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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1929, p. 7

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TUE CANA.DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE lSth, 1929 ?AGE SEVEN I1 SATURDAY SPECIAL Blue Berry Pie We are featuring these for Saturday only at 30e each. We also recommend Chocolate Cakes, Pifleap1le Cakes and Strawberry Cakes at 25e ea. Then you'11 want a loaf of our new Milk Bread. The Bowmanvilie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE DiNNEPS PKFADy ...Meals ALWAYS On time! Most menfolk get cross if meals aren' t served on time. But you can ALWA4YS have meali right on the dot if you do your cook. ang on a Perfection Oil Range! Just touch a match to the bura- er-there's your heat-fast as gai, faster than eiectricity, far faster than coal or wood. And soc dean! No soot ta dirty up your pots and pans. No wood for the nmen to chop and arry in at alihours!1 Sean the new 1929 modela? They ame wortb while seeing. Vry hand. sorne. strong lookingi realid.u.for tht mon.y. MU aie.. popuar riceg (romn 09.00 to $225.00. 2M~ PERFECTION r' Burorej * 347 Gsn.ral &oel Ware., Toronto, Onario * M-s. s.nd nuFREE Ltnature r. Perfedien Rang.., &Loo name of neart so whuu 1 n s" ME SEvery package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the same care-as if our reputation were to stand or fail upon that single package. o IREDROSE T EAis ood ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Tour Late SPEED UPHt.h4 Cbid By Fcedrng And Afier lit Th 7e First 8 woea' Blatchford's -w-Growing ~ BUY THESE DEPUNDABLE PERDS PROU F. C. VANSTONE Bowmanville ORONO WEDDINGS P (From The News of June 6th.)Boc-ne0 Miss Edna Stutt, Wesleyville, was Byc-JWe home over Sunday. St. David's Church, Toronto, wvas c Mrs. A. Callender, Port Hope, was 'te scene of a quiet wedding on May gues of rs.M. L Trvell. i24th, when Janet May Jones (native gues ofMrs M. . Tavele. of 1Bowm-raniville), third daughter of Mrs. Ervan Rainey visited with MIrs. H. Gilîson, was unýted in mar- fried~ a Peeîiorolast~vek. age to Mr'. Rcginald B3oyce. The Mrs. George Butters left last %veck Rev. Mr'. Bracken officiatcd. The for an extended visit in Philadeiphia, bride, who was given away by her Pa. brother, MIr. George Gillson, wore al Miss Annabeli McKay, Coiborne, becoming dress of blue voile withE spent the weekend at her aunt's, Mrs. sand picture bat and carried a bou-n. J. R. Cooper. quet of pink roses and lily of the val- s Mrs. Taylor of Toronto w;ho spent ley. Miss Florence Harrison, nieceD the past month with the Misses Wad- of the bride, aced as bridesmaid and. dcli, returncd home last weck. w-as dressed in sand geoîrgete and 'n lace with picture hat te nmatch, and c .%Ir. Allison Cowan, University carried a bouquet of pink roses. Thela student, left last week for a position groom was attendcd by Mlr. Harry during the summer bolidays in the Fardeli.1 Muskoka district. Among tbe out of town guests1 Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Inch spent the werc: Mr. and Mrs. B. Joncs, Miss weckend at ber fathcr's, Mr. S. M.1 Florence Joncs and Mr'. Rus-:el Gill- Billings, and returned home Monday, son of Bownîanvî]le; Mr'. and M.\rs. H. ber niother accompanying theni.* Garvi n of Hamilton; Mrs. B. Thomp- Mr. John Armîstrong returned son, Miss M. Thompson and Mr. honme iast week from bis annualiCornish of Oshawa. spring trip through the western prov-1 Aftcr thc wedding the happy ctes rsnig ok Bo. couple left by motor for o -short hon- cloher. ymon. On their return the~y will Mr. and M.%rs. A. Hill, Eileen and rieside on Bain Ave., Toronio. Gloria, Pittsburg, Pa., and Mr. H.D. Tow-nsend of Niagara Fals, Ont., spent the weekcnd with Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Kersînke. 1IcttLn Mr. James Patton, Toronto, an c Id I SotL Kendal boy, Nvas taken with a, gtfTe ntdCurh a a oodt stroke one day last wcek. His sister- was the scene of a prctty wedding on in-law, 'Missý Bella Watson, is aýsist_-June 5th, whcn Stella A., daugbter I ing in nursing hini.I of Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Lane, was Mr. and Mrs. Invin Harris a ndjunited i n marriage with Rev. Lcniuel son, and their daughtcr, Miss Fran- I W. Scott, of Perth, Ont., son of Mr'. ces, and friend, of Niagara, xvere re- and M.%rs. William Scott, Port Hope. cent visitors at bis foster-father's, The church was tastefully decor- Mr'. Isaac Cobbledick. ted with pink snap-dragon and white Mrs. W. Walsh and son, Mr'. R. S. lilacs. The officiating clergymen Walsh of Toronto, accompanied bywere Rcv. J. Fred Lane, 'brother of Mrs. J. Cohbledick of Calgary, Alta., i bh bride, and Rev. 'Dr. James Scrnp- werc weekcnd visitors with Mrs. M. le, Snmith Falls, assistcd by Rev. A. E. and Mliss M. A. Walsh. P. Latter, Oakwood. Mfiss Margaret, attended graduating . nage by ber father, entered the exercises at Victoria College, whený church to the strains of Lohengrin's Miss Marion Dickson, graduate in wedding march, 'played by 'Mrs. Wil- Arts, received ber degrec. liam A. Lane. She w-as becoiningly Visitors at Mr'. C. F. Awde's the attired in a sleeveless gown of white past week were: Mrs. W. H. Hooper, chiffon taffeta witb embroidered net Pontypool, Mi'. and Mrs. F. Werry veil arranged i cap fashion, caught anci. family, Tyrone, and tbe Misses with orange blossoms and silver rib- Sanderson of Arcola, Sask. ibon. She carried a shower bouquet Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Somerville at- of ophelia roses and liles of the val- tended tbe graduating exercises of ley and wore the groom's gift, a Toronto University w-hen their son, beautiful string of pearls. Andrew A. Somerville, received his Miss Mabel Lane w-as ber sister's degree as doctor of dental surgery.f bridesmaid wearing salmon pink Mrs. Haw was called to Peterboro georgette and lace, wîth bat to match Tuesday, ber daughter, Miss Flora, and carrying Pink sweet peas. baving been taken suddenlyil it Rev. Harry Mellow-, Manilla, Ont., appendicitis, and taken toNcols. ably supported the groom. Mr. El- hos;pital wbere she underwent a suc-Jmore Scott, Mr. Chas. Lane, -Nir. Or- cessful operation.I ville Lane acted as ushers. Mrs. A. Wesley, Miss Davey and A reception w-as afterwards held Mr'. Walter Eagleson of Toronto, Mr. at the bride's home where a buffet John Elliott of Boi,.manville, and luncheon w-as served to about foi-ty Mr. Jas. R. Fowler of Oshawa, werc immediate f iends and relatives, af- recent visitors at the home of Mrs. iter whicb the hap'py couple left by E. A. Fowler, Centre St. 1 motor for a short boneymoon. Fori Congratulations to Mr'. James J. itravelling the bride wore a very chic Gilfillan on passing bis final exams,. ensemble of naivy and eggsbell flati Commerce and Finance, Toronto University. Mr'. and Mrs. J. J. Gil- fillan attcnded graduation exercises at Toronto, Friday, May 7th. Miss Dancy, Lcskard, treat'ed ber entrance class to a motor trip on Monday afternoon. On their return Master Ralph Butler entertainedi them at a bîrthday supper when a very pleasant time w-as enjoyed. Lawrence Wannan, w-ho bas beenfj confined te tbc Isolation Hospital., Tor~onto, for the past three weeks with an attack of scarlet fever,'îs1 now making satisfactory reco'very.i He is expected home by the end ofi the mo)nth.i Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown of Pet-I erboro, on their honcymoon, w-crel guests aïver Tuesday night of, Mi'. ad Mrs. Ervan Rainey. They left We- nesday motoring to Detroit ç-herc they will spend a few days t er'TRULYthis is1 sister's, Mrs. Whittaker. Th1 mi'TBrilliant harmci niage w-as solemnized at 4 p. m. Tues- day, at Peterboro. coration are the vagi The death tok place at bier hom Daring yet artisticcc in Markham of Mrs. Davidson, wid-1 thought of before, ow- of the late Robert Davidson, ini duced everywhere. f ber 8th year. Interment took place t at Orono. the home of bei' c'ildbood j This widespreadc days. She is survived by two sons 1 ticularly marked ini and tw daugbters, Williani and Charles w-ho reside in the West, Mr are people contentu W. J. Stark of Orono, and Miss E. immeness of former: Davidison, manager of the Ho-ne Tel- roofs that satisfy th ephone central at Markbarrm. -tat give arich, ci There w-as a large attendance at to their homnes. tbc meeting called ýhy the Royal Templars o f Tenîperance in the hall I Such people tu here, Sunday evening. The speak- lDratUord Milti-(C ers were: Messrs. Robertson, Buch-1 V.lteS. Their ch anan and Bretnell, leading ligbts inI bbc order in Ontario, w-ho advocated butv, thair aimai, the orp-anization of a lodge here.1 basbee inrod.uedincreased sup- plies have 'been ordered, showing that wherever it goes this excellent Oul impressee its power on the peo.ple. No matter ln whist latitude ft may b. f ound its pot.fncy ia neverFo d ried wthout fear of breakage. phanc braid and blonde sboes. She also carried a smart blonde bag. On their return Rev. and Mrs. Scott will take up their work at Perth. crepe, two toned navy bat of celc- Your Home Medicine Chet.-I Among the standard household reme-1 lies that should always bc on hand in your home medicine chcst, none is nore important than Dr. Thomas' iclectric Oul. Its manifold useful- ness in relieving pain and bealing sickness is known by many thousands througbout bbc land. Always use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for rclicv- ing î'beumatic and sciatic pains, treating sore tbroats and cbestis, coiighs, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sprains. A NEW SMALL "C ATERPILLAR" Ten harsepowei at the drawbar. Little brother ta the larger sizes i the '"CATERPILLAR" famiily-maller i size, smailer in prioe, but of the saine quality construction as the bigger "CATER. PILLARS". Dependable--enduring--econoniical i operating and upkeep costs. Sure-footed---soft.treading--short-turning. Smaller-therefore extending te new thousands of power users the «CATBRPILAR'S" ability te save men, money, minutes. ONTARIO TRACTOR COMPANY, LIMITED 297 CmpbeIl Ave. Toronto 3ran-tford Roofs codai Cle~s& - =Oboe d fmmi e oe& o.' mm d v ~ ai nu~ Wboé, W huk-b. d Hm md S"lma J.ý. MIL By: RICE & CO.; Hardware STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Privâte Wire Syitem 1l King Street Eazt, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calls At Our Expena. N WMO- NON ON M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 13-th, 1929 ?AGE SZVICN

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