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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1929, p. 2

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PÂt TWCTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, -BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1929 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS J. N. THJCKSON WINS APPEAL OBITUARY M. . . GUL, BA. LLD. In our last number we gave a talk Appeal Court Reverses Judgnientl Arthur M. Fenwick, Mantreai Barrister, Solicitor, Natary on learning ta swini empha.sizing the.I Awarding R. Fitchette $1000 Proper t. oal o BF an Bdion, aly foruless odthe me. ope ailDamages Relatives in Toronto have been ad Mronery. RnonalanBd Tonthalt funes if th e exrciHoepec- lvised of the death in Montreal, tii Bowxnanvilla. Phone 351. young folk read thought'ully that W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C., caunsel resait of a motar accident, of Arthu ~.R TIEpracticai advice. This week we are for T. Norman Thickson, Oshawa, M. Fenwuick, formerly of Torontn SWcsort . D . S impon KC giving another practical Talk for the has been notified that the appeal of son of Mrs. Margaret and the late Ml Barrister, Solicitor, Ntr eei fyugfl gicify Mr. Thicki.on ini the action brought M. Fenwick, f.,iroari principal oi Notary It is intended to help ta develop, by Ralph Fitchette against hinm last Bownanville Ili,,b hScoal. Dcce-ýis Solicitor for Bank of Montreal what we n:ay termi, a plumb -ne f ail, and in which Mr. Fýitchette re- ed va.s born in i'S3a: N jacLara Falls Money ta Loan Phono 91 pise-walking and standing erect.1cvrdajdreLfr$.0 n n. dctda ~kîigClc Bomavll, naroThis, too, coniributes ta healthful- costs, had been aillowedl by lihC c ur!lIandi Toronto L7niVcr'-.i;tV. He waý W. F. WARD, B. A. ness- and at thie sine time dcvclops of Appeal of Toaronto. enioying a succc"sfuI commcr.ia Barrster Solcito, Noary better brains and iproves what %e arwc.d aPebvcrani . Barrste, SliciorNotry h Ui caiiislouchincg .omiething toiThe appeal bas been allowed with crcr ndw.s J'ebtia inC MoneY ta boan. Bonds for sale. wnich niany growing boys are adîict- cosî.s and th-e action dimi'<iwith ligion, and a mnierui of thle Elks. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., I d and wc mach regret'to sav flot a1 costs nîakincr a cimiiletQ roi arsýal 0f His- wife, mother, tw o brothers ané Bow-manville, Ontario. Phons:- few girls, as weil. We gav-e a s;imiîiil he findings oif,'he trial judge and a:Ter unralive I lc rn h Ofic 02 Hue 09 evra onhsao ndpac(,ijury ut the A .szes in Whitby last ITefnrI~kpaefoit Ofie 0'Hosl09 ti i" oseveralitmo correctionccd, fail. li C.M p af Toront actf residence af his brother. E. M. Fen. ______________ rep(n1 'lit fr orrc 1on d as c .unsel wizb Mr. Sinclair in the ' ick, 96 Edith Drive, Toronto, ai these uwnin.h ni] attitudes in chu Cur o Apel orMr Ti* ckso. Moîday. Internîca: in IProspect dren on parents and publie »cbool1 ~ pî~ > f~Cenetery. DENTAL 1teacher-. m'Univ. lded. ail pr DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE -ns haýi ng a<i k ougpr plumb-line. taking thee tir n leC tIli Clare Symons, Welcome Honor graduatle in Dentistry, Toronto j ovt. f' ut nfont of the ankle Th sadat fClrSnon University. Graduate of the Royal W\Vonîav state that aur attention jbonce. in any other î-.:n bt'Welcome, aged 43 years, ut uthe Port taro. eoffice na geon ofnaasinu)n -ehv i een agaîn directed to this niai-; tri p'n:chlS. J IlHope Hospital on Friday night. cali- Coficegpe f0D.tal ugeonef n 2 a2 ItMcbcni wnn.ut.cid, iocd forth many expieS -uîns of sarrau Offic phae 40. Hous phon 22~figures of two persons walking-onesl',uch arc"e ii lOr i' an egetfon h- nucru X-Ray Equipment in Office. I carrying hiniself head up and b)ody1 they bcconic fat;i il 1vth lur-fredsndrltv-. H dida DR. J. C. DEVITT veiry erect and the othcr in a stoop.-I per strain oin blý'YriiiO1{' mI f iCtcries ant reatraie.elent ic}a- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson îgac1.ochn ld d. p amt Tithen liï a a i cured aI faot pai. oent Fria Graduate of Royal Dental I îans in a plunîb-linc poise. The ppl r ocre hyaeu wit wen anc of hi-hcs rearcd and Toroto. ffie, Kng t. ~ artcle as n J.ndo Daiv ,Mil tingly inattent;\-e andl do"nntibie ikîhim a severe lilow in the ab- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to sent uas by a fi'iend in Stratton. C,,-rn-te no<ieh tltecc- donien. He manage(]<it, cirawl tu 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phonej wall. This is the introduction In il: m r.. the bouse and medical aid was sum- 90. House phone 283. 'W e aie today able ta give details ______________________ oned from 11,-til ope. lic was X-a qimn nOfc. of renîarkablce experiments '%hic-h» 1i ru shed ta the h'p'ta! wbere ho w a- X-Ry qupmntinOfic. have taken Place at a 5îidland ho spi- found ta be suircrin, from serlous DR. R. E. DINNIWELL tai wth tule abject of imipraving noet internai injuruc-. and 'l)ass( away ilonor graduate of Toronto Univer- 1 only the brain powver, but also the 1 about 10 p. mi.* sity and member of Royal College of facial expression of children. . Mr. Symons i.suivied by his Dental Surgeons. Licensed toi Sr ~lwiofrel-Mar;elButnner, trcIse in.Otri ndt- oii.! Med icai mnen havc long been con-1 daaghter of Rev.and]M. .A b-etigtry in ail its branches. Office - cerncd aven the number of îubaî n Banner, Boxvnianx iIe. and by two King St., Bowmanville, oppositeî be described as C.3 children c MVofleVi!arll.lfl sons aged1 7 and 5. as vel as his par- Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. I froni inclustrial and even 1,tt lCiassonts Mr. and Mr..W. H. Symons, ____ hounes. Tbcy have noted àI e- Welcome. ceding chin.s, low foreheals and baIdl~f MEICLly fornmfd heads ares-eleiri y c JA10 Frederick G. Densemýr, Bowmanville C. W. SLEMON, M.D.,C.M. companied by curved backs._____ Grduteo TintyMdialColge teIle wa,. decided toa acertain if Wta Citizens of B '\Xm.iv«lle rci GrduteofTrniy edca ëjIg.j htewas any confection betwcoenlW t Saiet a severe shock in the su(d den pas.sin, Tioronto, formen]y of Enniskillen ip1fFrdriYCenu1Do 1,o Office and Residence, Dr. Beith';1tee trs i1hu'd~,MyIub obsHvno forer esienc o ChrchStret Anumber of parents were invitcd hrsa,'My3 hlt i avno former reienon Church Street(, suA their blîdren ta a cnn'lSef poSSibiitiesp 1ResI. Althougb bie bad nat enjay- B o w m n vi le. o o n 2 5 9o44 t1 e a ti e n t c o n s is tin g o f n a in g j d g o o d h e a lth a i . w in t r s ill i eh o a d J..CLARK BELL more than a few sinmple exercuses îni become normal and rc-umed his dii-ý M.1.., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. which the ase of an ardinary pla'mb- if you would like at the Goodyenr Tire & Rubber (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) line m-as the dominant featare. o ~ Ca., working steadily tilI the day flons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-1 Photographs of chiidnen befonc seI priuas rvastabsdab. Hwtu deen University; Fellow of the Royal a nd af ter treatmcnt show the tios company with a con- the words of the Psalmist, "Mail ik College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.' urrsing resuIt. . Brains have I t"nus monthly divi. lkgrnand grwcb ipIb(, iringthe Bfic ondwsanie,' Queen St., be evlpdand facial expression gr ecr orteeening cl down"tbas invth BomavllPhone d89. eendevefoopeh Office Hoars: 2 to 4 p..nm., 6 to 8.30 p. m. 'cpout 9 yeaits, fin in and bis "crossing the bu. Thik information is suppiied bya He had been a life-ioang resident W. H. BIRKS, M.D . medica-scientis;t who asistcd in cx-1 manl the couponl Woiw of Bownanville, having been ici-rn on Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 to 8.30. per."itents:-We think that w-e bave --Doo .MIaton. Sept. 23rd, 55 v'Cai* s gi). He 'vas Telephone 108. foand a definite reiationship between boloived ýby ail blis friaýnds;, alwavs Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's1 the deveiopment of the body and the free, kind, good-liearted find off ering former residence, Welington Street,1 brain, and have discovered methodsi BRITISH t ho glad hand to thme ne-edy; in si.uots Bowmanville. wbhereby the right sort af brain c inlI of ail kinds, espec'aiiv hockey, be DR. V. H. STOREY ib 'grown" prrcviding the dc'. o ; INTIERN.AT.IONALI. ias a real enthu-ias ; in religion, an b' Anzlican; in poiic-, astaunch Con- Office hour.s 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 P.M ent of the body is taken in hand SECURIIIES CO, LMrfl£D servative: and alict a mcmiber of the h - .m, yapi1,n ny on njg. Te oyuulyO range Order. Fred staîrted in the Exception-Office will be open 9 ta ccm tide.- giowing ap ta the age 0; 3M Bay Swi<e< «oàe Durham Rubber C'oi. when it first la- 10 Saturday night. 36-tf1 about 25, bat for tbe right brain tri aedhr adnnmieiwt h be produccd, its growth must ho dii- ;Â;;- --h. . ctdhr n ý_nandwt h DR. R. W. CLARK I ccted, s.i far as girls an*' concerncd, b"teu , ubrC. vrsn Physician & Surgeon 1 before the age of 1. vhiie an boss Frederick Den:zem - ias anited in Office-Division St., Bowmanville. the useful inîfluence can bc dinected Nm$-. niarriage with Mar-y Alberta Wilcox (next ta Trinity United Church) for about twa years longer. -f .anptn on (icteber 2Ouh, 189i8. Office Hours-3 ta 5 and 7 to 9 p. mi. * 1e Address........ ___. _Ho ieaî'e.., o fmoarn lus iass, bis Sundays by appointment only. The piunîb-iine, prccisciy similar sorroiving îvifc, hi. daugbter, Mis. E. Phone 24 ta that tiscd by iîujIlclrs ta secure an i rînistoîs, and bis sin Alan; besides 45-t npiight building, is practicaiiy the _________________ are bhis tbre brothers, Williami and only niechanical means empioyed ta I Artbur, towni, and John of Portland, DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS pu-od are apright -meon and wamon Oregon; also two susters, Mrs. S. The Physicians of Bowmanvillei ihthbe rigbht quaaliy brain ta be of i Warren andi Mii. Chas. Goodman, have agreed ta close îheïfice st evc atecmuiy an Wensayatrlos n ce o 0 f ecuurse, thore, are other hns The fcînc'riIl servie wa.s heid at bis enesdany af trnoons. Inqase f' the cii f fvhich is the teachin o 1 la te residecet, Churcit St., andi was emrenyatti teenur o1 cfa0h ' 'co /Induc1oii1)y Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rec-1 the hospital or telephone operato'thet'orrect pais-e anîd balance of o S'hebns hbîb p for a dortor. huanofi'ute. b edn i .-'îu-tcî .o-- __________________The badv ikintended ta la-e'if hpeinn an croc't position, whethcer standingi /caniut-i atebroîcd ol -t1g n ý umd hti hè The pail bearers were bis feilowl CHIRORACTC AN DRanES i'etstio n b- su uud theis he -Iworkinn w ti w bom ieho uas soclose- C H R O R A T J c N D D R G L E S ' c n o t ai tio n k a > m u a e d ft h n i s f ly a .so c :a te 4l, n a m e î , M e s s r s . A . THEOPYcles. -u'aiii l ha iNmec'al -:t îf lm-i W. Frs V R. Williams, F. Oke, L. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Rdes. hb, H.h Pbu<l i.- lnaiL.cod or- j ; fetou. n the fraime ut(nulcxvy ogan, 1 Toahheio.i feran L.N ich uts. nd honor graduate of Toronto College; incia7iing tho brain. k given the op-j h fo-1ufeigswn1mn n of Chiropractie ui] be in the Bow- - afdcolpig ndj :beaîcu', n hicbh e sti blfdth manville Office Tuesday, Thursday'- -irtunityd anct-1hgt i hc leia e and Saturday evenin j1,, phone 141J. ij' - ap * 1..1Tiex' wei'c asflaî.s Pillow-Fanm- Residential cails made during fore- 1 1- ' ; *Wreuî b -Brothers andISses naon. iE%.'elrn( unenst have iiîuticed thatl "N -r eath-. and Mns. Thos. Wilcox, j partiuaany aniong chiidreîî there u, The "ue tnWi i ..-a tcndency 'a siuuch forîvard iin af opens with a -' Miltan uand Getie; Wrceath-Bent, ch-tir. Thev fini] it ea-ier ta adupt' twist1 Art.,l"i ., Eniiy; Spî'av-Mr. and i FUNEAL IRETORS I iis ttitîcl thn t ..iî a aîrtt. IMn.-. D. Ila.teis; Spray--Mr. Henry FUERL IRCTRS ths tttue'thn o itupalr Iy Wilcox, IIai'i- and Pearl; Wreahs- I It is, biuwcx-r, flot t'ne natanal posi-1 1 F. ORRS C. I, odvolan Miii and Caienden Rooni, F.F. ORt O ion andîl ut once îmu.scles* are brought i G oodye'ar Ileliof A- eatoDur - C o ipie te Motor or m:0o play'.' hicb sbouid i)c at re-.t. Men adibisu:tn Harse Equipment. iOnt ' -et w :cb conîc. iltîtopenationi h obr impnOllCa'son L..StNaf2f, J Ç~~) Ail calîs promptly aff ect--'thebeat]. Tîcy tirai'. iti who realize that ThR'btSisnC.SafO- \ ~ I attended ta. dileandfouin. 1 apaacecuis anduMr.MN. HoneMr. adM'rsull-h Private Ambulance. And as thi-. is tht' habi;tuai posturel pe1neCUiS ai nN iieM' îlMsHl Bowmîanville phone: of cblidren unie-s canct", '.o et always have wel1- yen, Mr. and Mns. C. W Jac.iiisJ lOan3l. uris atwonkta ho dvolipinnt tf ~ 1ishd ~Ru by, lî'enc, Lena anti Mr. Ivtes;~ Branch Stores- 'tho bcad whitb ivere nevci' intended. r ae.i :ia--i)' îdMi..C ondv Oranu & N,ýewcastle Thtý - i'emuit ik rece'iing chin.-, mur Did YOU "Nu gget" your iat tMn. uandi Mns. -N. Tuiicn n 1 foroheads-, anti iy a ptulli(if the mnus shoes this morningr faîmmtx Mn. and Mrs. G. A. Edîmonti- ALAN M. WILLIAMS !rie- a restriction "f wbut i ald 61ýQ( ndti M; b.-.sI)ingiîn, Mr . andî t I "iii-, i irank Oke, _Mn. andiNr. .-A.1 Embalmer anti Fanerai Dinector 'tht ' i'tfput] u'hich, of ctiar-.c'. ni M Uj Vi îu cMn.and] Mrs. F. BattneilMn. Cabis given prompt and personal at- aop'- 'gainst theo p]eî' de.e!oinUG i~~n.iroIutn ui aiv no t e d -a n inc rè a1sed -mo n taià 11pa-ow %eirin s ycîa eftIi* fl he5.Mi. brt Dnsm ndfaid i the chiidren wîth wboni we ha'.e ex- e.AbraDnenadfml perimented, and in one or two dli.;- vo ny gratefaiiy acknowiedge the kn EAM -00TO CLO A DY tict teches hae uderourin-expressicins of sympathy daring their EARN6.00TO 1.00 DA trita taches hveWuder ur i- Lsad bereavement, also the beautiful Uern nd Lwn tin»structions introduced of their own I v t Wrn.Bkylg accord simple physical exorcisesflrloeins Injj. Beauty Culture.Work. (;o OW(lu which are calculate.d ta secure theat. 01-11. Wr te oc21J. freî,structebý,k. right kind of brain. aItar West Drhm arSet134 DOMINION urha PairLeot.13*14 l ' WESiT [QIONTO ua F-,t cP'rrni' -,-. ',, When a peraon is standing natur- ______________________________ 22- - - - -. - 1 aily aur apparatus shows that tme 26. I~ EN/OTED 70 Q L.J~I~.I'TY TrHE DU i1.AN T j, Rd Scat Coiiiiint nai Motor Ben"lix Fu.J h-lBt-.kes Morse Silent Timning Chain FulI Force Feed Luibricatiopi Passcnger Cars Fours and Sixes from $675 ta $2095 f.o.b., Leaside, Ont. Standard Factory )Eîzipmen.t Taxes Extra E B 62,9 Th1olightfully Improved ANY factors contribute ta the popuiarity of the C Duraîn '"ýio" . .. marc power and specd . .. more casce of contrai fran i s iniproved stccring facilities... ...more confor.mblc' iding . . . lss effort in driving. Drive it yaurself; make your own comparisons; judge it b>' your Iigiîcst conception of automobile performance and modern .ppcaranc. Your dealer is waiing, now, to place a car at your disposai. BLILT DY DURANT MOTOIIS of CANADA LIMITED TORON 'O CANADA RUGBIY TRUCKS IN 1/ TON TO 11/ TON CAPACITIES - THICKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA r q The World's Simplest Englue lu Canada's flest Styled Car It was inevitable that such a beautkfil car as the îxew Wilys« Knight"7O-B"should step quiek lyinitop)reýforred u1laeeîn plul ic favor. Each montb we are huildii more Kiight-.enginced care than ever wcre buiît in any preced iig imolii. Here is a car whose high-powercd, qmscik.aeî.cîeiatiî.,r nînor i8 simplicity itscif. 118 to 158 Ies.s parts ulian aury ollier automobile engine. Just twAo nietal sleri es iii "ach îcilider slîdingup and down, one wit.hin bbc other, iii il filin ofoi 1--ilat is all."Wi th nmo carbon troulles, nlo ~Ies to île gî'ouixd, 110 sprinFe to weaken, the ncw iIlyt-Kniglxt engixe cuts uspkcep CoSts lu tw4o. Your nearcaî Willys.Knighit dealer wiII gladly give vosî a demonstration. COTR.TTP One button in contei 91 steering wh.el controis starter,lghts and horn. %nuple dealg, easy oper. ation. No virvein a ser- îns post. WlLLYS KMGHT R. W. NICHOLS co'sl.tic. T ONTARIO" f. COACH $1420 S ed an S lS4S C o p I O' R o sdster 8 4 0 o w n #1325. Wdll s Lagh Toronto, taxas «tm PAtrE TWC 1,id P%**ý

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