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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 8

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PAGE MIGHT The Elite Shoe Store New Arrivais Up to the.minute lu style, andi second to none in pi)~ce. See theni in oui' windows. Woînen's Blue Kid Strap Shippers, \witli cuban or high heels, ............ ...................... $4.95 WrO.ief~sSun Tan Stî'ap Slippers,' trimmed with futuristic patterned leather,....... ...***----$4.95 W%ýoînien's Patent Stî'ap ýMde buekie,........$4.50 Growing Girls' Buekie Pumps ...............$345 It will soon be anniversary time. Get the f amily outfitted here. Chilcù'eE,-'s Strap Slippers: Size 2 to 5-$1.20. 5 tc 71. -$1.85 - $2.65. 8 to 10ý,"2$1.95 - $2.85. Mi-~'Patent Pumps with buekies .........$298 Misses' Strap Slippers .............$1.95 to $3.35 GOOD VALUES FROM MesBlack CaIf Oxford, j $3.75 Ma-Br'owîn Caif Oxfoi'ds, $4.75 B>"Black and Br'own Ox- filýs ................ $350 W-'î'k B- Special . ... $3.65 BARGAIN COUNTER: W(como's 1-strap Slippens, Paten................ $2.65 Womtn's Satin $2.98 Wornin's Patent Oxfords $1.98 Children'.s Slippers, Huri- buts.................$1.20 RUBBER SOLED FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THEI FAMILY Mou's Suction Sle Boot $1-95 Boys' Rugatox Sole .. . .$1.15 Bo>-,' Suctien Sole Boot $1.65 utý,R , oxSl .$11 Mo"Work foot, hearr duck, YotsuatxSl $.1 solid lîtel ..... $2.50 Misses Stîap Sandal ...95c Mens, Bazketball Boot . $2.50 Girls' Brcîrn Oxford ... $1.15 Shoes That Satisf y W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager. Chocolates for Niothers' Day A splendid assortment of fresh chocolates just received for Mothers' Day, in attractive boxes from 60e per box Up. Fresh Chocolates from ........28c lb. up Quaker Kisses, extra good ........35c lb. Glendale Toff ee, real English ...5c lb. The Bowmanviiie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Ltd. USED CARS "With a New Car Warranty" Ail oui' used cars are p)ut into lst class condition n every way before being off ered for sale. They are then sold with the same "warranty" as given on anew car. Beo elitafe of our out- standing alues in"Gua Pant ents ar. Do-wn 1927 Chev. Sedan .........$.. 21000 1928 Essex Coaches ..........$290.00 1928 Essex Coupe (Rumble Seat) $330-00 1927 Essex Coaches ........$2..$ 5000 1927 Essex Sedans ...........$270.0 1925 Buick Sedan .............$235.0 1927 Chev. Londeau .......... $264.0 1923 Essex Sedans Ilike new .$330.000 1925-26 Studebaker Coach .... $313.0 $31 $42 $48 $36 $39 $33 $35 $50 $45 IYouî recn car takeni as cash on down paymnent. - ":"Guaranteed Used Car" from us. L~sAmes & Garishore Pi-. ýne N6 HUDSON-ESSEX, OSHAWA 9 Prince Si. BOWMANV17-LE Phone 386W People wlio lrizet tei finer things of if e usuall 'demand Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea. A mnoney-bac guarantee with every. package. RD fRO SI T isgood tea itÇoIS RQOQRNGE PEKOE ia extragoc THE Ci~NADIAN STATESV ,runTPS AV 7.AV ,1. 199 NIAN BWMAVILE, HURDAY MA l-n, Iil od Newcastle iPub1lic Schoel .-; puepr - ing a pregram to l)ie given inrIibe, Cemmunity Hall on Thur'sdIiy aftî'r j noon, May 23rd. Tht re-i'ganize<I Harmonica anid Ukulele Band cf 50 members will make its finst public appearance an<d contibute seve.ralý nunihers at this Empire Day Celebra- tion. Kindly reserve the date and plan te attend. Pol B plsan AoutraPresn Athoirnos ce Bowmaflvillet 235 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Torontio. 15-4 CATERILLAR ANADIAN STATESM THE CA 9 1 TheN cE~tt~Ii-dep~deri ~FOORTWEAREySih THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1929 BOYSigh NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR C. S. E. T. ANNIVERSARY i Next Sunday, Ma-1- 1th, is Moth1 .ÀE CSOPB eNTIà b:td t Nwasle Unitedi fr ikci odciwl er's Day. Cao ib fPr oePecc huch-cCa F. Plewman, Toron- sole oxford sul ber heel at Master Bruce Hancock, Orono,! the Memorial Sermon to,.Gve Inspiring Address $.0 37 n 45 o nueyu uooie spent the weeknd with his coui _____ 35,$37 n 4.0 Yumar orauooie Adair HancockMay The __C._S._E._T.__________________ Mdar. an Mrs. PryHr n akTheulate menoral service for O udy a tC .E . _________________ piano, home, hat-h o ImOtI3ihopBren, wichhadAnnivrs-ary Day "'as ;fittingly ob- moored to Windsor last weekend to!. been under consideration in this, hisexdi h NwateUie Boys' black blucher oxford, rub- OrEeSht vst her sster, Mrs. 'rwidy.1 native pari-' .n ühi eah in L u Chu.rch. In the morning the paS-' ber beel and panco sole at $risi sortdie~ eks h- o. lie in u- ter, R ev. W . P. R ogers, de iv r d a l. . Her many friends will regret the satine oex e- ir.wa ed suitale address and at the evening $28 Proper scientifiC examitiation departure of Miss Jlanet Topliss who St. Gog'sCuc nSna service, Mr'. C. F. I'Iewiian, Secre-aplcto bas been wit r n r. N. L.' eniîng. tary Boys' orkBartcpdth____________ of your eyes and theaplato I kr. ihNl.adMs 1This is 'he chuicli hero he woi ppi. kr. Boi araNc gae ao thel fte gass osi R~ckard. sbipped God as a boy and the churchort tjloat th S. S.e-onfltht1 tn runnng boo, hear Un ted C burch Parsonage -as !of which ii.,father \vas the recto r r t aftenoo.n. t e, Boy' and toe cap t t h a y tute eye-sight insurance and iclose fr fe-w days la.,wekx'hî for 40 years, and here onr Sunday ol ndtI a Mis. Rogers wa, in Kingston and' evening there gathered not only thel The church iras fild alnîost toie1ot ht swa u e Rev. W. P. Rogers at Boeaygeon.i1$.2 an $.5 Mr ad rs Hrr Aasi [ar members and adhereflts of si. capacity on Sonday erening, with, 12 nd$.0 cofr. Tatihtîu e. Mr ndMs HryAdsi ae eog'sbtnin rotohe e fotseats occu pied b h Tuxis1 __________________ vice is. We use only the latest spendinz tht summer ' a Newcastle- nominations. il(by., and the Trou Rail<. eîs of New-1 ehd o njeyurcmo j on-the-Lake, having rened M.ýr. Fred1 Reere W. F. Rickard and mem- castle, with their Mentor, and assIst- Boy' tan oxford, bull-dog sole meodtoisryurcfot W oo<'s c ta e Tuck-a-bct, f or f ouri bers of tht village cuncil and Chai'- ant M entor. Rer. W . P. Rogers and B oysel i e 1 a d 5 ol months.cottageW. andey wtlew herseflPinsiales A i andand honly- Mr. nd Ms. arl ynn Porýdce board of eilucatýOn ocrupied iS boys- front Ebenezer, unde.r the$14 Mr. nd rs.oar Wnfort H .lule ihmme. lefdPrincipT.A of er, ntrhe Tu-'$145Jury & Loveli Hope, were weekond guets ofho: front seat-'. pecially reserved fotladripcthrMeorC. . parents,, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gib4on. themi. They wxere ail there te pay Penfoui and. Cecili Found, ,Wlth __________Test___________________ and attended the Blshop Brent niemi! tribute to i:e noble ch1îtr fwhoni the anniversary was jolntlyjWeW TsEe Ilaoe oriai service. one whoai:uh he had becomne icelelbraitedi. * Properly. M.Jack Higbee, who b as recentlvy cuch a woî ld fi iure was proud te' The offering Nvas taken iipby tne Knox's Shoe Store i completed ani engineering and devel- i call this Iiiý;hnte, ani they w"r paetor, sub-'pra&tor, compteran oping job) for tho Cooksrille Brick ihr ohnr i :mr.scripter of the Newcastle uxs Phone 120 Bowmanville Co. near Montreal, is staying wvith! Rer. E. 1. Jamues, the Rector, côn- W qrihtaonlAshRickan.doGUlas his parents, M. and Mrs. Chas. llig- ducted th('evic upre *lrgt on sinadG:nt_____________________ be. choir of ah 'îî. ffeen feminine oi- Cz________________________________________________ Woman's Asociation of the Unit- ces with M (Dri.) Farneoni a',1 r.Pewmian's addi-es.,, while ap-l ýCowans, North St.. to-day, Thurs-i vice consýeo- the PoIl --'Onil d and received the clostest attenti)nl day afternoon. 'Mrs. H. W. Dud-' "For ail t1h uin -' xxh fi'îm tii-irofrm the entire coe,)iLgtion.1Ilei ley's group will ho in charge of tht labours re'".ie me.0Thon ,spoke chiefly of thtec n period .~ 7(~l~ prograni and refrtshnierlts. 1greit Jebovah".-ftr tht chanting, of boy.s, la other word . thlie tui I i S OB E, FOR1LO iG & CO o f the 9 I-" ' aloi and thie 5ciptut-e age",' deciaring that ,h's was the *Mrs. John Lord, L.ake Shore, bas lesn oh ri' of the raîiin« of per:od for 'he forinat;on of îdeals.BO DGR I been conined lto ber lied the îxîst :n'ýnth sls ýilSTOCKS BO DGR N fo tig t w th iless~ ,Mr î. H. Lazarus, i10 AlleIua t. The choice of life %vork and f fritn s -iestrife is o'lhe battie donc", foul-r the nîaking ofce5ondcsin.Ha fie eodBidn iJose, and Miss Beati c rydernian. ftecedad '. H mhszdtefc htHa fie eodBidn of Shaws ar'e belping out with thte wing the îec.tal ft clcdadec oepsitdht fal ct tat nursing and houstliol<l duties. th Pryi. îdttRtsioa!byofhepentbowlhoea- Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto ' Onward 'hri-tiafl Solditis." ers of the state and coin:munity late:', MNrs .Aylesworth of Trenton, a1 oberugtpt aknt native of Newcastle and a schooli The choir %:ang as the titanto, with'Dus: oanh bouh inpterntial.F. et oalM nae rhmo i. Wellington Foster, Miss; the -,hole congrogation standing, only a national but a nentoa1S .E ESN oa aae chumof I s f R,. : 13 17 "Wat view of affairs , to ho dean, healthy Charlotte Rose and 'Mr. Geo. Eilbeck,i the irords : «-' eb bubfl Private Wire System C .Ofc are these arrayed in white--" Mn-. and resourcefu., b hogtfl retOi'tit( home on Monday fî'om al Frank Branton taking tht silo "God kind and unselIsh. This is îrhat 11 ingSteet East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office îreek's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Johnsalwp wî I or. tht C. S. E. T.-~Canadian Standard Douglas.aedD. Rer. Canon Oswald Rigby, m. A. Efficiency Training,-i5 doing. Phones 143 and 144 Rex. E. R. James acconmpaPor ied, fDr.- Muscal umors w" a antbemri Walton-Ball te Toronto on Monday l.L D., R. D., o TPrity ope fînî thesch or itholo prts aken yPhone Calîs At Our Expenu afternoon, and in thterening by' erly Headmastel' of i nitsCole e horagghsol rts tkeoHn y seilrqetaorseiameig1School. Port Ho)pe, pýreachcd the Miss aeBag is e.Hny _____________________________________ speialroqestadresed nîetig1Memorial sermion, taking as his tex-, and Mr. R. W. Walbon, and solo, cf tbe Men's Club of the Church cfi "Blessed are the dead that dit in theli "Master, I Would Follow Thee," by iSt. Mary Magdalene, of which tht odfi le etfotterlbI.W atn docor s ledin membor. c urs' and the-Ir works do f ollor. ji Previcus tei tht addross reports cf The death is rtcordtd cf Mrs,. W. thtm". At tht outset, Canon Rigy the boy' work wert given by Garnet J.Taylor of Percy Township on a how f itting it ,Nas that bh Caswell and Walter Blackburni, Tally Y o r 1 a o it 1.1a ke A 2i'7th, 1929. Mrs. Taylor was people of this parish should thusi cf tht Trail Rangers. o r F vit M ae« fo.mtrly Isabella iPetrie, brii gather together te honor thtmenm-I Newcastle and marritd, 50 years ory cf ont who was bora borie 671 ago, te Williami John Talo, h years ago and irbo bef ore bis dtath LAES RECAKE_______ predecastd ber 6 ytars ago. h-ad become, as ont compettrit teý Annivorsary services beld in thtesmn epe knw w aebe Mrs. Frank Gîbson and daughter1 judge bas declared, oetof tht tenon.udySho nSna f s aypol nw w aebe eln orno isited ber daugh- 1ealygreat mon cf the twentieth n)tSnayShol-osuiay llaf- anh gouit mrta ab ce s pr- jter, Mrs. J. A. Smith Jr., with whom 1century. ternde-onMay thWa.Ros fewea- ac higotinomrtha ucerso e Mr. Gibson is stayiflg tenmporarily Tht late Bishop Charles Henry tnt. e. .P.Roes fNe-. Our stock nwebae and aiso called on Mr. and Mra. Brent was a pi'opbet w'hi asheld castie United Cburch delivered a etyowebae obt Dckan fmiy. Mn. mih i hno i bs wnconty nd17- 15. Tht music which was great- FRESH, CURED AND COOKED M Rob.Dokadfml.M-.Sihi oo nhso,- onr n splendid addre;-s front the text, John A 1returnd with thera te Toronto. among bis own people as Nvtll as, mixtd MEAT.deedbyCA NE G OD Frierids are pleased te know that i abroad. Ho was a son of tht manse, ly ret Mses iras e and ed tC NN DG OD Il Ja anwobsbeen illj thoe parsonage, and bis irbole lf U T RC ES lor se eanHnnwees elesehacf ji Brag and Messrs. Howard and Har-B TEC E E St. Cottage Hospital, Toreonto, is-often made that proachers' sons (Io ard AI lin ...... Mr. and Mrs. Allaribrmn nttia otaito ht s MAln copnt yMs or TE A AND COFFEE, (Lyons Tea) now sufficiently recovertd te admit not turn out very wtll. i Marltin and family, Toronto, spent PIK E LV S EISHES ofhrleaving tht hospital. Mrs.1Canonsipbe but pleasing language tht weekend at Mr. Robert Martin's. PC LS LV S E Hanna returntd home with ber tht'ao ib outlined tht late Bisl?- Mr. Ber. Jaynes, Oshawra, apent FRESH CAUGHT FISH firstcf tt ek. iop's life fonm bis bovhoodi until ..,.M fIs fth ek he îeekend at home ... Miss Minnit UntdCburch-ROv. W. P. Reg-' death iri Lausanne, a touch of' nat- tt~rpo ebr orarle LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, MUSHROOMS iers d tr. SnaMay l2tb iural pr-ide being discernibît in hisiand MSunday îit er wan and Mo, tor Da: ila. voice and coutonatice iren hé spent Sna ihteran n Wohrsp 2.10 p. m.-b olr cclldth fc tattt îtt e nle, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lake. Speaking of vegetables we now have fresh address by Mr. W. R. Stnike, Bow- clesiastical stateqman, who bhad been asparaguse hbrcros etccuilwr mnarvilît; 7 P. im.-Ei'ning Service,' honored with chairmntshipa ofcfomn- CAR" 0F THANKS cabbage, cucumbers, onions, also pineapples and talk hy the Pastoir, te be illustrattdmtt d epeieiy fconfen- strawberries. by st f 6 lntrri5lde-Moth oencetýrs o 5 many occasions rtit< Mr. Ed. Virtue and family, TY- or set hde of l nten lnd . bis tniif as a youth in Trinity roue, desire te thank ail tbe neigb- Prompt Delivery without Extra Charge est.ndGeolrge Cfurch'OlanE.s. College Sebool, Port Hope. As a born an-d friends for the kindness Jam eRore's unday, ay î2.R.Isketch cfBDisbep Bront bas already and symrpathy extended te thiem dur- 8a.mH1y Cto munion; ia. mt:' appeared in -these columuis it is net ing the illnes and deatb of Mrs.- 8 arninugFyer.omm enin;gson-M.necossary te repeat. Virtiue and for the beautiful floral EG. A. DO D T vricewtdag a h ector will h Canon Rigby laid special emphasis. off erings. ~L inOoo odcin eviefr consistent efforts te advance tht, Clarence S. Mason al'ways clears Phone 21 Bowmanville the Oddfelleirs in St. Savieur:. cause cf reunion of the many d-1 out s entire stock cf Coats and Church. St. George's Choir -will as onminations of tht Christian thig ,ýior's hurh n Dresesat the end cf each seasoni. ,sist tht choir of St. Saviu' hrh ion it was tht exhaustien bnought Spring Clearing Sale la n-o n on this occasion. on 'hi' tht bihop's preparatoi'y w'ork j__________________________________________________ Mrs. Long is dew,,n frcm Toronto for the great and remarkable confer- getting ber lake-side home, Oyapei'i, ence on Faitb anid Order at Lausan-ý in readiness for its omer ocm_ý-, ne in 1927 that caused the weaknessj . pancy by herseif and ber large foin- ami sickness that resulted in bisi ily cf daughtti'5 and sens. )r death about 19 months after. James Cotton, weli-knov..n Toronu:o, "Thoereforo it iras fitting," concluded medical man and orgniztu' fou'r h î Canon Rigby, 'that ho should dit in Hr t i - Native Sons ci f Canada. is a son-mn-1 Lausarnn'e where bis grf'attst ivcrk e i s law, and içith Mrs. Cotton always ia dnn and 'His,îrorks lire after spnsapli't cf bis holidays bore. hl. Nwisle Basebal 'lub met Fni-I r Charles Wilmot. BlleîilIe, j litn arry f u'rIn, las thtcoral part cf tht si'vice, snth e stiiall day eo veg in tht C n(hn, ber I tet a1' se t t ch1i' tho Vh rear', tcami captain, ia appointied at the sermon, 'Mly God and M. jnanaeî'. Pî'esident Il. W. Waltion inIrin h a aix ie î î ias in th ebhair and V. Roe.-on; D rn th a a d w il th-s -1À3 . Nvieiîîtd tht ecrtyspen Ail-Vice iwu- in progr-esi;;,the Union IneX r.-L il ar ..onng, -ay 11,-'hn rr cidp-cl flag polo. Wooli

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