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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1929, p. 3

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THE CANDIAN SATESPAEBOWMNVILLE EMINENT CHINESE DIPLOMÀ.TI PAGE THRE~i Give8 Instructive and Entertaining Addres8 on China Dr. Tehy1 Hsieh, erinent Chinese 6tatesman, graduate of Cambridge University, and a figure of world- wide distinction, spoke in the Chau- tauqua tent on Wednesday evening on the subject "Awakening China." Dr. Hsieh proved to be one of the speakers to whom one "has to lis-. ten" and he held the close attention ofbth adults and children t.hrough- out his address, which was deliveoeed ~ ith an inimitable ease, a charniing manner, and a clear conception of numan nature, and was interspersed Mit flashes of scintillating hunior. Vivýdly he pictured the reforma- tion that has taken place in China. The country has awakened froin her sleep and no longer bars the way to her sister countries. Whereas China stood "back to back" with the rest of the world, now she stands "face to face" with the world. China is becoming educated along modern lines, is rapidly developing and re- constructinz upon the pasr. The true Chinese, who have been oPpresr4ed and crowded out by Mon- golia. Manchuria, etc., are coming into their own. The thourand.- of undeveloped acres in China are be- ing opened up and in 3.3 (), 40 ycars these ill absorb ail the Chinese I laundrymen, cooks, etc. in Canada, who -vill return to the honmeand. 1 Dr. Hsieh declared that it was not j the British but the Arabs an dPers-1 lans wh:u first brought the great j cur-Se of oPium to his country. He told of -he friendship of Chinaj for the BrNýsh and of the improba- bilitY of war bet-ween the two great nations, for the Chinese are some-ý what like the British, slow tempered and easy going. For example, the reformation in China had been ai bloodiess revolution. won by means 'f books and pamphlets. instead of lead and bullets. Dr. Hsieh pro-1 phesied that Great Britain and China would henceforth stand hand in hand to help the world. The speaker first appeared upon the platfornm in the native dress of China, which he threw off disclosing the foi-mal attire of a distinguished modemn gentleman. This was an apt illustration of the way in which China has thrown off the custonms, dress and bonds of the old reginie and adopte.d the modern civilization. THE MAKING 0F A SOLDIER -As Related by a Padre of thse Worid War On Thursday afternoon Capt. Nor-J mn Rawson. noted Ontario lecturer,J addresse-d Chautauqua patrons on "~The Making of a Soldier." Captain Rawson' / recital of his experiencesi during the Great War was extremelyj interesting and illuminating, and là7,en in an easy, '%i tty nianner,l 9w attracted the close attention oymaudience. Underneath the humor, however, one gained a clear nsght into the quality, the courage o f the soldier. The speaker elicited manx- laughs frein the audience as he rec)unted the difficulties he hadj in getting into the army at the out.break of the great war, as he to-Id of the passage across the ocean and his experiences in the tra ining camp. He told graphically the story of the bravery and endurance of the English wom- en who were forced to do without the luxuries, sometinies the necessi- ties, of life, to w,&hich they had been accustomed; of their kindness to t.he soldier, and neyer failing cheerful- ness; declaring "If it had flot been for the women of England, we would neyer have won the war." Capt. Rawson affirmed that the courage of the soldier lay, flot in t.he fact that he was not afiraid, but that lie did not show his fear. He als'o contradicted the stateinent, so often heard, that everyone had to drink, amoke, etc., in the army, declared that there was no neceôsity of it and that a total abstainer was just as much tespected as any one else. The tro-ops were very religiaus, he declar- ed, and to]d of the song services at night when even the roughest and wildest jqined in hynins and prayer. Captain Rawson asserted that the real, tihe nlost pitiable casualties of the war, were not those who returned minus a leg, or an airn, but those who had been taken in the formative period of their youth and who e- turned "burnt ýout" after four years of horror to a changed world upon whieh tbey gazed with dull, unseeing eyes, unable to adjust theniselves or to find wcrk they could do, having lost aIl initiative and enterprise. In closing Captain Rawson em-- phatically declared that no disarma- mnent, peace pacts, etc., w'ould bring SALE STARTS THURSDAY AUGUST 1 st C ILCHRIST'ys BIG AUGUST SALE Wonderlul Bargains From Every Department MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR at 79c Men'. Athletic Comba., broken sizea in tise lot, s-cg. nias- values $1.00, On sale for 79c each MIEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 95 Men'a fine Shist, bsoadcietiss, percales, zephyrs, bombay corde, &Oon have sepiate collas-a, whisli others as-e collas-s attacbed,«I aises, and rogular vain.. to $2.95, ciearing ou sale for- Only $1.95 A UINE 0F MEN'S DURABLE BROAD- CLOTH SHIRTS AT $1.39 Fine pin @tripe effects, aIso plain colos-s of whsite, fawn, blue, wosth $200, On sale $1 .39 each to clear MEN'S BATHING SUITS and SWEATERS At 20% Reduction off m.gular price as folows:- Regular $2.00 value for $1.60 Regular $2.50 value for $2.00 Regular $3.00 value for $2.40 Regular $4.00 value for $3.20 Regular $5.00 value for $4.00 Men's Cotton Bathing Suits at 98c Men's All Wool Sox, reg. 50 for 39c Headlight Overalîs, reg. $2.50 for $2.29 BOYS' BLOUSES 95c Any boys& blouse in tise store, regniar values to $1.35, Onsale for 95c each BOYS' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Atbietic style, any sise, clearlug for 49c each KIDDIES' PLAY SUITS 89c Fawn and bIne sisades, To clear 89c CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS at 98c Tise suit& are &Il new aud regnlar values $1.50 and $1.95, te cleas- for Only 98e each CHILDREN'S WOOL BATHING SUITS Two colored effects, regulai- $1..75 and $1.95, eut tise7 go at Only $1.39 each BOYS' SWEATERS AT 20% OFF Any Sweater, Sweater Coat, Puilover or Windbs-eaker at 20% off regnias- psices. This means: Regular Price $1.50 for $1.20 Resulas- Price $200 for- $1.60 Regelas- Prico $2.50 for $2.00 Regular Price $3.00 for $2.40 SALE ENDS SATURDAY AUGUSI I7th General Clearing of ail Summer Goods for Men m Including Society Brand Su its also Genuine Panama Hats at Haif Price MEN'S SUITS AT BIG REDUCTIONSjTO CLEAR MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL NO. 1 at $19.95 Men's and Young Menas Suits in ail thse popular shades, new spring mod. els, best makes, brown and grey st.ripe effects, double or single brcasted models. Regular values ta $30.00, clearing for Only $19.95 this sale YOUNG MEN'S 2 PANT SUITS at $9.95 Tisese are wonderful values witis coat, vest, and 2 pair pants, fancy tweed effecta, bs-own and grey sisade., purchased at less than manufacturer'& prices and cleaj-. ing at a tremendous reduction, For Only $9.95 BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS at $6.95 Fine quality Suits, aIl wool suits, sisades of brown witb coat and 2 golf pants; regular $9.95, For only $6.95 to clear BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS at $9.95 A beavy quality tweed mixture in sadea of brown, double breasted coat and two pair of golf pants, regular $12-50, For $9.95 MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL NO. 2 at $17.75 Men's and Young Men'. Suit&, double and single breasted models, tweed and worsted suit&of fiuer quaiity. Regular values te $2500 and $27.50, On Sale for only $17.75 MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL NO. 3 at $14.75 Men', Suite in fancy tweeds, grey and brown shades; single bseasted models. Regular value« to $2250, out they go At Only $14.75 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Ail uew apsing merchandise, inciuding aIl pure wooi cioths in the best makes sucis as Society Brand Ciothes, Cambridge Clothes. etc.; suit& that it is a pleassare te own. Out they go at tise followîng bargamn price:- Reg. values to $25.00 for $17.45 Reg. values to $30.00 foir $21.45 Reg. values to $35..00 for $24.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S TOP COATS SPRING AND FALL 1 oniy Coat regular $16.50, On sale for $1 1.45 i only Top Coat regular $19,50, On sale for $13.50 3 only Top Coats regular $25.00, On sale for $1 7.45 YOUNG MEN'S 2 PANT SUITS at $16.95 ln tisis lot you wilil ind cloths and patterns tisat are usually sold at $27.50; made in tise popular double bs-eaated models; coat, vest and 2 pair- cf pants, For oniy $16.95 SPECIAL NO. 4 at $24.75 lu this lot you will find our vas-y finest cloths in ail the new spring pat- tes-ns, tihe styles are al uew and combine thse oves- popular worsteds and tweed effects, in ail wool cioths. These suits include Cambridge and Society Brand Suits. Reguiar values ta $35.00, 'On sale for $24.75 MEN'S RAINCOATS ALL ON SALE TO CLEAR QUICKLY Meu'a Tweed Raincoats, rubber lined, Clearing for $6.39 Youug Men's Trench Coats, witis belts, Clearing for $7.95 Young Men's heavy quality rubiser Raincoats, in brown and navy blue, regulas- $12.00, On sale for $9.75 each BOYS' 2 PANT SUITS at $10.95 Very fine quality tweed suit,, fawn shadles, coat, vest, 1 long peut, 1 golf paut, regniar $15.50, MEN'S AND BOY'S FURNISHINOS ON SALE Re-opening MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 79c Kisaid, bine and stripe patter-us, odd sizesanad broies limes, regular values $1.00 and $1.26, on sale foi~ Only 79c each MEN'S OVERALLS WITH BIB at $1.39 Heavy quality in plain bin, aud bine and white wvoo &tripe, Worth $200, On sale for $1.39 pair MEN'S SPORT TROUSERS Young Men's Sport Tronsers, a&ho Golf Troua., On sale at 20% reduction off regular prices MEN'S SEPARATE SUIT TROUSERS 20% off Regiziar Piinc te delurs; Regulati values $2,50 for $200 Regular values $3.00 for $2.40 Regular values $4.00 for $320 Regular values $5.00 for $400 Men's Union Work Sox 4 pair 98c A Line of Men'a Silk & Wool Sox - Clearing 3 pair for $1.00 Men's Combination Overails On sale $1.95 suit A Line of Men's Heavy Braces KIDDIES' SUN SUITS 98c Shades of blue, red, green, ail wool, wootis$1.50, On Sale 98c CHILDREN'S COTTON STOCKINGS 19c Good wcasing Stocidge wqrtis 40e p. Clearing for 19c Mauy otiser splendid bas-gains in scasonable merchaudise that time and space will uot permit ns te mention. We invite you te eus- store during thu a is "weyen foui yoni- dollars will do double vos-k. Coin. carly wvisechoic, la et its best. Te B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 SALE ENDS SATURDAY AUGUST 17th. Bowmauffll. and Boys m Men's Fine Straw Sailor Hats Buy Your Boy's Outfit Now For School SALE STARTS THURSDAY AUGUST lot. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst. 1929 also Genuine

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