e7bee With Which Is Incorporated Trhe Bowmanvifle News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1929. $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 24 Pumo- Dent "The modern tooth treatmant" Science bas proven that unclean taeth are a breeding-placa for diseasa germs. Pumo-Dent Tooth Treatment positîvely cleans teeth, thus ne- moving the chance of germs mul- tiplying. t theref ove protects your teeth and haalth. Comas two tubas in one 'package. 1-A Claansing Creani tused daiiy) 2-A Polishing Creaam (used twice a week) 50c for thie treatment KE RSLA KE'S The. Dependable Drug Store PH-ONE 49 Warden's Excursion TO Rochester Friday, June 2l1st BY STEAMER ONTARIO Leave Cobourg 8.30 a. m. Returning saine Evening at 5.30 or Saturday morning at 8.30 o'clock ROUND TRIP $2.00 Each Children Haîf Fare Public ara invitad to participate iu this annual outing. 1 i .11 SIX WEEKS Summer Course in Dramatic Art at Dickson Kenwin Academy 142 BLOOR ST. WEST TORONTO, ONT. BEGINS JULY 2nd. Performances at OOURTICE A WORD 0F EXPLANATION REV. J. U. ROBINS HONOUREDI PROTARIANS ELECT OFFICES I BY HIS OGiAT N 1 jSunday visitors-Mr. and Mrs. The Statesman has been ssued 1 Dave Morrison, Jr., Chosen President Chas. Mason and famiiy, and Mr.J. I this week under considerable handi-j In Being Eiected President of Bay of! Directors Elected JMason, BowmanvilIe, with MIr. cap owing to the sudden and serions Quinte________c adMsChs soie-%I.adillness of Norman S B. James, mech- Qit oneec Bowmanville Rotary Club recent- andMrs Cas.Osbrn.~M. ~'~anical superintendent, who under- A happy idea and one that met ly elec2ted these directors for tau Mrs. Otis Worden, Misses Patty and went an operation in bis left eari with the general approval of Trinity i ensulng year, starting July lot: M. Doris, Toronto, at Mr. Frank Run- Sunday afternoon in Bowmanville 1 United Church Congregation was car- W. Comstock, W. L. Elliott, F. C. dlk '.Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ArnottHoptl He has since developed ried into action on Thursday eveningi Hoar, T. H. Knight, D. R. Morrison, and family, Maxwvell's ran erysipelas and requires the attentionlathe ebrofhecnea-C.ERedrW..Srke s, r. nd rs.of special nurses night and day. Ini tion assembled in the school root toi l0ollûwing this election these offi- James Rundie, Solina, and Mr. wishing "ýNormn" a speedy recovery offer congratulations to the pastor, cers were chosen: President-D. R. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and family, f rom such painf ul irritation and en- Rev J. U. Robins, who was; nue Morrison; Vice President-E. C. Zion, at M.%rs. ElH Osborxîe's.. ..mr. forced confinement, we feel we arel at the Bay of Quinte Conference thîls1 Rehder; Secretary-Alan Campbell; and Mrs. Arthur Brent and famil, also expressing the wish of his hostsj year by being elected President. It isi Treasurer-C. H. Mason; Sergeant- Mr.an Ms.Arhu Ani ad amy of friends.. about seventeen years since a similar at-Arms-T .C. Ross; Song Leader ily, Tyrone, '.%r. and Mrs. Chas. AI- Our loyal staff, as on former emer- bonor bas come to this churcb and -W. R. Strike; Chairman Program lin and daughters, Bownianvili f igencies, have measured up to the it w.as feit to be a fitting occasion Commttee-Geo. W. James. Other G F. Annis'.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Arthur occasion splendidly by putting forth to meet publicly and extend besti committees will be selected at a Langmald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lang- levery human effort to have The wishes to Mr. Robins. later date. mai, t r. os Parcs' 1M Itatesman issued on tinie. We are Dr. J. C. Devitt, Superintendent of At the Frlday noon luncheon, and Mrs. Elton Werry and Mr.anai aso indebted to the Oshawa Daily the Sunday Schooi, presided and after Mult. Minore gave a very Interesting .Mr. R K.Brag, owmnvi*eatTimes and Whitby Chronicle-Gazette a few introductory words cailed oni aoount of bis trip to the Rotary In- .Mr. A. B. Werry's.--.Mr and '.%rs. fr assistalice in setting several col- Rev. E. A. Tonkin to offer prayer. ternational convention at Dallas, Bert Gay, Mr. Harold Gay and u mos of type for this issue. Mr. T. C. Jewell spoke on behaif of Texas.___ fenOshawa at Mr. L. 1 ____ the members of Session, offerîng con- Courtice's. Miss Lear, and 'Mis.,t gratulations to the pastor on the hion- BIRTHDAY PARTY Birdie Pollard, Oshawa, at -Mr. A OBITUAI our conferred on hlm. He said some-____ J. Gay's.. Mrs. George Bickle, 13o--1 times men were chosen for these bigh i Mr. Jaes Stainton, Ennlskillen manville, at M.%r. K. E. Courtice's .... Mrs. Il. F. Ncwhouse, Cainsville positions for their wealtb, others by Honored by bis Cblldren Miss Frances Hancock and Mrs. ;t. fraternal affiliations, others for phy- E. Cleiiens, Bowmiville, at Mr Th moy 'elatives aod fniendssiastethohrsbpltclpu, A pleasant evenlng was spent at Horace Hancock's.M%r. L. T. Pas-j 0f the late itýrs. P. F. Newhouse of but hie believed our pastor had flotl the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. coe and Miss Marjorie, Hampton, Cainsviile, Ontario, werle greatly been chosen for any of these, but for "Moore, Ennlskillen, on Saturday, Mrs. Jas. Courtice, Iiownaiviîîe, - shovked when the news reached his wise executive abiiity. It takes June 8, when about 40 of Mr. James and Mrs. T. G. Masoît and M.ýr rd- iebre of hier sudden passing o11 Fr1- good men to fil these positions, and .Stainton's childnen and grandchil- ward M1%ason, Toronto, at Mr. W.ii day-, June 7, fromn ceheral hemiorr- I wbile it %vas pretty hard for a pas- dren met to celebrate wlth him bis Courtice's...Ebenezer S.S. .nniver- liage. She had been about lier usuaî tor to suit everyone hie offered a word 83rd binthday. *.%r. Stainton was sary was a grand success. The wea- bousehold duties duninîz the day and, of advice to the congregation to not born at Scarboro and came -to En- ther was perfect and large crowds w isnce eto xcigi herdmns01niskillen withbhis parents when 8 attended the three services on Sn-o dock and passed away about three the pastor's time during the tîme lie years of age, and lo the oldest man da n tesperadcncrihurs later.1 had to perform double duy nthecmuIy H a e day ndy thesupWerJ.ndH conct ho Dcae a agtr fte-PicplW .Morrison, B.A., on cildren, 4 sons and 3 daughters. MollngayoRev.w . J.espea.rfoythe, late Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Kersiake of i behalf of the Board of Stewards, of-' Twenty-four grandchildren and 9 Welanllneon, ached spekerfor-h Hampton, where she wvas born in fered kindly words of the bonor that great grandchîîdreu, his wife havlng dayondhe preach ed engad inr-1872 and where she lived until aj had conte to us ail, he believed they passed away 6 years ago. Thougil mons moernin g andenisogtadrn few years before hier marniage toi had chosen a wise leader and as the' lbis bealth Is somewbat Impalned ne theaftrno gae ashot adres Mr. P. F. Newhonise, Town Engin- position had been wholly unsolicitedj still keeps Young lnlilfe and enjoys to the children as well as to thejee r, of Bowmanville. After leavingjtehorwateefetegetr.jhepcellfeisMtrhs r older ones present. The choir ren-, here they lived in Toronto but for jJothe h age orultheons of our1themlacn l at hs plaer taschrc dered spectiaomulcalso. In theM the past six or seven years haveI new cburch there had been new lwhenever feeling able to go. The mornig a rio as sng b Mrs been living at Calnsville near things to get accustomed to and there jps erh a pn utevll A. E. RundIe, Mrs. G. F. Annis and Brantford. jwr mn1ett e ue o nteaty e with b s daug t lnrs.howar Mrs. W. R. Courtice. In the aven- The remains were brought hbr ere mn hi h o gt h b op te9 I wt i auheM .Hwr IngMis Frnce Hacoc sag aby oto onMonay ierpasornew oruer of ttngs which e ho îd Stevens, and many an .old friend has lng Mis Fancs Hncok sng I) moor n Mnda he pator aI would get famîliar with and ad- bad frlendly chats about things that solo. The Sunday School sang sev- ý Rev. J. F. Reycraft, Brantf ord, and js themsalves to accordingly. Ib happened wben they were boys to- eral choruses in the afternoon and a number of friends accompanying bis hmi a enaruenyrt eh a pretty chorus by the prlmary class the cortage, the funeral service tak- cniticize the minister and hie beliavad______ under the leadersbip of Misses Hat- 1iog place in Trinity Uniten Church.c c tie Osborne and Sadie Muir. On Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of the it to be a good rule now. OIGE NT 'Monday, sports and gamas were en- church, cooducted the service, as- Mn. W. C. Fenguson, who had beanjCOIGE NT joyad and suppen was served. In sisted by 'Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton. a member of Mr. Robins' Chunch at The Salvation Army Tag Day, Sat- the evening the Young people pre. Rev. Mr. Reycraf t gave the address Blackstock soma years ago, was glad udyJn 5h ýeited thair play, ".Between the which was one of the flnest and now to be again included in the con- raJn15h Acts."' and deserve mueh plaise for nmost comfonting messages we have gregation here and on this occasion, Reserve Tbursday, June 20, for the the way ln whicb It was presented. ever Ilstened to. A very large num- on behaîf of tha congregation, was sale of Homa-Made Coolng in Trin- Vocal muslc by Toronto artlsts, Mrs I ber of relat;ves and old friends fromt pleased to present Mr. Robins with a ity Church School roomn at 3 p.m. Harvey Pipher ani, IMr. J. D. Rilb- Hampton and viclnîty were present leather Brief Case which he hoped Eastern Star are having a draw for andson, waa especially enjoyed, pro to pay their last tnihutes of respect would prove helpful in carrying the 1 their hope chest et the Royal Theatre ceeds. $370. .The sympathy of this to one wbom they had known and numerous papers and documentst on Friday evening of this waek TIck- communlty goas out to Mr. and Mrs. hi ghly respected. necessary in attending to his dutias et holdars attend. S. S. Brooks in the death of their The pall-beaners were six cousins, as chief presiding officer of the Con- An afternoon tea aud sale of home- daugbter, Mns. Marshall Soules, Ton- Messrs. A.B., W.J. and F. M. Cry- 1 ference. made cooking will be held at home of onto.. Mn. Kalth Worden who was darman, F. L. Mfason, B. T. Moorej Mr. W. R. Stnike, who was dela-IMrs. Hugh Canieron, Church St., on reeently operatad on for appendi-, and W. Wilbur. i gate to Confarence and who was ai- Friday, June 28th, from 3 to 6 p. m. citis ln Oshawa Hospital Is not as j Many beautiful floral tributasj most as happy as his pastor over the The meeting of the White ild well as could be wlshed. expressed the sympathy of relatives bonor, added a few timaly wonds. Club will be held on Tuesday, June and friands. Mrs. J. E. Elhiott, ou behaîf of tha 18th, in St. Paul's Lecture Boomi at Besidas lber busband, she leaves Ladies Aid and other Woman's organ- 8 p. m. Every memiber pleese try SOLI-NA to mourn the loss of a good mother, zto, ruh reiganpidob rsn selco f wo- three step-children, Frank, Georgeiainsbruhgreiganpadoarentseetinfnwo- Mn. and Mrs. Evenett Cryderman, and Annle Newhouse, also tbree worthy compliments to Mrs. Robins ficers will take place. Ross and Mary, Mn. and Mrs. W. T. brothers, Fred G. and Chas. J. Kers- and presented her with a bouquet of ________________ Taylor spent Suoday at Messrs. lake, Hampton, and Frank R. Kers- carnations. Chanleton Mcflntdes and F. Gum- lake. Bowinanville. Rev. Dr. D. W. Best, pastor of St. mittas, Paterboro...Mn. and M.%rs. Among those presant froin a dist- Paul's United Church, was neyer more L. Luke, Oshawa, visited at M~r. ance wene Mn. and Mns. Drake and pleased to be asked to speak than o a h a r Thos. Baker's necantly. M. and sevenal others frnt Cainsville, Mrs. on -this occasion. He raferred t Mrs o eyod1n Ms ai Frances Ruse, Mrs. Lewis Ruse, Mrs. wearing of the gown which bas not Pe.tn L ieiI BrodJeTRyntoldspendtMth a wae-Heroe Hudson, Mrs. J. 19. Stoutt. been customary ln our church, as Peetn h ietl end at Mn. W. J. Reynolds. . i'.1g Toronto; Mns. Mary Mason, Mr. and adding dignity te the position just.as Photeplays and Mrs. Harry Grooms and family, i rs. F. L. Mason,, Mn. S. W. Ruse, a nurse's uniforn or that of a polit -1 Phne 589 Toronto, visited at Mn.Cal!VI Oshawa. man brings to the office a respect i bur's......... Mn. and Mrs. S. E distinction not found witho t ______________ Werny, George and Wesley: vîsîted WEDDÎNG also referred to the pleasanrt sssoc~ at Mn. J. Short's, Courtice......................tions enjoyad since coming to tA Messrs. Robent and Neil Rainey and tonwtRv . Sellery, Rev. S. Friday - Satuaday, Jun. 14-15 J. Gilbank, Orono, sPent the waek- CURTIS-.HOFFMAN C. Moore and now with Rev. Mn. AleDaadMatMoel and at Mn. W. G. Taylor's. . r. Man t.Bpi Cuhwste Robins.Alc aanMt orei and Mrs. O. Frise, Toronto, visited Mai.St.oapistsbuchaasehea very happy "«Phyllis of the Fouiles" a t Mnr. Walter Cryderman's. ...scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday Mnoismd Saveral from hera attended anni- avaning Juna 4th, at 7.30, when Roi-.1 reply, expnassing appreciation of the The exciting and humorous stooey versary services at Ebenazer and M. S. Richardson unitad in marriage good wishes and gift of bis peopla. of the after.theatre life of a chor- Enflald on Suniday and visjted Mrs. Graca Wilson Hoffman and Hen- Though not at first pleased to be us girl la the entertaining taheme friands. ..Miss Aura Osborne,j bent Curtis, of Bownaanvilla, Ontatio. chosan as President, hae fait now it of Universal's feaitu.re comedy Ebenezar, vlsitad at Mn. A. L. Pas- 1 The churcb %vas pnettily dacorated with was an honon to ha given the position. okdt lyteRylFia coe's. ..Svral from hera attend- Pink hydrangeas, ferns and potted Ha also appreciated the good-will of 'boand Ste ply th eeRyak. ia ad the funeral in Bowmanville on plants. The bride, wbo was unattend- bis congragation as shown by ~ ~ Stra this wa Moday 0fte aefrs. Pater New- ed, was givan in marniaga by hanr bro- gathaning. Matine. Saturday at 2.30 p. m. bouse (Oea Alica Karslake>....ther, Beannett Wilson. She was be- Musical numbens wene intersparsed. Cilîdren 5c. Chapter 2 of Miss Spence, Eibanezar, visited at Nfr. comingly attired in a navy blue an- during the evening, vocal solos being 1 Evenett C.draîs . e-,x- semble suit and large black pictura sung by Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mn. W.j1 "Tarzan The Mighty" tend Our svnîpathy b Mr. ad shat; a hro, ni fox fur, the gift of the R. Strika, Mrs. F.' H. Moody and ai1 and regular program. Mark Turner, (Oea Alice Branton), Ibiidoe.r<ooi, brow'i shoe.s, stockings tivoicloadpaob ass Oshawa, iii the death Of tlheir uitile and gloves to match and carried a F. Sutton, W. Hart and Mns. J. E.j_____ son. Donald. Mis,; Vera Baker1 bouquet of roses ami carnations. Dr. Anderson.j R.N., spent a few days with Mi,.Ir. C. Dunlop 1playad the weddingI and Mrs. Turnier... SmnpýjtjY - ii v nd is.1.B.Murray, cousin j Monday - Tuesday, June 17-18 also fait for Msi. Frank îî' of the b ride, s--ng "The Voica That TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" W.H. Wastlake 111thie deafl i o Brrathed O'er Eden," during the sign- ibair brother, Nli. Johin 's1teigfth citr.vic asîi- Wind IUp Succassful Season With Starning Lily Damîta, Ernest Ton- who was uried in llowmniiilu0 ( jj1 i essoîl by Beti'w(t Wilson and Char- Enjoyable Picnic Suppen rance, Raquai Torrers sud Don Priday. Tho young marnid I1Alvarado. Peopa 0fthe omînniti wi lotteî<î Hoffniîani. The bride and brida- pepeh teirnul iuit ai lki 101jv romreceived congratulations at the Owiog to chilly eveoing breazes.tha hn Tooon Wle rt tliir nnul Peni atLakvle door of the'church as they ivere leav~- picnic supper on Monday evaning, "Tha Bridge of San Luis Reoy" the Park, «bslawa, Tliursda , Jue 20t1h. iog for the Montreal train for a wed- jJune 3rd, wvas held in the Sunday whola world hailed it as a master- p.m. eradi 'coar ot at 2.3m.st ,dadilg trip. They will resi<le in Bow- School Rooms but that did ont to any pieca of romantic atory telling, lim. Mn and Mrpra 5P.stndaî rdH manvilia. Among the beautiful gifts appreciable extent diminish the at- No itihaesamavlfta garth and Dorotliv, HarmionN, Mr of silver and china ireceived was also a tack upon thefooimdispayed by th and Mrs. Hanvey î'ascoe. anài1o rdiofro the bridegroonm's employ Social Committea for consumuatio. se. Teclmx thilo aine, Kedron, visited at Miss lr'es at Bowmanvilla. Many friands I bu it vugpol took partlJyasuteclas ftebig 1-ogartli'sanld mrs. R. Pajscoes here ish thamn much happinass bin ia h offensive upon the sanwce, wtishmnfegt MrsD. allwles ad sn,......thir Uppe-r tCanadian Hoa-- nsapclsckuecema Hant House Theatre Particulars from Secretary 142 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ont. Phone Kingadale 6801 Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap-But How Good Great Reductions in Ladies Ready-to-Wear Hats Another lot of new Summer Feit Hats opeized up on Thursday. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESSES In great variety of styles, materials and shades await your selection. SPECIAL IN TABLE CLOTHS A limited quantity of Pure Linen Table Cloths purchased to sel at wholesale prices. SEE OUR NEW CURTAINS Curtain Nets, attractive designs .............25e to $1.25 yard Curtains, made-up, very beautiful ...............$1.25 to $4.50 Draperies for side curtains, great variety ..90e to $2.25 yard LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIERY A wonderful assortment, in newest shades, unaoubtedly best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pair. Special line of Silk Hose at 75c Pair Sillc Gloves, newest shades and styles, $1.00 up Business is Good in Men's Dep't Men are finding that our ehoice and values are unexcelled. Men's Summer Pants Bathing Suits for Men and Boys Children's Wash Suits Men's Straw Hats. White and Colored Sport Shirts Men and Boys' Headquarters for Clothing and Haberdashery Couch,Jq-ihnston & Cryderman, Howoeanvllle Phono 104 Lîmited I. ana tan t , atteman