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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE ANAIM, STAESMN. OWMAVILE. rrnTUTNE T0~t,12 Pure Food Store EDMONDSTONE'S STORE ADDS ANOTHER DEPARTMENT Business conditions are such these days that you can't keep stili. One must keep up with the demands. So to be in the front van of retail merchan dis-, ing in pure foods we have added a FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT This week we open with a fresh stock of Or- anges, Grape Fruit, Cantelop e, Strawberries, Leinons. AIl good quality an d prices are right. Business is growing so fast we added another clerk to give our customers prompt service. Free Delivery Service G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY SUMMER TIME NEEDS SUMMER SHOES White canvas oxfords and strap slippers, $3.00 pr. Sport oxfords with crepe rubber soles .. 3.95 Pr. Dressy colored slippers, suntan and futuristie, 84.95 Pr. Blue kid is fashion's favor, special ......4.95 Pr. Biege canvas brown trinimed oxfords, Women's ....82.95 pr. Men's ........ 2.35 pr. Just opened a new lot of ladies' patent one-strap, with cuban heels ..........................82.65 pr. Woxnen's patent one-strap, cuban rubber heels, $3.45 pr. Women's medium heel patent one-strap, $3.25 pr. Women's kid 2-strap. cushion sole ...... 3.25 pr. Misses' patent one-strap, cushion sole ..$1.95 pr. These are repairable goodyear soles Sandals in patent and crearn elk, 5 - 71/j-$1.50; 8 - 10/2-$1.75; il - 2--$2.00. This week only special price on Women's full- fashioned silk hose, popular shades,.81.39 pr. SMen's sandal oxfords, panco soles ......2.95 pr. Men's black oxfords .........................83.75 pr. Men's brown oxfordis...................84.75 pr. Men's work boots, special ..............83.65 pr. W. C IýAUDE IVES, M anager. Bring P& G Coupons To AIin's Grocery Store This week P. & G. Soap Coupons will be' distributed to every house in Bowmanville. Bring them to our store and get a package of Oxydol at 25c. LAST CALL FOR TURNIP SEED Best government tested Turnip seed clear- ing at 65e lb. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Let us supply your order for Fresh Fish. You'l be pleased with assortment and price. REFRESHMENT BOOTH NOW OPEN Ail ready for business in the littie annex with Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cig- arettes and Tobacco. HARRY ALLIN, Grocer j Ashonviste th ltte'ssise. -s-t!on viitd te atamr. s site Mis. Stewart Rodmian, Scugog Is- land ... . Mr. Herbait Johnson, Toz-1 ,onto, visited bis mothe-in-law, Mis. J. Pya. Mrs. Johnson returnedi homie witb him aftav a weak's visit hebae... . Mr. and Mxs. Alymer Beach and family visitad ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith, on Sunday. . . ..iWilbur Hutchison and brother, Dr ars Hutdhinson, Winnipeg, arae expected ta ha have to attend fservice with us on Sunday June 10, and ta attend a famly re.unio1i Orono on Monday .... .Mr. and Mis. W. Jaffrey, Scugog Iland, visited their son, Mr. Ors, Jeffray ...Mx William Griffin bas raturnad home from Mr. Alymner Beacb's... M . fand iNs. Elwood Rahm, Oshawa, vis- ited her mother, Mis. George Pres- ton. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore and daughter Murmel attended the funarai of tiha late Mr. Veale, Nes- tieton, on Sunday.. .., Ms Hans-y Avery, Mr. and M1.Osa Tree, Woodstock, Mrs. Win. iai!,j Toronto, visited at Mrs. Wm. Oke's. . ,. League opened in the usuai way fand Stanley Ilodgson read the bible les.son, and Alice Ashton, the devo- tional. It was decidedj that the ILeaguer.s have their picnic atf Caesarea on Saturlay, June 22n(l. Topic was given hy Miss Reva Mc-1 Gi; Miss Elsie Moore sang a solo; and Mfiss Nfarjory Martin gave aý reading; a piano solo was renderd by Harold Kay, after which readings,' wara given by Harold Stevenson, Norman Carrington and David Simip. kins; Rai. J. M. Whyte gave a stovy and the meeting closed witihth benediction. Complexion Powders Jncluding the popular new shades tihat maka Yau look tannad. None nicer than Yard ley'-s Sun - Tan In Day Draam you may have a pawder aqual to the bast and at a price that al can affod-50c box KERSLAKE'S The Dependahi. Drug Store Use Gevaert Filme for Perfect Pictures Silk Hose ...........59c to 81.79 Sport Belts ...........15sc to 98c Knitted Sport Suits ..........86.95 Sport Dresses ......2.95 to $5-95 Sport Hats .........77c and $1.59 Silk Lingerie in big variety at Corsets, vin rse es. orsets, orseltes... 9 Wo $.50~ Pleated Silk Skirts, ai sizes and colors, regular $4.50 ..........82.98 Wool Pullovers, ail sizes and col- ors ...............................82.19 Silk and Wool Pullovers ....2.98 Play Balls-you can have lots of fun in the water..........98c i HAMPTON TYRONE SALEM A Memory Day serv1ice wilI ha he]d Mr. A. W. Clemens visited bis Tbe afternoon service was witb- at the United Churcb, Hampton, at father, Mr. W. H. Clemens, Cobourg: drawn last Sunday as our choir fur- 2 p. m. Sunday, June 23rd. Speak- who is quite ilii.... .Mrs. W. C. Lakenisbed nmusic at bot.h services at tbe er-Rev. Geo. Mason,* BowNzan.vle. Newcastle, is visiting hier daughter, Long Sau]t Anniversary. Sunday The service at the church Nwill be fol-i Mrs. HarodId Skinner .... Mr. J. Bris- School anniversary will be beld next iowed by the decoration servicebatIbin, B'urnt River, visited bis sisters,' Sunday. ..Mr. Ewart Pollard, Tor- the cemetery. Special music is be- Mrs. Litt]e and Mrs. Hicks, who is onto, visited bis parents, Mr. andj ing prepared for this occasion. ; quite iii ...Miss Mann, Sutton, is Mrs. Chas. Pol]ard, over the week- Our heartiest congratulations toi visiting at Mr. W. F. Parks. ..Mr. end..... . Mr. G. A. Stephens left or estimable citizen, Mrs. R. Kater-1 and Mrs. Byron Moore, accompanied home on Monday mornîng enroute ta sowho on Friday this week, June by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- Buffalo to meat bis daughter, Mrs. 2lst, ce]ebrates the 8th.anniversary dence, Sundayed witb friends at Lit-' Chas. Scholl, and three grand-child- of ber h4irtb in possession of al her tle Britain and Mariposa.-.-miîss ren, wbo are travelling fromn the faculties and good health for her ad- Marion Slamon, Bownianvile, is hol- Southern States to spend their bahi- vanced years. idaying with Miss Lorna Hooper. ... days under the parental roof.. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Mr. and Sorry to leara tibat Mrs. W. E. Pol- Mrs. Wi]lis Stewart visited the lat- lard is under tbe doctor's care. We MAPLE GROVE ter's daughter, Mrs. W. McDonald, hope for a speedy recovery. Cobourg...'Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ____ Miss Vers Baker, Solina, spent the Park and family visited friends at weekend with bier sister,' Mrs. L. C. Sutton. . . . Churcb service next Sun- 38th BATTALION, C. E. F. Snowçden, and attended anniversary day at 10.30 a. m. Sunday Scbool services...Mr. Howard Fo]ey shot1 at 2.30 p. ni...The Women's 1nsti - Tbe 38th Battalion, C. E. F. is a porcupine in bis orchard on Tues-' tute and Ladies' Aid wi]l meEat attbe anxious to pre'pare a permanent nom- day, June lSth..Miss Helen War- home -of Mrs. Norman Wood]ey Wed- inal rolof every man who ever serv- den, Toronto, spent the weekend nesday, June 26th, at 2.30 p. mi. AIl ed witb that Unit and I wouid ap- Iwith hier uncle and aunt, Mr. and ladies are invited to attend..ThelIpreciate it if ail Ex-Menibers of the jMrs. R. L. Worden... . Mr. and Mrs. bumorous play entitied "Looaking for od3t atlo ol owr 'Charlie White, Oshawa, are holiday: tMai-y Jane" was splendidiy given their permanent address to me at J ing witb bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. last Wednesday evening by CiarkeI172 Woodfield Road, T:oranto. L. J. D. Stevens, and other friends.... Township Agricultural Dramatic Soc-j G. Dewsbury. Anniversary visitors: Miss Irene El- îety under auspices of Gleanrs liott, Kendal; Miss Alice Arnold, Bible Clas ..Friday evening the Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin, C. G. I. T. gave a short play &ntitled CEE O MNJL IL fNewcastle; Miss Electa Presion, Wel- j "he Torch," also a humorous dia- corne; Miss Vera Power, Nwate logue "Aunt Maria's lllness." Both AanDsigus bmevsi Mr. nd rs.Stuart Morton and sonware splendidly given under direct- Obw j Jack, Cobourg, with the latter's par-lion of thair leader, Miss Evalyn JenBladMisD th lfents-, Mr. and 'Mrs. Tua Po-wýer;lBrent. Bowmanville Higb School -Ms enBlladMs ooy1 Mliss Marion MacDonald, Oshawa, i quartette gave several splendid sel-j Plummer, Bowmanville, pupils at, with Miss Jean Stevens; others too4ections whicb werc much enjoyd Peerless Business Collage, Oshawa,[ nunmerous to mention. Cfteria lunch wasserved at tbheaa ginditnuibdtemels 'Iclose of the program. Proceedgl Miss Bell is tha first typist i Osh- $27.. . $27 Mr. and Mrs. W. McCarty awa to win the new emblern prasant- SOLINA Mr. Ross McCarty, Lindsay, MrsT' ed by a Typewriter Company for 1rishin, Yeiverton. Sundayed nt Mr.l writing 50 words a minute witb fiva Mr. and Mrs. A. Wbitnell andiR. McCulough's.....Glad to îearnavrsolssfr iten iue. June, Toronto, visited at Mjr. W. J. IMr Byron Farrell is ïmproving a lit- WiaMs lma stafrtt Reynolds' ...Mrs. Howsam, Port tde in Bowmianville Hospital.The win the naw 10017osccuracy award, Pervy, has been visiting bier son, Mr. many friends of iMr W. H. Halfacre wmhich is given for perfect work. Chas. Howsam..Mr. W. Lammna- wil] ha glad to learn that be is rea- Miss Plummer n-vote 60 words a min- min Mr an Mr. illLanmamncovering from pneurnonia. ute for 15 minutes without an error, minMr. nd Ms. ill ammaînso she has received hoth awards. Mr. Arthur Baker, Oshawa, Mr. andj Mrs. Trott, Orillia, Miss Ada Wl]- I liarna Midland, Messrs. Alvin Peters COURTICE SEDDMNO A and Harold Williams, Hampton, wera1tSEN OINO A recent callers at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mrs. Edwin Worden, Ottawa, is a AT PORT HOPE A goodly number from bhere at- bier son's, Mr. Frank Worden's .. tended annivarsarv services at Kad- Our community is in sadness again Monday JuIy lat. ron and Maple Grove on Sunday andj over the death of one of our popular visited friands. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. young men, Mr. Keith Worden, son Tbe prograni for the sixty second Gibson and Marion, Osb awa, Mr. and* of Mr. Frank Worden, wbo after an annual caiebration of Dominion Day Mrs. Harold Jabson and Dorothy, operation for appendicitis in Oshawa at Port Hope includes trotting races Brooklin, visited Mr. Walter Vice's. Hospital seemed to he doing nicelyj this yaar, with good purses and large ....Master Stanley Hardy bad his for a tima but compl ications set in antries. The races have been a prom- tonsils out lat waek... . Mrs. Walterjand hae passad away on Saturday mnent feature of each year, and pro- Vice spent Sunday witb Toronto night. Keitb was activeîy associat- duce some exciting finishes. For thel friands. .. .Mr. Jim Reynolds spenti ed in the church work, being a meni- Famuly, a continuous programi of sc- the weekend in Toronto. . .. Mr. Cea I1ber of the Tuxis boys and was mucb robatica .by some of the hast Known James visited at Mr. Peter Walker's' ioved by ail wbo knew hlm. We ex- New York Artists, along with music Port Hope... Curch services this1 tend oui daepast sympathy ta hi by the famed Kilties Band of Co- Sunday wilha bald in the morning, father, sistear and brother... er- bourg, iBasebahi and other higb class Sunday School at 10 and Church at vices as usual next Sunday. .acts, can be enjoyed in conifort and il a. m. ..Rm iber the Women's Woman~s Missionary meeting wl!! be safety on thé finest natural grand rinstitute picnic on Mrs. Russel Or- held at the home of Mrs. W. H. stand in Canada. 'The evening par- miston's ]awn Wadnesday afternoon, Nichois on Thursday- at 2.30 p. ni. formances are îounded out with thbe June 26th... Mr. and Mrs. George AIl of the ladies are invi.tad ta at- hast display 04f frewoîrks sean in the Giannay, Mr. and Mrs. Dan wotten, tend.Mission Circle beld its district for sanie years. Public Harold and Kenneth, Toronto, visit- mOntblY meeting at the home of Scbool children are invitad to enter ed Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone Miller MrS. Wifl Lymer on Saturday aftar- as the guasts of the committee if ac- last week ... Mr. and Mrs. J. J. noon. Meeting opaned witb a hymn companied, and the day bas been as- Brown calebrated the 4th anniver- and ail repeating the 23rd Psa]m. A pecially arrangad for their entex-, sary of their wedding on Sunday ati latter from Africa was read by Mr,.. tainniant. 25-21j Mr. Miller's 'home. Guests at din-j Clarence Penfoujàd. The bible las- nar were Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Bick, son was raad by Mrs. Wiil Bickie. Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Readings were given by Mrs. Harh ______ Hardy and family The tabhie waslNichois and Miss Bath Gay, and a beautifuliy decorated with iily-of- 1very beipful and inspiring address on the-valaey and silvev. Mr. Bick per- 1 "Service" was given by Miss Lyla formed the ceramony of cbristening Osborne, Toronto. Music was sup- Mr. and Mrs. Miller's littla son, plied by the gramaphone. Afteî- Clifford James. lwards îefrashments were sarved and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Pritchard, To-1b app>y social time spant. Mrs. Ly- G o o d y onto, Miss Ina Cari, B.ow-manvilla mer made the girls welcomne in liar spent the weekend with Mr. and Mi'l home and was most thougihtful of ber How'ard Wannacott. »guests ..The funeral of the late Mrs. M. S. Soudes, who passad away ENNISKILLEN fromi the residence of her parents, S t r ~Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bro oks, on Friday Mv. and Mrs. W. Sandevso.n and af eno. Tbe attendanoe at the two childien, Olga and Murray, aind'fýuneral andlthaWf.altib of floral af- Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Blaakstocklcferîngs were the largest sean in this ~ Y u o i recently visited Mr. and Mrs. H. neighborhood for rnany yaars. Flow- f~ Wanamaker, Seagrave....M r. and ers frSnm nany friends in Tarante e o r H ld MErs. 0. Jeffrey and son. Cleni, Mr.. and aiso from ar<>und Courtîce ex- and Mrs. A. Brunt we.ra recentJ pressad the sympathy of a very wide 7 kW guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, circle of friands who knew the de- - v e 5have ....og... . Mrs. Fre<j Gourlie, Toi- ceasad now andj in former years Mvond Ms. alt eoreettyhawh nte maivhd. TheSpie se rai Mnr. and M is.Walereorge Dea», ny, wn sh id.heeTherpalshe gvew or- er visited at Mr. WesleY O......... .Mr. weie Messrs. W. A. Code and W. H. S o t M r h anid Mis. James Strong, Hugh and Pattie of Oshawa, and four friends Ross, 'Port Peray, visited Mis. James from Toronto. Mia. saules wgs cf Freebon ... . Mr. and Mis. H. Han- a bright and happy disposition, ai- ýcock, Caurtica, Mr. H. Hancock from ways ready te do a kind aet ta those Nor-th West, Miss Myrtle B<unt, Tor- in need. Before ber mairiage ae ante, were recent guests at Mr. Levi was associatedj in the work of Eban- Brunt's . .. Dr. and Mis. Siem<>n ansd ezer Sunday Sdhooi and Cburch and family, Bonia-nville, Miss Laura bad many warm friends in this com- Virtua, Toronto, M. and Mis.Harb- u.t who sinoerely sympate R or OpnIF art Slemon and daughter GretT- with bar husba.nd, feanily af littie onte, were Sunday visitais at Mr. boys, ber parents, sistars, and brc- and Mis. J. Siemon's..Miss M. ther in the 108s tbey bave sustained Dalton, Miss Marjorie Martin, r by tfhe passing of one so early in ii.. A Great Pair With ail the out of towm bakers attempting to flood the town with "foreign bread" the de- mand for Corbett's Wholesome Bread stili leads. Our two big sellers are: CORBETT'S FAMOUS HIGJ- LOAF CORBETT'S BUTTERMILK BREAD Both are particularly recommended for the nourishment they contain and easily digested. KEEP COOL DRINK CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Special price in case lots. Wedding Cakes A Specialty W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono lay, June 22nd. lay Requfrements at Nelsons e the finest stock of - andise in town - for your Convenience ec i WATSON'S UNDERWEARj Men's Balbriggan Combinations, ize 34 to 44 .................. ..98 C Men's Balbriggan Vesfis and Drawers, ail sizes ............ rg Men's plain and fancy Broadcîoth Shirts, $1.79 value, ail sizes, 81.39 Men's Silk Ties,......49c to 81.00 Men's Caps, ail sizes, 69c t. 81.50 Boys' Caps, ail sizes.......... 9 Men's and BOYS' Suspenders, 29c to 59c Arm Bands and Gartes, 25c - 49c Bathing Suits, a new stock at ex- ceptionally low orices. NELSON'S Store of Bigger & Better Values WaIk a Bîock and Save a Lot SPECIALS THIS WEEK Men's $2.00 Kahki Pants, special ...........81.50 Men's $2,50 Cottonade Pants, special ......82.00 Men's $2.00 Blue Overaîls writh bib, special ..$1.50 Men's $1.25 Work Shirts, special ...........$1.00 Men's 75e Colored Lisle Sox, special ..........5c Men's $1.25 B. V. D. Combinations, special ..$1.00 Men's 75c Bal. Shiiits and Drawers, special ....5Soc Men's Straw Hats, ail new shapes, $1.50 to $4.50 Men's Light Flannel Sport Pants,..83.00 to $5.00 50 Men's Suits, 2 pair pants, regular $35.00, Special $29.50 S. G. Chartran ~Im~ i THE CANADIAN STATESMAIN, BOWMANVILLE, THTJR-I;DAV- 3Twr 9A+l, lûon Phone 26 Bowmanville PHONE 186 BOWt4ANVILI£ Wran-a- YY l ai F-il- rear

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