THE CANADIAN STATE-SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL th +.. 1000 FARM VALUES in excess of the rent capitalized. OOOI I H DTRSMI In another instance a farm o H erbs, ail Herbs, By Prof. J. B. Reynold, Formnerl seventy acres had been rentcd fort (From The News of March 28th) M~r obt. Gibson of the Marlbor- GCIL ' lee s ___ fifty dolaeas year. Tht. sum, vstn at Mr. R. H. Wood's. in reflewing bis sbcito rts College.s eep capitalized, amounts to $4,'166. Two Mr. Allison Cowa-in bas resumcd his We bave had a splendid season here The following article by a promni- years ago tbe farm sold for studies at tbe University, o apahtehig fte Y u W n e f l rint Durham County Boy appearedj $7,00.OO. E Imo Ard,' King, is visitingi ofin season with the usual number y na recent issue of Family Herald In botb instances, the farmers, with his aunt, Mrs. W. J. Robinson, o ad qait o our cagranc Tae<. ~ cland Weekly Star. aras supposing that as renters tbey farm- Antpoisonousingredient _______ vancy Ea etr le, Canada has advanced considerably gained considerably by renting. n1inHloa'CrnRmv ndt Taelt. Etbetter. Sep in price during the last twenty-five yet renting, in Ontario at any rate can bce used without (langer or in- "Wb istling Jim" - vriting froni work, play bte.y e ars. Taking into coniderationi is flot a popular way of farxning. jury. Pittsburg, Pa., to the Senior Editor Mother Naturels own good herbe, rich those parts of Canada that were set-I Tbis is probably one reason for coin- in healtb-giving powe-(r, theie are what tled fifty years ago, at in thoseiparatively low rents. There is not Mr. Onm. Gamsby. tenor vocalist, SaYs: 1 attende-d tbe First Presby- Make Galiagbers Tonie and Svstem parts with whicb the writer is best enougb competition among rentiers, Tos roove ai tto KL einCuc eeSna on Buildersogood. Itreallyworkswondcrs acquainted ,farm land is se lling at 1 now as much as tberc la among buy- 1T.goiTue5,day night, bis voie which is a Ibig churcb seating well forpeplewoareoîisîpadrudown, litte ifany ighe tha it reugh' cr, ele thnsal prie anndbe ent omln iflcleaaandstrog. ovr aehouled.popheeTbeussi litte i an higer hanit rougtý rselsethesal prce ad te rnt though well advertised was no better ner-vous folk who have skin diseaises. then. capitalized would ýbe e n early Congratulations to Mrs. Anniejthan we used to get at borne when Evenrt ac cen ihs1 l Eigbt to one hundred dollars an Mt.trýrae cei ilst t equal. It is evident from theaf re rc on reacbing her S2nd birthdayj~r ngtldtecoradLt Try a botile. It wilI keep you clear of acre was a common price wbc gedifn that farmers are generaîly on Marcb 3th. Friends join tb1eîtîe ver chosop and otn aold weather ills. old as other GaI- land wvas sold in our section of the i willing to pay "ometbing for owner- hope that tbe remainder of time alt- eGloe was ts pa ni fact Iagher Herbal Househoki Ilemedies are, country wben I was a boy. ThatIsbip. 'Tberc is a sentimental value in lotted to ber mnay bc spent in aeth leading voices reminded nme 32 was in tbe townsbip of Darlington, iovvnrsbip wvich renting does n -,tI coinfort and happiness.i startlingly of theirs. Durhami County, Ontario aboteliht afford. Tberc is an independence AtOo Ldg A.F&A.M JUR &LOEL, Bandvl i isorepreoenLatie Ontario. It was 1lin ovvnership, the rigbt to maKe one Candidate was initiated, the workAnT A. E. MELLOW, Phm.B., dirpeett, in location, in changes and improvement witbout being taken by W. 11. Gordon Plow-IPutàiAsE d T PrecrptonSpciaia, ewasLe mrketig facilities, and variety of baving te ask another man's consent. 'er, assisted by P W. J. W. Bery _____________crops suitable to the soi], of the great Improvemnents, ither in build-;ngs, J. J. Gilfillan and E. J. Hamm. MY: Bro.Pa majority of farm in Eastern Canada. draining, cleaning tbe land of Adolph Henry gave the lecture inl1 B no an Mixed farming was the rule with weeds, or building up the slIhy1 the South.I_____ bere and tbere a special cash crop good management, are the property Mr. M. C. Hall left Tuesday morn- NO NEED rO SUFFERAOHR ,uited to a special locaîity. of the owner but net of the renter. ing for Mount Vernon,. NY., to at- DY RAOHR * "s I In sucb sections of farming land, If the renter surrenders the :farmitend tbe funeral of Mrs. Joshua Me-DA axxay fromn the neighborbood of large orayrasnb asn qiy niCi-ak i sistr r. v . There is one simple yct inexpen- S~... cîtis, ad awy frna ~inprovements according to, the us. MCCaIl of Milwaukee, Wi. sas ie way ta eueiflmain 0 areas, land is seîîing t.o-<Iay at prices cutnprviigiCad. attending the funeral Mr.eCr wlntejonsa< e. e hn ..... ne higher than the figures mention- ___ mack's deatb was froin pneumeonia, down te normal ind that i.s te apply S ed and in the -more remote sections, -floig ie prtiniiteMons Eead OInight and lh. and is selling for le-s. In townshipsl Worms are encouraged by morbid hita fta iy morning. S more remote fromn main highway-.s conditions of tbe stomacb and bow-1 Last Sunday being Palm Sunday, Ask 'Jury & LoveIl or any first ndlrecentres cf population-and;els, and 50 subsist. Miller's Worm Ithe choir at the mrning service ofi cîss druggist for anerinlt- m nmany instances ne exception need iPowders will alter these conditionsiPark St. Churcb rendered as a vol-I eunce bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil be made of farms bordering on igbj almost immediately and wilI sweep untary, "The PaIns," with beautiful (full strength) and refuse te accept jways-good farms are selling at ne, the wormns away. No destructive, effect, Mr. Howard Linten taking anything in its place. Lt la sucb a more thani th2 replacement value of1 parasite can live in contact with this tbe sole part. The choir, under the highly concentrated preparation that the buildings that belong te thena. 1 medicîne which is net only a worm leadersbip of Mrs. Sandercock, te- two ounces lasts a long tie an Sdestroyer, but a health-giving nicdi- gether with the orchestra of twenty frhr refoe b titleE nld youg pece Ovr, o cmpete s tiens where tbe people barely make constitution. effectiveness of the morning service. isfaction you ca0bv yurnoney a living. It is true aise of good _____ .- Mr. William Savery, Starkville, refunded. ;haveing sections, wherc the peolpie had the firigers of hs right ha SeilNte epewh att W e k' ft t new, been prospereus. This pros- Iwith a circular saw of a weod-cut- reduce swollen or va.ricose veina Iperity is abundantly shown by tbe - - --1-- - ting macbine at a neighbor's. A day sheuld get a bortde of Moone's Emer. character of the bouses and barns 1 er two later, aIse werking at a woed- ald 011 at once. Applied night and Op r to . that have been built on tbe farîma, cutting macbine, Mr. W. Ogden wasmorning as directed they will quick]y a nd eut of the profits from theI slashed over the head by a belt that notice an improvement whicb will "After having an operation, I was farms. lhad been caught up by the pulley. onrne ued theenerm andl.c vm miserable, wek, nervous andI He was struck four times befere bej1are rdcdt oml very merable, towak nrvsaw sd When Prices Jump T le h n could get eut of range, breaking his I______________ vey ea ufi t or. sw yda Land booms have net occurred in nose and bis face and hcad badly,1 E. Pinlchai's Vegetable Compound sucb sections as 1 ami describing.I A bruised. advertiaed and tried it and believe it Bons have occurred near large j i&CgCOl1IIi Requisite on the Farm.-Ever P ulr hepdm1odrfly aen towns and cities, sometimes wben the farmer and stock-rai.ser sbould keep o lr weak pe me an mre, the Inhave ity rWe havute nowthe amsa supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou W l nt1 wek pli aymoete aishae and the land assumes a speculative ehv no coinpleted on hanent only as a ready rein- J Ieft me and my nerves are much be. value for possible surburban subdiv-1 the iltroduction of aur new dyfo:iîs1nte amlyn'utb - ter. I fee l sle in »sying LyiaE. jaons. Or soinetimes men wbo: difr . inth aml, u Lyi . have made a success in finance or' plan of rendering telephone cause it is a herse and cattle medi -____ j cine of great petency. As a sulb- Pinicharn's medicines have helped inanufacturing or trading, want sorte accounts. stitute for sweet oil for herses and Pay hlgheat cash price. mewnef[."Ms n L diversion, orIrastin hthv cattle affected by colic it far sur- &oehtlloe 543 ~. ~ing succeeded in other business, tbey Notices accomnpany the passantib bt cb adninist. Don't seli tilI you se.snme. Bedele o 13 Mcan succeed equally wel at farming. spessasaccount now beng ered Onai.These men buy farina within driving vpca cons o en rd (automobile) distance frein their mailed ta local suhscribers. In spite of the raginîgs of wild ele- places of business, and frequently The~y explain the changes met nausa at h oil1 Stein ein ntsn treSayat.h sc al pay more for the fariathan their md ndP fl etis eveningofin Centre St.dChuch was n.Phone S 81tb Veeal ofPUd1 productive power justifies. A fe. md n iefI etis eeigo laur n nomn.Wab S of sucb sales in a community are en- cf ail charges. Good prograin and cata, and St. Pat- ougb te raiso the general price of rick's, the Green Isle, was renom- P kh Mi ILt m u s A land in that comïmunity. Wealthy Our Business Office people bered in decoratiens, lunch, etc. A De C en who 'buy farina usually look for ilbet unique part was the scene, "Little features that have ne particular re- ilb pleased t explain Bit of Ireland," showing the farmer e: e o) r lation te the productive power of the mnore f ully the feature. of and bis wife at home in the evening ~--~ _____________land. An atractive landacape, a the pln before the fireplace cooking their ' fleowing streana, a wooded hillside, al x evening meal. The prize for con- ~~.- commanding situation for a couryts a o yMr e.Sto' residence, are featunes that ma y ge give added value te fax'm property. The remains of Conductor B. 'Br- Jt la a porfectly natural and legiti- stead were laid te rest in the faniily A j oamate peint of view to place value plot bere on Marcb 23rd. The ser- on beauty of situation or of sur-1 iewscodct t ootb roundinga. Every purchaser whoi Rev. J. R. Neal. Rev. Win. Sterling buya a farm should consider sucb and brother of the deceaIsed, Rev. R athings, -but the -man who intends te jMr. Barstead, Illinois, conducted the farm for a living cannoat afford te psy grave-aide service. Membors of tbe much for uncomnercial features. Brotherhood cf Railway Conductors? Wealby men can aff ord te indulge OP accompanied the remains of their in fanclea, and as these men ce-me brother to bis last resting place. into the market for land, up go-es the Chief meurners were bis wife, Olga price. TRE BELL TELEPHONIE CONTPANWV M., a daughter, Stella, a son, Russell,. Thon of course there are certain1 OP CANADAj three brothera, Robert, Anhur and limited sections in wbicb farm prices Alfred, and one sister, irs. Editb - bave considera'bly incroased for real juniM.adMr.PryLwre commercial reasons. Neanness te -Wiunksor and Mrs. Pe-ry Lwne, 4. ..large consurning -aktsmymakc ILittlefof Tornto.Esr Sfarm. Certain favorable peculiani- Iveyors, prospectons and hunter will -tics cf sou] or climate nmay enable the find Dr. Thornas' Eclectnic Oil -erv intensive growing of special crops. useful in camp. When the feet andI A censpictious example of tb isbhas legs are 'wet and cold it is well ...occurred recently in Norfolk Couin- Jjte rub tbern freely with the ty, Ontario. Some quite rostricted i 0 and the resuît will ho the preven- areas, formerly of little value for *ptien cf pains in the muscles, and gencral farmîng, 'have heen lately shou.ld a cut, or contusion, or sprainy feund to ho peculiarly adapted forlS ..ALsj ssand ohn oî ebte ïhe DJurant '(4( the production cf "flue" tobacco. (---' as a dressing or lotion. The price cf these lands bas increas- ~Good Spring Tonic-Cream of 13arleylIle t ed in a year or two by several bun- D eh pa,"RdAreFr,"uv W hGreat Wconhd a ei mang et cf 'Unteej ~ ~d Churb, Friday evening at C h îldren Cr gencral]y enly a temprar efet but as eev the higbest praise from àqj_ land pnîces. aIl who heard it. TPhe well-cbesen i u l hs atr uttgte hrcesto their parts witbout P It ~ ~ h Bu al heefatos u tgehe fiaw, and great crodit la reflected up forhavc had ne permanent effect in on the artists and their directress,1 Babybaslitle pset attims. i raising the pnices cf the great hulk r.MJ.Tmln Mrs M. . BabybasI tc uoetset îme AI of Canadilan fanas andî that, hy the Ms .J aby. Ms .J yourcar canot revet tem. ut ou fverTamblyn and MIr. J. D. Brown asi yrcane canne pred . ent thea Butdoiw a v mna n e co e npae To oucn ow 1e *a, a ageneral cf ect la bighly de-, mad ad Jobph Armqtrorg any expenencel nurse would do-wbat si';rable frona the point cf view of m bose fana was heavily niortgagedl meat pAysicians would tell you te do-- those who bave to miake their liv-1 eIto _______________ - i.. " 'liii mn~>~ m Ul - i stînctly diffîrent fnorn other so- m.t ..nce anfroni th1r p a lp rmW ez ee hsno oi faokn& Roa'.' ngiCompoundat ifour hun-j____ would not have continued its dned a-Id-tvc.ntvy-fjî4<l Thlar.- Ta grtat wn~rk of relief until kno'wn ayoftrn OhhNo. arcapitaldcf r 406 F from ocean to ocean for its o. 3 gtb-No 81, $ astaofn'91. or ,;om(l ns wndtrful val ue. Kel gg's, ~2 83;No.3. er .eh as as king $12,0o for the rCO HSCOD the foreoot and best of alOH W '~ oidinraUo D fn, bu1 ean, Éelwys ~ ~ sibma renediesq, stands upon a re- mrepi o roePtCf". go that lhe would now take, )ooo.*-and S p§tinfene i hehar 0c ~on .mult P.Addicia - puthoa nd i e kon t t jiene- IHECOOMEDIOIEC06 Even at the. Iowen figure the sale h m .--- 1OIY.OT."oneIw nse price ia more than a thousand dollaras,- It.1 E I~ ~ Q L7~.hD'ry c' 9,,. exe Coupe ?HE Durant "De Luxe" Models Iead the way in i.ncor.- <porating refincments that until now werc not abtain-' able in the four cylinder field. 'You will rcalîy have ta, examine these smartest-of.alI fours to fulîy appreciate then. And yOu must convince yourseil of their great performance range as weiI as their unique ,riding and driving case by taking onc out on the mo&d *Your dealer will oblige, without obligating you 1 BttLr sry VI.7L4NTMOTORS cfCANADA ]LMrr= TORONTO CANADA A, CKS IN VI TON TO Il/ TON CAPACITIES T )N MOTOR SALES ONTARIO ~;' - PAGE SIX h ______________- The Spirit of Service Whether you buy bonds, boots or beef- steak, you always prefer to deal witb men wbo are glad to. help you. In the vital matter of your insurance pro- tection this agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company wiIl gladly give you the friendly service of a helping hand. We can offer you knowledge, skill and experience--and a sincere desire to make these tbings wark for you. J. J. MASON & %SON Real Estate and Insurance Broken' Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville t. i I - i i P%ý-ý