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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 1

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eoýnatan taîte man With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 31 LOOK HERE This is the holiday season and the weatherman is certainly doing his stuif these days. Juat the right kind of weather for picnics or excursions. You'll be needing supplies for your trip or holiday outing. Let us help you. Thermos Botties ...... $1.00 up Vacuum Botties ........... 45e Thermos Kits ............$1.00 Picnic Plates . ........ 10c doz. Paper Cups ........... 10e doz. Waxed Paper ......... 10c pkg. Hawk Eye Cameras: No. 2 size ... .......... 98e No. 2A size ........... $1.49 Road Maps ................S5c Face Powders, Creanis, Talcunis and Sunhuru Lotions. Don't forget Smiles'n Chuckles Candies............. 60r- lb. Jury & Loveli The Rozail Store Coming Soon ST. JOSEPH'S LAWN SOCIAL on MONDAY, AUGUST 5th. at White Rose Gas Station Lot (Corner King and Liberty Sts.) Sanie place as last year. Many games will be played- Wheel ýof Fortune, Bingo, Fish Pond, etc. Horse Shoe Tourna- nient added attraction. Two black knights, colored entertainers. Oshawa Regimental Band wiII furnish music. SUPPER 50c From 5.30 tili 7 o'clock. Come ail and enjoy the fun. Great Bargain SALE of ail Summner HATS from $1.50 up PURE SILK HOSIERY Also a quantity of Corticelli -Fu Fashioned Pure Silk Stockings at 99c pair. DINGMAN EDMONDSTONE King St. BowmannI e W. Deiiver W. Test Eyes It la Dons Properly. I il Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap-But How Good Summer Dresses At Bargain Prices Ladies' Feit Hats Just the Thing for Summer Wear $2.95 and. up Ladies' Spring Coats Balance of Coats in Stock Clearing At Haif Price LADIES' STRAW HATS Balance Clearing at $1.50 each LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIERY A wonderful assoxtment, in newest shades, undoubtedly best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pair. Special line of Si1k Hose at 75c Pair 511k Gloves, newest shades and styles, $I.OO up NEW SUMMER DRESSES Owing to demand for our Summer Dresses we will have some more new ones Thursday. MEN'S STRAW HATS AND SUMMER SUITS Great Reduced in Price. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Children's Colored Cotton and Silk Hose at Greatly Reduced Prices. PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS And Napkins to match at exactly wholesale price. 'I TAKE NOTICE Customers of Thurston Fur Shop Mr. Harold G. Thurston, son of lato G. N. Thurston, furrner, Bow- manville, *as made arrangements Vo complote ail repair work now on hand and contracted for by hia father. Mr. Thurston wlll ho at his father'sa shop, King St. Weat, oach Saturday aftornoon and evening durin:r August to take care- of any furthe inquirios. AUl work will ho turnod out in the samo satlwfa.ctory manner as fornierly an~d wil ho ecom- Plutod in plenty of time for the coin. hIg 8«80on. 81-d' Dr. C. W. Slemou's Office clesed frein Friday, August Saturday, Auguat l7th. will ho 2nd, te 31-2, OFFICE CLOSED Dr. G. C. 'Bonnycastie'ii office will ho eloaed freni Auguat 5th ite August i 8tb, while ou holidays. 81-2 COMING EVENTS b Reguiar monthly meoting ot the rWoanen's Auxilllsry te the Hospital Board will ho held at the Nurse' RoaIdenm on P'rlay, Au"ua 2nd, et 8.80 >p. m Strkeas;B. ohdrcf; T. B. Cil- christ If; C. A. Smith, rt. Os4hawa-Cal. 'B. Smnith, p; S. - Flintoif, c; R. Virtine, l'h; W. Haie1 2h; F. liane, 3h; C. Atto as; J. Mc-1 Leod, i-t; V. Peacock, cf; W. Joues, If.1 Rotarians 8 0 0 00 5 5x-2 4.1 Kiwaniaus 0 01 1 11 420-10. Umpires-.-Jack Minore, Davo, Mon- rison. Hampton Women'a Institut.e ter- od witb a supper whlch was ovident- ly appnoiated by the visiters whllo oun gonlal Dr. Cy Slemon froïn Bow- manvillo aaw to thlAe Womon' in- Mttute Uame off ail l ght financially lthouÈh thora wfte feyer te talc. aupper than had b«ea xpeeted. 1 Phone When 78 Couch, Jt-hnston & Cryderman, Bowmanvill* phono 104 Llmlted PHILP-WERRY PICNIC THE CHURCHES CANADIANIZATION Hamapton Park Scene of Lifs and, St. Joseph's R. C. Church-Rev. A Message of Supreme National Activity on this Annual Event i P. P Butler, pastor. Sunday, Aug- Importance 1___1_ ust 4th: il a. m.-Mass; 7 p. m.- 1f The Philp-Werry Picnic, held at~ Benediction. "The greatest blunder a Canad- Elliott Menio'rial Park, Hamipton, on1 St Andrew's huch-Rev. R. Ne- 'an ever committed was to snuff v Wednesday, July 2th, wa8 a pro-j Derment, M.A., minister. Sunday out. the pride of oun people in itheir' nounced success. A gathering of services: 10 a. m-Sunday School; native land," said Captain Stanley a over one hundred for dinner and the11 a. m.-Morning Worship; 7 .30 N. Dancey, who delivered a brilliantN addition of another hundred during p.m.-Evening Wosrship. address on 'Canadianization," in the the afternoon, Queen's weather and P Chautauqua tent on Friday after- plenty to eat, social intencourse and St. John's Anglican Churc-Rev. noon. "Froni this mistake, it will i gaines provided enjoyment for old R. J. Shires, Rector. Tenth Sunday take Canada 50 or 100 years to re- D and young. after Trinity, August 4th: il a ni. cover." The man, or was it a wonian, whom -Holy Communion and Sermon; 'He believed that boys and girlsz invented the family picnic, did more 12.30 p.. m.-Sunday School; 7 p). m~. should ho taught in school the trueB fox the present generation than the -Evening Prayer. meaning and an appreciation of Can- originator of the circus. Tinity and St. Paul's congrega- adian CitizenshLp. He deplored the Ji The advance guard, otherwise tions will continue worshipping to- fact that more attention is not givonC known as the commissariat, was on gether during August. Next Sun- to the young people to-day, urging hand in good time for the nid-day' day, August 4th, morning worsh,.p in that the business men, and leaders 1 meal, Consequently when the vis- St. Paul's Church at il a. m.-er- in the country should inake it their , htors froni a distance arrived, tables mon,. "The Law of Completeness"; business to look after the weifaire of were set, the ton was nmade, the po- evening wors.hip in Trinity Church at young Canadians and train their en- i tatoes were cooked and the chicken 8 P. m-sermon, "The Power ofI thu siasm in the right paths. a pies were eut up ready for beingIdeals." The minister of St. Paul'sj This is an age of extensive mater- dealt out to the eager connoisseurs. will proach. The choir of St. Paui's ialism, the speaker stated, and for They were the real thing made to will have charge of the musical sen- the mýaterial Canadians have sacri-G the liking of even an editor. vice. St. Paul's Sunday School at tîced the spiritual and the artistic. Mr. R. Luther Werry, M~ontreal, 12 noon; Trinity Sunday School at Patriotism sto)ps dead where service acted as judge of this item in th 11- l.30 a. ni. and sacrifice begin. The people b, sence of the venerablo Editor of of Canada are tuu smug anda "TeOaena, wowspeet self satisfled. In the words of "on Starten inw h ashprent CRYDERMAN-RUSE PICNIC Capt. Dancey, what we need is aa oity vfiorsth ied tha nrye.little îess of the stuff callod religiona Cit viitos ved iththor cunty~ The Crydenman-Ruse family pic- and more reai, genuino Ohristanity. cousins in disposing of the viands nic was held in Elliott Mernonial Party and religious prejudicos, se v and it is still undecided which ate Park on Saturday July 2th and tho most or enjoyed it niost. srl fml"wsnvrfvue prevalent in Canada, must ho ban- t surey "amil" ws nver avoredished. The War, hie declared, alwaysA Dinner was n'o sooner despatched with a more perfect day for an out- originates as hate in the heart of tan asebll, soft-hall and foot-hall ing. After a general handshake and sm niiul ems ul pa adcsgathered on the field for a cordial welcome to members of the.i rsmectindiviu e inuat and p an their tryouts. Elliott Park is cor- clan from Baldwin, Huntsville, and osot or rihs and pu per ini aons tainly an ideal spot for a pinic- Havelock and Mt. Brydges, on this Self; Humanity ahove Nationalism; spacîous grounds, levol and partly, their first visit, the younger element,and God above aIl." shaded with stately trees-hot water spent the afterno-on in sports con-.a provided and ail uines of silver, ducted by Mr. C. Crydonman and Although Caiptain Dancey atmit-e dishes, etc., obtainable on grounds. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hudson, Toronte,i ed that many foreign horn people t The fir-st baIl game was boys while the older ones were interested were &oine of the hesit and cleverest against girls, but it proved too stren- spectators and the while pase<d tfie citizenft of the country, hoe helievedh uous for the fair ones, so they elect- tume in friendly chit chat and inter- that use of the English langagfe ed to play by thenselves and the esting reminiscences -of the past. should he însizted apon and pointed t mon, per force, did likewise. Mr. The crowning glory of aIl picnics' out that ahnost every other language Fred W. 0. Werry, B.A., Toronto, finally arrMvng about one hundred is hing taught in the western prov-c and Mr. R. L. Werry were requested sat down to do full justice to the inces. to act as umpines for the ladies, delicacies provided by the ladies. He thought that the systera used int teams which wero led by Mrs. Har- Aften which tlie eompany was called the United States should bo applica- vey McGill and Mrs. Francis Werry.' to order by thq president, Mn. W. J. able here whenoby after a residence1 The score was 14 Vo il runs for- Crydennian, and the following of- of five yeans, an immigrantl ae never mind which. Fouir inninga ficers elected: President-Mr. C. if ho intends to become a tu mr %were played. Miss Vera Werry wa Ruse, Toronto; lat Vice pres.-Mr. ican citizen. If his reply isaflot satis- score clenk. C. Cryderman, Toronto; Sec.-Treas. factory, hie is asked to "paclk up"l The mien had one game after din- -Mrs. A. B Cryderman, Hamipton, u iv n nCnd hn r nerandanoheraftar uppn. heyHistorian-Mi-. S. W. Ruse, Oshawa; thousands who snoer at Canadians,j had lots of f un and showed semel Comnittee-Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, who oppose eveny honest endeavoun good play, but produced Xo 'ýBabe Mns. W. Wilbur, Mn. F. -Kerslake, Vo establish Canadian Citizenship. E Ruths." Mr. F. Cn3drnan. Captain Dancey condemned theo During the afternoon the racesJ Letters were read froni friends in present systeni of immigration and1 and other sports for tho childrenl Port To'wnsend, Trenton, Thames- pr.oposed another plan. Closel were hold with customsary gusto. ville, Dsvi.son, Mich., and Mil- the doors et immigration for five Threading the needle, carrying a po- waukee, expressing regret at being years, hoe saîd, and meanwhile devel-t tato on a knife and other stunts fol- unable to ho present. Amongst ahl op Canada's resunces with fundsl lowed the race prograin. Mr. A. L.' the ploasure though thoughts of ail1 fioma oun own country. By that 11 Pascoe was game clerk; R. L. Wercy went bsck Vo a year ago, since then 1ture peuple from every country was starter; andj Miss Grace er six of our nuniber 'have 'been called'would ho clamouring at the gates distributed tho prizes.Wer to the Great Beyond, three of whom and we could thon pick out the most were present last year. This was desirable of the newcomens, peoplo Mn. M. A. James, spectator of tho nicely brotight before the company who could ho asaÉimilated and whoi sports for a short time, shook hands-,y1 with many old friends. in appropriate ainos composed by could look after theniselves.j Supenwasasintretin .Mrs. E. Cryderman. Proviens to the war, Canada'& Sumore so. as neetgasd- Before finilly departing the prizes population was 9% millions. It isi ner-penhaps oe o There a for sports were given -out, also a stilI 9 % millions, and 50 years from more cake, pie and fruit, and about; pnize to tho oldest lady present, Mrs. now, ho declared, it will stii ho9 % two hundred sat down Vo thi5 repasdt M. Mason, Oshawa; one to the oldest miillion, if the exodus et good Can- which was a sort of love toast. .It gentleman, Mr. W. Ruse, Hampton; adians and the influx efthtAe worst of was a moat happy and harmonious and one Vo the lady coming the fan- foreign countries goes on. 70% of gathering. thest te attend the picnic, Mrs. Cry- the graduates froni Cenadian Col-1 Ainongst those fromn a distance derman, Huntaviile, metening 170 loges, and 40% of the heat mïlitany were Mn. andj Mrs. R. Clarke Sonley, miles that piorning. AIl left glsd mon of Canada are in the Statea. Misses Aima and Carnie a.nd Master to have met and hoping to meet Canada, as a whole, suffers tee Stewart Sonley, Crytal Clty, Mani- again. much frein an inferiority conipex. toha; Mn. T. F. Wright, St. Cathar- One has Vo go sihroad te find a pride ines; Mns. Philp, Hamilton; in Canada or -an admiration for Can- Mr. F. W. O. Werry, 1ev. and Mn. REBEKAH PRESENTATION adians. There là notM~ng, ho do- Milton J. Sandenson and Roy, Ton- clared, that anyone olse can do that ente; Mn. and Mns. Norman 0. Philp A veny onjoyable ovenîng w;u a Oanadian can net do just as well. aud Mn. R. L. Wonny, Montreal; M.. spent at the home ot Mis. Jas. Wil- Captain Dancey ehallenged any one and Mrs. Ed. Philp, Prince Albert; i liama, Carlisle Ave., on F'iday when Vo point out any other oountry whieh Messrs. W. J. H. and James Philpi a niambon et membens of Rebekah in point ot happiness, prosperity, and others, ,Cnnington; Mrs. Jack-1 Lodge, and neig'hhors called to thie natural resourcea, etc., cempared son, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Andnewi oomplete surprise of the family and W~ith Canada. Power, Lindsay; Mi-. and Mrs. C. H.Ipresent-d lhon with a beautiful Re- Ho acorned the fear, in seme Ro'wan, ffethany; Mn. and Mrs. Will bekah ring. Mrs. Williamis is oue people's minda, that if we bud up Bitord, Oakwood; Elford tamuly of of tlie eIder meinhens, having been aie un citizenshipL. the hbonds et the Bm- Woodville; Mn. and Mrs. Will T. member of the lodge for 15 Yeans. pire will ho weakéeod. On the Clarke, Little Britain; and othersj An onjoyable evening wss spent. The hand, he maintained, we would be froma Prince Albert, Sunderland, t cîmpany was called te order and taking botter advantage ef oui priv- Manilla, Cannîngton, Lindsay, Beth- 1 Mrs. Samnis read the address while 1 ileges as a part of the ;British Empire auy, and practically aIl local cities, Mns. F. -Baker presented the ring. land bo more of a credit te it. towns and comninnities. I r.Wilas ole bify n l At the close ef hiqà addneas, Cap- It may ho mentioned that Mis .g "She's a Jolly Good Fellow."I tain Dancey led in the sînging et Thom"a Pascoe (89 next birthday), The address was as follows:- the offlcially adoptod version off11O, Hampton, Mn. Roebert Philp, Buzke- Dear Sister Williams:-We, theý Canada." ton, and Editor James were the old- ofifcers and nmemubers of Bee Hivel est et tho conipany. 2ýe ekah Lodge, could not lot this SERVICE CLUBS PICNIC It was nemarked whst a difference apporwunits' ps-z without giving you_____ in the personnel of the picnic conip- a few words of anpreciation et youn A jolly bunch of Oshawa Kiwan- any now and 25 te 30 yeans ago- ire.sence and work among us. We ia ns and Rowiuanville Rotarians in-1 the heads of imost ef the familles havsc always heen m-ire than pleased vaded Hampton Park on Monday baving gene te their heavenly homo, o- have oui- members becoqne active night and engagod in a friendly Mn. R. L. Werry took a family members and this we can say of you. game of soft bail. A goodly nuan- group picture of the compny which It means se much te a lodge to have 1 ber of local fans witnesso9,d the gaine Will ho doveloped aften his roturn o willing workers. Y'eu, no doubt, and enjoyed the playing and witti- Montreal. have realized that while meeting cisms etf the visitors. Bowsnanville Officers eloctod for 1929-1930 with us. Oui- very best wishes go was noted for its 'Strikes' while Osh-1 were: Preaident-M.r. Richard Philp, with you snd we hope that you may awa abounded in 'Vu-tue', ran like' Nestloton; Treasuner-Mi-. Albert find your niche in the lodge to which 'Haros' and were proud as 'Pea- Wright, Blackstock; Secretay-Nora you are geing. cocks.' But Bownianville 'Chased' Woarry, Solina; Comiittee of Man- Signed by Officers and Mombens eo hnf hr adwninhny1aho ny,~~~~~~~ Ms.J A .d3 anvilwe-Gein hase, p; Al-n Werry, Enniakilen. I OFFICE COSED 1.1; L.anCa -A M-,-c;A.1Bnionsto.,- l 1 j! LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Next Mondsy is Civic HolFday. Mn. Geo. R. Mason la enjeying a ishiug trip te, Loon Lake. Mrs. Alli-n Arnett, Edam, Sasik., la isiting hon uncle, Mn. F. N. Stevrens. Mn. and Mis. Neal, Bfmffalo, N.Y., re, visiting their son, Mr. M. A. Zesi. Mr. Thos. Devitt, Calgary, Aiba., -ceutly visited bis brother, Dr. J. C. )evitt. Mr. and Mrs. John White aud son ehb, Peterboro, visited Mrs. Edward 3elîman. Mn. and Mrs. Rosa Stutt and son rmes are holidaying at Lake ouchiching. Miss Nellie Pattinson, TeronVo, la isiting hon parents, Mn. and Mrs. rs. Pattinsen. Mr. D. F. Canieron, wife and tam- ly, Maberly, are holidaying at Niag- ira Falls and Guelph. Miss Dorothy M. James la guest et [lass Adele Statten at Wapomeo irîs' Camp, Canoe Lake. Mn. W. J. Mornîson, .B.A., bas )een pi-esiding at the Sunimer School it Kemptville Agricultunal Scheol. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Rice, Betty ind Beatnice, London, are holidaying it Sandhurst Cottage, West Beach. Mn. sud Mrs. H. T. Goodwin, Nenphis, Tenn., are visiting hor sis- bi-s, Mis. W. W. Hendersen and Mrs. A.W. Annis. Mr. Gee. Rice, Mn. and Mrs. Frnk Rice and f amuly, Toronto, are hol!- laying at Resslie Cottage, Bowman- ille-on-the-Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Cottingham, Jack and Lois, Oshawa, aise Mms. F. Keel- r, Toronto, wore Sunday \visitenrs ef thein aunt, Mrs. J. Mel1xie. Mn. snd Mis. 0. J. Hendýîrson, wiio ave heen visiting the formen's par- ents, left last week on a motor trip to New York City sud tho Atlantic Cost. Mn. and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury ne- turned last week f nom. a vony pions- nt tour et the *British Itles and Europe with the -Canadian Press Party. Mrs. Gee. Thompson and tamily, Toronto, are holidaying at Bowman- ville Beach West Side. Mns. [honipson is sistor ef Miss Teresa Munphy. Dr. F. T. Tighe has beon appoint- ed Dainy Inspector hy the local Board of Health. In future ail milk produced for use in Bowinanvillo, wili ho carefully iuspected. .Miss A. E .Bond, Winnipeg, Man., M4anager ot Winnipeg Brianch 01 Buttorick Patterns, la visiting hon uncle, Mn. M. A. James, Lamne Villa, and othon relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Bollinan, Stratford, Mis. Chester Thompson and daughter Shirley, Mrs. BiUly Browning, Tononto, vlaited recently mt Mrs. Edward Bollmau's. Mx. E. P. Bnadt, Agricultunal Dir- ecton at the B-oys' Training Scbool, and Mms. Bradt have neturnd 'homue froin a very delightful trip Vo Oillia. Gravenhurt, Braicebridgo, Midlautd aud ether towns enneute. Mrs. Alberta U~ Brown, acomp- anied hy hon brother, Mra. Geo. T. Hancock, sud ers Haucock, Port Hope, and Mn. aud Mms. Cee. Welch, Picton, left to-day for a viait witm fnienda in the Canadian West. Mms. Cee. W. James and 'Mar Ruth spont the weekeud with honr son William at Taylor Statten's Boya' Camp at Canoe Lako, Alg'enquln Park. Thoy wili alao viait with Misa Lola MacLachlan, ât Magnotawan. Mn. Cleveland McMann, who lias heen a memben et the local Bell Tel- ejihene staff, bas been trnsferred. to Oshmawa. Ho coamoenced his new duties on Tuosday morning. Mr. Gihi, of Newitenville la taking Mn. MoM«nn's place bore. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Prise and Betty havee moved te Tornoew;hen Mn. Frise is empioyed with the I.T.S. Rubiher Ce. Arthuer has been ean- ployod with- the Goodyear Ceompany tor nineteen years and bas been meat faithful in the discharge et bis dut- îos. Mr. Roy McMann, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clevelaund McMan-n sud Mrs. Fred Baker were in Lindsay ast week attending the funenal ef their uncle, Thos. Skuce, wbo was instautly killed on the Peterbere- Lindsay higbway. Pleasod te neceive a caîl on Mon- day frein MT. C. R. CcCullough, HamiltVon, founder efthe Canadian Club, who was returning tront a tour of the Britishb les sud Europe witm the Canadian Club party. They re- port a wondertul -trip. Ho was metening thru frein Moutreal. 11ev. and Mis. W. T. Cherry and two daughters, Sîngampoe, Straite

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