a More than that the ladies are interested in how to be well dressed and stili be cool. These special values will therefore be of particular interest: STREET DRESSES $1.98 Dimity Voiles and Muslins, attractively figured de- signs, variety of styles, sizes 14 to 44, at ..........$1.98 FUGI SILK DRESSES Double-Double Fugi Silk, ail shades and sizes, specially priced for Friday and Saturday at $4.95 and $5.50 GEORGETTES AND CREPE DRESSES This is a special lot of Georgettes an'd Washable Crepe Dresses, ail the newest styles, wonderful clearing price values at........................................... $9.75 Shop GEO. R. MASON~, Manager. NEWCASTLE Her many friends are giad to see Miss Muriel Bradley home again af- ter a long perio'd of illness. Mi.ses Nora Cowan andi Marion Allin are hoidaying at home after - the torm at Peterboro Normal SeboolI. Miss Hugill, Toronto, formerly of Norwood, spent the weekend with i Rev. W. P. and Mrs. RLogers at the Parsonage. MT. and Mrs. Robt. Kerr and f£am- iiy, Toronto, are again summering with Mr. Chas. Wilson, Newcastle- on-the-Lake. jMiss Mary James, Havergal Col- lege, Toronto, spent a few days at h omne previous teo writing her mid- summer examinations. Mrs. W. J. S. Riekard and Mr. H. R. Pearce attended the funeral of their cousin, tibfe laVe Donald Turner, in Oshawa last Wednesday. A Strawberry Festival and Gardon Party in connection witb St. George's Church, Newcastle, will be beld on Wednesday, July 3rd, on the Rectory lawn. Further notice later. 24-t ISt. George's Church-Rev. E. R.- Jaines, Rector. Sonday, June 23: 8 a. n.-Holy Communion; il a. in.1 -Morning Prayer; 2.30 P. m.Sun- day Sebool; 7 p m.-Evensong The film, "Red Riders of Canada," featuring Patsy Rutb Miller andi j dealing with work o! the North West IMounted Police will he the attraction j at Community Hall, Saturday, June 22-nd. Mm. and Mrs. Truman Clark's and [ M. Walter and Miss Tucker Couch's1 pleasant 'homes are again the h lidayj resorts o! severai city folk wbo kniw where to find rest, ecreation and re- j freshinent to their liking. Mr. Asa Broad and daugbter, Miss ;Mari ory, mctored f rom Rossmome and 1isited Mr. and Mms. Meldey Clark. Miss Bessie Clark, w-ho bas I heen at Rossinome for sente time, re- turned t> Newcastle witîh thein United Chuch-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Sunday, June 23rd: Sonday Sehool Anniveî'samy, Rcv. J. C. Robertson, B.A., B.D., Secretary of Religiows ducation for the Unit- 4 d Cburch of Canada, willpeabt r11 a. m. and 7 1). m. music by S. S. Choir.- Mcr. John Robinson has completed the contract of building a wire fence along the east and south sides of the new addition te the school play- greunds, Mr. John Scott, chairmi of the property committee, baving superintended the job. The west side fronting on Beaver St. wiil ro- main unfenced, while the rickety b>oa.rd fonce miarking the south Iboî.dary of the eider portion of the [school grounds wil of course be ne- jmovued. g. PRIME RIB ROAST, First 4 Ribs IL SHOULDER ROAST, Tender Beef IL SIRLOIN STEAK OR ROAST ...... PIKLDPOR K BROU LDEk S TEINLY SLICED BREAKFAST BACON CORNED BEEF Cood S liced1 CHICKEN ROLL, Sandwich Spread VARIETY LOAF wlth elan Sliced Rtetilgouehe SALMON STEAKS 28c 22c 32c il». IL90 ib. 2ge IL 25c lb. 40c Mb. 38c mb. 35o YOUNG 5PRING tLAMBf LEGS CUT SHORT lb. 42. LOINS, Kidney Haif lb. 40c FRONTS lb.' 35c LOIN CHOPS ......................lm. 45c OUR OWN SUNNYFIELD BRAND Suie.d Raek BACON siteed sidie 1/2-1b.Pkg.29e 1/2-1b. 23o BOILED HAM, Best SICE lb. 53c WEINERS, Fresh Smoked......... lb. 20c l'OTATO SAA, Made With Our Own Encore Biranid Mayonnaise, Frî-sh l).11Iv........... l. 32c '>ýRK TONGLE, .lellled lb. 50c l1LETS. Fresi .. .. lb. lsc IIADDIER, Fres. 2 Brand ... .. COI), Fre,.h loilir FRESkl LAKE NIPIGON Opens Wed., June 19 90 MAIN STRET GALT FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER.l.b. 38c OLIVES VICTURY BRAND QUEEN JAR POST BRAN FLAKES........ 2 Pkgs. 23c WHEATSWORTH BISCUITS. .2 Pkgs. 41c LUX TOILET SOAP......... 3 Cakes 20c INCLUDE 10 CAKES IN< TOUR ORDER TODAT Sunlight Soap 1oC Z49e FANCT QUALITT YELLOW CUINO PEACHES 1LONE~ 37e Infants »efight Soap- ..... ... . ... .4 Cakes 23c Asparagus Tipe - Aylmer Medium .. .. No. 1 Tin N4e Cheese Chips-Chistie Browm ... 2 Pkgs. 27e Engllsh Ail Sorts .. lb. 25e Razor Blades- Genaine Gilette . ,3 Pkgs. $i S.O.S. Cleanser.. 2 Pkgs. 28c Magie Baklng Powder- ......6-oz. Tin 17e TRY A CCP 0F THIS DELICIOUS Cooe-Vaney Crosby- 2 No. 2 Tins 31c Cormd Deef-Fray Bentos lb. Tin 23e Lushss-Shlrrlfrs ielIy Powders . .3 Pkgs. 23c Sandwich Spread - Our Own Encore Brand .TJar 29e Orange Biossom- McCormick's Biscuits Lb. 25c Jeilo-Ail Flavors ..2 Pkgs. 15e COFFRE TONIGHT Bokar SUREE IN29 TIN 570 FRUITS vand VEGE TABJ L àES WEEK-END SPECIALS Watermelons, %"I. 53e Oranges-Va le si .î fln,. Z2 New Ilotatoesi-No. 1 Grade 6 Lbs. 25e Beets-Nativc Gr ,1', g- 1 3 BIlnehr',25- ng Cuts.,. lb. IZcî)z. M:c 1 Cabbagc-Nev,'Green 3 L'us. lb. ] 4o Tomatk,ýýes Rot-Houa. li. 2e. &PACITa& Opens. Frlday, june 21 771 KING ST. r..AST HAMILTON DAMRMOF CANADA The Cowan Block Smart Bargains In VVashers Final Clearance This Week at Exceptional Attractive Prices 1 only Electi Washer ..........$32.50 1 only Water Power Washer ....$ 7.50 1 only Hand Power Washer .......$1000 (good as new) Ail guaranteed in good condition. Only three at these remarkable prices. MASON & DALE POPULAR HARDWARE STORE DOWMANVILLE PHONE 145 AnAff-mi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANWILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1929 PAGE EIGHT An enjoyable evening on June YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE NEWC.ASTLE Mr. J. E. W. Philp went to Ton- l2th was;setinFoece -gtn- L IJ j- . i . - 4 to on Saturday and brought back 1h gale LogNo. 66, I.O.O.F., when' A very enjoyable meeting of the IThe, g1à, %tiX1c a .. Ige 1 i cJl eý ie i c , r i t Mrs. Campbell is downfo i prri f h aeThmsMna P.D.D.G.M. A. Mitchell on behaif of Newcastle Y. P. League was held onA berta visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. gue which was unveiled on Sunda the Lodge presented Bro. John Monday evening with a large attend- Pearce. She expects to remaini n evening. Mr. Walter Seldon, Tor Bolmes of Newcastle with a 50-year ance. The evening began with ai Ontario three months and will visit onto, assisted by Mr. A. 0. Parker veteraii jewel.l delightfully informai sing-song of oldI THURSDAY, JUNE 2Oth. 1929. a number of relatives throughout spent the greater part of Saturda The Degree Staff under the direct-1 favorites, after which the president - _ _ the province. evening hanging and draping th ion of P.D.D.G.M. Sid. Little aIse ýtook charge of devotional period. Miss Alberta Trenwith received portrait and arranging the meansfo conferred the First Degree on three The programi wa.s in charge o MEMORIAL SERVICE' NEWCASTLE 1SUD)DEN PASSING 0F MAYOR hier graduation diploma at the Coin- its unveili-ng. brothers from Orono Lodge No. 438. Mnnie Selby, captain of the losingGOMN0 BIE RDDEO mecmnExrisofte naro________ Iýsiâe in the League contests. The Portrait of Late Thomas Mantaguej 3Mr. George Fosier. Seattle. visit-I -___ Ladies' Coliege, Whitby, on June 12. Mrs. Bi-odie and M.%isses Edna and 1 topic %vas very ably taken by Rev. W. l Unveiled at Impressive Ceremony ed'is brother Mr.Wellington Fost- Mr. A. A. Coiwill received a cable- Miss Trenwith has, been taking the Mille Spoffard visited Mrs. Tillie: P. Roger-, whose discussion of the i er. grn1 at e disn u fteCmercial Course. Talrls ekn n loCp.nrobiemis which are facing the gov- j On Sunday, June l6th, the congre-Inteasceoth gurcoi John GOldring. Capt. Goidring also émnents at London, Erg., Ottawa,,gations of St. Georges and the Unit-I Mr. George Uglow, Chicago, is death of his uncle, Mayor W. T. Goa- nteascefthreurcoiS I1 g received a visit froni Mr. ,and r.Trno Regina, and Cape Town, led Church combined to attend the visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and mani of Bideford, Devon, Eng1afld,1f'rom the United Church, on Sunday, eln MeKa an pary, amilon.Mrs. Ceeu R. Carveth. on Wednesday, June l2th. It wiii June 9th, the song service was very McKy nd aryHamltn. South Africa, was interesting, as iniipressive niemoriai service heid in' be rememnbered that 'Mr. Goaman effectivoly taken by a special choir,i ____________________w-ell as informative. A duet wasithe Comnîonity Hall, Newcastle. andi Major H. W. Dudley was busy with came to Canada last summner to at- under the leadership of Reeve W. F. nicely sung by 'Mesdames W. D.; to dIo honour to one of Newýcas-tie's his tractor and other implements the tend the World's Convention Of Rickard, with Mrs. Rinch as pianist. l s e Bragg and M. H. Wight, accompan- illustrions and generoos native citi- firat of the week getting the com- Baptists and spent some turne here in ied by rs Bell. The remainder of zens, the late Thoma.s _Mntague. rnunity green in shape for the league company witb ýhis daughter, visiting A number of enthosiastic fans I the evening was spent in gaines and Mingled with the resýpect and es- gaine of basebali bettveen Bowman- bis nephew, Mr.A. A. Coiwill and gathered at the Community bal 4 ontests, and in the enjovrnent ofiteeîii which one and ail felt for Mr. ville and Ne-wcasti nTedy e-fml. H aetebs osbegonsTedyeeigt ins B e Patriotie !the deliicius candy amply provided Montague, wore feelings of apprec-jening. Manager C. Caverly of the ose of bis tume and enteced whole- the League basebail game between Is a secondary consideration iy th osn e . it n gratitude foc the generos-I Newcastle team, Aif. Grahami, B. E. beartediy into ail the religioos, social Bowmanville and Newcastle. The with us. The thing that inter- 1 l hs who are desirous of at-! ity titb ýwhich hie bestowed his earth-1 Moise, and Geo. Waiton were -on and communal actirvities of the sea- gaine, while not particularly fast or s ui wehryree a To Your Country and ta You.r tending the picnic wiii note that it i' ly goods upon his birthplace, and hand to supervise and give advice on, son. He made a great nurnber of exciting, created quite a bit of in-essuishebryo ysae Town to be beid at Oshawa Park instead j etmnso erta i assing, the job. ne fresxvoowdpyrgrt terest. As the shades of evening performing their duty properly. of Cobourg. Leave yOur namnes about a year ago. Regular meeLîng of Newcastle W. I is deatih as ail had hoped to meet gatbered, the players were forced to FLS witb one of the transportation coin- The piatform was occupied by M. S. was held in S. S. room on him on this aide the water again. quit the game, Bowmanville having We can only learn this through BUY CANADIANFIM mittee, Austin Turner, Arthur Bragg} Reeve W. F. Rickard, Rev. E.R. Thursday, June 6th, with a good at-1 The news of his deatb brougbt a layed six and Newcastle five inn- a complete, scientific examina- j ad harieGlene. Al re el rJames, Re.v. W. P. RogersRv .J ednce. Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers vivid recollection of the sermon he ig. Soe84 o h ecsl in hnadol hn The dependable filin in the yel- corne June 29tb. Shires, Bowmianville, . Walte. presided. An interesting feature of preached here in the Community Hall boys.- can you know whetber (if wear- low box-the film that gets the EDN Seldon. Toronto, and Mr. We4l gonthe prograin was the presentation of one bot evening in July. His text A large number of the Clarke ing s picture and good resuits day in jWDIG Foster,' Newcastle's octagenarian,' ail a Lif e Membership in the W. M. S. was, "We shall not pass this way Cburc'b and BrOwn's S. S. friends g1gases) you bave the right and day out. G MB-OR of whom took part in the service. Ito the very efficient Treasurer, Mrs.. again." In the minds of those who sprung a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. ones, or if not using glasses, you prtt ~en tokplceai~ Revs. Rogers and James led in'B.einan. This was given by Miss Ad- heard hlm on tbhat occasion bis text Clein Parnell ili their borne on need tihein. A, pett evnt ookplae a th prayer and read the scripture lesson, dison, in rnemo-ry of bier mother, now taites on a new significance. George St. on Tuesday evening and Have Your Films Developed andi home nif the brides parents ini Col- respectively. wbo was one of the first W. M. S. present-ed thent with a miscellaneous Furtihermore, we can furniish Printed in Bowmanville borne, on Satîirday. June 8, wheiî 1 The Holden Qoartet of Sinicoe St. xorkers in the '.Iethodist Cburch. shower of many lovely and useful the macriag e was solemnized of JUnited Church, Oshawa, comprising Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard gave a splendid Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard and articles. 0f course the bride and you witb glasses that will rectify Glads Lvina, aîigter0f r. nd 'g. . A Hoden ndIis.branson, rpor oftpeoranbo'eetnghe failymotredmoeTeednatrdaygrom wlcoied verone ntot an eTorsoedisio dicovred We guarantee to use Velox 'trs. W. A. -Moore. to Kenneth iMr .A o- n i tresnKinston, and Mrs. Matchett a fulllafld returned Sunday afternoon. gcodiallyand evour tha t re and dros of ccurately.ex Canadian Made Paper that brings Adamis. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. and accompanied by Mca. Hleadcmrhnierpr fte M.adMs tne ob n odal n h or htwr n os cuaey ou eer bt f uait tats n Gamishv. Ocoîîo. Rev. R. A. 'Wlat-1 furnished severai musical numbers inan copensv rprt ftejMrnd r.Stne Lbb ad spent were happy ones. Everyone outevey bt o qulit tht'sin tamn, (shawa. officiated, assisted by isplendid voice, and called forth the presbytery meeting at Hampton. daughter Gwendolyn, Toronto, visit- took provisions in plenty and SO negtiean or riesar leatyapreiaio o te ssmby.Other fine numbers wece scripture red her father, Mr. Walter Couch. there were both a gay and a feastingJu y & L v i aoer nUnieadoutrce r e J. P. Falo e 0 Cbre is fheuR.J.app re iti n g texseplre adssM- b.Gry sl- Miss Gracie Powell celebrated ber tine. Among those who bonored lowr. he eddng marh. eauifllvcd ev.R.J. hirs fttngl exres- rs C Carveth; temperance leafet- seventb birthday on Saturday after- Ithe occasion witb their presence Phone 78 W. Deliver Thoronn arh ba tifl,-e the sentiments of the large gath- Mrs. F. Rickaîrd; reading-M.%rs. G. 'onadetrandanme fwr onilrFe oc n r plaý ed hy 'Miss Gardiner,.Tronoerîng of citizenis toward the late Mr. Allun. Next meeting will b agbeer litan te r fieda Hmer sis wer Cou lor thedgrom's and - the When We Test Eye It Io Don. patfavored with suriny skies ad-j Montague. He took as bis tex", Ro- of ýMrs. Cobbledick's and Miss RobiRtnoel sitd e on-hiespret. M.aMs a- Projerly. Jury & Lovell arty manis 13: 7, "Render theref ore to aill1MsieaPwlasse iryun-hiesprns r n r.Pr J UIJf sste aw o n vr-tei de;Lriue o hIntrbtelson s groups, jointly. Ail are wel- or sister in making the event a very nelI have leased te east haif of Mr.j Eight-Hour Service in Developing green arcb tastefully decorated witli is due;. honour to whoM honourI orne."r n.JhnSotshue and Printing. lilaes. The bride wbo carried a beau- On tbis occasion the people of New- -________________________________ tifil lbouqulet of ophelia roses andcatewrpyighirtbusan lily of the valley. wag particolarly atewrepyn hirtiue n lovelv in a gown of w-ite georgett'e rendering bonour to Thomas Monta- with'a mauve mohiair bat. She ivas gue, to wbom trîbute is certainly due, - attended Iby ber sister, Miss Clarat by reason of bis sterling character, P. ' ds op -satin with bat to match. Mr. Gar- I dustry, which resuited in the means i net S1. Gamsby, brother of the wbereby he so liberaily endowed theI A & P Foodshops have grown in popularity faster than any other innovation in food groom, acted as bestma. urn deserving institutions of the locality, retailing. Womnen ~tell us this popuIarity is due to the fact that A & P Foodshops save J. ER O N the signing of the ristrMishospital, chorches, scbools, etc., and te hpigfra o iifn hiem~ .fehfut n eeals Rosaline Gamsby, sister of the 1 Newcastle Community Hall. te hpig...fra o ilf-dcoc ee.fehfut n eeals Bus roomi, sang "Ail 'M\ine Alone. .4fter Reeve Rickard offered a f ew words famous groceries-ali your food needs-in one store and, best of ail, at Iower prices. Buys ib~~te cerexîîony the guests, fifty , fepa~o n aîd~a ~ SALSE number. were entertained at a wed- Seîdon and Mr. Foster tounei teQur Stores Close a p.m. .vednesdays 1859 -I roultry a.nd Wool ding supper, following which the large portrait of Mr. Montague, 15 couple ieft for Toronto, Nagara ~WEEEOOYRJE at Fair Prices Falls and points west. Mr. and ',%rs. hicb bung at the right side of the Gamsby will resîde at 41 Fairbanks stae, oERit tht ofMr. .RB Phones: Street, Oshawa, on their return. Masey. This ceremnony being coin-________________________________________________ Bowmanville: 235 ~pleted, Mr. Seldon explained that the ALE ETFE Boowmnv ie: 2349 portrait, lîke that of Mr. Massey, was Toronto Trinit 3949JMr. and Mrs. John Douglas return- enlamged froin a photograph whicb A ta bv7 4-Z a 6 Address: 274 Augusta Ave., ed frein Toronto on Monday. Mr. lie bad in bis possession by an old » E i ta b r 0-z a Toronto 24-4 Douglas' illness gives cause for much Bowmanville boy, Will Freeland. A36 *anxiety.1 He went on to further extol the vir- Oe<v THE FINEST GRADE KEATS AND FISH SOLD AV A & P. i tues of Mr. Montague, giving a short OUR "MONEY-BACK GUARANTEV" GOES WITH CHOIcE QUALITY j synopsis of bis life, and pointing out EVERT PUERCHASE. ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ the kindly aspect of bis nature, as P E A -S No. 4 S1eVe2~No. 2 Tins 2 le irevealed in the portrait. In add i- ~S E I L tien to this eubogy, he gave a survey Loaf Cheee . . . lb 35c of the building and opening of the________________ KRAFT-Canadian La hee1b 5 Community Hall, the munificent gift- ofMr. Cheater D. Massey. He aiso SUGAR CURED SMoKED, 5-7 LB. AVE. BRUNSWICK SARDINES...... 3 Tins 17c Coo So mer Dreses kmade mention of other illustrious P CN CBROWSLAANE LABEL2 Newcastle boys, who had gone out in- BLACKPg.37 t e world, and mrade good at theïi _______________________22___ SPECIALLY PRICED THIS WEEK various callings, notably, the [ateý ____________ ____________ Mm . .Fse reie fi-PEMAN ATEa H IC EEIC-END S IPECIA LS41 Ms. BeL. M ihrpeie fi-PAEL OWSEB H IC ientiy at the piano for musical part__ OUR OWN SILVERIBROOK BRAND W 'eail <co~ncemedthese d1s in bkeeniny o ol. 1 of service. c t a e 1 0 1 b.2 0 y uw~~FANCY PASTEURIZDI O 1 1Cota e ol-9'b 2 o mi oiLp.I uL85-R M.ZO Smoked, lllghliner ............. lh . lsc au ý