With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOW.MANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1929. $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 17 Rummage AND Home-Made Cooking Sale ST. PAUL'S LECTUREROOM Saturday, Apr. 27 at 3.30 P. ni. Afternoon Tea will be serve-c. " Cinderella" An Operetta in thre scenes Opera House Bowmanville Friday, May 3 at 8.15 p. m. Reserved Seats 50c; Rush Seats 35c Tickets on sale and plan at Mitcbell's Drug Star-e .1. PUBLIC SCHOOLS CROWDED The large.st enroliment of pupils ion record is reported at the town pubile schoo]s, since the Easter termi started, with an attendance of 627.1 This bas necessitatd engaging an- other teacher bringing the staff up to 16 teachers. Miss Ada Bonner, Millbrook, who has had 7 years' I teaching experience, bas be-en added to staff at salary of $700 year. She is teaching Second B-ook lass of 24 pupils who are compe]led to uese the Board Room for a clams room owing to crowded condition of school. Headstrong Joan 3 Act Comedy Drama By Glen Echo Players of Osbawa OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Monday, April 29 at 8 P. M. Admission 25c Not How Cheap-But How Good Brigh ten.Up the Home Nearly every woman is in the midst of housecleaning. The home is getting its annual dlean-up. Then you think of bright- ening up the iooms. The first thing you think of is new curtains. SEE OUR NEW CURTAINS Curtain Nets, attractive designs ..............25e to $1.25 yard Curtains, niade-up, very beautiful ................$1.25 to $4.50 Draperies for side curtains, great variety ...90e to $2.25 yard NEW FROCKS--CAPTIVATING STYLES Competing for your admiation in this timely display are frocks unlike any you have seen before. Original in their in- spired lines, light in mood, gay in their vivid colorings. The styles are ide al for afternoon, dinner and evening events. Each an outatanding value. Our display of Ladies' Spxdng Coats have been the talk of the town for style, materials and values. SPECIAL VALUES IN LINGERIE Silk Bloomers $I.00 Vests to match 90e Printed Rayon Silks, new patterns ..........$1.00 to $1.50 yard Silk Hosiery, all shades ...................................75e to $2.00 New lot of Silk and Kid Gloves just received. MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT A very substantial growth in this branch of our business was experienced the past yeaii. This increase we attribute to the large assortment of dependable clothing and furnishings kept in stock. In the first place the goods must be good, the styles correct and sold at value giving prices. Let us prove to you that it is in your best interests to buy your clothes here. MIL' Our Store Policy: Couch,Jçihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvilllo Phone 104 Limited i TYRONE IN THE SEVENTIES 1 NEW SUPT. 0F WATERWORKSi TOWN COUNCIL APPROVES 1 LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE 1 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME From Tom Brown'& School Days- Takes Over Hia Duties in Important i jMi. and Mrs. James Milligan and and Hia Brother's. Civ-ic utilities' Department Estimated Damage From RecentI children, Oshawa, were week-end (Writen pecallyfor he tate- 1Flood to Roada WîiI Be Over $45001 guests of Mr. L. S. Dumas. (Wrttn peialy orTh Sata- There is no individual in the cata- 1____ Mr. and Mis. Fred Osborne, Mrs. -man by Rev. S. Gorley Brown of gory of a public servant in a small Two special meetings of council l E. M. Osborne, Toronto, spent Sun- Richmnond, Que.) town whose actions are criticised have been he]d to consider urgent day with Mrs. W. H. Osborne. A few years ago, there appeared, more than the Town Engineer. With~ busins. Mr. and Mis. W. 0. Wright, Col- in the columns of The inforniaf, a the resignation of F. C. Palmera- By-law was passed authorizing is borne, spent Sunday with Mesmr. mstrinfteeion a n ay ie thisly r thew C, oîldosue of debentures amounting to Neil Mutton and W. Claude Ives. hisoryof he ionerig dys f cîedwisly r ohrwseta o1$118, 118.29 for local improvement Mr. and Mis. Herbert Goddard, Tyrone and the community of whichlaway with the title 'Týown Engineer'.I work done last year. Toronto, spent Sunday with lier par- it la the centre. It gave a vivid His dutxes were divided into two I picture of the industrial, social and Positions, that of Road Foreman Mayor, Deputy-Reeve and Clerk ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus BLounsal. éreigiuslif o tht dstictatan with AIf. H. Dickeîl in charge, and were instructed to interview Long & You will miss a lot if you don't erl g lfe of thatedistic t ato the other, Superintendent of Water-1 Daly, Tornto, re debenture issue, attend "Red Acre Fanm" on F'niday eryaeof ihe ts omexitne tt works, who will have charge of the Waterworks Coin. was ordered to in the Opera Bouse. Orono always ýpoe;of th coi uglhc edo the%0or and sewerage dis- put sewer on Elgin St. in shape to presents a good play. pineer dsm; of coae whieb soeldn posai system. ' make road passable. The many friends of Miss Eliza- knmew, d ndismay of os which oe James M. Kennedy who was ap- Roads & Streets Coin. was author- beth Painton will -be glad to know the joys and sorrows, the toils and pointed to the latter psoition took ized to repair large culvert in Jack- that she is home and is recovering plesueswhchgav a'vrid ueover bis duties on April lOth. Mr. man's Road at an estimated cost of nicely from bier recent operation. to eue wb of lite a vh rimithu Kennedy has b-een a resident Of $700. Other emergency road work 'The Statesman staff are very daysof narlya ceturya ve Hespeler for past 10 years, the last due to fiood was ordered repaired. grateful to Mr. and Mrs. -E. J. IaI ofx neaîly a century ago. Itr wss beautifully realistic, simple and s' er en Sp.o ae~ Owing to bridge at MacKay's Mnill Doidge, Saleefn, for a basket of ap- dirctinnaratveand evidently told works and Town Foreman. He. on Base Lin-e being washed away ples. Tbey are very firmn and of diroe i onarastiv etovdcomes here w-ell recornmended ns alcontract for new bridge was awarded fine fiav-or. Thn! bym h on e ws not 'far desr ed. capable and efficient workman. to Ontario Bridge Co. at $2766. Spe- Mr. nd M s . S enl h v Mr.Kenedyis naiveofaen cifications caîl for 50 ft. span (10 ft. returned from spending the winter There were 'no social organiza- fast, Ireland, but bas îesided in Can-' longer than old bridge), 14 ft. wideaAin.oubarla.weehe tions nor institutions, sucb as there ada for 27 years. When war brokel covered with 3 inch plank, excavate weAne outshof brosin, Mi. ande are now, apart fîomn the Cburcb, in out bie enlisted witb the Welland old abutments and rebui]d same with wers R. s. Mcflie uinsM.n those days. The Ch-urcb was the Canal Protective Force. In 1916 ble- 10 ft. wing walls, job to lie cern- MrR . W eLyS lteincialo centre of ail community life and the enlisted at Gaît wtb lu1th Southi plete ready for traffic. 'tChr.esCSlegt,Pisipeo oî's keen instinct for the real and accompanied overseas and te. fe cosdrb onovsy t.ChaisClegthswl, viatl, fha t hustoey, ith a atbfact fhs dtnloBtalioan wihunAtr cosdral otîvr and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Salter, Osh- Btan i aye, SingTm ws-d awa, were guest.s of their cousins, story round the lite and activities France wbere lie served for over tw for 5 months, froni April 28tb to M.adM.Hrl lmno ofth to hu~bs f hevilae.years. He received a bad gun shot, Septecuber 29th. Vote resulted: Sunday. wýound in lft arm and le-g and Yeas-R.tehder, Edger, Thickson, (Continued on page 9) rigbt foot whicb landed bu t* Gibbs, Bunner; Nays-Mayor Elliott, Miss Rilda G. Slemon's many Bligbty whe-re lie wss still in lies- Carruthers, James. friends will be pleased to leain she ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH ptal when armistice wss declared.s Dr. W. H. Birks, M,1H,0,, recoin- bas sufficiently recovered from her Mr. Kennedy la a modest looking mended dumping ground on Ontario recent operation in the General Celebrates 95th Anniversary of man and appears Vo be very happyStreet be cleaned up and only allow Hospital, Toronta, te lie removed te and entb-usiastic about bis work Fra- ashes to b-e put there. Referned te hier sister's home, 57 Hvenewood Pretbyterianism in Bowmanyille ternallsm bas not asserted itself ini Roads & Streets Comn. Ave., and is now making a good re- him foi he la not a meniber of anyj _____ covery. The anniversar3r services of St. lodge. In religion bie is a Presby-j Mi. and Mrs. 'B. Y. Haddy and Andrew's, Preabyterian Cburcb beld tenia,. At present lie is b.oarding B. H. S. LITERARy SOCIETY Betty, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy on Sunday, Apx'il 2lst were weil at- witb Mn. and Mis. John Mcjntyre, adJcM.adMs lxHid tende andemoatserce aulin eey Churcb St., but will later bring his Splendid Musical Progra. Bringa and Wesley and Miss Agnes K. w5a Thesesrvic esbymare h wife and five childien (2 boys and 3 Successful Season te Close Haddy, Toronto, spent the weekend 95h nnvesay f nebyeianism gis) ta tawn as soon as hie can se-____ with M.adMs .A ad n incBiwmavill ead the liebyera ol cure a bouse. At the Higb Scbool Lîterary Soc- celelbrate their mother's birthday lecion wil eabl th Prabyenins Already tbe new Supt. bas instal- iety meeting on Thursday, April 18,1 on Saturday evening. to coniplete paying for the church led several water services in town the Glee Club presented a splendid 1Mi. and Mis. H. F. Hutchison, wbicb they bave occupied for only and la' now. busily occupied in Over- musical program and concluded a 1Mis. Fred Treibilc.ock anld son Fred, four years. bauling the disposaI plant. very siiccessful year's work underi and Mr. Artbur J. Trebilcock, Tor- Rev. John Lindsay, Wbitiby, - the direction of Mn. Francis Sutton.. onto, Mi. and Mis. Norman Hanley preacbed two excellent~ sermons. Bis YOUTHFUL AMBITION REAUJZED' One houî practices eacb week have and Jean of Peterboro, spent Sunday subject in the morn'ing was "How _____ben heldsince November. with their mother, Mms. P. C. Trd>il- man can bonour Ced", and in the New Memii.. of Police Force Crosses Thie meeting opened witb a chor- cocli, *ho on T'uesday, April 23rd, evening "Wha-It necoxn9,n' an re- Dominion te Satisfy Desire te bc us by the sobool, "Oh Canada." The celebiated her birthday. seieros weîe onin g trutho Policeman. programn congisted of quaritets and Mr. and Mis. C. B. Kent, Mis. H. semnswrecnidïp ___f____s yte lba flos- . Br and Mr. James Devitt vere Vhs gospel' deliveîed -lh an iinpres- Every boy at certain stages in his, Quartet, "Boy Camn1- Leave Thee?" in Toronto Monday evening attend- sive and fniasteily manner and were life expresses a desire te f oîîow some Ether Wallace, Ellenor Sykes, Har- ing a senior recital att1h. Toronto true examples of eloquence wbicb occupation or profession when bel old Slemon, Wallace Hein, ajecomp- Conservatory Of Music given by tiie bas marked the Presbyter'ian Chuieh "gnows up", lie it an engineer, doct- anied by Derothy Rowe; Glee Club, pupils attending thia popular nati- througli the ages. or, street car conductor, miniâter, "The Low-.Sacked Car", secompau- tution. Mr. Jacki Kent, piano ">Pli The choir under the able leader- policeman or menchant. ' ed by Marlon Slemon; "Oh Susan- of Mi. Vigo Kihl, received a very shipof M. KE. Lgan provded Gorden tBlackweil of Revelstoke, nala", accompanied by Marlon Rick- heaz'ty reception and a.pplause and sbi o M. R E Lgan piviedaid' "When you and I weie Young", was iecalled twice. The whele pro- special music. Mise Margaret AI-. B. C., eanly in the 20th century accompanieci by Kenneth Morr'is; gram was pîonounced excellent by lin Wbo sssisted the choir in the tbought b.i would 1ike te lie a police- morning sang "Love Neyer Failetb" man, but the fit job b-e ackled af- qatt, "At Pierrot's Door", Marlon, those attending. Winnifred and Stanley Riekard, very ixpressively. In the evening ter leaving-scbool was being a print- Clare Allun, accompan-ied by Douglas Mr. Logan in splendid voice sang ei's devil in The Reveistoke Revierw.! dis ieCu Lv' l we OE' AÂINCU "Open the gates of the Temple". But atickfig type, ,wallowng ïn Adnm', GaeCc ubmpanie hy ohn Jury;ENSCAADA CU lakink, running presses andt The Nightingale", accompanied by M»'. (Rev.) Geo. Ma*om Elected sweeping floors in a newspapei office tne ________________________ Stanlecy. Itckard, ',Funieul.4FVnî- Proeident for. Coming Year - did't eetthwyoug ld'.fany.cula". accompanied by Marion Gi-e-en;- Se seven yeaî5 ago lie said good-bye quartet, "Stars of the Suanmen Women's Canadian Club met (a te kus family and staited out te sa* Niglit",DrtyAln rt olrTiiyUie he .S this great and vast dominion land.DîtyAuGeaPlad riiyUie hoc .5 o Roy l heare ing eventually in Port ?.erry. Bere Robent Corbebt, Kennetii Morris, un- on Monday afternoon. Mbter h TLePluse u scuid psiton t gineaccempaniied; Glas Club, "lSweet and regular <pening exericises, tes, won ,vrad-e onthelart atat ofH. . W accompanied bY Hilda served by the mnembexs from Nie- ProeteT16o Fiseston laig Brown; 'When they ring the Golden castîs. A deightful musical pro- Phot.giaye yers aeri c am e Vii. cal elis", accompanied by Robeit Cor- gram vas given, consiating ef plafte roeasCouple yer ae am h alt bett; National Anthem. slsb isMn.MMssr îu ~ g.the rîlt lg toOs swa et ly ~ At the conclasleoi of the prograin, and vocal solos by Mis. (Dr.) Ras- ___________________ ig t Osawah-ebecame a lng Mr. W. B. Coucli, Chairnian Itigh mnan, accompanïed by Mis. M. A distance patrolman witb the Bellj eo Telephone Co., then a linernan and I&e 1o Board, expressed hie appre- Neal. The secretary, Mis J. H. B. truck driver witli the saine fi ciation of the varions numbeis and Jury, gave a coniplete and interest- Friday-Saturday, April 26-27 About two yeais 8<0o the urge for a suggoeted that the. concert be given ing report on the past yeaî's activi- Junior Cogbian and Louis larger pay envelope gripped thi in the Opera House. ies. Woèiheim In young Canadian and hle secured ams- # on Election et officers resulted as ploynient in the paint shop at the on people will present "Red tollows: Pnesident--Mm'. (aev.) "SQUARE SHOULD£,RS" General Motors. Acre Faim" i-n Opera Bouse, Friday Geo. Mason; Bec. Secretaiy-Mrs. Desplard by Vthe boy b.e adoed- Here lie remnained until two weeks evening. Seats reserved at Mitch- J. H. H. Jury; Cor. Secretary-1Misu uhmdt di i aent- ago wben thaît youtbful ambition te ell's. I. K. Smith; 'Pressurr-Mis. F. F. h.e forsook a lite et crime to make beconie a real >oliceman again CifadMs .R oe n ors xetv-4r.M .V himself woîtby et bis son's id-eal. wrestled witbhlmir as bie read the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hilbo.ck, Toron- Gould, Mis. J. O'Neil, Mis. C. Ar- Tbe finest steny of love and advt "Policeman Wanted at Bow- bo, Mi. Jas. Arnistrong, Osbawa, thur Cawker, Mrs. D. R. Monnison, sacrifice ev-en scneened. manvill" easerdteav pent Sunday wîtb Mr. and Mis. R. Mrs. (Dr.) W. B. Binks, Mis. T. W. i ad was selected as the man. Some B. Armstrong, IMaple Grove. Cawker. Matinee Satunday afternoon at m<zht say lie sacrifice<j a job whicb - 2.30 p. m.. Gbldren 5c. aeant tw-ice the salary h-e was te re- Chapter 5 of ceive on the police force. But i "«The Mystery Rider" 'his case it wasn't the money whicb' apreil-d 'o mgn so mucli as tbe and regular piograna tbought of liecoming a policemanI Now it's Policeman Blackwell of P roc la m an tL -- FE;wmanville Police Dept. He bas Monday-Tuesday, April 29-30 been on the force since Apnil 8Vb as T"e D1 Clr o na pa-inclothesmnnand bas rendered T ow nl OfI ow ma lvillIe Clan B-o Inexcellent service Vo the satisfaction "THE WILD PARTY" )'f bi- superior officer, Chief S, You remember ber in "Wings" Venton, and the Police Committee.1 and "The Fleets In" hene abe is The police court records show b-e bas once again in bier greatest pict- Icbe-cked ni> several. speed artists wbo A L G T S V N ure since "lt" See Clara making persisted in going 35 miles or bete Wboopee in bier îat.est picture it along King St., as well as another' That it is the intention of the Manufacturing In- wil mae yu fel s i yo weeindividua] who violated the Liquor . wail ae inO"TeeW5i YPUrty" Control Act. dustrie-g of the Town of Bowmanville to adopt tain aî i Th Wl Prt" Officer 'Backwell donned bis uni- DalgtSvn ie uigtesm e Lon s form Tuesday for the first time and algtSvn Tiedrgth su m ots looks every inch of hlm a nian who of 1929, and by a desire of the sehools of the said Wed.sdy-TursayMay14 will do bis duty wîtbout fear on fav- Town as waspresented to the Couneil of 1928 Wednàida-Thuaday May1-2 i- -or. C7ýýMP à tteman