ýý à ~tTte~m~in ______________With Which Is Incorporated Tnie Bownianville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 27 1I 11 Average Shopper Says Iltle mot lbard to toit whom Quality is Sacrificss." Rer contention is: "Soirne bar- gains just are flot bargains." Style may be ail okay, but exars- ie niaterials and workmiarn&l«P, and thon consider price. REAL BARGAINS FR014 REGULAR STOCK: Women'm white kid strap shoes in cuban and high heels, To Clear at $4.00 anad $6.00 Woimen's blonde shoes in punips and ties, Priced at $4, $5 and $6. Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 Bowmanville WOMIEN'S INSTITUTE Favaned Wlth Visit Prom District President Bowmanville Women's Institute held the June meeting at the hume af Mn.. Alex. Taylor, Concession St., on Fnidai' afternoan with a fairly good attendance and a very Inter- esting prograin. The Preident, Mn.. FYank Jackman presided. The Brauch was favored with a riait frum. the District Preident, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono, wlho gave a very interesting and helpful addness that was much appreciated by ail. Uns. Jalinston ThIeksun gave a splendid paper on "iWork, Exencise and Rest." Mrs. Fred. Baker gave a pa- per on "Pep," bath being mucli on- Juyed. Mrs. F. H. Mo.ody sang two fine solos ta the deliglit ut ail, Mies Marguerite Armstrong accompany- Ing. Mrs. Moody aima gave a recita- tian that pleased everyone. Gr.oup leaders were chosen and during the serving of refreshinents a social time was spent. Next meeting wilI be on Mrs. E. R. Bouusall's lawn an July 26 ln the form af a picnic. Program tu charge uf group 5. Miss Roua Bentham, Toronto, spent the weekend with lier brother, Mn. D. A. Benthoan, Union, poior to lier depanture for Europe. Mrs. Sara Gibson and Mr. Leslie Gibson, Toronto, Mr. and Ms.. Stan- loy Malcolm and family, Neatioton, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor nid family, 0 iBackstock at Mr. Sidney Trowin's, IEnniskillen. I j Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap>-But How Good Great Reductions in Ladies Readymto-Wear Hats Another lot of new Summer Feit Hais opened up on Thursday. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESSES In great variety of styles, materials and shades await your selection. SPECIAL IN TABLE CLOTHS A limited quantity of Pure Linen Table Clothas purchased to soit at wholesale prices. SEE OUR NEW CURTAINS Curtain Nets, attractive designs ..............25e to $1.25 yard Curtains, made-up, very beautiful ...............$1.25 to $4.50 Draperies for side curtains, great variety ...90c to $2.25 yard LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIERY A wonderful assortment, in newest shades, undouhtedly best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pair. Special line of Silk Hose at 75c Pair Si&k Gloves, newest shades and styles, $1.00 up Business is Good in Men's Dep't Men are finding that our choice and values are unexcelled. Men's Summer Pants Bathing Suits for Men and Boys Children's Wash Suits Men's Straw Hats White and Colored Sport Shirts Men and Boys' Headquarters for Clothing and Haberdashery A Real Treat Beets pres.rved with Kerslake's Picide Mixture They are delicious 1/2 Gallon Quantity . ... 25c 1 Gallon Quantity ...50c Films and Pictures Im. Icnd that please KERSLAKEPS The Dependahi. Drug Store PHONE 49 Honours at Examinations-Fran. ces Hearl, Irene Brookham, Florence Shotter, Ross Henniugs, 'Berneice Mutton, Donald Cainenon, Jack Clougli, Grace Sellers, Laura Purdy sud Edith Rowe equal, Jack Rice, 'Phelma Harris, Helen Morden, Ar- thurneLis, Irene Joues, John Taylor, Mary ýMMllister, Lloyd Bmooking. Pas-Ernie Taylor, Russell Hall- man, Rachel Wrigîht, Irene Purdy, Doris Cannons, Lillian Low.e, Evelyn Roberts, Edith Lyle, Lillian Naylor sud Donald Mason equal, MNargaret Smith, Bruce Yeo, Etholda Seymnour, Phyllis Holbroýok, Marie Gilhooley, Isebel Davidsou, Helen Stark, Alice Bennett, Carl Kellar. To Sr. Znd. Proinoted on Terni Work-Charlie Churchill, Jack Fisher, Helen Wil- liamis, Marion Martin, Louise Cox, Helen Hately, Olive Ward, Leslie Philips, Bë-nny Rose, lBill Brown, Terry Dustan, Lionel 'Parker, Arthur Livdng, PhiIIip Latimer, Helen Cot- ton, Marjorie Renderson, Ronald Richards, Theodore Lambros, Blise Dnew, Dorothy Harnden, Mary Irwlu, Bill Tait, Roy Shortt,- John Living, Russell Shortt Lucy Lyle, Jack Un- derhill, Alvie Welaih, James Crombie, Milford MeDouald, Dards Dean, Bill Feawstî.n, Alan PË»Mo, Manjonie Mor- ris. mmj1Potter, LilUuEoiatiBSey, Imau1&m- FORMER BOWMANVILLE BOY PURCHASES "IBIG 20" In another coluin wIil be found the announcement that J. Wesley Jewell lias parchased the Big 20 Book Store froni the estate of the late W. T. Allen. Mr. Jewell is no stranger to Bow- manville, or at least to older citizen, as leienl a n_4tive of Durhame Co.uuty and frorn 1889 ta 1893 served his apprenticeshsp with Stott & Jury, druggista. Laten he worked for has cousin, Ed. Jewell, at 'Batavia, N.Y. For the past 32 yeara ho lias had charge of the erperimental engineer- ing dept. of the Pi.èrce-Arrow Motor Car Co., at Buffalo, w'hich firm was taken over smre months ago by the Studebaker Corporation. Mn.. Jewell la also well and favor- ably knowna here as 'Miss Edna Field- ing before her marriage, being daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Fielding. For a number of years she was a popular and success- fui teacher in the public scheol here. We welcome both of these former citizens back to their home town and hope under their management the Big 20 Store will continue to be on e of the outstanding shops on King St. -. 1 à TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Annual Promotions Names in order of meit: To Sr. 4th. Promoed on Tom Werl-Eileez Hately, Jeanm orris, Jim Sd&iiolns Jean Brougli, lBly Dunlop, Doria Taylor, Sami Allin, Ethel Hinolicliffe, Mary Thoepson, Hubert Hooper, Helen Mamanald Phillip Patrick equal, Gertrude Hooper, Dorothy Nichols, Arletta Maynard, Jim Cal- Ian, Russe], Ole, Alleen Gibhs, Rus- seIl HayS, John Sbires, Gertrude Dewell. Honouas at Examinatdone-.-BUl AI- lin, Elizabeth Mad-i. Pauline Adams. Pas&-Hakrry Depew, Marion Gli- ville, Frank Tuerk, Eugene C.onnîors,' Walter Goode, 'Frank Mcllveen, Joyce Adamna, Harry Souch, Bustier Crombie, Milton Yeo, Jack Cameron, Mabel B4okham, Georgina Caverly, Lillian Pritchard, Jack Kent, Jack Lunney, Ruth Ham, Charles Rich-j ards, Jack Bennett, Ernest Hunt, Doris 'Bennett. To Jr. 4th. Proioted on Terni Work-Elnira Blakely, John Morrison, Sehma Bart- lett, Tommy Dustan, Ada Clark, Grace Rundie, Helen Pritchard, Mar- jorie Jones, Fred Wood, Doris D.ud- ley, Nellie Mutton, Bob Clark, Jean Spry, Hugh Smale, Mary Mutton, Clara Belîman, Ralph Aines, Boyd Slemon, Lawrence Rehder, Murray Mitchell, Alice Lee, Carl Raby, Frank Mitchell, Evelyn Pickard. Honours at Examinations-Walter 4 Gives, Freeboirn Culville, Irene Hen- derson, Margaret Sellers, Bessie Simpson. Pas&a-Elaine Reaman, Herbert Yeo, John Neal, Arthur Culley, Day- id Osborne, Clyde Robinson, Jack Martin, Helen Gunn, Teddy Sheehan, Andy Stark, Alex Lyle and Clifford Hall equal, Harry Taylor, Russell Candier, Harry Les, 'Bob Mllveen, Tom Callan and Joyce Luxton and Gordon Camvibell equal, Margaret Ireland, Hazel Woodward, Sain Wil- kins, Stanley Varcoe, Wallace Mun- day. To Sr'. 3rd. Proxnot.d on Teun Work-Maxion Jewell, Audrey Elliott, lan Bell, Prancis Dillick, Sybil Mutton, Violet Osborne, Dorothy Richards, Gladys ý King, Clarence Witherldge, Dorothy Aider, Douglas Blunt, Alfred AllUn and Harvey Kinig and Marjorie RaI- brook equal, Florence Sawvage, Doris Wright, James Woodward, F'rank Tighe, Jian Thompson, Mary Birks, Doris Trisuble, Madge Moses, Grace Ghilds, Murray Bate, Bert Johnston, Edward Nickerson. Honours at Examinations-.George1 Somerscales, Florence Houper. Pas&s-Annie Kilgannon, Andrew Lanibros, Fred Neal and 'Bert Dean equal, BWlie ,MoFeetems, Arvilla1 Trnimble, Alton Richards, Grata Raby1 Jack Par'ker, Dorothy G.oode, Nancy Shrubb, Dorothy Young, Jack Gibbs1 and James Hayanan equal, Lillian( Morden, Grace Woodward, Alan Ly-1 mer, Joe Childs, Dean Bickell, Annie Lewis, 'Muriel Thoms, Fenn Large,1 Georgina Somerseales, Jean Sutton,1 Thelma Little, Julia Morowski, Tom-1 my Sheehan. (George Purdy>ilîl,1 paaed on terin work.1 To Jr. 3rd. Promoted on Terni Work.-Marion ý Scott, Ruth Ives, Vers AlIai, Josephi- mne Cavecrly, Betty Edger, Margaret Wood, Dorothy Barton, Omery Mit- chell, Greta Tomlinson, Lena Kellar, Jean MeM.ullen, Marion Raïm, Betty Pingle, Dorothy Bradt, Ruth Logan, Eric Swindelis, Dorothy Jones, Don- ald Mitchell, Jack Dunn, Walter Hall, Betty Frise, Ruth Cryderman, Jean Rundle, Harold Bennett, Noran Baldwin, Eileen Halîman and Alfred Perfect equal, Helen Foster and James Martin equal, Gordon Martin, Helen Glanvil le and Dorothy Knox and Keith- Wilson equal, Diana Leighton, Mary !Brown, Verna Len- hardt, Helen Virtue, Bill Weekes and Edward Hooper equal, Clare Wake- lin, Pansy Hooper, George Davidson,E Tommy Gatchell, Juck H oneymann and John Cowyle equal, Ila Sutton,I Dorothy Tapson, Nora Savage, Rs RRossi Sc...IIerIV I Tppn Wil1~, E Pt,-,-i,. Wil. Jr. lot te Sr'. lot, son. Pnomoted on Terni Work-Jean Mr. Francis Sutton aud Miss Mar- Logan, IByzon Crawford, Blain El- guerite Armstrong were piauists sud liott, Elva Patter, Kitty 9torey snd played effective accompaninients. Tommy Rehder equal, Charles Roar, On the conclusion of this program, Kay O'Neill, Marion MoDonald, D6on: Morrison's orchestra played in snappy othy Varoe, Dorothy Smale, Le-nku style, a number of fine selections. Kuran, IvY Passant, Clarîce Aider. During this tume, the Sofit Bail Honours on Examimnatieus-Made- Touruament for the "Whiz" challenge lino Calver sud Gerald Bird equal trophy was being keeuly contested Ruth Purdy, Dorothy Buttonshaw and was won 'by High School team. Norma Searle, Bida Tiglie, Dorothyl The fiowers on display were of fine Bickell, Charles Cartwright, Francis 1 quality and there were some very Morowski equal, Florence Matthew, beautiful varieties, the only fault be- Harold Woodward, Doris Moses, Iso- ing that there were not enough of bel Bickell, Gwen 'Brumîmell, Bryce thein to make a really successful Segie,-Edth asn, lexI)o3on eFlower Show. Segge, Edit MaonAlexDobun. A splendid collection was put on ex- P-a-Phyllis Blair, Irene Hrnne, hibition by the Boys' Training School Harvey Gibson, Louise Wilson an which demonstrated the interest taken Tommy Martin equal, John Smith,' in the art of gardening by the boys, Kenneth Suimnersford, Leslie Darch, and the results which msy be obtained. Irene Shotter, Joyce Large, Orime An effective display of flowers on ex- Sutton, Donald Melîreen, MarYI hibition frein the garden of M. Childs, (Audirey Comnstock and Beat- (Dr.) J. M. Baldwin, also drew a mul- rice Kensbriug, ilI) passed on year's titude of admiring glances and com- work. ment. Sr. Primer te Jr. lit. Prime List Promoted on Tmrn Work-Grigg Roses Iet 5 H. P. Roses--,A. T. Morden, Mary Leinon, Jean Rice, Fletcher, Mrs. (Dr.) J. Spencer, Mrs. George Belîman, Tom Depew. '(Dr.) V. H. Storey. Best 5 H. T. Honours on Examninations-Alan1 Roses-A. T. Fletcher, Mn. E. S. Toenýblyn, Dorothy Cunley, Roy Swin-1 Senkler, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers. Best delîs, Elsie Lyrner, John Matthew, 3 Red-A. T. Fletcher, Mrs. W. H. Carol Martyn andj Kenneth Gilmour' Carruthers, Mrs. (Dr.) V. H. Storcy. equal, Jean Adamns, Ruth Virtue, Best 3 pink-Mrs. E. S. Sexîkler, Mrs. Evelyn Harnden, Kenneth Davies, (Dr.) J. Spencer, A. T. Fletcher. Best Flornce av.rand ilI3 ycllow-A. T. Fletcher, Mrs. W. H. iFlarne Ca' WadBll Tomluson Carruthers. Best 3 any colour-A. T. cqua, Enes War, AlanBrooking. Fletcher. Collections-3 peonies, white Paîs-FeaJennigs ud iol -Mrs. (Dr.) V. H. Storey, Mrs. (Dr.) Lark eaa. JelertMcQuarrie, J. Spencer. 3 peonies, red-Mrs. (Dr.) E~rne.'ýt Jacabs, Donnie Creaser and V. H. Store3', hrs. (Dr.) J. Spencer. la ,n MuItn equal, Margaret Os- 3 penis pink-Mrs. (Dr.) J. Spencer. Irne, Geraidin-e Coulter and Joan1I6 Iris Siberiati, any icolours-Mrs. Pr.lier enual, Clifford Blunt aud1 (Dr.) V. H. Storey. Delphiniums, 3 'lynn Cole equal, Kenneth Hamm spikes, perennials-Mrs. (Dr.) J. Spen- Robent Graharn, Sani Stark ýnd Ar' cer. Colunîbines-hurs. (Dr.) V. H. thur Sheehan equal, Ross cBâckus, Storey. Bouquet for Living Room- Lewis Kilgannon, Frances Rowe,j Mrs. (Dr.) V. H. Stoney. VeIna MeKnight. Ill-Haywalrd Moody, John Lenhardt, passed.o year's work.on COMING EVENTS Rom 1l-Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. Margaret Storey, James Clarke, Manjorie Toinlinson, Ruth James, Marion Hooper, Robert Purdy, Jack Hat-ely. Arthur Houper, Cordon Wooluen, Elba Caverly, Jean Trimb- le, Frank Foley. Rooni 12-Beginnerà to Jr. Pr. Harry Smith and Donald Veuton equal, Syduey Rundle, Luther Welsh, jWaîlace Martin, IBilie Seymour, Bet- ty Latimer Scott Deusemn, Rayiuoud Welsh, Frances Crook. Rooni 2-South Ward Jr'. Primer te Sr. Primer Honours-Jean Woodward, Razel Ader, Richard Westaway, Marano Wisemami, Joan Buttonaiaw. Pas - Marion Gfbaon, James Thiickson, 'Howard Cordon, Noxina Rollidaiy, George Hrnne. Boglune tet Jr. Piua.r The annual Rickand Pienie will be held on Wedueaday, July 3lst, at the Cream o! Barley Camp. An OId Time Dance lu Gene's Hall, Courtice, Thursday night. Strajw- berries and ice cream served. Regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliany to the Hospital Buard will be held lu the Nurses' Residence on Fniday, July 5th, at 3.30 P. M. Militia Camp will be held at Bar- rlefield, starting July 9. Persoa wishIng ta go ta camp with the Dur- liam Regiment sliould apply'ta Ma- jor B. Smithi Fergusan, or Capt. A. H.* Bounsaîl, Bowmanville Armories, open Satunday evening and Monday. TRUJJ.. PJCNIC COMMUNITY DAt Small Attendance Patroni.. Good Pog.am-Few Entriez in Flower show Fine, sunshiny weather favoured the celebration of Bowmanvjlle Commun- ity Day and the annual Flower Show of the Horticultural Society, held ati Agricultural Park, on July lst, Dom- inion Day.1 The afternoon's programn commen- ced with the parade to the park at- 1.30 p.m., led by the Pife and Drum Band, in truc patriotic style. A unique and interesting prograin of folk dances, gaines, physical exer-1 ciscs, etc., followed, under the capable leadership of Miss Edith Padn "The Sword Dance" and "Highland Fling," very skilfuUly executed by Miss Norah Brown, called forth unstinted applause from the audience. A "Ryth- mic Dance" was performed very grace- fully and with exquisite precision, by Misses Marion Connors and Grace Welsh, prettilv garbed in yellow and green. Miss Peardon gave splendid exhibitions of Club Swinging, Dumb Bell and Wand Exercises, with mar-1 vellous mastery of their most intricate and difficult positions. Those includcd lu the Gymuasiumi Class, Group Gaines and folk dance, "Reap the Flax," were,-Pauline Adams, Elizabeth Adamns, Selma Bartlett, Doris Connors, Louise Cole, Gertrude Dewell, Marion Glanville, Gertrude Hooper, Ruby Hobbs, Evelyr Taylor, Lilian Lowe, Joyce Luxton, Arletta Maynard, Dorothy NichaIs, Grace Rundie, Greta Tomlunson. Frolic of the Frogs-Louise Cox, Ruth Cryderman, Ada Dusenberry, Moira Dinniwell, Evelyn Harnden, Dorothy Harnden, Louise Hobbs, Pansy Hooper, Ruth James, Viola Larkin, Isabelle Morrison, Kathleen Morrison, Helen Pingle, Ivy Passant, jean Rice, Margaret Storey, Marjory Tonîlison, Dorothy Varcoe, Ruth Vir- tue, Helen Williams. Floral Dance-Louise Cale, Gert- rude Dewell, Marion Glanville, Lilian Lowe, Arletta Maynard, Dorothy Nichols, Grace Rundle, Greta Toinli- son. Dne- Irish and English County Dne- Louise Cole, Marion Connors, Reta Connors, Gertrude Hooper, Bessie Martin, Dorothy Nichols, Evelyn Tay- lorGrae Wbb. "Hobby'Horse Sang and Dril-Clif- ford Blunt, Gerald Bird,. Bob Bird, Lloyd Brooking, Ralph Cole, Kenneth Nurcombe, Ross Rice, Jack *Rice, Clark Somerscales, Leonard Somner-, scales, Harold Woodward. BaIl DrilI-Kathleen Blunt, Dorothy Buttonshaw, Caroline Brown, Helen Brooking,- Marion Dawes, Pansyl Hooper, Dorothy Haruden, Thelma Harris, Thelma Little, Georgius Lam- bros, Sybil Mutton, Bernice Mutton,! Edith Mason, Lilian NaylorJai Rundle, Georgina Somerscales, Grace Royal Theatre Presenting The Fmeut la Photuplays Phone 589 Friday and Saturdai', Juli 5-6 Tu McCcy lu "Trhe Desort Rider" A dazzling fighter, a danl.ng rider, a dashing lover, in a whirlwind drama of the wind-swe.pt wastes of the Golden West. A tributs ta the darng deeds of the gallant pony express of yesteryear. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. ni. Children 5c. <Jhapter 5 cf "Tarzan the bMighty" and regular prograin. Monday and Tuesday, July 8-9 Billie Dove & Antonio Moreno fi "Adoration" A wonderful love story planted deep in the heant o! a Red Revalu- tion!1 Tells a stinning drania oftan adoring wlfe qand a jealous hua- baud who reach the heiglitsaof o- miance in the low dives of Paris. Wednesday - Thuredai', Juli' 10-11 Mary Astor, Lloyd Hughes aud Louise Fazenda in "Hieant te Heart"l IBeautifu1 M&ry Astor aud lhand- some Lloyd Hughes in a comiedy'- dram= of a Princessîwiho wanied ta be Juat amiolher girl and a lot o~f home town relatives who wouldm't lot lier. Âlbort Roadeir, Ada..Daebr, aAt~I10.- Viole 9 "ameLUa edr mUllenth6Z" n a ti8urday, u ly tý i., erscales, Marion Davies, William James and Lawrence Connors equal, Foirder Jackman, Talbot McLaughlin, George Birns, Wallace MoQuarrie, Kathleen Blunt, Willie Holbrook, John Graham and Melville Burns equal, Lloyd Yeo, Bru-ce Mutton and Isobel Hewston equal, Douglas Nicli- OIS. Pass-Hebln 9tacey and Ilene Thoimps'on, (Kathleen Sisson, iii> passed on year's work. To Jr. 2ad. Promoted on Terni Work-Edna Sheehan, George Morris, LouiseI Hobbs, Mabel Harris, Georgina Lamn- bros, Dooeothy Nickerson, Ohiarlie Somerscales, Caroline Bro'wn, Leon Connors. onr Exmjnafion_-Lews Wisemnan, Veda Purdy, Patricia Wil- son, Hielen Brooking, Jack Colville, Venija Woodward, Beulah MeQuar- rie, Raîpli Cole, R.obert Zird, Molly Heari and Edith Richards equal, Grace Kilgannon and Donald Hoop- er equal, Olive ConleY, Doris Virtue and Keith Yeo equal, Kenneth Nur- combe, Robert Woodward, Dickson Campbell, Helen Robertson, Shirley Marsden and Outhbert MeDIoinad equal, Audrey Conley, George mc- Feeters, Kathleen Gilmour. Pas&-dna Welsh, Leso Oliver, Harry C0nnors, Billie Robertson, Bob Lambourne, Stanley Smith, Muriray Conley, Jiack King. (Maud Woolner, ill), passed on year's work. Couch,Jtihnston &Cryderman, Dowmanville PhonO 104 Llmfted DO3MIDAY VISrTORS 1Miss Lila Hanmm, of Toront, at home. Mr'. Norman Taylor, Welland, '.as home over the holiday. Mi'.. Emma Bottrell, Oakville, wlth old friends here. Misses H. and M. Brimacombe vis- ited with their aisters ln Oshawa. Mi'.. Isaac Tabb spent the week- end w1th Mrm. F. O. Maman, Whitby. t r. and Mi'.. Fred R. Foley, et St. Catharines, calling on old frienda here. Mr'. and Mrs. jC. H. Magon, Helen and Donald, 'risited with friendg at Preston. Mise Rester Caverly, of Toronto, wlth lier parents, Mr. and Mno. Uit- 1tord Caverly. Misses Nellie and Sybll Burk, of Toronto, with their mother, Mr. Jessie Burk. Mr. Julia Ferguson, St. Cathar- lues, witb lier cousin, Mra. W. C. Washington. Miss Annie Mountjoy, of Toronto, ls holidaying with lier sister, M. ilMr. and Mn.. Herb .Jamieson spent the week-end wlth fnienda ln Detroit, Midi. 'Messrs.. Henman Lapp and Gerald Bradd, Oshawa, with Messrs. Stuart and John James. Mrn. ndrew Devitt and Helen, Blackstock, with ber mother, Mrs. W. W. Dickinson. Mr. and Mr..Norman Creeper, of Hamilton, with his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. H. B. Creeper. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. MacTaviali aud Ian, of Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn Bet- ty and Alan, and Mrs. F. M. Tam- blyn, apent the week-end ln Mid- land Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hyndes, una tamily, Toronto, spent the week-end with lier father, Mr'. John Sanders, Westmount. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morrison, and son, Lloyd, Barrie, and Mr. and MZs. Gea. Clapham, Hamilton, visited, with Mr. and Mns. W. J. Monrison. Mr'. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy and Betty, and Mr. and Mm. Chas. H. Haddy and JTack, Miss Agnes K. Haddy, uf Toronto, wlth 'Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Mr'. sud Mn. P. A. Fitchett, BUIy sud Sheila, Montreal, Que., sud Miss Carnie I. Painton, Whitby, wlth thei' parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Painton. Mi'.. Fitchett and children wIll ne- main for a viait. Mr'. and Mi'.. A. C. Marshall, of London, Mn.. J. F. Dean and Miss Marion Marshall, of Toronto, Mi'. and Mn.. Walter Wallwiu, of Detroit, with Mr'. and Mrs. Gea. Weekea, "Kalmar Villa.", ~be ,ana inn