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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1929, p. 6

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..~,E SIX fHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, AIPRIL lSth, 1929 PIONEER DAYS IN DURHAM tails that miglit obscure the maini ORONO ilo w to Reduce Remnini3cences of Mr. W. W. Jardine, plae efrestdvý1uld n ubie (From The News of April11thj addtio tanam~ 'lredy Schools. The aration breathes ai from Grande Prairie, Aiberta. vetil s In adto onie led sup- conîmendable spirit of loyalty-nol Miss Eicen Rididell visited at ber plied for- Newcastle permit me ta soulnd of communism in it. I fully' rnfte','%r n.Vte y ientian Jas. E. Atkinson, owner and agree witb bis "Attitude toward Co4- rndftr. r W.VruT Rub Gentdy and Upward Toward thejmanager. of the oront Daiy Star; federabion"-that, altbough mucb<rfe- Heart as Blooci in Veine Flowa Charles Orchard wbo went ta tbe progress bas been made, wýe are just IMrs. Robert Rainey visited lier* Tiret Way Un ited States as telegraph operat- 1 beginning ta realize tbe value of our! sister, Mrs. Almond Blewett, New or and w rote mie interesting letters1 heritage. Toronto. Many people bave become despon -t-re last 50 years ago £rom the cityl 1 do flot know whether the authori Carns disappear wben treated dent because tbey bave been led ta 1of Queretaro in -Mexico. Among la young or old-wbo or what he is, witb Holloway's Corn Remover witb- p believe tbat there is no remedy tbat 1 o-Ler tbings, be saw tbe tele- but, (in my opinion) he "did him- out leaving a scar. will reduce swollen veins andiphane in enibryo consisting Of self proud". Mrs. T. H. Pfowers and Helen bave bunches. two fisb-cans connected by a string. These humorous incidenta occuer- returned home from visiting friands If ou illgeta wa-unc Atrg-ors n ata en anou andied ta my kaowledge: A neiglvbor in Western Ontario. If o-uwil gt tw-ouceori-!doos nea th ed o ahoue, alo ours wha frequently took umn- Mrs. Thomas Grey, Tarante, is1 iMal bottle af Moone's Emerald OiI a lady at tbe other end at an up-i brage ai his neighbors for trilles, felt visiting lier sisier. Mrs. S. M. Bil-il (full strengili) at any firt-ela--ssstairs window.i that way at one time iowards niy lings, and other friends.I degstr adapply it nigbt and I ronember. too, tbe Misses Cout-Ifaibar, and one day seeing tht lat- MrI. J. E. Richards, spent last week miorning as directed you will quicklyjl e, McNaugh:an, Brodie, Ba.iagb, ;ter from the opposite aide of Bow- witb MMs. Richards, at their daugli- notice an improvemeni whicb wvill, Kent and Hunter-ibe latter tauglit manville street, called out: "YOU ter's, Mes. Duffy, Toronto. continue until the veins and bounchesionie urne in BowmanviIll, tbenJ need nat speak ta me, for 1 won't Miss Thelma Martyn, R. N., and' are reduced ta normal. 1ýridRv lxne ele r.-sekt o" mareried of exaondleaLeslie ro-ipn k a ou.Miss Moncrief, R. N., bave returned Moone's Emerald Qi! is a ar- beyte ri uocewtonleadde f Anoiher neighbor w-base bOzan I ta duty at Peterboro Hospital. 1055, yet most powerful gemcesl rc o noticed several of mny father's bags Miss Bileen McCamus, Yelvertan.1 and t-wo aunces îast a veey long J 1 accasionally visited aid Mr. bearing my fatber's name priît.- was guest of Miss Lereen Lrrina1i time. Indeed, sa pawerf ul k Emer.[j Tbom, one mile east af Newcastle,1 ed in full, and feeling sure that theat ber fathee's, Mr, J. F. Larriman aId Oil tbat oId cbronic sores'andw-ho wvauld escori me across the field only way ta gat said bags wauld bel. ulcers are often entirely henled ai nd t the road and said that when ta take them with me, I praceeded Mr Jme Cttl itd b anyane wvho is disappointed witb ts, susPiciaus characiers came, On de- ta da so under tbe dire tbre'ats of daugbiee, Miss Aima Cuttell, who isj use can have their money ref unded. paeting, lie saw tbem ta the road. As, the old gentleman who claimed them making rapid recovery f rom a criti-c Jury & LaveIl sella lots of it. a young lad 50 years ago I knew the saying be brought tht bags witb hlmi cal operation at Toronto General late Bishop Cbarles Henry Beent.i from Ieeland whence lie came prab-; Hospital. -wbo died jusi lately in Switzerland. ablY 40 years before. Pceevisb, pale, reçstle,--s, and sickly JHt received a few lessans from me' Asttaces m eryda, children awe tbeir condition ta 11I hlsnofRo.Her Be t tink a knowledge af the mult- warms. Metber Graves' Wormi Ex- Anglican ceryman in Newcastle.i lcto table wau]d satisify samne1 termýinat.r will relieve tliem and re- * Soine after thoughs-A neiglibor~ Boards of Trustees. 'My onîy early I tore bealili. to y fatber became a rat-catcher. iotacers-old pensioner fram the1 Mr. Alex Hloskin and family have * DR. THOMAS' The cellar under bis bouse liad no* war of 1812, taugbt thethtbee R's, 1 moved from the Jaynes residence an ~~ walls-mrerely sandy loam-a grand and every tlirae montbs, wben hie 1 Concession St. Southi ta the Main St. C R C rendezvaus for rats. A beiglit ides ieeceived his pension, lie took one orI residence f ormerly tenanted by Mr. 1 entered the man's cranium-~to con-two week's spree.-often I have led W-. Geery. OI due.t by a ditcli the water tbumaibim home drunk. eesbol1Tbe farmn residance of Mr. W. B. MO T FFECTIWI - sprîng 40 rods distant and h , Anotbee teacbee in visscoo- MPherson, Manvors, together witb 3 TREATteIatsNG J hefila o my tacher, watte scbaol 1vs a large portion of tbe housebold ef- àk COLDS AND ROUi'. wsfî fwtrtewlacube ited one day, ta see tlie fun, was fects were destroyed by fire April 5, 'W SIM PLY POUR A and one edge of tlie floor went into seeiausly ýaffected as ta liearing andlabout 6.30 o'clock. 1THE DRINKIKG i the cellar carrying with it the steve, eyesight, and low in discipline, but a1 Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' e WATER. a crack full of cream and a cupbaard wbale "team" as a smoker rn school. 1 Eclectric Oi!la ses simple in applica- ful of dishes and the man, while Tbe previaus nigbî thero liad beentio in that a child can understand tbe eushing ouit of daors was beard c all beavy falaf fiuffy snow, enauglij instructians. Used as a liniment lob ob 0ing ta bis wif e ta hald the cupboed. ta satisfy tbe larger beys wlio went 1 tbe only direction is ta ruli, and _____________ i1 often tbink of tame lives as outside and returned covered with 1 when used as a dressing ta apply. campared ta the peeseni, of boys andI snaw and pockets full of snowballs. The directions are so plain and uln- girls in pianeer liomes in rural dist- JTbe latter flew rapidly around tlie mistakable ibaitbey are eeadily un- Heïb~ar~ f.c~ Ç r rits-few books, if any, te read-1 roam and tlie beys shoak their 5tiO'xV- derstood by yaung or eld. ti coins ta purchase books ar simple; frantie girls sitiing On th e long M A. onvntinoxii Torn th eentl. ~~'"' K~.aeys luxuries, and the chef soùrces of in- bondies, while seme urcliin crept Trusoneesfn te ation of i ho Tila r formaiia-beresay or gissip. along the floor and upset tbe longTrsesfo tr,-cinsfth Tht chief sports in tbo home were1 banches on wbrcb ilie small children townsbip attending thc e nvention Ti scenu ùe Pclturl, afeandwonerflly manufactured on tht "spur of the1 were sitting causing padco i were: Capt. J. C. Gamney, Fred B. Iea your lieuse all upset, boa, witli moment". It was a sweei pleasure whicb raused tbe teaclier to investi- Lovekin, James Lycett, Ed. Davey,spngbuelai? hea!ing at times ta watcli tbe briglit glow afligate witbout results. Many other C. M. Eddy. Tegre pd sgaulyr- 1 tht huge fiee in thie old eoomy fire-1 nefarlous ipranks and fruilos inves- Gounty Road Comnittee, Messes. placing tht coal shovel. Herhs, and berb)s anly, arc used in Gal- place witb its crane and books on. tîgations helped ta complete tlie George Greer 'Of Cobourg, Warden Less than 2 weeks and the trout.. lagbercs Kidriey Rcmedy which la anc which ta bang ketiles for cooking, farenoon ,but no lessens were pre- Wood of Millbroak, and tbe Chair- fishing season will 'be open again. of thee aid, proved, Herlial Iloirsohnlî purpases. paeed or taugbt. Somo faint idea man, W. F. Rickard, wiib the County, Grass is geowing rapidly and laiwn Remedies thaf. the iîued h,! ir il1. It was a mental educatian ta ru- may lie gained re teacliers and Enginae wtre in town Tbursday in- mowera will soon be in commission. James Galagher, comnoundc-1 bliinîr'f mîinate an tht varieus images formed equtpment. Ont of tht oldest boys pecting thie road preparatoey ta ad- The frogs in the ponds and mare than 50.vrais ago. Aiifrrîl t _,irese by tht dancing tangues of flame, orij-a ringleader, becamne a warthv, vertlaing for tendtrs for consteuci- swamps are tuning up a îively herbs, Nîtires g:,'i, have greatInih;. sit gazing ie a pace-"tinking up-minîster. ionl of paving-Newcastle taoroeno. spring chorus these days. power. Even acihfe i!.c ~:< on naetbing like mony mightyI lia hemais, rereieedli (l-men". Tht girls and their moiliers No Resi Witli Astbma. Astîhma Time ta clear away ahl the win-1 like Rheumatism, arer(ýlievfd hy (,:il-usually attacksata nigbt, the ont time 'srbshadmk hot an lahrs a akcwdý were iisually biisy tfaking OC mend- GARAGESrsiineddmt. ec1 rubsadmae boead lagbfoeths.fmBad n ail < nui c: 'l wbon rs sn edms. Hn business sueroundings sanitary and and biaddrier c n o amily-no sewing stch- E«asy iayrn,ýnts on attractive, suijteîrîrfsregh h nr sd- trcie Try ibis tniistworthy lherbaI reriedv. s1 nths e1y ies tantial garages. Ail matertals creavî>. iththe afsrengil, heanrvos e-racie -. I ofian wonder when neaely aill I CU. WciiiYfreighr Wrvite for <bltttls ffeb ad ale [Itlaremarkable--and sae. SoId by34 clotbing for bos and girls was made r eiiii 1 fllliitav (ompiany, Boxlevils wlicb nausi bceoxpected unles JUY&IOELivmnile b the wamen how it was accom- 1 7 iml 14-4tIrelief is securod. Foriunately ret CoN P JUR &LOELL Bwnanvlî Iplisbed. 1 am speaking af rural,- lief la possible. Dr. J. D. KelLogg's A. E MELOW Phn.B. con'itonswhee wahin, mlkig 1Asthma Remacdy bas proved is mer-I A E ELLW Psm coditons ber wahin, mlkigl ii Ibrougli years of service. Ai Prescription Speciahrat, Newcastle (ofien), churning, baking, spinning, trawiîueycnvceou making and mending and dozens of, ra il ueyenvneyu - lotber necessaey things belonged toi Firsi Literaey meeting of Dram- 'indoor employrnents. Moihers were atic Society was beld Manday even- often worling and planning when ing in school ream of Centre St. the malt portion of tht family was j Churcb, Mrs. Robb peesiding. Pro- % a B e eiîbee idle or asleep-no wandee c0n1 i gram included a most excellant pap- s sttton eebokn r by Me. M. H. Staples on "Shako- Hard as tht men wored, and had speaee and bis Woeks," and a very ta work, their liaurs of labor wOCO- clear outline of the play "'As You mauch shanter, sa there was more1Lk t bMr.Ksle Iwa lime ta rocuporate spent energies.LioI"by rsKesk. wa Labor-savîng devices ofth presentlJ~Ieeig n itrsig5 day, for bth sexes, ave comnplte-- ly revolutionized homo conditions, Hdm Millee's Worm Powders are par 50 Ibai iho' there is so mach huery,l esostper- excellence the rnedicine for obildren lifýe cani scarcely lie said te be as, mnetelroof wh r on ufrn m te steuu s omry ng sold. omes in waar ondsfernfroll strenueu as foeeely. .big sheet. Forme ravages af worms. They immediate- - - ______ Wolves and beaes w-ee tht chief J roo-flow-costre- ly alter tht siomachie conditions un- menace ta tht pioneers. Conditions Ifo Barns Sheds der wbich the wor'ms subsisi and in that rspect muai bave been. harderl Bouses. Àumme; drive iliom from tht systam, and, ai to met tan i eary das inCloeup of Rib Roll Cottages. Madeato tht samne time, tliay are tonical in lier Showîn Staedard' iheir effeet upon tht digestive or- western provinces-less she g.. or e y. Sand ridgee wild animais in tlie West. My par- j ad rafter meas- gans, restoring tbem ta bealibful1 ents said that calves, sheep, pigs and j out abot od ur oporation and ensueing irnmunityi ~ Ifowl bad ta ho well boused f or safe- SPECIALSPRING froîn furiber disorders from sucb a1 ty. . IF reR.Fe cost cause.i I eatiategladly Wolves, apparently, were msi arisFlrnc a, N, ee nurnerous, and as soon as e-vemnng N., Peter-.... When youàr Children Ciy font# Catoria is a comfort when Baby ia fretful. No ione taken than the fittie one is et meale. If restless, a few drops Soon bring contentment. No barl done, for Castoria is a baby rcmedy, meant for babies. Perfectly saf to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors word for that! It is a vegetable pro- duct and you could use it every day. But its in an emergency that Castoria means mnot. Same night %vhen constipation mnust be relieved-or colup pains--or other suffering. Neyer ho without it; some mothers kee-p ant extra hottle, un- opened, to niake sure thiere will alwaya bc Castoria in the bouse. It is effective for <1<er rîilren, too ; read thre book that con wî wth it. W, DISPHOPH QD1 E The (.rei Iiîjlésh Prepararrî'rr Tcne% ar,? ,,¼urte he whole -ne v "tS sYsieur,, aksew I-lood L il 1Vein. s (.for Nerorjs 'I>blt.Mental and fDrain 4Wrm I~s"'î ,rîc. of q(ncrgv, i'.rlpiiaîrmoi f c.'e Ii.rt.i-oilinR Alemor-y. P'ce $2 Pr, ibox,. f dor S id ý,1by ail drUggri. or0' 'a le'l' 0-i * pk<cm recrpi c,! crac eNew P..mph1Ct mai led ý.O1Ok's Regulating Compoand shades provaîled threwolves far and near began to howl and gather in groups te visit tht variaus iarm yards. Beaes, even in daylighi, would sometimes carry off a well- geown pig la save tlie farmer thtj trouble of conveying tht animal to 1 market. Doga, began ta leaen tri protoci their masters. I rememnber my faiher saying that une dark niglitlie had ta cross ibru a piece of dense forest, feeling shaky as ta what might way-lay him, 1 and at a moment of ternse atilîness a paie of spaekling tyts became vis- ible. Ht stood -for a moment, scarctly knowing whtther ta advanceI or retreat wlien suddenly a loud bark arose-it was bis own dog comrng ta meet him. As to wolves attacking peefle- A few miles feom my aId homo, ai boy was said te bave called ai a farmer's bouse, and was rofused i shlter for tlie night, but next day the hunes of the boy were found- lic bail been devoured by wolves. A Dream-Wlien quite a yeung boy tbe %vriter dreamed ibat lie sawv a passengor train crassing the Man-J vers Road jusi norib of Frank Rey-ý nolds' "lialf-way-housýe" in the Pine Ridge, nortb of Jas. iBri.%hin's home at the edge of said pine ridlge. Won- derful ta cay! hetwetn thirty andi forty years afterwardIs the C. P. R.1i<I within a few r<îds of where I 1' i.f ppeare!in my dream. Wlion sPeaking of persunnl ex- ]enoma t me s.ny Iat once I1v.asi ilrnovhnarse, s-, whtn f fearoil it ia. thýýeolusray I aske< the adl- vice (f IDr. William Hiller of En-1 1:kilî. Ho asked abat 1I lio 4I dîing rail 1 iidl 1 I îl )Pen~ hire-iakiiiîg and bail shouteil atthie unirilini<l unîri. lie go-a «0')4 -i; î "((>h< ilIli. aid ho, anil Lot f-isa 'v Jc'i.j lletî's aratian, I think us1 cV <'incsand cloîre aciai of tihv ir I.ith-craso,,v PRESTON, ONT. Mlontreal Toronto V" 11U 11 "I tok ydi E.Piiîkhiam'r \'cge- Stable Compound bec aîîse 1lva% o sick every mouth that 1lhad ru keep mybdfor two days and 1 suffered so that 1 feit badlv ail the rime. 1 had been working in a factory but for a long ime was flot able to work as 1 was so run-down andi riervous. My friendri told me of the \'igeahlc Conipourad. 1 amn now sou nd . ad weil and have gone hack ro work. 1 have a good apperire, mv color is good and 1 an in gîod spirit-,."- A jae, reiable reoulag i hitr Irî (J I ,I îfl iicîbu h a mcedcine. Solil in tii c - d.ifi inneso on i h' o e tc- f trîùgth-No. 1. 5j1 f or iC ,, 1 l, nt( ,w . ,8;N. 3, , ûrz.Pt.ùo-incvs miiiirhi havo heon inentian r-epa.phlet. A d Jr et - th(' A ct woulil scirely bave heen 'THE COOK MEDICINE CO.,scncI r ia sooN.coreIw1c~ It is nat overhurdeneel with de- twro, ci, VisU1 vis<<ig <heprtiL Mr. and Mes. W. S. Haw, rendereda beautiful vocal sole ai the P ark. St. churceh service lasi Sunday evening. Boîb tht music and words were Df, Miss Haw's own composition. Sev-' oral more sacred selections have aI-> s0 been composed by tliis talenteil' young -musiciaa eevealing a rare gif tI along ibis lino of work. hi Wiil Reieve a Cold.-Colds arel the commonest ailments of mankindi and if neglecteil may lead ta soriousi conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclecteic Oil will relieva tht branchial pas - sages of inflammation speedily andi tlioroughly and wiIl sirtngtben tbem j against subsequeni attack. And as 1 i tases the inflammation it -will us- ually stop tht cougli because it a]- laya tht irritation in the tbroat. Try it andl prove il. 1 Bladcier Weakness l Wrecking Health of Thousands A big peecentae--some cîam two out of ibret-of mon and wom- on ofif ature years are troubled with Bladdieir andl Urinary Weakness, causinz Backaches, Headaches, Ner-, froquent nigbt risings and burinig irritatioîns throughout the day. These conditions not only nînke life miserable, but ibey sap cjuently lbailta masi painful opera- l ions. in an efritcî swiftly relieve and! coilfir' <"en theicmost obstinate an<l distr(ýscing of these cendiit.ions, a welI knîî'wn physician offers the val- ue oif 'Ur;talab," a treaiment ho bas uc-od for a-ver 40 yeaîrs. IDIr. Siiutbw,nlbh's ,"Uratabs" cuoni plain ..ealo<l packages containing 1(0 ilays' treatnîent-and al ivho neoul icuch an meiicine are invited ta iry it at oince a'ithiiut ,;Iightest risk of cast unIes' -pIonaild with resulis. Any go<i< drtrggisl, wili s9uppîy y-ou on a biniirg guaianîoe of satisfaction or rnoney back on first box purcia.sed. (I j YOU CAN WIN Yen can do as muchi as you think you can, But you'll nover acoouphili more; If you're afraid of yourself, young man, There's littlt for ysou i store For failure coqnes from the inside first. It',, there if we only kneîw it. And you can win, thîough you face the worrt, If you feel that y.ou're going te do it. -Edgar A. Gueei. TE I:~ Verily, April lias betn a manth of' amilas and tears so far. Indoor decorating, autdoor paint-. ing and impro-vemenis are now ob- servable about tewn. Ainy Ileadache -Sick -Nervous Relleved by Zutw r0 Q tJ.4~L.Irv' --'p TUE DURANT "40" DE LUXE SEDAN DU AN T Establishes New Standard Among Fours Red Seal Continental Motos' Begdax Four - Wbeel Brakes Morse Sileist Timing Chain, Full Force Feed Lubricatio,, Passenger Cars Fours and Sixes front $675 to $2095 I.o.b., Leaside, Ont. Standard Factory Equipmen: Taxes Extra < 7HE new Durant Forry open the door to immensely greater J satisfaction chan has previousiy beca available i the four- cylinder field. You cannot fully realize the truc worth orf the thoughtfully improved Durant models . . . (cither in the four or six-cylinder stries) . . . until you sic in their comfortable scats and then test them in motion . . . at any spccd you like! Detailed description of Ai Durant modeis wiII be mailed to yoii on request . . . or becr stili . . . is obtainable near-by-at your local Durant dealcrs'. BtILT Dy DURAN.T MOTORS of CANADA L1MrrED TORONTro CANADA D) 2 N T THICKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA ONTARIO il IENDLY CO~oPER13,TION wvlh FAR\MER There is a spirit of' service ancd çopoperation about ti Bank of Montreal wlxich appeal strongly to our £armer.-customersi Yuare corclially inviteci to cal1 at this Bankaic discus.5 your fînancial problems wit the manager SJKOFMONTREAL Established 1817 'RiAl Asms uin excefs or à4870-000-004 's -ci - i.. H 41 RUGBtY TRUJCKS IN V, TON TO Il/, TON CAPACITIES - ý ..-,ýE six THE CANADIANI STATESNLIAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1929 p 1 -ýti P%ý.ý A- 10

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