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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1929, p. 7

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j I PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1929 TRAVEL E X.PERIENCED travellers use Travel- lers' Cheques. They are as good as cash anywhere, and far safer. Before going away, buy Travellers' Cheques at The Royal Banik of Canada and avoid worry while travelling. The Royal BanIk of Canada Bowmanville Branch- R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 N ew Thousands can now use "CATERPILLAR" POWER Perbaps you've watched "Caterpillar" Tractors at work in field or f oret--or on the bighway - pulling deep - set plows - carving out new roads -thrusting aside huge snow drifts - dragging mammoth loadu of logs. And then you've said-"Trhat'a the tractor for me. If Icould only get it iaZ auai enough to fit nxy job-" To you, if that has been your thought, we now offer t"CaterpillarSP Ten-lO horse. power at the crawbar -the newest and smallest member of the "Caterpilar" lin.. Compact-but a littie giant for power. Let un tell you ail about it. ONTARIO TRACTOR COMPANY Luieied 297 Campbell Ave. . Toron». CATERPILLAR New Pvous - Bvsa Quioker louei 9tartllng disoovry te oned on thousands of' chicka. A neW and unique method of prepar-. Ing t h.e à6ôIngrediente inA Blatehtord'm Chick Mush ha J M A madeo v equicker growthà The varhd ratonSin Vm --Ooay ijbmiane&e. re voey e VEwm LOMMES Ddbyidd s Buy Elatoflor'utoday from s"" apdam F. C. VANSTONE u.wmanwoo Nover yet was a sprîn.g-time, Late though lingered the snow That the sap stirred not at the whisperj Of the South-wind, sweet and low; Nover yet was a spring-time, When the buds forget te blow. -Margaret E. Sang;ter. Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery! Daily Annoyance, Troublesome Nights Wrecking Lives of Thous- ands States Writer Who Telle. What To Do For Quick Relief. Backaches, Headaches, Pains n. feet and legs, Nervousuess, Restlesa- ness, frequent 'but scanty Urination with burning and pain, getting-up- nights-are some of the more treub- lesonie signa that should have prompt attention before they reach a more serieus stage! No inatter how atubborn your case may seemn to be or how manY medicines yoeu have tried without resuts--don't think your condition ia hopeless or the natural consequ- ence of advancing years until You have tried the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "URATAiBG.'y 0n a strict guarantee of snoney back on first box purchased if you do not receive swift and satialying relief. Any gooJ druggist wili aupply you with "Uratabs,, In seaied packagea containing a ten days suppiY. If theY brinàg geat relief inaide of 48 hours and à wonderf ni iprovement inaide of ten daya, you will be greatly pes.- ed-if -they do not houp, they ooat you uothingt Ask your drulmt tbo- dey. aSmashing Public Conviction behind the big Swivng to I[&%IEXTHfE CHA[L[NGEhR BAY 0F QUINTE W. M. S. DARLINGTON COUNCIL *HoId Annual Conf erence at Kingston 1 Township Assesment for 1929 ________Amounte to $2,397,693.79 Fourth annual meeting of Say of _____ Quinte Conference Branch W. M. S.' Regular meeting of Council was of United Church of Cnd wahedmay 7th, with members ail pres- held in Kington, April 30, May 1, 2, ent, Rceve Silas Williamns presiding.1 3, and xas attended by upwards of Minutes of last regular meeting seven Presbyterials comprising Bel- adopted. leville, Cobourg, Kingston, Lindsay, Communications were received Oshawa, Peterboro and Renfrew. 1fromn Counties Traes.; W. J. Tape; Reports of secretaries of dîfferent Supt. of Canadian National Rail- departments were most encouraging, ways; Workmen's Compensation showing progres-, and development B'oard; Soldiers' Settienient Board; aiong every liue with every hope of Canada Ingot Iron Company; T. E. continued success. 1O'RLejlly Cheinicals; J. D. Adanms, There are 308 Auxiliaries with aiLtd.; Ontario Bridge Cenrpany; Nor. membership of 11,649, givings thern Electric Co.; Corporation of amounting to $94,449.89. City -of Oshawa. Address by retiring President, Tlarold Sharp made application for Mrs. J. T. Daley, Port Hope,' was full wire fence bonus. Referxed to Road of inspiration and hope, giying a re- Supt. tO, report. view of work being carried on by W. Manager Bank of Montreal, Bow- M. S. in the varlous Home and For- manville, made a request that ar- eign Fields. rangements be made as to payment Mrs. A. W. Banfield, who bas bf taxes in the Bank in the future spent 23 years in the work in West ýas ail banks are nyow inaking a Africa, gave a most vivid and sym- charge for taxes collected hy them. pathetic description of the peoples Referred to Township Treas. to of that continent, contrasting their make a report. condition before the spread of the Simon McCoy compl.ained a~s to Gospel among theni, with thoi" con- water going across road at Lots 13, dit*on now after thirty :Jears of Con. 7, and requested that water be transforming influence of Christian-î carxied to the South on the East side Winire honaToono of the road between Lots 12 and 13, Mis Winifed homs, orotoand also suggested that water be ManisateSceay odo r taken long South side of 7th Conces- Cedfr e andidatestodo grea sion Road and carried west to the vlntee for misscanidates anho wihlsideroad bet-ween Dots 12 and 13 vingte f-opr mision ofwo, n orf-and then carried to the South on the W.nM.tSe coopert kn of won f East aide of the Road. Council de- W. M. S. whbeormust keepls orkcided to make an inspection of the tohetinualy eor ougpepe sitution. the hurc. iH. Cameron, N. Collacott, and R. Report from new dugpartment of J. 1Hodgson coanplained as to exces Temperance Education was rset of water at Lots 6, Con. 7, and asked ed by Mrs. W. H. Ashton, 1apel that situation be remedied. Council ford. A resolution was paaaed w-.111 investigate. rnemorializing the Dominion Board: James Curtis, S.A.0., mnade his re- that they devise a system by which'pr as for nronth of iMarch which a canvass of the votera may be tak- was approved. en asking each to pledge herseif to 1 D4mpt. of Agriculture, Toronto, and vote against any candidate support-ilocal Agricultural Representative, J. ing any giving of intoxicating liquorly. Kellough, wrote in reference toi to the people, and aiso, to signi a pet- council carrying out of The Weed ition to be sent to the Parliaments. Con-trol Act by appointing inspect- demanding Prohibition. ors. Laid on tabit untàI next meet- Next annual meeting wiIl be held ing. in Bowmanville. Dr. 1orbes Godfrey, Minister of Offcers for 1929 Health, requested Council to supply Past FIresident-Mrs. J. T. Daley,i particuîSi's as te alcemeteries Ioc-E Port Hope. Iate.d in township, giving the acreage, President-Mrs. W. L. Smyth, B. condition -of fences, grounds and A., Pembreke. head stones and the naine of owners lst Vice President-Mrs.W . of cemnetenies. Ref.erred to Glerk Ashton, Campbellford. Brjtornake report. 2nd Vice Presidert-.Nrs. R. Ba- Ey-law was passed appointing F. bour, Gore's Landing. J. Groat, Tom Wray, W. R. Allîn and 3rd Vice President-Mrs. R. 0. Reeve Williams as Park Commission- Jolliffe, Kingston.1 ers for .1929. 4th Vice President-Mrs. R. G.!. Road Supt. presen'ted vouchers Lawlor, B. A., Norwood. A Nos. 8, 9 and 10 for $117.10 for sal- Recording Secretary-Mrs.C. ary, stamp n eehn,$,0. Denike, Havelock. 17 for Road Maintenance, and Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. J. $440.97 for road miaterial which G. Suis, Foxboro. were approved and eFrdered paid. Treasurer-,Mrs. W. M. Campbell, J. D. Hogarth returned his assess- B.A., Kingston. Christian Stewardship and Fin- ance-Mrs H. Thompson, Whitby. Young Wemen'ts Work-41mrs H. Riches, Lindsay. Afiiated C. G. I. T. Group- Mrs. E. . Reac n, Ptih.W ht MssioM.C. acXinandon, Pe ads--h. Mssion W.aRdslandBabiBlnds. Associate Helýpers--Mrs. E. B. Cooke, Tweed. Supply Secrotary--Mrs. E. J. Corkiil, Napanee. Stranger's Secretary-.Mrs. P. L. Juil, Brooklin. Lite rature SecretWry--<-Mrs. John Turner, Almonte. "Missionary Monthly"--Mrs. Geo. Hardy, Oakwood. Temperance Education-MTs. W. H. Ashton, CaTnpl'eUford. Press-Mrs. S. E. Reveile, M. A., Kingston. conmittees F'inance--4MTs. H. Thompeon, Whitby; Mrs. W. M. Ganmpelin- ston; Mrs. A. -B. Cunningham. Peter- bore; Mra. F. Brandon, Canningten; and Finance Secretary of Renfrew Presbyteriais. Nominating-4IMrs. R. B. Lawlor, Norwood, Mms. E. B. Cooke, Tweed. Advisory-Mrs. W. L. Smyth, B A., Pembreoce; iMr. R. 0. Joliffe.' Kingston; Mrs. M. C. MacKinnon, Perth. Custod'an of Records-Mrs. J. T.~ Daley, Port Hope. Iý Delegates to Dominion Board- Mra. S. C. Gay, Foxboro; Mrs. R. 0.' Jolliffe, Kingston. N The saahlng conviction of greatest value which $j N)U Enez the Challenger gives on sigJit is borne out in P4P >r.O& wadm Peformance of briliant range and smoothnesa, $ 4A--..,u. and a wealth of fine car detail, never before 8880- ciated wlth this price daus. ÇjS ' TO BiJ Its smooth and dashing pouw; its large, roomy, fine bodies; its 76 outstanding new lectures; its Speed challenging up to 70 miles an hour; with Relicbiity thatpermits 60 miles an hour for hour citer hour; and &conomy of 18 to 20 miles per gallon and up- wcrd -aUl these make Essex a formidable challenger of any car the market offers. A wide choice of colors at no extra coot. 77m variety is so great you have ahnost individual distinction. FOR INSTANCE, in this dity your first paymeni. Ubth your present carin cluded, may be as lu' asr $424- and your mont hiy payments $ 55.00. Your present car will prob- ably cover the enitire first payment. The H. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowest ternis available on the balance. Ross-Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd., J.S.Ames, Rep., ment roll for year 1929. Total as- T. H. Richards, Road mia- sesament is $2,397,693.79 which was terial.................. 440.97 accepted and saiary ordered paid. 1 T. H. Richards, Road main-. Clerk was instructed to advertiseý tenance............... 260817 for a Court of Revision and Appeal 5. D. Hogarth, Assessor on Assessment Roll at Town Hall,_ 1929.................. 250.25 Hamnpton, on Friday, June 7th, 1929, Mrs. R. Hatherly, milk .. 3.00 at 2.30 p. ni.j C. D. Hodgson, supplies .. . 9.39 Treasurer acknowledged receipts Mrs. A. F. Rundie, supplies 15.35 as follows: John Snuwden, tree $5.; E. L. Mac.Nachtan, 50% Arthur Seward, taxes 1927, $34.22; maintenance of Mrs. AI- L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1928, $893.09. tona Mark and infant.. 12.25 Orders were drawn on Treasurer J. J. Simith, adv. T. S.,' S. as folows*-S. No. 19............. 100.00 as folowa:-Counci!a adjourned to Friday, June T. IL Richa.rds, salary, 7th, at 1 p. m. stamps and telephene..$ 117.10, W. I. Allia, Clerk. He ta ose, v a eceada Mut oseakalh koa judge ail he rse. -Poor Richard. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things i-stop Headache i 20 minutes -break up a Cold over night ston Monthly pains of wormu There is one thing they wiil not do-they won't hurt you. -No Insulation!1 ccES I insis-ed upoii TEN/TEST .1 insulation throu 'ghout. That's the most important thing of al." No one i s sýtisfied with a non- insulated house. That is why al those who intend to buy, build or remodel should consider the vast benefits of TEN/TEST Insu]ating Building Board. TEN 'TEST conts no more when build- ingf than ordinary lumber, but it in- sulates the home against cold, heat, dampness and draughts, saves fuel, adds srrength to construction and makes for real vear-round comfort. Get tic facts about truly modern homes. Wri tu for frce copy of "TEN/TEST and t,) Most Wonderful Adventure in Me World. - I NSULATINO ' 4* UILDINGOAR IINTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED 1111 DEAVEI HALIL14 a.MONTmEAL THiE CANADIAN STATEýSAN, BOWMANVILLE, S, I B0w manville, Ont. He that 'would at peace aud at *a TÈN TEST is made in Canada and useçi throughout the Em- pire. Sold i Bow- manville and vicin- ity by McCIelIan & Co. Limited Bowmanville, Ont. G. N. Pattereson, Port Hope, Ont. i ~< ~Sf«~ .. , ..< Hear thle radio pro gram of thle "Hudson-Efisex Challenger?'" 1 El pqqm"- 1

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