THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th., 1929 PAGE FIVE WE QUARANTEE THE PRICE 0F EVERV COAT AND DRESS WE SELL TO BE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY CITY STORE OFFERING SAME GARMENT Giving Customers A Square Deal Somne people are eaai]y satisfied, others go to extremes. But it is our experience in dealingwith the public that xnost folks are reasonable in their demnands when familiar with facts. There are people, though, who consider "price" first, asat and a]ways. They overlook the quality of the goods, whether it's a st.andard package or a smaller container apecially made to sell below a standard size. 'This latter mneans short weight or measure, and the customner who thinks only eof price ia often carried away 'with the idea she la getting an article at a real bargain. In our store >ne such methods are used to attract busj- ness. Our grocery stock is kept fresh; they're "first quality" goo.ds; they're standard size packages and we give full weight and brimming nieasure. You inay therefore buy here with confidence that every customer la given a square deal. If you don't think you 're getting it we want to know about it. You don't have te pay for goods before you take themn eut cf the store. Reasonable credit ia given te responsible custorners. You dont even have to carry yeur parcela. We gladly deliver them te your home carefully and pronitly.ea In fact, we're doing everything possible te make it pes urable and profitable for you to deal at Harry Allin's Grocery Store. A Few Seasonable Goods We Suggest Buying This Week Maple Syrup, in Imperial Quart Gem ................. . 75c Prunes, tender and meaty, 2 Ibs. 25c; 15e lb; 2 Ibs. for 35C Large juicy orangea, 2 dozen in basket................. 50c Lushus Jelly Powders, ail flavors, 4 for................. 25c Aylmer Celery Relish, 8 oz. net......................... loc Ayhiner Wax Beans, 2 tins............................. 35c Ayhner Pork and Beana9, 3 tin. ........................36ec Sheriff's Marmalade, 4 lb. net in tin................... 60O Sheriff's Jama, al] fiavors, 40 Oz. jar..................... 45c Sheriff's Pure Marmalade, 40 oz. jar..................... 45c Aylmer Cern, Peas, Tomatoeos, 1 each ail for............. 38e Aylmer Tomnate Soup, 3 tins........................... 28e When you're ready for Flower or Vegetable Seeds, Plants or Shrubs for planting step into Our store. HARRY ALUIN,' Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE That's Ouar Business TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME NEW WALL PAPER- BTightens Up, Cheers Up, Adds fresh beaUty to any roomn in your home. Bring the cheery coloringa and new freshness of Per- petual springtinse into your home now. I Our racks are flied ta over- * flowng with the designer's newet creations in pat- terns and colorings. A cemplete range of 22 in. including the New. Rougis Piaster effects. SunworthY Wallpapyers from 35c te 75c per rail. A large assortmnent Of Serai Trim'ned Paipers and nsany pal:- ers are suitable for a novai panelling treatmnent There are <lec.oatinsof unusual artistie merit. The new papersamar prieed from 10e ta 95e per rail. Borders 2c per yard and higiser accord ing te the pa<er they rnatch. Neyer were such values offered in Wall Paper. yon wiil enjoy looking over our 1929 line of Wall Papers. GEO. PRITCHARD Phoe 489 PAINTER AND DECORATOR o avil WE ARE THE EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE OF "CARAVAN COATS-"SUPERSILK HOSIERY'-"SERVUS LINGERIE" Better Grade Coats and Dresses at Sensible Prices CLARENCE Phone 161, Bowmanville S. MASON One Door West of F. F. Morris Co. th, estate of the tate Archillald Tlail, wbo diicîlon or about bbc 23rd dlay of iec, mhcr . 1928, at tiih Town of F.ow- innii, n bbe Cotinty of Durhîam, anc reui il file the s.tme with tîreef thereof with te iîbc îndersigned or ber Solivitor not Inter ihan May 6bb., 1929, a fi <r îli icliliate, the *sb ate will be dis- trihse aiili nd allIl ebiinis ef wbicb t be Execcitor bas not neciveîb notie v iiluh i,.rredi s gainstfet lut liaicil atb(loalivillet tis lti <by of April,1929. H. A. TAITr, Executor Archibald Trait Estate, Bowmanville, Ont. Dy M. G. V. GOULD. Bowmanvillîe, Ont., 14-3 Mer Soilcitor. HEAR 'Take My Advice' TRINITY SCHOOL ROOM BOWMAN VILLE Mon., April 8th 1 at 8 p. nm. Presented by Maple Grave Young People ADMISSION 25c a '2, BOWMANVILLE WRECKERS orer King and Liberty St, phone 438. nrs bought. said or trade . Several ,w priced used cars for sale. new and md parts. 13-24 Real Estate For Sale _ FOR SALE-New brick resîdence with 1modern conveniences. Apply ta Jas. Flet t, Centre St., Bownianville, phone 41-tfi FARM FOR SALE-Aýbout 123 acres, ota 3 and 4. B. F. Dariingtan, consld- ed one of best gaifarma ln town- p. Can vie.w Wýih.le farn from Ildinga. init olasa lieuse and barns. acres pioîved. Possession at once. ply te Jas. MacConnachie, box68, ownianvllle. 14-tf FOR SALE-A new brick bouse en El- nStreet, just heing finislîed, nt a nias- ill Iîrice: aise briok nestIplece on rlington St. AIl nmoicnn convenlîn- i in hoili aise twe residenîces on Lil- ty Si. About 10i acres of gond chick- ranch for sale or woulu exchange for )se ln town. Appiy te Wm. Bnock, ceen Si., Bowmanviile, phone 114. 12-8' LAUNDRY WANTED AlI kInds of laundry wonk done prompt- satisfasteroily and at reasonable priai. ~Irtê Post Ofice Box 1., or caîl Mn. 1Manjnnatm. King St. E. Bawmanville. one 478W. GARAGES Oiaay iayments an attractive, sub' Lntli garages. AIl matea'ials ready1 t. Wr pay freight. Write for a ce catalog. lHalllday Compîany,. Box 1, Tamiltuon14-41 Loat or Found Baby Chicks For Sale EGGS FOR HATCHING-Baby chirks and hatching eggs from good S. C. White BICYCLE FOUND-On Provincial Leghorn stock. Our alm Is ta limprove Hl ghway, between Oshawa and Bowman- each year and we have choice miatluge ville. Owner may have same by prov- thies 9ason. Order early. We are aIea ng property and paying expenses. Ap- agents for the Royal Brooder Stoe- Ily Statesman Office. 13-3 an easy way to rai-se your chicks. ]Phone 38W., W. H. ('arruthers, Bowmanville. Il-tf EASTER VISITORS SCHOOL REPORTS Articles For Sale Mrs. Frank Jackman with relatives Easter report of Providence 1 STAR CAR FOR SALE-1924 niodel. at Port Perry. Schaol, S. S. Ne. 5, Darlington, 1Âpply ta S. Tabb, Tyrone R. R. 1, phoneH Miss Florence Moore with relatives naines ini order of merit: 1I --v near Kingsten. . ISr'. IV-Jean Wight honora, FOR SALE-A quantity of good haY. I Sturt raoW. T. Symonh, phone 160-S, wawni- Pr Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rice, Wind-j Jr. IV-Wilfrid Jones, Leand'vle- 31 son, with friends. Crage, Maude Ruiter.I MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE-$2.50 gaI-1 Miss Barbara Yellowlees, Toronto, Sr. III-Alice Luxton honora, My-lion. 1De livered anywhere in town. Ap- I wit frinds hre. tie Ruiten, Wesley Luxton, Ronald! ville- 'îtepO 13-3w* Mrs. John Hall, Brantford, with1 Crago. CAR - --- EXCANG- iMrs. R. M. Mitchell. Jr. II1,-Aileen Wight honora, If oCAR FOR SALEf OR EX acHarsel Miss Isabel Ogden ,B. A., with her Jack Crago. i the new Fords, or if yeu want te trade in parents at Unionville. Sr. 11--Joan Hall honora, Gardon You od car for a new one sec us. W. Miss Muriel Dickie, Oshawa, with Barrie, Marion Crage, Peter Woel-iphone 36. Fr gn.Bwavle j Mrs. A. E. MeCready. iner, Douglas Wight. - O -- wt I.-Couison Woolner honore, EwrtiAzUTi-OR SALE-Buick 5 passeng'er Misa Nellie Montgomery Voe1rgohnrtouring, 1925 rnodel, 6 cylinder, mileage relatives at Roseneath. Bragg honoris, Voe rgohn ,.less than 17,000, Ingoiod rrpair. always Viola Ruiter honora. 'driven by private ewner, uphoisîering in MisaB. tedanB. ., wth ela PrHeln L~ton Heln R~t1 perfet condition, a genuine bargain for ies B tedonEas. Awthr J- r-ea n W Lcocs bnt, ren c w*t ucare . Apply Dustans Cash Hard- tie, Ja i csasnLwec ac o A Mitchell, _Bowmanville. 14-t Miss May Noon, Toronto, wîth Wilcecks absent.SLEFrRodtr123m- Miss Chrisgie B. Freeman. Eileen M. Souch, teachen. ie1,Fportable chicken house 6* 31/ý'x31 aI- Miss Thelma Gildera, Oshawa, with Eatrreoto S ,N. 81ovnirecoup) 12x6x3'; one set single Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gilder.Ese eoto .S o 8,d n harness. Owner has no fur- . er. Darlingto n. Honora 75; Pass 60:, Iher use for the above. Good price Mis NelieSteart Toont, wthl v Mrtl Broks72.for quick sale. Apply te W. C. Fer- MissNelie tewat, oroto, ith V-MrtleBroks 2.Iguson, Liberty St. North, Bowmanviile, her cousin, Mra. S. M. Scott. Sr. 1V-Helen Trimm 81, Ade- phone' 585. 14-2w Mr. W. S. Climie, Toronto, with laide Annis 75, Edna Cameron 74, his sister, Miss Margaret Clinie. Nina Hodgson 65, Clarence Hather- BUILDING MATERIALS Mr. and Mrs. Ogden, Unionville, iy 55.FreBganokofuidg'Mt- NNi th Rev. and Mrs. W .A. Burnner. Jr. IV-Francis Thonipson 72, iaîs at Factory Distribtiuors' prices. Save 'Miss Jane Mason, Toronto, withi Lorne Annis 68. 1mener on new buildings, alterations.1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mas Sr. III-Jackie Trimni 76, Verona repaire. New book just printed offers ~î over three thou and budera bargains in on. Werden 75. Eva Collacott 65, Clar- <bers, windows,s framus, millwork, hueor- ence Bradley 60. ! ing, roollng, ahingles, liaint, hardware. Miss H. McCutcheon, Torento,'r.II1--4Bobby Cameron 69, Don- 1 l'replaces, pumps, pluînbiag goods. elect- withher ousi, Mis Aua Cad- J. ri fixuresandgener.l Builders yneedIS. wetlelc. n Ms Ar alad Thompson 66, VeIna Bradley! Write toîiy lalliday Company, Box we..63, Florence Campbell 56. 127, Hamilton. 14-1 Miss Marion Moorcraft, Worthing-1 Sr' III-Susie Thonipson 78, Mild-i ton, Ont., with Mr. and Mrs. H. W.jIred Bradiey 70, Howard MeRobertsl Seed Grain For Sale Mr~ei. ad Mrs. Arthur Wright and i Jr. l1-Harry Cam'pbell 71, Billie FOR SALE-White Biossom Sweet sons of Hamilton, at Mrs. Thes. Brooks 68, Billie Savaze 67, Junior Clovi r Seed, $3.50 lier bushel. Aise Tod's. Collacott 60. quantity of <'ohhier lotatoes. J. W. Mc- Master, R. IL. 1, Hampton, pihone 1648-222, Mr. Ross Pooley, ýBuffalo, N. Y., Nî-mes in ooder of menit: Oshawa. 13-2w with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Sr. I-Grenfell Trumpour, Jean FO A -rsl Pooiey. Trumpour. White Biossom Sweet Clover Seed. Mr. and Mrs, J. B. E. Stapies, Jr. I-Eva Yorke, Joyce Trum- 1rice i*850 r Ibuahel dlliv(red, bai Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. pour, Norman Thompaon. frc. A,ýpIy Io W. .J. Leask, Taunton, Mason. Sr. Pî.-Doreen Byam, Ross Mc-. phono 162r13, Oshawa. 1-w Roberts, Howard Bradley. Mis Marion Warder, Feverahamn Jr. Pr-Lillian MeRober. Iva with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H ýCanpbell, Jean Davey. 1 Live Stock For Sale Warder. Beatrice Bigelow, teacher. I Mr. and Mr,,. W. A. Pees1o-. RABBITS FOR SALE-Chinchilla rab- withher roter, r. H A.bits, a few choice does bred, aise maies] bone iBIRTHSter M.H.A from imported stock. AIl (rom pedigreed Farrow. Toron-jS stock. Prices rooderate. J. R. hl. Mr. Duncan McConnachie, Trn SKINNER-At Kalmar Villa Rest Scugog Street, Bowmanvllle. 13-2* te, with bis sister, Mrs. (Dr I John Home, Bowmanville. Thîîrsîay. March FO-AL-a-mr, 7odwokr Spencer. 2ne12, tyo Mr a nd r.Hirl k Yorkshire brood sow. due te farrow about nr, yron. a on.May let., aise team wagon and farm Im- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Chase with VAN NEST-Hahnémann itospital, plements. Apply Sydney Brown, Middle her niother, Mrs. Lokwod t 'hiladelphia, Pa., March 30, 1929, te Mnr Road, Bowmanville. ohone 160-23. 12-3- a n r.Herbert A. Van Nest, 405 Kel-______________ Brighston. ieganry Apartnents, Upper Darby, Pa., HORSE FOR SALE-A good chestnut Mx- an Mr. W B.Polardandthe gift of a daughler, (Betty Jean). drivlng mare, quiet In harness, single or Mr.andMrs W.B. ollrd nddouble, and woman can drive. Very Miss Greta Pallard with relatives at easîîy kept and fond 0f children. No Port Perry. MARRIAGES dealers need apply. Apply te R. George. 1Box 218, Bowmaavilie. 13-1* Mrs. Fred 'Beacock and Miss sera' HARRIS-FLETT--At Trinity United Beacock, roronto, with 'Mn. and Mrs. church Parsonage, Bowmanville, on MORSES AND COWS FOR- SALE- A. Beacock. Saturday, March 30, 1929, by Rev. j. U. Choice 5 year old Tilly, about 15010 Ibs.. Robins, Sosie Alberta, youngest daugh- sound and good In iarne4q; cene general Miss Eileen Parker, Fergus, with ter of Mn. and Mns. Jas. E. Flett, Bew- purpose mare, 12 yeairs old, good sýni2le her aunt and uncle, Mr'. and Mrs. R. manville. and G. Edmund Harris, son of or double; 1 Durham helfer; and crie F.Aichso. r. and Mm. Frank Harris, Burketon. Holstein cow about To renew. Se Ily F. Noble Metcalf's. t'ows and 12 year Mr, nd ns.WaiaceBistieandold at J. L. Metealf's.St. R. 2. Bow- family, Oshawa, with bis father, Mn. DEATHSmnilphn47-1u135 1-t Ailan Battie. MILLSON-In Orono, Monday. March Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freemian, St 25, 1929, Hiram Edward Millson, agedFr Catennut wthbis moiie ac165 years. Interment Orono Çe-metery. EggsFo Hatching Cathrinc, wth hs mther and JOLLOW-1n Bowmanvilie, on Thuna- other -eiives. day, March 28, 1929. Martba Ano Jollow FOR SALE-A few settings, bred toi MissDors Contie an Mis Bwltow of the laite Lewis .iollow, agedi lay S C. White Leghorn hatChlng eggs, Mis ors outie ndMis *69 years. at 5c each. Apply Clarence 'W. Wood- Brewer, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. GOHEEN-At Pontypool, on Monday, ley, Tyrone, phone 320-5. 12-tf R. E. Osborne. April 1, 1929, Clemina Elizabeth Perrin, Mis Gwndoyn iiiams Toon-beloved wif e of William J. Goheen. In- EGGS FOR MATCH ING-Bred ta lay ,Ms wnolnWlims oo-terment at Port Hotpe. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, headed ta, with ber parents, Mr. and Mra. POWERS-At the resfideiî'e of hip son, by cockerel fretni Owen Fanse. United A. M. Gordon Powers, Ridgetown, on "burs- States. 75e a se'ting. Howard R. Mn. armn Eiiot, choi ~ day, March 28, 1929, Arthur Austin Pow- Wight, Bowmanville, phone 136-5. 13-2' Mr NranElitt cholO esI hs66th year. Interred at Onono-________ Pharmacy, Taranto, wjth his unele, on Saturday. MATCI-ING EGGS FOR SALE-Wil- Mn.J.E.Eiiot.HOCK EN--On Thursday. Marcuî 2th. son Straîn Single Comb Rhode, Island Mr. . E.Ellitt.1929, at býer late residence, 38 îndian Reds, pen hended by second prize. Roy- Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- Trail, Toronto, Lucina Victoria Soper, lai pen ceekerel, a real bird frnm a high onto, with their parents, Bi. and deariy beloved wife of H{enry Hocken,' groducing dam, bis mates are ail fine g .li ealthy dark colored bindi, splendid Mrs. W. J. Bragg. formerly of Darliiglon. layera, a few eggs te spare ait' $3.00 for Miss Giadys Bateman, Toronto, 15 egg5. George C. Wright, Ne 2catf with ber parents, Mr. and Mra. J. IN MEMORIAM - i Hmilton Bateinian. 1enr forH ue oRn Mn. ad Mr. Re. MeNcholand ear mother. Lilyr Margaret Beech, be- daugister ,Toronto, with ber mother, le0ved wife of Arthiur Beech, who depart- MOUSE TO RENT-A large farm house Mns W H Duta. d t(bu life. Apnil 5, 1928. on Manvers Road with Yt acre of land. Ms I'. dura. H h nd ne year bas passed since that sad day Enquire .f Mr. Olsen, phone 181-5. 1-tfj M.adMsJ.I avanagh ni Ged calied the ane we ioved away, -_______ Biiiy, Toronto, with Mra. W. H. A loving mother, truc, and kind, WANTED TO RENT-5 or 6 raemed, Liberty St. A heautiful memery left behlnd.ay. lieuse by May lait, centrally located. Sadiy missid by Huaband and aiy woold icase for year, ne cbildren. Write Mr. and Mra. W. 1. MacTevish i'H. 1.', Drawer B. Bowmanvilie. 14-2 and son Ian, Toronto, with Mr. and JAMES-In fondest memaory of a de-_________________ Mrs. F. J. Manning. w ad maet on, Apry J2,ne9 Bray.. d TO RENT-Dwelling bouae. '"Hope- ta eat Aprl 2 197, gedland" on Queen St., Bowmanvllle, pos- Miss Bagg, Tarante, Mr. and Mns 82 yCS<s. session ait once. Particulars ap- W. Waiker, Pontypool, with Dr. and Two years have pas3sed sbnce that ead piy ta H. Gaie, phone 6, Coîborne, Ont. Mrs. R. E. Dinniweli. dtG-1 called the anc w. oý x away, - Mnr.and Mns. C. H. Papineau andLovng an(i kinîl in al l i-ýr a Sweet and true te end of liir days. sans Charles and Loftus, Oshawa, Sîncere and juat in hi rt and minui. HOME PLANS with Mr. H. Lathrop. iWhat at beautiful*y she lef i Le-1 Home builders! Write for froe book of Neliean Sbi Buk ud S iind. HubnDghrs d Homes and pricea of building matenlalas. Misses Nlian yi ukndSdly missed by ubrd agtsan Our service will sve You maneY. No, Miss Jessie McDaugail, Tor-onto, Sons. obligation. Hallilday Company, Box 27, with Mrs. H. W. B'urk. I -_- Hamilton. 14-4 Mn. D. T. Morris, Misses Ethel Wanted iam oRn and Helen Marris with Mn. and Mrs.1 a mIoRn G. W. Garner, Oshawa. ROOM AND BOARD-For Young lady1 AMFRSL OR EN 13a- Mn. and Mrs. J. H. McCorry and li private home, wiîlî aIl conveniences AMFR AEO EN-î c APPiy Mns. Harry Foster, Wellington St. i res, lot 7 and 8, Broken Froant, Darling- family, Taranto, with Mr. end Mrs. Bowmanville. 134f iton, 6 acres orohard. large brick house, Geo. Webster, Elgin St. i good barn, neariy new 40 x 100; neyerl WOMAN WANTS WORK-I am pre-1 failing streamn througb fam. App1yH. Mr. and Mrs. Sain W. Muson and pared te do ail kînda of hausework byjJý Knight. Bowmanville, phone 590.13-t son, Toranto, with bis parents, Mr. day, housecleesning, washing, etc. Ap* - andMm.Geo R.Masn.ply Mrs. Florence Aluin, R. R1. 3, Bow- FARM TO RENT-75 acres, parts Lot adMs e.R ao.manviile. 14-t 34, Cancessians 4 and 5, Township of Mr. Clemens Perey, lBank of Comn- Darlington, haîf mile east of Taunton, mer-ce, BeUevilie, with bis parents, MWANTEO AT ONCE-Marnied couple.125 a.cres kliI ploughed. In goad candi- Mrmutundei'stand farm work. Womn- tion, good buildings. Immedlate po8 IMn. and Mrs. John Percy. an must be good housekeeper. Gosil sessian. Apply te Conant & Annila Bar- Rev an Mn. W A.'Bunenandwages to suitable couple. Apply ta Robt. r eter, Etc., 7% Simca,, St. S., Oshawa, Rev.andMrs.W. . BunerandColiacott R. R. 4, Bowmotnvilie. box Ont., Solicitone for the owners. 13-4 Vivian spent Monday with Mr. and 24, phone 139-3. 13-3w Mrs. C. Syxnans, Welcome.- Building Lots For Sale 1-Miss Grace King and Miss Ages r i EX C TORS N TIE FRSAEDulebidnglta Tooth B'rush 50c Tooth Pasite 25c 75e value for 50e Bath Dr-. West's Russian Oul, 16 oz. bottie 75c; 1 qt. 40 oz. $1 Gold Razor-and strop $2.50 value for 1.00 Auto Strop-10 blades Par Shaving Cream, deuble size........... Nyal's Milk of Magnesia, 16 oz. bottie.. (palatable and efficacious) Vacuum Bottles, very 9pecial .............. Epsom Saîts, (Steckman's) 21 Ibs. for......... %es ý1.50 SC) >t x$.O .. .50 Fornialin (prevents smutt) 35c pint C.oty's Face Pawder, (3 shades) only ...... 59e box For cemfort and economy have your <lases fltted by Kersiake ait KERSLAKE'S PH'r THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE N1E SPRING PLAN TING When the cal! of Spring bids you "fix up the yard" eember that Brookdale Nurseries Bowmanville are well equipped ta pravide yau with ail yen need for the beautifying of yaur home grounds. lllustrated catalogue free on request Always on the Lookôut TO PLEASE AND SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS BETTER After trying several brainds of Teas and 0ocfeeS we have piaced in stock this week a fresh new stock of GOLD MEDAL COFFEE GOLD MEDAL INDO.CEYLON TEA Several customers have also re-cemmended these branda te us. Try a package and let us know your opinion, for we want te please aur customers. FRESH SOUTHERN VEGETABLES With the signs of Spring your appetite craves for greea fresis vegetables. We have them-tomatoes, celery, carrota, on- ions, cauliflower, cabbage. SCOMPARISON IN MEATS Custemers tell us by camparison they find it more Bat- isfactory and economicai te .buy meat at aur store. Corne in and be convinced. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bownmnvile Subtly "Different" Spring Coats Show Simplicity At Its Newest and Beat There's variety in the Coats that are spart for Spring-almost as different as the fash- ionabi e women and misses who select them are the coats that are fashîon-correct in every detail. SIim and Youthful, Skilfully Taulored as to Details of fit and finish, the ultra-smaet models are fashioned along simple lines, and depends for originality on new fabrics, new colours and smart summer furs. BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Gay Silk Prints of Heavy Flat Crepes, Soft Fluffy Georgettes, in the new jacket en- semble, dainty dresses in Lace and Geor- gette, substantial dresses of Canton C;nepe. Ail here fresh and new in the season's latest coloring and at the most attractive prices .. The Smart Shop Cowan Block Geo. R. Mason, Manager. - 71 ['q mmamftmý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th., 1929 PAGE FIVE Thin gs You Need N, At Money-saving Pric