PÂ~jE TWC THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2Oth, 1929 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Nitary Money to loan on Faim and Towni Property. Royal Bank Building,1 Bowmanvilli. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successar ta liste D. B. Simpson, K. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 911 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for sale. I Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,i Bownianville, Ontario. Phone:- Office 102; House 409. DENTAL j DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto 1 University. Graduate of the Royali C'nllcr& f Tlrfnl..-------- (--i. THE EDITOR TALKS I A great many public speakers and', wiiteis have recently been calling at-I tention to different phases of chilsi mnragemient ansi educatian. Dr. C.1 J. Hastings, who bas resignesi the of- fice ofi Medical Officer oi Health f or Toronto, a short while ago gave sanie practîcal suggestions for correction cf young children's shoit-coniings' anc cf which was condenination ai baby talk. In bis opening para-1 graphs, be saisi:1 Lot us consider for a few mnoments9 the question of speech defects, the! greater nuniber of mwhich arigînate in j childhood. It la unfoîtunate that ai gîcat many parents are content tol thunk or hope that a chilsi "will grom- out ai it." The really dutiful par-i ent wîll be concernesi about the mat-i ter, for while a number ai chilsiren i Will grow out of such a disorder by 1 their own will, not aIl do so, ansi thisl uncertainty may be brisigesi by mneth-! asis that ive bave learnesi ta eîployj successfuliy. VUElABY BO0K@S Wrka The Barden Co., I.imited, Dept. LB 41, 140 St. % Pau eeýt %.. Montreal, OBITUARY Richard Paaiey, Bowmanville Anathier re-spectesi ansi native son cf Darlington township, Richard Pooley, passesi r ' resx on Sunday,j Jurie 9th, afteir a long illne, stîuffer- ing the past few woek.e frein heait trouble.i .Decoou,:ed nwas born near Tyronel .ixty years aga. being a son cdf the late -Mr. ansi Mis. Juhn Pooley, ansi i as livesi in thi.s vicin'ty al bis life, having been a distributor of fruiti j trees for this district forso~mc years jansi working among the farmers in ansi near the town. The funeral ta <k place on Tuosday from bis late rocsidence, Scugog St. i ta Bowmianviîle Cemetery. serviceý beîng conducted by his pastor, Rexv. J. U. Robins. Surviving arc his widow, one daughter, Mrus. Frank Anderson, Bowmanville, ansi one son, Rase of iBuffabo, N. Y.; one sister, Mis. Wm. Close, Toronto; andi thîee brothers. Thomias, James ansi John, al of Ty- 1 uolegeofvntai .burgue os o Un- Our educational authorities are up. for tva Baby Weffre Booke. rone. p[leny of LIie for the iani erni tario. Office King St., Bowman and d1 Te ra jo ftese bFldanins maknga Office phone 40. House phone 22. tan oing in this respect, for in addi- ---1 Tepa]l-bearers wcre Messrs. W.Crea o tor Te buFldimngis mandings X-Ray Equipment in Office. to rng, n classes for h e n had OBITUARY J Bragg, M.P.P., W. L. Buttery, R. progressing rapi<iîy enough to satis. ofherig ad lass orcosrv-jI'.Cale, W. H.Carruthers, C.M.fvvn crke.t DR. J. C. DEVITT tion of sight, we have ini the schoolsý Carruthers and W. G. Werry. ve h raket ~~ .1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ J.W. Duttan, Waodstack Thforlrbueinud:Wat Oraidbsbaii jst ve Assstant Dr. E. W. Sissan of Toronto specia classes for correc- I -'The forly; Pueil-Boters 'and rani hasbnaeat seaston. r Graduate of Royal Dental CoU eetion of sieecih abnormalities amon Masoniu brethren froni al over SiThesFail - Nieces and Nephs-an n t haor eea geteras are In Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bfl 1our ochOol childien. tecivo Xodi:c ndcu t er; pry - eesath'MjrLgutePitsaein manville. Office hours 9i a. m. to 1 A few parents have declined to gthere tvo pay ,teir and rspcut es; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken; having won six gamnes and lost only 6 p. M. daily except Sunday. Phone avait theniselves of this service. This Ian hored omyeier of thsect oMrs. Oliver Moynes and Mr. Alonzo one. They have one more game tc 90, House phone 283. 1 agav. sae. Teaeeftti hnoa ev ae nmer :tenoded and ;Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair; '.rplay and it matters flot what happens X-Ray Equipment in Office. Ibe -reaped is great, and no fear need faeanodJ . utn Mrs. Sila.s Faster; Mrs. A. Grant as their closest rivaIs have lost three ibe entertained that the child's regu-i known lcal mfin.Wh to n, wsed an family; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. games. The remaining four teams DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 1 lar sehool work will be inefee no,nlay. lloaninghe paservice i Carruthers; Mr. and Mis. C. Rehder. are fairly' well grouped. Any one flonor raduateof Tornto Unier-1 wth. intrferedMonday. FAmongn-thoeseratten,,dAing tfromaatedis- ofo a dhemOf canhwincathen distinctionon.of sityongdutemb of Rontl o Uner-owiThequeadoni3 ' Funreral ïHome, co)nducted j tance were: Mr. and Mis. Wmn. Close. being runner-up in the remaining, Deitn ero oal Coleurgeonqesio.i wete we areý by Rev. Dr. Knowlesz at 2.30 o'clock. oot;Msr.ToaJmsan orgms h io oge Drcein ugen. Licensed toluiing enough tinie to this particular'the Masonic service was c nducted JohontPo essalsofToaaes r.and hefin games yet tap la and rcts nOntario and the Dominion. wozk, for it la obvious that one of the 1by Dr. D . M.Sutherland, a-.sisited byMrs.oT.nG. o ron, a locuat HI; M s. wdhv ie d oae on to pltheaothe Denisryinai is rachs.Ofic-1greatest handicaps to learning is the1 Rev. V. T Moý)ney, chaii:n)f Ox-1Oie ons 1.Aoz e,3 four taeaesilvr uhi h King St., Bownianville, opposit burden of po or powers Of speech and f d odeivy e oy, Mi.adMsr . Aoz WYo . Man. tunni. tllvr uc nte Bank of Montrea]. Phone 301. expression. fThe Late . l>:onw. ideyv'M.an r. .W Mn uniz i Thekownande M. tdn a widerle ning, Mis. Charles Bail, Oshawa; A modlern campus and athletic Educators will agree with the doc-! than the M\asçonic order alone. howý-l r n1i.Hîe ieMI. fedwt ure-ietakwl MEDICAL itor that speech-rather, correct 1vr sa ag aheig~~ brook; Mi. and MiNls. Colin Colville, be laid out this summer and groomned C. W SLMON M. !ech-s Oe o ou gr evr, s alare gthe-in ofDldOrono; 'Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Prout, for- the annual Track and Field C. . SEMO, MD.,C.M spechla ue f oi geaeatassts.frind~attnde .A o<~împe--!Newca.stle- Mi. J. F. Anderson. Mis. Championships in September. This1 Graduate of Tîinity MedicalClae t aivlaleiibsns and ini sive and beautiful dispIay (Jflo ~Anderson, Whitby; Mi. Ben F. new field will be one of the shc o- Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. oui Social relationship. trîbute, .showedi more eloquentlyi G'ardiner, Tyrone. places of the School and with e sh. Ofic ad esdece D.Beith'sI1 Speech nust be learned and pro.<hnwrstehg laeh ed G ae ut oteee ftemi former residence on Church Street,, duced. To inake this statement may :theawrdthe of i h ake hfl:. I ARD 0uTHAKS e tracea e dieaofachngmCon. Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t~ seemn simple, but do we understand Sxps fWlo Dis- CA __OF_____ . tace n dreet., ai Cn J. CLARK BELL iiust what it means? triect acted aý pal-bearers. :hese be-I Mis. Sarah -P oley and family To accommodate an increase in. M.O., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D. P. H. 1 ThemeraiKennfedyrsfEmbrth, r.D. gratefully acknowledge the kind ex- the poultry population of about 300, In t teIpde, R.spechar.as.prssons of sympathy and heautiful several colony bouses have been (Sucesa t D. A S TlIy> sembled and stored, and by its initia. M. Sutherland, J. G. Archibald .D floral tribute-, îeceived duîing theïr bu'It at the foot of the Darch flons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- tive and under its guidance speec 1 toeyad r .M tvn recent sad bereavernent, and also de- orchard. deen University; Fellow of the Royal aan produced. '5a11 of this city. FoIlowing the ser-ji sire to thank the many neighbors and Boys' gardon plots are beginning College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. i . ices at the funerai home the s0rrow- 1friends for their kindness during the l k reen.h Office and Residence, Queen St artl-ng at the foundation, in the. igcreepoeddtoteBpitln lnes ' h aeRcad0 lo Developments there Bowmanville, Phone 89. learuing of sounds or words,th Cemetery w*beîe interaxent vasmae1 oly will be keenly watched by the proud Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. mi., 6 ta 8.30 p. m. cidms tsm ie cietheInI-Woodstock Sentinel Revieýw. _________ for the first tume. It may have toj Mr. Dutton *was boîn in England Staff tiimmed the boys at basebal W. H. IRKS, .D. Ireceive them several tumes before a 76 years ago and lived in Bownman- OIUR atwe y h ahrdutu Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. correct record or impression results 1ville for several vears wheie he wa7sî;score of 20-19. It was anybody's Telephone 108. in the tiny cella of the brain.. epoe yteD .&P o rv IM . ots oot aewt h edcagn ad Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's ** eo ed by tc oteD .&P o. rv- M.M.S aueTabtouaetihie edchnig ad former residence, Wellington Stret Any parent *or teacher wiîî read.ilyî~st ivn t odtc bu i about every inning. The game serv- Bowmanville. st admit the correctness of the dotrs1tit years ago. His wfe was Jen-1 The death occurred on Tuesday,1 ed as a practice foi the staff teani as nie M ces. daugrhteî of 4h late 7M',.-iJune 11, in T,>ronto, of 'Mis. Gert-îthey play Whitby staff in the near ideas wheni he says: How importantiand Mrs. Geo. Moses, Bownoanville. irude M. Brooks, wife of Marshall S.1futuîe. Staff line-up: Dr. Reaman,, DR. V. H. STOREY it la that the child have a good cepy _______________Soutes, l176 Kingswood Road, in 'herl catcher; Mr. Cunningham, -pitcher;l Office hours 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 p. m. from, which to make its permanent 1 After 8 p. m., by appoin'inent only. pattern. Even at this it sometimes1ducing the sibilant sounds. The re- th yheaîf i. cae andMs te SS . ndbas, fr.Msn r base; Mrsc Exception-Office will be open 9 to canstructs a poor pattern. How-.suIt la lisping, and this miay persi f fM.ad Ms S .edM.Msnthr ae i 10 Saturday ni«ht. 36-tf ever, fromntepten frnd vatr thetehar ena Ently Ms of Cou.rtîce, Ontario. Dobson. short stop; Mi. Seggie, left patriofrevnatrtetehaepraety Ms Soules had been 111 for sanie field; Mi. Bîadt, centre field; Mr. DR. R. W. CLARK which la a coniplicatedj affair, haidlyireplaced. tme but the end came as a sur'prise Fenton, îight field. Physician & Surgeon tabdecieheegouthetm-*to lher many friends who had hoped DrG.E Remn tede a ciations which govern the differenti Another quality ef speech besides for a speedyWreca>very. Drhe Ewas a ttndd Office-Division St., Bownianville. orgams concerned in reproducing the1 the formation of words la its tone or member of Ebenezer United Church, meeting of the Ontario Neuro- (next to Trinity United Church) word or words, these organs being 1 ring, more ,pro'erly called timbre. Ias a elkow nti ititpsychiatrie Association ut Orillia Office Hours-3 ta 5 andi 7 ta 9 p. mi. cemmonly cailesi the speech organs. 1 This is effected by resonance, niuch where she lived up until the time < o spto idaJn 4h 8cadays by appaintment only. In sanie cases unluckîly, speech de-' the sainie as tihe fbody af the violin her niarriage.I Phone 24 fects are due ta an inferior qualityj adds quality and fulîness ta the Suiviving are her hushansi and, 4&t af or perhaps serious previo us dis-1 sounds producesi by the strings. Thla thîee sons, Jack, William and Don~ DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS ease of the -brain or the nervous sys- timbre la imparted by the cavities Of! aid; her parents; also three sisters, teni. Fortunately the great pre- the head, including the throat, mouth,' Mis. Hugh Fitzsimnions, Detrait,j The Physicians of Bewmanvîlle ponderance af such speech imefc osaýohrsae. bIOmalMse thladAraB"s s-. hafve as, ndoterapce. dbomaBMsss thlhne AraBrok, s haeagedta close their offices tions niay bie traced ta lessa e iousii iay of t2iese aie sure ta awa, and one brother, Rae Brooks of' B y t e B s Wednesday aiternoons. In case of' sources. For instance, a child MnaY j change the essential quality of the Courtice. I emergency at thîs tume enquire of lbe surroundesi by poor speech an thie; vice. Gonsequently, clironic n-1 The funeral was fieldi on Priday the hospital or telephone aperator part af others froni which it has been flaniatians, aduarmal or enla.rged afteînoon from. the residence of hea W alipapers for a doctor. faîeed ta copy. This may last oniy tonsils, adenoisis, obstructive condi- parents, Ccurtice, service being con- ___________________for a short white or it niay develop~ tions of the nase, and a few other ducted by Rev. J. H. Staintan, pastor Maetapontosew tI inta a basi habit which may persisti conditions may mnateiially change a of Ebenezer Ghurch, asslated by RLev.I have before selecting your Wl CHRPATCAN RGESfor years. Wallin Ppes voice and should receive early at-, W. S. p. B'Oyee. aes CHRPATHEROYANso henhe sysan he the i uteing somtes&roith The floral afferîngs were a mag- In addsition ta my own, I can DURWIN E. STECKLEY hansi, definite physical defects may!1 article, as it has to do largely with a ib diesspayf ett ful awreaths, sIallgoais roisei th- honor graduate ai Toronto (Jollege be hindering the chilsi in its speech, idisturbance of the eniatiOns Of the bIaskets, raysof eltiefrond a ery bstWIPpe oue i tn in spite ai the most earnea nevridvda oafcei hr a~ cea elaiesasifiess taria, where papeis are pricesi t ai Chiropractic wiil bie in the Bow- ne-vi niiuls fetd hmi o whose sympathy was expressesi in sel fsat. manville Office Tuesday, Thursday Ion its Part. thing physical oar material to it ex-1 this faim for the bereavesi, and also and Saturday evenings, phaone 141J. We cannot condenin toa strangly! cept se fair as the general health Of, 'by their presence at the funeral. Prices given on ail kinssoa Resdenia caîs ad duing foai he .ay tlwihsanie Parents' the child îay influence its ernotional The interment took place in Ebent-,ipitn n eoaig naon. indulge in when speaking ta the very: lue. **jee eeey ________young. It i3 aiten consideresi ra ereet _____J._H. Ae nL Ly 1 for baby ta talk in mlas fashion, and! Parents of yourg childien sbauldj Paring a corn la bath risky and in- becatise it seems cute it is ecrg-; give eainest beed ta Dr. Hastings' effectirve. It is much better te usel Concession St., Bownianvill. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ei lit la often forgotten that theiclosing iemaiks: tHolloways' Coin Remover and eradi-, hn 3 consiequences may bie serious ta e, h Il, then, your alid has a speech cate theni entirely.Phn43 F. F. MORRIS Co. chilsi for impressions mean sa niuch; inpedument you shoulsi at once con-1 Ab Complete Mtai or ta a 'child during its early years. 1 sider the advisability of taking it ta?ý f=1ý Horse Equipnient. There is another type of chilsi, your doctor. Let hlm carefuly de-i Ç~~) &ll calîs praniptly wbich in spite of good speech ex- 1termine whetheî any' defect he îay' __________________________ attended ta.i ample at home, continues a cbiidish' flnd has an influence on the child's Private Ambulance. incoherent talk. With this child a:!zpeech. It miay 1 e necessary aise to Bowmanviile phone: ýgreat deal of perseverance ioftenivisit your dentist te dotermine te f j B0rand to3 s necessary for correction, and parents wha- extent dental defect a h A. Cail foir Jnited Action/f Branc Storý andteachers require much patience responsible. Once y-,m have hasi de-!I Orono & Newcate and tact in dealing with su-h a child. foc'>. correctesi thù tine ÎS ripe for CITIZENS 0F ONTARIO ALAN M. WILLIAMS j It i3 well that a doctor gives us the îo-elcaroneL -. that pe0ch iave 1j have saved the province many millions of dollars Embalmer and Funeral Drector. eft of his medical knowlesige on reochel ! th prnp-)-xîc.ns o af iit'I in the past few yeais in their efforts to risi both Cails given prompt andi personal at- the next point, for in dlacussing phy- niust hoe deit wiih by patience ands1 tawn and country of WEEDS. tention. No extra charge for dis-i sical defects of speech organs as a: perýpvùran ce. F.nc,urngie 'ho chilsi. j tance. Motor Ambulance at yauri cause for poor speech we have a i Help him ai! yîu caf. andl if he îw ai Millions of Dollars are still being lost, hawever. service. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- large field ta caver. In this instance school chilsi let the authoîiýies <ecidel The work is only begun. Faîmers, knowing their manville, Ont. 3-tf. we nust do " briefly. %vhothei or not he ;hou14l attn hproa loss through weeds, co-aperate ta end the ________________________laoften giveri as a specunI cIaseý sf.': tho rup pere I usanael uiia cucl n idvd si -- cause. There are actually such theo ond'w.,. o 'a ! be aniply rwnue iane, Mnicaln ciiiar l ansi ndiidls in AUCTIONEERS caýeo, b ut hy no means Sa coimonly r.add ilgs on n ite r hlhatdyjnn THEO M. SLEMON as we are led ta believe. in oui.r-itefgh gis h cmo nm-E ds. Auciaeo ahooL- it is rare to finsi such a case,! NOW is the time ta strike, ta prevent most weed Faim ans H ouseSaes r pcat the usiual thing founsi is an unwield- fram seeding. Cut the weeds down BEFORE thcy Farm nd Huse ales Spfia yily, pooîly trainesi tangue, that hasifoean ed Terms moderate. Enniakillen P. 0. inat lesre h ie ndrpdm)e Phoe_ 97r._ jf mnt nece9sary. Fight weeds as yau would fire! You wisely pratect and aie-p ar isul- ... .yourself from lasses by flue . . . which ar a VEEIAYClef t-palate adhr- aeuulpossibi)ity. iEEINR y groupesi. Eithei may occur sing- 1. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se., ly, and varying degrees of either. Puoteet your praperty from heavy lasses by weeds. Orano may be encounteresi. Tbe-e have a, Neglect makes these lasses a certain ty. Ronor Graduate of University ofli marked effeet on speech and 'n asidi I Wessradlk idir fngete1 eto Toronto. AIl cases given pialfpt tion ta producinz proor articulation; Dy ouhan prce al oxasp e ies anyar f lansis . DNotify yu i ansi careful attention. Office-Dr. a -e another rsil,<bha o inspuîrt- Dymuhadpr e iln iosw d nyu ad.Ntf or VcElroy's former office. Phones; îng a nas;al ring ta 'ho voico. ExN throat are grateful for the municipal caunicil or weed inspectai af weed grawths Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. cept for certain -ounds aur specn refreshing coolness of found on raadways, vacant properties, cemeteuies and i passe-, largely throueh 'he mouth,; Wrigley's Spearmint. other public places. while thbe nrise andi othor cavitipes rf 1 Complete in itself, Mother Graves' 'the heasi act as reso0nair cha,îmheîs. Wrigley's whitens teeth, Wari Exerminaor cesnotreqi 1When as in the caze ai trii-,e e ect. Wom xtrmnto desfotreu Oeur sudsnecaris iiprt wetesthe mouth, cdears I WA.R.NNG Under the provisionsof t heWeed the assistance Of any other md'et,,g the nase an unusuai quai itv the throat and i sdgetoCnoatxAct, every occupant of land and every owner af ta make it effective. It does flot fail is adsies known as nasaîitv. This : s while the actof hdigsn, inoccuped land is requiredto destroy noxionsweeds be- tdoisweîk. act ofq chewsng n-l -I1- ---- l 1 fare theïr seedi ripen. Road Authorities are required ta 1 . a lr n 1, y 0 Isi l f e ý 9 d d d SI V n n n h e il .4 * * the toughest, longest-wearing tires on earth-and know that wher- ever vonU go, your tires will carry you through with greater safcty and econ- oÏnv t h.:,î an-. others you can buy. The ex'.-a Firestoîie process of Gum- Dippiîig w~hich saturates evyfibre of ce ry cord with rubhr, eliminating initernal frictioiî, conîhined with the Vtge irestone safety tread, givea youîlot monlylong nilbeage, but long unin errupted mileage by reducing tire troulei to the îaîîi.sieîg Point, SceNou.7 hîerest Firestone Dealer. FIREST1ONE TIRîE & RUBBER CO. 0F CANA.DA, LTD. Hiamiltoun - Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR lirestern DUth Ct **uffm dovom@ BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS~ linder ideal weather conditions, the HoNvard Ferguson Scouts andi Cubs cambined Friday ansi Saturday for the best week-end camp in bi-st-ý ory of Schoal. Tho group ai 35 trampesi 5 miles north to a spot wbcre the flesquitoos are as big as bull-dogs an<d twico as feoccius. In spite of tne pests. it w as a reoal scout'y outing andi une tba- vilI ,n,- bore- npmb e,~roi. The secut.. journoyesi iin two groups, the first group hunt- ing out a suitable lucatiim ansi blaz- ing a trail cf scout signs for the ro- mainder Io follow. Manv outdooîl tests were passesi, making tho tipi quite u-cful a.s Weil as enjox-abbe. Two iftercsting pa oi f ipeople visi:ed the Sch îaî Wedse.day. àn the afternoon graduate nurses cf thel dis-r:ct inspectc(l th- plant. ansi in the evoning a zraup ai Kiwaniansj from Peterboro xeie guestzs af the Schooi a, dinner. The two new buildings au'e pro- gros.sing nicely ansi xill ho ieady in STOBIE, FoRLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Oi Expenie ?AUE TWC THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1929 Satlsfled Custounersi SATISFIED customers have been largely responsible for the growth and prog- rems of this Bank for sixty years. Today, more than ever, we try to bring a human sympathy and an intimate understanding into our daily business contacts. Yau w&ill like banking ai The Royal Th Je Royal ]Banik of Canada Bowmanvile Branch- R. F. Aitchison, Manager W4th Comfort and Safîeit EQUIP WITH fTires...*