THTHECE OALADOTEWS CLCL AN ADTHRINSTESM BOWM.ANLE, HU DAJL 92PGEFV THE HURHEsLOCA AN OTERWSE LCALANDOTHEWIS TYONEBIRTHS In line with the season of the year, Bruere appear -in t'his issue- h St. JosephS 7 C.jChrchSInda, on. and(iayStevnn and 19.1 Canadian Silver Fox News, Canada's iS and featres b dadO en:n Devîjon 7 p ni. Bei.p X~~< ~ ~ ~ ~ xs~e~at M Mil~- daugliter, Olv Mre national outdoor magazine, is devo-BnytlDaeC.S Landis, .W enIng DeloeiAllde1). M.iRetjP. l r '.IMr.. This. Tod î liai daying I ler's. HOOPER-lii Duwnianvill, Hesintallcd Iargely to the fishing and camping Winson and W. C. Motley, provdn Butler. Jas. McClollan, W'hitiav. Lake Rùsý-eau, Muskoka.1 and Mrs. M. F.Ier. a son s', i. 1-d ne fotorlf. I di elho netimn St. Andrew' Presbyterin Church,' .% 1 r. J.issc F.r artue waserentertainer. natC.'S.nHaîday, and' birtida. arttegiveint )rests(of) outd oortelife.lla iaddig aoteade-hfofrentertaornthentaand.ino St.rner me 's Pe .vand Churc s't- ol dar. j. Illeekr ai ttîir pet M.aiM-.C .lat.î m itldvprygve yM Dpartment capably conducted by G. P. ers iNill find valuable informatinn cornerTempeance nd Chrch S ii Ijîjala w Pl trieal ition. family u%-:h relative.s in Kitchener. Seonjlwmnile i'loo A.Monstrning Worshp aeient, are atniýj. li e Ms daWcetTrnt.*~ lier birtliday and Master Keîth Sie- i RIAESaden a couple of splendid yarns by i the articles of the Canadian Sl A.Minsr Rev. obsh. cn-~~iN ito rweadRene de la -Fox News section. Evening-7.30 p .'Sunday a iin ohse,_ Juyvsid I.adMs C .Cwein,, Wih,112, .î Tro-n tbyi.ta -2.30 P. m. PM .S o~\r. WmRone ie iiter, NY. led andiotedr. aind Mre-. C.. a 1 Miss Maec ameron, 'Toronto, speîî Jnt t NWTo SIro-n t ursaC. friends ai lBloomfield. 'Miss Annie Reddon, RN., Oshawa,ji the week-end at home. 113. .icffury, V,ra Mary G.orgina Sniýr,1 St. John's (Anglian) Church -; 1 .Mr. and Mrs. W m. Moore, Mr. Jas, o rontok tckL ii. Y %.-uw1,=G L Sixth Sunday afiter Trini:v ul î'M rs. Coyne and 'Miss Jean, of Ter- iwas a recent visitor with her friend,i tîtn nisiln i.G of lcksoLY-IDLEROntS. Gor ila m-hakgi-ngfrKine.-5ento. visiied at -Mr. Deweli's. Miss Mary Wood, Base Line. -EeNDEa ale nMs .~sClucuc onlb ,.Wt.G Recovery; 1.2j30 p. m.-Sun4tî,-v' MNr. and 'Mrs. Jack Richards, .Nr. Mis Mar atin, Base Line, visit-i Victue and Mr. Wm. StaplesTaoonJn 6i IRiorFr- Schoo; 7 p m.-Eenin and rs. ormanTeast Toroto i d frinds n Tornto ad rtandei, 1son etiaihsol tttee aie J.v. . Schol 7p.m.Evnig Praver. n rs omn ejT1_s.edfins nTrnt n ttne Dudley and Mr. Steve Dud- i Coolo', and Mrs. cooioy, Hamilîton, andlO l~I N Preacher-Rev. J. S. Harring:.-oj. visitec at '.\I. Jas. (;1is'. the Mýoore-Hili wedding on Saturday. ley, Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GadO. ais iaugiator of lac. and '%cr. L.Th., Upper Canada Bible Socity, Mr. and Mca. C. J. .Mointjoy, 01 Dr. D. D. MacDonald, Principal Of Duidley, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare, Ne-w- T«AlSHliIdlbriO-OLDESund. (n TeTronto. T,0 viied lis sister. 'Mrs. j. ý. Ocde Street Sohool, Toronto, bas castie, '.\I. and'M\re. W. J. Bcadd and ISaturdaay. June 2iaîia, 192D, at 98 Lytioî Trinitv and St. Pauls United lot been chosen a delegate to the Third famlly, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ceeli Boulevard, Toronto, by R.av. S. M. Beaei, Churches Union services duing month' isElhParo svsîn Biennial Confecence of the World'sl Dudley, Bowmanville, îtisited at Mc. resîaiiagiter off Mca. Margart (Aid- YOUN MENS 12 AT OITS '~AT $.9 efJivincag f e.J . ois'Federat ion off Educational Asa.oci'-i James Dudley's. ýChatitaro, andi Leoniard 'St. Ctaiar Wisl,- f JlyinchrgeofRc. . 1. obn.fiieîds in Toront tad attendinga i S which Lie lie held in (ieneva, MrsTurner and Missangten, sono' mr. andaNlrs. T. E. Wash- Ti odru aunn eviei rntyCuc. mnier course in Plîyqi, i Culture. .r. an rhis iToi unto. fua bajigain in young men's fancy Church and School mectat Ial M. leaUto aront, wa. j Mca Bradly 2suddAugtesisstherdTuner, rçFod Dud.j Preacing St*, Miatssa ree g ute off lircosin, Žlia S.zrsn.Jl .1t uu i esTreGenod isited- tweed suits in shades of grey and fawn and brown ..n.Trinity organist and choir 'i*arcn us fbl osn Elsie Bradley, Mns. Geraid de Rievi- M'.\Ir ad -Mcsr. T. Flîîdley, Bert and tweed eff ects, with coat, vest, and two pair of long charge ef the musical serv'ice. ti;E aeh ano.ere and husband and son Teddy, Ot-I Ails, Thorahili, spent the îtoldaDETStosr, matysldan cortytiord Communion setrvice in Triniv chîtrel 1v Ma .W.Ietaîdtsawr eeedges1o h with hec father. Mc. Edward Victue. STEPHENS-At lier lai. r. sidviaco,l onSucaymonnginsivl atnncî îîsElizabeth flest arc' îilidaying one' auheMs .A.Hn c n cs .Alra idBot v. iomniaoaWeda.s 1 suits that generally seil at about $17.50, The astr, ev.J.a. gaoe ir ~cottage rnear fleavorten ran . .Balyj eann1 IaeBomnilcSida d~ div Jtatv rd, 1929, Annie A. The pastor, Rev. J. U.~~~~~blooi ttetP.".St tara Roinrav Special Ms.BrdeyisreForg ThisBwmnvllSitiWeeki Onlyi $9.o9n5. tphn. urSpcilFo TioWekOClea95roCla vcry licîpful and ilispirinz c1iai nio Mrs. (Dr.)i Ives, Stav nec, N visii- for a visit. lhprns cadMa.JneAI. F 1 io' lo lmt csdno acidress inistcad o et 1wSunii. Sclîool tii1-7 lier iicle an~dlait. Mc. .JO," fMr. A. H. F letcher, proprieter of' drca.j .1. io ni. te, tJu eiy tlt. Sec- gn hitsad raeral i es lesson. Fiî c iere rcccivcd fvlac ter andmi M.>Eî'a Hellytt'arh. lnOY aîutn'le al Mr1. W Staplcs and MssF. Vir- t- t af t 'é into meiership. aOtrute uiae tM.J ites In the evening thc ýMiss Helen Allia, li- suri y :sce.Zsful exhibutra nu,,ltSudyda ittes. it0 C, natety. o asiy To Clear 50c Each Garnient t,.aster gavc another lîcîptul niessiage lwn visitinz Mr. and '\Ir. J. E. 'Roe 'Sliaîi'aoc leing held iii Torozi-i Hanipton.1 CHAPMAN-In ooto, ton________________________________________ 1rem the oords 'Tintes ct rctrcshing." i Ailla anal etlîeîr l 1ti o l,. zt. on~ne on f the large-t i the Mr .and Mc\Ir. Dean Hod son and j Juli-of A.1920, ittt aMkabWokShrt, bolov-yad igt l Mliss Helen Buineatr of Ottarjo Ladies" M,.A. H. Bouiasaîl if -,cs * iety. tl at 0' italie. iý!sit(,d friends at i rrntRiiver HTH* li:. t\îîlitbt Mns ok hrtkhk, ay n Igt le, College, Xhitby, assistcd the choi'r 'f.-e wthDr adMrs13 diilac/1lze e- weekand Fenclon Falls. j!on Thutîtaî, Jun ita oo r A.t OnIy 98c -n aa ccv îiiectiv "TheLdî da e(îtl D.,î c. eGlad te sec Mr. Jamec; HoLigsonlita&iî, b oNi f la...e., adsncL'd1lEonfel Give nit- one lundred preachers a1)land , j 1XT ii, szl -,r Mv Sheplierd." BlaMr.aen Nirs. . Adniv Jc hofear noîhing "but sin, and desire,1 nd ..Harry Hathecleo'alei ojH dtii 9 t eioiAe e' i nyPi MySipir, c1HARRIS-Su.Idoniy a79 û M nsAlWooli _ _Sx A Ol 9cPi oMr. lad. Mca. W. Addinnali, JackLsli, J OLar and Dorothy. Blîinheim, are holiday- aething but God, and 1I due net a' eu aga vceîn. Suda a isct, lon Jaaty 2atd, arlm. J. Hr, - ___ ing witlh ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. straw ý- whez her they be clergymen or:1020a.m. ufocmir yoff Koîta)itaged 36 yencs. I te~alonewill Oi upMc Wm Haîfae DU E-Sttiioay, o Fradl, Jae bIt1-.OR. 'aymcn b' t-te'Soys'tilrWoi Sweter Cats, il d cfenen pat - 1120, tt ias ostino., C( staatmrtiatentrnseailsize, al mae frmete beterheas ____Miss Mîtiriel Decli, Sick Ciildreii's Kingdorn of Heaven upon earth.- nîMer. W. lfc is iaalproving v.,'lat i, rti. lneia119rst inil ia yarns, alszs l aefo h etrea Hsiall Thistletewii, sîtet thelJoh1Weley.1 Î. Levi Annîs. Toronto. spet thie lias "coi y,.ar, O.a i levod usbaa.i oftjn, n oh$.0 -~Iweek-end with lien graîadittîtler, Dr. Janmes M. îlucinscaii and M. - ee-nda home. He Is takinz a Maa I. bI al TiSîrtadgoraly$18 E .13 IG "2 j, sJohn Grigg. Wibr HHutchinson, Wnnipe g, 1 specia corse in the e:tv J0O1NES Goocalioyîuî, 17 aleThiJWek Ed fr O192,9Eac Mr. and '.\Is. ErB osts' BlousesanTookereM ake, ailNVsizes, differenta - oisited ai their sister's, 'Mcr. Aifrea(jGea. W. Jatuies. Bath -b. ý-a:- oVer the week-end. WMoaasn, ai sToronta yeac. aPc v- pten n aust,$.0 B ook Store tDcwell's.i tended thie Huicîtinsan Faaùly Be- Mc. and Mca . Arthurc Smith and atoet'avilaon, oit W oano.sday. Juty 3r, Miss Decothy and Master Ronaldj union ai Orano on Donminion Day' famlly. Raglan, visîted parents.2, -Miaiolý Lucilie, doacty belovoni anti On Sale for 98c to Clear Richtards are spending holida vs witit j wh ccc e ver anc hundred of the clan Mc. and Mcar. T. Scott. \Viardt 3Anette SiD., rndoMca. g,________________________ UNDER flîcir coatsin, Mca. Harvey Aikenls, gaiieced. They ai-se visited their ' Mcas. John Vice, Wybucn, ak..yiad291aaii tTaotagd vens Athletic Underwear Combinations, with i Millbrook. native village of Ennisktllen onf Mca. Leask, Taunton, spent a fewI Coitacott, Bowmanvi]e. 1 NE'W MANAGEMENT MissEsendIneIcgad Tuesday as ovell as calling on a num-1 daysat Mc. J. H. Mutton's .- elastie back, Mcair. Howard Couch are spendiug a ber of old friends in îown who werel Mc. and Mcs. Hockcn and bis me- IN MEMORIAM Clearing This Week End for Only 75c Garment Iwcek at Pleasant P'oint Inn on Stuc- dlgtdt e hm.te. jr.Hcen Ihgn tq1 I wshtoanoucetha o gonLaeManie Wcccy, Oshawa, vislted at Mr. COCHRANE-In loving memory off our BOYS' 2 BLOOMER PANT SUITS AT $9.95 July lst, 1929, I took possession Mca. W. Henderson, CH.urHadlîs'. futicrs and brthr hoiissd eae- Verfine qaiyall WOOl suitsawn hdwt of he ellknon Bok nd r. . S DosonandfamlySt.Mcas. Thos. Richards bia cctucned Gene te the liffe that shines so falc, Somiateationecmncry eatonGone fcom tis carat of soccow and cars, ~ ~ rn fet 'SBaig by usiness kiown as the Thomas, spent the week-end with. Misss Eeynlu ,Ehe ni nBowmanville hoapital. etnthshadta d herbtaro pisrp eec a elsut ndago 'Tg20" and focmerly owned by iMca. ]H. W. Fostec. knap, Frances, Florence and Dore- (Ione, desr Harold, gone to e ea. agi the late W. T. Allen. jMca John Llghterness, Jr., and thy Heslop, Of St. Cathacines, visit-I Mr. sud Mca. Howard Findley and Sîveet ta tue memocy dear te our heacis, ba an wil crr i stcks ul 1 ety. have ceturncd fromapr-e Miss Nona Weccy at Messrs. S. E. babe, Unloaville, vlslted at Mr. T.Theplaeoouhl teewinye e At Only $995 Eaich I il arpro-ok ul in sand A. L. Pascoe's. ..Mr. Richards Aptarouthe;as ete ayo telougcd visit with leh te nd!Werry's itcuf tcyaseb hymn r ______________________________ of Bocks, Stationecy, Wall Ps cr, other relatives Iu Scotlaud. i sud Mca. A. J. Reynolds are spend- 'Mc. Wm. Mackenzie, Toronto, vis- Wili be filled îith remembrance, dear ME ' SUITS AT $14.95 Gifts, Newspapecs, Magazines, MusJa hmsn ag i n this week in Toront<o. Miss ited at Mc. Willis Stewact's. Harold, cf you. Nvliset.MsJen Thompsue Pofrtdy ise b Mtie Fthr 15 only Suits, odd sizes and broken limes, in check Novenltrs Jaees, etc.PoturelBaker is at Mr.Howard Miss Viola Shoctt, Sonys MisSa Bromersed and Motter atr It îvill be my aim to satisfy Hope, bas been appointed s publiceTCouch's, Betheada. .. . Mc. and Mca. Fions McRobert's, Osh;awa, visited and plaid and stripes, shades of fawn, grey and every custome-old and uew- health nurse on the staff at Oshawa. 1W. T. Taylaor, Mr. and Mca. E. R. Miss Levecue Burgess. 1 bnsol rese idlvaust 2.0 and 1 eacnestly soicit a trial of McaIr Carnie Grlgg Curtis, Touacket ! Taylor and Bruce visited at Mr. Robt. 1Mr. sud Mcs. T. Tennant, Orilîia, s rFon rwn igb ratdm elvusto$25 youc patronage. Washington, ls visitlng old frieuda Rainey's, Ocono..Miss Margaretj Mc. sud Mcs Tennaut sud family. oto on On Sale This Wleek End for $14.95 hece aftec eight years' absence. She 1 McKessock, Oshawa, is holidaying ai Tocante, visited et Mr. Wallace Mil- MON EV LOST-f35 an envelope, te- home... Mc. Lloyd Hallowell, Stark-,a he's.f tween Goodyear and Post Office, on Tues- finds anychanges since hec hast vIe rcnl vstdMr.Ca. aJn 5t.Laea ttsnnMen's White Lawn Handkerchiefs, J.eeseentlyl v it o erc.tve on.Regular metngof the wamen' 1 Office. 27-1w* J. VeseyJew lI vis tehe naiv tOa.Shortridge. ... Mc. aud Mca. William Institutesud Ladies' Aid met at thA j Special This Week End for Only 12 for $1.00 PLane 30 Bwmanvîl Mesacs. Philp and Rosa Tilley, of H. Pearce aud Mr. Ei-uc Pearce, New- om etMaNranW odn o FOUND-Gdentlemnan's Tweed Overcoa.t. Toronto, wece Iu tewu Fciday, calh- castie, Miss Florence Walkingtou, Weduesday, June 26tJu, with au st- penes m an rve samrey P one cx-e peil Ti n A u jiug on thein gcsudmothec, Mca. W. Toronto, visitcd at Mc. Thos. Bak- tendance or 30. 139-33. 27-tf orinSao beMrca is E. tnplly, previous to leavig ona ec'a ... Mr. and Mca. Soanes and Pcogram cousisted of two reports 1 LOST-Gold bar pin witt cases emîe, trei esbleM rhads trpt nlnS.tad n h Miss !Betty, Oshawa, Mca. Soanes, of the district meeting by Mca. D. O. G. H. sud namne Reddon on balak. _______ -continent. Mr. Lewis Howard ac-.Lindsay, visited at Mc. Ed. Blaek's. Hooper snd Mcm. (Rev.) J. R. Trum- Flnderopicase raturn te Siateaman Off- compaulee them. .. . . Mr. and Mca. A. Whitnell and por dcctto yMseMrefe, B wmauville. 27-tf Mr. aud Mca. James Scotta, grand- 1Jue, Miss Sadie Brodie, Toronto, Wahrer, Toronto, a welh prepaced BAR PIN LOST-At Tclalty Chunet or dughtec, Audrey Scotta, Granton, viie BMr .J eynolds' ...pprI BdeigOrTm n Bowmanville Cemetery/ on Satucday, OntsuethirdauhtcE ca Iv large nutinhor from here sttended ae u"ugta u ead June 22nd, white gohd fbar pin set wtt h ~ I I k~ GcIn-ney, Science Hill, have been vis- Hanmpton AnnivertsayanJsd Decoca- a temperauce readlng by Mra. L. J. at Statesman Office. 27-tf îtîng Ms ct' ut r.W l tien Services at Orono on Sunday.., Goodman. These numbers wece Iu- Drcl poieBn fM nra Mcarg. SotaanMa ~H Master Roger Shortridge, who hastecspecsed wlth Victrola DrmtusOpoitcBnkofMotrd N o r m a l?.lin M ade his 'home with bis grandmother musie aad ing.Articles For Sale Phn 1Bowmanville Mc. sud Mca. John E. All1n, Mc for some tixne, la lssviug for his cORmSLE-Wite UlflgID.g.gin and Mca. S. C. Allin. Misa Annie 1 _home inu Thornhill, ManiÙoibua titis I efront 1AEWhito Il ehorns ruin linMr.Albrt lle, M.yadM . enk MiscVSs horrnis orc any otiher priutiug. Nont, do the s=ne w;ith the other eye. Il you canuot read s0 well with one oye as with the otites you mnay need glasses. It la at least a warnuug. Heed that warng-have y.our eyes examined by au efficient Op- tometrist, as action now snay pre- vent trouble later on. Consult Jury & Loveli The fRexall Store* Wh.u W. T..t Ey.s It la Don. P opewly. HAVE YOUR HENS f CULLED NOW Do net kcep the culîs over an- othen wintec. They est the profita away fcom your layera. Make your application te your local repnesentative, Laverne Clemens R. R. 6 Bowimanviile Phone 237 r 3 Oc write J. Y. Kellougih, Agricultucal Representative, Port Hope. Wï. C. Alln, Mc-. su-d Mca. W. R. Al- lia attended the funeral off their cousin, the late Sadie Allia at Sun- derlanddIsat week JUNE WEDDING Stacey-Mantle An exceedingly pcetty wedding f waa aolemnized lu Trnity United Chucch, Bawmanville, ou Saturiday aft-ernaon, June 29, when Macgarei Louise, youngest daughtec of Mr. sud Mca. Jesse R. Mantle, became thc bride of Herbent John Stacey, youngest son of Mn. sud Mca. John Stacey, Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor .f thc chucch, officiated. The church was îmettily decorated with summer, flaweca supplied by frIeuda ef the youug couple. The bride en- teced the ct.nrcb on the arm et hec fathen te the strains ef the wed- ding macet played by Mr. F'rancis Sutton, organist. The bride wore a gowu ef white geergette with Veil af embcoidened net wearng a wreatt ef orange blessemsansd car- ryiug a sheaf et piak nases sud babies' bceath. Ste wss atteaded by -ec ....e.-ln-law, M.%IeJ. Mentie, wearng a dresa of flowened chiffon wlth bat te match, sud cscrylng n luater et Pink carnations sud !ecu.I Little Miss Helen Leuise Stacey, niece ef ttc bride, inade s etartu- Iug ittIe tlower git-l lu a dresof pale green ilik sud mot cap snd canryiq[g a basket cf mixed flow- ers. Mn. Williami Youug. Torouto. tipported the groom. The greomas igiftîta bis bride waa a fox fer, te ttc groomsanite gave s stick pin. sud to ttc bridesiutid au amettyst ueckîsce. Ttc gifla la the tride were mauy useful aud valuabie lekens cf the coodwvli off lier inu- f mecolus frieuda. jAfier patakiug cf a daluty wed- ding b,,ffet itncteon aIt e tome of ttc tnide's parents on Wellington qtreettl. 1e MsaNentusFrench off jTorontoencteclaincai tce giiests withî a coiiple of huumorîîaa sehections j hat oere pleaslig and deltghfith te aIl. Thîe laide anîd gren-- left later oni a iieîeymoocuip np aEqatern points. hier going awaîv cestulue lie-1 Ing a sand i crepe (je cheate dres witit îtaoy lutte cei to'tt sanaitrim- mingqan îd bal and shoos le matact. Oi t Ilir retira thêy wIi ceide al 'Mapie (cove htsvlng pîîrctased a prettv andtamodern uew euise huit by Mc. Satu Snowden on thc Kiug- stan Higtway. Aýmnng ttc gileqts from onttoaf tcwn wec:-Mr. sud Mca. Carl Froehad famuiY. Miss Ma.-irarït Daviesq. Mc. andi Mca. Ait. Smthl. '.cI. Hnccv Su-it, Tnt-ntte: Mca. 1Li- clsa Smith sud Miss Csccic Paint nu. Whitby: Mr. sud NMca. James Reeves, sou Bryce aud Rets, Mc. Ransome, Mr. Hanilyn, Oshawa; Mca. Herbert Toms eud fsinily, Newcsstle. companying thim home for a mont.h's' FO SLE.---.acin; visit..Miss Vers Baker spent the Mc. and Mrs. Albert Rundle apent FORgy AE-ewao Mt.chne baby weekend with Mr. sud Mca. Les. the week end with their son Elmer 26-3w Harr-is, Toronto. Som-n to report sud family in Tononto-.Miss anny FRSL-alSa u ic Mr. Harris .passed away Tuesday Yatea, Toronto, was a holiday gueat Of Gramaphone and 40 records. Apply morning. - - -Mc. Alan sud Misa Ileen Miss Sadie Muir..Misa Myctle Lawcy Cryderman, Queen St. 24-t Balson, Mr. aud Mca. Thou. Baker Brunt, Taooto, Mca. Cuccan sud sou FOR SALE-Clydesdale Fllley, 2 yeare attended the Balson Family Reunion Mc. C. W. Cuccan, Mr. sud Mra. jack aid, eligible for registration; aise a tulcl at Mc. Jack Balson'a, Zion, on Do- Weic, Toronto, wece ceceut viailocsata cow. Âppiy te Haod Macklln, R. R. 6, minion Day-....Mr. aud Mca. Edwin Mc. sud Mca. jas. Shoctt'a-..Dc. and Bowmanvilie. Pitone 308-21.' 27-1 Reynaolds, Misses Estella and MiudMca. Clarke sud sous, Bowauanville, -BABY CHICKS for Immediate dellvery Bowmanville, Mr. sud Mca. Her'bert were Sunday callers at W. R. Cour- froiu Canadas Oldest aud Greateat Lay- Reyulds GcabyQueec, 'istedat tce'.Ou edusda eveiugof ng Strain, White Leghocas, 12c ech, IReyold, Ganb, Qebe, viite attic's ... On ednsda evnin Ofany aumber. Sale arrivai guaranteed. Mr. . J. Reynolds'-...Mr. andi ast week the chat-actera in the two We wece firtstIl Canada ta advectlse and Mma Geo. W. James sud Miss Ruth, pîsys "Arnold Goes mInt Business" sud ship chicks. Large catalogue frec. BomnilMca. James at_ Phil- Between lte Acta," the ladies' quar-I1AYTON ONT 27,Bo -83, lips NowYork visied a Mctelte, sud s few others wece iuvitedj S. E. Werry's ou Sunday. Master guesis at the home of Mr. sud Mrs.~ Wiiamn James, who bgagsabeen spend- Rosa Peacce when Misa Hattie Os- I Wamte ing a few daya witih lus cousin, borne who has been leader in the Master Wesley Werry, acopaidyoung people's society sud has taken WANTED-Womian foc kitohen wock them home ... .Mxr. and Mma.Harvey, eyt- ve partun geig te paysanditon g at619J.o 27-1w amp Had adfmiy Mc.Ipracticing sud in shape for being pre-Phn 1J lw Hard andfamly, r. nd Ms.aenîed, waa preaeuîed with a beautiful BOARDERS WANTED - Rootu n Zd Isaac Hardy e.nd fa&ly attended the purse. h was a rea sut-prise ta Hat- board iu ceairai part of tte town. p Hard.4Bl.ekba-n amil ReuI>n t . he clled phy ta Mrs. Dinaiwell, Siiver St.,o- Had-BakunFml eno ttic whenth compauy was clldta ranviUie. 24-tf Mr. Chas. Knight's, Sundelad.... ot-der sud Mr. jas. Hanrock read a EPWNE-onggn aaas Mis Anie rapr nd c. IUIt icely worded addcessuad ai the with iight house-keeplag sud to mind Staîck, State Hospital, New York, Mr. proper time the purse wss preseuted. ctihdreu by Party sumzuerlug ai New- sud Mca. Fred Hardy 'and Miss Irene,1 Miss Hattie ceplied vecy gnacefUhly casile Beach. Apply stating wages ex-: New Toronto, visited at Mr. Harvey sud aftecwacds lighti cefteshments of peoted to Mca. E. E. Ovecend, 26-Il- Hardy's... Mr. John Stacey, Little ice cceam and cake were secved t l ,Ot 6t Britain, viited his niece, Mca. FDrank al prescrit. Games were phayed sud Real Estate For Sale Westlake-Mca.m Chas. Hardy and a pleasaut evening soon passed sway.1 Mr. Alan Hardy, Cambray, is visit- Mc. sud Mca. Pearce wet-e moat gra- HOUSE FOR SALE-The brick ceeu-ý ing gat 'Mr. Isaac Hardy'a-....Re- cieus in their beautiful home ta iheir deace off W. J. Mat-ison, Quecu St., Baw- member the Division meeting lu the gucata...Sundav services wece vecv nianviuie. Apphy ou premisea.___ 27-tf S. of T. Hall oun'rhucaday eveniug, well attcnded sud eut- Pastor Rev. J. coTTAGES FOR SALE-Two cottage@ July 11lth, instead of Jiuhy 4th-....H. Stainion preaclacd îwa excellent ai Bwmna.nville Beach, Nos. 39 and 40. APPIy Vaccoe's amp igtnRoad Sunday 5chool sud Chutcch will be sertatoîs. Thte mocning service was West. CmKnuo 27-2w' feld as usual ncxt Sunday aftecuo.on. the aacrauiicnî of the Locd's supper.. ... Mn. and Mrs. Will Ranton and Mondav evcning Julv' laI our youn HOSS FOR SALE-Two brick ceai- Mis Magart, renonMca We- polat pcseîediher pay Betee dences, witt aui modem convenlences. MissMarare, Tentn, Ms. eb-peole resntedther pay BeteenAppiy ta J. E. Flett. Centre St., Bow- atlec Vintue, Miss Hehen sud Master the Acta" ini Scîugog Island te a pack- mranville, Phone 184. 17-tf Jack, Hampton, visited at Mr. Harold cal louse ani a n-test appreciative ~RSL-e rc eerbna Pascoe's- ..Women's Institute held atudietnce, il beitig the Aunivccsary 10w On QALE-ew StricknarLienty. Cnast the une eetig a the home of herc. This is the teuîîh lime ihis pla ntrm.. Appiy ce B. Fucten, Dow- 1Mca. Russel Onniston on Wcdnesday lias been presented aud there are ye nanvile, Pitone 438. 2-3w- after-noen. It was iuteuded te have <ailer invitations..Oit Tuesday afler the meeting in the fora off a picuic a"touhi-e Ladlies Berceaît CIascs acved GENTLEMAN-A man who ia on the lswn but owing ta the showec a cliieketi pie supîter b sabout eighty cle'an bath outaide sud inside; whe it was held inside. The President, salcanîcu sud the maniager cf thc neither looka up to the cichl, nor Mca. A. Millson, beiug absent, Mca. Beattv Washcr Co. frein Toronto and d'owu te the poar; who eau loue with- R. J. McKessock presided. Mis other places. The suîpper ovas served out squealing sud wlu witheut brag- Elaine Palmer favored with a vocal i banîquct style anadlte gentlemenigiflg; who is considecate of womee, soloaccopanid by Mt-s Hc1v iild a coniventiont after the supper chiîdren sud aId people; who is tee solocy. om unit y Msgiug Ihile saaîd ai the tables. Befoce brave to lie, toegenecous ta echea±, then enjoyed, sftec wbich Misses ioairtwocofaln e hcy laych dgae sud wbo takea bis ahane of the wold, I Margaret Scett sud -Muriel Baker orla ceckaifartt$100.iaghe lades suddlets other people have theic.- conducted contesta. Luneh was tclasa it ehck fn ac 10.Tey wxpended Selected. secved by G'coup 3 sud a social time iheir apprecialion oif the way they Bewmanville Plying Club flew theiT enjoyed. Next meeting on Cota- -ee ccaîcd ...Oit Tatcday evcning, eighth old bird race froin Bs-itton, munity Grounds, Solina, Thursday, Jîuly 9, the Missiona Ciccle will hoid s Mici., on Saturday, June 29th, dis- July îlth...Mr. sud Mca. Wilh Stcaîvberry social ona the chucch lawn. tance o! 279 miles air fine. Fl Thomqeoa and Miss Janet, St. Merys, Supîter %vill bac serveni ai 5 p.m. stand- lewiug ia the result: Mr. aud Mrs. Wil Trick, Oshawa, ard lime. Afierwards a good pregrani Wooiuec Bras., 9 lira, 31 mina, 55 sec calcd on Mr. sud Mrs. A. J. Baison woilI bc prescnled. Ourc "Whippets" did M. Proeut, 9 lmr, 32 mina, 13 sec. ou Sunday..The Young Peophe's soatîte %wotdecfîul fine playing in the J. Polton & Son, 9 lira, 32 mina, 22 &. ChaSs hehd a very enjoyabhe picuje ai base-ball garne with Hamtpon boys an J. Polton & Son, 9 lira, 33 mina, 31 s. Oshawa on the Lake on Fridýay afier-1ite lIs, winiiirg the gagtne 21-3, Con- F. flottrell, 9 abri, 35 mina, 2 sec. nocu with about flfty present. Races; gratulations. F. Bgyttroîl, 9 hru, 35 mina, 33 sec. sud contesta; wece enjoyed sud al _______Brou.,_9________mia,_9____ wcre able te do justice te the bounti- Luenirdrs, 9 lra, 36 mia, 59 sec. fui supper provided, after which the VACUUM CLEANER TO RENT-By Len. Riehds9br,4 i,55ec tpcizes were pcesented ta the wiuners tlay or tour. Appiy to Hat-cy C. Aluin - hra ia 4 ia sc I c th rces 'West End Repain Stop, Bowmanviiie. J. Turner, C. Mutton and Pote Wool- oftercs 23-3 ner no report. Preserving Season Now for the preserving season. Straw- bernies corne first and it looks like a short season, so order early. 0f course we have ail the requiiiementB for preserving-jars, rubber rings, sugar, etc. Ful-o-pep Growing Mash This znash gives wonderful results to de- velop healthy chicks. Accept no substtute- I àdemland Ful-0-Pep Growing Mash. IWe also seli Chick Grain and Coarse Chick Fresh Fish for Friday IHARRY ALLIN, Grocer [PHONE 186 DOWVMAIVIc. MAR Build, the Bird for her Job If you arc catsiug chicks te produce eggs -Feed se as te prepare the body for hcavy pîrodluction. Don't lesie gnewth ta chance. Devclep big boue, stcoug cgg- pcodîuciug organsansd abundaut vîîaîîty ulk Growth by fcedng- F-i ,Blatchford's Bar - Nun Growing Mash GET rT TODAY FROM F. C. VANSTONE B.owninvtfl. Phone 78 W. Delivr1 .1. -, lý4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 1929 PAGE FIVI -,- 1