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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. APRIL 25Vh. 1929. LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS THE EVILS 0F LIQUOR NINE WONDERS 0F I BATF OMNI M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., 13-D. We lay no dlaim ta being an or- Briefly But Effectively Stated GRATritingAUIY OW AVIL Barrister, Solicitor, Natary chardist but are fond of apples and IIn om bondon to theaFen- a e f Mony t Jan n FrmandTon bliee harfe faihe ue aplsj he at FrnkHanly, former ancial POst, Herbert N. Cassion re- the Hortieultural Society. Extend Property. Royal Bank Building, as extensively as they should. Dur- Governor of Indiana, in an indiet- viows the "fnine wonders of British its influence. Nobody has much Bowmanvilie. Phone 351. ' and Ontari comprise the chief ment gave the following reasons why efficiency" in support of his thesis to gain by it except ourselves and ~. R. TRIKEcoute non ft rovince's hie hated the liquor business: that "Great Britain is stili far ahead our visitars. The beautifying of W. R. STRIKEfinlest apple prducing disticts. We I bear no malice toward thiose of ail other countries in most of the home surroundings is a mark of civ-, Successor to laie D. B. Simpson, K.C. have n doublt, purpose in giving a engaged in the liquor business, but 1 matters that create a solid prosper- ilization. Primitive man doels no- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Talk a: this season on apples. First,,- late the traffic. ity."1 thing tio his surroundings that does1 Soliitor for Bank of Montreai becaw.e we desire to tOpress on al haite it every phs. not mar their natural beauty and Money to Loan Phone 91 housewive.s the great value of ap-1I These nine which Mr. Casson, a make them unsightly. The older a Bowmanviile, Ontario pe nteda! ea n i olshaei o tsargne nadian and a former Manitoban, civilhzation the more lovely its homes ~re~eciv ~ hocoprseth 'I hale it for its commericalism; dlaims as the highest point of human and their surroundings a re. It is W. F. WARD, B. A. faînUlY. adultS or peopie ori for its greed and avarice; for its achievement in their own line is a culture thal takes time. There îsj Barrister, Solicitor, Not.ary both. Be it knovii hat an averageisordid love of gain at any price. hae yteMdn bk. Tinoimt ls Aevrnenws,! Money to loan. Bonds for saie. sze{l orange yie1ds a littie greaterj1 "lI hate il for its dominatLon ofi bank, the largest in the world, bas many human beings can become Sol Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,' food value than an apple, but two i politics; for its corrupting influence deposita of £2,000,000,000 and assels accustomed to bareness and ugliness Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone:- averaze .sized apples gýve a greatin civic affairs; for its incessant ef-I of £2,200,000,000. It is one of the as flot to be pained by them. Office 102; House 409. d1a more food value than one such; fort to debauch the suffrage of the British "Big Five," one of wbieh is orange. W e now pay 60 cents a country;- for the cowards it makes of Barclay's. Let anyone pass through eur good dozen for oraneo ie et ahi ulcmn old town from North to South, from butfiv cets uy nre hantwj ~ ~ t fr u uterdiaegad ondon Stock Exchange, an inter-~ East to West, with one eye open for DENTAL i appe' ns 1: is a rethat ppleslof teaw for its uthletraminegaof ecutiesalorganization, lista 4,000 what is beautiful and the other for contain more food value per unit of, t oflemn omacts tls rln of constiutions as against, for instance, what is unlo'vely. Both eyes will DRcG .-ONYASL than other Canadian fruit.l New York's 1,100. flnd much to see. He will find that Hoorgrdal l en..ry ornti* '. I hate it for the lbal il stralis to igreat ipoe tcf ul essmad Hoorgrdut i Dntsty Troto labor's back; for the palsied hands il LIOYd's, the famous maritime ex-Ibthme rmoa University. Craduale of the Royal! Can we froni the foregoing facts1 ytemr eoIlo sIs n College of Dental Surgeons of On- flot :mpress on our women readers.1gives the toilers; for ils wounds to change, is unique, standing as it hast unsightîy abjects. How can we get tario. Office King St., Bowmanville.! this potent fact, then, that cons'ider- mgnîus;for e trgedes f t fo gbtgnrtosan tl an it done? If we had more than 1000 Office phone 40. House phone 22.! ing the food value found in apples ih-avbes rcls tog members in the Horlicultural Soc- X-Ray Equipment in Office. they are positively one of the cheap-ý Il lhate it for the human wek The Daiiy Mail finds a place with iety, instead of less than 100, these est and most bealthful foods cobtain- i it has caused. lita 2,000,000 copies a day circula_ memibers through their own interesl DR. J. C. DEVITT lable at usual current prices. Then, I hate il for the almshouses ili tion. ol okatas Assistant Dr. E. W. Sissan l thD};e w-ho dlaim ta know tell us ap.- peoples; for the prisons it fils, for frain Graduate of Royal Dental College, 1 Pies are very rich in mineraI niatter' the insanity il begets; for its count-, The despatehing room of the Mid-1 Tornto Ofic, KngSt.Eat, Bow- and vitamines and at the samne lime Iess graves in potter's fields. land raiiroad is cited. Here trains The Society wiil help you t d manile. Offcehors9 a m -t1a e ocf the best laxative foods "Ibeitfrhemnarunt run 300 miles without a sto n - beautiful things ta your surround ô p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonel abtairiable. imýposes upon ils victims; for its no other ooyuntry are there so few ings at a minimum of expense. Tbere 90- House phone 283. Everyboody is familiar with tihe oid spiritual iblight; for ils moral de- accidents. The entire Midland are members in aur society rich lu X-ayEqipen l Ofie. maxim: "An apple a day keeps tbe;gradatîan. railroad is operated £rom this single knowledge and experiencýe who are docorawy,"an i bsedcr sie- " hteit orthfcimecie.m-room. wiliing to heip you in your efforts. R. E. DINNIWELdLisbase reoinsi Il is e r fthe hecimels; orht-e raes hiy1d f Join the Horticultural Society and DR. R.EîINIEL ýific facîs, for the admitted rao1is o h oe tdsry;fr h he raetsiyrso by co-operative effort help make, Honor graduate of Toronto Univer. À that apples farm one cf aur very i the hearta it breaks.thwrdae nhe riihsesjomaviemrebuifl sity and member of Royal College of be-t bealth foods. Another ,,,,nl1 1 thate it foretie maliceiitspants at Glasgow, Newcasmoeeand Belfasl Dental Surgeons. Licensed tai why apples are so useful in the homo, in the hearîs of men; fori' is poison,!i The Belfast yard is now building for practise in Ontario and the Dominion. J is the great variety of ways they can for its bilterness, for the Dead Sesl the White Star line a ahip that wili Dentiîr in aIl ils branches. Office- be seî-ved and enjoyed. Just think1 fruit with whicb il starves their! beat al pre'vious records ilor length CUTS CURRIE COUNSEL FEESj Kig St., Bowmanville, oppositIof the deliciaus desserts that can be _____lantonag. Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. Inmade from heallb-giving and most 1 htand tonnage.f t auss Reduced from $11,500l to $3,350 _ _._ _ _ poparftadthe womanhood-tbe scaiding tears, the Two factories came seventh and i hps eerd the stanpeplspra eigblb-Carreras and Cad'bury's; Taxing master, J. T. MscGilivrsy, MEDICAL 1ý oe eerd h tage sia and uinth is the undergrun stion K. C., of Osgoode Hall reduced the C. . LEMNM.D, M. A popular leacher of householdi tions, ils burden 'of wanl and care. at Piccadilly which leads ta w ub bill of cosîs filed for laxing by W. C. W SLEON, .D.,C.M. economics-Aiice Stevens, B.S.- 'I l se il for its beartless cruely vays that run 1,500 trains a day. N. Tillcy, K.C., in canneclion witb Graduate of Trinity Medical College, gives Ibis iist of use,, to which apples 1 ta the aged, the inflrm, and the help-j tbe Sir Arthur Currie libel suit Toffieonto fRmesidefce, Dr. Beth'an put: i iess; for the sbadow il throwis uponj Mr. Casson affirmns that these are against W. T. R. Preston and F. W. formerandResidencenCDrc. Stet, Appies can -be scrved raw, in saî-ithe lives of cblîdren; for its mon-i only a few of the things he eouldWisnPotH efrm$150t Bowmanville. Ptaone 259. 4tads baked, stewed, in puddings, in tosijslet lmeeaitljnm silutaigbspitta $3,350 plus $2,525 for expenses of pie .sada plsac. Acpo ones." there is life, in the aid girl yet, and the triailand dishursements te wit . CLARK BELLiesaa applesauce. 0 A utck m _________________ that the only place wbere Britain is nesses. Strong protesta wetc egis- M..,ChB, .RCS. <dn) OPHi il _aoumaesi mise behind some other countries, whicb tered aI the action cf the Master, (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) sud makes it keep better. To add hardest of these factors ta cantroh.Je does "ot name, is in advertising who declined to vary bis decision. Gdt in Meicine, Ab applesauce in this manner, lb is nec- lun recent years they have been de- erseif. M.W .Tlo a one o fions. Gradus e i eicn, er-l essary t(> omit milk or other liquids.Jlnanding and receiving "spray ser' Sir Arthur Currie in the action deen University; Feilow of the Royal- l dsit vice" ta aupplemeut the spray cal- INTEEDTR AL I brougbt against Mr. Preston and College of Surgeons, Edinburgh1I twing apples we may deir endar. Spray service aia b lime I H DTRSMI Mr. Wilson, wbicb occupied two OfieadResidence, Queen St theni to keep thib apeo we myteapiaino pa ihr- eba ime at the Supreme Court Bowmanvilie, Phone 89. .%vish the apples to 'break up and be lle ppiîonh sagf pry vpth re- .P.IlrrCovrBrAt OfleHus;2t . n,6I g; .m he appiesauce wbich is ai-ways as- lto atesaee eeomn e.J .IerCoe aAl. Sittings here lasI Aprîl. OffceHous:2 o 4P.m..6 a .30P.m.saciated wilb roast park. Te make cf the parasite, instead of depending writes: Enclosed please find postai W. H. BIRKS, M.D. I the apples break up, they are cookcd on the stage cf developmnenî of the note for subscription 10 the Old1 The $2,525 for expenses of the OffceHors:1 a ad 7ta8.0 wib atr,'bu n sga, uti sftfruit 'buds alone. Nol al comn1117- Home Letter. 1 regrelta osee Ibat trial, included the casîs of the seiec- OfficeHours 1 to4 and7 to .30. vith aterbut n suga, untl sof. IiwillBrn1 hk dlionI ofl looetspecfiahisjuryl juy ichihwere Telephone 108.Then they are slirred ('a fork i.z ilies or individuai fruit growers are Bso Betbs(id Office and Residence: Dr. Haziewood's besl) untiii broken mp, and the sugarabelmkeodusafprye-frthtruetahm yu av very beavy. The cmpanelling of a former resîdence, Wellington Street, is then added, anid the cooking con- y1ce. Ouly those who fully apprec-î promised ta publisb. He bas been speciai was done upan request of Bowsnvll. ' tnue fo af e mnuts.iate the ubree esseulials aud wbo a really great man-a worid figure Sir Ar hur Currie's Caunsel. It is~ Bowmnvile.tineoraewhe inupes.kep hbave as wveli a sort cf seuse cf the -a great credit nol merely te Dur- understood that sometimes tle costi DR. V. H.heSTOREY cfethiugs, DR. . H.STORsh-ape, a syrup of sugar and water o hns or as it bas been ham and Canada but also 10 our of selection of such a jury is borne Office bours 2 to 4 sud 6 t a 8 P. m.I is hoiled as in preserving lime. The calc<j. appîe growing mentaliîy, can humanity. Kindest regards t0 the'by the Counlies, 'but in Ibis instance After 8 p. m., by appoin'm,nt oniy.j apples are added ta thi.s. They do Use ilte advanlage. Senior Editor. I am deligbted to Hon. Mr. Justice Rose, the presid-j Exception-Office wili be open 9 to inul 'break up 'because the sugar bar-i We do not kuow bow mîîch f4 .i sec weekly evidences in bis wide1 ing Judge, assessed the costs against 10 Saturday night. 36-tfl deus tbe cellulose of the apple. Taik is uew to our readers, but wel hman interests sud power. jtihe defendants. DR.R.W. *A feit thal the prescrit is a very good- DR.R.W. LAK Our second reason is for -men: As, lime 10 have a talk wth our farmer Physician & Surgeon wetae1boghordsrc we~ frien<ls ou the orchard probleins they Office-Division St., Bowmanvill e. j canuot b ut observe bow very shame- miust face for profil la appie culture. O f f c e o u r - 3 o Ts ur7 ai9 p . m.Un i t e du d o e r rour ci bha x iu1s a b oelT lkm a'n yl t yerT eha r mr(n x taorTent y n i t d C u r b ) u I y m n y r c a r d a r n eoet c dcI i s a c i n i d e c e h a t a f e r h e ourOp %ue.Asys by appointment oaly. weeds, the trees ful cf suckers saip- Advocate cf London, one dollar a Phone 241 ping the vitality Ibat sbould go ta year, issue cf April 18, came to 465-tlthe produclivity of the trce. In- baud cenlaining almost a page of deed, ou many farms the orchard "Pointers Galbercd ai the Spray DR. D. M. CAMPBELL appears 10 i}e the most ueglectoed Service Confercuce at Simcoc "-a 191 Oakwood 'Ave., Torona'to part. page worîb maay dollars ta bbe av- to f n u h EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Has il cveir occurred 10 farmers erage archardisl witb five te ten Bowman House. B&owmanville. 2-tf' livestock in comparison with theiriService is bigbly rccommended, and orchard? Orcbsrds can tbe given 1 statiug Ibat weatber conditions DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS care, trealment sud neceesary seas- resily delermine the exact -tue for onal attention thar. wiil make them sprayîug. The importance of cov- The Physicians of Bowmanville1 a pro4itable asset arnu'ally, possibiy eriug every particlle cf the trce witb have agreed 10 close their officesfyieiding more profit than auy other ta flue spray is strongly emphasized Fnl I Wednesday aflernoons. In Case Of single brancb cf agriculture. But and trees musI te pre.perly fertiliz-- emergency at Ibis lime enquire of proper attention must 'be given and j d, pruued and sptayed. The -north the bospital or telephone oprto a familiar knowledge must tic pos- shore of Lake Ontario is specialized for a doctor. isessed of the differeut treatm ents among the best apple districts. E. i preseut day orchards, require. E. Palmer, Director of Viaeiand Ex-j IWc are very weli aware tbat a.p-I perimental Station, prefers sod cul-- pie growers bave their own problems. bure for orchards with a muleb underPL Y CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS Tbey must combat diseases and tbe bbc trees aud special fertilization ta THEROPY various inseet pesta, but if tbey aI- care for plant food aeeds, some "ils DURWIN E. STECKLEY tend the apple growers' annuel con- requiring nitrate of soda la promote onrgautofTrnoCleeventions aud consuit the agriculture . youug trec growth. - of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- representative tbey can learu iranyi Seven varielies of apples were Manville Office Tuesdsy, Thursday1 practicai tess~ons about apple culture' recommendcd 'by P. W. Hodgetts, and Saturday evenings, phone 14îJ for profit, also from tbe farm papers Director of Fruit Brauch for Ontar- Reaidential calîs made durng fore- sund magazines. io-Melba, Fameuse, Melutosh, the non * best dessert apple grown, Deliciaus, fao.1 Successfui apple growers tell Us Rbode Island Grcening, Golden Rus- 1 - thal quality apples cannot ho grewn 1 set, No rîberu Spy asat -but not leasl. I 'with,)ut the protection against in-: He mcutioued Newcastle district as>- FUNERAL DIRECTORS I seet' suad diseasc afforded hy a well- favorable 10 Russet. F.F ORSC.planu ed sud carefully oxecuted No Canadian farm home shculd F. . ORRS O.sprayîug program bas, corne ta o cihe wilhoul The Farmer's Advocate. - Complele Motor or reogized as axiomatic. Iu Ibis Horse EquipmeInt. cuta.- in moat otiher apple sect- AIl calîs promptly tions. scah is recoguized as the wvorstl 1BI"LDING MATERIALS attended ta. 1 of the fungu.s diseases. Auîong the' Private Ambulance. ins-ecLts, orcbardists in some p)arts,. i-r-- îî:rgaiu Book of tiîiiliug N1at-r- Bowmarîville pbone : w-e are tlhave tb fight lu partilc- ZItt 1 n-w îîîîîîîng, I r:îiOns. at 1 0 s d 3 4 . u la r th e c ü d li g n m th . E u r o p e a n r ir,( d - >:îî r i i, ýw b î o oîc in s i îî, a 1I î t o nf,-r 'bonair. u îîook iraîs nriittorI.floor- ate (,f !e-:aliand ti -i- ihale ai-e naturat juices-steadies the nerve- Itan ha ens uc nte fund inoer Iand d gion tht îefiîne .ia-eiie. iadgeto.essure and convenience of driv- ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ _ 0 ne inv. t, lîr- d i i nulsimcd area M otor C a« . W e know you iw EARN 6.00 TO 10.00 A DAY oand mic- i ls r le o ,,,ed, the LearnandEaÀrn part i me Mn torMc5-h5fl. WI L les, gttery,WVelding,tlc-aîizi,îg, Iluaeîg e i cnizî'd sýanîlIarIao prou-it i eng Whx4 Brcklayini, lia-ccringj, iart-r- 4 pe'r cent <il ci,utetit.RilKM IneBemutyCulture Wor. . <.i fp.lîj,,s A writer iii Rural Nt-a - e 153 KING WEST.T uiINTO apple grawers bave rmteieýd the F'rt..mlovantSeri- Il, Clma 's.î I tbrc essentials meritioucd th-y lave' realzedt1mt tielieas as he!Phone Newcastle 3733. Xew TeleplIone Rates Cut your buis The reductions in long distance tele- phone rates made effective in Feb- ruary are accompanied by some irn- portant conveniences for subscribers. 25oFF at50% OF 703ppgat 53o/ Evening rates on station-to-station calis now begin at 7.00 p.m. with about 25%7 off the day rate. Night rates on station-to-station calis now apply from 8.30 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. with about 50%7 off the day rate. (The rninirnumn reduced evenig rate is 35 cents and the miAnimum night rate is 25 cents). and-You can reverse charges As an additional convenience you can now reverse charges on station-to- station calis where the rate is 25 cents or more. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA portunity DIFFERENCE k£ek of -- -.U T H 9 mÀpec iIGHT lve y.oureahze iag adv Intaes iome Hsnd drive iur"cI1 how and 'rc is plot tige C.orne in todav! NIII recognliz 1size cap-, not a Imn o>f SiZe and rshIjýdowý%s eV(:ry )rice. wiil reCognize dist i nc tiv e le and mariner, ignity flot to be ,priced cars. fi recognize Plymouth is typically Chrysler ini performance-s> swif t in trafhc, so eagcr on his, sa easy to contrai and so safe with oeatherproof initernai- expatndiig four.tvheel hydraulic brakes. We could Pack tbis whole page full of type telling why Plymouth is Sa vitally diffren-in style, quality, pet-f orm an ce, dependability and e COIMMY. But five minutes' inspec- tionî tollawed hy a brief drive wiII tell thic story far more graphically. That's the reason for Plymouth "Leal'-the-Dufference'" fortnight " ye ugyuttaeavna of this opportunity ta learn the ail- inclusive superiority of Plymouth -to sec it, experience it. Came in today! Get the facta! Se. us now-befare the bigevent is over. 244 DELINE Newcastle, Ontaaio PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATE&MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, APRIL 25th, 1929.

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