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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1929, p. 5

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e Ladies Are Invited To visit our store next Saturday when SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION PURE GOLD JELLY POWDERS will b. held. Corne in, see and try these jellies. Ail flavors- 4 packages for 25c. JUST BETWEEN OURSELVES Axe you busy housecleaniing? For an easy made dessert try Quick Pudding, chocolate or tapioca,......... 2 packages 25e That Special Offer of Langley-Harris Marmalade, 40 oz. jar at 30c, has certainly brought customers back for more. Only a few cases lef t. Salmon Cutiets, sliced.......................... 22c lb. Halibut, best quality............................ 25c lb. We have our fish fresh every Friday. Surprise Soap, 10 bars in a ýMarket Basket, Reg. $1.50 for $1 Our Maple Syrup has brought in many repent orders 65e wine qt; 75c Imperial qt. and you keep the jar. Spring Planting-select your toniato and cabbage plants. Book youx order early for onions. Government Tested Garden Seeds. F'resh Vegetables of ail kinds. Why carry your groceries when we deliver without charge. IiARRY ALUIN, Girocer BOWMAN VILLE ended. Rest ln peace. your work is done, Y.. are gone where those who loved you Wi il meet you one by one. Ever remembered by F'amlly.1 NICH-OLS-In loving memory of Clar- ence Walton Nichiois, only and dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Lestie Nichois. who departed this lite April 27, 1927, aged 12 years. We mourn the lose of one so dear. Our hearts are Sait to-day, To thlnk the one we loved so dear Was 50 quicklv called away. Our littie son, we think of you. And thixik of how you dled, To think you could flot Say good-bye Before you closed your eYes. The healvenly gates were open wide The loving voie said "corne". latheýr. Mother and Sister. AUCTION SALES Roey. E. A. Tonkins Furniture Sale ipostponed to Saturday, May 4. See list in at Statesman. Weclnesday, May lot-The furni- ture and household effects of the late iMrs. Richard Osborne including bed- rooni furniture, china cabinet, dining- roont suite, kitchen tove, litchen cabinet, kitchen utensils, carpets, garden tools, lawn mower, eatc., etc., will be sold at hier late residence, Wellington St., Bownianville. Sale at 2 p. m. W. J. Challis, Auction- eer. C. H. Mason, Clerk. MEN-HERE s YOUR OPPO)RTUNITY Drafting Auto Mechanies, Battery or Electricity, oilers you $30 to $90 weeik- iy. InexîîerienCed men quickly trained. Employmeflt secured. Practicai or home studY. Vritii. Free information Commercial Engineering Sciîools. Suite One 1Hundred, 57 Queen W., Toronto. 17-1 Arjticles For Sale FOR SALE-I Singer Sewing 'Machine ln gond condlition. Box 308, Bowman- ville. 17 -2W FOR SALE-Two chlck brooders, coin- iiiete, Aîîîy I'. W. l'attrick. corne'r Lib,- erty andl Wllington._ _ 17-1* FOR SALE-IProfit lorclî, 7 x 8. iiiîîi*î pa rt fliat; also on e n fr1 cera tor ril, may lie seen at t lb -ri-sidlince of 'r. A. Butller, Niecwisti-.. 7t FOR SALE-Chioico iayliiiî Cuthberts Raspberry Canles, $30f) viii hunilredl..Lairdi, I Maffle rove), Il It. i llowiiianville. Phione 76r2l . 16-12 RADIO FOR SL-'îi-ina,7_ tube, aill lielii. iw nacine,$1ï,0.00,i Appvly oi lit l% arage, Teiier- at-i i' ., ownaliviliî 16 -tf FOR SALE-Qiantit%* nf gond1 1 1iitoes (ilfor se-,,,I. Ci'ii(01 1 xnI 'titvarietiesi ,Ah- nsiiiinnor s-,i' real . .ilvfori. s Aîl l . 10 .. .q I )ojdz i, Il. l. 6, Itot inanvilie, i ilon,* 601,21 17-2îîi FARM MORTGAGE FOR SALE-1 i 67.201 aI n U, wli ericn, <iii,' îii.ii 1917. n ont-ni-tIi'li est zcT:Iltfrî x Parli nilon I on'iiiiî, w ii î- <l îpi For futilervirt tilroaiuy W.l' Drawo-r B.. IBonixanviiii, Ont. 1 - _FURNITURE FOR SALE-As i axani niovlnz oui nt f on i annifrina liv prva'al'.Ciijesi , rflili Suit e,Su Beu, W.,lntixîlxuoiQi.1'1'okn. Sto\,. ii'. ciîi'lip for <«sui. AîiîivW. Ilart,.Penier <liiiiviiandibelhrlî' <6l, 11<0< iaivill, 17-1w* Dress Designers ln bgreaxi -înirinil I Age17 1in441» x .1riiin. sii' . W' liavo ', îlcoîl nuit Graîlîxati Siiiexls 1h soxi n of lte lar-esi firtas iii tue clintry, t'et lis lu<vi\oii. if voix ar.' enrnln glesthxi $7p.f0 Il îex'wei k, st nillis yoîxr name anl i iir,'is an il 0 iiil -endilYOUoîx«tr 1,00k lei outlIinilrîeR il.slgns lan 4111i1 phIases. GRIAH-AM SCIIOOL 0Fr DE-* SIG-NINCI, 274 COLLHOE ST., TORON-. IrE CAINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1929. LOCL NDOTERiS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHSj RAZOR BL.ADES SHARPENED Rooms To Rent Lotsof un t OeraHoue, n- issIna euc ~oon~, sent TENNANT-At Leskard, on Alîril 9, Safety Razor Blades alarluonoî. Dol Lot offunat per Huse Fr- Mss aPthkTrno pt 1929, to 'Mr. and '%rs. A. Tonnant, a son,.flt throw yotîr safeby razor blaîles awatey. 1 Board and room for a lady; aiso room day venng hen"RedAcr Faine Sunay t hme.Bring them to F. C. PetlickseBarber for business man. Appiy Mrs. A. Tait, dayeveingwhn "ed cr Fa" Sndy a hoe.FLAHARTY-At Leskard, on Satur- Sluo sou ave tem rehuirpnoil.17-I wil be presente.d. Ex-Mayor T. S. Holgate left Fn- day, Apnil 13, 1929, to Mr. and M.%ra. Fred i boxr and hveBovmanville . 17-tf Mir. and Mrs. P. F. Newhouse,, day on a business trip teoEdmonton, 1laharty, a son. Wanted -- Cansile vsiedhr neeM. . lt.BRISTOW-ln Bowman v'Ili' 1 ospitaH u. oRn Caisvlle vsied enunceMr C.Al5.on April 15. 1929, to Mr. and Mr.. HII- WANTED-.Narried mari to work at H N. Ruse, Carlisle Ave. over the MrH. .TdgaWkeile liard Bristow, a son. APARTMENT TO LET-In Çowan A. Farrows, Bowmianvillie. House free. werd.M.HH.Tdh. .kril, KEMBRING-ln Bownîanvîl lsît Block. Mrs. Cowan. phone 270, Bow 17-tf weekend. spent the weekend with relatives a, on April 13, 1929, buMr atî 3s manville. 16-2w HL _ÏEinn-oo il Don't fail tù, read F. F. Morris here. R. J. Kembring, a son. HL ATDDnn-om ti Cos big advt on Simmons' specia Mrs. N. E. Gould, Montreal, js MATCHETTIn Wiliowulale Resti IOUSE TO RENT-A large farmre 01ppy . . 3ade, hjbyHose W-w beddng vlue. Conesat a o~> I ' daghtr, E c.Home, Newoastle, on Saturday, April 20Iion Manvers Road with U~ acre ot land.! y--1 portune vaueen oueseeeannelle- itng lher duheMrs. E .19219, to Mr. and Mrs. lHarvey Mtht:Enquîre of Mrs. Olsen, p _____-5 1-f WANTED-Someon0e to take care of Lhe.a son. O ETDwlig os..Hope- baby 1 montîx od. Apply 'L. A.', Draw- in fuil swing. . Mrs. W. Thoqnpson, Toronto, HIGGINBOTHAM-At Clay it. land" on Queen St.. Bownianvilie, P o r 1.Iomnil.-2 Mn.andMrs E.P. rad 'wre n sentSunay ithhersiser, Marclî 17, 1929, to Mr. and .E. Crel- sesiat once. Particulars ai)IWNE T U-n brewg Ms.E.P. rat wee n'pen Sndy it lir iser Ms'gliton Itigginbothaxîi, a dauglter,* (Prît- ps esso AOntOBU-n orewg the fun ~ B ~ rances) H. Gale, phone 6, Coîborne , t On dst 0fsangle harness. Apiply Guelph Monday attending tefn .B Tapson. 1rcaFacs.1-io n e oralof he ateDr.G. . Ceelan, . ________________________ ,S G Chant, Hampton. Phone Oshawa a former President of Ontario Agrj- ToMisnse Adah ndaywtM .aud nd'htalEstateFor Sale .1652-3.1-t cultural College. Trno pn udywt r n MARRIAGES 1 am Irclared te, do piowing tif gardens Mrs. C. H. Mason. IMUE O AETnlrc ei and drawing ail kinas of garbage. Char- Mn. J. E. Flett has sold his new MH n r.G .Glipen- EC-I-IMU-r .dMs OcES FORh ailmoem onvbrices-lie Weolner, phone 327 J, Elgin Street. brick residence on Wellington Sthto Mxurned on stu.dA. from spi eing Jou HIM. Giuu.Trn0.aion th ~l J. E. FlettI, 1Xttt , B w Bowmanvilie. 1- Mr.e W. w . Marsden Mn Fottg nI the winter in Florida.i marriage of thoîir daughter. Vera Janet, manvilie, phone 384. 17îtfi WORK WANTED-Any person waflb- takn vo Mr Mrsen' cttge n 1 John Gladstonîe leachie, Toronto,.o FOR SALE-New 6Ing carviets boat, or other work in gard- Wellington St., which hie is now nf-I Mrs. H. W. McDonald, Wood- SaturIay', Aî,ni t20, i t Nor way Anglican trameSbouseew114 noraend se d onstleke' fering for sale. istock, recently visited her parents, CîurcLEYPU-. oor, e-armee lcb,hoigrdaeWol.Abrk5, 'Ki, i . E, oun husnle lotme 7-1 Righ School Board met Friday Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cullev. nsa Arl17 99 Mildred Elsiei for quick sale. Term. A. .GVSngt E., Bwmxuill. 7- night to considor tenders for build-i Mrs. James Bennett and Miss, daughîx of M and h rs. on Beîrt. ornardle 1-W Live Stock For Sale ing addition to school. The tenders 1 Reta Bennett spent the weekend 1 Lownianivilîe, son of Mr. and Mrs. JohnS og. by mNîh 5-or seson FrikshOeAL-ougDrhm mikn ,îvere considera'bly h'igher than antie 1with Mrs. S. Fre'nch, New Toronto.1 Hurley, Brcvlo n.cttages ait Armstrong's l'oint,' Lvircn ,T enHmbn hn 50tebor ndacitect arel Lawrence "Donc" Goddard an 1 I-IAE-DARCH-At tiie United Par- tCcîxiars.ppT. w. E.ArrnsHaopton.w Pho6- ipt( soutago, Toronto, by Roi. H. Moore, on tmiclr lphn W . r 1rog 7-2 6r34.-162 making further investigations be-!Bob Clark have returncd home front FI':ay. Aîuil 19, 1929, Norman Lleweily ___________________________-. fore awarding contract. their recent tour of the Canadian andlil<uycs ,otiy soir of NIr. anul Mrs. Natlîanj BUILDIN OSFRSL-h'e HORSE FOR SALE-Good strong work A,,..,,.î,..,., un.Hayes, and Eva Isabelle, youngest o IhefnsTSilinFOt s a LEow Thvlehorse. Apoi.' Corbetîs Bakery, oies.'Tanie 1-v daugltir of 'Mr n ,d -%rs. James I onl. ery re, arb.ea br aln il,1- ________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoutridge and' Larcuu, bh ofniBowmanvite. e fo eySreqi ae, Aprty.lealrma in PG FRSAEs--gpgs i famiîy nîotored to Blackstock on ._________________ James at Stabesman Office. e snd ohn Niclmols, Lot 25, ('on. Sunday to visit their son Hector who FR O AEAotl3ar 3, Darlington, phono 133-12. 17-tf is Mr. Jabez Wrigh's chief assist- DEATHS FARts FO a LE-.B F abOunton23 ces,' AttractiveLt n .B .Druco.cnu- FOR SALE-A gou dairy cnw. Jersey ant. Hecor ad he iu-ortnejVIRTE-A Tyone ox W'ilusdîy jered one of best graino tamis in towt AN rshtre Cross, a gonul milker and every v abot. aentonth agotehe mtw'o fln-< Aî<îT 21, 129, Mrîla tyrs ldr'onsîî Ca n view wb1Ile farm froua1 way straight. John Perey,. omn ,abot amont ag te avetwo in-,\,,il 924,'Matha ;yýs, bl0vdýbuliinz, First class lnis and harosl . 1 i'rs on his right hand severed by ai' wfe of n.%IrElîarui E. Vrtue, lit lber 50H acres- plnived. Posa' -souna rit oe.tire-s_______________-- ff1eringsalcularo satie ramily r61i Ie-ire,3ow' ti STOCK FOR SALE-Ton Leicester hand si b eun utîlte. to BtFrîugla , Aîunîl .l I .101,1___________________ u. Russell Osborne. R. R. 2, New'- had til eqiues considerable î.til eleiaCxeeY FOR SALE-Forty-fiv uiui'l, de castlie, phoine C'larke .3831. 17-2w- Mennens Siave Creaxa 50ce4 ge ss' 1 <1Johun ituiuhr, in lus 72nî1 year. I uiîîliion. hasernent kitî'lu. utiIndiining- FRSAEpioîg vis. josu weanod, pgrs.JAMES-m saiwa, Avilî 23, 1929,1 ronni. fice rooms. bath. tugudý\r(lo n floors: iso 2*-bîîckteye incuxalors one holding Receiving the full charge o aI2lurt îuîyJaniu' s, litiiiîs 6'11 y, newî hout<air eiing. cortui u lt, 1 53feei 12211 -irgs andîbbcother ahouit 60. Aviply Aiulo-Strop Golul Razox' 4,000-volt 33ire, while working on anlI ur ayoî r of (isliawa , i<sx ire:îxein uu u ta mn,~aIrPrT'oe hn 10 AuIo-Strop Ba 's 1.0 electric e on William onree, g!OSBORNE-In Bowmanvilic, l"iday, WOt,. s.-wer, ca' lr ur-. IFiaocr Bowii'nnville. 1- Blades $100pole Stroe , Aplni1, 1929ý, Exuîtiua Go' iio ~Y . lIeu anv'iiie. 17_2! Sîrovi 8.30 forSunday morning Oliver R. Moynes,thie i,te Richard Uslîorxîe, ulier 7b O1AL- oi rcklnis nEl .C hi FegOR A cbicksfor bbc tas '198 Monk Street, Oshawa, xas rend- i Yar. lFRSL- ebrc onF-S.CWhtLgon hksfrheat PerectLillo ive Piîs red uncnscousnndso ornbîy MOYES-n Ohuoî, n Sxnuay,<~ inSe, Just beîng flrished. rit a reas- 0f May anîi the first week in une fer ads orb Mii 21. Ii29. huv'r Monus. a.7y Arsonltelig: ls1rik .015aoolc eacb. Place your oruler aow. Phono buî'ned that hie died in the Genenal rt -uùwot M . '. î. tOn Vlingtoo St. Ailmno,lnvaeovcnion- 18-2. .H ar.terRR ,Bw 2 for 2ces in hoth. also two residlrices on T,ib-imanvillo. 17-t 2 fr 5c Hospital four' hours later. Moynos! manvitto oert'S Aboux 1 cres nif gond chick- avas enployed b3' the -aneac RAE-At Los Angzuies, C'<iii., on A\piIl cr'anb f or salp orawoixit exehanLro fore FOR SALE-Sevoral buiodroul choie LavxDepartnient of General Motors o)f i 2", 19D1, Mrs. Jean Rae, youngcst datîgh- 1 bouse in wr. Apply un Wm. Brock. ldInl huxbs ai greatîs reduced prices Moer of limet h, late AnlireaiT cNuiiiglitlox.iQueen St., Bowumanvilie, pl e1. . I 46 gaiole. Auios0s BE eî LavxMliDsryrCanada, Ld., and w'as working un-1 "foferof0fNeNcistie and Subry. 14 L..14 aer.5Bies St.. HamîlNrsBi. For1- $.0& j17 der the supervision of Perey Davis,j SOUCH-lut lutroit. Melicb., on April Eg For Hachn 299J, BowmanvîIle. 17-1 1 oea. Moynes is survivod hY his,<20, 1929, Edwaril Gordoni Souch, son ofj gs H tigfrainpooMs .H ontn thî ltro Mr. and l Mrs. Wesley J., HATCHING EGGS AT REDUCEDI ORSLFodri Tatr wt widow, two daughters ,Erlinne, aged ei 4 easnterred in Bownanvilie. IPRtICESk-%e have redmieý ul ni atch- FO uSLE- and twn ardtro frrw Cotys Face Powvder 59C 14, and Gwelda, aged 9, and one son, u OLIVER-Sudmdenly i Toronto on Sat- Irig oggs for balance of seatson frorn $8powerPulls o and is andrgain Sto Elgin, aged 7, his parents, Mr. and urday, Avril 21l, 1929, V'ivien Reginald te $5 per 100. We have <i large l ock Pl25.v0 furltheoutfadlt as a an te ~ Ms. horas oyns, indnyandOliver, Cobalt. Ont., boloveil husbn tof high winter eg-rîtiefg . .Asefor tle. Addre s1 avWench. 222e Pono-Dent Tooth Paste, 2 tbes MrV siToste MoPueve Lnds,Datoid Beryl Husali, aiged 51 yoairs. Interment White Legborn iens. Ttuo-scboensar a'fri.Ades.W.Pnh122 5C one«sai BoMs.rPuantevesiDtrorn mted te ïRO . P. cnckerois. A.H.Verdun Road, Oshawa, Ont. 7-tf and one brether, Reginald, aIse of PARKER-At 137 Colier St.. Toronito Clemens & Sens, R. R. 6 Bowrnanvllle. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE-A Ilmrnted SDetroit. The funenal took place on on Aîîril 21, 1929, -Mary Jane ParkerPoo27r~1.vnmo tS .WieLgoncik PParer.aand sister odoubed sirker.daew-teATof-the lEGGSCharC.sband tnn 1 frorn pedilgreod. trapriested birds tram Pa hvn ran obesze 50C Wednesday afternoon to the UnionPargker anfiterlao Chd arkr e- HACiGEGSS be An- 'SiTheAmerîcan Poultry Scheol wlth ne- ___________ I byRe. . . aqe. Intermorit St Oone J Wblte Leghern eggs, biruls ae drencrefo 2 o33. Pierao _______ ati..frorn Guilde' ftarous silvrur xill straîn, cords frllor 22phone9.Pre .raeo Films, developing adprîntirig Cragg, Pastor of King St. Unite COLE-At bis late residence, 325 Wii- 15 ogge $100. Eggs from our utiliîtae al rpooFedW ale adChunch. Mrs. Moynes ia a sister of lard Avenue, West<~ Toronto, on Suriday, stock otfbred-te-lay Barreil Rock. hred 252J, Ronanville R. R. 6. 17-t (Thebeter knd)et r. W H.Yeo BowanvlleAprîl 21, 1929, Frank A. Colo, beloved tram bîrds direct trnrn Guiids' beast pen (Th bote kid)St n.W. . YoBowanill. usband of Maria Colo. agod 74 years. 15oeggs $1,00. A spectal Pen of 86 LAUNDRY WANTED _______________ -Irterred iri Park Lawn Cornetery, Tor- ehotee Guilde' brod-to-lay Barrpd Rock Ait kîndsocf Iaundry work dons, prompt- onito.tions. mated te two choico pedlgreod iy, satlsfactorlly and at reasonable picea KERSLAKE'S AUTO FOR SALE-Buick 5 passeigorl______________ al 5egs , 0rer s 50n 54 RicharitMaPornt, Inee Bx.12. oall le. tauring,12 ore,6cylinder, mleago maiesds .0r 0erd 25 anulR25hergsWrit Pos Kio g Sce Box 2,o ean Mrm. The Dependabi. Drug Store less th'an 17,000, in gond repair. always Sandersan. Tyrone R. 1,. 1. Phono Phone 478W. PH-ONE 49 dru-en by privateonor, upholstenrig tin IN MEMORIAM 32Or21. 16-31 pefct condition, a genuine bargain ta:ri___________________________________ quick sale. Apply Dustan's Cash H-ard-1 ___________________________ware or A. 'Mitchell, BawmanvllO. 14-tj In îovîig rnmory of Mark Dowson, who (died an April 21, Sleep on dear father .your camesar Boiled Ham Lunch Tongue Cheese Loaf Corned Beef Head Cheese Roast Pork Bologna Our own Home-made Jellied Veal is particularly tempting. FRESH CAUGHT TROUT FOR FRIDAY We recommend Orono Creamery Butter Phone your ordexs-we deliver G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville Our Varied Assort ment 0F BAKING SATISFIES PARTICULAR PEOPLE Best Ingredients Used-Baked Fxiesh Daily-. Reasonably Priced. Be loyal to your home community. The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE & UST think of the worry and troule Vve had with things Mother and Aunt Celia told me about laun. dries. But, thank goodness, 1 knowt nom that clothes washed in your modern Iaundry are clc'aner and last The Oshawa ~~£ Dry C1eanIng Co. BOWMANVILLE AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL, Phone 152 and have truck cal1 -M PAGE FIVE Variety Cooked Meats We have a very attractive and appetizing display of cooked »mats, including: PHONE 186 CORBETT'S Buttermilk Bread Made from a recipe recommended by a prominent health specialist. Particulariy tasty, nourishing and easily digested. Just like the good old fashioned home-made bread. Made with î'eal buttermilk and Canada's best flour. It has created instant popularity. Just try a loaf and see if it isn't ail and more than we have said about it. ALWAYS IMPROVING SERVICE Some people are hard to suit while others aren't a bit fussy. But in eitheî' case we try to satisf y. Just to prove it we have added 9- brand new delivery trucks to our service. Buy Bread Made in Bowmanville W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville 1, *- e

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