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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO IRE CANADAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JULY 2.3th, 1929 IEGÂL THE EDITOR TALKS c 'ýurse cf t:e raffic, and care' BEACOCK RE-UNION DURHAM COUNTY POET M. . V GULD B..,LLD jCar.,css ::o are agrca - ' jnhE, tnat fhp f:for arnu:- *r--n eReceives Acknowledgment fromKig Barrister, Solicitor, N,)tary Imenace -.i --e Ring's Hha.r ncne. e caused- ~ hrBac - ; I. ... el a E Gore-n.-_ o Ta K ing Money tao ban on Farm and TownY i:f.dri;:, ar ' - ccse.drl.-rý..rNemrýa. Park.. Ha5-r.. '-_n Property. Royal Bank Buildiag, b- r. * .l e .. a Jv 6 -,- . ' 1 -1. R .Wr~.o o.ra Bcwmnanville. Phone 351. co a irrc: o&a.' --f otrng-:t t The Adams Iun.ueCv. f Osh- Abu I- .f:ni w t n vne:te.The Em- W. R. TRIKler bu- Mrnrc care,ess rien lawa and Toron:o, in. the Da , '.Sar >nezan 0ar . .r pre~Ta as an çexpres.-n ofl Successor ta a n,,- *z- f:en caus:rig roub)'e savs .ç&;:We cann-o: faX n xw ..r.pazzed erv qý......r.n- ;v:.. otkz;:. f-jr r~ o. r; Sucso olate D. B. Simpson, K.C 1-Irhwa, the sugge-s.'on t.hrow %n a: b a cir-;r ~:enh. a :."~~ va-TeKrg ~~- -rc;e h Barrister, Solicitor, Notary A ,cLr.: b it *oone kcfrp n uracs - ;. . tr .i\.~a~i~( i-n ,fc Solicitor for Bank of Montreal m t- rrn,.v w avol'd danger 0to ejr '-,~" u~~ .~.-r ~'-v* 1M Money to Loan Phone 91 " .~an.i thers tcis us ht aig of mû-or cars, tbty wXý'D 1a few dr.îps ..- " -c r-nhn ac Bowmanville, Ontario -i .c a on.:rom a -var;c:- t fsources, vî-zted b:; the poX:ce and p. ý, ably3 ne day -u r. i- tPzr.M e ITe PrIva-e 5ecr-e arvoes o c W. F. WARDa B.t: a upecedented num- bailed -o ccur: and punished -or: g,.,Dd :e nwlderi eep f .R A, B. A. ber rf r-son thbe road th;s flEgiigence. IEseenis -,0ft ai mr rp:vo~.LuhrW'- ~e f21:Jn Barrste, Sirctor Soary'mmr. rtba large increase in perversion if values. Ch~idren ;'ere i -e bd f-e :1.n 1i ih:h comayngcpe -n l Money to loan. Bonds for sate. t-nie anrourit 7-ftrafflc thbe possibiliv. bere before automobiles. and the petl ,ane'.- Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,',of accIdent-s is propor:-:ona:elv i nu wud emt e tedri- arniydcae5ury r4s -'.leHynn f hangin r which . e a Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone:- I crea.-ed, and thbe need for caution [crs of cars no' endanger:ng the 1ives of thbe Harnp- r. W m-r.e n'sls,-iu-e. . ng. and forh:bch he 's command-1 Office 102; House 409. Iand considera-ion on the~ road must o~f children ra-.her ý.han upon parents as se:r -:eansreddtoepe H;Me.ts:aks ______________ he'refore be greater t-ban ever. To kep their children out of danger. i twe mals. se--bego b.c e aide anl d *2nd Juy. 1929.nks FrD'm careful observation the 1 Takeep one child out of danger, tha: pahed eal,.tga enof c-a:l. "The Empires Thanks" wa929un« DETIR.A.C. has formed the opinion that is t-o say ta wateh lt-s every move-,iae an f"h miesT-ak"ws-n DETLn-e "hree principal causes of motor iment, is a whole-thnne job for one' Races -were eazr.rlv c n-ez-ed and!b uîe hi- n ogea i auts h aiyta a he suztable prizes- awarded. The evenrits tions of various denominations DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE a.derits are:-(l) Lack of properaut atefml hthd-re ;hwnesb;ea *ruhu h -mno nJl Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto Icare in negotïating corners and growing children would be out of wih7 ine; eneas- hiw .rogbu.te in-n o Jl University. Graduate of the Royalj cross roads. (2) Failure to give and' uc. The fat-ber would bave te, Children under .5 vears-Billv I7,h,.*t-be day appointed for thanks- College of Dental Surgeons of On- observe driving signals. (3:1 Over- give Up bts job to watcn one child Ba k rand 'a ea picture of the Ring onrics.thap ear fronti taro. ffce rn St, owmnvxle I akng t he .rog imeorni hehave to be sent to soine institution or Children under S years-Muree, page of the Eastern Canada 'War Office phone 40. phone 22. wrong place. 'o!dy.I ety unhd ii Beacock Cy nJl t n a ugb X-Ry Euipentin ffie. * * * ran XT1le Salvationi.sts in pract-icara'ly ît-he With the great increase of traffic RI only cbildren were killed byl Girls under 12 y~- - Spenc- crsi aaa a hi pca DR. . C DEITTone irntpro)ve-ment-is t-be adoption of Imorcrthemitbe oe -".Kldr. EvlnPcar.B -It-anksgiving bynîn on th'e Thanks- Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson the use ()f whit-e lines at coner snseincrheriea advance bor-e 1cmale. I "vnPekrd ,) giving Sunday.* Grdute ofRoyalDent l Coege,1which now gives a clear indication t-o; coroner. But aduits are a:so vie- Boys underi - rn McQuade. Mr. Werry is frrn Durham Coun- Torntoll. Office oRigS 9a . EsBO~vr rra ot-b cure et-ris, and perhaps in greater numberi Toron-,.'vlle Beac-îck, Torqini.l ty, Ont-., aving been borri at Solina manile. Ofic bur 9a.m.tosbould follow in rounding the cor- than youngstersý. If t-bey cannot a:- I Girls 12-1-O:e Spencer. Kal-iand a-tended Bowrnanville High 90pm. daiyexhoept283a. Poenr n fti orei ol wedjwy pu-c hemnselves hoýw ranladar. Lorraine P:c ard. Bo;vmanvile colle a àninjunls ~0. ous phno 83.thechances of coming into collision1they be expect-ed t-o undertake the I Boys 12 - b R-, Spencer.,Ifor over thirty years. His first pub- X-Ray Equipment in Office. iwith another vehicie are reduced t-O bavior dut-y of protect-ing o-be-s? I alidar. Ji-r P -kar,. n-ý Bowanv;'ile.Ilisbed poem was writ-en wben he DR. . E.DINNWELL ja5minimuni. I, is not uncommon, If rmotorists using :be city --reer, adesoe- 1 1 - iP*ickard. was seventeen f ago, a: home Hono grauateof orono Unv b,wever, for drivers to Pull out, would drive their cars as zbougb mnil. Hn -- ' -"ecer, Ka'a-ontefradi pardnTe mity~~ an ebro oa oeeaeither wben approacbing a bend or momentarily expecting one (of the:_- dar. Statesman. Since :,haý time he has Dental Surgeons. Licensed toi vno b bn tef tops lW-o-%n cbildren suddenly t-o darn into Gen.ýs ove' -,C A. B-acock-. written upwards of a handred songs- nractise in Ontario and the Dominion. morg traffic abead. This practice tbe roadwýay, there -w;uld be ferTrnoC" H \ 00cmz ail ,f w-ich have been ventistry in ail its branches. Office- canno. be too strongly condemned,1accIdents. Motoririr would not bej o"Ra A Bacork and pub~bd King St., Bowmanville, oppositel nddri vers should never in any cir- sucb a pleasure in therze circu'n j arlon P;cko-ir.i. H: and] Helen Bankof ontral. Phon 30.. cumstanceS attempt tu pass on cor-1.9ances but it w-ouI'] be safer nrd1Sp-nclr. Bak fMotra. hoe30. ners, no ma-ter how mnucb they may there would be no need t-o make Maggie and'. z- Contes--MIt-;. 1 PH-ILP FAMILY RE-UNION be obliged t-o reduce their speed in prýsoners of children. 'bert Beaec'-, \e e-,on. Mrz. Vie»ý MEDICAL order ,-o keep their proper place on * ar;ý Beatty. Th..f"'Ie borne of Mr. and Mrs. F. MEDCALthe road. A cyclist or a horse And by the way. 1; t-be inc-reasing i Ladies over I10 lb.-irz;. Cdil Bailey, of. Arthur, was t-be scene of C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. drawn vehicle -In front may even use of matir cars accomplanied *by PIl. Npesion. . Jo n Rber-- a very enjoyable event on Sat-urday, Graduate of Trinity Medical Collage, necessitate dropping down to almositbeh increasing number of aeciden-.z son. Dunsford. July 6-b, in thbe orm of a re-union' Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. a walking pace, but it is worth gon - prtea ido it Gn- hoinzr' n i-o-jof tbe Philp famry being descend- Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'alwhile doing this rat-ber than atternpt- 1 controlX? There was an ol'] pac:frst jr'] Pickard, Biw aniî. .4ants of t-be late Wm. and Maria former residence on Church Straet,1 inrat pass on a "blind" corner an'] song t-bat said. "I did n raise 1my Beacock. Toron-,;. Phiip of Durhamn county, t-bis gather- Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-tiri.sking being involve'] in a sPrious9 boy to be a soldier,'" an'] there would Prize.q were ai--) cii-e -o: ing being an offsboot of t-be original Te one cY]pr;n-.engathering inaugurated .56 years ago J. CAR BL b eengeaerobetin a a S a n h one;ý peeý-enin the village of Tyrone, 'Ont. A a.. hBFR.S.(dnDPH chl af h itmo tetiSn ron ý,--4ew w-ho were present on t-be former (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIley) We notice of late that greaterj fat-sut-y. If parents are given t-be OletcuIMran] r.A- occasion were also present on tbis fin.Gauaei eicnAe-care isexercised in entering a main cboice of heing flned for flot wat-ch- rani]et ady-Me; ovi lan- I!eoccasion. .Among thosze lissent dean University; Fellow of the Royal'. from a secondary rortad, or in ing their childron, or sponding theifr - er Mrea'] rslW.J.PhîpMr College of Surgeorns, Edinburgh IPlpaing over cross roads where it is waking bours guarding tbemn from ;on, Elrnrra, Irz,. Jane Nicholson. and 'Mrs. A. Nicholson an'] Miss Office an'] Residence, Queen St, 7ý.-a rz a iv ot ahsolutely certain that it is safe thbe destruction that wasteth at- noon- Pontypool. Bo-h t-base ladies beine Mar-, Mr. an'] Mrs. J. M.%atber and Bowmanviile, Phone 89. 1tao procee'] at t-be normal pace, driv- day tbey may escape eitber alterna- 77 ears of ag' pie -s ien t-o family of Holstein, Mr. an'] Mrs. J. OffceHeus:2 t 4p. .,6 t 820 . Àers now ivariably slow dowm to tive by not havin« cbil']reri at- Il. eacb ids r.adMs . coba' spee'Heare as wip.l.,l enab3le.M. t-hemsMrtandbyrsaE. ameRob af isucha peaswl netmta This was bfOagame'o family of Mount Forest; Mr. and W. H. BIRKS, MD. 1 pull up witbim a few yards, shoul'] -- oft- bal-marrie'] nen vs. single Mrs. Robt. Pbilp of Bueketon Junet- Office Hours: 1 to 4 an'] 7 to 8.30. it be ecessary. This involves a m~nen-resuitinz in a victoey for t-be ion; Mr. R. W. Pbilp of Nestloton Telehon 108 cetainamont f trubl beig tk-narie'] men aý usual. .A ball garne Junction; Mr. and Mrs. W. Malcolmn Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'a en by drivers an'] the lots of a few eme l)ý et h mrr ow-:nd t-ont-e ra.d- friyo aevl n. n former residence, Wellington seodSftre-rsbby a he3 b edf M. an']Ms J. W. Pbulp of Arthur. Bownianville. Sretmrost a minute-but it- is this dis n O eO n a 3i n .aIl about;frystdt-- odn cltiont-o take a littIe extra troub- ge-z- reetdi' full justice t-o a ner. The day was spent in games DR. V. H. STOREY leoin slowing down, cban'ging gearah once fulsppr siden rs. .A. i th and social int-ercourse aft-er wbicb Office bours 2 t-o 4 and- 6 to 8 P. M. acclerating again, and t-be desire ti ow ',asneof Pr , ý'en Mr W.thbe iat-hering disperse'] looking for' After 8 p. m., by appin'm..n, only.1save time on a journey t-bat has inca rdraretiinft-eaara- Exception-Office willbe openi 9 t-o't-be past so often heen tbo cause of cil ihe pc d rnpay G -i . ý-o ce-:o-e er-r:u nepie 10 Saturday nigbt. 36-tf trouble. -arse'. anid trea-u'-er s ronor- %werel rea'] an'] adopei nd] f-Il ofi-I 12. R. W. CLARK I * * *-ieI ']--- - --u-~ i~ ~ fe rmceswo -e PlIIriian & Surgeon The necessity for giving properWh ufrro crnwe te - - i -r.c- ~ rDoted u-- bv using - Office-Division St., Bowmanville. signais and for obserxing an'] acting D ouziazT-j;f-'.ve. T-ni (next t-o Trinit-y United Church) on these given by other drivers is - ~ r; TesM.Heb- Tre-Hollova%-'s Corn Ren-over. Office Hours-3 t-o 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. equally important wit-b caut-lous driv- . P R.R 1. Burke-:on. Supdays by appoint-ment onîy. ing at corners and cross roads. ~- om-e Sr ' Mr-. C. A. Phone 24 Wbenever a driver or rider intends Gecck16 en R--r- A:. Tor-j 45-tit-ber to alt-er bis course or to de- -r :Mm. and] Mm-. R y Ferguson, creàse bis speed, bie shoul'] indicate Rac;tk Mr. an']d r; G Ea- DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS t-o t-be folliowing traffie w-bat' bis in- - -- cork. Wa~r Mr. an'] Mr - Fred Bowmanv tentions are. No driver sbould eV ~ arn l'cven The Physicians of Bwmnille er pull out to pass a vebicle abhea'], -Sece -r lcn¾ .Fr have agreed to close their offices[first- until he is satisfed t-bore is no rSon, Bozwmanvl .y J. C'Ber-c, Wednesday afternoons. In case oirffie approachimg from the o.t-ber ick.! emergency at t-is time onquire of dieto n la odi nu-I-Trno r arn oc.geon, . Iiretio an a lea rod i enur-an'] John Ro)bertsn, Dunsf-,rd. *it the hospital or telephome operator e']; an'], second, unless there l r-w-a; dee']eA d o mee: at Hampton fora octr.pie road in front of the vebicle abead î Park azaîn noxt ;-ear. as ail present- for hlm te t-ove into. There ara, "bougb' t-bey coul']fln'] no nicer . 1 no worse examples of ros'] manners!i A place for a picnic than HamptQn. ' CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS than for one vehicle t-o ovortake an- i IY1E11of rereabsent membors. i THEOPYother an'] in 50 doing, to force ap- absent mema, I DUWNE TCLY proacbinig traffic into thbe gut-ter, or I Al arose from t-be table; an'] sang eYUKON/,% <,Z DURINE.STCKEY to cut in" in front of anybo']y else ~'E "Blest ho ttbe t-le t-bat Binds." Soon 2 4- honor graduate of Toronto College and] comnpel them to slow down or R iN Ia after t-be frîen']s disperse'], sorry to ~tC of Chiropractic will be in the Bow-1 swerve t-o avoid a collision. N N E U part but boping to mee- again nexti . 1 manvill-e Office Tuesday, Thursday ***M N ea -I-g an]Studyeveings, phono 141J.U~I Frion'] ivere present from Toron-. Rasidential cails made ']uring foire.- It 15 not- infrequent for driversi ,n noton. actually t-o pass one vehicle wben tG, o ichmnon'] Hill, Orillia, MidIan']'dc, __________________ that saine vehicle la in the act of Gf ran'] Xal!ey, Farren's Point. Duns-; c - ~ -passing anot-her. The resuit of this for'] Bohcaygo, Elmira. Kaladar, IT$ "t-reble banking" ils practicaly to W art-on. Elrnvale, Nestieton, Ca']-! le COLU FUNERAL DIRECTORS block t-be ros' t-o oncoming traffic, musBlackst-ock, Burketon, Column- 48*C 1UMALBERT an'] is most reprebiensible. A~busPaglan, Pont-y-pool. Bowniman- I OFICES 72 * FF. MORRIS CO. Po-il hu' rieso b Iu..v.w. rvu j e andI St- Thomas. I~CHE Coplt Mtr rde.scription give every indication I OF Horse Equipment. -ban'] signais of their intentions t-o WHEN THERMOMETERS IN THE' (~)Ail calla promptly 'depart from t-be normal course, but, Pvate Ambulae. wa seulyNmotneey ATATORIAL STARS, con- CITY ARE DANCING IN THE 90'S Buwae ma ulaphn:e ro'd uer should], wben following an- N querors of the Catalina andTi, l- 4.-~ 10 an 34. ot-ber vehicle, clogely wat-cbho r English Channeis, worId cham- ir.,-- nt>,ot'~î Branch tores- r in front and] act on bis pions, record-holders, in open 17 '-i'M " j,,r--'.r- Orono & Newcast-le. I: -nust be remnemabere'] aiso, t-batý Tit-anic struggle ar the 4rh \Xrigley iot.'-o t-he giving of a signal does mot on-1 Marathon Swim for tth c-$(),000 --.-*~'~ ;ttle anybody t-o upset t-ho normal cs rzsaicaninhpIj~,' i' "t't-.L-.t ,,f ALAN M. WILLIAMS cash iries and c-inrpionhritt.îî Embalmer and Fumerai Direct-or. -crowti. For sustaineti intercst andi i."~ .>-r t Calis givon prompt an'] personai at-' turnultuoits cxcit-cncm[, mo spccta- I, ,:ii>', :À z tention. No extra charge for dis-:!c, noc cntcsr companres with a i . -.1-1- . ': . . -' AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMC)N Auctioneer Farm an'] House Sales a 'Spccialty. Terma modorate. Enniskillen P. O. Phonoe197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono fionor Graduate of University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-Dr. KUcElroy's former office. Phonea; Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. -ERSIA You can acquire suntan without SUNBURN. This lovely e toilet creation soothes, heale, beautifies It 18 not sticky. At Pm sdsuggis IAL M Here she cornes Dosvn the street Looking smart And very neat! Yes, of course-she d id "Nugget" her shoes this mnorning 1 Sho. Polish THE "NUGGBT" J IN OPENS WITH ATWIST 1 62 OTHER EMPIRE YEAR "HIGH LIGHTS" ()petlinciof t-e rwS i, orAuto mioe Building. $1i25 ,.oo Agricul î rural Prize Lise; Trotting an'] Pacing Race's an] S5,toc, Futurities, Exhibus (mtoevr,'ItneIncernarion al Regarta a nd .1 r boatrd inr[otor oat races;- Four conccrs 11V zooo voicc Exhibition Chotrus (Aug. 24th and] 29th, ScPt. 3r'] :'n,1 7th)> ,ttl jîri an andJ other note'] amii, 'llîrnrta'sMuser'" an ini 't- ring rrilltary an'] nasal presentaio l' it-t r'crformers on the world' 1Iarl et-r %rage; Natio )nal Aircraft Show and Ilaritival oif tire Clouds, fcature afret fcature ']urtng4 the cntire fourteen dat-s ',f tlhe CanaJian Nationral Exhibition, PerJect hîghu'ays. Reduced steamship ratrr'stî, anad airwa-p rates. Ample octrsmdirutn a/te eervcltionow for Exhuibition Chorus Conce-ts and] (,-and Stand performances JTHOMAS BRrJ3= H. W. WATS No jumpy feeing NOW when 1 drive through WJ~ fraffwc \'h ngrllvs e -in etLecvely as Wrigleys. The act of chwnas motorisai bave discov. = a gentia soodiing effect. The healthfi cleanglng action of Wrys refoeh the mouth and WRIGîLEYS attn STOBIE, FoRLONG & CO. jSTOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sta., Toronto S. F. EVERS ON, Local Manager Private Wire System Il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails At Our Expense 7 o'clock is A Convenient Hour Users of "long distance" f ind 7 o'clock in the evening a nbost convenient hour to telephone. Reduced evening rates begin now at 7 - local time. They mean a reduction of about 25 per cent f rom day rates. .At 8.30 p.m. night rates begin - Nvith about 50 per cent off day rates. (The minimum reduced ex-ening rate is 85c; and the minimum reduced night rate 25 cents>. These reductions apply on Station-to- Station calis - where you say to the operator, "'Anyone at that number will do."p THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA i rGHOUT CANADA [ANS i every walk in life there à infiured ion of the Bank of Montreal an adequate ana a naaDi Danxng Vm.c, avèiable trougli mort than 6oo Branches distributed i evry province tbroughout the Dominion, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and fromn the. international bounclary to the shores of Hudson liay. Each Brandi, no matter where situated, lias behind it the full resources of the whole organization, which has Capital and Reserves of over $7o,ooo,ooo, and Assets exceeding $900,000,0oo. BANK 0FMONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER 110 YSARS Ma 'Bank Whee Smail occounti eAre Wdcome" Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager._ THE CA-NADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE. THURSDAY. JULY 2.5th, 1D29 PAGE TWO 1

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