PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL llth., 1929 OBITUARY HAMPTONi ORONO infested stomachs .may be in, they 1__1_N _1_ will showv improvemient as soon as Mr. Fred Moore, Port Perry Hampton Wonien's Institute met[ (Promn The News of April 4th) 1 the treatment begins. a at the home of Mrs. H. Clayton, 1 Miss Florence Cobbledick spent i On Monday evening the members At noon on Tuesday, Nlarch 26. Thurday afternoon, April 4th. The' Easter in Toronto. lof the W. M. S. were "At Home" to Mr. Fred Moore. Port Perry, died as ;President, Mrs. H. E. Rundie, pre- I Miss aern Hllndfidte redsMs.Srigspka the resuIt of faIlifrom the roof of sided. Meeting opened by nKa'Too tene al andhme.fri fteirfrds ofMr. teing apoke a I Mr. Alvin Hunters bouse. Mr. Moore, the Institute Ode, folloNved Toono, peiEltreat hoe. f e dsth fgreeh fthi and ie and Mr.AlMbert Hall were repairingi peating the Institute Creed. Letters' Mr. John MeMillan, Cobourg, spent . rom t he tune of its organization chininey sfo Mr. Hunter, and Mr. 1 of appreciation for fruit and flowers1 Easter Sunday at Mr. W. F. Rolpb's. 1 forty-four years ago, when at that Moore was just coming dlown for; sent during ilîness were read from Mr. Alex. MeNeil, College of time its menibership wvas 27 and now J dah when letuelfe. He never re-ibusiness session, the follo-ving pro- home. ID. Walsh and Miss L. Tourjee are gained consciîousness. and medical gram was given: Music, "A Perfect Mrs. Frank Gilbank of Peterboro, the only two surviving miembers. ,He va.s quiet and industrious-_a!you and 1 were young"; a paper on Dunean',s. ichurches of Canada. Her address *thoroughly good citizen, whose death "Education", prepared by Mrs. J. R. ill be sincerely mourned by many Bick was read by Mrs. E. Adamson. Mr. Milton Staples, lecturer .A was interesting as well as hepfu. I 1 ber of St. John's Presbyterian Church: central group. Attendanc 5 vloin"l:gt yDr esae o and a mme fOdEgadLde etmeigwl chl n ek Mse daBs n ienSeljclsl yMs ooh oe h.PSons of England.1 later than usual on May 9th, at the i ng spent a few dlays with M"s. Dear- Ipiano duet by Misses Eileen Ster- uNVE--EMr orelaest ounbs os hm f r.W.W Hr. Ai onOhwa e ln ndEr nintu UNWE1E.Ohis wife and five children-Mrs. members are especially requested te Mr. C. A. Chapinan spent afe mental solo by Miss 'Marion Green. VREE RECIPE DOC1 Frank Jackman, Bowmanville; Ern- attend as election of officers will be daYs last week with friends inLo-Teewsanxerseyth Mi- Wtes RDNC. iiDDept. est Moore, Lindsay; Mrs. Jillard,hed tt.stie don and Guelph. ion Band wben they broughit their Writ T,~ nRDENCo. LIITEO . n<'MissLdian M Messrs. J. Harvie Winters and ioffering of eggs £rom wbich the B 83140 t. Pul S. Wet, Mntrel- Tront; an Misscarceanl1 atorer ret 1Do- enneth Hiall, Toronto, &penit the1 proceeds wou]d go to the Mission Mr,.eM orel Tori nto.S, tar renton mini a cre r fth me ri tDo -r week at their homes here. Band. Lunch of hot cross buns, cake ___MasalilamTrnoi____wer h mrt Thomas' Eclectric Oul have flot been -Mr. and Mrs. Creese and Missitarts'and coffee was then served. In Ma, 28th issue of this paper i trierd and proved. lt is one of the Rutherford, Toronto, spent Easter H ib h tHeal W e mention was made of the death of world's most efficient remediies f:),. %vith Mr. and Mr,. Fred Cowan. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Herbs ila[ hen IMrs. Marshall Williams of Trentonj sore turoat, lame back and ma'ly Miss Marion Dickson, Messrs. Jas._____ Lug ndBocha other of Mrs. Perey Hare, Ne,-wcast-j other alimente arising frm1inflani- Gilfilan and Allison Coran, Toronto, A]I -rons hy rn i - in Lungs nd ]Brnchialmation. R'bdo the skin t University, were home for Easter. t-o 1 :t-ý7i .11. Thi following particulars of Jhealing power is readjiy absorbel,l Mrs. Welsh and cbild, 'Brantford, ,u h l t! i r1 'rn r o -f Tu e em alonFr e t. ilas if n fbi un- Jand it can aise be taken itmaly svisiting at her father's, Mr. 1. T. a" r.otrCrnvoDr nor TUDCSWiliams'life adire be f iberrallr jer nth',f ii.ronh î eral aetke rmthbe Trenton ________________ hpaKibadother friends. tIbro,f rrt1h î -întorh Fit easao aqit-on el Cuier- dvocate: Mrs. Williams -was - ises Kahee Sapes or Sr!r rtnt l f trn\tv r Jie ull.îgher, came t Pu rrI,orrrîîý,h a]lie long resident of Trenton adoe andMrKoAlitn pet fbîr ira nf ,r' rr1fOtr ï Comouin g ihWra li:roivi ~i \as a faittuful member of King St !Breaks U G sEaster vacation at their homes bere. îrrrrror arr acai.r Itib'm copunîghebI îdrîi.United Churetu and will be greatly VoaGiflanTrntn One of bis nmmv pro,-sritions-fnr 1se sa atv ebr0fte ~ ' ~I Miss Voa' ' ln Trnta d t rio fou anvîi1 ýtiio i ay of folk snîjecten roneihitis oriinr ills Wîiss an's actiemebrnfth' LaT e toinacnh ler .unt, Miss Viola Gilfillan, Kin- -'rtf . 1929t. A AT and nasîv Co]Itis atîd eIds ru irr lumnAocaion. cI dine, were home for Easter Sun- Eeto ArH.bA. TAIT Et, Indian Lùng Reeiv, full of the îrIîJ She leaves te rnourn ber loss ber Den't sufer from dangerous gas day. xctrAhiadTtEsteR O powr (raw frm Nnîler huban an tbee augter, Ms.jpresin arundyou Bowmnanville, Ont. r ýivîng ,h rdanfo Mte ubn ndtreduhesMs rsigaciudy heart, f rom Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stewart and* By M. G. V. GOULO, Bowmranivtlle . Ot..( , attre, ciself. Woîiderfmlly lerliîig o S. W. Wittleton of Belle Plaine, j sournessadt, bloating or pain of son Gordon, Toronto, were guests 11-3 Her Solicitor.ij intiamori tissurs. A Inrîtîrir (-f rj Sask., Mrs. W. A. Twiddy of Wind-1 indigestion. Stop worrying. Wheni-iof Mr. W. J. Cowan on Easter Sun-_________________ hs red ilood. lN:ke the atîinn Icfsor, and Mrs. P .F Hare, Newcast-lever you need quick stomach relief,:day. ra this trîrd, rehialle -rr'tnerv. i\fr uLU le. 1 take a little Bisurated Magnesa- rNoç matter bîew deep-rooted thbe rD this Wintpîr. Togethetu- ith tire iltor The funeral service which wasi powder or tablets. It breaks up ga, cr ab t util o ol- Dihonr fine G(;llghe leraI Houseliolà e ybrpstr e.A .neutralizes acide and keeps the stoi- n- i bit met' ed t l UV LI Remedies, Dow obtarnable froin 33 c d b1e pso, e.A.E way's Cern Reanover is used as dir- ]B y th est Th 1 oe as held March 24, from King, ach sweet and stmong, and digestion i ectei. The JURY & LOVELL, Bownîanville St. United Cburcb.1 perfect. At good drug stores ev- r mRonaneisEeno ilca Thoe i atenane fon ou o erywbere. 1ýot a laxative. Mr i- n is lao il a A. E. MELLOW, Phmn.B., Toei tednefeneto i son, Toronto, were home witb their W alper town were ber three daughters, lhemPrns Mr. and Mrs. HarryMil lpapers Prescription Specialist, Newcastle grandson, Master Jack Hare, New-,____________fo_____ pr tets, rry sn _______ castle; Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle1 o tehli1s Make it a point to see wbat I fort - - . - and Mr. and Mrs. G. A.mms.tmeng,!Folks D L Âf40 Mr. John Armstrong, traveller for! bave before selecting your Wall u Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. AnesIs t Cook Clothiers, Toronto, left last 1 Papers. Du Bowinanv.ille; Major and Mis. H. week on bis regular trip tbrough thbe radfi Ilere's Proof That Dudley, Newcastle; Mms. W. Ellisi Should Read This wei rnpoine. nadiin dny w, ca 0and Miss N. Davis, Toronto; Mr. and Mr. F.W amblyn sold 6 bead of1 bes]tu Wall PaproseofithOn- ~ ___Mrs. S. C. Clenient, Mrs. V. 'Barra- If yeu are troubled wtth a burning bis bigh testing Holstein herd at the 1 ta lheepaper are pricnd O-C Z u1, gber and daughter, Demoestville'j sensation, bladder weakness, f re- Durham County Club sale at Bow- selfat Z U T 0 Mm. and Mms. K. Morean, BeIeviIIe!ý quent daily annoyance, gettiag-up- manville last week. Ends Ijeadaclie Mr. and Mrs. W. Ciollins, Smitbfieldl nigbts, dull pains in hack, Iower As a vermicide an excellent pre-1 Prices given on ail kinds of The floral tributes wrhicb weme abdomenan down through groins- paratien is Mother Graves' Worm' painting and decoratîng. oookIL,- Qu povs E-Myr< t Co.i eM inwbctedcasd3se- you sbould tmy thbe amazing value of Exterminator. It bas saved the lives y y olir. %.. povos ÏÉ -ayro od.jany and beautiful attested the s-Dm. Southwortb's "Uratabs" at once of countless cbildren J 1.JD rfeflvV YOUr Tabetcare a safo anad effective Mr. ian is' teldecsd ahe and sec wbat a wonderful diffemence Je rdHorianeomnoan Cn esso t. omnle ye Meryohadce .X. Witltsn, is st ayigtrMr they make! If this grand old form- Miss Loreen Lorriman, Fleetwood, CocsinS. jmnil Mr. ao.Le o# torof he Graby . W Whttlton isstaingfor a ula of a well know-n physician big Ia-Mr.eolei; Cio oto"Gab few weeks witb bier beeaved father you the swift and satisfying conifort spent the week with their parents, Phone 431 King St. Lede-ai qves it.bfr eunn to thbe West. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorriman._______________ hefore returninge v tolG bas brougbt te dozens of others, "y kow ZuasoaTUledey ht wbewstop you sureily will be tbankful and ve:ryý Mr. H. G. MacDonald was called ____________________ h7 pb.b BLACKSTOCK well pleased. If it dees net satisfy,1 to Wellington, Prince Edward Ce., Àh C.sRa 1 the druggist that supplied you witb on Tuesday, bis brother, Mr. Hiram LCNnSosjB. A.K. C.,Colonel ofviit 1at"Uirata3bs" is autborized te etuumn Mconllîl akn sriu t@Hma recI.Miss Olive VanCamp Doald beng akn smioslyM. 91 ne Prt o . 'r---ndfid h athbe borne of Miss Mountjoy. your money on the flrst box pr-ji E> JE: -' C> -r 16 I "IneZtoTbes a nd ach.1 Ms rn alom a ee chase. This gives you a full 10 Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Rae, Toronto,> v es'y s tlsfa tery r m e d y fo H e a d c h e M s s r a n k alc o ree nt1d a y s ' te s t o f " U ra ta b s " w it o u t r isk i fo rm e r c iti e n s, w e re h e a rtily w e l- 3 cents per box- at ai.1 dealer&.get fMs Brla oe.of costu unies-, pleased witb resutus. comedelhere on a week's visit, the Mm. and Mrs. Luther Mountjey1lIf you ýwould know thbe joYs of peace-1 guestus of Mr. and Mrs. Adolpb Hen- and Grace, spent tube weekend witbj fuI, restful sleep and a normnal, ry.' Rev.' Mr. Rae .occaipied his old relatives in Toronto. IheaJlthy bladder, startu tbis test today. pulpit at Centrer St. Cburob, Sunday Mrs. . Jefrey and Mr. Geo. lAny geod druggist can supply you. morning. Preuttu visited their sisters, Misses Mr. George Pollard, tenant on the W h t W l loi-rie and Jennie Proutut in Toi'- late William Patterson place, bas W h t W I onte. leased the William Maunder farn, *S Miss Helen VanCati-p bas return- omryondb h aeDih r en borne after a mon th's visit % ' uîb9 BTown. Mxw' nedyte er w ibs ber grandparen, Mm and Mrr. , A been farming tube place for sorne. VanCamp and ber aunt, Mrs. Fran j years pastu, is moving to Oshawa. cis WerryEnniskilsaisdm th a t ..-ds o ek M&"i cieWemy, nniki.en.i C 5 er TeV __ M rs. Alexander Lang amived bere - Easter visitons: Misses Ruth Mar- it rais.n evsr7 vabis efo CiagII. o uedy o lowFlomnce cbagbli andHel Aes. d ; a short visit -witb ber daugbter, Mrs en owlm o Pteruom, a ttuer r ~.21InwsdI'ut h. &do]cE John Noden, and other friends and 1 spetiv brne, m. ndMs. F. QUICKER GEOWTH à CERTAINTY. aie. Hem son, Dr. Ross S. I f ... r Wuldon of Toronto, ut the honme )f ff ~ 4 h Lang, who bas an extensive practice \ <Smith Bros.1 in that city, has recently been ap- On Wedne.sdý,ay ex'ening, Mametu27 poînted Chief Medical Head cf A.Y. P. A. of St. John's Cbumcb me IMJ Genemal Medicine at Rush Medical a t he bomne of Mr. and Mrs. A.L.I~ College where he bas been a lecturer Railev. Prograni was in charge of' Feed ttila 8Iluriahmnt ~maah f since going to Chicago.j iMis-. Evelyn Devitut and consisted of lN tnina e >%@neaa Cheapest of ail Oii.-Considle" .r. a verv întemesting ind educationa I tube qualities of Dr. Thomas' EclectricI j setc' o tue dffeentdioese, ad jRalse every llvable chlck toe eIY 0,11 it le the cheapest cf ail propmic - 9...t ankemch îngf. thert "T'ings ourandprofitable iiiturlty. tiens effemed te tube public. ii Grandmotbem M rPizes wrre, Entera Tour gSe...TIU.Tuer. te tue found in e'vemy drug store in. won by Miss Flomie Parr and Master Bay Bi tehIerd'a taday frem Canada fmom coast to ceastu andla Il % e io r Bob Smith. Lunch was served. F .V N T N country merchants keep it for sale. Sevra f&mhee ttndd heSe, being easily procurable and ex- C id e l C y sho'wem at thbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville tnemely modemate in price, ne one Fred Hudson, Bunketon, Tbursday sbould tue ithout a bottle of it. i fon tein in hoo of their son Wil-- Attuacked by Astbma. The is Jack m tubfearful sensation is of suffocation,,r There rs hardly a household tuat tasn'î !as chirmun, pi'esented tube gif te, n- wbich boum 'by heur becomes moee heard of Castoria! At leastu five millier! cluding two Seautiful leather rocking! Ioulr3 desupemate and hbopeless. To sucb a homnes are neyer without it. If there art i chairs, a nine piece tea set and an caetb1ele fode yD.J. D children in your family, there's almosi 'addmes0ý frorn Bunketon fiends. The case te reKeflg' Acnaffrmed y Dreema daily need of its conîfort. And any nigttî bride and groom tbanked ail for Wvan Leu notbing utan miram'.sio-us. Its may fiad you very ttuankful there's a tbeir gifts and kind wishes. Thejhepiquklaprntndso bottle in tube bouse. Jurrtua few drops remraîndem of thbe e'vening was rpent epiquklaprntndso and that colie or constipation ie elieveil; in a social time and lunch.'tube deadfui attack is inastered Toc OtII or tiarhea heced Aegeableproathmatic wtuo bas fotind out thîe de- orducu;ababy ernedy mvea f or . Monday evening tube Murctu mcclI Pay highest cash prie. pendalbility of this sterling mon edyl the' folks. Castoria is about thse onîy thinp j ing ef tube W. A. f t.e Jcohn Sjt Don't sell tîll you see me. will nover tue without it. It is SOMdH you have curer heard doctors aduise giv Cumî-_was hl t ue- ee- witb1jevemywbere.Ct Wrnkuiti lSM'tinotiiA teer h - "' illa l.' !soocial! rty I tnroii<i'l'rî n in. Enlîr b Prrwn j ottles of it. : :it' X'irî eu"-- F-41ih P(,viiis no1oil IIC K SO N ý,ook's Regulating Comnpound M i lrnid Art--ter 1I ~- recomrnended te nîake- .:I,. nfintile rytolnlitu 'îîm A safe, reliabe rgulaing ISm. Pr. Roin-m rremi iand îllîuiîd o me by a f riend and fui or 'onui by tube'; acti )n n tube Medicine. Sold in tire de, .. eo m n tna h i\(r ;n o es te ,r h-. ; No. 1 5iper nubf..i, tpiil-l'v ou ti,1frr-5.. o I reormefrd rac-t u. i vtrulasbao f they cSHA- 8.dl>al ggits, or sent J.P.-J-îi-W-r- r~Si-such troubles as tite i. ioîu.snt-.-î and etubot' ntei-n2i f -,paî on reccipt of price.. n,1 len W ert-t'y. î- a is time." iiittm t~îie'-jm îef' THE COOK MEDlClNECO., No. nrollii 35.- MRs. W. V. Ruu4 R. R. No. 6. iîut'nn urivi- upon tbem ilirl ne rOçilTe.ONT.t rn.r"irm Kathleen E. Phoenix, toethet'. Fenwick, Ontalo. nîtttet uvhit emdît thein -Nti- E_________________ ýnd It's A Cen uine 'y ýgers Batteryless Radio!1 HLE famous Rogers Model rrFour-Twentv" supplied with this outufit is tube standard model in tube'Rogers line. It sbeen tried, tuested, perfected and is backed by tube Rogers rd cf jour years of proven performance in tbousands of mes ail over Canada. iartistically-designed X'alnut Table Speaker matches tube ceiver perfectîy and is equipped with thbe latest type inetic Cone, designed especially for use with tuhis model. gether, tbey closely resemble a Console-type radio, but price is from $40 to $50 less than yeu weuld bave to pay even tube lowest-priced Rogers Console. ýto tube remarkable deveîopmnent of chain broadcasting, o bas become a vear 'round source of entertainment and icatuion. You are certain to get a radio woon; get ti nplete year 'round Rogers Outufit now. Free Demonstration - Easy Terms 0 je West BAGNELL' Bowmanville TO Q ~T ~ ~ Ail the Attractive Features the new Durant "60" wiil be thoroughly explained to you b>r Durant dealer in your locality. wiil tell you about the refinements te the ]Red Seal "L".-head itinental Motor, about the new tyrpe steering gear, about the îdix Four Wheel braces . about ail the mechanical per- tions and quality units that Durant cars possess. wiil take you out in a "'60" . .. or any model you wish. d let you drive it, so that you can compare its performance and cellent riding comfort with any other car at or near its price. au will be absolutely free ta make your own choice . . . at ir convenience. BUILT BT DURANT MOTORS o CANADA LIMITED TORONTO . CANADA LA N TON TO t' TiON CAPACITIES T MOTOR SALE ONTARIO PAGE SIX * t 1