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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1929 DURHAM CLUB Members of The Durham Club of Toronto are planning to visit Bow%,- manville on Dominion Day and also Hampton Churcb Anniversauy. Moue particillars later. Second Standard Royalties Limited ' 331 Bay St. Toronto DIVIDEND NOTICE The regular monthly dividend of 1 % on the Redeemable 12 % Cumulative Preferred Shares will ba paid on July lst ta Sharehold- ars of record on June 25th, 1929. S. E. NICHOLSON, 1 Sec'y.-Treas. BIGGER! BETTER!! l'han Ever! The Oshawa Strbee Ob WEDNESDAY, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. A. Batton and Bernard visit- Miss Green spent the week-end wjth ed e ith friejnds at Peterburo. hier parents at Petarboro. Mrs. Burton Andrus is visiting her Report of West Durbani Women's son, Mr. Ernest Andrus, Hamilton. Institute Meeting croxvded out. Mr. Norman Taylor, Welland, Mrs. W. E. Tiiley has returnad spent the weekend at bis home here. f rom visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Coyne, Toronto, spent Sun- iMr. and Mrs. L. J. Henry, Hamil- day with her husband at Mr. A. ton, are holidaying with relativesi Dewell's. here. Mu. and Mrs. John Shackleton, Miss S. A. Neads is visiting at the Pontypool, visited friands here on home of Mr. William Lang, near Co- Saturday. 'bourg. Rev.and rs.C. C Wahingon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garfield, Stratford, MisesvJyc and r An.n. ahto, spent the week-end with her father, Mises oyc an MiaFenelon Mr. Wm. Quick. Falls, visited his mother, Mrs. W. C. Washington, last week. Old Tiane Dance in Jeanî Goodell's Hall, Courtice, every Thursday aven- Mrs. W. S. Percy, Mr. Chas. Bor-ijing. Admission 25c. land and bis daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)> Masters Lewis Deweli, Ronald and i Kennedy, Toronto, xere in towniRay Richards spent Saturday at Mr~. Tuesday calling on friends. ýHorace Greensides, Tyrone. Mr. Harold Davey, Detroit, Mich., Mus. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss District Sales Manager, Empire Steel 1 Margaret Trebilcock hava returnad Corporation, called on his cousin, Mr. lhome from a visit ta Peterboro. John Sanders, Westmount, on Mion- Mr. G. A. Kingston, editor and day. ipublisher of the Herald Campbell- ____________________________ ford, gave us a friendly cail last iMus. Geo. W'ight, Hamilton, and Mus. S. H. Edwards, Toronto, have heen visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Tios. Tati. iMr. and Mus. Russell Melville, Camipbellford, rccently spent a week- endl with MY. and Murs. Ralph Amies, Carlisle Ave. Mu. and Mrs . Albert Rosevear,l Sheibourne. anti Miss Mnggie Eagle-1 son, Feugus, visited his aunt, Mrs.1 Hnrry Buock, last week. Mu. and Mus. H. D. C'leniens and Irving, and Miss W. Caverly, motor-1 day wcek with Mu. and Mus. C. Da-w- Mu. and Mrs. W. E. Booth, Liberty St., Bowmanville, at Home, Satur- Rotary Club day, June 15th, 1929, on te2t anniversary of their mauriage, front Mr. anI Mrs. Chas. H. Fletcher, Toronto, are visting ber sister, Mrs. ]r ~Roach, and numerous other relativesi - ~ in this town. Glad to know hae is t F a i îecovering from his recent ilînesa. t F a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Needbam lefti last week on a trip ta Engand. Tey saile.d fromn Montreal on the "Laur- entic" of the White Star Line and expect ta return by the Donce in July. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richard Mantie, Bowmanville, a-nnunce the engage- nient of their daughter, Margaret UNEouis9,hand Hubert John Stacey, JU N E 19th Bowanvile, he iarriage ta take ENTERTAINMENT, ATTRACTIONS, FUN AND FROLIC FOR YOUNG FOLKS AND OLD FOLKS r Grand Prize Drawing IST PRZE:-AN AUTOMOBILE. 2ND PRIZE:-RADIO SET. 3RD PRIZE:-DE LUXE PICNIC OUTFIT. Tickets Are Only 25 Cents Now on Sale by Ail Rotarians Visit Oshawa on June i 9th and Corne to the Street Fair. Town Hall - Three Nights Starting Thur-sday, June i 3th. COAST - to - COAST SArlie Marks . In Play & Vaudeville 12-People 12 Thursday Evening Barry Connor's Georgeous Farce "THE PATSY" Arlie Mark& FRIDAY EVENING Every Mother and Daughter Should See "THE UNMARRIED MOTHER" SATURDAY EVENING Chas. K. Harrison's Laughable Marriage Tangle "WHY WIVES WORRY". POPULAR PRICES: 25c - 36c - 50c. Reserved Seats on Sale at Mitchell's. Mrs. A. S. Shaemaker, Kitchener, announces the engagement of ber daughter, Cors Mae, to Charles Rey- nolds Bickle, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Bickle, Bowmanville, Ont., the wedding ta take place the latter part of June. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant, of Maple Lana, Hampton, announce the en- gagement of thir daughter, Stanley Emima ta, Thomas Arnold Venner, aid- est son of the late Thomas Vanner, and Mrs. Vanner, of 'Clinton, Ont. The marriage will take place at Hampton eanly in July. The marriage of Fred W. Hobbs, Pickering, and Mus. Mary Prouse,ý Bowmanville, was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clarke, of Belleville, on Saturday, June lst, by the Rev. R. H. Rickard, Pastor of St. Paui's United Chuuch, Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs will reside at thair home near Pickering. Ladies of St. Paul's Church held a very successful 'Lilac tea on Satur- day afternoon. The Lecture room was daintily decorated with baskets of white and purple lilacs and purpla Iris, while the tables with their white linen coverings and mauve decora- tions and flowers were very attrac- tive. The menu was very tempting and nicely served by attentive wait- eus. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Goodyear amployees will hold their annual picntc at Presqu'île Point, Satuuday, June 22._-Miss I. Ogden, of igh School teaching staff, lntends going ta Europe for her holldays... Miss Aleen V. Park- er, B.A., a former student of B.H. S., who taught ln Fergus High School for the past year, has been appointed to teaching staff o! Bow- manvilla High School ta teach l0w- er school subjects and will also have charge of girls' physical culture In- struction at salary of $1,700 Miss Helen Thornburn bas resigned.. . Mr. Cecil H. Dudley bas been ap- pointed Secretary o! Public School Board ta f111 due ta resig- nation af Principal J. H. Johnston ifron the Secetary's office.. . Zion football team plays Ilowmnanville at Higb School grotînds, Saturday, Jîîne 151h, at 7 pan., fast finie.. . Bowmaîîville anîd Sollîta football teanis played a draw gaine, iwoalal, at Hil h Slol field iast Saturda9'. .Re. and Mrs. W. A. Buinîer, Misses Gladys and Vivien Bunner, Mus. M. A. lIaIson, '.%r. and !drs. T. W. Cawker ware at Welcoma, at- tending thea funeral af Clare Synons whose death ts ueported ln another column... Graduation Exercises o! Wellesly Hospital, Toronto, will ha held on Frlday afterîîoan, June 14. Miss Lenore Qîîick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni., tawn, tg among the graduates and will receive thle Gardon Gallie Sclîolarsbip for high- est standing ln Obstetrical Nursing. .Lt-Col Edwy White, wha recently ueturned froin California was in town Wednesday, calliîîg an aid friands, guest of hMu. A. L. Nichoils. Col. White saw the iight of day 62 years ago yasterday ln the bouse oa itnCîg St. W., opposite Canadian Radiant Co., faetory. Ha is at presant resi- Ing lunfBuffalo, N.Y ...Sunday, Juise 30, Is Decoratian Day at Orono ... Miss Susie Bailey bas ueturned fromn spending the wintar ln Belleville and ts staying for a couple of manths with Mrs. W. H. Williams . .. Ns Muriel Hancock, bride-to-be, was caught In a sudden shower at Miss Birdie Ok's home, on Friday nignt and was the recîpient o! many pretty and useful glfts fuom some thirty friands gatheued thore.-Port Hope Guide. &le ROOMS TO RENT-Two good rooms, furnished or unfurnislied, for light house-keeping. Apply ta M1rs. Wisernan, corner Ontari o and Nelson Sts., Bow- manvf lie. Phone 459. 20-tf LONDON BUSINESS FOR SALE-Fish and Chips Restaurant, Tohacco Candy. Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Pressing and Cleaning, Cash and COrry Grcery, Rooning House. Phone Sydney Smythe, Market Lane, London. 23-1' BIRTHS Bf RKS-At Bownianx i.lieospitail, on June giii, 1929, le Dr. ami Nlrs. W. Il. Birks, a son (stllborn). TH URSTON-On Monday, Jonc el0th, 32,aI Iluriside, Toranteo(letieral lies- pltai, te Mýr. ani MIrs. 1Huroi G. ( Dtch) Tii rsten (n c. Lonor-a Iti', ), 3 lalew ood Av.enue, a soli. MARRIAGES HARTMAN - GIBSON - At Trinity United Parsenage, Bowmanvilie,, on Sat- urîlav, June Sth, 1929, by 11,v. J. U. Rob- ins, Williami Vernon Hartman and Emma Irene Gibson, both of Oshawa. CURTIS-HOFFMAN-In 'Main Street Baptist Churlit, St. John, N. B., oni Tues- dav, Juac 4th, by Stev'..M. S. Iiichiarîlson, 3lrs. Grace Wilson Hloffman, St. John, N. B. , and H erbert William î('urtis. of Dfownanv il. DEATHS SOULES-In Toronto, on Tiocday, Jutie llth. 1929, Gertrude 'M. Brooks, be- lo'.ed Nvife of M. S. Soules, iin lier 341h year. Funeral frenilte borne of lr parents, M1r. and S. S. Brooks, iCourtice, on Friday, Jun, 141h, at 3 1). 1ni.çdayliiht anving limne). Interment at EhI,,eezer. POOLEY-In BowmianVille,. n ISiinday, June 9th, 19219, Richard PooIî, i geîl 60 years. TURNER-At rest in OhnSiinday, .1une 9.tiî, Donald Turner, blu ,<ldsuon of t.aM3rs. 'Mark Turnr, iniiilt year. TODD-At Pocrt Itlopc, on Sii'tî, June 9 tIi, vt '79, 1a ni s A lexander Thd,ileIc- cul husband cf Mary LI. Bichi. , aged 980 NEWHOUSE-At Cains'.ille. Ontario, on1 1-riltîy, Jîîne71h, 1929, Alic,, N rslake, ibeioveI wife of lMr. F-'.F N.liu, formerly cf l3ow tnan'.iIle. FENWICK-.ts rosilît of iii.. r tîcci- (lent, lýlotixîut, Que., on June ii, 1929, Arjt jIiir :q., soni of 3argare t 1I. F i itk and tihe late M . M. 1Fent'ick brunte rIs Principtal of ltow muii le lii îtSel ccl. SYMONS-At l'art Hoape lHospital, as tlie o u f an nom <lin t, on Frn las,.J une tl, 1'Il ouiCare Symotîs, t, lu'., d liuslîaîtd of %IurilI zlinnicl',nd t lb st soli of \iliani aruîl Alice Sytuons, Wî Iuîie, îi Ili, lItd iur. IN MEMORIAM In lo'.îng nic.niory of a denr elfe and niotii,r, Emma Louise Joint, nie il' hart- cil tIis lîfe June l6tiî, 1922. As ivo loved You s" we miss ýcu, In ocir emory you are de,îr, La'.ed, remembered. _thought of always, Oft-n wishing yeu were noir. H-usband anîd Family. In loving ntemeory of Jabez .Ilocre, whvo deiîartedl this life June 12th, 1928. Theres someone wlîo misses >"ou edly, And finds the year long since you went; There's someane who misses You daily, But tries to lbe brave and content. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. In loving memary of Aluin Herche! Richards, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards, w.ho di ed June 101h, 1913. The years are swiftly passing, But stili we cant forget; For in our hours of thinking, Hie memory lingers yet. CITIZENS ATTENTION Citizens wighfng ta have calcium chior- Ide placed on road in front of their pro- perly la keep dust down are retiuested to make application to the undersigned on or hefore .une l9th. It is esiimated cost of same w,,lfl not lbe more than 3 cents peu foot frontage ta property own- er. JOHN LYLE, 24-1 Town Clerk. WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The semi-annu*cl meeting of the above soclety will be held in Council Room, Town Hall, Bo'.'-manv.ille, on Fr1 day, June 2lot,.at 7,30 p. m. standard time. All members interested in snaking this year's Fair the greatest exhibition In ils history are urgently requestedl to be present. GEO. F. ANNIS, C. H. MvASON, President. Secre ary. 24-2 BOARDERS WANTED - Romr and board ln central part of the town. Ap- ply ta Mrs. Dinniwell. Slver St., BOw- manvilie. 24-tfi TEACHER WANTED-For S. S. No. 9. Darlfngtan, (Salem), holding second class certificate. Duties ta commence ln Septetaber. State salary and experi- ence. Âpply to G. A.. Stephens, R. R. 4 Bowntanvilie. Phone 139-4. 22-â LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinde of laundry work done prompt- ly. satisfactorily and at reaaonable prices Write Post Office Box 12, or oeil Mre. W. Marjoram, King St. B. BowmaillB. Phone 478W. SEALED TENDERS For Moving School House in Township of Cartwright We, the undersfgned trustees of S. S. No. 3, ln the Township of 0Oartwright, wfU receive sealed tenders for moving the school house on Lot 20. Con. 2, across the road and about forty rods ta the West. Tenders wili be received up until Jonc 24th. Tenders ta be addressed t0 Robert Bruce, Burketon, Ont., R. B. 3. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Signed) R. Bruce, Jas. McKes, J. M. Thompson, Trustees. 24-2 IFor Picnic Lunches or Regular Meals You will find our large assortment of groceries, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, confectionery, soft drinks, etc., make it very easy and economical for you to prepare appetizing menus. A Few Tiniely Suggestions H-ere are a few things you will need: Libby's Pork & Beans, large can .............25c Hand Packed Tomatoes, very choice, 2 tins .. . .25c Pumpkin, choice quaiity, makes excellent pies, 2 tins.............................................. 25C Rice Krispies, good for children, pkg .........15c Quick Tapioca Pudding, 2 pkgs ..............25c Marmanlade, -best grade, 40 oz. bottle ........30c Mangold Seed, per lb ..............................45c Turnip Seed, per lb .................................65c Free Delivery Service HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWM&N VILLE Articles For Sale AUTO FOR SALE-1927 Star Six Coachi. Apply G. L. Hall, Centre St., Bowmanville. 22-tf FOR SALE-Good svd .Alîuly at Tyron' h1 L. J. (3oodinan, Phone 181-22. 24-2w COW FOR SALE-Tisoro-bred register- ed Jersey cow. Apply to Jolin Douglass, or Thos., Newcastle.24 -2 FOR SALE-Hall Seat and àlirror, Gramnaphione and 41) records. Apply Latwry Cryderman. Queen St. 24-t FOR SA LE-Registercd Jersey Cow, just reneweif. ltev. Geo. Nlason, 1lighi St., Bowmanviile. Phione 451W. 23-2 BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE-Good seed buokwheat. Appiy ta W%. J. Leask, Taunton. Mione Oshawva 163-13. 24 - 3 FOR SALE-Quantity of Silver lioul Buckwlîent, sulttie for seed. Aîpily 10 W. J. Canin, Bowmnanvilie R. R. 6. Phone HOrS.24-t' FOR SALE-Double buggy and two buggy I.anp.. Clhcap) for quick sale. Apply ta 3lrs. W. H. Spargo, Libert:l,.- st., L3owmianville. Phone 231W. 41 FOR SALE-Baby buggy, 2 carpets, 4 kitchen chairs, coal anne3x, table, walniut w.ashstanll, gaivanized wash tub. Mrs. F. C. Paîlmer, Wellington St., Lownian- ville. Phione 408. 24-1w Lost or Found SWEATER COAT FOUND - Owner iney have sanie by proving property and paying expenses. 22-tf LOST-Ilack off truck~, color Niue, on June ttlî btv on Nestir ton anid130w- manvilfe. Finlor pi snotify P.1%l ar- tit & Sons, Dîman vilie. 24-tf To Let VACUUM CLEANER TO RENT-'3yj dlay or hiour. Apply te 1-larry C. Aln. West Entl Repaîx- Shop, Bowmanv;iile . 'j -3-3. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-At NeNecastie, 9-roomd biousu, sut on Beaver St., hatf ar of garîtin. Apply ta J. W. Urad(liy, i Newcastle. 21-3 HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brick rest- dences, with aIl modern conveniences. Apply ta J. E. Fl'ett, Centre St., Bow- rnanville. phone 384. 17-tf FOR SALE-Seven roomed solid brick bouse, ail conveniences, 1/ acre land, garage, hen-house, 5 minutes walk from Post Office, cash or ternis. Apply Box 485, Bowmanviile. 18-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of the finest building lots in Bownianville, on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for qui ck sale. Apply ta Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office. HOUSE FOR SALE-6-roomed brick bouse with hardwood floors, new for- nace, bath, and frame kitchen, gar- age and h en house. Good location. Apply ta J. «W. Butiner, 15 Carlisle Ave Bowrnanville. ig-ïl Wanted WANTED-Capabie woman for re- fresbment booth at beadh. W. PF. De- pew. Bowmanville Beach. 24-tf Refuse to Change The man who uses Corbett's Buttermilk Bread refuses to change because he is so thorough- ly delighted with the sweet, deliejous taste of But- termilk Bread. lie even prefers it to the home- made loaf by his own wf e. This preference is solely upon its merits. The high quality ingred- lents, the carieful baking by master bakers and the excellent service -ail combine to foâter an under- standable liking for this popular bread. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes. Seven Delivery Wagons at Your Service. W.o P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner l'Bowrnanville Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono S PE C1A L S Thursday - Friday - Saturday 50 MEN'S S4JITS In ail the up-to-date cioths and models, regular Up to $37.50.-2 Pairn Pants. $30.00 MEN'S STRAW HATS Now is the time for themi. $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 - $3.00 - $4.00 50 PAIRS MEN'S BLUE OVERALLS With Bibs and elastic braces, regular $2.00, For $1.50 If you want satisfaction this is the store to corne. S. G. Chartran Phone 26 Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U Coal 77at Saiafiu SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using ouri Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplie& and FuelI Phone 153 or 202 BownianvilleI Summer Time Demands A Cooling Refreshing EFFERVESCENT SALINE Wampole's Grape Salts, Soc, $1.00 $1.00 Boots Regesan....... 79c 75e Kxuschen Salta ......... 69c 60c Abbey's Salta .......... 49e $1.25 Enos Fruit Saits . .. $1.00 20 Khovah Health Saits .... i8c 60c Anmdrew's Liver Saits . .. . 49c $1.00 Abbey's Salts ........ 89C Erasmus Wills Sait .........5Soc Rexail Health Salis ........5Soc 35e Andrew's Liver Saits ... 29c Jury & Lovel Phone 78 We Deliver * me Rimless Glasses Refined, unobtrusive, meeting the ideas of the most exacting wearer. Use the heavy-appearing rims for sports and general outdoor use, or for the library, but for the offlce, street or social occasions Wear Rimiesa In white gold xnounting8, they are inconspicuous and show good taste. We can furnish these with your correct lenses based on measure- nients froni the lenses you now have. Jury & Loveli Eight-Hour Service in DeveIoping and Printing.

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