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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1929, p. 1

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eo1411 -With W1-ich Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL llth., 1929 $2,00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 15 Relia ble Boots FOR Everyday Wear let'- Black Caîf Blucher, in plain toe. leýathes- sole AT $4.40 Mena'. Black Caif Bluclier, plain tee. pans-o sole, AT $425 Mexs tise. ber LEvery pair mnade of best mates-- ili by the most reliable muanu- factulrers and guaranteed ta givc satisfaction ta wearer. Knox's Shoe Store Pho 120Bowmanville1 How Good Th e Latest Spring Creations are Found in This Store The new season brings with it new Spring stý 4es. Women who follow the changing phases of fashion eagerly await the news. For at this time authentic new modes are launched. Smart, sophisticated, yet practical. To see them on display in our store is to appreciate to the fullest extent their chic individuality. We cordially invite everyone to inspect these new fashions. Accessories that Imply Distinction Hosiery Follows The Color Vogue The vogue for 'tsun-tan" bas gatliered mornentum until it bas become one of the moât discussed style angles for Spring. Naturaily, hosiery ,seeking new ebanneis for expression, lias adopted this fascinat- ing ahade. A sich tene that liarmonizes or contrasta beaUtifully. Se t at the âtore. Scarves Can Add Materially to the Clever Tailleur There'.u something appealing -and splendidly bizarre about the scas-ves for Spring. Mvodern pattes-ns predaminate in new and startling original effecbs that appear trem- endously impressive witli the new ccstume. A Gay Flower Adds Jaunty Assurance Most 5ppring coats requis-e the enlivening influence of a pert little group of flowers, a boutonniere or spray. Delicate tones or richly wiid shades vie with oaci other ta adi-msn mlady's -psing coat. New Gloves Silk auîd K. newest uhades and styles. F ashion Again Does1 Things to Milliner, Fascinating A veritable pageant is the Spsing pre6enta- tion of the new and amas-t in headwear. Fashion nover tries experimnting with 'millinery and lier every effort seema ta add mos-e insouciant poise-smore sophisti- cated chic-mos-e becomingness. A siash in the brim-a smar-t off-the-face effet- a sudden dip--a fias-e at one aide. Straws as-e used-effeetively. 0f course, the ahades as-e in keeping witli the modes-n pas- sion for colas-. By ail means see ous- dis- play. Thi ieEr Rules The Fash Sprî Uaquestionably a ligi ps-esented a magnifie uses-bbc ensemble, deavou-, lias finally it wili be casefully c the Spring costume. match dress-novel etc., dre but a fewc effects featured for Co isemble ion World This ng 't of a vague that lias ent selection of feat- aftes- constant en- reaclied a point wlien coasidered in clioosing Coat linings ta scarf ties to match, of the many ensemble Spring. ats Favor the Princeas Line It's tweed this Spring-the amastest coat designers are choosing it ta model coats that are swagges-islily beautiful. 0f course the princess silhouette lias made a profouad japression-its slim, caref ully inoubded ines carry a certain dcebonair chic uighly flattering to so many wamen. More New Dresses There lias been such a demnand for aur noix dresses that we had to secure an- other lot this week. Men ! Order Your New Suit or Coat NOW Couch,Jçirnston &Cryderman,, Bowtnanvllle PhonO 104 Limiteai Black Caif Blucher, plain Goodyeaî' welt soles, s-nb- h ý-eIAT $5.501 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church <Church and Temperance St..) Anniversary Services Sunday, April 21 to mark 95 YEARS of Presbyterianiam in Bowmanville Rev. John Lindsay, Whitby, will preach at both serv ices. Special Mugie Everybdy welcome Corne To-Day Thurs. April il thi At 5.30 p. m Easter Supper at ST. JOHN'S CHURCH PARISH HALL MENU: Hanm and Tangue Mashed Potatoe, Salads and Jeouie, pies Cheese Cake Te& soc AGED MINISTER PASSES Te~rrific Storm, Pqàys 1-a r,, 1A1it 1 MERCHANT'S SUDDEN CALL te?. W. C. Washington, M. A.JA W. T. Allen of Big 20 Book Store agedni n S ~r a w n . yci izei aI ITra ficDie, Frain a Heart Attack ght Chbristian manil n iii erson 0fl iiesweesIte o ens William i oliinn îhn:n _____Ctieswr trldo ensa agd8 eas lpSu_ t rs rann morning when the news became known sgdy8. apr4t. slt r o Last Saturday was one of the ville Boys'Tng' S-chool before that one of our leading business men, Mr. Oceased hiad -oeff -in f.-ýebie iîlth for srnetdy in the itr of this the wreck could be reached. W. T. Allen, proprietor of the Big 20 ,lers bouraefl ptid hua it an community, the tes-rific stonmi which Photographers and repyoa7ters rush- during the midnigbt hours in ]lis 64th amifu coragehe md ii t stug raged ail Fs-iday evening, &nd the ed to the spot as well as throngs of year. r w.îksh. lIIIbe. eas-ly hours of Saturday morning int.erested country and townspeople, Mr. Allen hail been on duty ail day Drth pstfiten ,--k 1 lasbenhaving resulted in a complete stop- intent on viewing anIaigsasu usa n hnteeeigpp ned o ls bd am r . ev fittîul f _ nd tkin anp rs caednyalwhendthe eveigpap- Ie oIi e.adt-N-r ftIfIpage of throtig, traffic west o o-o h rcae rbto as usual. Later in the even- ti on of h is vife a nd d1:.u htf-r, aprahb ai- I h .N.R r h ei ng after attending to the furnace he eve, as dne mli o nia,ý lls'lst mnvile, an of ll aproah byrail- In te C.N.tRlred. tAbenut ilrd. couo 1 ko bisc sisterer scomfortalile and aî' road on both the C. P. R. and C. gineer was again the omnly ca.sualty, Misse Belle Allen, who lives; witb hlm, r.Washingtonî w.s tii. scond sonl,N. R. tracks. As mud and gravel and a sad feature of the case was the hearl hlm brEltbing 'beavily and Imme- th late SteaIuhen and Jane colenuanri ads ee ipsal an tw fcofhe eresof i sae diately calledl a doctor. Althougb every shingloîî, and was l-î n on Ala ncîî . Wr masbe an ato h eana fhsecp attention was given lie passed away 1841, on tii.- Washuington hoîîiestead bridges on t.he Provincial Hîgisway fs-om de'ath. This accident also s-e- bout 1 o'clock Wednesday morning. rZion in Darlington townsip,î. no- were washed away passage was suilte. front a washout of the solid Mr-. Allen purchased the Big 20 Book ial by Mr. telel G Chant. -ani.,i-iblocked front Toronto, and traffic road bed, renderingo it soft and yild Store about 30 years ago front the late Putic a itclues, anorîîî-r ndSo-i' .R.B. Andrew and wltb the talthful and Pubicsuiols ad I icora c,- j and mails were at a standstill. ing. Coaning to a deep eut, down constant assistance of bis sister bas had Coiîourg, wlîere h.- cLri,iu;it,.i, Bt etsttoey trs ln telk ing bis B. A. dgre.mindliteàr en- life h railway lines recorded loss of1 which a flood of water had poured, the. reputation of conducting one of the ree iinlntrrcivdlsm A. lf and tremendous damage, to pro-I1 Engineer Robes-t Milne of Belleville, shore towns. 1 86 1 he ent,,reM tlîe ork of thei perty in thi;s vicinity. Owing toi1 stopped his passenger train which waS Altbough always iaterested in muai- istry of th,- Metholist Churcli andlfari the deluge of Friday night, coupled going fast and recconcnitred. the Fpot cipal andti own affairs he neyer sought ty-s,-%'eîi ytiars %vas il, active îorkwith the fs-eq.,e.nt d nous.ofth! ;.it tetrin>rwf. ly ecd-i o r accepted public office. He had a ng on Milliîraok, Princ, Albî(rt, Ux- I ~ ~ ~ o h ri .~. hobby of gathering information pertain- tî(, N,%v.astý, (cataraqîui, Onslow. previous week, raging torrents9 of it c&uld be ne-gotiaý,d with extreMC ing ta outstaaîlng events in the town'a Ion Fails, WVarsaN, Stuîiifiîi,-, il.- v ater, where once had be-en narrow cas-e. After cover'rg almost the hi story duinar is lite tîne and was ot- Scugog, Cali-lon .Angtus a'md Min- and peaceful sitreamas, seized upon. whole course, îth-iiumiie engine 'In' a ec nsudedabutsch maers. e g circuits. 1 was uam.rxrlpdan asntam be ing ta ilI-hoalîli he n.ti-d frarni hý the railroad heds as outlets for theiir tender ttswppled o,;Lr .îgainst the birik jof any traternal lodge. *: nîinistry andl lived iii Barri e for ferocity, washing away the founda- only a few yards front safety. Thel Deceaseil was second son ot the late Syoans pr.-vioiis ta nîovîng ta P.ow- tians of the road, leaving the rails passenger cars behind. re!nairiej on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen, and ls sur- iviîle twenty-one years agoa ived luy bis sistens, Miss Belle Allen, nAtigust 14,. 1868, he was uniteil in su.spended in 'the air or on loose bot- the track, as the train w-as orocceel- town, Mrs. William Horsey, Oshawa, and riagi wîtiCitheni-i E tay, daitiglu- tomless soil, in places shifting the ing ves-y slowly. Niot until Satur- brother, Mr. Frankt Allen, In Western of the lâte Mr. andl Mrs. Calvin M' tracks 6 -or 8 ft. from bheir original day af-ternoon was the body of tho Ontari. ,Kingston, who sunr i% s hum uvit h FaneraI service wll be lîeld Ia St. mily aft hnee datiglt-is andî to position. engineer found, 'badly cru.shed be- Johin's Church. Friday at 3 P. m. 3:Mrs. <Rev.i J. i-riran M.%cCan- T'wo wrecks occtirred during. the - neath the coal fs-ou the tender. Taob, Sask .,Mrs .T IR.St.ninI ctan, . . C .. Mrs. iiil . Wan- midnight ýhours of the asorn, one on A stili more tragic event was that ýat homef- Dr. r. D)ay Waa,,iiington, the C. P. R., near Gibson's fs-uit which occurred at the west Harmoîîy couiver, . Bc_ anl f--.C- C - house, haîf way btý,e ecsl rdejs ato saao h tan. P..A\., Fi-nelon sFalls. AIso etenNwatl rdejs at fOhw ntDARLINGTON COUNCIL .qisten. Mns. Mark Jackson, OxfordlIand Bowm anville on the1 Clartke-r Prov-incial Highway, shortly after n te, and two b)rotliêrs. Mr. ThomaîsE. alntntw ie nd ante midnight on Fs-iday. A party Of Council ta Pass By-Law to Levy Pol Tax dlns-ton, Toronto, ai Rv.AC('t unston. Latavetie, inîliana n();4f on the C. N. R. about two and a haîf fous- people, on their way home t Regular meeting of Council wafi held uer, Nlr. Frank J. WiintN, v- -miles west of Bowmanville station. Peterbo-ro from Oshawa, crossed this on Satîîrday, April 6tb, with members il &i.k., llasil aNvav silice M1lr. The former was an east 'bound bridge in safety and proceeding on plI preseni, Reeve Sulas Wlilliams pre- hns-ton took to bis belýiig ev .and Mrs. Washiagton %vere priv-1 freight train, driven by Engineer to the easte-n bridge, f ound it wash-sil. uil ahove many couplles in b,.ilsgrahI-l John Kennedy, Tononto, whichwasled away and the road barricaded. Thdeecmmniaîon wrered n cl-'brate thie in Goldin iaid Di mond sî i o ouu ie rasrr r:-rasoftx lins- anniversanles and ait ii, latter Plunged into a chasm resîgfo They decided to return to Oshawa'CuteTrarrearasofa- lit last Auguaqt, Ill mentl)ers of lie the undernuining of the road bed for. and turning the car were on their es. E. M. Proctor acknowledglng re- y iver, home ta join in Ibis hauppy about 60 ft. The locomotive stuck way back. The foundations of the celpt for $73.00; Ontario Bridge Com- lram,ý eve"nt. t therisfrsmditnebioewsbrgeh nte atme pany, re bridge material; Dominion of e fiuneraI was condos-ted an 'MaIndaiy.t asfrsm itnebfr etbig a nte matm Canada Guarantee and Accident Insur- noan, a luivate service heing htld1 plungu ng off into a dlay bank. The crumbied and been washed aiway by ance, re Workmen's Insurance the bolise rervilis ta tIi,' remalas tender hurtled off the track on the the swollen waters of the creek, andi1 James Curtis, S.A.O., preseated report ïg taken la Trinîty 1'aited Churcb -o ebur hihwsaprvd reý a public-service %vas bel.%Manv o.pposite side and the uancoming the splendid concrete struc-ture, Bfor Februr wbi waeappofve e ariendswfr ue tai uale Cr ii pnd lour- plunge of the heavy f reight cr in built onlya few years ago, caved in, Viewers and Pound-Keepers for 1929 respect t0 one who badl not onlyi the rear resulted in a mass of debris l a mass of broken cernent. Toward was passed. a frlend ta minister ofithée churcb and alnuost unbelievable destruc-Ithis gaping hole, the fat-ed automao- Couin. Pascoe gave notice that ho avfic cond uctd b Re. . I tion. The engineer who s-emained, bile bore its cargo of human lives, "'oul ntroduce a By-law at next meet- ,rvie ws cndured h Re. of Counicl tor the levylng of a Pol ins thue pastor, the choir ieauing in at his post te the last was killed and te plunge mbt the sw.irling wS.ves Tax of $2.00 on ait maie residents ln tis~~~ aSpih lcaseil uvas ve@rý, tond1 pinned under the wreckage. 'Ple iand pile of débris below.toabp eten2y-rsoaead Drp. W. Best, Mluister 'or St. fis-eman who leaped te safety waked As a resuit of this dire catastrohe over and under 60 years, wbo were not s, assqiqied la the s-rvlceland Rev.ropeotheru.vîse assessed. M. Trwin, B.A., B.D.. Oshîawa, Rey. the remainder of the way Vow-jtwo lives wer-e lbt, that Of Walter- The fleeve, Deputy-Reeve and Cierk Tonkin. towvn. pald beauiii ti.b. castle to secure lielp which was INorthop and of Miss Helen Wright, were authorized ta have By-law prepa to one wbhom tbey bail knowa and peil otcoig both of Petboro while Ms-. No- cd more fuIly definlng the dutis 0f i-i for bis kinîlly attitude, bis a1h- speîyirîcoîg ro ence-Viewers and Pound-Keeper. e slnceriîv ail trîle Christian char- It was of intes-est to Newcastle! thopi's two sons, Ha-sy and Stanley, Road Supt. presented vouchers Na. 6 :r for f1rty years asel aven Sînce - to notei that thir escpeand 7-$45.50 tor slr $7.3for ra ns ta til town be )ius assisted the citizens t oeta engineer Ken- succeddi aigter eciesir,$7,3 ra ton wbm'n or wherever .isbi n vis- nedy was a bs-otlies-in-law. of an old after being car-îed by the force main tenan ce--wblch were ordered paid. glte sick andin l otiier ways as weli local boy and popular railimiader -. j0Of the curs-ent for some d-istance 'Preasurer acknowledged recelpt of s-tins- as agent for the Upper cnd'Hne. onsr-a. Tea1ooieas 31.00 from Thomas Baker, coste of ap- lSociety. Cnd~Hne.dw tem h uooieas peai and ahane of sans-f made by En- v. Mn. Robins, bis pastor, la speak- One of the wrecked cars was load- came to s-est several rods d'own, and gineer, ne Baker dItcb. oi deceased said be bad lived besîde sodo n l hog h ih reswr rw nTesrra for the past five yeans andibail ai- ed with 18 liorses, half of whom were std nen athouh the neAigh.ssedngagot- Ordes wr wno rasrra i touaI mîîch toadmlîire in bis char- killed or destroyed later and the wCthWthe heddUhts2shedding a host...o$l2.s5 Ur and conuiltaki e he wrds hold gcheslîibeated some houis later ly glare through the p>ouring rain. Mns. R. Hatherly, mllk............ 3.10 Lordh doth take aa i îîyfo their andput Vopastur Owing ta the destruction of these C. W Woodley, 1 load of wood .. 5.00 Lr dt im aet, h mgt rotterplight twobrideut to buss, tuekaandC. D. Hodgson, supplies...........9.10 I. fle roiietand the :mneat'. in a nearby field. Other cars car-i ,bigsmtrbsstuk n Mrs. A. F. Rundie, supplies... 28.15 ebadl learned of bis true and (mrnest sld s - Drn uo ijcars wr edup and the IW.R.All, alr lt uatr . 750 tian ta bis cluose.ncalin nlas- la the ,pments f urntau* o-- ifW aTrnoc.oe. tat . H. ARichr, salary........ter...47.500 ty-seven years oS bis active uvork, biles, the debris of which providediaetTono osd In fcT.H Rchrslry.....4.5 îînîer adverse circumst~anci-s anîlarihhrvs, frthe tnebig only satisfatoey mode of travel T. H. Richards, Road Mainten- 'h alliaI physically arten a bard on Saturday was mby a es-aplane Councl adjourned untîl Tuesday, May awork he was ap anui at lt as-sm1 for rapaciaus souvenir huatters. Workmen we-e s-uslied ta the s/pot 7. ati 1P. m.R.lnCek Lday. le also meatione l iuat ian The wreck of the freiglit, while i aW.laous-d aI daySatuday n W Sunay they ceielunted lithe Dia- anorestalled thl -'y arayin _________________ iu, wmlngs-Mn. Washing-ton liau tak- eiuseOg. .- clearing away the .em.ris and bui -________________ tpart ln thîe chunch service-the lasI sibility of un even mare awful dis-1 ing a tempora-y badge, which was __________________ Shi- bal serveil in s publiic capacîty. atr*I h aeo h ri rnequest Mn. F. Sutan, organist, and atr ntewaeo h riîcamnpletevj laite S.unday afternoon. choir sans- a favonite byma of (le- followed the Chicago-Montreal ex- The long bine &f cars which stretchedi sod "One mare ay's vonk for J esus- res L ittias- ciosîns- ta the service. psos.Ialong thae higltway east and west, ll-bearers we'n, six liroîbon niinistens The freight, which was ta take the we-e s-eleffsed fs-ou their lengithy D ýý..R. A. Whattlmm, Oshawa; J . r-a iding at Bwavle was unablevil and ps-oceeded sbowly ove- thîs Ao a h a r .1B.D., Oshawa: W. P. Rogers, fi. ta do so becuse of a washout in the tempo-ay cosntruction, raised ove- Newcastle: J. Il. Bis-k, Hampton; yard, sa was given ordes-s to, hur-y the ruins of concrete, t«oward their Pr.s.nting T16o Finest la H. Rlckanîi, B.A., Pickengs. wsil otk he insos msntwr Rv . oNwcsl t ae he switcli original destinations. Photoplare pires. Reclor of St. John's, Bey. W. there. Had the freight waited at Other results of the storm, in Bow- PhIone 589 3unner, Rev. J. W Bmmaainer andl 11ev. Bow-maaville, there la no duoubt that 1nianville and thle surrounding coun- L Tane. (Canton). boas-b tic neuuest was Son no loîw- the fast express would have carrled ts-y were less tragic but equally an- -________________ beautîtul floral tribales wcre res-eîv- its passengers ta awful destruction aoying. Cellars were flooded, cul- ror Trnaity u'aiteui (hans-b, Fenelon and deatli. However the fluer canle 1verswse wy telephone Unes sCircuîit, n randl Mrs. Leleh-bln Fia-audy pi 21 )d, Oshawa, Mrs 'Mn. Dver, Mns. te a standstill wiýthin a hunds-ed yards andeleatric'lighwtsy'plit out of bulsi- Frdy.traApi121 ild Jefrles ndm Miss Darothy Whuite, of the wrecked freight and due :o al ness. "The Canary Murdor Case" Dna, amd iliii anuiiv. uans- Ibi riati vm-m- Iesi-at ~în washo.ut betweea lt and the station1 Dis-t and gu-avel roada wes-f With William Powell, Jania C_ C. Wasingtnu13. A., Fenelou had tj romain there until Saturday, streitches of deep sticky mnud and Hall, Louise iBrooýks and Jean Mn. andl Mrs T. E. Wýasîlncion. afternaan. Its passengers wes-elwater, and "fe.ithful Dobibin" was As-thur T, W. Washîingtoan, Mr. land Ms otd vT .Gntnsb.eltn oin. Whc i ge iJackson. Tornrto, Dr. and l Mrs AÂ transpore - .-.-atn' ussgreaty i ead hc l os Broadway's most butifum show 'lv.Mis hsie ra.M.aui~ts jt rno.ta prove thaît though mnan made in- girl. Cold, calculating, bruttaUly Day, Kincaton. 'ns .1. F <reliefge pratians s-auld be Iventions, the steel rails, mont-ous slih n e e et tz baby Stinhuv, Sqttli-: r seau Bofnd î'e relief ostir B. 1-. Inghtiuîui andu. son Mc Pont stabe-d, the wrecking crews encount- iran locomotives, magnificent con- a rtciy 64h klete Nirs. Lm'is-lton Woaiod. eWi reul great difficulties, fanding it ne-1 crebe bridges are sufficient in os-dmn- Carat city Wio l the of & CAR 0FTHAKS -f-u.s;ary ta î-epair temporarily seriaus as-y circumstances, humanity is lielp- houtr. And Philo, Vance, famous ______OF _ :îh îu.aI]l aong the line* east of le.-s wlien confronted by the eie- liera of S. S. Van Dine's ses-îes of as.. c WislnLtoena tndl amlîv M'ýýas-.' l, and near tht' Bowrnan- men.ts at their wos-st. popular detective atonies, leads inss-s of tiî.-l in i-t- of rmi îîi,yuo hetrlig a-ut Id durins- tu Iong- ilîneasail aSter' uimuit ' Il ') ,..el'ni 'una1OBITUARY COMING EVENTS Matiae-e Satux-day aftornoon at to thank Rei'. J. TT. Robine and ail], 2.30 p. 'm. Childs-en 5c. ther miaistensq. Mn. FYRn-la Sultan file membens of the m-bairnNîho Dr. J. M. Baldw in, Bowmanville "Cinderella", Opera Hiouse, Bow- Chapte- 3 of 'il so greatIy to aktle the servics-e jîuanville, Friday, May 3s-d.I tondimy a very bi.'ssed memony. 1 '.,1w i.Ilofth-.,m"Ssiîis-0ou Suiî,:u Reserve Friday, April 2 6tli for aý "The Myster' Rider" - - - - ~ f . Joh.îiiîiIIil ltiahildin «lialmnu comedy drama m"Red Acre Farm", ta and s-egular ps-ogram i iiY.:' mutu ulu'îiinha,-u t.Ibe presented by O-n aet i ______ ss W. J. Cor'. Oshiawa, wpiýz î., iîuiins:mu ,KiSiu .Itm, 'Tuesay tenig1h f sal a iî km..u -1i us liuti l, Ope ra House, under auspices of Tsi-l y attidinz he funra infaiin iIe:lîîî fuir ulver a, itvY .Axlay odyTedy pi 51 Is-s. Frank Burns. iln uu;ia.t-îeîua ofSomuai' 1 -y. .Axlay j Mn1.uaAy pi 5 s-s. C. Symons and failiy, Wel 1 .nluti'u ihiu-ll .ntii luuslt -dt imtuuu - Aî111atear actuirs of conas;idable ex-j "Love and the Devii" e, recently visited br aet q iil I l11in , m.:mly Cuaaqiimi pes-îence have been wvarking nas-d to i With Milioýn Silîs and Maria, and Mss W. A. Bunner. ' -inu.iui andi m *it uiiî son or thue lai give a smaatli, finished perfarnuancej Corda. les. F. A. Haddy and 11%iss Lena u".i:îî.Xiuitu tuhli m uaii B n o timist". It la the O.p. j He inheited a beautiful woman. fdy have been speading a feNv' i îv.1lu.n uiin Tinitu.,,.,,, no ftoeaokowters Love starved from yens-s in the Swiith relatives la Tos-ontui v, v ic .Iili;m'. , ii Iriuily' that it wil] ube one of the best efforts wilds of Africa, lie is willed a Il-t,, 'u l,'.-anI 1Tniîîuit Il.i' ver puat on by amateurs in Boanian- beautifu] opera star. iStrange bt the close of the ru'gulan iotiuioluuru.ia.tiiig hiul) oil Imns c 'm vile, pi lh and l2th inti? Btsrne tl r of the Voîîun's A~ssocialtioun îufl . iui. iurtl . ý111d lN¶ i 1.d.îgu e. is'tA.Butps-il litllar ity~~~~ ChrlVooTedarat a îuil iJni, ouull. oS vlb.srluTorono PausicStudy Club wil] meet in St the happenings %vhen he tries to progChrni onas uch ejîvdilu'ulu vnlmvyn .s vlu i'u AN. pi Lcuea.o o ensda y, collect his heritage fs-ouianother Eýnby rs.T. . awkr, drs 1 tfl s1% -'lvio i VrTIvý. prl 7tl iat 8 p. nm. Coaveners: iman. It's Milton Sis at his n b Mss. . W Ca~'ks-,Mrs it'.uîu urn ,Cril'dh e iii-nuî, i ilusMrs. J. Albert Colo niMuss. Smith seln et Foguonan Nis '%I Wnbr. tîýoiîiuiîii n andi Nvas aiuiomîm-iFes-guson. Subject-Geyrman Music. 1_e an -Opi-i1t-, -1 tenas clu lluiof lbh: TorontIulortiutnm I Toeakgps-:Ms.GE.R- Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap--But' f burii ' %VaSi R el Phone 120 a àtatireman li 1

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