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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 9

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THE CANADEkN STATESM.AN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST let, 1929 PAGE NINE bus- "on the hoof" direct from also make it a point to always known Iive stock breeders in We are therefore enabled to recommend with confidence and assurance to our customers that the meat we seli is young, healthy and of the best quality. We have supplied the people of Bowman- ville with meats for over 70 years and they know "Cawker's Meats Are the Best." C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmnanville Paint up and Clean up This Means the Little Old Red School House, Too The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says. If flot satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money. 69 RkED ROSE TIEAis good tes'" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good 'Quality Plus'Service This is the f-oundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car, by supplying such famous produets as Aviation and Sheli Cas- oline, Sheli Golden Oul, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car, in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. Bartlett's Service Station Phono 110 Kins St. East, Bowmsnviloe h I 0f coursei reslize that my edf- 911- ,i'i y' â tonial coluimn pains some of my read.. Ont of 1h.. litUtbe bbito..- au s y , tInamy O oIw piinhI ers beesuse it la frequently nece.sary sued acimeu aso minute.. for me, in thle course of My duty, Obottber il0 iutes. l~mn o<a ebidn comment upon sueh niatt«ea thebeadache counlng on, aZuiuTOOb" Bsnss e o-a rSbidn high tax rate levied by the tciwuj 111wadît off-alpIt la the bud. their busIness on a baas of truithfal some of the. town etveete or cunt>'ny> m Unk new oustomers and keoipu cli custuom- roada (everyone in naturla iaIttle1No.a ac adrvmtW gd.T .I!ESSÇ IIEXC"AeL LE>N G ER WE KNOW OUR MEATS Because mwe the farmers. We buy from the best the county. THE ONE-HORSE WEEKLY week. I have baa my complaints i .1 »about this, and finally I even gave I Problemas and Humors of Neighbor. -~ the job te a woman, who had heen 1 hood Jaurnaliam ~ one of the iondest complainan*,s. Shel _____provd a unning-mate for h - pie- I (Bruce Mý. Ptarco ice Ot> - - ' dessor bectause her item.- deaý ex- - clia'ivelv- with her imnýiediirie fai'l O:ice a wef*..52 :îmes a year, o Y i and their relatives Io tho ur ex- inu- -.he àrrundin i mu clu*on 'of al other rezdtiý- :(,ýýhv I1 am vager-«y devoured 1)y - -communitvadprîclry ns tho~ wh chris me wh) had heretofore played such a 1 know nothing about what i5; go- prominent role in the news. After ing on in the out.side mord. Those. -- several of my subscriberzs had for- who want to read about happenings saken me, I r eturned the position to : n Japan, Greenland, Russia, --'us- its former incumbent because he tralia or even in the Dominion -here needed the free subscription which Iarn published, will have no thingto et t t do with me becaijse 1 do flot concern, Enough of my trouble with my Imyseif with things outside my own farnily of writers. who do their best ButI avea.ewthosadhradrs Nugget" tnbut often brinz much grief upon my Bu aea e huan edriopens with a head. As I have already said, late who do care for me. Their love 15i twist 1 copy ia one of our greatest banes and intense. I tell them each week whati often results in costly errors. Fig- their neighbors are doing. If George ures trouble me at the best of tîrnes Butler has purchased a new Ford, if and when they corne at a late hour, Elmer Jones has just shipped a load Men and women I am nonplused. On different oc- of hogs, if the Jones entertained csos aeofrdo eafo their friends, the Bronwns, te dinner who realize that asn s I haeofdy on be.90fpof Ion Sunday, or if Harold Johnston got appearance coufltS pound instead of 29c; a suit of lfiftv bushels to the acre fromn his Jfield of oats, that is news for me, and always have wel1'. clothes at $8.00 instead of $38.00; I baten o speadthe lad idina plishd shes.ladies' underwear at $ 10.00 paier gar- II hste to pred th gld tding poishe shes.ment in stead of $1.00, and so forth. among my readers. DMd YOU "Nu gget" ymup Once 1I was sued by an angry adver- Or if in town where I do my work shoe.s this morning? tiser for bis loss by reasen of such a the civic fathers are wrangling about 66 f mist.ake, but the Judge held in my whetber Carter & Richardson, boot- T l E. favour when my counsel propounded makers, should be allowied to instaîl the view that a One-Hoarse Weekly a curb ga.soline pump in front of R U cou.ld flot be expected to guarantee, their premises, if one of the churches * ! the correctness of a asat-minute la going te have a bazaar, if Herbie SJJh S 4JJ5â j advertisement. Walker appeared before the beak for 63 But really 1 cannot more intelli- the "steenth tirne on a charge of be-1 gently set forth the multitudinous ing inebriated, Could net pay bis fine ________________ possibilities for error than by des- and was given ten days in the coin-1 ciigwa ataryo o mon jail, if the town fathers refuse touchy about his work, and -the roa-d cribncenthatio vast arayo work! to permit the streets te be cleaned imaerisn exception), or perhaps Icomposition every week. on the Sabbath, if a fund is neededI have sorne comnilent inîrnîcal to the Firstly, ail the type must be set, te clean up one of the dilapidated linterests of one of the pa:)ý-icàl par-1proofed, reýad and corrected. In a cemeteries near tewn, if the Stop by-ý ties (I try to be strictly independ- twelve-page paper, such as I arn, it rnotoret.,in ouhosen on cks ent). If I have appeared with so;mc bas been estimated there are 2,159,- Witrs placefa ughtu on fieand item of newvs which the pflrty con- 833 chances for mistakes each week I burnteddownlaew ngts onife dcerned did flot want pubhlshed, then On top of that are the chances that1 chrity doae ls i night i h he is sure ta "high-hat" mý"e on the my news rnay be wrong in some par- cart dance laor i i oosas nif threistreet ,or corne te ypac fbusi- ticular before it gets into type. a ouldbenes rilecokfsrachooltrs ness, if be is brave, and miake dire any public men are prone te say wol b nelcin o cho ru-1tbreats te my face. one t.hing wben tbey mean another, teeswel, ths i "met" or m. 1 Occasionally, terrible mistakes and if theïr actual words are print- f11l myself ta overfiewing, and my have crept into My pages. Certain ed, alas for the poor One-Horsge readers sirnply "*eat me aitve." lwerds have been misspelled, which 1 Weekly. Some weeks I bave a stag- 1 have a few big city advertisersI wouldfairnost have gien one year of g liat 0 wheapreiat m wrt, ad om- althave prevene.o inte geîncomuityacil wh apecae y oth nds me- y lîfe t aepeetd iete cover. For examnple, last weekI times take a whole page of me.1iroadmaker, errers alwayzs touch my had the town council, the countY chatI sTbeiy for w oa l mer-te vanity. I have se metimes corne eut council, the police court, the Generali thern for cay otvheir mea t aîith "Mr." instead of "Mrs." or more Sessions, the County Ministerial As-' ther usomrs an o Sturdyhorrible still "Mrs." instead of acciation, the Bee Keepers' Organ- j wtheIr glancer d n he atur se"Mss" Tden I arn in real trouble. izatien, the Home and Schocol, the. whnreds c my reade rfe Ig te Once or twice 1 have even had rny Rotary Cluab, tbree anniversary ser- buy goodaofromy bues lins en. eadinga mixed, having a bighly vices in one churcb on Sunday, the Tht es her good, biecs ren. ludicrous efect and giving me nlo Masonic Lodge, the Hospital Board'a know then h my a od eisear little concerfi. Fortunately, 1 arn annual meeting, with two funerals geowttig enonet y ' te sedonre net botbered with telegraphic news, and one tragedy throywn in for gooül gettng oremony tosped o meand since I arn acquainted with the measure. In addition I must pre-' next week. view of the Premiers in miy Domîn- sent a couple of columns of personal i One er two of the bg business men .oonscavi subject as iHmi- items, tracking down those who have takea wolepag, soeties wogratien, 1 ame rarely caaght givîng visitors and those wboe onou of me every week, if I bave ron for1cedtt tewo rmir f tewn; a cemplete list of orit taem inne e inyatweîve pae te ,Z.have, bowever, credited a roadmaker wbo are in trouble and citizens who teeincte accmmotwe hemage buoix-with a certain excellent piece of bave violated the L. C. A. In my doen'tdo tat veryoften beca u* 1 road which he bad nothing te de leisure heurs (what a travesty on don' dotha vey otenbecuseit isith. The ether roadmaker stopped that benign adjective!) 1 must dig1 expensive, and I must make a livng talking te me altogether. into old copies and tell rny readers Then I usually bave about twentyl People de net seern te realize that what tbey were doing firfty years fair-sized ads and a f ew smal nes. we Weeklies -have several age, if perchance they bad miade Besides, I arn accustomed te appear thousands of opportunities for mis1- their initial bow into this august w.:th haîf a colurnn or se ef cornîng tks vr we. For instance,I world se early in historv. My edi- events on my front page. Every- will just cite a few of the multi-nu- tonial colurnn is written late at nigbt body reads these because tbere may ees uis whc ut ea-wben aIl good peeple are asleep andi be something in thern that theyI cemplished each time before 1 flaunt the solemnity of darkness enables shpe upper t mthe Bchaptsa Chrc or l in the face of my eager pub- me te feorr high-sounding opinions the istma ccer at the pitCuce, r- the have about thirty people in en nattera of profeund municipal mty hitallonerbt sarte dacm-e different country districts who import. mui at avlle the n qe nce cover the rural news foi me. Wbile Shoubd it be necessary te elaberate My biggestrjob itte leaseiht thev co-eperate splendidly, they are! further on the onerous character of classes cf the people. Becaus ye s ofgiven t ein about2I divern sen-i my duties or te explain wby I make our town, you see, we bave ban' k tps rsladpnol ( mhv nsten- mistakes? I an prachrs, awyrs nd ersgraphic correspondents) motc The funny or rather tragic aide cf landorng me, lnierns and hrec-i which are of the hard type and as the situation is that 1 go eut anîong anics, mentor an jandos, es -manv different kinds of paper. ryamrraeeyIe feigta anis, octrs nd anior, Yesmight say here, too, that one of m my Iadmiet but wfeein ht nearly every soto rfession isiadvertisers la accustomed te wvriting jss eetadt represented. Il I ar nont careful,ibis adls. en dark ben. mest searching scrutiny will fail to' sani ofthen wil tinkI an w-aappmng reveal a single fl'aw. Poor innocent down te them; if I make p rm a petns-t ftefatta One-Horse Weekly, with your sub- ical rror thehighr grammat-ill have supplied hum with pure white1 blime confidence in yeuîr ovin infal- cal merer, tedhiger-mil nddwolb paper, he persista in this, greatby te libility! calm nundctdfeladwo-my annoyance. N onrhv IsnIywel ly unfit even te be a One-Horse One of my writers la a tissue pap- 3 e00eon ter hmeisntfmy eleb Weekly. If some cf the elde.rîy e ddict ad while ber letter foxms 30 ntermsino etle- ladies of the coenmunity cannot find adcipealotnmn od lightenment and stimulation than the report of their quilting bee, then are wb'eîîy ebliterated vihere thelone cf my merchants rushes in quit. I arn likely te be called bitter narnes pencil bas slipped threugh the paper. brmreaess anon cpe tly peeHless' anxd te be accused ef ahowing ariTi likewise anneys me. Othersfrnfr'eanunett"Hro ality. Unlike the big city pai Ths f te ocf Horrooea" bis advertisemnent is wbere there are rnany Horses, there nito using aoh ides Iftecp miss ing frem the paper., Hasty la oly oe efme, nd Ibavete e ve which la absolutely taboo search xeveals the gbastly tuho cstntly on ofymbeatdbehaveior or1 enwitb One-Horse Weeklies. One bis assertion, fer in the rush cfUtpreasf Iosanl onllhea abeu t bit. rcorrespondient, a preacher, d eliber-da biadhdbenefprsae I will hea about it.ately writes the wr'ong way cf the dy i d a enlf rsrt Once a week, every Tbirsday1 paper despite my reiterated warn- en ts gllhe etras n m mcrning I go te press. Sometirnes ings. Anether apparentîy neyer Hrl aete het n m I arn semetimes debayed because one leaves bis 0w-n immediate vicinityplications K>f this enraged patron )st cf my merchants brings bis adver- be<iuse the sarne baîf-dozen peoplel their than one cf my mnaidenly tlaig cpy n atthelaa miute is udgt isubsoribers on the scene, desnclresitat Imte t isute are ,featured in hsbugtevery opens vide a copy of me aiî on- delaestht mstgo hsad. in ___ ____point-__ or be wiul quit using the paper. Only ing te my celumna cf '"itemîs ef long last week r bad six tebephone calîsi ago," furiously demanda what busi-1 just as 1 was about te turn over for ness have I te publicîy state the date the first tirne. Several of thern were i of ber birth. What an ignoramus my readers, vihe bad forgotten to 1 am I neyer to have learned that a send in a bit cf news. But one of! secret. ag is ber own deep dr them w-as my good friend "RLosen-isert berg, whe had just made up his mind .1IAs the lady sw'eeps vvrathfully te put on a fire sale. He wanted ifenrypesne eodIarnon- haîf a page cf me. I told hinMtIre s frented bv one of nmy oldest friends. AT NO EXTRA COST 840 AND UP AU price f. o. b. Wfndknt taxa extra. Ross, Ames & Gar tshore J. S. Ames Represenative Bowmanv ille Ontario r i Art. Cole's Red- Indian Station -and Garage Phone 54 King St. E. Bowinanvilie 15 LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oil Marathon Gasoline ALL MIGHTY GOOD McCoil-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Road Service Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of yowi order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us and get our prices before you buy. MeClellan. & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; Houa. Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bownîanville bas the rigkt /0 l 1 alre/l Challenging Varîety, at our Co/or Show (OME see at ourColor Show the beauty and variety '~of color which Essex off ers at no extra cost. With its open challenge, that excepts no car- -with its 24% greater power-greater beauty, aduit- size capacity, riding ease and economy- Essex establishes also an out- standing leadership in proven VALUE. Essex offers standard fine car equipment, formerly identified only with costly cars-available only at extra cost on cars of Essex price. Now is the time to do that Paint Job on the school-house and get it ail fixed up during the holidays. Let us give you an estimate on what it will cost. We guarantee our material and labor to give the best satisfact- ion. *PoeGEO. PRITCH-ARD Poe4CD Bowrnanville la TIIE CAINTADLA.N STATESMý&-N, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1929 PAGE NLNE

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