THE ANADAN SATESANBOWMNVILE, TURSDY, UNE Oth,1929PAfr WMAI LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Ms-. T H. Mcready nd dauhter~DAVY - At Wilow dale ý, etlin, Mr T H MCrad ad auhtr Miss Mildred M. Lawrie, Toronto, l.waîi,.une Isti,2, to MIn and Roma, Lethbridge, Alta., are visitingspent the weekend at home. %Irs. Lloyd A. Davy, a da Dhorlrs his nmothes-, Mss. A. E. _McCready. Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto, jvisI- LoNDLeri). Thr(ay u, 3h Ms-s. J. H. Werry has returned iting her brother and sister, Mr. Geo. RUNWles<î lurlsia-.l 1ront, from a visit with her daughtes-, Mrs. i!and Miss EditVh Weekes. 1'2r, atd elesieA.lE.sîunt, 2Toronto, 10 C. H. Rowan, Bethany. Mr. an-d Mrs. Harry Nicholls, Wes- Ave, a daughtr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Creeper, leyviile, spent Sunday with bis sis- HoeR - viat imar Von lia esty Hamilton, apent Sunday with bis par- ter, Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Carlisle Ave. lune 12h, I¶'2to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. etMr-. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper- Relider, a son (Robent Henry). ena Miss Edna H. Bott.rell, Tor-onto, VANSTONE-At Private Patientis'ra- Mr. Wm. Osmlond recenâtly visitedispent the weekend withblhes- parents, vilion, Tororito G. nemI IHospital, oni Fr1- his sistes-, Mrs. Leonard Taylor, Mr. and Ms-s. Thos. Bottrell. day, Junre î4tiî, to Mr. and lrs. IP. S. Vanstone, 92 idian Road, ai,, a Brigton.The many friends in Bownianville daughter. Mr-. and Ms-s. Jack Living and of Miss M. E. J. Grigg, eldest daugh -_____________ falnily spent the weekend witb rela- tes- of Mrs. Jessie Gsigg, Toronto, tives ini Whitby. offes- bearty congratulations to ber MARRIAGES Misa Mas-ion Warder, Feves-sham, 'on obtainîng bier B. A. degs-ee. McGILL-ARMSTRONG-At the Manse, apent the weekand with ber parents, Ms-s. E. Day Washington of Van- .tanetville. cri Wednesday. Jurie 5, 1 Ms. and Mrs. R. H. Was-der. Icouver, B. C., who waa delegate to 'by Re,-. V. Wý%alker, 'Mr. Ray M.Nc<311 and Mxss. N. E. Gould,, is vis-.i the Dominion Board of the W. M. S. toisn. teAmsrn, ok f ete iting at the home of!lber daughtar, which met ini Toronto secently, isj MCLAUGH LIN - HOOEY - At the Ms-s. E. C. Rehder. vlstillg ber husband's mother, Ms-s. lmanise, Jaî,.tville, by Rcv. V. Walker, P Mss. N. A. Pickaa-d, Port Arthur,ý W. C. Washington. June S, 1929, Mn. llarry MeLaugblin, Nesiltroj, arid Miss Berthîa Hooey, bas bean visiting Ms-. and Ms-s. A. w. i Ms-. and Ms-s. Milford Wilkins, Ms-. Bîîrk, oon. Pickas-d. ' and Ms-s. Os-ville Heard and childranl, GWILLIAM-TAYLOR - At St. John's Mr. and Ms-s. A. W. Stevenson, Ms-. Frank O. James and daughter, rhureh, Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, June ti 2, by Rev. R. J. Shimeos Jack Les' ~Douiglas and Jean, Toronto, "reOshawa, and Ms-s. John H. James, ]lu Gwiliamý, Oshawa, and .cr nIý TayloP, y gustso! Ms. . C.F Ms-eCol umbus, recently called on Mi-. M. 1 Bowmariville. son and Mss. A. W. Piekard. A. James, Los-ne Villa. BOND-BENNETT - tI Bowynanviile, reOn MWeînesday, June 1lit, 1929, by 1ev. The uble ScoolStaf hed thi!Ms-s. B. M, Was-nica, Ms-s. E. DaylJ. 1U. Robins, MmNI. Sidney Allbent Bond, Thni a e PblcaschontfheId teoi Wasbington accompanied hy Rev. and 'Miss Florence Eliza, daughten of Mn. picni at ewcatle-n-th-I.~andn m'\Ins. Thomaîs Ienneft. both of Bow- Tuesday evening. It Mas a grand1 and Ms-s. C. C. Washington, Joyce mianvîit.. success fs-on ail points of view 7 and Anna, Fenelon FalLs, secently Chs- visited the former's daughtes-,Ms. Ms-s. C. F. Scholl and fainily, ha-J. F. George, Smithfleld, andridncDA lotte, N.C., as-e spending the summes- Ms-. B. E. Irigham, Pozt Hope. DAH ther p Ms-. and Ms-s. A. W. Pickard, Miss! JAMES-TIn BownianvîilIe Hospjital, on StepensSales. IMas-ion Piekard and Ms-s. N. A. Pick- 1 Tlurorlay, June 2îutb, 192-9, Norman S.3 Ms. F. C. Pathick was an honos-ad iasd wes-e in Toronto on Wednesday, .Tuturns, i bu' 47tb yv.îr. j guest at DeFos-ast Crosley radio Jurne l2th, attending the gsaduating Fiii- ï,,n.srvice \'iii tic î lt uTrinitv dealers' banquet Wednesday Oevenilsg exercises at the Sick Children's Hos- VUit. I itureli, on Saturl,îy, June -22ndi, at Royal Yor-k Hotel, Toronto. pital w-hon Miss Dorothv Pickas-d ,' a 3 1) pni. (rayligbit savitîg lime). Ms-s. V. A. Galbr-aith and Mrs. R. daughtes- of 'Mm. and MsN A. Pick- V EA LE-A t Xegrieton, Fn ýi îyune B. Ands-ew, Tor-onto, as-e spending ard, Port Arthur, was one of the 14ih. Johîn r. VeaIe, in bis 9t ,a the summes- ai Port Bowmnanville and graduate nursesmDVDSN tismone une lh enjoying life among thais- old friends. On Fidy vnig hHgh Thiomas TaviIsori, ag"olSI rr On riay evnig he HihiTENNANT-Sudieniy, on Jrelti Ms-s. F. R. Brow-n was in Port School staff gave a dinner at Kus-v 1929, Thomas R., bedoîcdlubriofia Hope W ednesday attending the wod-j Inn .n hnnas of onie of the popular Nlay Terirarit. Toronto. ding of lhem niace, Miss Muriel Han- teachalr.Q;of the past yer,'Ms GOAMAN-Suddrniv in Birieford, flng-: Clasenc Alln, hos-ibu-ri w-h wa yeais Iland, on Tuesday, Jureie 111, 192:9, 'wit- cock, R.N., and _Ms. Caec li, hrbrwow mas-s-ed on' Ilaru T. Goamnari ex-Mayon, aged 64 Newcastle. iJunc hit. A reception was lates- years. Mrs.R. J Sbres as alle toheld at the home of Principal W. j. LITTLE-Ai Coboung Geeri losîritaîl. Mrs.R. J Sbres as alle toon .Junc. l6tîî, 1929, Mary Mellanus, Nw id-1 Montreal by the deaîh o! bier mother, Moriison, where the bride was pi-e-1 0w of te laie Robent Little, aged 1 Ms-s. J. Finnie, on Tuesday. Funas-al sented with a silves- flower basket. years. will be on Thursday and Ms-. Sbires We w-es-e plaasad to see John Ays-e, MORRIS-On Fridav, Jurie 14t,19, Lambert L. Morris, son of the late Nir. and John have left to attend. Souis Station, who is in bis Sistiand l.Mrs. Levi Morris, Bowmanviîie, aged àlisS Asleta Thompson, Joliet, Ill., yeas-, stepping along King St. Satur-.s-'9 years. and Miss Ruth Bs-own, La Grange, day afternoon as brisk and cbis-py as COOKE-Suddenly, at Cobîourg, June 16ih, 1929, Robent Knight Cooke. beloved Ill., and Ms-. Leonas-d Caldwell, North a young man in bis twenties. Ms-. husband of Minnie Shepperd Stevenson,4 %iy, as-e visiting 'Ms-. and Ms-s H. M. Ays-e bas always bean a great walk- aged 62 years. Postes- and othe.r relatives bas-o. as- and to show that hae is stillinjr LONG-Suddenly, at Pont Hope, Mon- Ms-. Wm. R. Lamb, Enniskillen' goo.d trim walkad tbe 5 miles with-1 day, Jurie l7th, 1929, Alfred Henr-y Clarkc Long, beloved husband of Edria Alite announces tise engagement of hý eut any ili affects. He was talling Gibson, iu his l2nd year. eldes daugistes-, Mary Edna, te Coci, us that it was just 67 yoars ago Fs-i- NEELANOS-At Lindsay, on Sunday, M. Wilson, youngest son of Ms-s. day, June l4th, that hie and his Jurie 161h, 1929, Florence H. M. Nee- lands, beloved daughter cf Dr. J. Nee- Bessia Wilson and the late Ms- Wm. younges- brother, Staff Capt. Mas-k land. and the laie Mms. Neelands. r Wilson, Nestleton, wedding to t.ake (Little Mark) A.yra, ]andad in BBow- HEARD-At 10 Chape] St., Holswcmthy, place June 29th. nianville fs-om England. Devon, Engîand, on Sunday, June 9th, 1929, GeorgIna Oke. bleoved wlfe of Fmed- Dr. and Ms-s. J .A. Whitea' Miss advt. announeng tist Bi.i erick Heamd, aged 64 years. Fissicous- Fanning and Miss Margaret White Clar-ke is pi-apared to, do sanita.ry in of M. A. James, Bowmanville, Canada. left this morning on a motor sipto plunbing sud heating. Phono Z55. REID-At Victoria, B. C., on June 16, p 1929, Edgeworth Usshes- Reid, Iste of IBowmanvsile, Beleville, Kingaton China. ycungesi son of the late Henry andNapnee Mis Ms-in Wite MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOR R. Reid, Esq., M. D., of Bowrnanville, an_______MssMaioWit and deas-Iy beloved husband of Dell Syl- wili seturn witb tbam fs-cm Napanea. vestos- -Lindsay Post. Ladies, hava you.r permanent fli WORDEN-In Oshawa Hospital, on Ms-. Dava Morsison, Sr., bas se- gar wavad at MillersaBoauty Parlor Saturday, June lSth, 1929, Edwin Kelili .by operatos- expes-t iail bsanches of Womderi, son cf Ms-. Frank and the late caivad a clipping frons a papes- in Maud Worden, South Dalington. aged Gadsdon, Alabama, wbera bis son baty culture inciuding finges- and 20 yeas-s. Interment In Union Cemetes-y, Kirn-baîl lives, that Prasident Hoover wates- waving. Mas-cal 75c. Sa.t. Oshawa. wiI oficillyope tia nw $ 50- jfaction guarantead. Phona ap- TYLER-At Grace Hospital, Toronito, poitnintsto 31.25_1w on Jurie l6ih, 1929, George W. Tyler-, (in- 000 Godyaas- Tiroend Ruee r C,00 o. snt o13.1urance agent), laie of Philadelphia, U. plantGoodtharTiyenaxtnd h. 5o. . A., anid Bon of Mrs. Ty-les-, Vancouver-, plan*n tat cty nxt mnth.B. C.,an the laie Philip Tyler, Bcw- Ms- FanisSuton o-gnit n1 AUCTION SALE manvîlle. Interment In Bowrnanville sancos- uto Ts-inist UntdiCemetery. Cschr is scaiving lrib ety ntd Saturday, Jun. 29tli.-Mss. 71o8.1_______________ Ch~aucatios rcf is many ere n - Knight, Queen St., opposite Higis ~eat ats fh s-eeiad wrids ton School, Bowmanvilia, wËIi seîl at ber IN MEMORIAM ho has ean aleccted nd that13residence all of lber (houseold effecta li as bented and a tlwhpo!t he '3inchiding parloir, dining roons, fous-r Iloving remembrance or our dear badroma a.nd kithan fus-ituo, thes-, Elisabeili oCand, who passad Cadian Collag lowhi te Wo! Osnd-ganiats. it ,away on July 9th, 1926, and cf our dear Candia Coleg ofOrgniss. (niany odd pieces of walnut), atovas, fathes-, Wesley Couch, who entas-ed Into The lucky nunsbas for tisa Brà.de's cas-pets, mats, blinda, dishes, kitchen sest two yeas-s later, on June 22, 1928. Hope Cheat, off esad by Dus-hans utensils, etc. Sale at 2 p. m. (day- Famliy. Chapter No. 181, Os-des- Eastes- Star, light saving). was ds-awn at tise Royal Theatr-e on C. H. M4on W. J. ChalIis, Fsiday evening by Ms. C. H. D>udley. Cles-k. Auctioneer. Lost or Found Other prizo winuexs were: Ms-s. Wal- 25-2w. lace, Tilbus-y, Ont., bridge lamp; S. LOST-Rack off truck, colos- blue on G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ft Chstabekatst ia Vaum Cenrt ei jvi between Nentieton and ýow- G.Chrraboekfsudoirs V cum- D.rt Rn ' a"U]. Findes- please notify P.Mar-- Casrie Ds-oau doi lamp, D.k tin & Sons, Bcwmianviile. 24-tf AUddsead, pilow cases and towel. VACUUJM CLEANER TO RENT-By day or hour. Apply to Harry C. Alun, TIRE LOST-A good Firestonte Tire, While Ms-. G. X. Stephena waa en- West End Repais- Shop, Bownanville. 30 x 3%. and rlm off cas-ries-, on Chevro- routa te meot bis daugbter, Mrs. C. 23-3 let Tcuring, somewhere on rcad between F. Shol, lat wek a calo-on- boundary line, Clar-ke, and Arthur- f.oras- laslton naie, Ms-. dNOTICEBeech's, Haydon. Finder please notifs- formr DrligtonnatveMr. hos NO ICEArthus- Beech, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle. Northcott, Wost Mentor, Ohîio. Ms-.1 Phone 23-41. Nosthicott is 85 yeass of age and on- Anl persons cwlng accounts 10 the laie ________ quird fo maiy o tia olos- W. T. Allen, Big 20 Bock Store', Bow quiredfor mny of he oler r i anvIlle, are klndly sequieeteci to 7pay dents oi Das-hngton and recalled saine at the store on or before Saturday,I Womted n>an inieseatng vens tat ap- Aftes- thal date ail accounts will be pened wisen hoe was a residont in thi given 10 a solicitor- for collection. 25-1 atCOOK WANTED--GOOd cccii for hotel tonce. Apply Balmoral Hotel, Bow- mansville. 25-1w Ms-. Evosett J. Moore, second son WANTED-Capable womnan fer re- of Ms-m Moore and Vise lata Aibeot WEST DURHAM AGRICULTUIUAL freslsment booth at beaci. W. F. De. Moos-e, passod S.wsy Saturday, Juno SOCIETY pew. Bcwmanville Beach. 24-tf 8thi, at Winnipeg, ini his 24th year. BOARDERS WANTED - Room .7d FMntrmont too.k place in Ehnwo.od The serii-anstuel meeting cf tie above board in central pas-t of the town. Ap- Gemotey w.lDoceaseddIn mother wRaom, plyto Ms-s. Dinniwell. Silves- St., Bow- Maggie Mosea, youngest dameghter ci June 2st, at 7.30 P. nm. standard tme. vie24t tise lato Ms-. and Ms-a Geo. Mss ! Al members Intereated In maklng thia - ~owaniîl. ia nc ossa of ýear' FaLIr the V-eatent exhibition in It J. W. Dutton of Wo.odt«ck, r"fer- Present. ugnl rqetdResidents red t ins this issue, pas.ed away a GEO. F. t.SeC. H. y Township of Darlington faw weeks previouis. 24-2 The Municipal Council hes-ehy notify the residenta of Daslington Township that no by-iaw la in force allowing ani- a We wish te apologize to our patrons for any inconvenience they may have been caused on Fel- çlay. Our process has been checked by the Health Department and the milk has been analyzed. It was folind through no fault or carelessness on our part that the trouble occurred. WEEKLY INSPECTION Arrangements have been made whereby the farms, fromn which we secure milk, will in future be visited and inspected once a week as a further protection to our customers. BOWMANVILLE DAIRY Bownianville .apoJ Une i18, 192. 25-2 SEALED TENDERS For MoviMS School Houa. in Townhip of Cartwright We, the undes-signed trustees cf S. S. No. 3. In the Township of Cartwrght, wil eceive seaied tendes-s for moving the school house on Lot 20, Con. 2, ses-osa the rocad and about fostY -cds to the West. Tenders wili hbcseceived up until June 24th. Tenders to bc addressed to Robert Bruce. Bus-keton, Ont., R. R. 3. Lowest os- any tender not necessas-iIy accepted. (Slgned) R. Bruce, Jas. McKee, J. M. Thomp8on, Trustees. 24-2 The Weed Control Act Tuiko notice that under the provision of 'The Weed Control Act," ILS.O., 1927, Cliapter 309, ns amended b y 1928, Chiap- ter 61. the Municipal Councl. 0of the Cor- poration of the' Township of DaslIngton, lias iîy By-Law appoInted Thon. H. Rich- ards of Tymon', Weed Inspectcm of the salît Township of Darlingion for the year 1929. Section 3 of the said Act lîrovides that 'Every occupant of land, or If the land Io unoccupied, the owners shall deetroy ail weeds desIgnated noxbous by the reguia- tiens, as often In every yeas- as le suf- ficient to prevent the ripening cf their Beed."' W. R. ALLIN, Township Oies-k. s-aied at Hamptcon this lSth day cf June, 1929.. 25.2 Articles For Sale e FOR SALE-s fl.efiigerir.t* argt sie, cheap. Apî,ly Geo. C. \VnîjghIî,NCe- castle.5 - 2 w AUTO FOR SALE-I927 Star, Six, Coach. Aîîply G. L. Hall, Centre St., Bowmiariville. 22-tf FOR SALE--Good seel buckwlieat. Apply ai Tymone Miii, L. J. '.bOodinan. Phone 181-22. 24-2m, FOR SALE-One sideboard,, ouîe sigle bed, onie large wooleri rug. 1. J. Cun- ninghamn, Newcastle, Ont. 251- COW FOR SALE-Thorc-bred register- ed Jersey cow. APPIY to John Douglass, or Thoe. Moffat, Newcastle. 24-2- FOR SALE-Hall Seat anti Graniaphone and 40 records. Lawry Crydemman, Quoen St. Mirror, Apply BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE-(Good seed buakwheat. APPlY to W. J. Leask, Taunton. P(hone Oshawa 163-13. 24-3 FOR SALE-Driving mare, four years oId, broken double or single, aiso to sad- die, suitabie for lady's use. Phone 136-13. 25-lw PIANO FOR SALE-Ge.,rhardI-Heintz- mari Piano in flrst-class condition, For particulars apply to Mrs. F. L. Srnith Enniskillen R. R. 1. Phoneo19-.r24. 25_j Bargains In Used Cars W. 3. Martyn, Bowmanville, bas been apî>ointed local agent for one of Toron- to's largest auto dealers inus cars. lis office anid show roorus are- at Mar- tyn's Bowling Alley. Ail makï-s of cars _r(à listed at îrIces Skiai art-uribelieve- aile for deîu n,1abIe recorcii'ion,,d autos. P'honie 36 or cali if yon an. thinking about trading in or buying ainu-,% car. Saturday we. sold 35 cars. W%. .T. Quinn is assisting rie as salesmari. Wý, cari fit you oui n glit at easy trma r if r u'd. In any cvnt don't b.,car or traIe in untîl 3-0ti get rny Ii,. ow profIts anid îuýck turnover 15 or ,iç Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-At Newcastie,, ý-roornéd bouîse. situatel on Braver St., linif acre~ of garderi. ApplY 10 J. W. 1:r.îdley. Newcastle. 24-3 HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brick resi- derices, with ail modern convenlences. APPly to J. E. Flett, Centre St., Bow- manville, phonie 384. 17-tf FOR SALE-New brick vtî.e r lunîz low on Quecri Street, near Libcry. Cash or terms. Apply to B. Furber, Boi% - nianville, Phone 438. 25-3w- FOR SALE--Seven roomed soid brick house, aIll onveniences, U4 acre land, garage, hen-house. 5 minutes walk fscm, Post Office, cash or terms. Apply Box 485, Bowmanville. 18-tf BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of the finest building lots In Bowmanville, on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for quick sale. Aoxily to Norman S. B. Jamnes at Statesman Office. HOUSE FOR SiALE--6-moomed brick bouse with hardwood floors, new fur- nace, bath, and trame kitchen, gar- age and lien house. Good location. Apply t. J. W. Bunner, 16 Carlisle Ave Bowunanville. 19-te Grand Clearance of new and Sopular styles in Women's As low as $1.98 Pair Black satin shoes in pumps and straps, high or cuban heels, Special Reduction $2.69 Pair Woinen's patent arch support shoes, in EEE width, reg. $5. On Sale $2.98 Pair Astonishine low prices in Women s Tennis Shoes. Odds and Ends in Women's White Canvas Slippers, a few slightly soiled. 48c Pair Kiddies' Running Shoes, at real sale prices. Savig in patent one-strap: Size 51/2 to 71/-$1.29 Size 8 to 10/-$ 1.49 Size il to 2-$1.69 Children's "Playtime" "Huri- but" Shoes at astonishing low prices. You Needn't INait a Day Longer ToFindi.a Large Suit That WiI Fit You A special purchase of large sized suits for the big man, enables us to seil te you a regular priced suit of $35.00 quality for $29.50 this week-end. These suits are ail wool, best. quality make and trim in plain grey worsteds, also Forbes genuine worr- steds in shades of brown, also grey herringbone effects, sizes 40, 429 44, 46. Suits that would be very reasonable at $35.00, Our Special This Week for only $29.50 YOUNG MEN'S HIGH SCHOOL SUITS WITH EXTRA TROUSERS AT $9.95 15 Suits in the lot, sizes 34, 35, 36, 37; double breasted models; coat, vest and 2 pairl of long pants; grey and brown tweed mixtures, dark and light effects; a real suit for any kind of wear, wvorth the money at twice the price, Out they go this week end for only $9.95 MEN'S OVERALLS AT ONLY $1.39 PAIR This week we off er you a genuine blue stripe denim Over- ail, union made, woven stripe, with bib and braces, also in plain shades of blue, a real overaîl and worth $2.00 per pair, Our special week end price only $1.39 pair SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-END A line of Men's fine Braces for only ....................*......39c Pair A line of Children's black cotton Stockings, at only ....19c Pair A line of Men's work Shirts, dark blue, light blue, khaki at 98c ea. Men's everyday Straw Worik Rats at .............20c and 25C ea. A line of Men's fine cotton fancy Sox,............7 pair for $1.00 Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, at only 50c each ga-ment Many Real Values Await Your Inspection Here This Week End. Te B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville Men's Brown or Black Ox- fords. Note !-Rovan's spec- ial pxIice for these oxfords. They are made of selected calf-finished leather in black or brown, have solid leather soles and rubber heels, you'l like theni at $3.19 Pair Black or brown Bluchers, made with plain tees, solid leather sole and riubber heels, On Sale $2.95 Pair Boys' Oxfords, Special $2.95 Men's Overalîs, limited quan- tity left, te clear Saturday, $1.49 Men's Work Boots as low as $2.49 Pair Odds and Ends in Men's Ox- fords, to clear at $2.39 Pair Men's Work Pants, cottenade, to cleai Saturday at $1.19 Pair Men's Caps, only a f ew odds and ends left, te clear on Sat- urday at 98c EacL w. ~ SATURDAY ONLY 360 Engllsh Broadcloth Shirts in varions colora and designo, with collar attached or with separate collar, regulàO $2.50, To Clear Saturday $1.39 Men'a Flannel Trouaers to clear as low as $1.95 Pair Men's Work Shirts, in bine and khaki: Regular $1.25-On Sale Soc Regulaxp $1.85-On Sale 98c Men's Sumnmer Underwear at greatly reduced prices. Fancy Lisle Rose ...39c Pair A bargain in Police Braces, Men's sizes 29c Pair Trunks and Suiteases at re- duced pia'ces. Rovan's Reliable Shoe Store Footwear and Men'a and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings McMurtry Blocki King St West, Bowmanville WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES DOUBLE DUTYj h 1Tý Money-mSaving Sale Ends Saturday, June 22nd, at 10.30 p. me For Friday and Saturday we offer the Greatest Specials of the Sale o e Phone 446 1 '- THE CANADIA-N STATES.NIA.-N, BOWNIANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUINE 20th, 1929 PAGE PIVE iN