PAGE~~~~~~~~~~iUtZiPI SI H ANDA TAEMA. BWMITTTTt TTTir 13Ttt ') zu i -- - The Personal Element in E Il M>Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldness of prînt forms and the buman element for whase are dsie-nUt C viraL-.OPnnn.UIIIt!b I Çr LII 1Innepr ta give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, i.s anxious ta use any opportunity that arises ta demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your bus- iness TM' ANAUIN BANK 0F COMMERCE ii F_ SANDARD BANK OF CANADA ~I F-I I ited bank euse they A NNOUNCING ROYAL CORD A tire buit to stand the strains of 1929 motor- ing -sudden braking, quick pick-up, higher speeds. Its supe-strong carcass combines new engi- neering principles, new construction. Side-walls are strongly buttressed ta resist rut and curb wear. Tread is thickeî, with deep-cut blocks to give greater non-skid mileage. The New Royal Cord is the tire you must have to get the best frorn your car. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT BOWMAN VILLE .......-..........Jamieson & Jamieson GALVANIZED SHINGLES for the P!nof Handanome fic-î,o,.l-t the lfe of the building. Use Doa other. Gtpnicces. SHEET STEEL CEILINGS For Schools, 1-lails, Stores, Hotels, Kitchens, etc. BEAUTIFUL - FIREPROOF ECONOMICAL Put up in a day. Many handsome Spatte-rns. Eas.y te handle. Nailed in rlý,coove-rrold plaster. No dust \ or dirt. No muss and itter. Easy to Cdean and paint. - Get the fcts and save your money Se'or local iinamaj, cor carpenser. GIALVANJZED SIDING for Outuide W&Us Cholce of Brick, oc-face or tplt. Batput OU. I k)h lt 1î- aîinduix. T' bis amiaze- ný a î cn %- was e.tting on the id xi Il, nnidl Mien he sawx Pat he zan t- nitkke face s- and ebatter ati r'etiate. T'ho a..,ionisrtýed lrisb'man gave tlie ,nkey a long, bard look, and then laimned "Don't dIo that, me boy, nit do that. Can't Feu sec y'ur )ther i a veiy sick man?" BLACKSTOCK BOWNL fthe wveekend at hier home here. 1 FitBA Mr. arndI Mi. T. Sinith and Mis. M. Sm:îth w-ere in O.sba-v-a recently. June 10-Motors Mr. and Mrý. A. L. Bailey and June, 12-Front Ro-- vi.ijte< friends in Osébawa. Jn 4Fud Miss. Florence McýILaughlin of the June l7-Goodye teach'ng e' îll of Toronto, spent the June 19-Whiz v h)Itda' with her parents. Mr Cliff-,r<lHx-land of Toronto en- Jn 1Fud. jioel a wf-ei's holida-. with bis par- June 24-Front ç ents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hyland. 'June 26-,High S& Mr-. Wallace Pa-'coe and sister, of June 18-Motor, EnfieX. and Mr. Herbert Swain vis- Ju]y 3-High S( ited at -he homoe of Smith Bros. July 5-Whiz vz Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and july S--Front Veîra, vILstud Mis. MNlvspar- ents, Mr. and M-s. Rutledge, at Ban- 1JUIy lO-Goodyet ciof:. JuY l5-Foundr: s Ma,,jorie aro and Mai'- 1JulylY 7-Motors garer Bevan of Toronto, spent the, Games ta start h ol.iday %with the former's mother, Play-off held at en Mi-. John Mailow'. The first and secon Dir. Fred Marloiv, Jr., daugbtes Joan and Nancy, and Miss Rlh i- la-w, of Toronto, vjsited tflOir par- HAM ents. Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. 'Mailow, on Sundav. Hampton Woin, Mr. and Mrs. O.-'mnond Wright, in thbe Bungalow Frank and Edith. Mis. D. W. Brad- 5th, the President i huin andl Earl. Mrs. J. W. Bradbuirn, dle, presiding. IMi. and Ms Jas Byers, a i ii in singing the Ins:::r wi'h relatives ln Meaford. by the Lord's pi, Aninteiesting gaine of -'oftball ,ieading of the ni w,%as îîiay<ed in Port Perî'y on Fridlaylcomminunication. n evoning, -May 2kbotween Black-Ine-ss session thbe stock and Por't Periy boys. The %xvas grende,.red: I)i- scr -iowas 1.1--4 in favoi of the latter. Sgetin oi' P On Thnrsday evening, May 30rh M5 J. Cowling, 1) the young people of'the United; good recipes and Cbuicb League visited their sitrparing appetizinz League at Tyione and pî-ovided the! "Uses of Lemon- pî'ugraniî. A veiy enjoyable timie to by each lady pi tva-, epoited. rome good practîc: Coins cause nmuch suffering, but At-tendance 26. 1 HolIo1vay's Cor n Remiovei offers a teBaao,"r speedy, suie, and satisfactry relief. Ipiogram by the ch Piao Rcitl b te ppil ofMis 1A pleasant mcdi Piaranoret Aby h uis fMs is Iotber Graves' MraeAbrnethy, A.T.C.M., Bow- oadiisec !manville, ivas beld ia the Forester's to', and ith s xc jHall, Nestleton, on Friday evening, Iesfoith o May 3lst. The following pupils took part: Mis. F. Stinson, 'Miss Jean OBITU Byers, Miss Mabel Argue, Miss Annj GiftMiss Sadie Mýuir. Black-1 r. Igae j'c Public Sehool sang choruses Ms arae On Sunday ovening, -lune 2nd,1 The death of Y about 50 menîbers of the Victorianoccurred in Milîbro, Womnen's Institut-e met at tbe United Ilit'ed for about 18 Chuicb and maiched in a body te the1 ilîness of five week: Anglican Cburch where Rector Rev.1 She was the wife P. G. Powell preacbed a very approp- les McNeill, Cavan ria te and impressive sermon. Spec- was at one time Wa ial music ivas furnished by the choir. ed counties of Noir ThIis is the fiîst cerporate service the Durham. She was Institute bas ever bad, but the memn- Anglican Ch-urch. bers hope te mnake it a yeaily cus-tom.- Officiating at the The summer meeting of the Vic- at the residence of torian Women's Institute was held in Valentia, were Rev the United Cbuîcb on Tuesday aftei- and Rev. Mr, Rober noon, May 28th, with an attendance Surviving the de of over fifty members andl visitos. 1týwo sisters, Mis. T The meeting opened with devotional' of Peterboro, and N exercises by the President. Thel of Valentia; anceliii Go vernment speaker, Ms E. Gocest. i Noble, Port Hope; gave a miosr delightful and inspiringlin-îaw, Mr'. A. E. addî-ess on "How te Help Oui Yaain- Cobourg. People Chooso their Life Work." Aý piano duer by Misses M. Argue and Flor-ence Fair and community siag- ing compàlted the program. A dainty lunch of ice cream and cake was served. Reduced by Astbma. The constant strain of asthma brings the patient te a dreadful state of hopeless iex- baustion. Early use should by aill means lic made of the famous Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, which more than any other acts quickly and surcly on the air passages and brings hle.ssed belp and coinfoit No home tvhere astbma ispiesent in the least legice should bce witho-ut this great renîedy. A quiet but very pietty June wed- ding .vas solemnized on Satuîday af- ternoon, June lst, at the home of Mi. and Mis. Jas. Henry when their eld- Q est daughter, Myrtle Lavina, w-as united in mairiage te Melville Ten-I nyson Griflin, sonl of Mi. and Mis.j Wnm. Griffin, Enniskillen. The cere- mony was conducted by t-be Rev. J. E.Gififth, in the presence cf im- ne<liate irelatives- and friends. To he -trains cf the wedding miarch playcd Iby Mîs. Leslie Gr'aham, the bride bcconiingly gowned la heney- dew crene romaine, trimmed mv,.ith reai silik lace, and caiiying a bou- quct of carnations and maiden baur fer0, cntere(l the drawing reoom onj th armi of ber father, and took hier lace bcneatb a beautiful ai-ch cfq Lveigreens, belîs and flowers. Afteî the signing of the î-egi.stei- a daintyl uffet luncheon was sert cd and the I ha#y couple left anîid showers cfi 2onfetti foi Peteîrhoro andl cther cas'- ýr points, the bride travelling in aiJ nait sand en-e nib)le w-ith hat and tes to mnatch. On their ieturi'j is-v tvill liv o on thelir faim o ea r la (kstoc k. Pymoat has <Vresh froua tue gardenV /~ t- ---.- -, f ysler Quality- flot the look9 c-? -i $820~ and~- oud, Iecause P îvmi otth J. . c'Ira tanot a ni-nti'aturc-a alle car in ix iichi you and -it- ani fricndîî cati relax to _'t, is-teaui of feeling CrI ()% ed Md' î'ccause PIlvmou th lias a ivl v l~srrik t-eand a udt nc-iuss andmi il ii tv ot undi in other io%%,Pricced cars; - pitoti, I-ica :105e I iit tu iii is SO vcalvCrv-t-jn perfomnace- so swift in coflpe tu it in muainit ai nuîgtoi) speeds, Itour uptîn hutur, sinootîiy-, quicti>- anti iithout effort. .Pîx moutuh isJil-size and, fuli quai- -t In crysingle lîartictîîar. Indditiomn to itsfiii-size body, its Julliaze chassis, its ifuil-size moern etiine-, i triful-size axies-Piymrouth gtvcs VeOU the eJIs>'control of Chrysier Jull- rize weatherproof internai- .d~ ui - h2tI lit. i t ' it ' iLc = 11 l t- t unthe ut - o gmtio - ' v puce. -î (0"t~ii,' - tii. t il t~ - f f , -ut il> P'i'e f î. t n i..ft M, - , I"dî, ,j f ipîeand Oit--ii) ~'tiIiclt-2- 0I5 IPi 'ni eî< ltrI-lît.î ît CAn îî' îau t Ixt Ii un cv i t Dg gsîî F L L- ;i E C WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. Newcastle, Ontario DOESN'T NEED A HOME T'le real esýtate agent îs endeavor- ing te.ners a fair prospect in a bouse cýf ber own. 'W'hi-net," says he, "'pui'chase a home?- "Home?" sýays she, 'I say net. Why, 1 couldn't usse one. 1 was born in il buspiral-ecdnca:ctd in c 'llege- cooi'ted in a morî car-married in a cbuîch-xe Ix e un <de!cate,--n1 cout f a p ipet- bag-spend the moî'n- ings ion the golf liîks-the afte-1 no0 n s-' ver a b.iidge table-the1 nights in a jazz palaceci-r at the[ In ov ie sAnd vhen 1I <L eI'n, goingi te) he but'ied fî'om the netkîs Say. ah11I nee'd is a gar'age, wibnî- ho- a bedrooom above iýt." 4<' R S L ER .1f O TO0R S P RO01)UC T r And aul Fou have te de, lu try lu flavour once, 'ISALADAII TEA s PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAV- JTTNE 1.qtll- lq9Q