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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO îH fNDI -..~Mi Ds~ LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE BLESSED PBI ELHRPR M._CLV. PUBLICB.HELTH. REPORT M. . . GUL, BA. LLD. Fariners here's an item for you. Blessed are the merchanta who ad- j Report of the Public Healt.h Nurse Bamaiter, Solicitor, Natary Chas. E. Chapman, a New EnglandIvertise because they believe ln it ifor the mionth of March: No. of Money to loan on Farma and Town farmer writes in Rural New-Yorker and in their business; for their pros- homes visited 100; No. of individuals Property. Royal Bank ýBuilding, of March 3th: pertl hl nrý,ýnai od ae std16 o fvst oPe Bowmnvile. Pone 51.It la with sheep and apples that ly romarks an exchange, and adls: natal cases 7; Postnatal 5; Adult 8; W. R. STRIKE we mako a run-4own farm a real Blessedi is the woman who sends in Infant 24; Preschool 61; re-school home and an asset. We take a rur- a written arcount of a party or wed- absentees 4; re,-phys,.ical defects Bacetrris mpsr, oary f clntosh reespon it. hen it plntding; for she shaîl sec the dot.ails of1 (school age) 35; Acute communic- BareSolicitor an o otreal tighlokter n te lamba cu iate a funiction and the namea of ber lable disease 13, (measles.) ; miscel- Moey torLor an k hone 91 tihtrelos, ad fiveth e aswculian guests correctly reponted. laneous isits 4; social welfare 5; Mone to oan hon 91cleubeeUpadon h e iges hilI an clî Blossed are al] those wbo do flot not foud16; No. of office houns 1M. Bowmanville. Ontari o c u tothe orld t "Pland Take expect the editor to know every-1 No.of Infant Welfare Conferences W.F D .A otic e". rdt PlaeTk thing, but 'wbo caîl up and toel himj he]d 4, with total attendance of 68. Bar F.ster, oiio,B.A NoticH entapc"r.fLtH v whenever an interesting event oc-i No. infants 54, preschools 14. Money t ban. trNtry H sn pcue fLcoeENeers foi' the.n; for tbey shah have j School Report Moe t oa. Bonds for gale, holding the flrst apple froîli a Golden la tevsy paper in their town. iNO. of visit.s to schools 30; No.of OMeie-Bleakley Block, King at., Ielicious tree behind ber two years >Blesqed are tbey wbo get th oir class-room inspections 14; No. pup- Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos:-j plaatýded. o aimis 200 ewes aillicopy in early; for thoy shahl occuLPY ils inspected 50 etldfcstr Office 102;,lue49 rais 0 lambaa.esn a warm place in the editor's heart. minated 3; ex70;sdenta d ct2.r Have '~;-~ . jBlessed are those who co-operate Olga L Tati. - Have ~just finiseu reaing Che'%-ith bis efforts in behaîf of the DETLGreat Possessions by David Grayson. comimunity; fo)r their town shaîl be LIBEL SUIT 15 COSTLY DETLsent me as an Eaîster prosent. "H.-' know-n far and wide as a good place_____ sy Thene's notbing in tbis -arldl in wbich to live, i rhrCri rsnsBl o DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE that people s0 mucb tbrive upan, $1.01o ulse Honor gradUate in Dentistry, Toronto j groiw fine and rosy and robust upon, 1,50tePJlse University. G raduate of the Royal 1 ospecially women, as being loved. CORN BORER CAMPAIGNF.W Wisnprpetroth College of Dental Surgeons of On- iThis- is true". Considering he wvas1 .W isn rpitro h taiOffice Kine 40 .,oephno 22. I a conflrmed bachelor and bis SMter Inspectors Instructedte t Enforce Act Port H&pe Guide, bas received bills Offcephne 0. Hose hoe 2'Harriett kept bouse for hlm îts rît-j of$150___ fSr rhrCr X-Ray Equipment in Office., her a presumptive erto, don"'t In a recent interview u-ith D. J. rie and $1,500 thbe legal bill of Frank DR. .. ~. EVITTOur lady readers think? G ibson, Corn Boren Inspector forRgn nsn uto h ie c DR .C EIT* * ,- Durhami County, we %vere infonnied tion tried at Cobourg nearly a year Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson We really admire short bair on a that local- farmers bave not treated 1 ago' Sir Anthur was awarded a Graduate of Royal Dental Cologe, lady irespective of her age andmnucb tbe devsttion and waste of thelverdict of $500 and coats. Both Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-1mr awo ti ieycre,5 Ornorerseniously. In fact in bills came before J. F. Maegillivray, manville. Office hours 9 a. ta. tO 0 aprec it tis pnid joke ne-, many cases caneless indiflerence bas the taxîng officer at Osgoode Hall, 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone wcor c a TehMil andiEmpire re- been shoavn by those nmost vitally f th bfvew ] fteS a hy ru 90. flouse phone 283. coren Telyl:ndEpie J affected. A.s a resoît of soch negli- ment, tebillof Sr Arthur was set i cenly g once Mr. Gifison bas now beon in-idown for taxation later. Frank X-Ray Equipment ini office, "Ah, Calypso", sighed the fondistructed by govern,mient authorities Regan's (bill was sot down for taxa- DR. R. E. DINNIWELL , young man, who was stud yîng for, tcto or ato gistaycs ieno ac 1tadh Honor graduate of Toronto Univeri the ministry, as he gazed at ttbe lab- ae cour actithorgis n y rr A tion on M50000rc h l andhe r wasr sity and member of Royal College o riously cunled puiT s and ringlets cf! osofhih ola o i t t e ton. 'Borer Ac t or$1500.00,tog h odr D ntal Surgeons. Licensed toi. is select one; "Ah, Calypso, ad As . . R1Pestn leor urled t ouMr atmr oeithorj tAn si. T panner" n thsmor- urcise in Ontario and the Dominin intended your iocks to bcred, he cdean up or pay up tho ca silît M Winti ali Cntigtti in all its branches. Office-would bave curlcd them for you. Inspecting farmis for the corn bor. Ous Cae t r.Wisn one won- King ~. B owmanville, opposjtel "He did so wben 1I-,vasan inant, or ,vhich bas, spî-ead dex-statioîîjdrswa saeW.T . ilsbud Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. but ,now that I am gi-own up, ho tbrough the farmes of Southern On-i or in the final settlement of costs and ____________thinks perbapas that I amn able to do it j tarlo sdace it entered the provincei damages. ----- ysoîf"! * i from the old country la 1920. costj MEDICAL 1 !'the people of Ontnl almost $21,o00j R. KERBY ELECTED PRESIDENT W.1EON ..OCM f aIl places in the world ;vbero îastya ulcacut hw UATMTR FCND C. W S EifeM. ., cani ho lived to its fullest and Thear ovpincia cgoue nt how'.IDUrAcnt onToR f e CANrs tAA Graduate o! Trinity Medical Coîhege, frest and where it can -be met in - T hepoicasoeaotpi Toronto, formerly o! Enniskillen. greatest variety and beauty ais1 $1 0,487.42 as their share of baif the a'la ecnitaeio rn thp orstha Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'al David Grayson, I amn convincod tht total cost of inspection uandier the baeenmd.b uat ooso former residence on Church Street, there le none to equal the orp iC orn iBorer Act of 1924. Thol Canada, Liniitod, duning the past Bowanvhbe Phne 59 44t1 ouary r cunry amlt o ton.county of Essex spent the most mon.1tbree years and the prestige ýebiclî Bowmnvile. Phoe 25. 4 itWcoutry d ouIltrhos ple-morhonsey witb a grant of $1.673 f'romi the Jthis company bas gainod during that J. CLARK BELL j...o owmnadyugfl governmoat. L ime under bis leadership ,Mr. Roy M..,Ch13 FR...,(j _______omnwoenad___ ol i D. Kerby bas beon elected president M. ., Ch 8. P R. .S, Ed n) jcities w o have no0 country hom es 1of t e Canadian C om pany. (Scesrt r .S ly> and n real sonso -of the country- THE DURHAM CLUB This la evidence of th-e esteeni in Higb and P Hon. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-1 wbat do tbey not lose out of life? A ____M____i hl b hen w op n Mo d y and _University; hilhwMrf therbyyis heed kby thhineivldsoniMonday, d e e U n v e î i t ; F h I w o ' h e o y a ! a r e r n o s b s l o l s , i s b o r e s T h e fi n a l m e e t i n g o f t h i s c l u b f o r g r o u p w i c b a s t a k e n o v e r t h e a c t - v a c a t i o n . College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.i cattle, sbeep, pigs and fowls, and itj the curnent season avas beld on ive management of Durant Motors, Office and Residence, Queen St.,! is a fine bIng on a warm day in ear- MNarcb 27, 1929, at the Women's Art lac.. in the United State, and which Join the Bowmnvile, hone89. ly Srin te rin outthebeeblves Association, 23 Prince nonhur-Av., includes Fred J. Haines, Presîdent, witbout being Office Heurs: 2 to 4 P. ni., 6 ta 8.30 p. Mi. and let the becs bav-o their flight in Toronto, Dr. James L. Hughes, pro- A. I. Philp, R. A. Vail, John A. Nicb- sbip dnivo is the suashine. Wbat cloaalyý folk siding. OIS, Jr. W. H. BIRKS, M.D. 1 thoy are, too! Thon later to see, The gathering consistèd of a largo While it is wchl kaow that MIr. Good will is Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. j tîbon comiag la yellow vaIl ovea- withf number of Durhami people and their Kerby and bis executives in the Can: pleased custoi Telephone 108.j pollen from 'blos&oni. lt's a fineî friends. Tbis v,.s one of the adian organization have won the place wbero he Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's sîgbt to w~atch the cherry -and pluni largest annual group meetings eaorj confidence of thé Canadian public eti. former reidence, Wellington Street, trocs corne into :blossoni; to soc the beld. itbrougb the policies they havc estalb- e .G Bowmanville. icattle turned for the firat tinte in There %vas an especiahl od r-i1ihd e i- hecei frtowilaeAs G DR V H SORySping into the groen nioado'ws and grami coasisting of music and road-j conîpny's succesa to -the loyalty of Club at it.s Viir DR.V.H. iOEYho igbt bave added: to -soc the- iags. M ils Kathleen Mceloeo the dealer organization that extends House, Tuesda3 Offie houri 2 te 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. j ator lying dlown cbewing their cud 1Our own club niembers bas ua frfroni coast te, coast and to the fact- Aftr8 P. M., by appoin'ment only. i witb the bighest ovidence of reali us before, but nover btter. -Mrs. Iory staff. Good Spring Tc Exception-Office will be open 9 toi contentmont in their faces, Thon as 10. O. Worden ,also one of oun mcm -_________________________________ 10 Saturday night. 36-tfj a person wbo takes -part in the riholej bers gave somo splendid readin. h________ DR. R. W. CLARK o ea ctivtid on the farn tihe year Miss Gertrude 'Brown gave several Physcian& Sugeo cornes to soon have an ia-I excellent solos wbich were vory ihsca ugo describable affection for bis land, his mnucb appî'eciated. Her Scotch____________________ Office-Division St., Bownianville. homet,cgardoýn, orchard ,and aIl animal, songs were particuharhy enjoyed by (next to Trinity United Cbnrch) adflife on the fan, Yes, tbe club ..Mr. J. B. Taylor, a prom- Office Hours-3 te 5 and 7 to 9 p.M. truly, hen a man comos thus t. love i mont entertainer, kept us amused 8uXdASYa by appointinent only. aIlt-se thinga of bis own hoe mayj with bis doyven, bumorous impersona- Phone 24 onjoy themi aIl the year round, In-1 tions. Inspoctor Gutbrie, Chie! of 45-t de od, the country life las the lfe for the Detective Departîment of the Tor- DR.D.M.CAPBLL me. onto-Plice Force, gave a most in- DR*.M CMBL toresting and instructive lecture ont 191 Oakwood Ave., Toronto But hold-what about the disad finger prints, explaining not onhy EAR, NOSE AND THROAT iantages charged againat the coun tr their use in crimninal apprebiension Finit and Thil.,i Saturdays 2 p. m. life? There is a reverse ide to the but also thoir commercial advaatag- Bowman flouse. Bowmanville. 2-tf picture. HoId it up to ho criticised. oes. jTaken at its worst thero are admit The social bour was eajoycd by ail. ( DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS tedhy, long hours of work, bard antti I We were particularîy ghad to wel- The Physicians of Bowinanvihhe often lonely labor and smesaosIcorne some of our frionds wbo do not hav ageedte lose hei ofics sralh profits. For womo hr r corne reguL.arhy, and hope that we fae a fedtennoose.hIn as offie constant and wearyiag dutios and' may sec tbem o'ftener. The meeting P n Wodneaday j coften lnlnea ut when marnieti closed witb usual singing of Auld emergency at this time enquinet of folkhave to work for a living sirnlar Lang Syne and God Save The King. the h1101It or telephone opnao conditions prevail. ________________ for a docton. * * * 1 __-----------___ - - -- - -Wbo bas not seea as bad or j ard work-tbe kind of work that' living and workin.g conditions in makos for fIbro in a nian, woman orl large industrial towns and itios? I nation, the kind that most city lite CIIIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS Wbat about drudgery and dailylmon-1jin no wise realhy provides. So far,j THEROPYj otony for ma and womlen in cityl moat o! us have found that life DURWIN E. STECKLEY tenornonts, factonies, and .riid 1 ovcrywhere bas its bright and dark honon graduate of Toronto Collegelsbops? Thon think how often events1 ide-laatan laat ofpe otrwwresoto n-1Sieý1esna iupesn.F L SIZE ofChiropractic will be in the Bow- 1hatp a t th -e r ut ofmenih- I eetlc r nTrnoo manville Office Tuesday, Thunsday- plovmnt-ttepeettete 1 ~cn etr aTrnoo adSaturday evenings, phone 141f Welsb mninora, victims of the terrible i 'What Ails thbe Wrdsek Reasidential cails made during for;..î flootis, epidomnics; of vanicuhs kinds. more particulai-ly of city conditions noo. jNo, for- workers of hoth sexes ln cit- and observations in the United States les there are numenous untavora(blej but wbich la a hess degnee oýbtain in 1HF, Chrysk-r- buit Piym.wIi ----i and unfortunatee coneiti)n. lItbks country. Raîbbi Samuel Sachs of, ulsz a-om n * 'j" 1niversity Avenue Synagogue speak-> s afuisz a-om n FUNERAL DIRECTORS Countr-y conditions af rodent y'ears!, la' on "The Causes of Crime Pro-cono-bl-fre frm a o Ihave so gre -itly improx-cîl hat thous. valence-", said that some o! the fact- crfml-re rmalo F.F ORSC.bandS if people are seeking couritr-! )iNare nfiin tr,,te roe CoF.MOteIS Oto n hîeadepoaet o kbifiin ens h roc the traditionai limiitations of dimin- orsletEpet. l ýie lian rponeedsi Cuntr aIiî-ilayer anti the political grafter.l'ai- utive cars so ordinarily associated Ail cal promptîy ,ttractiî-o ince the geneial ailvent j -oirc, of crime al i.ver the' clntin- attendtto. Idf he au' c,nîo!iîî, thte trolley, ruralal. 11 e found la txî icorroctioîial \U 1 Pivate Ambulance, mails <aily, tllphîîne, and othiei con I.nstituti(,a- that four-fiftbs of th 1Pe hthhs ay Bowrnville phono: venoences andi c arfI s, uebas levC- voung ,ffenEiei--zwî'ni fi,ni hom,nîerdiPlmo thibasseasn- 10 and 34. ti eaihnd adio service-.;etc. Wh:, .Il r <IInt îî- r îî ht<thon parent ha.nd glnîins n BranLh Stores-- ther e' sti!lliving-objections, tibi- nali il-serte<li'1o.d)lt n oo peln yîer h PRIL 4th., 1929 2 £ il k f E v si au iy he problem Of crut' -w i - not .In, ' ___________________ VETERINARY I Il P r r~ snhx'ed uLntil meii give ta churcb anti E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. S,. W R S Y n aLigut. andi aIl fircecs cf religion I7 Orona a fai, greater mreîungrudiging ýonor Graduate o! University of' hany mej<Lur ot support. orono. ll asesgivn pompt1 I 3pcki Surehy thero is mnuch fond for Cor- Md efofl Ahi astesivn Oe prt. 1iousthouleht and action on the part attntin. ffce-r.0 io! parents wh'ose chiltiren are qtilli W i la~s r e 1 r office . Poe _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with thoni andi teachrs also in these Phone New castle 5 3 Clark.3921; rono jtimehy remnarks -by Rabbi Sachs. I5'3~ mi -j .1 N Public Schools will re- If we allO.w ourselves to be gov-iJn W ne April 8tb after Kasterl erned by opinion, where it is p ossiile Te the Juiznk f BWat e wl to obtain facte, -ave shahl ose in our, paY the' higlest price for rags, copper, Conipetition with those wbo base 1b as wool nattresses, magazines, bot- Horticltura Socity thir alton orfactyt, ,,g you have to part wlth. H o r t c u l t r a l o c î t y t e i r c t i n o n f a c t . i a m a o c a l ta x p a y e r a n d p e n s i o n e r f asked. The menîber. ra-a.N one buving for me. 1 now on. ihar J,ý.ws are using my name. Drop nme 11W n.Prof. J. A .Ne l,>,on ,who for somel ot card. WillIiam Taylor,' Duke St., dipoito o tetime bas heen a lecturci' in horti- 1lwinvîe 12-20 se thedo rtrn tof the culture at the Ontario Agriculturai - *------- - oer ha. ben ehlttreat- ýl1zeGuel ph, and aiea connected le ia benwel tèâ- wthextension w ork in horticulture EARN 6.00 TO 10.00 A DAY in Vineland and Durham County, Learn and Earnart rime MotrMhn- Emmett, Port Hope,ihas accepted a position on the staff ics, Battery, Wedig. Vuloeiziîg Hous. BovmanvilleSo)ldier-s' ibf the Michigan State Clee Wirina, Bricklayin aste Barber irn Dinerat olege La - I iq-Beau ty Culture Work. Czîtpositions ny in er t o'na n i Prof. N eilson will be engag e4.d open .w rite rcal,free in stuct veb ooit. a y e v e n in g , A p l t h . a r e s e a r c h .ý p e c ia li% t in n u t D O0 M I N O H R E E C O L culture ,and leaves shortly to aý- 163 KING WEST,.TORONTO ronic-Cream 0of 'Barleylsume his new duties. Frce empIomen Servicea8t to Cot hat doesn 19t say Price i toDuc'r et Cbrvsieren- gincernng sud aaftanas84 the PlYrnouth hb= ,en mnied becam kapu um»ae acd Ot=ph xugremsad fredon, him immtaioo, 0 acturateiy tvfy <td sad of EliùiibPwePie whbesved th, Atdffltic tiW-oeb.ndeed ,'e, *ap i aliùtofow 4iàwida every time you sec it! Plymouth also has the smooth power and supple quickness so The exclusive Chrysler .Sih-'er- Dûme high-compressîon engine, cushioned on rubber mnountings -with alunhinum allov pistons, special niat.ifolîd 20and sicrone steel exh.wst B. Fwy utmost vigor, flexibility and responsiveness. Ao .T THE FACTOR Y EverYthirý about PlYrnouth is fuli-.çize and dependable. To-. gether with a sturdy Chassis and r-ugged axies, Plymnoutn .has the safe, sure, easy control1 Of Chrysler ,fui! size weatllcrProtîf internaý1-ex- panding 4-wheel lix dratAic lirakei. Yet, with all its ies and power, Plynîou th caun match ecor) çniy"wt anv car -not only i n g as, cnl andti tre nîle2aTc Ibut also in UpKeep and long life.' No longer does a small pnice limit anybody io Owaîng a small car. Plymouthftù' size, PIymouth power, Plymouth beau'tv and IYMOuth iecono y , na k e Plymouth today the fore'most in-. vestmnent in the field of iowest- pniced motor cars. C-Pe, $82c) odr, w; b rgm6le seat), $5;2- Doa>,-sedjn, 6oTurg$8o De Laxé C.'ape (wî,ib rami/ sce, $870; 4 - Do,- Sedan, $89o. .fil prr<-e, f. #. à. IidrOfflir,zs-udg andard faa'- IP T Noeap eg ( [he ad dtjeM r) adteàr EDelirie Newcastle, Ontarj0 ISOWMANVILL TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN. Rnwig A %Tir- .LE, THUP.SDAY, API 9 Pr, a ur,, e

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