abote, en oh uge, ndlaalue'.cai ordmae Entire Local Catt 'Leon-<j Wilson, Harold Colmer',au' Lecture RoomIo Wdiiesday, Thursday, April 4th, 8 p. m.-Pre- splendidl exposition of "The Radio and other friends. sented îby John MacKay Limnited (f ou an terwep tayat om Joce Idr, ih hilip, RtbAprl i7t at8 p m Covenrsparatory Service. The Jr. III boys vere next in order.- Mrs. David Grigg, Misses Jane and Adoptted Auditors report incld We guarafltee a laugh à minute. Purdy, Jack Roach, Greta Pearce, Mis. J. Albert Cole and Mrts. Smith The, story, interestingly told of Champ- Ruth, Toronto, visîted Mr. and Mis îng recommendation that tax arrer at 8.15 P. nM. Ned Rebder, Louise Cole, Cheeter Ferguson. Subject-German Music. Services in Trinity United Chut-ch mi1yn, Ithe heroc Father of New Frac- TICKETS 50e Jury and Vera Lonsberry, equal, Regular meeting of Home and on Sunday were very much in keep- byAird l, was follow'd bya rap N. S. Plunimer and other relatives listed on page 12 and 13, amountw Doe acount of 'The liattie of Queens- here this week. ta $724.00 be written off. TaDxtarothy Edger, Byron Vanstone, School Club will he held in Central iiig with the Easter season. The ton Hieights". related by Ian Bell' "The Ta xtaJean Herring, Sidney Dillick, Jasper Public School on Wednesday even- pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins' .mor'ning Days We Celelirate" and the reasons Keep Wednesday, April iOth free Salary of F. C. Palmer,Tow Plan opens at Mitchell's Drug Sih Evelyn Taylor, George Gra- ing, April lOth at 8 o'clock shrp theme was based on te thereof, were enumerated and fully ex- for Robt. W. Walton's Concert Re- Engîneer, is ta be paid ta April 0 Store Friday morning i Smithlie "These a lained hy Blert Johnston. Clarence citaI at Newcastle Comanunity Hall. Ap-ahV onreg cle Apor ri 5 morh. i at 10 a. m. ham, Ferne Smith, Frances Clar-ke Program in charge of groups 6 and 7, Tes re pst-ts of bis ways; but Wltheridge gave an excellent des8crip- Se dv.elehee wl bifieceiiorn eigouci rs April 5th. ~~~an d Willie Wright, equal, Edith Cart- Mrs. J. Thickson and Mrs. Hart-y AI: how little a portion is heard of him? ti on of 'The Pigeon and its value to .eav lswr.wi bfxdclngncoel wight, Alice Purdy, Katie lt-eland. lin, con'veners. Mrs. M. L. Hanccck but the thunder of bis power wholj Mankin<l". fi pae ffiS. M1 r. and ýMrs. John Palmer, Toi- and treasurer's office where plase - ~J. H. Jolinaton, Principal. will be the speaker. can undetstand?" Job 26:15. Hel Selma Bartlett drew a clever porirayal Na r n ts .G ilas a alnwl erpie.Pbi empbasized man's inability to corn- of'Th redi o'Nths l in- gara Faits, N. Y., witb Mr. and Property Committee will interie prehend or understand multitudesl stances of the falthfulness and îîevo- Mrs. P. E. Greenield. Chas. Heal re riglit of way on ws of things in the natut-al world and tion of dogs to man. Evelyn Pickardi Mrs. A .G. Martin and ber three Bide of town hall. bow much less in the spiritual world. intrc ulegve ixysss o te tiroati littie daughters front Cochrane, Objetion ta ratepayers on Lm p- u HwIn the evening Mr. Robins spoke -on production, use etc., of ,coto,." I'ortiiernOntarjo, are visiting her1 bert St. paying frontage tax Ou tr oiy o o ha -u o odtrersurrections illustrating ibv Bob Clarke spoke of the actlv.ti's0fIste MsR. es of Bwavle eerdt iac n od n the child, the yonur- the "Brts In Egypt" andt Frank Nl.%it- itrMsR.W tofBwavlerfredtFnncadRas th hot and the adult,cei of the exploits of 'Commander lMrs. (Dr.) G. C. 13&nnycastle î.a. Streets iCoxnmittees to report. t oand the bindrance in eh case te Byrd", both deivering fine speeches. been visitin.g lier mother, Mt-s. Kent, Talked albout doge running a tbemt rising into the new life. The! John Morrison drew a vern' inierea4ting muscalsericebythechor, di" and enlightening Verbal plctire 0f 'The Campbellford. Mrs. Kent accom- large, deplorable conditioni of dm muscalsericeby he hoi umer skio- nd his niaaae, of I:vin-. pantied her daughter home for a visit. in sout-h ward and daylight sain T hie L ate st Spring C r eatioi's the direction of Mr. Francis 'Sutton, A break i the pro-rmn oi ora,ýory nas btn atoDastkn and the hymns alI carrred the Easter afforded by a beautlfully reni ýr"d c lor- Don't fail te see "'Take My Ad- btn cinwstkn mesg. Mrs. T. W. Cawker sanglus, -Lovely Sprlng' by the senior girls, vice", presented by Maple Gtove __ the olo "I nowthatMy ededm- eorgina Caverly, tirst speaker from Young People in Tr'nity S. S. Rooni F19 . i ol, I no tat Reeon-th, Jr. IV tdin an lntereiting rban- on Mot-, pil 8hat 8p. m. B .S OE et- Liveth," and the solos in the an- ner ot the origîn and growth of th,, MondayS.ApOtE8 thmswre taken by MhisA.tE.eHir- "Just iids Satety Club". l'thel lunch- Misses Greta Wickett, Helen Mor-' cock aind Mrs. D. J. Chambm.rin t1he e delvon"rend an.eOuGet iamlicn*'d.1 ris and Florence Moore, Public An interesting prograin was P. moring Mis Droty Alinsan drees on Cand. ourGreaythe omint Sc1 h ool teaching staff, were in Tor- sented by members of Form lB t a solo at the Sunday School session. and value ot 'Canada's minerai Wealth"-. onto on Tuesday attending the On- thie High 8chool Literary Soc&t In the eveninýg Mis. F. H. MoyAn lnteresting sumrnary of EuctinanAséitin on metnno taridy ftr Mlo V inter Sports" was given by Lorrainej oEdctoa Ascito Cn-meng nWdnda fero, The new season brings with it new Spring styles. Women who sang "O Glorious Night" andI the Pickard.1 ve.ntion. Mat-ch 27th. The President, Wl solos in the anthernis were taken by fAn llumlnatlng story of the "Pioneers, Miss Winnie a Morris left on lace Hot-n acted as chairman. Ate follow the changing phases of fashion eagerly await the. news. Mi.WO.Mrio, i .B e-gf lingySand AunE at ityc as Sunday for two months' trip ta San a f ew remarks by Principal Mori:ion For t ts tme uthnti ne moes re aunhed Sm rtgett and Dr. C. W. 4iekaLon. Baster dress, "Why I arnProud te bc a Cana-IFrancisco, and otheir oits in Cali- and reading of nutes by tîe Sec hules, sweet peas, primula and mdan". ws wll gPativen b Haruety '-ifri. She wýIllvisiher niece, tary, Kenneth Morris ;all joined i sophp tiatti ytapactcal Toseetherondislaal. Turotorsceposdhtemforandeoraion.amy in Illp atstcktrleiuntl'Th Mia GetaMorislworiareidig i sigin "0Canda"wit "Thei is o ppecatetoti. ullstexen teirchc ndvidalty W Ialso spolie wdlona unique sujet'the Suunny &outb. Cawker at the piano. Thi e - is o apreiat toth fules exentther hicindvidaliy. e'Shat-ks, or Wolves of the Sea". Mr. and Mt-s. Geroge McMfullen, gram consisted of a -piano solo, h- EASTER YISITORS Three girls spokie fromt the Sr. Vh enadRymtrdt ercs l hlî;Hgln 'ig ai cordially invite everyone to inspect these new fashions. ____Jean Herring who gave a re vth. enn d Roe f or hoday. M i Mul saîker; p Hemghcanod by Piiy- Miss Ter-esa Murphy with relatives Ruby Hobbs wh delivered an admir-- e ndcidrnae pnin ew11 Challis and ree.d iby Garaiet 1~k _______________________________________ in Toronto. able address on the subJeit of"SilIk" lis eanchlr resndgafw Production and use; and Edith Seiers days witb Mrs. D. F. Carnet-on at ard; playlet, "Eiitertaining Siste' Mr.W. C. Lakte, Newcastlei, witb who acquitted berselt well in relatîng Maberly beofre returning home. Friend", Marion Siemon, IBernk Miss Minnie Webber. the "Life of General Wolte" Rundle, Yrvonine Tighe, Dougla A ccessories that Fashion Again Does Fascinating MGaeM-. oadBorîwt dm~onGtha ve njen etCubannd e rnte, Mis . anne ndis u th GISI.CTor-~iylu C îi A cce sori s th t M. an Mrs Donld rownwithadGesorge rhame enligofCuben n 'Misads. H Send iba u h -Courtic; cornet solo and doncoe Things to relatives at Buffalo, N. - i. aChester Jury det ntersigl vt Armstrong, Grace H'ospitaî, 'Torontoe, ri ake. Pyls C Mrs. Robt. To'wns and son Jactels speech et the contest, but n0f Mr. 1H. and Mr. Jas. Armnstrong, Osh-clsdwthtiNaonlAhe. Toronte, with Mrs, H. H. Dillîn. telatitrsingo "The Lite et awa, visited the latter's -parents, Mr Im ply D istinction M illiunery 'Miss Ethel Webber, Sudbury, witb sEgdisoent". grl and Mra. R. H. Armstrong, Maple Avrtbepageant is the Spring presenta- Mm. Roy and Miss Minnie Webber. and boys was very efrectively rendet-ed. Gae. _______________ tionof te ne andsmar in eadwar. Mrs. W. A. iBain, Toroento with Dr. llest announcedth varjous win- '111e An Cptimist" is a comedy, new ad sma-t in headwar. Iners ft the 8 classes as foilows: Ir. 111 brimfuî and running er mt jFashion neveu' tries experimnting witi ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wxn. Tre- -Marlon Jeweli. CarncvWterrlgelugte da qnilIlinery andI ber every effort seems ta wmn. St-. lîl-Selma Baisett, John Mo rson. aghe, c antn clever. It is HoseryJr. IV-Helen Mason, Phulip Pattrlck.j put on by membeirs of the Tennis osiery ~~add more insouciant poise'.-4more sophisti- Miss Lulu McMullem, Torot, Sr. IV-Ruby Hobb8, George Grahaiem ad ae frteevsin P..t. L iet cated chic-more becomingneiss. A slash wt e aetM.adMs hs hpiei h omo books ev Club, most of whom have already R y Theatre Fol o w s I a e C lor V og e î, t e b u- si art offthe fac ef ect Mc ull n.presented by M iss P. M. Galraih, In theatrical productions. The vogue for "sun-tan" bas gathet-etI a sudden dip-a fiat-e at one side. Strajws Mr. andI Mrs. E. Rhinres and child- comoanY wlth a tew congratulatory re- l r n r.B .îg~adPooI7 jat-e used effectively. 0f couxise, the rein with lis mother, Mrs. C. Rhines, m mrk. Pladbcolg eiwdtesnMac, ave MrB.EInei th eirandPhono 589s nTonetun uti i hs bcoe n. t ii ,shades are in keeiping with the modern pas- Petrt Hope. past work of the club and invlted all moat discussed style angles for Spring. ion for <colon By aIl means scce ut- dis- ta corne ta the next meeting ta ha heldl home near Pot-t Hope. Mr. Ingbam Naturally, hosiery ,seeking new channels play. Mr. Roy and Miss Minnie Webber on April 10th. bhas been supplying on the Higb for expression, bas adopted this fascinat- with their sister, Mm-s. La'wrence- cboStffrMisWtonw. ori n raad e Aulrich ten e cha t ha onie: ei otot.LOCAL AND OTHERW ISE as been ill but expects te be on or ontast beuitfuly. ee t a tbMr. andI Mrs. J. Goyne, Oshawa, duty again next weeik. Friday-Saturtlay, April 5-6 j store. The Ensemble with ber mother, Mms. E. Williams, Reiv. H. B. Kenny, Consecon, has1 We were pleased te reiceive a caîl Tin McGoy In jSugog Street. returned frein Florida and is verY on Tuesday f rom Mrs. Moore of fBel- iRules Tiie Fashion World This Mt-. and Mrn. C, M. Tripp andI much irnproved in heialth. leville, rwho was passing through 'SIOUX BLOOD" SpigMiss Hilda Cortis, Toronto, at Mm-. Mm-. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy andI to'wn enroute tTnto . Fle'aseid Travel with Tim through a pie- jScarves Unquestionably a light et a vague that F.s Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Tor- Jack 'and Miss Agnes Haddy, Tor- S.0C. Moore, a former paster et and adventure. See the thrilling Ca Ad atrill t tepresented a magnificent selection of feat- onto, with his parents, Mt-. and Mm-s. onto, with Mt-. and Mrs, F. A. Haddy Trinity United Chut-ch, is improving batt.le with the, Indians and Qh Can dd ateiall totheures-the ensemble, atter constant en- James Johnston, Chut-ch St. Mms, E. H. Hilihouse, Rochester, nicely. darîng borsemanship as only Tim Clever Tailleur ~deavour, bas flnally reached a point wbein Mms. Wm. Maynam-d andI daugbtem - Y., Mrs. Norman Patterson, Cale:- ms .S GmrnadsnBIy a o tsapcue yuI it will bei camefully con.sidem-ed in cboosing Arletta, witb Mis. G. Lockington, ona, andI Mr. W. L Par-ker, Win-ji Tom-nte, at-e spending soin. months enjoy. Tbere's something appealing and splendidîy the Spring costume. Coat linings te and othet- friend.s in Toronto. n nez, Man., vith their sîster, Mrs. in St. 'Petrmsburg, Flot-ida. Mm-. aotte saes fr Sming. 'r n r.Sm rltHr.".F 'eio.Camrnton writes theiy at-e having a Matin.. Saturday aftem-noon at maenpten rdoiaei e n tch ssnvmlsa-atestrathe ManIM-suat mrlet Hia. .Atcion ode-u teatItoflmt.i o-230pti. Cihrne h pttenspreomnat innew atI et, e b^ut afe0o te any ensemble ilton, and Miss Harmiett Barlet ms aesTopoda ughters inwondelts fr Bndy.the y gmt i o- in C0ha.mter 2 o f i stamtling original effecta that appear trem- efcafauedfrSrnj Tot-onto, at Mr. John Hellyar's jRîsth adJ antndson Lotrie, Pormrming versfr y a aTI te goth hptr2o endously impressive with the neiw cosetume. nj Mms.Frd1obinan MssIrneHoeMm. miMms. . yCeeerasbm anadhm-ie.rTheMstryRier R oyblin , H am llton, w ith ber s antI son T om , T o m-nt , w it b M m-. a d I o h v o e s e o m a la t e u a - p o r n C asMms. T. H. Knight, "Westsniount". Mi-s. H. 'B. Ct-eeier. 1mn u ihaave ly vr nde 'Vadugua ror A G y F o w r F vor th Pr ns s i .vrst: w th1 aens r a d T-E U LC SH U D K OW prom ac of "B ae A yO tms", M nd yTu ay A rl - son, DonMnie o ronta , a Mm-. mea t i - if -ye-u-have the- down nioebtl rc iv- - D* Albert P111annin g's.e surance, or more ef it, get in teuch congratulations fro~m a numnber et, APRIL 12«13 I l Dr. and Mms. J. PL Hancock, Col- witi Mm. Knlght wiio id alr.dy frienda on haviug connîeted is 931 "THE CAJ4ARY MURDER __________________________________________________ Mborne, Mr. and Mms W. J. Ranceck, familiar with thie rates andI haa a years ot aim on Sunday, March 31.1 IPeteoboro, and Mise fleen Eancock, mlghty attractive insurance pro- He was lI his place In Tminity Unit- CASE" Port Hop, and Mr ;nd Mrs. G. A. position te effet-, whether you are ed Church as usual on Sunday andI __________ ___________________________________________________________ Welch, Peton, (formerly o Okot- lcoki gfor poewtion or an invest- was reienIberetI by a nice Eater