L'HIt ANA)IAL4 . .PAGE THREB THUR6SDAY, APRIL l8tb, 1929 N 0 other electric radio has ever been able to offer the advsntages and features found in the Rogers-Batteryless, -and ibis new "Four-Hundred" Model bas been fittingiy called "the heart of the Rogers line." This radio is the improved 1929 successor to the famous Model 200A-the set that set tbe standard in eiectric radio ast year. With ihe new refinements added this year, it unquestionably represents the maximum in performance for the minimum in price. With the remarkable developmnent of chain broadcasting radio bas become a year 'round source of entertainnieni and education. Wby forego the pheasure snd advantages of radio, when you can buy this proven year 'round Rogers for only $260.O-on ternis to suit your convenience. A sk any Rogers owner-then ask us. W. J. BAGNELL, King St. West Bowsnanville f ~4. * <2Y.~ Are You Ready For Seeding Time ? We have a imited quantity of ALSIKE ALFALFA RED CLOVER SWEET CLOVER TIMOTHY Ail Government Tested seed and at reasonable prices. Cail and see us if you want Pure Seed. McCleIla D & Co. Ltd. Office Phono 15; House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowxnanville EWART JOHN CREEPER HAS CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL PENNY BANK SAVINGS SERVD OEN OUN IN Regular meeting 'f council was Teach Chilciren Thrift by Openinal MANY CAPACITIES held at Blackstock April 6tb. Mem- a Bank Account of Frmerbersal present with Reeve F. J. Intereating Wvrite-Up o omrHyland in the chair. Minutes of Thle saving habit in chidren is lie-1 Resdet o Drligtn Twnbi last meeting read and adepted. ing greatly encouraged through the (Written by Sawyer Cummings in 1Dsputation fromn North Blackstock, Penny Blank system in publie achools Owen Sound Sun-Timies) i requested repairs to street. Coun- throughout Ontario. During Janu- cil and Road Supt. wifl aspect sanie. ary and February seventeen schools If community service deserveS: lr;eotd ta r.A f the province attained a record of public recognition i 1 certainly ISbeckleton was an innate of Musk- 80% or better. Eleven of these dueMr Ewar JhnCreeper, theokHsptl schools are located in cities. Bo- object of our biographical sketch R.Wi lAsesr eundmanville bit away below this mark, this week. Though Ponte of the AsR. W. Pbi Rl, fsers1,92e9 rne its average only being 28% on at- younger public men it bas been bis By-Law was passed te selI road tendance as regular depositors, lot to be called upon to give an ex- aloac nIln o 3fr$0 whereas the aggregate was 35%. ceptionally large portion of bis tune lancsi e oISladiLna23.or Total deposits in local schools bow- and abiliiy for the furtberance o Council purehased one No. j ever show a commendable increase the welfare of the city. Fifteen!1Gae, rgan capr rmwitb $4,120.68 on deposît at end of yasas a member of Board of Gr 1Caadeindrgtan d. raes rmFebruary, 1929, as compared with ucation-two of which he acceptabl.yl Orders signed as follows: iof$3,33.31.erao o nices filled the positiorn f chairinan 'si County Clerk, % manten -f_$781.31. quite some service wbile added to ianeMs hklt _.142 tht retwle a Coasammsin-!Municipal World, 1928 stat- WIN BOND SELLING SHIELD of the Board of Parka omsin utes.................... 2.00 ers during the entire of wbich time Municipal World, placards. 1.17 Ebenezer Tuxis Square District be bas been the energetic secretary- S. Malcom, Sec. Treas. S. S. Winnera in Recent Campaign treasurer and practicallY the mana-1 No.7................... 30000 ger, leaves a record of service well jW. Emerson, Sec. Treas. S. S. James A. Hancoek, member for applied. He bas proven b tmself to Njýo.9................... 300.00 West Durham in the Older IBoys, he an ail-round good citizen and one l G.;Wright, Sec. Treas. S. S. Parliament of Ontario, informa us whuse example is wortby of emula- *No. 8................... 300.00 that in the recent Bond Selling tien. G. Humpage, refund dog tax 2.00 Campaign, West Durhamn, for first Bor in Kentble, Keppel Town- R. W. Pbilp, Assessor..120.00 tume, carried off the Shield for Dis- ship, o a October 26th, 1882, Mr- W. Marlow, wood for hall. . 5.00 trict No. 5 'by selling the largest Creeper is ln bis forty-seventh year. J. Byers, Treas. and postage 85.001 number of bonds per member in a He was the son of John Creeper, Jas. G. Marlow, roads and stated group. District No. 5 in- wbo was born in Cornwall, England, bridges................... 72.20 cludes couiies of Nortbumberland, and came te Canada with bis par- Receipts Durham, Ontario and Prince Ed- ents as an infant. His mother was A Spinks, rent of road. 2.00 ward. Tbe -sbield goes te the Mary Jane Ealton, the daughter of Dept. Higbwaya,' grant on Bright Boys' Tuxis Square of Eben- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eaton, wortby roads.................. 1865.88 ezer whicb bas 12 members and their pneers of Euphrasia township, whol Counicil adjourned te meet MaY sale of bonds averaged $5 per mem- di mc for th1e ubuilding of that i ta 8pm.ibr community. It is said of Mrs. W eccTwsi lr. h eun o etDra Eatoa, sr., that lt was a conimon W eccTwsi lr.ITertrsfr Wa ubn task to walk eleven miles "to theý were: Ebenezer $60.00; Bowinan- lae, Mafr, with a pail of but- ENIEDville $55.50; Newcastle $18.50; Ty- tae t ecangeforteaor ura. ____,_rone $5.00. 'The total allotnient terte______for___o sga. was $190 and receipts were only Mr. Creeper's mother die.d wben; (Received t6o 1âté for last weeki 1$139. he was four years of age and la bqrl Mv'. Brânton, Oshawa, bas bec ni led in Greenwood Cemetei-y. A 1 viiting at Mr. S. Page',..Mrs. S S IUE year later bis~ father sýold out his s-age la able to be around again af-, LOOK AT THES IUE blacksmit.b business te Charles Hua- ter being confined toelier bed forj band, who still eonducts it, and the nearly two weeks with beart and (Kincardine Review-Reporer) famuly moved to Hampton village, bronchai trouble .... Miss Margaret The following figures gleaned norili of Bowmanville in Durliam Prescott f el and sustained a bad cut frein the annual report of the On- County. Two years after nîoving on ber f-orebead snd was under the tario Liquor "Control' board wial to Hampton the father died andi Dr's. care asat week .... Miss Ev%,elYn give an ides of tbe business done Ewart went to live with bis grand-1 Stinson bas been visiiing near Pon- over the Provincial booze bar dur- father, William Creeper. He re- typool...Mr. Jas. Starks lost a ing 1928:- ceived bis education at the Hampton horse from lockjaw last week...... Profits-$7,828,OSS. public scbhool and the Bogmnville The fali wbeat and clover looks Vo Brewers' Licenses-44. High Sebooll. be lu splendid condition in this New Stores Opened-39. neigbborhopod at present ...We Permits Issued-492,143. At sixteen years of age he went missed our mail on Saturday owiiig Stores in Operatioi-1l7. te Toronto wbere he beid a position Vo the raiiroads being impassble ... Brewers' Warebouse--il 02. for six months in s retail store- as There were s few culverts washed Employees on Staff-1,095. salesman. This was nlot satisfac- out sround bere witxh last Friday's New Brewery Waréhouses-27. tory and beconing disgusted he left st<>Tii. Native Wineries Operating-5l. -r - _ . . s a R c n n Sm witl a ousi fo Pbisdephia an J__________________________ roti sles5oi.ear-o, 1 at the age of nineteen became mana-1 ger o.fthe Neiw York office of the Book-Lovers Library, and duriug bis stsy in the United States was man- ager for the cffices ai Rochester, Buffalo, Indianapolis and New York. Coming 'back o Canada be was the manager of the Toronto office until 1904 wlieu be loft tbe compauy. He went into the hardware business shortly after, with the Brookes-San- f ord Hardware Company sud event- ualiy became manager of the Hami- rilion brandi. While in Toronto be became acquainied with the laie g John W. Redfern whio bad gne back to the city froni Owen Sound and engaged in a bouse building enter- prise. The latter direcied bis at- tention to an opening in Oweni Sound. Acting on the suggestion I be hecame interested in locatingi here, formed a joint stock compsny and opened here twenty-one yearsl ago on the firsi day of Marcb. Busi- 1 ness bas prospered and to-day it.i1 among the best in Western Ontarlo.' Hi- cousin became a direcior lai the Doubleday Page Publishing Company, one of the largest pub-1 lisbing concerna in the world. As chairman of the 'Board of Ed-1 ucation be had the bonor of iro- ducing the pupiis of the scbools on the occasion of the visit of Bis Ex- ceilency tie Duke of Devonsbire, Governor General of Canada. The consistency wlt.b wbich he is return- ed on election day shows thai be is regarded as a safe memiber cf the. community o have in charge of the educational affairs of the city. But if bis services have beený ben-1 eficiai to 'publie in bis capacity asl school1 trustee they have ibeen doublyl so in his connectioon wjth the parks board. Here for twelve years hel has given bis best bo the service of the publie recreation «rounds. Hel bas practicaliy had the managementi of every detail after it has; pased the board. Hi-, advice is alwaysl regarded as sensible and haveing.thel best interests of the city in view. His duties cali for the proper record i of the board while be bas the ac- countirng of the funds at the disposali of the commission thougb ail pay- ments are made tbrougb the cityl treasury department. Mucb of the development of Harrison Park can be attributed to his vision. In service club circles Mr. Creep-1 er was one of the promoters of the Rotary Club and is a charter mem-1 ber of the Owen Sound Club. In fraternal circies he is a Mason, a mernber of Noxrth Star Lodge No. 322, and a past master of the lodge. In politics he is a Liberal. In re- ligion he is a mnember of the Central United Churcb and a memhpr of the official board of tbat church. Twenty-four years ago be marriedi 'WHY?90 imems 96% Ist «at? Tbsa'a a im.t A »W md maSquam ue p@aig au 24 lmgruimt.h» a& m.EE quicKEE OÎWTB a CBMTANTY. ffli thh &sfl.n.ridhat Mmshfer IaWg vt"y.N.e im"ta-m. alsm BaIse evory lvable chlk to eaaiz profitaN>e maturlty. Essai mYar Saceaa1%bs Tm. D.rBlbflhte.s W&Y fig F. C.. VANSTONE Bowmanville Ada Louise Elliott, daugbter of Mr. Permits csncelied to Novenber- and Mrs. John Eiliott of Harapton, 5,591. mensbers of an iliustrious pioncer How the cbests of the Ontario famiiy of Durham County. They people must swell with pride over have two sons, Elroy Ellioit Creeper this record! with the Canada Gypsum and Ala- bastine Co. of Toronto, and Johi Know what you sow-"For wbat- Ewari, who is aiiending the Colieg-lso>ever a man soweth thai shall he iste Institu.te here. Mr. Creeper also reap." So4w only large plumpi bss one sisier, Mrs. Albert Beckett,lIbrigbt sound seed. Poor seed is of Keinbhe.1 dear st any price.1 -DRIVE' PI-Y GO AWAY INSURED When you tako a trip by rail or roud, it is a cons- forting feeling te, know that you nmead not womr about the things you leave behind. ithads ourfeeli geyof thsuae ais fior Fe nsuortanceCo.youof theHai fyoure pirerly irnedga.i nswt îos You arkno thatyou nvosed nt J... tecte. w 1 vou n einuro ,. pao- gagte. Lt s e ilp yo iu. e-or gage.Let s hel you J. J. MASO>4 SON Roal Estate and IP uane Brokers Phono 50 .King S'~ Bwanile Aý "i HERE IS AN oppoRTUNITY FOR EVERYBODY DURING Lte anm -keD4frrmic FORTNIGHT We Invite You to Discover Plymouth Superiorities Behini the WIieel S TARTING TODAY, and ast- ing two weeks, we are holding a <'Learn-the-Differeflce" Fort- night for the fuli-size Plymouth. Wewvantyou todrive aPlyrnouth and learn the difference between 'Pniouth performance and any other ini the Plymouth price field. For there is a difference-an over- îvhelming différence in the things Plymnouth does and how it does thern. See -Feel -and Experi- ence the Differenace There is only one sure way in whicb y<It -Nii know how deeisiv'e this différence actually is: That is tb see, and feel and exp erience-to ride in 8.ij -ictually drive the Plymouth. Ile invite you to discover for yourself thec fuil-size of the Plymouth which scats five aduits in comfort-to note its easy-riding lengthin ess-to sec bow sharplY it contrasts with the smail dimensions usually associated witb cars at any- where near its low price. Fifteen minutes at the Plymouth wheel will convincingly reveal how wide a margin separates the Ply- mouth from ail other cars that attempt to compete with it in its price-group. D«» Not Mies Thsis Great Oppo»rtuity Take advantage of Plymouth "Learn-the-Difference" Fort- night at once. See the unmatched features-experience the unprece- dcnted performance. We are eager and anxious to have you put cvcry Plymouth daim to ah tast, differnefthr oeltualts an perdforeance, aperac andi valu ,perfrme Plymuthand other cars in its prîce-class. Once you drive a Plymouth and learn the différence, you wilI neyer be content with any other car. Your judgrnent will inaist thet you ownf a Plymouth. NO OBLIGATION We are eager to have you realize the many outstand- ing advantages of the Ply- mouth. Corne and drive the car - sce for yourself how and wby it excels. There is flot the least obliga- tion. Corne in t<)J Y. 2 4 Newcastle, Ontaaio STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Privn'te Wire System 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense The finest tea you can buy-Red Rose Orange Pekoe. Made from juicy, flavor filled leaves-three days in bud. Every package guaranteed. es TRAis good te' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good A . <ý WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. p- re